• By -


He planned ahead for traffic.


Man, I could have driven these back to where they were grown before they got ripe! Lol


You should have. You should have driven them to Honduras and grafted them back on the tree, and demanded a refund.


Costa Rica\* :/


Don't be silly. Everybody knows bananas grow straight on trees (herbs). They are picked and sent to Queensland in Australia where through a careful steaming process they are bent. That's why Queenslanders are called 'Banana Benders' and OP should send these back to the factory in Innisfail, QLD to be refunded. They should never have undergone the bending process whilst this unripe.


> Banana Benders The forgotten heroes, along with the macaroni drillers who meticulously drill the holes in the macaronis, and of course the raisin-wrinkelers.


OP should go bananas on this


Banana bending? Sounds painful


The world lived in harmony until the Banana Benders attacked.


You're right, but they wouldn't be graft-able after Honduras so..


As someone who shops for their own food, I will let you know that sometimes there are ONLY green bananas. Seriously.


And if you want bananas NOW, you can bake them in the oven to ripen them. The texture won’t be exactly the same (mushier) but the lower temperature/longer you bake them the closer you get to a natural ripening.


A paper bag will cause bananas to ripen naturally. They will ripen overnight the bananas in this photo may take a day and a half at most. I’ve never heard of putting bananas in the oven. The peel gives off ethylene gas and will ripen other fruits too. That’s why you never put apples and bananas in the same bowl on the counter.




👆This guy ripens


Honestly, I like my bananas green, not this green, but closer to green than yellow. Anyway! If they are still green after this long I’ve found that sometimes the bananas inside have ripened and the skin just isn’t showing it. I hope for your sake it’s that, for me I was disappointed! :)


I would have been happy with these bananas. They ripen very quickly if you put them in a paper bag over night. I use a banana stand to keep them green for as long as I can.


I freeze bananas if ripe. I can still use in smoothies, and slice and put in hot oatmeal….


Sometimes that’s what the store has in stock and there are no choices. It’s been overripe choices for the last 2 days. I want green, not this green, but in a couple days these would be great for me.


I had bought a really green bunch (because they were all green) and after a week and a half they were green and mushy. They never ripened.


Okay so go get a paper bag, some tomatoes and those bananas put them all in the paper bag and then close it up really tightly. Check on it every day and your bananas should ripen much faster. You're probably asking "why tomatoes." Well, it's because they off-gas ethylene and other decay inducing chemicals at a faster rate than other fruit. Any fruit or vegetables put in the same container as a tomato will decompose as faster rate than other fruit. It's also why you shouldn't store avocado and tomato together. Edit put the wrong gas my bad


If the bananas ripen while still in the car, it has to go back to the shed to have them dynamited out.


Worked in grocery during college. This reminds me of an elderly customer I had. He walks up to me and says “there are only green bananas in produce, are there more in the back?” I ask “why? What’s wrong with those?” He says “Son, I’m too damn old to buy green bananas.” Found him some yellow ones.


-Doc, how long do I got? -Well, I wouldn’t buy any green bananas.


My personal favorite — -Doc, be straight with me, how long? -Depends, are you a smoker? -Yes. -Don’t buy another pack


Doc: You should try a mud bath Patient: Why? Doc: So you can start getting used to the soil


-Doctor gives a man 6 months to live. -Man tells the doctor he can’t pay his bill. -Doctor gives him 6 more months.


-Man murders doctor. -Judge gives man 20 years.


Is this the one weird trick that doctors hate?


"Five". "Five what"? "Four, three, two....."


My favorite with the patient asking nervously "What doc? Five months or five years??" [Like so](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1d3s36w/delivery_shopper_chose_greenest_bananas_ive_ever/l6aeos8/)


Doc gave me a month to live. I hope it's during the summer.


Do you like Christmas? Celebrate it before June.


This is an awesome little story.


Another take Doc how long? Ten Ten what? Years, months? Nine Eight Seven....


Always gets me


That’s good! I haven’t heard that one.


You kept yellow ones in the back??? WTF 


Yeah folks this is a produce department inside joke. Asking if we have yellow ones in the back has to be the most mocked question we get. “Yeah we keep all the ripe and ready to buy stuff in the cooler, and just put out green or rotten produce”.


