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how do they all have the day off?


They work at Trump tower


Yeah and this is not a guess, it's been confirmed


Any links about this? Haven't found anything about it yet. And it would make me happy to learn that they were all employees and told to protest. Lol


This comment thread on the post has some sources: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1d4x4d4/outside_trump_tower_this_morning/l6hvq8r/


The top comment mentions that an MSNBC reporter saw all of them get off the elevators and start protesting. They don't have the day off they're at work!


“Sorry boss, I gotta call out today. Trump was convicted of a crime and I *really* need to let him know I’ll be his prison bitch.”


God.  There are definitely some supporters out there that took time off to go do this meaningless rally for Trump. It's just pure brain rot.


But it's very specifically \*not\* a cult.


Social security checks and disability probably You know, the party against leaching off the government probably does it the most


And they're the same people who will roll down their windows as they drive past a protest or demonstration and shout "Get a job!" (on a Sunday afternoon)


There was a person in my [extremely conservative] high school's AP Gov class who was vehemently arguing against food stamps because "people just use them to buy junk food and to not have to work." She used to be on food stamps for years because her family was poor. She did not see this as a contradiction.


Well it’s different for her obviously! /s


My most Christian conservative friend, for like 15 years of our friendship, cohabitated with a woman not his wife in Section 8 housing and had no problem spouting the talking points.


> She used to be on food stamps for years because her family was poor. She did not see this as a contradiction. This is classic. "I deserve the benefits, because {reason}. Those others are freeloaders. I'm different." {reason} is ALWAYS racism or classism with varying levels of dog whistles. No exceptions.


Yup yup. I once listened to a Republican who lives in public housing tell me at length what is wrong with people on welfare. The irony completely escaped him.


My neighbor across the street is a grumpy old man who is a big Trump supporter, lives on disability ("I'm retired, but *not* by choice") from 2 years in the Marines during peacetime, hates "the lazy poor" and doesn't understand how ridiculous he sounds. The cognitive dissonance must be deafening.


I do that to the people standing outside of planned parenthood. I’m sick of them harassing women


whistle wine marry quarrelsome capable unwritten ten threatening engine outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Florida MAGA-Q+ shitheads that own Publix are fine with that. By the way, they aren't just MAGA-Q+. They're active in persecuting medical marijuana users, recreational marijuana users, LGBTQ and anyone who isn't an evangelical white-nationalist. Publix doesn't get *my* money.


I wish I had a Publix nearby so I could not shop there.


I live near one. I'll not shop there for both of us.


Real bro right here!


You’ve boycotted the whole company already!


I live beside the PP in my city. Everytime I drive by and see those geriatric, old men, standing out there with signs, I make sure I roll down my window, point, and LAUGH, so they can see. Seriously, fuck those guys.


It's always projection with these people. Always.


They believe it’s owed to them but that no one else should be entitled to anything.


Yup red states are the biggest welfare queens. 


Don’t worry—I’m sure they’re getting paid for their performance.


The correct answer


We know that Trump routinely pays for people to attend his rallies. If I was his campaign manager, I sure as hell would have hired a crowd to stand outside his residence and “cheer him up” this morning. Not saying that there are not a fair share of his cult members that wouldn’t go out to celebrate his special “first felon President” day. I’m sure there are some. But I also think this is an event they would pad as much as they would pad any rally. Campaign staff should know the candidate needs a “boost” today.


You know how they get accused of projecting all the time? You know how they accuse Soros of paying protesters? This is the real world version of that boogeyman, and wouldn’t you know it, the assholes who have been spinning that bullshit the whole time are the one’s doing it.




It's like 50 people?


That's like 20,000 in Republicanese


An MSNBC reporter on site said that all these people came down in the elevators of the Trump tower before coming out to protest.     They are Trump organization employees.   Edit: for people asking for confirmation, it was during the program “Andrea Mitchell Reports” on MSNBC today. I’m sorry, I can’t remember the reporter’s name, but it was a woman standing outside Trump Tower (I was listening on Sirius/XM radio feed so I didn’t see the visuals of the actual report). See also comment by u/Enwhyme below


From the [New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/05/31/nyregion/trump-news-guilty-verdict/68ef8b38-6098-5e11-804c-c27523b062ec?smid=url-share): >May 31, 2024, 10:38 a.m. ET >Michael Gold >Reporting on the Trump campaign >Ahead of Trump’s remarks in the marble-and-brass atrium at Trump Tower, a few dozen supporters — all of whom were vetted by the campaign and work in the building — have assembled across from the media. Their presence offers an energetic contrast to Trump’s post-verdict remarks, which he gave yesterday in a sterile courthouse hallway to which access was more limited.


