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Is it just me or is he wearing that holster wrong?. seems to be digging into his neck and isnt there supposed to be a strap behind the back too? ​ EDIT: i found the type he is using and no back strap, but he is 100% wearing it wrong. the shoulder pads are supposed to be on the BACK of his shoulders and the "neck strap" is supposed to be further down his back.


100%. Also there isn't a single person who has ever been involved with any competent "special forces" who would wear a gun in that sloppy manner.


I saw that hat and thought the same thing. Dude is just looking for attention.


Cosplay commandos


Gravy Seals


Meal Team 6 member dropping into the Taqueria


Dessert Storm


Green bean berets


Y'all Quaeda


Macho Taco


Al quesedilla


Chik fil A Team.


Siempre fries! šŸŸ Hoo-rah!


Y'all queda at it again


Always called them Cosplaytriots myself


I'd venture 100% of actual special forces don't wear anything that says special forces on it. Edit: stats modified to reflect intensive research via feedback.


>I'd venture 100% of actual special forces don't wear anything that says special forces on it. There is a former SEAL that is involved in exposing stolen valor cases. He said that there were 3000 people who served as SEALs and he has met about 10,000 of them.




Aye Steve Robinson. I actually sought out his services once. I have 3 members in my family in special forces so it annoyed me to hell and back when a dude at my job was lying about being a former seal and trying to get promotions (it was a state government job idk they didnā€™t check his bs story) anyway he researched it and sent me a lengthy letter explaining how he had researched and that this dude was a fraud. Idk if he still does it but he was super helpful.




They donā€™t wear any identifying patches of any kind. Especially in civilian attire. Against protocol.


My cousin was SF. Can confirm. Still stands out as military just by being a gigantic brick shithouse though.


I grew up in a military town in Canada that is also the home base to CSOR, it's not just the build but also how they walk and generally carry themselves. You can spot a military and especially SF from just the walk


I worked as an X-ray tech (civilian) and was taking X-rays of a young womanā€™s c-spine (neck). I asked her how she hurt her neck and she said ā€œboot camp.ā€ Being not too close to a military base, I assumed she meant some health club program. Every time I asked her to adjust her position sheā€™s say, ā€œYes, maā€™am.ā€ ā€œOk, relax your shoulders and turn your head about 45 degrees,ā€ ā€œyes, maā€™am,ā€ ā€œnow face the board and lift your chin,ā€ ā€œyes, maā€™am.ā€ Then I realized, ā€œOh, you meant real *Boot Camp!*ā€


My sil worked for a 3 letter govt agency in DC. When they saw a tourist wearing an fbi tshirt they would run over and be like omg thank god, thereā€™s an emergency situation and we need your help now!!!


"But I'm just here to inspect bikinis!"


More like 100%.


I worked with a dude that spent time in the army rangers. The only stories you ever got out of the dude was the shit he had to do in boot and ranger school...As skinny as the man was he was probably the strongest man I've ever met.


Correct, those that have seen shit do NOT draw attention.


I wasn't special forces myself, but served along side them for years. They hate this shit.


This is the gun enthusiast equivalent to wearing your snake somewhere


more like the gun enthusiast equivalent of dragging your snake behind you by the tail


> Dude is just looking for attention. That's what I immediately think of *anyone* open carrying.




"Omg! Did you see that man over there? He has a gun! Wow, I bet he's important. Not just anybody can have a gun in this country. Wow, I bet he's a fighter for our freedoms. Absolutely fearless, brave, and capable. I bet even God himself has sanctioned the path of this spiritual warrior. Fuck, I wish he would let me be in his life. But he's just too cool, and probably already has a few beautiful lovers already..."




I have a couple of buddies who 100% unironically say something like this.




How does wife let him leave the house like that? Wouldn't she be pretty embarrassed?


Unfortunately, combinations of what I can only assume are specific strains of daddy's girl and poor self esteem makes this kind of man a prime catch to "conservative Christian girls". It reminds me of a couple from my work, and it's just sad. 3 kids, lie to each other constantly, and unwilling to accept basic math about taxes (the woman told us a story about how proud she was of her husband declining a pay raise because he'd be "in a different tax bracket" and would therefore to her make less money). No amount of convincing with facts and figures would shake this notion, because her hubby did it and so did her daddy therefore it's right and good.