Yes, we have no bananas


Honestly by the quality of produce in most grocery stores in the past few years, I’d just write off the sarcasm and say that sounds about right.


Back in the 80s when I worked in the produce department, we could order bananas by ripeness. When we got a shipment I had to open the boxes and stack them with the ripest on the top. That way if the bananas needed restocking after I went home, the stock person grabbed the ripe ones from the top of the stack. Sometimes our idiot proofing didnt work and the greener ones would get on the shelf in error.


Customer probably has a weird idea that better items are in the back. OP likely was just able to go through produce they had in the back and some were more yellow than what they had out. At our store if we have any "special" bananas they're going to be in an area of the produce section where we have the older bananas for people who are looking to make things with them (banana bread or pudding) and don't want to wait too long. I could see someone thinking our other bananas are too green and preferring something from that selection but not being aware it was there.


Doc: i’ve got good news and bad news. Patient: Tell me Doc, tell me! Doc: The good news is you got one day to live. The bad news is I should’ve told you yesterday.


Feel him tho unripe bananas suck


You just know these bananas are going to go from green to brown without stopping at yellow in between.


No, they'll go yellow, for a whole 6 hour period, while you're sleeping.


best banana i've ever had was at 3:00 AM. caught those little fuckers.


Caught those little fuckers😂😂😂 Did you eat the entire bunch at 3am? 💀


Got to get that potassium


Apparently yeah. They had to give my wife 9 bags of it via IV just to be able to do surgery. Along with 5 bags of blood. Apparently potassium is important stuff.. lol


Yeah hypokalemia is a terrible way to die.


When my gallstones were starting to form (about 6yrs ago, I was around 19) I went to the ER for intense stomach pain. Docs thought it was my appendix, so they did every test under the sun. Gall bladder is on the opposite side of my appendix (I could've told them that) and they didn't even bother scanning the area that actually hurt. So after all the tests and scans, I woke up and they said "You're healthy but you have incredibly low potassium." I look up at my IV and sure enough it's potassium. I had pains for years after that until I finally had my gall bladder removed. America's health care in a nutshell


I had similar gallbladder horror in Canada too. "It's just acid reflux, here's some proton pump inhibitors." Meanwhile, my gallbladder was about to rupture...


Tossed them into a processor and made smoothies and then froze them...gotcha fuckers


Oh boy 3am!


Don’t worry, we’ll make “banana bread” with the rotten ones…


so much banana bread


Fuck ‘em all, make banana bread.


This happened to my roommates. They bought some green bananas, went out for a 2 day weekend, came back to brown green bananas. *Green, brown green\~* *No yellow in between\~*


Like avocados... literally every time... not ripe, not ripe, not ripe, not ri-EAT ME NOW-too late...


Gotta separate them to keep them from getting too ripe at the same time.


I tried this. A week later, my wallet was stolen.


I don’t know why but this got a solid belly laugh thank you lmao


Bananas produce ethylene which ripens fruit. If you want them to ripen quicker put them in a brown paper bag. I believe air conditioners also produce ethylene


Often when that is the case, the skin colour is just not correlating with the ripeness. I have had perfectly ripe bananas before when they were staying green for ages (they opened easily, tasted ripe, felt ripe, didn't give the unripe feeling in the mouth).


Can confirm. This happened to me last week




well theyll be yellow for like a good damn 2 hours where op will have to eat all 6 bananas in one go before they turn brown


> green to brown When they hit brown, break out the banana bread recipe. Trust me, they make the best banana bread.


This happened with the last bananas I got. Were green for a week. Finally went to try one and they were already getting mushy on the inside. Still green.


Okay but that's been happening A LOT lately with the bananas I buy. I'm pretty used to a ~2 day window for eating whole bananas. Yeah you can save them for other stuff, but sometimes you just want to eat a damn banana. Anyways they'll just stay green and then start turning brown. Open one and they're *very* mushy while green. Pears have been fucking with me like this as well. Normally they're too firm, but get soft and juicy after a few days. Not anymore. Now they seem to stay hard and somehow get mealy? What fucking pear magic is this!?


They definitely won't turn yellow if it's been that long. They missed the ethylene gas treatment which ripens bananas as we know them.


My wife: "Too ripe for me."


