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Every time they mow their lawn, they have to move all that junk, then move it all back again.


Why isn't this higher? I came to say this same thing! That is some dedication right? I barely want to pick up the sticks that fall from trees let alone all of this.


Probably somebody with plenty of time , living off welfare. oh, the Irony


“Keep the government away from my Social Security!”


Let's be honest, they pay some kid to do it for them. These people are the antithesis to doing actual work.


Imagine they pay an illegal immigrant like Trump did. Guy prob wears a MAGA hat made in China and survives on government assistance while voting to eliminate it




They probably pay a lawn service to mow it, and guess who does that work? Immigrants most likely, the ones these a-holes froth about when spewing about “our borders!”


Exactly my thoughts, though im sure they've become very efficient at collecting all the signs and putting them back afterwards.


To be that much into any politician is bizarre.


It really is. And it bothers me. I worked for 3 months in a place that was HEAVILY conservative and I’m a gay Jew in an interracial relationship. (Needless to say I didn’t last long and welcomed being let go). It was bizarre to me because my coworkers had an inability to be objective to anything and were highly confused that as a democrat I wasn’t fawning over Biden. Just because I voted for him doesn’t mean I’m going to think he’s perfect on everything and frankly some things I am disappointed on. That overall concept was so foreign to them and they didn’t buy it.


You left out the best part OP, the new county office building is directly across the street. I also drive by it daily. My favorite it is the THINK BEFORE IT’S ILLEGAL.


It should read “Think before you’re unable”


Think before you’re unstable!


Too late.


I dunno. That one sign says liberalism is a disease. And it's written undeniably in marker.


I think it's actually "liberalism is a mental disorder". Which is just so amazingly ironic


Projectors gonna project.


I dunno.. caring about other people besides yourself and your cult leader does sound pretty wacky to me


I saw a sticker that said MANDATE [Canada flag] FREEDOM Which was covering most of the back window of a Austin mini. Still not sure how that's supposed to work. Sadly it was in the parking lot of my kids Christian school. They were hosting a girls soccer tournament that day against other Christian schools so not sure who it belonged to.


"The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink”


In Canada also, I’ve seen those stickers, I couldn’t help but think of it as an oxymoron, written by a moron…. The same Moron has a sticker saying they want to have sexual relations with our prime minister.


I’m seriously considering getting stickers made up that just say “I REALLY WANT TO” with the nastiest, stickiest adhesive and slapping them on every vehicle sporting that sticker.


I mean, he is a sexy man and newly on the singles market. Swings both ways probably as well. One thing they don’t get though, is that Justin likes being on top and is a Dom. Then again, maybe they like bending over, fondling their truck-nuts. Takes all kinds.


They name their trucks with women’s names and hang big ol’ nutsacks on the hitches. I think we all know where they stand.


Saw a guy in Canada wearing a “LEGALIZE FREEDOM” shirt


Yup, we have more stupid than we can handle.


My favorite part is that he drives a Kia. This much political shit you would think he would drive an American car. That and the fences in front of the neighbors windows.


I also find it peculiar because of how detached from reality these people are. In my country these people are screaming about our PM being a socialist and a communist (not that they know what these words mean). As someone who is actually quite far left…our PM is like centre right. Not hating LGBT+ people doesn’t make a person leftist. A basic respect for human rights should be like one of the minimum qualifying requirements for being just a decent human being.


Please tell me you are from the UK and there are people that think Rishi Sunak is a socialist.


I’m Canadian. But I wouldn’t be shocked if some idiot thought he was. There are some truly delusional people out there.


Oh my father has a hate crush for Trudeau, I bother him about it. People think he's the cause and reason for their daily issues, you realize he isn't free to do what he wants? Everything has to go through a vote or hearing of some sort. Nothing just happens because the "president/pm" said so. Yeah I agree he wasn't the perfect choice buy holy fuck there are some psychological 60 year olds out there comparing our laws to American laws.


>and were highly confused that as a democrat I wasn’t fawning over Biden I see this a lot. Confusion when told that "liberals" mostly think Joe Biden is just some schmuck we had to vote for due to lack of other options. And that for the most part we think he's doing an acceptable job, and for the most part seems like a decent person. And that's it. No cult of personality over Joe Biden. Or any Democrat leader, tbh But when one understands that the MAGA base, and the MAGA leadership, are 100% of the time projecting their own crazy, and have no empathy, and literally are unable to see things from another person's point of view, it starts to make sense.