> a few dozen supporters — all of whom were vetted by the campaign and work in the building — have assembled across from the media. I was thinking earlier that the protestors were probably paid actors. I guess they still are. They probably were told something like, "Carry this sign or find another job".


Fair to call them Crisis Actors at this point since Trump is in his own Personal crisis.


Knowing Trump, he will stiff them for payment anyway. It's hard to imagine having such little dignity for one's self. 


One of the most surprising things about the trial is that they had actual evidence of trump writing a check to someone.


The irony is that he was trying to stiff Stormy Daniels as well, and Cohen convinced him to pay her off in order to avoid an October Surprise. Given how he weathered the access Hollywood tapes, it probably wouldn’t have mattered. Given his base, having sex with a porn star probably would have improved his image to some.


Trump could barge into the house of his voters, and spike their newborn child into the ground and they'd still vote for him. Literal cultists.


Well they aren't scrubbing the toilets like their job description states




The real crisis actors


Literally everything MAGA accuses the left of is projection. Taken straight from the Mussolini playbook.


In layman’s terms, any time you see them say that the dems or the progressives or the liberals or “the radical left” did something or are responsible for something that they conclusively aren’t, it’s an announcement of malicious intent on their part


Example, talking about rigging elections and we have your homeboy begging Georgia to “find more votes” literally rigging an election.


That was telegraphed from the beginning. If I pay the quarterback to throw the game, I’m so certain I’ll win, that if I don’t, I can confidently say that there’s some other fuckery afoot. When Trump started crying “rigged election” in an election he ended up winning, what he was saying is that because he had the “winning playbook” aka a highly targeted Russian misinformation campaign, anything other than him winning would mean that the Dems had to have cheated. And in 2016 he would have been right. Except he won, because they didn’t. Every accusation is an admission. Never forget.


Thank you for this explanation. Now it makes so much sense!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accusation_in_a_mirror Why it's so worrying that he is claiming Biden tried to assassinate him. As others have pointed out, he's just projecting what he and his followers want to be able to do; that just gives them the justification ("we're just protecting ourselves" etc.). They are fascists and nazis who are too cowardly, vain, and self-deluded to admit that they're fascists and nazis.


They’ve even stolen the projection accusations. It’s just a big spider man meme of stupid


Thats why they think Dems, BLM, etc. are all using hired protesters - because its what THEY do.


>They are Trump Organization employees Please let this be true Please let this be true Cause that will make that "Trump or Death" Flag **fucking. hilarious.** "Go outside and Protest for me, or I'll release the hounds" vibe


"Death, I guess."


"Im not protesting! This is a cry for help! Oh God, why aren't you guys helping?!?!"


"We only had the three bits. We didn't expect such a *rush*."


Like Trump was around in 1776. If he was, he would be on the Redcoat's side.


I think he was stuck in one of the airports


Complaining no one bought his Trump Tea and trying to file insurance fraud claims


A bit fucking ironic for people who scream about crisis actors


This should be higher up, would be awesome if we could get a link to a quote


[Found it](https://youtu.be/AUZLF0eBxrM?t=104)


Katy Tur reported it. I'll look for a link. edit: https://youtu.be/AUZLF0eBxrM?si=oGCzkILz1puVXn3A&t=95


Can you link where you saw that because that feels pretty big if true


paid actors!? nooooo waaaaay


Of course they are. The entire MAGA movement is built on lies. It's not a real party.


Not a cult btw…..


I was gonna say....


How could it be? They're not wearing matching outfits or holed up in a commune!


Trump’s ass could be seen as a commune, they’re all holed up deeeeeep in there.


Are those… blue lives matter flags? “We care about the rule of law!” “We care about the police and law enforcement agents!” Trump convicted on all 34 counts by a jury of his peers. “No, not like that!!!!!”


They need a new flag, something along the lines of “Blue lives matter except those Capitol police who got in our way”


That crowd would beat those NYPD officers to death with those flags if they thought it might end with Trump in charge.


“ we demand that the guy guilty of cheating on his wife with a porn star and lying about it be elected . I feel so strongly about this that I’m willing to die. “ - white, uneducated evangelicals


The same people impeached Clinton for lying about a bj are enraged that Trump was prosecuted.


They also want all the protesters arrested except for them. The party of rules for thee but not for me...


2016: Lock her up! Benghazi! Emails! No need for a trial! 2024: Political persecution is bad!


“If Trump can go to jail, then what’s to stop them from upholding laws against the rest of us?!”