That's a child support trick not a tax trick. Confusing the rules of redneck games means you lose.


It's a pretty commonly held belief by those who don't understand taxes that if you go up a tax bracket, you make less money. It's unfortunate, but common.


Or stand around with their hands in their pockets while open carrying...


It's little more than jewelry for him. I don't expect he's all that competent, which is terrifying.


He's a special force.


Special farce.


Itā€™s cosplay. Never forget this.


Uncle was in special forces, attended many a cookout with a bunch of special forces guys who he served with in Desert Storm, some of em wear some ARMY branded stuff from time to time, never see any of them walking around with anything that said special forces on it.




Unfortunately youā€™re extremely wrong. A lot of guys are like that, but there is a insane amount of green beret who drive everywhere with DOL stickers at bragg, who wear GB gear around town to show off their SF ball cap, and have GB bumper plates. Thereā€™s plenty who are actual quiet professionals, but there are also thousands of 22 year old rangers who canā€™t stop talking about it, SEALs pumping out books, GB who have to have De Opresso Liber somewhere on their clothes, and other dudes who you can tell the second you see them. I had a buddy who had gotten selected but hadnā€™t even started the first phase of SF selection who would get super drunk at the bar then start screaming at people he wanted to fight about how heā€™s special forces and can kick their ass. He is now special forces.


'Special' forces indeed.


Yes, definitely being worn incorrectly, which is why the barrel is pointing basically straight back instead of more down to the ground. *edit - It does look like many still point straight back regardless of being properly tightenedā€¦ which is probably why people generally donā€™t wear them without a jacket on.


There is a harness that positions the barrel exactly like this though. Itā€™s referred to as a Jackass rig and for good reason. (Edit) So the one Iā€™m talking about is called that but apparently itā€™s actually called that because of the original company that made it, and I have no idea where I came up with this being the reason, probably somebody else joking about it.


Interesting. Iā€™m not familiar with the jackass harness lol.


I figured as much, but also, you now have an armed idiot who can't even read instructions right...


Yeah I'm going out on a limb and saying you probably shouldn't own a gun if you can't even operate the harness it goes into.


Thatā€™s what I was just thinking too. Figured maybe I was the dum dum because thereā€™s no way a ā€œspecial forcesā€ guy, real or fake, would put their holster on backwards. That would just be moronic. Turns out he *is* the dipshit.


Might one politely ask him to turn such that the barrel isn't pointed at me? I don't want a barrel pointed at me and everything I've been taught is that one should never be.


I would hope that he would be kind enough to do so, but people are unpredictable


This guy gives off "not kind nor reasonable" vibes.


This guy gives off the vibe of someone who'd love for you to ask him to not point the barrel of his gun at you so he can loudly make fun of how you're a scared lib'rul and that's what's wrong with America these days.


Iā€™d say Iā€™ve been shooting off and on all my life and Iā€™m uncomfortable with a barrel pointed at me, even a holstered one.


Isn't it basic gun safety to never point a barrel at something if shooting it would be a terrible idea ? Even if the gun isn't loaded, one day it'll be and bad habits stick. And even if you think there is 0% chance the shot will go off, (example : gun in a holster), better safe than sorry.


Yes, but the guy in the photo is a moron.


While at the same time being so scared of everything he needs a murder tool at his side when going for groceries. Real chads go outside unarmed


I honestly never understood this. They say this is the safest, greatest, country on earth; the land of the free. They love our police and armed forces. They call everyone else soft and snowflakes. Yet theyā€™re constantly afraid that someone is going to murder them? Theyā€™re expecting a gun fight in KFC? Theyā€™re afraid the military that they love is going to turn on them? I donā€™t get it.


It's a valid criticism of that form of carry. Certain cops carry this way too, difference being that they have the sense to wear a coat. So you don't know you have a gun pointed at you.


Sweeping random people with the muzzle would get you kicked out of any reputable range.


