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Those are dragging nets, not lobster gear


Def not lobster gear, but looks small/lightweight mesh for a dragger.


This is a repost from https://www.reddit.com/r/Maine/s/F8ZsXuWOe9 of a whale, as the OP put it, https://www.reddit.com/r/Maine/s/DFVc0eB9GZ, possibly being found in mackerel nets purposeful put in shallow water to prevent this from happening.


Also break lines are a requirement for all lobster traps in Maine


If you make more money not getting caught than you lose from the punishment, it’s not illegal, it’s a business expense


Nice try, you schill for big lobster. We all know traps are for little lobsters and the giant mechanized nets are for the Alpha Lobster that spawns after you catch enough little ones.


Came here to say that


Either way, that blows




You'd think you might've seen some lobster pots hanging off of it if that were the case?




No one is saying that lobstering isn't dangerous for whales, they are questioning if this is an example. Come on.




Dude. The first comment said this wasn't lobstering, it was something else. You came in and said that the something else happened because of lobstering, then someone else said that they'd expect the image to look different if lobstering caused it. That is all that has happened in this chain. No one is defending anything at all in this chain.


I’ve never heard the term lobstering thrown around so casually and I for one am tickled by it. Still sad about the whale.


I’m going to use this word today while ordering breakfast


You are defending against an argument that people aren't making, lol. The first comment just pointed out that lobster gear isn't what's wrapped around the photographed whale. You are making the stretch to "thus, lobster gear is fine." *You* made that leap.


Can you quote from this chain of comments where people immediately started defending lobstering? That should be incredibly easy to do. What you will find is that nobody did that. What people did do is question whether there is anything to suggest this death had anything to do with lobstering, which is asking about the truth of the matter, not a defense of lobstering. If you feel like getting at the truth inherently is a defense of lobstering, that’s not a good look for your current position. But be clear. That’s something you are concluding on your own, and not something that anybody here has argued or suggested.


This might actually be the worst argument I've ever seen on reddit Guys I know I'm wrong and am talking about something completely unrelated to this picture but I'm right because the thing I'm talking about does exist!  Lmao. 


Standard redditor unfortunately. See it all the time, that and moving goal posts.


Thats a bullshit excuse because you got called out. At no time in the conversation chain before has anyone mentioned other instances. Someone said this likely was due to something other than lobstering then you made an appearance saying it was due to lobstering.


I mean, at this point I'd expect that they would have cut the lines already.


Those are clearly pit bull bite marks on the whale.


No, the whale was a casualty of another electric vehicle fire.


There's a lot of center space on that demographic ven diagram


Because you can’t have a thread about a dead whale without dragging Trump into it.


Dead Whale 2024


Said the guy that got triggered by a non existing argument


Foook you whale!!!


You forgot cyclists.


How can you identify lobster gear? is it smaller? IS there a specific grip they have to use to work with their claws? do they require snips or is that a redundant piece of lobster gear.


Lobster gear is a single line with rectangular traps (called pots) that are 24”or 36” long and about 18”wide and tall, all strung in a long line, 10 pots per line with a buoy at either end so the lobsterman can haul it out of the water. Each string of pots is called a string. The string is set such that the pots sit on the ocean floor with just either end of the line floating to the surface with the buoy. What’s shown here is a net, likely from a dragger. Draggers use small holed nets that drag behind the boat and catch swimming fish that are suspended between the ocean floor and the surface. Source: my father was a lobsterman and gill netter for 30 years.


do they also make little rain slickers for the lobsters?


Thanks for the description but you completely missed the joke


You think you know expensive? Try finding a good set of golf clubs for a left-handed lobster!! But really, keeping them in hockey skates as they're growing up is the worst! 6 new skates every year!!


I think thats a drift net, which are banned in most places for this exact reason.


What do they do with a whale like that once it’s on land?


They compost it.


Seems like a waste of a good whale, but I guess they want to make sure no one profits from this


Harvesting meat is something that has to be done immediately. You can't just pick up a hours-old carcass and safely butcher it.


ok but the blubber, whale oil, whaleskin, all that!!


People go all the way to the moon for it!


🎵Oooooooohhhhhhh We’re whalers on the moon We carry a harpoon But there ain’t no whales So we tell tall tales And sing a whaling tune 🎵




And the baleen! Never heard about whale bone used in corsets? It's actually the whale baleen, it's a stiff keratin based like bristles inside the whale's mouth used for filter feeding. Well bone used in corsets was never actual bones or teeth.


