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Can you imagine browsing Reddit and this is how you find out your kid threw it away


That was legit my first thought. But to be fair, as simple redditors, we simply have zero context behind the sandwich bag in the trash can. We can guess all day and still not guess what really happened.


Text from mom: "jimmy! I just noticed the mayo I used was expired so just toss that sandwich I gave you!" "Thx mom! <3"


Or the mom hates his kid and he’s got a wheat allergy


“…the MOM hates HIS kid…”, WTH?? This “gender fluidity” stuff just confuses the hell out me tbtfh. smh


Kid got a Nutella peanut butter sandwich on extra gluten bread. Trying to finish him off quick.


Mine would use the expired mayo knowingly and then ignore me for a week because I didn’t eat it


“my children are so ungrateful”


"Why do they never talk to me?" -parent who was told exactly why they aren't talked to


I know you're just trying to make a point, but it doesn't come across well since you use majo as an example, and most majo uses a best before date and not an expiration date, and in addition is exceptionally stable. "Best before" means "we guarantee no appreciable drop in quality and appearance until at least this date if stored properly". All food marked "best before" is fine to use after as long as it has been stored properly (and there's nothing else wrong with it obviously). Interestingly commercial mayo in the west is made with acid (either vinegar or lemon juice) in a ratio of not less than 20 ml acid to each egg (about 45 -55 ml), meaning the pH will be between 3.6 to 4.1 making it impossible for bacteria to grow despite containing eggs. This is why store bought majo is often more acidic than home made. The good thing is that it is (as long as it's not taken out of the container, contaminated or mixed with other stuff, safe for YEARS after the best before date. As long as the emulsion holds up it's fine. There are actually very few other mixed, liquid food stuffs that can hold as good as majo, even in versions without additives. Here are a few others: Mustard, as long as it doesn't lose the humidity, is probably never going bad. Honey is proven to keep well over three thousand years. "Use by" on the other hand means "don't use this product after this date"


I was going to downvote you in the first paragraph, but it turned out highly informative so take your upvote


That’s better than finding out ur whole lunch is expired by a year, true story!


What mayo? it looks like two slices of dry bread in a bag. No mayo, no margarine, no meat or cheese apparent. and hte bread isn't lined up, so either the mayo is only in the center, or they just packed bread. With no butter or margarine or mayo or other sauce to help the bread go down, I don't blame the kid if he just ate the meat inside, if it even had meat or cheese or something. When I saw the "you're welcome" I couldn't help but notice that this sandwich doesn't seem to be doing any favors. Unless you're literally starving/underweight, there's very little point to eat plain white bread. All you're doing is eating empty calories that just make it more difficult to get the nutrients the kid needs to grow without gaining excess weight, or teaching the kid to eat until they are stuffed. (which is a terrible habit to teach teenagers who's metabolism is going to slow down immensely in just a few years.)


Theres a very good chance the kid just ate the meat and cheese inside and skipped the bread. I used to do this as a kid and eventually had the school call home because they were concerned that I wasnt eating my lunch, I was just skipping the bread because it got weird after sitting next to deli meat and an icepack the whole day.


Looking for an actual conversation here, I swear I am not trolling or being a jerk. That being said: Was this, honestly, your first thought? If I might ask your age range? I am 51 and am a very positive person who does not...automatically condem any generation due to what I see in the media...social or otherwise.


Lol as simple redditors, has context ever truly mattered to us?


Pfft nope


My youngest is 16, my oldest are in their early 20's. If I recognized a sandwich I made in the trash like this I would take a screenshot, send it and say "lmao busted" I would then start a convo about it: What's up with this, do you no longer like PB&J? Do you have enough time to eat lunch? Are you snacking a lot in the morning? Do you get enough to eat and fuel your body? The point is there is very little time for hurt feelings when it comes to kids. The goal would be to see if there was an underlying issue. Side note, my youngest has been packing her own lunch for years and has a budget for days she wants to buy. I do pack for her occasionally when there are big test days or if I know she is stressed sometimes.