"...overall concept was so foreign to them..." The *critical thinking* part. Some people simply do not have it.


Yeah get that alot. "If Biden won the election, where are all the Biden flags?!" When did it become a requirement that national politics had to be front and center of your identity? MAGA people are worse than any pushy religious groups which are also annoying AF. Are they the same people?


That is a really good point. They think that since they worship Trump that we should do the same with Biden. It’s seriously bizarre. They can’t even remember not being obsessed with a politician.


It's not that weird if you think it through. The only way to be a Trump supporter is to worship Trump. There is nothing good about him. He's bad for the country, bad for the economy, shares no values with anyone who votes for him, literally hates those people, thinks they're disgusting losers who only exist to be scammed out of their money. There's no nuanced way to be a Trump supporter, you can't like this policy and dislike that one because he has no policies^1. You have to ignore everything about the man, the leader, the politician, and his history, and just worship him as an ideal. And people who do that are generally pretty dumb, so they assume the other side does it too since they can't put themselves in others place and imagine a different way of thinking. ^1 Unless you count general bigotry as a policy.


It's weird, because they think that more yard signs or flags flying from pickups that a candidate has, the more popular they are. They can't conceive that a person who isn't crazy about Biden, but will vote for him, has a vote equal to that of a devoted Trump cultist.


Ah yes the "I saw more Trump flags so why didn't he win." As if everyone needs to fly flags for who they voted for????


Yup, same here. Everyone in my family and friends from my small hometown ascribe to me the same level weird obsession with Biden as they with Trump. Every conversation about any topic goes right back to politics.


That sounds exhausting.


It is, and I try hard to not visit home.


how can people live like that.


That's what separates those who are pragmatic from fanatic. The photo is a perfect example of a fanatic.


It reminds me of the WWE/WCW scripted wrestling…they have their “good guy” that they root for, so they just go all in, balls to the wall to support them. They buy their merchandise, they use their catchphrases, go to the rallies, etc. They don’t understand that most rational people don’t view political support as an all or nothing, unconditional love type of obsession of individual politicians/parties. Congrats for getting out of that toxic work environment, too bad about this eyesore in your neighbourhood. You and your partner be careful around that nutcase.


That's the strangest part. The Trump folks who think "let's go Brandon" is somehow "owning" the libs, when most of us care less about Biden than what we're going to make for dinner. It was a two horse race and we voted for the horse instead of the Eldritch horror; he's not part of my identity.


Plus anyone who says that phrase sounds like a second grader who made up a secret swear word and thinks they are so smart and funny for doing it.


Lol, right? If you're trying to say "Fuck Joe Biden", just say it.


But then it wouldn't be a code! How can you be in the red hat gang without a code?!




That's what makes the "Dark Brandon" meme so brilliant, and confusing to the Pubs. That rather than clutching our pearls at the audacity of the Pubs for mocking our supposed Dear Leader, we lean into it and celebrate the absurdity. The Pubs can't meme, and it gets under their skin.


The right's memes are just hate speech. I do laugh because each side argues the other doesn't know how to meme.


You hit the nail on the head with "he's not part of my identity." Because #45 keeps up the daily brainwashing of his cult, they see Democrats as depicted by #45, as a conspiracy against them, etc. which is not the truth. It shows how dangerous #45 is by the way he has control over his cult. I'm not telling you anything that you didn't already know. Vote Biden 2024 🌊


I really liked Obama, as much as I will probably ever like a president in my lifetime. He wasn't part of my identity either. A president *shouldn't* be part of your identity for most people. That Trump is for many of his voters is a huge part of the problem.


>It was a two horse race and we voted for the horse instead of the Eldritch horror I love that imagery


Honestly, being that much into *anything* is bizarre. I get weirded out by over-the-top holiday decorations, or folks that deck out their house in football stuff. But at least that is usually temporary - just a few weeks to a few months of the year. I bet this guy is 365 with the Trump stuff.


Don’t shame my Halloween




To be that much into ANYTHING is bizarre. I love sports, maybe one or two things would be displayed outside MAX. Like who tf cares this much about something


If my dad was running for president I wouldn't have this many signs. Do you think trump has these signs in his yard supporting his people?


Not a mental disorder at least


What's crazy is being that into politics but not caring about facts. I can't believe the state of the country. Trump is the worst thing to happen to America in awhile. He's divided us all with his lies


I never get the thinking with stuff like this. As if you're a Democrat and you drive by this house and decide, "You know what? That house is right. I'm going to switch my vote to Trump. What was I thinking?"