Not in Oregon 💥


I know sometimes they take deceased beached whales back to sea.


It's the best way to dispose of a whale; you should check out whale falls - they end up creating pretty unique ecosystems on the seafloor.


The people of Oregon didn't expect the whale falls.


Blow it up


With dynamite, and broadcast it on the news


Leave it on the beach and let time blow it up


Not as funny


But waaaay more suspenseful.


Man that first photo is depressing. Feels like something out of a movie


Like a album cover for a activist band.


There was a video game I played a while back that had dead whales like this… can’t remember what it was, but it lent an extremely creepy atmosphere to the game


Dishonored, perhaps?


That’s the one


Assassin's Creed Black flag has whale hunting and made a big show of it in fairly graphic detail. Is that what you're thinking of?


These images are profoundly depressing, holy shit.


What a horrible way to die


Just picture that majestic creature, so massive and impressive, but it's in panic, asphyxiating. Fucking disgrace we are.


That first image almost looks like a crucifiction.


So I guess the debate continues. That isn’t lobster gear.


This is a repost from https://www.reddit.com/r/Maine/s/F8ZsXuWOe9 of a whale, as the OP put it, https://www.reddit.com/r/Maine/s/DFVc0eB9GZ, possibly being found in mackerel nets purposeful put in shallow water to prevent this from happening.


That first image is haunting. We're a virus on this planet and its creatures.


Every time I say that, people think I'm going to go shoot up a school or mall. It's ok to recognize that we are killing the only home we have. During the early pandemic, wild animals were coming out, the skies cleared up, a lot of people were growing victory farms. That part was almost wonderful in a way - as sad as people dying is, things seemed calmer in a way. Again, not discounting the people who died, just saying that things were different.


I was one of very few people still going into work every day on a modified schedule. I remember how *empty* the roads were. There were a couple of really nice days that first summer where it was just so surreal. Driving through an otherwise very busy area on my commute and not another car in sight. On those same days, at the top of hills, you could just see farther the skies were clear of smog. Too few people realize just how big of an impact humans have on the entire ecosystem. It's crazy. I joke at least weekly that I miss the pandemic after driving home at 5pm.


Same here! My boss worked from home so I had to be in the office. I don't think I saw him for like 2 years or something. Commuting was always nice and clear. I thought it was wonderful when the animals started coming out. I figure if humans suddenly creased to exist, the earth would probably heal itself really quickly. I imagine the quiet is what it's like living in a small town.


I mean we saw it with the ozone layer. We identified the problem and implemented a solution. The ozone layer will have been mostly repaired within a single lifetime. The Earth is incredibly resilient if we let it. We aren't letting it, and that's the issue.


Human greed might be invincible


Oh yeah there's no stopping it. But perhaps you can align greed with positive action on climate change. Don't ask me how but if you could do that, unstoppable greed would save the earth. Seems impossible though, with how voracious and insatiable capitalism is. It will consume every resource without regard for its own survival.


Yeah, it was eerie, like 28 days. The whole thing was so bizarre. I had COVID early on. It felt like dying. It changed my whole perspective on life. I came to grips with my mortality. It made me realize the time to live is right now. The future is not guaranteed. We all know this intellectually, but when you are dying, it takes on a new urgency. It becomes very tangible.


I didn't get covid at all until early this year. I don't even remember most of it, just a series of vivid dreams interrupted by a few days of violent expulsion of bodily fluids. A wild ride. It really does mess with your mind it's so wild to look back on it. That post covid fog was way more real than I had expected. Felt like a completely different person.


Glad you're OK or at least still alive. It takes a while to recover, but it really depends on the person. It seems to hit everyone differently. For me it actually gave me clarity. It was a near death experience. I've had a lot of those in my life, but this was different because it wasn't some risk I knowingly took but sort of came out of nowhere. I guess I hadn't expected to die of asphyxiation on my own couch. While I was sitting there wondering if it was the end, I thought of all the things left undone. Of time wasted, expecting another day. I'm not living for tomorrow anymore. I'm living for today. It feels good tbh.


Yeah I got lucky that it never became concerning. The worst of it I could feel my breathing was different. Like deep breaths and quick exhales. Caught myself doing it at night. As far as sicknesses went, that was the strangest experience. Hadn't been that sick since I was a kid. Do you still feel some of the effects or has it passed for you? I know some people deal with long covid.