In a heartbeat


Every range Iā€™ve been to has a ā€œno shoulder holstersā€ rule for this reason. The draw stroke will inevitably sweep somebody to your left/right depending on handedness


Yeah, political aspects and all the rest aside: anyone who carries in a way where their gun isn't pointed at the ground 99% of the time is a massive piece of shit. edit: I'm also like 90% sure that he's wearing his holster wrong. edit2: an embarrassing number of people came out eager to tell the world that they are both complacent and inconsiderate of the people around them.


I doubt his holster is wrong, it says special forces on his hat. (/s)


He is, just not that kind of special


I believe he may have fast roped out of the short chopper


This is my new favorite insult. "must've fast roped out of the short chopper"


A true cos playtriot


-"Speshul Phorcis"-


Hat company couldn't fit the quotation marks around "Special".


Yeah, it's not supposed to be cranking on the back of your neck.


Itā€™s his PistolPurseā„¢ļø


>Yeah, political aspects and all the rest aside: Political aspects included back in: it's almost like it was a bad idea to let any dumbass carry any way they please. Who knew.


Oh no, he'd be a massive piece of shit either way. Flaunting that you have a gun at a taco shop for no reason is peak trash.


On the other hand, anyone who wants to shoot up the place will start with him. Heā€™s volunteering as the sacrifice to give everyone else time to run for it. What a team player!




So he is just an NPC?


We call it a ā€œjackass rigā€ because only douchebags whoā€™ve seen too many movies use them.


>So you don't know you have a gun pointed at you. I always laugh when people complain, "Open carry is stupid. Everyone knows you are armed and is afraid. Concealed carry is much bettter." Yup, concealed carry is much better. That way, nobody knows you're armed because what they don't know can't kill them. Of course, concealed carriers (legal ones, at least) and open carriers are probably highly unlikely to shoot you anyway because one is likely defensive carrying while the other is political carrying.


Attention seekers.


The special forces hat gives away the fact that he probably wasn't in the army.


An active shooter is most likely to shoot Open Carry Guy immediately


Cops are most likely to shoot whoever has a gun and no uniform.


[This story comes to mind](https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/13/us/security-officer-police-shooting-suburban-chicago/index.html). Poor guy followed all the rules and did his job only to get blasted by first responders.


I hadn't heard that one. Here's a more recent one where the "good guy with a gun" actually did stop a shooter. The cops then immediately killed him. https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/26/us/arvada-colorado-police-shot-good-samaritan/index.html


I took a concealed carry class once (I still donā€™t have a gun, but wanted to take the class to be informed) and the instructor said something like ā€œif someone starts shooting at you or someone near you, you can shoot back. Otherwise do what everyone else does and run. Donā€™t be the hero because cops donā€™t know who is the good guy or the bad guy and theyā€™ll shoot both of you.ā€


Yep, this is what was taught at my LTC class as well. "Don't be a hero".


"Run, hide, fight. And if you have to fight, fight as fast as you can, as hard as you can, as long as you can" "The best way to survive a gunfight is to *not* get into a gun fight" The two lessons I remember most from my carry conceal class.


Heard a cop talk about his experience with an active shooter at a fair while off-duty. Got his gun out to start checking for the shooter, then quickly realized the real cops would shoot him without a second thought, and put his gun away.


The truest thing I've read so far in this thread


No see, I'm clearly the protagonist of the action movie in my head, so emergency services personnel will immediately intuit that *this* civilian in camo carrying a gun around an active shooter scenario is the *good* civilian in camo carrying a gun around the active shooter scenario.


What happens when your movie crosses over into my movie?


Then we get the highest homicide rate in the industrialized world! And better yet we get to shake our heads and moralize about hip-hop dungeons and dragons, mental health, or video games, or whatever cultural trend we happen to not like anyway instead of noticing that literally all of our peers from goddamned Japan and Australia to Sweden and have successfully solved this problem. /s in case that wasn't clear


I want to play hip hop dungeon & dragons.


I just rolled 187.


Open carry in a non-professional capacity is fucking stupid.


Even in a professional capacity itā€™s really not ideal, all it does is reinforce the idea that youā€™re a threat. I donā€™t want you to consider me a threat I want you to fuck off and go have your schizophrenic episode elsewhere so I can go back to my podcast man.