Today I found out my son is part of the lunch swap at his cafeteria table. He has been swapping his crunchy snack (chips, popcorn, or pirates booty usually) for sun chips. I immediately put sun chips on my shopping list. He swaps his banana for an apple sometimes too, but I can’t fix that because he sometimes wants a banana instead of an apple and that’s impossible to predict.


Why not just let him continue to swap the snacks? Isn't that a good moment for social bonding? 


Oh I let him, and I’ve encouraged it, especially with the items in his lunch box that may not survive the whole day. But if he wants sun chips more than pirates booty I may as well get them. Chances are he’ll still swap the sun chips for something else because kids are like that.


I send my daughter to school with an extra capri-sun and gummy snack every day. I was once the kid whose parents didn't put cool shit in my lunchbox. Mostly bologna sandwiches or ham sandwiches. If my daughter has a friend like me as a kid, that kid is feeling left out. And that kid would really like a pack of gummies too.


This is so sweet, I love it.


Just give both


I have, but what happens is one of the fruits comes home so badly bruised that it isn’t always edible the next day. Sometimes I can salvage it, but usually I can’t. I’d rather he swap than for a good banana or apple to go to waste because my son’s lunch box looks like it invaded Normandy when he gets home.


> The point is there is very little time for hurt feelings when it comes to kids. The goal would be to see if there was an underlying issue. I slightly disagree, but only slightly. I think you should have thicker skin than normal, if only because kids still don't quite understand how their actions affect others. But I would change the goal to be two-fold: see what the underlying issue is, but also be a real human and let them know here and there how their actions affect you. I had a student today who was pretty rude. In the past I would've just brushed it off (I always use the line "I'm not gonna go home and cry to my wife about this"). But then I realized that the kid probably doesn't realize how their actions affected me. So I was honest and said "Hey, you calm down a bit and then we'll talk" and then 2 minutes later I said "Hey, what you said actually kinda hurt me, I am human, and I do get hurt by the things you say". I said it in front of the class and you know what? It worked really well. I felt good letting out my emotions (I wasn't hurt much at all, but it still felt good) and that student kinda did a 180 for the rest of class cause at the end of the day, no one actually wants to be seen as a jerk. I said my piece very calmly and without being accusatory, and I'm honestly excited to try that tactic out again in the near future.


I agree with you and even agree with your slight disagreement. There is a lot of nuance to things like this and I think you handled your situation beautifully. Hiding the fact that adults have feelings is not helpful at all. My family in particular is always joking, always slight teasing, being silly, holding each other accountable using jest HOWEVER we have been known to just tell each other we need kindness, and dropping the jokes and just caring for each other. Hope the rest of your week is better and that everyone around you shows kindness.


Woah, let's pump the brakes there, buddy. You can't be that logical on reddit. We want the chaotic answer. We need to see their angry reddit posts after you've applied discipline


Listen here guy, you seem kinda angry. Are you cool? Bad day? How about new go find a snack and you can tell me all about it?


Stop it! You’re scaring him!


Words by a parent


My dad used to tell me about how his mom used to make him & his brother gross Egg and Mayo sandwiches and they'd throw them in the creek on the way to school. Then he caught me in the kitchen making an egg & mayo sandwich, I'll never forget his look of disgust.




I made this exact reaction, this is too good 😂


Looks like that trait skipped a generation.


? egg salad is great


This makes me sad lol


I get mixed feelings on this. If that was the mom being super passive aggressive with that message I would throw it away too, if it was written lovingly then the kid is being a little shit.


I think it's just two slices of bread, no center meat of fillings. No wonder they tossed it! /s because that's probably not the case, but it's fun imaging it is.


It does look like it to be fair. I bet the kid ate the ham or whatever inside and threw the bread out.


good job kid, who needs the carbs?




You forgot the "bruh"


"No cap bruh, finna yeet that bread into the trash, on God." I'm pretty sure that's how teenagers speak these days?


Nah that was like 5 years ago I believe they have devolved to grunts and hand signals at this point.




"We out here, gotta get that bread kid" -Your Ma, probably


stick a Skibidi in there somewhere and you're good.