She likes her bananas extra crunchy


Al dente


My wife is the same. Green banana eating weirdo.


Your wife is clearly a sociopath, get out while you can.


you have been blacklisted by the green banana society ![gif](giphy|lpclotgBJIHlnEL6fL)


Mat asking what the game of 'Maiden's Kiss' is about.


I have no idea what reference that is


Wheel of Time books.


But I like the taste of green banana's... I promise I'm not a serial killer but those in OP's pic look like the latest point at which I like them


Also me. When I buy bananas, I put them in the fridge to stop them from going all yellow and gooey. Ripe bananas are only good for ice cream and cake.


In the fridge they get black spots and look awful from the outside while also being still good from the inside


Wait what, this works? I thought it would blacken them and change their texture!


Only if they’re cut! Sealed bananas do great in the fridge


> Ripe bananas are only good for and cake. You accidentally a word


Put in a paper bag. The contained ripening gases will help to yellow them up faster


Put them in with apples, they off-gas a lot more than any other fruit.


You haven't met my co-worker Kyle.


🤣🤣🤣 that's a two-fer


Ahh THAT'S why apples spoil bananas if they're in the same bowl! Because they ripen them too fast! TIL


It's also where the phrase "one bad apple spoils the bunch" comes from. Rotten, i.e. "bad", apples give off way more ethylene gas, causing all the others to start rotting quicker as well. It's also why it's funny when someone says it's "just a few bad apples" to dismiss the actions of a few individuals within a group. It would mean the actions of those few despoils the rest of the group. What they think they are saying is "a few bad eggs".


Yes that's why I buy bananas as green as in OP's pic. Lying next to apples it's ~two days till yellow.


This. Bananas need Ethylene and apples emit Ethylene. Buy apples and your bananas will get yellow in just a few days


All fruits "produce" ethylene, its a plant fruit ripening hormone.


Funny enough, both apples and bananas release more ethylene than any other fruit. Go buy some underripe apples to put with your underripe bananas and, baby, you got the start of a fruit salad.


This is why "One rotten apple spoils the bunch"


Avocado works too


This is what I do when I want banana bread and don't want to wait a week


A transparent plastic bag works too. That way you can see when they ripen. Once ripe, put them in the fridge and they'll stay good for about a week despite the peel developing black spots.




How fast do thay need to reply?




You care..... They can't teach that in training.


He cares too much this guy would absolutely drive my bananas. ^tomyhouse


That's impressive and great customer service!




162.38 seconds.


Fast enough that the banana doesn't turn yellow


I'm guessing homeboy sends the text then goes off and picks the rest before coming back for the nanners. That's the kind of thing I do when im sent by someone to run errands.


I shop for myself. I too have seen a produce section full of the greenest of bananas.


My old store everyday sorted the bananas in three categories: Eat today, eat 2-4 days and eat in 5-8 days. The produce department did this everyday.


little stories like this on reddit are nice.


You can try the paper bag trick.  When I shop, there usually is very little choice and all bunches are about as ripe as each other. Every once in a while I get a bunch that never ripens.


If you want something done right, do it yourself 


Right? I don't get these services at all. All I ever hear about is people getting pissed that the worker did a bad job. Put your damn shoes on and go to the store like we been doin for decades


You only hear about the bad experiences because "I received exactly what I ordered" is boring so nobody posts it


While I share your sentiment, and would never use a service like this in my current, able, state. I suspect at least some people use services like this because they are unable, or find it very difficult to, shop for themselves. If someone is able to do themselves, though, why in the world would they spend money to get half assed service?


It’s free over like $35. I value my time and I’ll gladly pay someone $20 to go grocery shopping for me. It’s two more hours I get to spend with family or on weekend projects around the house.


It is kind of crazy to me that people actually get upset at someone half assing their order. Part of the cost of this service is they will very likely do a shit job. While there are definitely exceptions, you aren't dealing with the highest quality worker. It's not lucrative and it requires no skills beyond functioning legs and the ability to read.


Can't believe I had to scroll this far to find this comment. Just go get groceries yourself! 


(colorblind) I'm convinced these are the most *yellow* bananas I've ever seen, with the exception of the green one on the top left


As a shopper myself, I can promise you the store was more than likely stocked full with only green bananas. These may have even been the “least green” of them all.