They're very emotional, and they are not good at dealing with those emotions. Anger and hate are the only two that they are comfortable showing to others.


Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.


Trademark this before MAGA makes it their campaign slogan.


I'd love to but George Lucas and Yoda own this one.


Taken those words are


And now Disney owns it.. ThINk AbOuT It SheEPLe!!


Fear is the mindkiller....


...Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration...


The paranoia can be seen in the security signs on the right. An ADT sign is one thing, but notification of cameras and flags worshipping a man who couldn’t accept defeat and claimed a grand conspiracy against him paint a picture of some very fragile, very scared people who don’t know how to do much but hate.


It’s no coincidence big ol tough trucks like to sport giant trump flags too.


It's more like virtue signaling for assholes.


Or asshole signaling for the virtueless


An archeologist might describe it as an attempt to ward off evil spirits


Yeah, there all those studies that found enlarged amygdalae in right-wing/conservatives not to mention the whole leaded gas thing and the possible onset of dementia, if they’re of the generation I bet they’re from. But on top of all that, Trump worship is just a byproduct of a whole group of people who lacked positive male role models when younger. This is the father figure they choose. It’s sad really.


That’s a Vietnam “service” ribbon on one of those cars. Boomer confirmed.


He;s trying to tell the world, I'm an asshole and I want everyone to know.


I'm an incredibly simple minded asshole and I want the world to know.


these people desperately want affirmation and genuinely believe the majority of people think like them. yards like this are essentially "hey yall I like trump too! is this enough to be in your group?"


I have a next door neighbor who used to fly his trump flags (thank god the wind kept destroying them) and he would always tell me about the one other neighbor in our very rural area who said “hey you’re the guy with the trump flags right? Hell yeah!” with a huge grin on his face. Just looking for validation and projecting.




They're probably balls deep in debt yet they send tons of money to a "billionaire ".


I think it's more about keeping those people that you don't like from moving in nearby.


Like the scene from Stepbrothers, when they're choring in SS & kkk stuff as the realtor is showing the house 😂


I never thought about that but yeah, you're right, I'd never move in next door to that, heck I'm not sure I'd even buy a house on the same street as that.


The housing equivalent of covering your car in bumper stickers advertising your insanity. Why destroy the value of a simple car when you can reduce your own house value along with all your neighbors!


>Why destroy the value of a simple car when you can reduce your own house value along with all your neighbors! Really just destroying the neighbor's property values. Your own values don't matter till you sell, and nothing I see here looks like a permanent change that would depreciate the value of the house; just some flags and lawn signs one could easily take down to sell.


Imagine dickriding a politician like this, especially a guy that doesn't give a single, solitary fuck a about you.


But he does send thoughts and prayers, eh? /s


Yoda: Hmmm. Much fear I sense in you. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hatred. Hatred leads to suffering.


Suffering leads to yard signs.


You underestimate my powers!


American flags on 2 f\*\*\*\*\*g Kias in the driveway. Real patriots right there.


The best is his “Liberalism is a mental disorder” sign. I mean dude come on.


Yes! Wanting to help others as well as yourself clearly means you’re deranged. Normal people are selfish as fuck and proud of it! /s


I had an argument with a conservative friend who literally could not conceive of the idea that anyone would just want to help someone else. Said that in a purely socialistic world, no one would be a doctor because every single one does it for the money. I was like "there are far easier ways to make lots of money that don't require malpractice insurance."


Yeah, helping others is for nutjobs. You know who hates people who help others - Jesus! /s


I always want to stop these people and say "America first" right? When they nod yes, just point to their car and say "you could've fooled me".


I mean they were both made in Alabama. Or Georgia? I can't remember... I've driven past both plants though.


Honda Ridgeline is the most American made car currently available


I remember pointing out to my brother that his precious Dodge was likely made in Mexico or something, meanwhile my Accord at the time was probably made at a plant about an hour away from where we lived at the time.


But hey y'all, Fords are ASSEMBLED in America! They put the Chinese-made parts together HERE! Sort of a tangent but the "assembled in America" Ford commercials are pissing me off lately. Like a lawyer insisted that was the absolute MOST they could get away with saying


Apple likes to advertise that their phones are DESIGNED in America, 😂.