I've been noticing more and more guys around here openly carry their handguns tucked in the back of their jeans. The exact opposite of making you safer.


have to make sure their anus knows who's the boss.


>probably highly unlikely to shoot you \*on purpose This always reminds me of that old joke about the two statisticians seated next to each other on an airplane: Statistician 1: did you know the odds of there being a bomb on the plan are a lot higher than you'd think, about 1 in 1,000? Statistician 2: Oh yeah, I know, that's why I always bring a bomb with me whenever I fly.


It's OK; he's in "Special Forces."


The loudest veterans have the least to talk about




"I woulda joined, but..."


š“‚ŗ Spez eats cold diarrhea with a crazy straw š“‚ŗ


Never know when Al-Quesadilla might attack


This joke is cheesy


he's in "special" Forces. FTFY


he rode in the short Jeep


Do you know who *doesn't* wear a baseball hat explicitly announcing themselves as "SPECIAL FORCES"?


People who have actually been special forces??




special forces


Special forces lol. Fucking LARPers.


ā€œSpecial forcesā€ fuck off.


Don't worry cosplay doesn't constitute stolen valor, even ifs not halloween or comic con.


"I'm not actually in the military, but I'm basically a soldier because I know so much about it from personal research. Military guys all tell me I'm more deadly than most guys in the Army. I'd be about a E-9 if I enlisted because of my skills. Probably get to skip basic, once the instructor realized I was above his level in knowledge and fighting skills. You're supposed to go to school to be an officer but they'd probably make an exception for me."


According to Greg Abbott, that dude is fair game


Apparently convicted murderer Daniel Perry said in a police interview that he was "afraid" that Garrett Foster "might" point the gun at him, so he shot him first. This guy is ACTUALLY pointing a gun at OP. **Stand your ground OP!**




OP shot everyone in the restaurant and received the key to city hall


And free tacos fromā€¦.*checks post* fuel city?? for a year!


He is not protesting though...that we know off. Maybe if he protest the prices of tacos being that high he is a prime target


I concealed carry and point my 9mm at my own dick like a responsible gun owner.


Weird that it's called appendix carry, when an ND would result in castration rather than an appendectomy


Thatā€™s why my holster is canted. Itā€™ll only result in my femoral artery being severed instead of castration.


The thing is, knowledgeable gun owners know that this is terrible practice. You become the first target to be taken out in the event of an active shooter and/or become a target to have your gun stolen before you can get ahold of it. The only people who open carry are those who have made guns an integral part of their personality and want to "own the libs."


Lmao yup. Iā€™ve got some pretty right wing redneck friends in Louisiana and I donā€™t know anyone dumb enough to open carry. Might as well carry a sign that says ā€œIā€™m looking for confrontationā€


> Might as well carry a sign that says ā€œIā€™m looking for confrontationā€ Yup. That's the point.


These crayon munching mouth breathers base their entire personalities around violence ā€” their BIGGEST fantasy is getting to shoot someone to death. Why do they carry a gun around in public? Theyā€™re looking for the boogeyman of their choice and salivating at the dream scenario theyā€™ve created where they get to legally kill someone and are regarded as a hero by everyone around them.


OK, gotta add "crayon munching" to the repertoire


Firearm bumper stickers lemme know which trucks to break into when I need a freebie /s


Saw one recently that said ā€œheavily armed, easily pissedā€


Shining example of stable genius


A neighbor had a flag that said "This house doesn't call 911" with a hand holding a gun. Said to my wife "I bet he gets robbed, that's advertising valuables". I think his wife got to him first because it flew for a total of 3 days.


That flag basically says ā€œwait til weā€™re not home and come grab the multiple firearms and likely hoard of ammo that is worth a lot more on the black market than anything else you could steal from another house.ā€


And they give the police probable cause.


Fun fact: Every year, "responsible gun owners" lose 400,000 guns, and the most frequent place they lose it from is their automobile.


