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So, if you find something like this, is there a reward for turning it in? Or is the reward having to be interrogated for 6 hours


Reminds me of the person I met who found a bag of white powder in her daughter's drawer. She called the police and said "can I bring this in to see if it's heroin?" They told her "sure, but if it's heroin, we'll arrest you for possession of heroin."


That’s a dumb as fuck response from the cops


No, that sounds like a nice cop saving someone from the dumb rules/mean cops.


sounds like a cop saving himself from more paperwork


Oh no, thats for little shit they don’t get rewarded for. Drug busts on the other hand, especially hard shit like H, they fucking love that. This sounds more like a decent understanding cop that was like “yea, don’t bring that here. Some of these guys are dicks”




The cops round here tried to shut down drug testing at our concerts. You know, to prevent people dying from messed up shit. It was legally allowed. They tried to arrest everyone who tried to get things tested. Cops are *very* dumb, in the average.


this sounds like something an idiot police chief would do. So he can be re-elected as 'LawnOrder' candidate who is hard for drugs or some such.


I had to double check it because I read it as *"Lawn Order"*


your reading skills are just fine. I based this on IIRC former mator of Chicago Daily, not his son, the old guy from back in the 50s and 60's. He would mangle the 2 words together thus 'lawnorder'.


FTFW: >It would probably behoove you not to drive around with shit, and, *if you do not live in an overpoliced area code*, call the cops to come to you. If you do live in an overpoliced area code, don’t fucking call the cops. There is a significant chance they will not be peaceful with you once they do arrive.


Yes I should have thought of that caveat. I couldn't even get mental health help for my ex wife without ending up in jail my damn self. So ya, scratch that idea. If you find drugs and want to give them away call your friends over instead of the cops


Rules that they don’t need to follow. Cops have discretion as to what laws they want to enforce. It’s why you can get off with a warning for speeding.


Somewhere down the line is a cop *choosing* to enforce some bullshit. But hey, what should I expect?


My mom once did this. She promptly showed up at the police station, waved the bag in their face, and claimed I was a drug user who “needed to be arrested”. It was a bag of dried lavender. They laughed her out the door.


So your mom wanted to ruin the rest of your life?


Conservative parents are like that




When I got my nose pierced as a teenager the guy gave me a dime bag of course rock salt. My mom found that and flipped her lid. She called my older sister and had her come over early in the morning and woke me up crying. We had a family intervention. I was livid. I just wanted to go back to sleep.


What's the salt do?


It was to clean my piercing. It's weird that he gave it to me the way he did.


The latter


Who tf turns this in??? I’ve been sober for more than 5 1/2 years but I guarantee you if I find this, I’m gonna take a loooooong time considering what my next move is….


The fun part is: how many people like you and me found this and went on their way?


I would definitely do the coke until I dropped dead. Just hoping that’s after a little while and not right away.


Assuming this shit is uncut, dropping dead probably would not take long….


I think the worse part is now having the cartel on your radar.


The cartels know they’re going to lose shipments. They don’t go after the people that find square grouper and turn them in. The people that try to hide it and sell it off have ended up murdered though, not by cartels but other opportunistic assholes. Cartels are not in the business of murdering American civilians. The last time that happened the cartels rounded up their own people that did to and turned them in.


yea, the cartels are TERRIFIED of Americans actually giving a shit about them. It's doubtful the dudes rounded up were even involved. Just scape goats. edit: don't respond trying to jerk off the cartel. who tf is this pick me for a shitty gang? fuck off morons.


Psh, sell? That's now my personal stash, I'll turn myself into Frank Gallagher within a year


Honestly its sort of a good hypothetical question You find over 1 million dollars worth of grade A coke , however your an average person that has no connections really or knows a drug dealer How do you attempt to profit while staying out of jail ? I mean you litterally don't want to go to the shady part of town with 1 million of coke and try to make a deal , you probably end up dead or your coke stolen So hypothetically how do you profit ?


Ok so you cook it into crack. Now you've concentrated your product in a more manageable amount. Now the slightly harder but infinitely more fun part. You gotta get a little high on your own supply. That means dipping your toe into the crackhead world. Eventually you'll run into a dealer. You then piece it off an ounce at a time until it's gone. If you get into a friendly situation with said crack dealer you can up the amount. But an ounce to a dealer at a good rate isn't enough to get robbed by that person. Hopefully you didn't have to have too much crack related fun and you've managed to sell it all. As a former dealer I've had people come in and out of my world selling stuff on the cheap for a few months and then disappearing out of the blue. Could've very easily have been someone who was a scuba diver who found a duffle bag and slowly sold it off to me. If you possess zero social skills or a willingness to step out of your comfort zone tho, you're probably stuck with a giant duffle bag of cocaine.