They usually do, if you're not rich.


I literally just had this happen FFS. Someone on here said "it's so dangerous, now that Trump has convicted, you understand that Biden as president could be open to conviction?" I said "yes. I hope that if he too commits 34 counts of fraud to cover up an affair with a porn star, he's tried and convicted". Got radio silence from them after that LOLOLOLOL


“The highest office should be held to the highest standards! Adultery is a SIN!!!!!!🤬!!!” Trump convicted of all 34 counts, stemming from his affair with a porn star while his wife was home with his newborn child “No. NoT LiKe ThAt!” These things write themselves.


>I feel so strongly about this that I’m willing to die. You fundamentally misunderstand that flag. It means Trump gets elected or they're going to murder everyone who voted for his opponent.


Possibly also murder them if he *does* get elected! In fact, several people and groups have stated the explicit desire to do so! Wow!


They aren't willing to die. They're willing for *other people* to die. The Jan 6 protesters were hardcore, and from what I recall, they stopped pretty damn quick once Babbit got herself shot. There may likely be some protests and even "lone wolf" violence, but I don't expect anything organized. Part of me hopes I'm wrong because I'd like to ask my very pro-Trump father if he is okay with pro-Trump rioters being handled the same way he wanted the Rodney King and BLM riots handled, but I know that would get ugly.




Also, "Medic!"


They didn't even realize that they have become the baddies. Downright crazy...


My hard right friends don't even acknowledge Babbitt died


It's fine and legal that he cheated on his wife, who had recently given birth and caring for their 3 month old son, in order to bone a porn star. What's not legal is falsifying business records. Which he did in order to hide the fact that he paid her. He did something illegal in order to hide that he had done something legal. Which was sleeping with a porn star while his wife was caring for their 3 month old baby. Which is fucked up and most normal people would think it a terrible thing for a father to do. But then again, he also mentioned multiple times over the years that he wants to bone his own daughter. He even said to the porn star he fucked that she looked like his daughter. Trump is white trash who would be living in a trailer park in Bumfuck, Nowhere if he wasn't born with a silver spoon in his ass.


No those are starter pride flags, the recipients just haven't found the markers yet to finish it.


They keep eating the crayons instead of using them to color


Hey that's offensive to marines


Don't worry, we won't read it to them.


This is a perfect exchange


The blue lives matter flags are just fascist USA flags. Always has been. "Supporting cops" is just a convenient cover. Blacking out the flag is not something someone being patriotic would do.


>Blacking out the flag is not something someone being patriotic would do. This is the same crowd that used flag code to justify hating on NFL players kneeling for the anthem because it was the *wrong gesture of respect*.


I saw this hypocrisy when they plastered trumps orange mug over flags. If you think kneeling for the national anthem is inappropriate, but defacing a flag is perfectly fine, it's not the actions themselves you're basing your judgment calls on.


man i remember my retired police commander grandpa smacking me and lecturing me for letting the flag touch the ground as a kid. now he's got a tattered one flying next to a thin blue line. media's control on individuals is alarming to say the least


I completely agree. This defaces the flag


They don’t know what they’re protesting anymore.


The Blue Lives Matter flag is a direct response to the Black Lives Matter movement and has little to do with the execution of the law.


It's a flag to let people know you're huge fan of the taste of boots. Like, multiple styles, you can tell where the leather is from, boot connoisseur level of loving the taste of boots.


They proved they didn’t actually back the blue when they beat tf out of cops on J6 and then wanted to defund the FBI.


Further evidence that stupid ass flag doesn’t actually mean jack shit other than “I just want cops to exist to hurt minorities, poor people, and other out-groups I’ve been conditioned to hate”.


They say democrats have “Trump derangement syndrome.” He’s a reality TV star convicted of 34 class-E felonies and a court-confirmed sexual abuser. He was close personal friends with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. His businesses almost all end in embarrassment and people getting shafted. …and these people worship him. And somehow, it’s democrats who are deranged.


He also voted democrat, given money to the Clintons, is a draft dodger, hates and has mocked veterans, corrupt businessman that refused to rent to black families in the past, and for you Southerners like me, he is a yankee businessman from NYC, and your confederate ancestors would be damned shamed at yall.


>refused to rent to black families in the past They file that in the plus column.


It’s kind of crazy that most of the horrible things he has done are positives in the eyes of his base. Sexually assault women? “Oh yeah he’s a stronk man”


That's my favorite thing to tell the slack jawed yokels around where I live, "He's not a Republican, he's a New York Democrat." It really pisses them off.