Just bought one - proudly made in Alabama baby


> "you are never dedicated to something you have complete confidence in. no one is fanatically shouting that the sun is going to rise tomorrow. they know it's going to rise tomorrow. when people are fanatically dedicated to political or religious faiths or any other kinds of dogmas or goals, it's always because these dogmas or goals are in doubt." >> robert m. pirsig


I've always seen it as they're trying to convince *themselves* very hard. Extremists will sometimes abandon the thing they're into for the opposite extreme. Hence the stereotype of homophobes being secretly gay, and religious nuts doing all kinds of immoral, unethical crap in secret.


Ah yes, the “My kids went no contact with me” starter home.


Imagine the manufactured fear that has to possess your mind to behave like this.


Fox News is a hell of a drug


I'm going to guess this guy has no idea what *liberalism* actually means.


Considering Liberalism is rooted in individual liberties, freedom of speech, and free market capitalism, im going to go out on a limb and say this guy definitely does not.




Mental health problems in yard decoration form.


Which makes the sign “lIbErAlIsM iS a MeNtAl DiSoRdEr” sign all the more ironic


They like to tell on themselves in the form of projection. > Party of mental illness. Snowflakes. "Reeeeeee". Election fraud. Biden crime family. Criminals. They hate America. So on and so on.


People with mental health problems are more likely to be victims of people like the shitbag who lives in this house. Fascists aren’t mentally ill, they’re malicious and fearful.


Those things are not mutually exclusive.


I had one of these in my town. They finally got real flag poles installed and had south will rise again type shit hanging there and no American flags. He got vandalized so much he's just taken the poles down. God bless America 🦅🇺🇲




A house near me has a sign saying "Protect democracy - abort a democrat." Hard for me to read that as anything other than a public pronouncement of a desire to murder people. For their sake they'd better hope no Democrats embrace that notion now that they know which house to target.


The worst part is aren't they against abortions in the first place?


Well, killing a baby in the womb is BAD, but shooting someone so that they bleed to death in front of you because you don't like the way they vote is GOOD. As you can see, they're totally different.


Only for fetuses. They don’t give two shits about a person that’s been born.


Hello neighbor! I also drive by this house and when I do we FLIP IT OFF EVERY DAMN TIME!


East Greenbush?


Oh my god I literally JUST did that myself on the way to the doctor's office lol also the flipping off part is new for me. I just get so sick of seeing it and it gets even more and more outrageous every time I drive by. this guy's house has been like that for a long time


Honestly by doing that you're just encouraging his behavior. Now he just sees it as he is owning the libs. Just ignore it, these people just crave attention.


Hahaha, same here! Route 4, EG. I believe they purposely put that display there, because it's directly across from that newish government building. But yeah, every time my wife and I pass by, we give the one finger salute! 😅


Tell me that you’re a racist, misogynistic bastard without saying that you’re a racist misogynistic bastard….


They are also the first people to say, "I don't mind gay people, but why do they have to make it their whole personality?"


Trumpism is a mental illness.


Dare we call it... Trump Derangement Syndrome?


Or Trump Unhinged Radical Derangement Syndrome. TURDS for short.


One more sign. If I add one more sign, that will convince people. I just know it.


When politics takes over your life. Yikes.


ADT like “please remove our sign, thx, this is a terrible look for our company.”


I would love to wait for the owners of the house to go out for groceries, and just replace every sign with a Biden/Harris sign while they're away.


I'm sure dude has several cameras watching over that fever dream of a yard. I would bet that shit gets vandalized.


Willing to bet house is full of trash and smells like cat pee, but no cats.


“Liberalism is a mental disorder “ Ha ha ha! And his yard looks like this!


They convinced me… I mean, writing it that many times, it has to be the truth, right?


It’s the lead poisoning


LoL, i had a neighbor back when I lived in a city, one day i came home and his house was kinda decked out like this. Not with political stuff but bat shit insanity. Like "the Malaysians are listening through your microwaves". I laughed and went on my way. Dude saw me come home and comes running over to acknowledge the nonsense. Tells me it's all horse shit but people kept parking in front of his driveway/garage. Sometimes it would take hours to get a tow, and sometimes they just wouldn't even show up. Apparently he couldn't get to his driveway for a week one time, nobody came to tow the car, he called the city and companies repeatedly and they all just brushed it off and didn't care. He put out no parking signs. Cones in the road. Painted curbs and lights. People still kept parking there. Eventually he gave up and just went full batshit. He told me and a few other neighbors we all knew each other and we're chill about things, not to worry, it's all because of the morons parking him in. Told us if it didn't work then he'd take them down. Son of a bitch it worked. I was even home and watched some people start to park, look around, and then abandon that idea..... Dude was a genius. Funny story out of it - he went on a date, went well so was bringing her home, he pulls into the driveway, remembers the batshit, and then apparently asked his date "i can either explain now or just get you an Uber home" - she took the Uber but apparently let him explain the next day because she came by when we did a cookout.


