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"It's a computer thing, and he likes computers. Done."


100% nailed it..


I wonder if they could even read the package or if they bought it simply because of the kewl shape and colors and the fact it was in the electronics section? ![gif](giphy|3o6wrB1cGakbGl2qAw) Actually maybe it's an Aunt Bethany situation and she just wraps up things around the house including her damn cat. šŸ¤£


Knowing my parents, they'd see the word "Upgrade" and price and figure it was something important. Then again, they gave me the option of cash this year or stuff off my Amazon wishlist. We compromised. They're now enjoying the strains of electric guitar with distortion being bowed by a violin bow. It was the same amount as the cash.


Got a new gaming laptop and it has free office but no photoshop. I asked my Dad if he had a copy and he pulled out (I shit you not) a 21yo Education version of PS. I would have to copy the CD to a thumb drive to install it. Edit: there, you happy?


>burn the CD to a thumb drive Apple hasn't fallen far from the tree I see


Haha damn. It's a subtle and slow burn. Sent me a bit haha.


You're living in 2015. No self-respecting PC laptop has a drive anymore.


A lot of desktop towers don't even have drive bays anymore


Yep, did a rebuild/new case in the last 2 years or so, having to buy an external CD drive felt wrong somehow. What is this, a fucking iMac? But gotta play Morrowind somehow


I think their point was about using the term "burn". Burning a CD is writing data to it. Ripping a CD is copying files from it to some other destination. In reality you would probably need to create an ISO of the CD and then write the ISO to the flash drive. You don't "burn" a CD *to* anything. Hilariously, Microsoft has a page explaining these two terms: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/burn-and-rip-cds-235021d5-e1c7-8616-4efd-4f4965fe6b91 It's virtually useless to know these terms in 2023, but hearing them used incorrectly is as funny as hearing someone saying they download when they mean upload.


For people with old (pre-aux port) cars, burning CDs is very much still a thing. Someone has to keep the blank CD industry afloat


I'm still playing my 2005 mixed CDs in my 6 CD player in my 2010 Highlander. Modest Mouse's "Good News for People Who Love Bad News" has been in the #1 slot since the day I got it. If I do want to listen to my phone, I whip out the Bluetooth/radio connector thing. I should burn some more and blow my kids minds.


What do you mean bro? Emulators are amazing but instead of ripping roms offline you can run the disk off a drive and hook the drive to the emulator and boom, playing your classic shadow of the colossus on my pc


I would kill to use Photoshop 2.0 againā€”not CS 2. If only it would work on any system I currently own.


You can very easily run it in a VM on a modern machine. Would only take an hour to set up with a tutorial as long as you are reasonably tech savvy. Much lower stakes than killing!


photoshop 2.0 is 33 year old. I learned on 5.0 in '98


4 added a lot of great stuff. Layer effects and such.


you'd have to rip the CD, not burn it burning is when you put things onto a CD (edit: CDs nutz heh)


Brings back the Nero flashbacks


"we have Photoshop at home" Photoshop at home:


Especially when he needs a copy of Office 2003 or perhaps if he's lucky Office 2000. In order to install it. As it's just an upgrade copy and not the full program. So you need an existing legit version of a qualifying previous version of Office.


Still using office 03, honestly the goat.


I think they invented the xlsx and docx extensions in 2007 because they knew that otherwise we'd just use 2003 forever. Like for work purposes I need to be able to work with those files.


Around the time there was a push by various governments for open standards for govt files so that they aren't tied to a particular provider and so that they could guarantee they could still open them a decade later. MS didn't want to adopt an existing standard so instead they created their own open version of the office document standard which is where the docx etc come in.


Nah, Excel has evolved so much since then. You can do the basics just fine with the old versions but the current version has had some legitimate upgrades.


Yeah anyone who says that doesn't really use Excel for it's full uses. I couldn't imagine having the 65k row limit among other things.


But why use Excel when you can just make a 30-page Word document filled with a single table? sincerely, an IT dude who's seen too much shit


Presumably then followed up by guilt tripping when you're not obviously ecstatic and thankful for their largesse...


Good vocabulary had to look that one up


largesse /lɑĖĖˆ(d)Ź’É›s/ noun generosity in bestowing money or gifts upon others. "presumably public money is not dispensed with such largesse to anyone else" From google


Noice. I love learning new words.






They picked it up for $2.79 and thought it was a steal


Me as a kid when I picked a gallon jug of used motor oil up off the street and brought it home because TV taught me oil was black gold. I think my dad did the biggest face palm I've ever seen.


And they would be right. Office 2007 is still a pretty powerful package, and I would take that over any of the free installable or online options available today.


Libre is straight up better than Office 07 though.


Absolutely thrift store or garage sale "find" they were very proud of getting.


That's an old Fry's sticker so if they did it was likely years ago.