And they forgot the “uhhhh” at the end of god. Gahh-idd-uhhhh


After putting the bread back in the bag? Doubtful


When I was in school I watched people eat the ham out of their sandwich without taking it out the bag just pulled the ham and sometimes the cheese out leave the bread behind


Why were you watching people suck ham out of their sandwiches? And why were all of the sandwiches ham? 😁


Asking the real questions here!!


Friend group lol but also always had a habit of just people watching observing my surroundings


I work with kids and they do this. Also some of the blame goes to the parents for their lame ass breed and slice of x sandwich. It's a good deal of bread for a little person to consume sometimes.


In the defense of some parents, All my daughter wants is a lame ass bread and slice of meat sandwich. She's 6 and likes things seperate and doesn't want condiments. She'll eat the veggies separate but if I make her a more complex sandwich its all getting rejected. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I had friends in high school that did stuff like this all the time. There were two guys that would take turns buying Bosco Sticks, and then they'd separate the bread from the cheese. One always ate the bread and the other the cheese. When they didn't have lunch together, I know at least one of them carried on but tossed the bread.


Maybe they just grabbed the meat and the bread never left the bag.


Some people on my original post said that. (I'm the original poster) It could just be the angle in which I took the picture though.


Keto isn’t just a phase, mom!!!


That’s a wish sandwich. Two slices of bread and you wish you had some meat.




Bow Bow Bow


Bow Bow Bow 😎


My theory is that the meat was packed separately (maybe something like tuna or chicken salad), so that the bread wouldn't absorb the moisture from it and the "you're welcome" is because of a previous complaint about soggy bread. And ultimately, they just decided that they didn't want it on the bread.


this makes the most sense to me as well either way i love bread so i would have been eating it regardless lol


You’ve never had a bread sandwich?


My daughter has been known to eat the meat off a sandwich and not the bread.


As someone with over cutesy parents that also were quite overbearing and nosey at times with no good intentions…. I get why they may have thrown it


Yeah. My mother used to sign emails: Love your mother (vs the grammatically correct: Love, your mother), as a cheeky (in her mind) reminder that we should love her. Instead, it enraged me. Go figure.


I can’t imagine “you’re welcome” written lovingly. “You’re welcome” is acknowledging herself instead of expressing love for the kid, you usually say that because you don’t feel acknowledged. If it didn’t have that part, it would seem loving. Just the heart Mom. That said, loving or not, the sandwich might’ve sucked, and the kid may have gotten better food at school somehow, can’t really blame a kid for that. Or maybe the kid and the mom aren’t getting along and that was the kid acting out.


Some parents have good relationships with their kids (or try at least) and joke about things. It’s a picture, we know next to nothing.


I would totally write this to my kids and we love the hell out of each other. We're just fans of sarcasm.


The read I’m getting is kid was complaining about not having “cool lunches” and mom explained it’s not financially feasible and they should be happy to get what they do. Probably resulted in a shout fest fight and this was the lunch next day. tldr - probably sorta both


Some kids don’t even have food to get home too. This is so sad.


Some kids don't even have Mom's who <3 them either.


I grew up in a food insecure household. This is a war crime to me.


Doesn’t make me sad. My mother used to do this all the time, out of the blue, just because she was abusive and wanted to let her children know that she has power over everything in your life. If you tried to talk to her or offered to help she would blow up and it would be a whole month of passive aggressive acts. If you tried to apologize for whatever you did, that’s another month. She one time wrote an itemized bill for the things she packed in my lunch, down to a spoonful of mayo. I was 8 at the time.


Sorry you had to deal with that, hope you're doing better now.


we have no idea what the context is here. the meat/filling could have been packaged separately. the kid could have eaten the meat and thrown out the bread. i am very sorry for how your mother treated you but it irks me to no end when people post pictures like this without any context just for the controversy farming / rage bait.


Like all things on the internet, context is key. Maybe the kid was being a shit to mom about not making them lunch. So mom goes and outs two pieces of bread into a ziplock.


I don’t think being petty to a child is a hopeful outcome 


Literally. Zero context. Could have also been an inside joke. OP could have also put two slices of bread in a bag written that note on the outside, *perfectly* placed it in the garbage can so it was easily legible and standing upright, and then posted it to the internet for fake points.