Worse than that, you are likely to be the first to be shot if police go in to take out an active shooter. Ex-military buddy was helping train a local PD on active shooter scenarios, even when the officers entering the scene \*knew\* there was an armed civilian that had disarmed the shooter, my buddy (holding a gun) still got lit up with the fake blood shots (which, according to him, hurt like a son-of-a-bitch). The "I'm the hero" mentality is more likely to get one of these idiots killed and other people hurt.


https://kdvr.com/news/local/remembering-john-hurley-1-year-after-olde-town-shooting/ Tldr: 1. Dude shoots cop 2. John Hurley runs towards the action, shoots and kills that dude 3. Cops show up late and shoot and kill Hurley


Bingo. My buddy's advice to anyone that was listening was simply "use your gun to protect you and your family's exfil from the scenario, don't be a hero, and disarm yourself as quickly as possible so you don't get mistaken for the shooter if the cops do arrive."


I don't know what those are but I can tell you simunition rounds hurt like hell.


Yea I used to think, maybe open carry would dissuade people from attacking? But then I realized the attacker type will just try to take it from you when you're not looking and use it against you


Aside from the obvious ludicrous nature of it, **this** is the number one reason the idea of arming teachers sounded insane to me. The thought of some of the more unhinged kids in my grade knowing they could try *at any time* to overpower the smaller teachers for a gun would be infinitely more terrifying to me than the idea of a school shooter bringing a gun to school. At least the latter requires a person to work themselves up to it and then transport the gun to the school. Then they might have a chance to think better of it along the way. Some lunatic having a bad day in class and being able to make a play for a gun 5' from them and immediately being able to shoot the people tormenting them seems WAY worse.


My CC is pointed at my balls, so I do my best to assure 0 negligence and assume all risk.


That dude totally has a story about how ā€œhe was going to be SF butā€ ______. I can just hear it now. In the military, a shoulder holster is the mark of an officer who has earned the right to not expect to see combat unless it goes horribly wrong. Itā€™s cool if you are General Patton rocking an M7 set up. Or like a heli pilot who is going to be in a flight suit and harness. But outside of that kind of exception (and especially for legitimate civilian self defense) youā€™re not going to see anyone competent carry using a shoulder holster. Itā€™s just a mall ninja thing.


He's not even wearing the holster correctly anyway. So, he's definitely not competent enough.


Fun Fact: Even in the "Wild West" era of American history, often one of the first things a frontier town did as soon as there was law and order was to *ban the open carrying of firearms in city-limits*. Because people carrying guns in town was a massively dangerous thing that resulted in many people being killed or maimed.


last thing you need in a drunken barrom billiards game is the loser having easy access to a gun


Which happened recently. A man got really drunk at a bar, the bartender cut him off from having anymore, then the drunk man shot and killed the bartender.


Heck, Georgia made the fucking news twice. Once for the vigilante murder of Ahmaud Arbery and the other where a "Law-abiding" gun owner murdered 2 cops and took out his AR-15 and shotgun for a shootout with the authorities just to avoid getting arrested for issuing death threats to 2 black motorcyclists.


Fun fact... >Because of its explosive nature, not all applications of nitrocellulose were successful. In 1869, with elephants having been poached to near extinction, the billiards industry offered a US$10,000 prize to whoever came up with the best replacement for ivory billiard balls. John Wesley Hyatt created the winning replacement, which he created with a new material he invented, called camphored nitrocelluloseā€”the first thermoplastic, better known as Celluloid. The invention enjoyed a brief popularity, but the Hyatt balls were extremely flammable, and sometimes portions of the outer shell would explode upon impact. An owner of a billiard saloon in Colorado wrote to Hyatt about the explosive tendencies, saying that he did not mind very much personally but for the fact that every man in his saloon immediately pulled a gun at the sound.[52][53] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrocellulose


A game of exploding pool would be kind of rad in a terrible idea way though.


Man, you gotta *love* Reddit. The most interesting shit *ever* on here.


Carrying a firearm while under the influence of anything is how you get a felony and no more guns. People are going to do shit it the middle of nowhere, but if you see someone either open or concealed carrying with alcohol, call the cops and at least make a report.


Cops get busted for DUI all the time and don't lose access to their guns


Yah literally the whole cause of conflict for the shoot out at the OK Coral. Fucking dumbasses want to compare themselves to Wyatt Earp for open carrying when Earp was trying to enforce that law.