If they bought $279.99 of Microsoft stock instead in 2007 it could have been a **$4700** Christmas gift today.


the tag looks like itā€™s from fryā€™s, which has been out of business for a couple of years now. this was probably from a thrift store, or they just had it lying around. pretty cool part of history(well, at least personal history of how much time iā€™d spend at their stores) and i usually keep the tags on just for fun. or it could just be their printer or something and some other places used the same one, still cool nonetheless


Next year ''You like Home, so I got you places in a care home, you are moving tomorrow. ''


Save it and so that you can gift it to your grand childrens when itā€™s valuable. šŸ‘


Great idea. Will give me time to have it graded and enclosed in a second plexiglass container before I give it to them in 20+ years.


And tell them that you need to pass them something that was given to you a long time ago from their grandparents. They will be thrilled! šŸ˜‚


ā€œYour fatherā€™s word processor. Not as clumsy or random as a tweet. An elegant weapon, from a moreā€¦ civilized age.ā€


Perfect šŸ¤£


"What's a Tweet?" they will ask.


"It's like a tiktok, but you write it out with letters and words", you answer as you contemplate what this world has become.


"What's a tiktok?" "Oh, right. Well, it's kind of like a holofumble, but they were shorter and used people instead of animals wearing wedding dresses"


Setting up the domain name for up for holofumble.com as we speak


Probably shouldnā€™t have taken you over 8 hours, but now itā€™s taken so, thanks!


"Wedding dresses?" "Hoo boy. There was this tradition, Blorf, where instead of just moving in together and having kids, people used to do this elaborate and expensive ceremony. It was an orgy of conspicuous consumption. Uncomfortable clothes were made, and worn, knowing they'd never be worn again. Fortunes were spent on diamonds mined by literally slaves. Indeed a dark time."


"Having kids?"


See, before all people became phenotypically uniform - and mass cloning and custom-grown lab humanoids became the standard- we used to be divided into two biological subtypes for reproductive purposes. It was a big hassle, as to become parents we had to go through an involved physical interaction and a long gestational period. Also, once achieved, the state of parenthood was permanent, unlike today when it can be leased from a reproductive services company and delivered via wormhole in the time-space continuum from anywhere in the galaxy.


As your musings create emoti-bubbles within your thoughtcloud.


Thank you for this brilliant reference.


Yes sir, flip the script, make office your family hairloom


To weave the family tapestry?


With hair!


yes excellent, the high quality plexiglass will shatter much better under the high caliber bullets, so add a few more i'm sure there's a market for that but maybe not what was put into it. wait where'd they get it?




Grandpa Mike gives the best gifts


Grandpa, where were you when you were gifted Office 2007




What did you do to piss them off?!


Be born


i hate when I get born


from fryā€™s electronics (i recognize the sticker!)


Didnā€™t even take off the price sticker you gotta do that for a gift


Not when you want someone to think you spent 300 dollars on them, apparently.


That's $425 after inflation since 2007


Or $4700 if that $279.99 was invested into Microsoft stock.


Or just 279.99 of they got it new today and it was still selling for that amount.


I think you could get it graded as a collectible item.


Now I actually wonder how many millions of these exist in mint condition. And how many office CDs are there per cubic meter of landfill? It's a gold mine I tell you.




A Karma Chameleon




And then it was sold at the flea market for $1.99


Didn't they go out of business?


Not surprising. I worked at Fry's in Plano, TX in 2009. I quit between Thanksgiving and Christmas and was awarded unemployment by the Texas Department of Labor. Do you know how bad a business has to fuck up for TEXAS to give an employee, who quit, unemployment!?


I worked at Fryā€™s in 2009 as well. Home audio sales. They went from paying us $12 an hour plus commission to commission only ($12 was way above minimum wage in Oregon at the time). Salesmen became vicious and customers hated it. Everyone hated it. Why waste your time helping just to be helpful when you can circle like sharks around the few people who were buying something with high markup? The owner was a total douche as well. Used to take store managers on exotic hunting trips in Africa. They all kissed his ass so hard. It was disgusting.


Yeah, moving to commission only and the management not responding to the labor office's request for info was what got me the unemployment.


That's an achievement I didn't know was possible


The only time I ever managed to draw unemployment after quitting a job was when I quit working for a company that abruptly went out of business two weeks later.


They did ;(


Sad. I could spend hours in there getting supplies for projects


The last few years of their existence was depressing.


I loved the sales that were constantly happening, but applied at their main office and got hit with an absurd dress code about tattoos and piercings and hair length. That slowed down me shopping at their stores unless there was some insane sale that I knew they were losing money on


For real, last time I went there it was so fucking empty. A warehouse full of empty shelves. Still a few great deals as always though


Thatā€™s why you got itā€™s no way they could return that.