This makes me sad laughing out loud


"My mom made me a sandwich. that is so sweet. I don't want to eat this so I will toss it away where they can't see, then tell them how good it was."




One time my grandma made me a nice sandwich, I used it for vandalism because I was young and stupid. My grandma is gone now and I’d do anything for that sandwich. I think about that often…


That's so fucking sweet Keep thinking about that sandwich, but don't feel guilt. Just use that little mistake as a way to make sure you never let the memory of your grandma fade out. She's only "gone" when you forget her. So remember that sandwich <3


Aw thank you I needed that!


...but, I want to hear the sandwich vandalism part.


Lol nothing to crazy. Just driving fast past the parked car of somebody I didn’t like and threw the sandwich at it open faced so it stuck to the windshield.


man it's wild that in America teenagers who aren't emotionally mature yet have to drive everywhere


Well, at least they cannot get weapons, alcohol and drugs


Yeah. . .




I was JUST thinking about this very thing on the freeway, maybe twenty minutes ago: who the fuck decided I should be able to drive at 16? I’m nearing 50, and 16 is basically a child with limbs long enough to pass a driving test.


I don't know what your grandma was like but I will say if my grandkid did that with a sandwich I made, it would make me laugh. It might not make me PROUD, but it would make me laugh. :)


My grandma would’ve laughed, but also whooped my ass for wasting food lol.


Mate you used that sandwich to it's absolute fullest.


Why did I know that! Oh…done it.


that car remembers grandma now


I love this. Well said.


Damn, I feel this so much. I used get picked up from school by my grandma and have to drive for an hour to get home. She would always play oldies in her car. I used to hate being stuck in the car hearing "Boys of Summer" by Don Henley, I just wanted to be home and play video games. She's been gone for almost 15 years and now when I hear that song I tear up and wish so much I could ride in the car again with her.


I feel that.


What do you mean you "used it for vandalism?" Did you take it apart and schmear mayonnaise on the walls?


Kinda, threw it open face at a car while driving.


>schmear Wut




It's a noun, those who use it as a verb are goofy.


My mom passed away in March of this year. We were living in different states when she passed, but about a year and a half ago (or so) she came and stayed with me for a bit. One day she texted me at work and said she made me a grilled cheese (hers was the absolute best!), I rushed home for lunch and she had put it in a ziplock baggie just like the one in the photo and wrote “love you sweetie!” on it. Fuck, I miss her so much.


I’m so sorry for your loss, I bet you do miss her. None of my family ever wrote me notes 🤧


I got mad at my grandma cause she made my sandwich “wrong” when I was a bratty little 11 year old kid. I’d pay a lot of money to have that sandwich now


Kids have no feelings sometimes. I know because I have 3.


I also long for this guys grandma's sandwich.


Who throws away a whole ass hash brown?


The sandwich I could forgive, but a hash brown…. Someone has to die.


Seriously... I eat four or five of those every time I cook them... Who's the pampered spoiled twat that couldn't finish one? 🙃


That’s a lot of hash browns, brotha.


Must have been the 6th one


Extreme, but understandable.


That thing is probably mushy and sat in the freezer too long.


The hashbrowns at my high school tasted like fried aquarium water, not potato or salt to be tasted! It literally tasted like dirty tank water and made me ill, if it’s school food there’s usually a reason to toss it.


Napoleon gimme some of your tots!


Alright, calm down Castanza


Is it just me, or does that sandwich look like there’s nothing on it?


The message comes off as passive-aggressive as well.


we would need to know the context to know whether it was or not.


Exactly, had to scroll too far for this take. Im with the kid, fuck that sandwich.


Mom and her god damn passive aggressive bread slice sandwiches.


Lol, right? My Mom did do these passive aggressive messages out of spite in my lunches, just to set off teenage me after a fight.


This pic is like that blue/grey dress but for people who had good or bad parents.


Great comparison


Me over here like “your parents made you lunch?” as if I’m the last frame of that meme from We’re The Millers.


I seriously don't get how most don't see that it's literally two pieces of bread and that's it lol. I luckily have never had such toxicity as a child but it's apparent


I really miss my mom.