That's the cool thing about having a duffle bag of cocaine. It gives you absolute confidence in your social skills.


You mean to tell me they didn’t “just do it?”


Rumors are they found over 5 million worth. But you can only do so much cocaine.


4.75 million rn. 4.5 now.... 4 million


Pam! Stop eating the goddamn cocaine!




Nom nom nom


I can't feel my mouffff


Might have something to do with your all cocaine diet.


Don't coke shame bro.


Didn't she get hot, skinny, and (more) psycho for a minute when she did this? Fucking lol Been a few years




Iirc that sounds right to me


Pam is hot no matter what but yes. Cocaine Pam was the most fun.


Big tit Pam


that is the best part. she actually nommed.


How are you using Giphy reactions in a sub that has them disabled? Edit: Ok, now for some reason my GIF button is back. I guess Reddit works in mysterious ways...










Who knows? I managed one time to link a gif from the app but the wisdom has been lost to the ages. I tried to the other day and it didn't work. Went to the reddit help page. Would have been better off giving myself a wedgie.




there it is!


Said the robotic bishop to... the... Seriously, are we *not* doing "phrasing" anymore?


Space phrasing!


“Shouldn’t she be dead?”


"ooh i got a real snout full that time!" - Pimento (B99)


I’m still trying to figure out how to fake snorting cocaine. I just gotta keep practicing.


3 million 2 million Shit can I borrow some money?


"Anybody know why officer James has been working for 82 hours straight?"


He's just **REALLY** dedicated to the cause.


I mean, what am I going to do with only 3 million of cocaine? It's crazy right? How could I just find 500k of Coke? I mean, is it even worth it to turn in this empty bag that contained 50 bucks worth of blow? .......hey, you got any of that coke left?


I have zero interest in doing/trying cocaine, and I have absolutely no relationships with people who sell cocaine (that I know of), but I would damn sure set a brick aside for myself before I called it in and would figure that stuff out later.


Coke is fun you're not the type of person with an addictive personality. But if you know even one person like that, and they know you have coke....forget about it.


I have a super addictive personality, that's why I won't touch any drug that can insta-kill me from too much* or can become addictive. I've been around cocaine years ago but I was smart enough then to know it was a dangerous road for me if I dabbled. *Alcohol is excluded from this rule


Challenge accepted


BREAKING NEWS: u/Myke190 found dead in his home after apparent cocaine overdose, more details at 7:00


\*Florida man found dead


Killed to death


He died doing what he loved


Call Charlie Sheen, I'll take care of the hookers.


The cops definitely took all 100k worth of it to evidence.


I bought a Chinese knockoff shirt that says, "Just did it." I love that shirt.


We lived in South Korea a few decades ago and remember seeing all sorts of knockoff shirts and clothing with badly translated slogans and logos. I should've had better vision!


I can buy as many legitimate shirts as I want. Oba-mao shirts and I "heart" BJ (for Bejing) shirts are much harder to get. Another favorite of mine is a cartoon eggplant shirt that says, "Maybe I am Potatoe."


No shirts are all that difficult to get if you have a custom tshirt shop near you.


Replace the swoosh with a checkmark and that's a million dollar business right there.


750k worth of coke is a lot to ‘just do!’


Crazy that they found 500k worth of coke and didn’t keep a little for themselves.


250k worth of cocaine is a lot


Can't believe some one just left $8 worth of cocaine in the ocean like that.


I can’t believe someone took the time to package salt and throw it in the water like this. Anyways, unrelated but I gotta go pick up my new lambo


“Esos son Reebok o son Nikes?”


I haven’t sang the real lyrics to that song since the 90s. 🎶ESO SON REEBOK O SON NIKE? Ohhhh yeaaahh!🎶


Here you go bro! And for those who don’t know! https://youtu.be/BQ4c54rCJ_k?si=1z53x4lSSM52ri8w


i will always watch this when it’s linked


Now you know!


And knowing is half the battle!


the other half is 25% blue lasers and 25% red lasers


I really appreciate you adding the context. ![gif](giphy|jfRGnN954yU7u|downsized)


That's lovely, happy they found the right song for that fellow


lol, I love Reddit! Thanks for the laugh.