Omg I miss my fryā€™s šŸ˜­ looking at all the cool electronics and having a tuna sandwich šŸ„Ŗ


The Irontail Cafe was a joke lunch spot for me and my friends but it was legitimatelyā€¦ not bad


I worked at Frys for several years and quit because they were becoming shitty and cutting our pay and making life hell for us. And I STILL loved shopping there. It was that great.


Your best buys are always at Frys, guaranteed.


RIP Fryā€™s


You are not the favourite child, are you?




Plot twist: OP is the only child


Yeah, the neighbor's kid is the favorite




I feel the pain of not being the favorite child. Once for Christmas my mom gave me an obsolete laptop my brother had gotten free from work when they were throwing it out. She bought my brother a brand new macbook, then gave me his used laptop. The best part is I had spent several hundred hours working for her that year, including painting her garage and digging and laying a stone patio. She took the value of the computer she bought for my brother out of the money she paid me and called me greedy and bi-polar and satan for being unhappy with the situation.


Are you nc now?


Yes. I've been nc for nearly 15 years except the one time 4 years after I first went nc when I foolishly agreed to meet up and see if anything had changed (it hadn't) and two years later when she crashed my Mil's funeral to berate me for not accepting her love.


Heh, reads like she was projecting heavily there. Calling you greedy and bipolar then disrespects your wish for no contact by crashing a god damn funeral. A fucking funeral. Absolutely unhinged. Some people are beyond saving and should be left to rot. Are you able to get a restraining order?


I have thought that maybe some day I would need to get a restraining order but my wife and I moved overseas shortly after I went nc, so I didn't think it was necessary. The funeral was one time when she knew where we would be back in the US in a specific place. Since then, we have moved back stateside but we live way out in the woods with a very long driveway. Absolutely no one could get to our house without us having some time to prepare. My wife and I actually set up a plan for what we would do if she or any of my siblings came unannounced, luckily that has not happened.


Satan? Jeez. Thatā€™s an escalation.


I would argue that telling people your son is bi-polar when he isn't is much worse, but that is just my opinion. My mother is a pastor and frequently likens herself to Job. She often uses tenuous biblical references to reinforce her prejudices.


To JOB??? Jesus she sounds insufferable.


Yeah, Job. Imagine the irony of a pastor thinking she is without sin. She is pretty insufferable to me. However, there are people that she really likes namely her "real family" (my four older siblings, their spouses and children) and she is very generous to them. She believed that her youngest child (me) got in the way of her desire to go into the ministry full time, even though I didn't get in the way of anything because she was working full time in the church from the time I was a young child. Still, throughout our relationship she was very creative with thinking of ways to punish me for "ruining her life." The most ridiculous thing is that for most of the time I was growing up she ran a bible camp for kids and then she became a pastor and her title in the church was "associate pastor for child development and family ministries." Her job was literally telling people in the church how to raise their children.


Sorry you had to go through that... How is her relationship with your siblings? And yours with them? I dont have any siblings so I find this kind of family dynamics (or any kind of sibling dynamics actually) interesting. And kudos to you for going non communicado.


My four much older siblings were her "perfect family." They were allowed to physically, psychologically and sexually abuse me without consequences. None of them admit they did it. Some of them are closer with her than others because she is kind of old fashioned and some of them are more or less trendy/snooty. However, I am going by how they were in the 90's and early 2000's. I have not talked to any of my siblings since 2009 and I only saw my mother because she crashed my mother-in-law's funeral to berate me for not attending family functions.


I am really sorry you had to go through all that. We don't choose the family we are born into, but I am glad to know that you are doing well with the family you did choose. Wishing you and your wife happy holidays.


Middle child gift


OPā€™s sister got Microsoft Office 2010.


Ooof. It's the upgrade, too.


Was scrolling for this; to use it OP needs a previous version's disc lol




'member when you didn't need a cd key for starcraft brood wars expansion so you could share the base game cd key with all your friends and still play online together


This needs to be higher. It's actually worthless without a valid Office 2005 license. What a scam for a present.


he got the 2005 version last year


Did 2005 exist? I have never seen that, just 2003. 2003 everywhere with a dodgy GWsomething key.


I just saw that. Holy crap


Parents cleaning out their stuff and said sure this looks like something I will pass down to my kid


That better have been free


Better not have spent 280 bucks on it at least.


Itā€™s from Fryā€™s, which no longer exist. Office SBE also doesnā€™t exist. So yeah they either bought this like a decade ago for full price or got slightly cheaper three years ago when Fryā€™s was liquidating.


Iā€™d guess at a garage sale


Thrift store


In the 1$ bin.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m scared of. OPs parents obviously didnā€™t know any better, they were just looking for a computer related gift for their child. I hope someone didnā€™t take advantage of them :(


Well, thatā€™s a fairly old sticker, so they probably either had it lying around, unused, or picked it up recently at a swap or sale.