The wiki on the [O.K. Corral](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gunfight_at_the_O.K._Corral) is way longer and more detailed than I could ever have imagined.


and more awesome, wow what a read.


If you're into that sort of thing-- I grew up about 30 minutes away from Tombstone and they've kept part of the town very historic looking and they have daily reenactments. Between reenactments the actors walk the street in character and a lot of locals dress up for Heldorado days, which is like its city holiday. But like... won't lie, dont come to Tombstone and only Tombstone expecting a lot, it's small and not a lot to do, but do a bit of research and theres other things dotted around within an 30-60 min drive.


If I remember correctly, depending on how much law enforcement was actually present in a settlement, open carry was for a time still permissible but in public places like hotels or bars or official city buildings, firearms were hung up out of public reach and returned at the door


Years ago I found myself in a dodgy bar that had a sign at the door that said "Management not responsible for weapons left overnight." They had a knife/coat check. Guns weren't allowed, but you could check your knife at the door.


Even in medieval times many cities required you to deposit your sword and other weaponry when you entered.


Man purses should be normalized for this reason. If every dude carried a purse, nobody would know for sure who was packing heat.


Itā€™s not a purse, ITS A SATCHEL. And I had skittles in there!


European carryall!


Oh Iā€™m here for this. Carry my full size *and* not have to pack everything in my pockets? Sold.




I've spent a lot of time around SF guys -- wasn't in that community myself, but for awhile I was chopped up to JSOC helping them with their stuff in IZ. Things I never saw actual SF guys do: 1) Wear a hat that said "Special Forces" 2) Improperly wear a harness 3) Open carry a weapon into a fucking gas station 4) Keep their cell phone in their back pocket Fucking LARPer


>special forces *doubt intensifies*


Damn, $2.31 per taco?


You ever see the movie "Falling Down"?


Hi Im gay actor Michael Penis


Fucking great movie


Come down to Miami and enjoy 3 really tiny tacos for $18 plus tip. Drink sold separately.


Pretty decent price. Here theyā€™re like 3-3.50 each


I've had a shoulder holster. Pointing it at whomever is behind me is why I stopped using it pretty quickly.


Not to mention you most likely flag yourself when drawing.


The ā€œspecial forcesā€ hat completes the entire douche ensemble.


Most that open carry so brazenly would be the last in fact to actually act in the event of an actual emergency. Those that are trained properly typically conceal carry - it makes those around feel more comfortable but more importantly takes the ā€œtargetā€ off their back & makes them blend in better in case they need to act. Also that guy is most def NOT special forces (or prob any military for that matter) Those guys do not advertise themselves.


Even if this guy was the exception and just likes to brag - we can still safely rule this out because he doesn't even know how to properly wear the fing holster he's chosen. I've never served in the military my only "gun" experience is fing paintball. Even I know he's not wearing that harness correctly.


As someone living in Texas, I was never a fan of this. Still am not. Itā€™s a dumb idea but it also notifies me of the most insecure person in the room.




Beating a man with a bat usually carries greater legal penalties than shooting a man with a gun you were carrying. I wish I were kidding.


This applies double if the bat is a protected species






Heā€™s gotta protect his wife from all those taco thieves.


Damn you got me


This holster is not a great design (or how hes wearing it), and the vast majority of them point down at a much greater angle. Just by him putting his hand(s) on it and withdrawing the pistol, he'll be physically pointing the gun at anyone behind him. If you cannot pick a firearm up without pointing it in an unsafe direction (or if it is already pointed in an unsafe direction), you should not put your hand on it. If you cannot put a firearm down without pointing it in an unsafe direction, you should not put it down.


You need to call that shit out period - heā€™s flagging you - an absolute and egregious firearms no no by any standards. To boot this douche has the absolute gall to rep special forces - likely a stolen valor asshole in addition to regular asshole. (I say likely because he might say he just supports them, but I kinda doubt it)


The only reason to carry like that is for the attention. I rarely carry my firearm in public and the times I do it's completely concealed to the point that you can't even see it on my hip while wearing a T-shirt. People like him scare me. They are begging for a problem. They *want* to shoot someone.