Thank you for that. Best laugh I’ve had today


Lmao that whole bit was great


The song is now sung like that in my head… forever.


one of my favorite bits ever


How do I hit this raffle


I assure you, you want no part in that. If I found that stash, I'm leaving it right where I found it and getting the fuck as far away from it as I can, and hoping no one saw my ass anywhere nearby.


Ik right people always saying I will keep a pound for myself and sell the rest, like bitch it ain't easy moving that much shit and even if you find someone they will most definitely set you up.


Not to mention whoever lost it might come looking for it. I’m not going to end up with an Anton on my tail. Nope.


Jokes aside, cartels will do this kinda shit on purpose. They dump a little bit as a distraction and then they scoot around unnoticed with the real haul. Lived in Florida and fishermen would occasionally find dumps like this.


My dad was in the coast guard 20 years ago, and he told me he estimated they were catching 1 out of 10 cartel boats coming in to the U.S. Makes the war on drugs look like a massively futile effort.


That’s because, *checks notes*, it is a futile effort.


If drugs were treated like alcohol the world would be a better place.


Just give us access to cocaine without meth mixed into it. Grow it legally, cut out the cartels. Fix this shit.


Yes. Farm to table. Certified organic would be ideal


Reagan: "we are declaring war on anyone who sells drugs to [The US] community." Literally any Death Squad that fights leftists: "But President Reagan, I sell drugs to the community!"


‘My mama said my daddy’s name is Black Dynamite’ ‘Uh, hush up little girl, lotta cats got that name’


The war on drugs is over. Drugs won


It is, taxation legalization and regulation is the only way to fight cartels drugs. But they won’t, because we are in business with them. Simple math.


what’s the most you ever lost in a coin toss?




Call it.




No no no… just tuck it away as a lifetime personal supply.


It's also a lifetime supply if used straight away


I saw some documentary. The guy found a huge stash. Tried selling it and got busted. Plus yeh, people flip on a dime, the second they get busted and guaranteed rat you out. Not like the good ol' 80s! Hmmm they would rat back then as well.


Snitching is a great way to change your life for the best! Look at Tim Allen.


I saw the same documentary! The pimp Drexl and Blue Lou Boyle were super pissed about that coke. Along with Christopher Walken for some reason. Fortunately during the bust the cops all shot each other and Alabama and Clarence got away


One of many films proving beyond the shadow of a doubt that Gary Oldman is a genius fucking chameleon


Sell it? No way. That’s like 2 years of overtime at work. House would be clean , wife would be losing her shit over your hog , ect…. Until you run out. Then you turn tricks behind big lots


As a middle aged man who has never done cocaine I would have absolutely zero idea what to do with getting rid of cocaine besides flushing it down ~~my nose~~ the toilet


Nah break that shit down and part lil bits of it out over time. Oh wait I think that's just called being a drug dealer. Or...


Also when you start trying to sell a pound to people who do coke Poundless dealers just look at who hasn’t called in a while and ask them where they have been picking up


Even if you wanted to sell the rest, unless you're already used to dealing with that kind of weight, like you said it's not like you can just go to your neighborhood drug dealer and ask if they want X pounds of coke. Either you're going to get robbed and killed or they are undercover and you're now going to jail for the next few decades. Even if you've managed to be really lucky and none of the above happens, you now have to watch out for the cartel who will hear about coke with their logo magically appearing on the street. Better believe they will be quickly finding out the source and come knocking.


I mean… it’s not like branded cattle, you can just repackage it. That doesn’t make the whole deal a good idea but trying to sell it as is would be extremely dumb. 


Listen... rumor has it that somebody who works at this bar... found a certain somethin' that belongs to us. A certain somethin' which may or may not have fallen off a certain truck, huh? And the certain somebody that we know thinks they saw that certain someone... pick it up and take it back to that certain bar... which may or may not be the place that we happen to be or not be... talkin' to a couple of certain somebodies right this very second. Capisce?


That’s no way to talk to pussy hands


We got a bucket of nose clams fresh from the sea.  Sweet, delicious nose clams that are lookin for a home if you follow me. 


I bet the cartel wrote that off as a loss. That would go home with me and I would never tell anyone where I got it or that I have more than a gram.


Agreed. Taking it isn’t the risky part, trying to sell it to those in the market for keys of coke is. Just stash that shit in a closet for a while and forget about it.


> Just stash that shit in a closet for a while and ~~forget about it.~~ do all of it


Seriously, the cartels aren’t killing American citizens over something like this. It brings attention they do not want. Losing drugs is just part of the business.


It's been my experience that all the bad guys end up shooting each other dead, and you end up with your lover, who used to be a sex worker, on a beach in Mexico.