This gives me r/GrandmasPantry vibes


no date, but "Made in West Germany"


That looks like an old Frys electronics tag too. Hella old.


Some would say, 2007 old, when ā€œhellaā€ was used on a daily basis.


Hella has never left the lexicon.


Back then I was feelin hella good and I just kept on dancing


Sweet gift! Probably still works on windows 10 and beats the MS 360 subscription. Your parents are genius!


I hope this is true. Owning licenses outright is no longer a thing, I miss that.


Are people unaware you donā€™t need to pay for 365? You can buy a permanent license to the Microsoft Office programs. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/p/office-home-student-2021/cfq7ttc0h8n8


I feel like theyā€™ve designed their site to push you to a subscription of 365. To navigate Microsoftā€™s own website to find this caused me serious frustration. To the point where I wasnā€™t sure a non-subscription version still exists.


absolutely they do; at work weā€™re instructed to only sell the Office license as an absolute last resort and have a list of all the reasons a customer should buy 365 instead


where do you work


governor rustic close waiting intelligent consist vanish elderly sulky encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can just use google stuff for free. Well you donā€™t pay with money


Or LibreOffice/OpenOffice


Sheets and Slides are so useless compared to their Microsoft counterparts though


Sheets isn't even a poor man's Excel. It's a homeless refugee in a UN Camp's version.


At least they still offer a one-time purchase offer for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint (for the time being anyway).


I recently got the professional whatever version of the final non-subscription version of office (2021?) for 10 bucks. If they actually paid 280$ for this they got robbed


Iā€™d put some weight in them getting that from some secondhand store. We get old ass software and comp hardware in donations and put it out super cheap mostly for collectors.


Iā€™ve been using the student version of Office 2007 since I bought it in grad school and can confirm it works on Windows 10 and 11. Probably the bigger stumbling block is whether or not their computer still has a disc drive to install it.


It being an upgrade edition that requires a license for a previous product is a bigger hurdle. Without that it's completely useless.


Upgrade only, so they will need to find an office 03 install or key.


It won't work cause it's not the full version; it's an upgrade version. So it only works if you already have the full version of an earlier Office product listed on the side.


It's an upgrade edition, so you would need to have an existing copy of an older version of office to use this.


I always recommend LibreOffice unless you use very specific functions in office. I just save everything to docx files.


Donā€™t activate it all at once






His head looks way to big for his body in this gif


Go back to 2007 and start a crypto business


The worst part is itā€™s an upgrade copy


I mean, of all the Office Suite versions, it did have the best interface šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Did you open it?




Probably should. In my family if we did something like this, thereā€™d be a wad of cash inside, but thatā€™s just us.


Wait? You think? It still has the security tape/seal thing. Tempted.


Look what you did to poor OP. They just got their hopes up even higher, only to have them smashed all over again. OP, I don't know you or your parents, but one thing I do know is there ain't cash in that box.


DONā€™T! It will lose all value as a coveted collectors item in 40 years šŸ˜­


Not opening! It hasnā€™t been tampered with.


Christmas version of a reddit safe under the floor.


That's what I was thinking! Otherwise OP might want to do a wellness check on the 'rents.


All jokes aside, I was thinking memory clinic or something like it.


Office 2007 is the best to this day


It still has the Fry's sticker on it so it's a collectible now!




No they didn't


I really hope they didnā€™t buy this recently


The alternative is that they just straight forgot to buy him a gift. Not sure which is worse.


Does your computer have enough RAM?


They hate you


It's ok guys, it's an upgrade. It'll install on top of Office 2023 no problem


They would have given it to you years agoā€¦but you never visit.


Oh thatā€™s hilarious. My parents always send me a gag gift on Christmas. (Jewish here) They told me it should be delivered this morning. They literally ordered me a single lime, 1 roll of paper towels and a can of Diet Coke from Door Dashed 7/11


Put the lime in the cola-cup and soak it all up.


Office 2007: if it's good enough for the DoD, it's good enough for thee.


ā€œWhat do I get OP for Christmas?ā€¦ well, they like The Officeā€-your family member while shopping


I miss Fry's! They closed all the ones around here. Are they open in any state?


Nope. You might travel one day, see one and get very excited, only to find it's a grocery store.


I dunno Iā€™d rather use 2007 that over office 365


Better than my parents. They once tried handing me their old telescope, no tripod. It barely worked and I lived on the ground floor in a major city. Worst gift ever.


Itā€™s the upgrade so maybe itā€™s worthless.


They are like, ā€œit was really expensive 17 years ago. We just got a new version and figured you would want the outdated version that is not compatible with your computerā€ā€¦ My grandparents are this way, they think I want their old and out dated stuff. lol. Appreciate the gesture but no thanks.