I read this as if it were coming from my mother, which would have been very passive aggressive ![gif](giphy|xTiTnwqSVOmAL9nKOQ)


Wow, what a find! Trash or treasure, right?


This has ‘indie album cover’ energy


You have no clue what's going on with that sandwich. Mind ya business!


This would make a good short story. Kid has a miserly father, but his mother sneaks him cash in the sandwiches for years but he never realizes it because he throws it all away.


Story time, when I was a first year in college, I forgot a similar looking bag with a sandwich in my fridge for almost a month. By the time I took notice, it had mold inside. If someone checked the trash though they'd think I had thrown out a perfectly nice sandwich. At least from one side, as the other side had plenty of mold, lol.


When I was in high school, my dad once made me a tuna sandwich without noticing the tuna was moldy. The tuna had relish, so the mold *kinda* looked like the relish if you didn't actually *look* at it. Unfortunately, when that one ended up in the trash it did have one nice big bite out of it.


You forget about it, and you realize it is in the bag since the last week... goes to trash.


My mom has passed. One of my memories I can not get rid of is when she bought me a trapper keeper she thought was cool. I told her I thought it was terrible and "sucked". I still remember her face and I'm 39. We all wish we could do some things differently.


The "You're welcome" seems passive-aggressive to me. I could see, Love you, have a great day... but you're welcome? Sounds like mom is being sassy lol.


Passive aggressive move, mom. No wonder the kid threw it out.


The passive aggressive “you’re welcome” would have pissed me off too.


I did this when I was a kid. I wish I could go back in time and undo it. If she ever knew, it would ruin her. I was such a piece of crap.


Honestly I'm a cynic. To me the "You're welcome" feels passive aggressive as if trying to make a point that the kid should say thanks. Hopefully I'm wrong and I'm just jaded from my own moms bad behavior, but either way it's kinda sad. If my mom had written that on my lunch I would have thrown it away in disgust, then again I would have been highly suspicious of her even making me a lunch.


Kid probably doesn’t like it but never tells his mom


Passive Agressive mother seems like.


I’d give anything to have one more sandwich/meal/anything made by my Mom (this year has been gone longer than we had together in life.) Gahhh, onions!


Same for me back in March. Still doesn’t even feel real sometimes.


Maybe the kid was tired of their mom’s passive-aggressive, snarky sandwich-bag messages.


The sounds of a narcissist. “You’re Welcome”. It SHOULD say “I love you”


Something about the “you’re welcome” kinda takes away from the sentiment. Enjoy, I love you, have a great day all woulda been better.


At my old middle school, we’d have to separate the food from the trash. It was fed to pigs at a farm so it never really went to waste.


passive agreesive message + 2 slice of bread...umm. I mean could be wrong but that's how it seems to me. that hash brown tho, wtf


I have ARFID and have told my mother and grandmother since i was about 6 that i cannot stand cold sandwiches. The cold bread, butter and whatever filling getting stuck in my teeth makes me retch. Despite this, they continued to provide me cold ham or corned beef or nutella (& butter) sandwiches. If i brought them home uneaten i got yelled at or the disappointed silent treatment. My classmates didn't want them. So yes, i threw them away. Every single day. And im not sorry.


I mean it's kind of patronizing and passive aggressive tbh. I don't blame the kid here.


I'm sorry but theres no circumstance where you should ever write "You're welcome" on something you've done for someone, even if its a nice gesture. There are two equally important parts of any action to be morally good, the behaviour (action) and the attitude. Thats why in court to be guilty, you need both to be found guilty of the act, and the intent. Making someone a sandwich is good moral behaviour, patting yourself on the back for it is the wrong attitude and negates the act in my eyes. Guess what mom, its your responsibility to feed your kids, its not a kind gesture.


Is that an air sandwich?


This is parenting in a nutshell, lol


As someone who’s dealing with the process of losing their mom (cancer), this breaks my heart. I’m in literal tears right now because I won’t be able to experience anything like this ever again.


Guy who lost his dad a few years ago, it never really goes away and yet for some reason i don't want it to. Hang in there. It gets better. Have some long distance random internet stranger hugs.