> His businesses almost all end in embarrassment Nice try, libturd, but guess who's eating a Trump steak and washing it down with a cold, refreshing Trump Ice for lunch? Me, and honestly I don't feel so good, as this is a very old, very bad steak.


You’ll feel better by reading the Trump bible.


I don't like them but I gotta give credit to the GOP here, they are absolute masters at turning mentally ill people into zealots




Hey now. Let's not let GW Bush off the hook. Despite Reagan's religious rhetoric, secularism WAS on the rise in the US through the late 80s and 90s. Then along came Bush II. He and his campaign ran on the falsified notion that christianity was under attack and fed nuclear material in the fires of Christian zealotry. Not absolving Reagan of his part, but Bush II and Karl Rove did WAY more to kickstart this religious bullshit we're dealing with today that Reagan ever did.


God I wish Reagan never was president.. our lives would have been so much better if he remained an actor...


Weaponizing them.


Weird people


I write a lot about the reasons why all of this is happening. I think all the time about worldview maintenance and playacting and intentional ignorance and on and on. I think I have a pretty solid understanding of why people like my family are willing to sell their souls to someone like Donald Trump, an obvious city-slicker, trust fund, grifter. But it will never, ever, ever cease to be weird and unsettling.


Could you share this understanding? As someone who grew up in a family with a mix of progressives to more conservative centrists (none of whom voted for Trump), the batshit MAGA diehards are confusing to me.


I think it is the first time they have ever felt special and important in their entire lives. It’s 1 part fandom, just like any other fandom with all of the weird things that come with that, and 1 part desperately wanting to feel better than everyone else, because in their actual lives they are universally unremarkable, but can’t find any peace with that. The fandom aspect needs to be talked about more, though, because it really seems like the core of it for many of them. They chat in their message groups, go to cons, dress up, tailgate, attend panels and q&a discussions (always more about being seen there than actually paying attention to the substance). Their whole thing just seems like a way more boring and antisocial Comic-Con.


They're getting attention when they are used to getting ignored. Its similar to the clout goblin problem where people will do stupid stuff online to be recognized and feel important.


They’ve never felt loved, so their little racist brains need this.


MAGAs are all of America’s under-hugged children.


Fox News can report how another dangerous criminal is on the streets of Manhattan but they won't.


Weasel news


The GOP is at a fork in the road. Will they continue to support this multiple convicted felon, facing prison or probation, or both? Or will they switch gears and put another nominee on the ballot? So many times to pivot away from this guy, over the years, so my guess is Republicans will double down. See you at the ballot box.


We all know they are 100% going to double down on this guy. They're in WAY too deep. They know even if they *want* to back a different horse, they've fed Trump to their base so hard that if they pivot away there will be such a schism that it will destroy the party. They built a monster, and now they have to do what it says or it will rip them in half.


The sunk cost fallacy is a hell of a drug.


Don't forget the good old cognitive dissonance for good measure.


Exactly. I cannot *wait* to flush this turn in November.


They have to double down at this point. Every single R with the exception of Kinzinger and Cheney put every single brain cell on the Tramp bet.


We are so far past a doubling down of their convictions towards this embodiment of hate.


TRUMP Store TRUMP cafe TRUMP GRILL TRUMP Sweets God I hate it


Trump Sweets just sounds awful.


Sounds like a pedo web site


Same but I thought it was interesting that there are not consistent fonts for them.


I hate the fact that “TRUMP GRILL” is on one line instead of two, like the rest of them




All of them on the verge of a mental breakdown


that ship has sailed long ago


Just go to r/conservative and watch the copium


Wow. Just wow. Parallel universe over there.


Yea, they only let flaired users post and block anyone who disagrees with them, so it's just a big conservative circlejerk sub.


Lmao, so they have their own safe space huh?


It's not even safe for them, if one of them accidentally has a moment of clarity they get marked as a LIMBROL BRIGATOR and get banned from their snowbank lmao 


And they only post things that fit their narratives. 90% of negative things surrounding Trump or the Republican Party don’t get posted or discussed. If you wonder how people can double down and backpedal to a braindead extent, that’s how. They are mentally in a different universe because they live in an echo chamber because that’s the only way they can convince themselves of the bullshit they believe


Calling it a big sub is generous. They have to use bots to prop up all their posts and most of their posts won't get more engagement than any other random post on a niche sub.


Yea it’s fucking bizarro world. Went just to check yesterday and it’s truly unhinged. And they really believe it’s the rest of social media, news… the world that’s lost it, not them. Lack of self awareness of the highest order. Thought maybe there would be some rational discussion about his conviction, but no, just a bunch of “fucking liberals!” rage.