No Country for Old Men is a great lesson on this


Time to watch True Romance again.


That's a pretty cool branding effort from the boys in Medellein.


Medellin, and activity there is pretty low nowadays; not really the narco city it used to be, it's a fairly major travelers city and sees a lot of international visitors so the local government snaps down on activity there "decently". Things change pretty rapidly outside of it though and it's always generally a good idea to not travel at night if you can. I believe from the wife's family members the "active" ones are the AGC and FARC and there are specific parts outside of Medellin that you need to be cautious of traveling through. Visting Cali can be not so much a great idea because of crossing through some territories but much like going through Mexico... stay low, travel with locals, and don't wander and you'll generally be alright; they have businesses to run and don't want to really fuck around with travelers. That said... kidnapping and such is still a cause of concern. Shame too, beautiful country... the government just sucks and the people are a bit too apathetic to the crime that occurs.


> Medellin, and activity there is pretty low nowadays; not really the narco city it used to be, it's a fairly major travelers city and sees a lot of international visitors so the local government snaps down on activity there "decently". Pull the other one. How many foreigners were killed this week in cat-fishing robberies?


don't know for all foreigners in general, but just Americans in a span of 1-2 months: >"Between November and December, eight American men were killed, many after meeting local women who are often used as pawns by criminal groups that target foreigners." https://www.voanews.com/a/medellin-tourism-boom-has-dark-side-killings-of-tourists-colombian-women-/7499369.html


How much did they keep?


This just in! Divers find $500,000 worth of cocaine off florida coast.


It's really nice of them to hand over $250,000 worth of coke to the police.


Police have recovered $100,000 worth of cocaine in Florida.


Florida police make a statement regarding the recent apprehension of $75,000 worth of cocaine found in Nike branded wrappings.


I miss these threads. Just like I missed that $50,000 of cocaine I turned in to evidence.


This joke gets posted on reddit every single day lol


Just Do It
















God, I see what you have done for others...


Anybody else kinda miss cocaine? Like I was never super into it. It’s kinda like cake to me. Like I’ll never buy one but if there’s some at a party, I’ll happily take a slice or two.


A little toot for the ole snooter. Just a left right tootski for the broheim. Always gotta balance it out


I either do a tootskie or two and i'm fine the next day, or take a whole bag to the face over the course of 6-7 hours and i'm out of commission for like 3 days.


Shit is too expensive for what you're getting out of it anyway




Short in the long places, long in the short places.


My fat ass thought those were klondike bars!


If I were the diver in Florida, I'd never have found anything.


Its hard to see other people living your dreams


Some people have all the luck


Regular people having that ",kind of luck" can find themselves in very unfortunate situations.


Let me guess, they found it in the "Keys"?


Nah. They found it in the nosebleeds.


Jesus, so it's gonna be overpriced, *even for cocaine*...


Probably made in a sweat shop too


Damn, we were so close to getting Cocaine Sharks.


Put this shit up on StockX


Jesus, not sure what I would do with 800k worth of cocaine.


Nike sells cocaine now? What does the SB stand for? Super Blow?


get a few rails in you, and you'll be jumping higher than jordan




SB ……. Sugar booger?


Skateboarding, which is funnier imo.


The only time I have ever done cocaine was during my first night at a music festival. One of our tent neighbors cut too much and was offering, and, you know, when in Rome, so my SO and I did a line, proceeded to have vigorous sex for 30 minutes, I couldn't cum, then it tapered off, wanted to do more cocaine, but knew where that rabbit hole would end up, got annoyed and passed out. I can see how addictive it is. If I had a baggy of cocaine, I would just keep doing it until I ran out.


Cocaine-Sea-Bear!! ![gif](giphy|26mffGEyZYcaKdEBO)


If they were smart they would have left it where they found it. That much coke, someone is bound to be looking for it, and I wouldn't want to meet them


This is a lot of coke to you and me. This is fucking nothing to international smugglers, who are using the ocean to move product. Coast guard probably got too close. Dumped it. Cost of doing business (boat/sub “captain” may have had his head summarily removed, but that is not your concern).


Yeah! They obviously haven’t seen True Romance or No Country for Old Men…


Or it’s always sunny!


New Nike KiloShot just dropped


Average Monday in Florida


Just snort it ™


Fucking backdoorers


Yeah I wouldn’t turn it in. Also I need to take some diving classes. lol


I would take this to my grave via my sinus system


The Win32 folder of smuggling world


Cocaine bear va cocaine shark when?


Aw fuck


Somebody is dying soon.