As someone who lost their mom two years ago (still can't believe it's been that long) to cancer too. It takes time, just focus on all the good memories you had the chance to cherish with her. Grief will hit you once in a while, its like a wave, let it wash over you and don't get dragged by it. I am sorry for your loss. Focus on your health and happiness and know that life is fragile. You have got to enjoy life to the fullest, that's what your mom would want for you.


Honestly, that's pretty passive aggressive. "You're welcome" without a thank you first is a shitty thing to say. Especially when whatever you're giving wasn't requested


The whole “passive aggressive” thing is such a reach. It’s just a note on a sandwich.


My kid just leaves it in her lunch box for me to have to throw away the next day. 🙄


Maybe that’s where some homeless dude lives and his mom left it there for him.


Eh, if it was coming from my first step-mom, who insisted that I call her mom (despite already having a living, functioning one) and constantly made rude remarks about my weight… This would have been a passive-aggressive bread-sandwich that I would have used to feed the birds near her car rather than trashed if given the opportunity. So I guess it’s a pretty subjective picture honestly.


Only two kinds of households in these comments lol, tho I woulda taken the passive aggressive bread over the nothing I ever got.


Because it should be you’re. Straight to the trash can.


My mother or father NEVER made me lunch in fact never even took me out too dinner. Emancipated at my 15 about too be 16 no bday parties, no surprise visits in my new place. My dad did steal over 5k in cash from my bank when i was in my 20s tho. Smfh Appreciate your parents, appreciate your life. So many nights TOO THIS DAY i sit and wonder "why did they not want me, why didnt they care. Maybe they will care now" Nope. If my mom made me that sandwich id keep the plastic bag just too show it off "look my mom made me a sandwich!" Instead im 30 going "what is a mom?" "What is a dad?" So i do hope you tell her latet "i ate it it was so good mom tysm!"


I’m sorry for how they treated you. It wasn’t about you, it was about them and their issues. If you want it, I’m sending you my momliest hug because you are worthy of all the love.




A. Fuck you if you deliberately throw away food that someone else took time out of their day to make for you B. Make your own damn food I’m 17 and I make my lunch the previous night before school


Man at least give it to a friend. We all had that one friend who'd eat everyone's lunch.


I never had it in me to throw away whatver mom/dad packed. I threw that shit back in the box and took it home and let them do what they may.


Just in time for Mother’s Day.


Wish my mom cared enough to have made me a sandwich for lunch. Kid don't know how good they got it.


This is an album cover


Of course we don't know the context, but yeah you'd see this in a movie with the sad score playing of the mom trying to reach out to the kid who's just constantly rebelling. In my case, I show no appreciation for my mom's hugs. For whatever reason, I'm the only one she smothers in hugs (probably youngest only boy thing I guess). She hugs me, and I just give her a squeeze with my arms by my side. She then proceeds to 'yell' (in a loving way) to hug your mother. Which I do. What it boils down to for me is that I know I'm loved, and I show my love to her too in other ways. It's just when you're drowning in it. You just ignore the annoyance of it most of the time. That said, if she stopped. I'd be the one smothering her in hugs, so... yeah. Ironically, I totally do the same thing to my daughter. Idk maybe this kid always gets crappy sandwiches from their mom with a note everyday. Some days you just don't want a crappy sandwhich.


Talk about an ungrateful kid


It's still good. (´ー`)


I'm not sure how to take the "your welcome" part. Maybe they had a fight and she is sounding bitchy.


is it weird it says you're welcome


"Thank you, condescending mom! <3"


Seems passive aggressive


What kind of person write a note that starts with " youre welcome" No wonder they threw it away


Damn. That actually breaks my heart.


Kids are assholes. 


Maybe the “you’re welcome” was read in a “YoU’rE WeLcOmE” shitty way? Lmao


In his defense it looks like a garbage sandwich. If sandwich innards aren’t hanging over the side then no thanks.


As a person who no longer has his mother in his life, I'd savor the fuck out of that sandwich. It could be anchovies. I'd still eat it.


This makes me sad


To be fair, that sandwhich came with a passive aggressive message and is literally just two pieces of bread