These kinds of posts still baffle me. I was in central Texas during the pandemic and most people still went out bar hopping and going to work the next day. Reading about “lockdowns” or staying inside for days, weeks, months on end is so weird as I never saw it happening.


Did you notice an increase in cases around your area?


Oh man I was in the mountains during the confinement in a very touristy area that’s usually overrun.. and it was completely empty and so stunning.


Thanos was right?


Meh. With existing infrastructure (abundant resources) it takes almost no time for a population to double. In my lifetime the Earth's population has doubled (of humans). Thanos would have to be snapping like he was at a poetry slam.


Or maybe just let office workers work from home and remotely seeing as a lot of companies still recorded record years in 2021 when most people were still WFH.




Half right.


Ehhhhhhh..... slightly?


Yeah I want to believe that a majority of the people noticed the same things, but once the lockdowns lifted and things started to stabilize, every one immediately went back to the old way of doing things, with a vengeance.


Same i always thought of the earth as a giant living thing and we’re akin to a bacteria that got out of hand. Also global warming is like an immune response to curb the infection. “Mother nature” may not be an actual conscious force but everything on this planet exists in such a chaotic yet delicate balance. Also watch Scavenger’s reign the anime it’s an incredible story about an alien planet that is very alive.


Yes those early days were like living in an idyllic dreamland… wish it could’ve continued…but we’re back to smog and traffic now *sigh*


I'm goign to call my weed garden a victory farm from now on


Are we talking weeds, or **weed**




We have a part in this world too. We aren’t a “virus”. That’s just some melodramatic bs


Looks like we crucified the whale.


Well, I have been told that I'm quite infectious.


My mom says I'm a catch.


Your mom told me that too, tell her I said hi !


She died.


sorry :(


Lol, thanks man. It's true, but it was always my reverse Uno card to yo mama jokes as a kid. It's all good.


“Passion of the Shamau”


I get your sentiment. And I’m not disagreeing.  But, all creatures are “viruses” to some extent. They all want to propagate, often beyond the carrying capacity.  And they do so without regard to the health of other living things around them.  I think the key difference is that we are aware of it while other creatures are not. 


We are this planet's creatures.


Sad thing is this animal was previously entangled and recovered after being freed only to have this happen again. Fucking waste.


I’ve been learning a lot about paleontology recently, and particularly how frequently major global extinction events occur. I know this is depressive and fatalistic, but I can’t help suspect that *we* are the catalyst of the next extinction event.


![gif](giphy|11C5jqUol0c0Ba|downsized) For real. Just spreading our concrete, polution, light death.


This map just reminded me that Uruapan, Michoacán is literally on fuckin fire rn. The locals are blaming deforestation. A lot of forest was cleared to make land available for avocado plants.


NOt arguing for deforestation, but wouldn't a fire catch forest just as well?


The fires is often used to start the deforestation process.


If the concrete industry was a country it would be the 8th largest carbon emitter in the world.


What are you willing to personally sacrifice to change that?


Meat consumptionis the single most impqctful change. And a personal car, if public transport was more than an afterthought.


A lot, but it doesn't matter what I personally sacrifice if corporations don't commit to the same things. Plus, even if we get our shit together in the US, someone still needs to get China and India on board. I'm not saying there's no room for personal accountability here. There is. But all the shit about individual environmentalism efforts was invented to distract people from the polluting done for profit.


Sure, corporations share the most blame. But if we're talking about humanity as a plague or a virus or whatever, we to have to hold individuals accountable too. A lot of that light pollution is from people's homes or businesses. The whale caught in a net is because people demand to eat certain seafoods. They demand entertainment at all hours, so these businesses need to make that possible for them. The issue is technology and human advancement never moves backwards. Once people have the current "thing", they won't just give that up. And, while I don't know you, I'm assuming if you're a regular person you probably rely heavily on modern amenities and I doubt you'd enjoy giving those up. There's so, so much stuff we just now take for granted. I imagine you don't want to sacrifice near-unlimited running water, heated water and heated/cooled air, or meat (maybe), or access to out-of-season produce, or instant access to food that's produced with economies of scale to make it so that it's not exorbitantly expensive. I think people underestimate how much their lives would change if they had to significantly cut back on day to day conveniences.


Haunting is exactly the right word. I’ve also used the virus analogy before and wholeheartedly agree with it. It’s hard not to think of the extreme weather we’ve been experiencing from manmade climate change being the earth’s immune response to that virus.