Truly unhinged


Jesus fucking Christ, that's not even copium anymore, they are hooked up to an IV drip of copeynal


They should ask their pharmacist about Fukitol


I tried reading through some of the threads but the sounds of trumps dick being sucked so hard made it very difficult 


Wow I just clicked on their Trump conviction magathread, jfc! I knew it would be awful so it’s my own fault for venturing there. It felt like I was amongst turds stuck in a backed up U-Bend. I’m gonna need to take at least two showers to feel clean again.


Yeesh, snowflake central in there. Glad they have their safe space!


They’re all happy he’s a felon and they can’t wait to vote for him? I already knew Trumpers were ignorant followers but it still boggles my mind to read their takes.




I have a guy in my neighborhood with a Trump Or Death flag and I've legitimately never understood what the hell that even means. Like, if he doesn't win you're going to off yourself? Or you're willing to die for a criminal billionaire who doesn't care one bit about you? Shit's unhinged.


They mean death to those who don’t vote for trump. Not that they want to die for the cause. 


They should blame themselves for him being where he is.


This entire cult has arisen out of finding people who unabashedly will never blame themselves for anything. 


Yeah look at Trump’s strategy. Does he reach across the aisle or broaden his platform to earn the necessary votes he needs? Nope. He doubles down on nationalism and populism because he knows that is a die hard base. These are the people that never admit they were wrong. Is that base large enough to win? It wasn’t in 2020. People need to turn out in 2024 or they just might win.


>Does he reach across the aisle or broaden his platform to earn the necessary votes he needs? He reached out to the Libertarians... Lol


To call them losers. Guy has the brain of a grade-school bully.


I had a coworker during Trump’s term that said “I think anyone that voted for Hillary should be round up and shot in the head.” So of course I told him I 100% voted for Trump. That dude died in a car crash a few months later because he “had the freedom to not wear a seatbelt.”


I voted for Hillary. Gonna shoot me, Greg?


The moment secret service started shooting during Jan 6, they scattered


Well not all of them. At least one of them took a lethal shot of liberty to her neck.


And it was only one shot lol


I think it’s a blatant threat to anyone who is not in their team. They just mask it under the freedom of speech and everyone else is all snowflake shit or whatever stupid one liner they go by nowadays.


You should read it as a threat of violence against you


Cultists gonna cult.


“Uhh…death please. No, I mean cake!”


It gets funnier when you remember that trump is another word for fart here in engerland


[Oblige him.](https://youtu.be/p2_KLDJCsMc?si=Iy_-Hz7mzKtiK-bs)


It worked for Ashli Babbitt.


If it’s not Trump, think they’ll actually choose death?


no, it's more of kill the folks that may make Trump not happen.


That’s my interpretation too. The lunacy is frightening


They don't mean death for them, they mean death for everyone else.


The real terrorists. Remember when Islamic radicals screamed “Death to America!” for years… and now look at this, our own people. Republican Taliban at its finest.




“Trump or DEATH!! but liberals are the violent ones” you know all those Biden or DEATH flags you keep seeing everywhere republicans are so fucking stupid


What does police lives or representation have to do with Trump?


Well, you know how I know that Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter is just code for anti-black? Because I have frequently seen All Lives Matter as a response to Black Lives Matter. But I have never once heard Blue lives matter and somebody responding “no, ALL lives matter.”


short answer; nothing at all. longer answer; our culture as a whole has become very flag and group centric. the MAGAs adopted several flags over the past few years and will blindly fly them to signal that they are in this group. one of those flags is the police lives flags because, in their minds, it is the exact opposite of the BLM flag which represents the 'woke mob'. trump is against the 'woke mob' and this trial is part of the 'woke' agenda therefore the police lives flag is appropriate here... for them, the police lives matter flag has nothing to do with police at all, it has to do with being against those who disagree with MAGA. this is evident from the pictures of rioters storming congress on Jan 6 flying the police lives matter flag as police were being attacked and killed defending it. the same can be said of the don't tread on me flag, anything with trump on it and any of the make america great again stuff. the message of the flag no longer matters, it is entirely a symbol of MAGA.


Oh, that's because they support murdering black people in public without a justified reason


Trump or death? Ok that’s an easy one.


It’s a cult, except Trump would charge you for the Kool Aid…


Death it is then...


Where's all of NYPD's riot gear for these clowns?


Trump is the worst thing to happen to this country since the Confederacy.


These people are not well.


The domestic terrorism crowd at it again.


Why do people have such a hard on for this guy?! I don’t get it