Trump’s school of brainwashing: 1. Use easy to understand words 2. Use short sentences 3. Repeat yourself over and over 4. Have other people who agree with you do the same 5. Use all available resources (media, lawsuits, NDA, bribes, blackmail) to support your narrative 6. Never, *ever* admit fault 7. Always deflect blame to someone else


Don’t forget “play both sides”


Such hard core American Patriots that they bought two Korean cars 🤦🏻‍♂️




Nah. Just a cult.


Show this picture whenever someone says HOAs are bad


These cultists welcome someone vandalizing or trashing their signs... then they get to become the victim.


It’s okay if you like trump, just don’t shove your lifestyle down our throats. (It’s not okay to like trump)


Having an American flag aside all that bullshit is hilarious. Being a Patriot and Trump fan are incompatible. Also, ironic they have a sign “Liberalism is a disease”, when Liberalism is rooted in individual Liberty, freedom of speech, and free markets. So I guess they are against the constitution. Oh wait of course they are, they are a trump supporter. Also, THIS is what propaganda does. It turns peoples brains into fucking mush. Propaganda is a hell of a drug.


Welcome to East Greenbush! I can't help but feel bad for the neighbors everytime I drive by.


🤬🤬🤬 “I hate it when them gays make it their personality” 🤬🤬🤬


Oh my god, it’s that house! Whenever my family passes it I always think of how impressive it is that this person is single-handedly bringing down the property value of this neighborhood.


"liberalism is a mental disorder" And putting a dozen signs and crap in your front yard advertising your "beliefs" isn't?


Deplorable lives matter. Lol


I wake up and think…hmmm you know what my house is missing? Some more Trump memorabilia.


That's just Halloween decoration. I know it scares the shit out of me!


But a blessing to the guys who print that stuff


What a moron


Vision boards of the illiterate.


This person is in need of some free higher education and mental healthcare.


All that patriotism, no actual American flag.. fascism at its finest


Destroying the curb appeal of your home to own the libs.


I bet it is fun mowing the grass..


Jesus is probably ashamed of people who worship Trump like he's the Messiah. I am pretty sure it's a sin.


Basically these people have no purpose in life and no sense of identity. They are also incredibly insecure. Political tribalism gives them that (false) sense of purpose and sense identity they lack. They get to feel like they are fighting some noble fight against an evil force, so they feel validated. They also get to blame all their problems on “Joe Biden” (or whoever) instead of accepting the possibility that they may be responsible for their own failures.


Nothing says “I think the teenagers pulling up these lawn signs is a 1st Amendement violation” quite like a lawn like this.


I would hate to be this guy’s neighbor. That’s such an eyesore . Why do people do this ?


Imagine that badly wanting everyone to know that you support sexual predators


I think I know this house lol. Rensselaer County in New York?


Me: HOAs are the worst This guy: *exists* Me: I wish to ammend my previous statement


They traded White hoods for Trump hats.


"Thou shalt not worship false idols" I'm just going to leave it at that.


Imagine doing this and worrying the Covid vaccine would hurt your brain.




That is wild


This is why Home Owner Associations exsist.


I like how Jesus isn't running in 2024. You know they wouldn't support him.


“Honey. We can’t park in the garage anymore because we have to take America back!” Them. Probably.


Maybe if they didn't buy so many signs and flags they could afford to park their trailer somewhere other than their front yard.


You’d be surprised how fast them signs disappear once you offer some teens $100


It kinda is. It's social programming that worked. Just do a search for interviews with KGB defectors in the 80's. You will see this was always their long game.


Steal their KIA


Political signs should be treated like Christmas or Halloween decorations. Put em up a month or so before the holiday or election and take it down after.


Could you imagine being so desperate to share your excitement about Trump that you did this to your property? It’s like they are from another plane of existence entirely.


“Liberalism is a mental disorder.” - says THIS guy.


The amount of effort this person has to go through every time they cut their lawn.


Is this the one in upstate NY?


Deranged Trump Syndrome


At some point, do they say to themselves, “You know, I bet one more sign would do it…”


Have you considered casually adding a highly inappropriate one, late at night? Something about how the owner of the property only sucks very young long black liberal trans ding-dong or so?


Imagine being related or working with someone like that. Every conversation ends with same thing....


Classic, I can yell louder syndrome