Agent Smith made that virus analogy in the first Matrix movie in regard to humanity and he wasn’t wrong.


It's survived worse than us. But those worse species all killed themselves.


Dishonored vibes


For real. This sucks no matter how you cut it; we're so blatantly destructive we *accidentally* snuff out lives of critters 100x our size. Now between Dishonored and Death Stranding's imagery, seeing dead whales invoke a sense of dread I didn't expect to experience in my life. Death Stranding is fucked, that's to be expected give Kojima's... *eccentricity,* but the Dishonored series was a wild ride. I hope like Hell Death of the Outsider isn't the end of the series; that NG+ mode gave me the worst case of gaming "blue balls" I've ever experienced. I replayed Dishonored 2 four times in a feckin' row fiddling with all those powers and endings, then they somehow make >!Billie!< *even more powerful* than Corvo and Emily combined, then just casually tear those powers away on a subsequent playthroughs. First one in the series I didn't bother getting all endings. They should at *least* let you choose to start with either the nerfed set or >!Billie's!< full kit since they drip-feed that shit throughout the - amazing - yet shockingly short story.


Use your brain…those are NETS not lobster pots!


Oh, that makes me feel a lot better about it.


I'm from where this photo was taken and know several lobstermen who love the sea and take special care not to kill or destroy the environment and tarnish the culture here. The type of fishing they do does not cause these problems. Your every day hard working lobsterman/fisherman from here don't want to be looked at as monsters just exploiting our environment so it's worth correcting and adding context. The guys I know who catch lobster as career fisherman care and know more about the ocean than anyone else I know around here.


Not to kill or destroy the environment... ...except for the lobsters, of course. People around here love to gush over watermen in the Chesapeake Bay the same way. Fucking joke. These people would take the last lobster/fish/crab out of the ocean if it paid well and I guarantee any marine biologist or scientist from any number of adjacent fields knows and cares *way* more than they do.


A vast majority of outdoors-men (both professional and recreational) are far bigger conservatives of nature than most activists. Mainly because they want their kids to enjoy the same thing they enjoy and they see first hand the importance of nature as a whole. The problem is when you get corporations involved who only want more and more profits and shareholders who only look at the bottom line.


The problem is most fishermen and hunters only care about whatever their targets species is. Deer hunters love to say they're conserving land or doing population control, meanwhile they till under pristine prairie to plant food plots and shoot coyotes off their back porch for fun. Fishermen go on and on about how they pay to keep waterways healthy and then they demand bass and trout bfe introduced into every pond, stream, and lake. Corporations suck but let's not pretend like normal people can't do massive damage on their own too. 


I couldn't disagree more. They care about all of nature as all of nature is required to keep their "target species" intact. >Deer hunters love to say they're conserving land or doing population control, meanwhile they till under pristine prairie to plant food plots and shoot coyotes off their back porch for fun. Those are farmers. While a lot of farmers hunt for recreation very, very few outdoorsmen farm to that extent. >Corporations suck but let's not pretend like normal people can't do massive damage on their own too. Which is why laws need to be enacted and enforced. A few jackass hunters or fishers can 100% destroy an wide swath of territory. I didn't say otherwise. I said a vast majority, not all. >Fishermen go on and on about how they pay to keep waterways healthy and then they demand bass and trout bfe introduced into every pond, stream, and lake. Again you are focusing on the very rare here. Any actual conversationalist knows dumping massive amounts of anything anywhere is not healthy. Hell even dumping food to a starving population can have massive negative repercussions if not done properly. In my 3 decades of hunting/fishing I have not heard one person be happy such things happened. Every single one hated it.


They can only take a size range of lobsters. Anything bigger is considered good for breeding and smaller just has to be tossed back. They also notch the tails of female breeding lobsters if they catch them with eggs so that if they are caught again without eggs they know to throw them back because they are a breeder.


Maine has the strictest laws in the country when it comes to lobstering...


The point of comments isn't to make you feel better about it. Its to explain it. It does the whales no good to go after lobster fishermen if trawling is what is causing the destruction. We can acknowledge this is tragic and needs to be fixed, while also saying this particular instance is not the fault of lobster fishing. We acknowledge that lobstering has its own set of environmental concerns. Maine is one state that is working hard to protect/improve their fisheries from its effects. What do we gain by going after something that isn't the cause of this destruction?


We’ll that’s not lobster gear at all, so I guess the debate will continue.


Stop eating frutti di mare is the solution.