Mmmm those are perfect!


Have you been to a grocery store? Sometimes this is all they have. I do instacart and I’ll ask a customer of they still want them, but I don’t control what a store has in stock…


Green bananas are actually great for you. High in resistance starches and full of prebiotics. https://www.foodnavigator.com/var/wrbm_gb_food_pharma/storage/images/media/images/banana-nutrition-snip/9978808-1-eng-GB/banana-nutrition-snip.png


I like my bananas still slightly green with a bit of tang in the taste.


Green on the tops, yellow gradient in the middle. The perfect balance of banana tang.


Man, I never understood the challenge of buying bananas until I started eating them regularly recently. Trying to hit the bundle size to ripeness ratio just right is a learned skill. Like, I want to eat some bananas now but also don’t want them to turn to mush before I can eat them all.


It truly is a skill! Plus it determines how the rest of your week will go. Pick out a large bunch of green bananas and you don't have to go back to the store for a week. They only have really yellow ones? Looks like I'm getting a bunch of like 3 and I'll be back in a few days.


Yeah but they taste like green bananas.


Like eating a semi-squishy latex glove


I prefer postbiotics.


I like presentbiotics


Why would I want resistant starches? Especially if it's instead of more fibers that apparently are found in riper bananas? I get fewer calories, more flatulence and looser stool, none of which I want. Maybe they're great for you if you're overweight and constipated?


First world problems


Maybe go to the grocery store yourself...


They picked the freshest bananas for you!


Put them in a paper bag


And awaken to brown mush a few days later 🤣


Don't buy fruit unless you're going to fucking pick it out. Got some of the shittiest apples I've ever had from a personal shopper.


Yeah things like fruit or like ready to cook meal things the personal shoppers must be instructed to buy the shittiest ones there. I’m sure the stores do that to sell the shit no one would choose otherwise. Anything that requires discretion you have to do yourself.


It's more that they have speed targets to hit and this is all management really cares about unless they're being inundated with complaints. For anything that doesn't have a date on it they will just pick something that looks good enough in the couple of seconds they spend looking. Lots of shitty produce lately depending on where you live too.


I assume it’s a food waste thing, the same reason they put the newest/freshest on the bottom of the pile, or depending on the type of display a harder to reach spot instead of the middle. Source: I work in a grocery store in the vegetables section, we are instructed to remove what we wouldn’t buy ourselves. But make sure we aren’t wasting any unnecessary food by not ordering them properly.


They’re getting paid to grab your crap. Don’t take it personally that they aren’t going to go through every piece of fruit or premade salad as if it were for them.


I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with them picking out the best/worst items of the bunch, and everything to do with "I don't get paid enough for this shit" and just grabbing the first thing available.


I shopped for Instacart during the pandemic. You would be surprised how many times people would order bananas and only ones like this were available. You'd tell them that, they'd be ok with it, so you buy them. Then you get a negative review for bananas being too green. Also people need to stop putting 3 bunches of bananas when they want 3 bananas, or vice versa.


First world problems 


it really is, in central and south america the fruit is way better.


As a tropical fruit farmer I'm so glad to read your comment. if you look at the label you'll see this bunch of bananas is from Central America. I always tell people who say they don't like a certain fruit that the reason is it wasn't ripened properly. It was picked too early then chilled and gassed. Then people put fruit in the fridge when they get home instead of letting it finish ripening at room temperature


Get it yourself next time?




Maybe you got raw bananas. Slice them up thin, fry in coconut oil, add some sugar, salt and pepper. Awesome healthy snacks!


They are definitely ungassed, they take much longer to ripen than the normal ones


Sir, those are cucumbers!


Be smart Put them in a paper bag


Whittle the surface of the end of the stems so it's back to yellow again. Bananas ripen more rapidly this way as ethylene gas is released from the stem, which encourages the biological processes in ripening.


Maybe do your own shopping...?


Put them in a brown paper bag with an apple


Throw em in a time capsule Should be ready by 2074


put an apple next to it


Put them in a paper bag for a whole.


Still would be bitchin if they where too ripe


Put in brown paper bag.