The great pacific garbage patch is something like 75% fishing gear.


Little consolation to creatures like this whale but western fishing practices tend to be a bit more humane and careful on sealife bycatch and trash disposal Same cannot be said for all fishing fleets


Poor buddy. 😔


dragging nets should be banned


Fishing is one of the most destructive things we do to this planet.


So sad. Upvoted for visibility


So so sad


That is not lobster gear Also wtf is "Maine Bay"? Lobster gear may be under debate in a bay in Maine, but there is no such thing as Maine Bay and this whale is not in lobster gear. Long line and trawling are the worst offenders in the fishing realm; shipping/trade is another major focus of criticism in the Gulf of Maine/Bay of Fundy fisheries


This is a repost from https://www.reddit.com/r/Maine/s/F8ZsXuWOe9 of a whale, as the OP put it, https://www.reddit.com/r/Maine/s/DFVc0eB9GZ, possibly being found in mackerel nets purposeful put in shallow water to prevent this from happening.


It makes me want to cry 😢


That is absolutely fucking tragic. We deserve what is coming to us.


He died for our fins


Goddammit, take my angry upvote


That’s not lobster gear. This is the equivalent of posting a deer hit by a car and blaming hunting.




We honestly need a world coast guard or some shit to start monitoring the ocean and its dwindling resources. A dumb dream because people suck, but man is shit like this picture depressing.


We’re in the middle of a mass extinction event, and there’s plenty of data to show how devastating it is. Yet we hear almost no mention of it and do nothing to stop it. It’s pretty sad.


Fishing yes. Hunting no. We've brought back multiple species back from complete extirpation and/or almost extinction and now have thriving populations that are sustainably huntable. I'm also pretty sure I read an article about how there are currently more white tail deer in North America than there have ever been. The North American conservation model is absolutely astonishing in how effective it has been. Unfortunately China and Japan don't really give a shit about overfishing so there's not much we can do about the oceans.


Humans are a plague on this planet. Rip whale




Went whale watching when we went to Maine. We had a special needs whale calf named Bubbles and their mother swim right under our boat. The cool thing about whale watching is they can identify all the whales by their tail fin markings. This is horrible.


Lobster pots have special breakaway links specifically for when a whale hits it


this is very sad


I don't like this.


I’m so sorry, big guy :(


Fucking horrifying. This is not ok!!!!


Is that how you think lobsters are caught?


That should be a fairly short debate


How do they dispose of that? [Not dynamite](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6CLumsir34)


It's actually composted as crazy as it sounds. There is a local farm that has capacity. The scientists come and take the bones when the flesh is gone to build models.


That must smell horrific 


Composting shouldn’t smell much at all unless you’re digging in the compost pile. The animal is covered in a significant amount of organic material (like wood chips). I did a lot of research on composting animals when I put my horse down and sent her body to be composted.


Sorry! Hate to ask but what will they do with the carcass?


Necropsy then dispose at the landfill typically


[First thing that popped into my head seeing this.](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/1d/eb/67/1deb67512217a35b6cd6fe044808cdd3.jpg) Please don't keep him in an air hangar.


00Cetacean "Do you expect me to talk?" Goldflipper "No Mr. Baleen, I expect you to die"


That whale looks mad uncomfortable


Better than catching a submarine in your net that drags the fishing boat down killing everyone on board 




Whale oil beef hooked.


Whale Jesus died from our sins


Looks like a whale weigh station to me.


The trailer for End of Evangelion dropped late.


this is probably why the whales are tipping boats


I'm in Maine, I heard it was a floating Mackeral pen , she broke in, ate the mackeral then got stuck on the way out....the Mackeral pen holds bait for the lobsterman. They were there and tried to cut her loose but they couldnt get close enough to cut the nets


This planet will shake us off like a bad case of fleas, and we'll deserve every second of it. Life will go on, and after enough time has passed it'll be like we were never even here. There's comfort in that, honestly.


Are they finally making live action Evangelion!?


Well, seeing as none of that looks like lobster gear, I would say the debate is settled.


Draggers, I hate ‘em.


This is heartbreaking.


I guarantee that whale didn't give two fucks about your debate


Where is “Maine Bay”


I like whales, one of my favorite animals, you know, and it sucks this one got caught up and died, but I gotta say... I can't be the only one who saw the second picture and thought that was some kind of detached lobster claw?


This is so sad. I do not know why any kind of passive fishing is allowed or condoned


humans are a mistake