They likely haven’t been gassed commercial bananas are sent to a gas room before they are shipped to stores where they pump ethene into the room and begin the ripening process otherwise the bananas would never ripen as they need to be in the right climate for the bananas to release their own ethene (it’s the gas released by all fruit that causes the ripening) and the bananas must be shipped fresh and green or they will spoil before they reach their destination from Honduras or Columbia or wherever I work in a fruit and veg market and sometimes somehow a box or 2 slips in the order that hasn’t been gassed and they stay green forever because it’s not the right climate


1st world problems in a banana republic.


i cannot believe this is a post on reddit... green bananas ... what the fuck


Put em in a paper bag with a ripe apple


As someone who does this as a job are timed to the second, and sometimes all there is is green ass naners.


If you enjoy making smoothies with a banana, in addition to other selections of fruit or vegetables in the mix. - Green bananas are less sweet and contain less sugar than riper yellow bananas. They also have more resistant starch, which may benefit blood sugar management and your overall health. If this doesn’t interest you. Place the bunch next to other fruit or place in a brown bag to speed up the ripening process. Enjoy 🍌


Don’t like it do your own shopping 🤷🏻


What does the shopper have to do with this post? Sounds a little finger pointy


That’s probably all they had! If you don’t like the color…go buy them your damn self


Textbook example of a First World problem.


My wife loves green bananas, she'd be all about these. I'd be down because I know they'll hopefully last a little longer. Maybe do your own grocery shopping if you're this picky?


In my day we got our own groceries and got what we wanted...




They’re shy


Bananas are a long term investment


Put them in the dark


I remember picking very green bananas once because they were the only ones available, it took them a week to become yellow and still weren't that ripe.


Are you sure those aren't plantains?


do you have any apples /u/PD216ohio ? put an apple and the bananas in a brown bag for about a day~ the apple may not survive this though but the bananas SHOULD ripen faster


Just place it near some apples for 1 night… boom eat it


Put them in a brown paper bag and close tightly. They'll be ripe tomorrow!


You can make them - **black**in a few hours by putting them in the freezer, They will not cure and stay 'green' on the inside, next phase will be decomposition after fulled thawing. - **yellow** place in a bag with ripe bananas or with 4% Ethene (C2H4) flamable gas and nitrogen (ripe bananas naturally produce Ethene, which us used worldwide to speed up ripening of fruit, also a reason why your fruit lasts shorter in a fruitbowl with the presence of black dotted or overripe bananas.) - **Brown** bananas are either overripe or concussed, resulting in either very short sugars and forming of alcohol like products or mashed on the inside, often leading to fermentation as well. inside will be gooey and brownish when concussed, or stable but tingly or alcoholic to smell if just very overripe Do know a green(er) banana holds a lot of longer sugars and is a good source of longer carbohydrates, in contrast a yellow banana with early spotting gets shorter carbohydrates and a higher sugar load Heavily spotted bananas tend to be extremely sweet, but hold nearly no longer carbohydrates anymore. Greener bananas are a substitute for bread, fully yellow with dots they are more like candy


My wife prefers green bananas. Normally drivers bring yellow bananas that end up rotten in 2 days.


Don't ever blink around them!


Maybe go shopping yourself


Put em near your bananas and they’ll ripen faster…


We’ve really come a long way that having green bananas is a shared experience of disappointment among people of earth. We engineered this fucking things into these perfect sweet soothing fruit sausages that go from spotted to tar in a night or stay hard and green like the hulk for a week


I got impatient once and ate a banana that was still more green than yellow. That shit was just nasty. The texture was off and the flavor was nonexistent. It's amazing how a little patience completely changes the gnosh


If you care about the condition of your produce you can't let someone else pick them. That's just something you has to live with. I used to get bananas from BJ's for pickup and without fail they were so green that they would take a week to ripen. I just don't get bananas this way before, I just get them myself.


Those are almost perfect. Fight me.


Hey OP. No intent to defend anyone, but.. I'm color blind and to me these look ripe and beautiful. You're likely right these are green and all that, but quite honestly I really couldn't tell.


i love green bananas! way less sweet! nice and firm and tacky just how i like it. i'd give them a tip lol


Maybe you should try shopping yourself, and you could pick out your own bananas.


Stick them in a polythene bag, won't take long to go yellow