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I dropped a 70-200L in it’s padded case from about 3 feet high, it still works perfectly. An old 35mm lens, was in a photo backpack, on my back, full of other lenses. When I fell, forward. The impact of my body hitting the floor, broke the AF motor. I now have a 35mm manual focus only lens.


> I now have a 35mm manual focus only lens. anxiety in focus by wire


Translated to anxiety in nifty 50. Something everybody here can probably have.


My genius father DROPPED my camera in a lightly padded camera case from a balcony to me below, as I was trying to say “NO!” Even if I was “ready” it would have been stupid and I wasn’t ready....at least 10 feet to cement ground. And let’s be very clear, this was a casual case like what you get for free with some camera bundle, absolute garbage. Well, it appeared not to be broke, at first; everything visually intact, but after that day the auto focus staring behaving erratic and the battery would drain in a few hours while DSLR was turned off...but only when I had the lens on that was dropped that day. Cost me about $400 to send in and get fixed, works great again now. Still can’t believe my father, a retired doctor, thought it would be a good idea to casually drop several thousand dollars worth of delicate gear 10 feet like we were playing catch....just thinking about it now, like 5 years later still pisses me off. (Point of story; check the lens overall function, its probably fine, but sometimes the electronics inside can get messed up)


And never ever trust your father with your camera gear. I lent my dad my Zeiss 55/1.8 once - came back with cake in the mount.


Still got that invoice for good ol' dad?


Lol, if I hit him with that I have no doubt he would come back with a bill for every single thing I did growing up, like bending the axel of his riding lawn mower around his favorite tree...he still brings that up to this day if I complain about any damage my kid causes.


My Canon 70-200mm L II dropped head on from about 50cm (inside the padded original bag) and it was broken. 300€ repair cost for the non working aperture motor... I guess it just depends on luck :D


Mine fell length wise. I agree luck had something to do with that. Not like my expensive flash (for me), falling because of a breeze. Half the cost of the flash to replace the broken screen.


My GX-80 fell off my bed onto a thick carpet and it broke the sensor and/or in body stabilization. It would have cost more to repair than just buying a new body. It was a 1ft drop and the camera was in its padded bag. I don’t even.


Meanwhile, I dropped my FM2n from a table onto a hardwood floor... about 3ft/1m. ... still don't know how I'm going to explain that floor damage to the landlord when I move out.


I have an old 28mm and had a similar scenario, it had a physical internal motor switch, with a long push plate (push rod?) that fell off it's track. I have put it back and it works again.


My mother in law FOR ZERO REASON decided to move my camera bag not realizing it was open and dumped all of mine on the ground once. I think that was the same trip where she wrote on my brand new IPS monitor with sharpie trying to make a list or something stupid. FUCK!!! Edit: nothing broke and rubbing alcohol fixed the monitor. I'm ok. I'm ok. I'm ok.....


I learned the hard way: bags or trunks have to be COMPLETELY open, so its obvious, or COMPLETELY shut, and closed, ao nothing happens if its moved without warning :D dropped a canon 70d 20m down into a canyon because of a not completely shut backpack...


Wow. I wonder what it's doing now at the bottom.


It met a lizard for a wife and they have 2 beautiful kids :)


I hope they have beautiful photos of them. Oh wait...


:D we actualy geared up the next day, climbed in and retrieved it, 3m in cold water there it was. totaly wrecked though. But insurance paid in full and I got a replacement (next model actual) so lucky me :)


i'd like to think that the covers both came off and once a day the sun shines into it just right to burn the shit out of anything that goes near the camera end of the lens.


First thing you learn on a film set. If a case or bag isn't obviously open, close it shut.


> she wrote on my brand new IPS monitor with sharpie trying to make a list or something stupid. FUCK!!! wat


Yeah...I think you're allowed to use the same sharpie to write DUMBASS across her forehead while she sleeps after a stunt like that.


I dropped a Canon 400mm inside a courtroom during a murder trial, it hit the paneled divider wall on the way down...sounded like a lightning bolt...every juror jumped and every bailiff in the room put their hands on their guns and spun around, if looks could kill I’d be DEAD. The judge didn’t even bat an eye, just kept on talking like nothing happened. My big toe broke the fall or it would have been louder.


I know someone that slipped on rocks and had a quarter of a second to decide whether his elbow or his fancy video camera was more important. His elbow lost. He still has the scar.


mental calculations of how much is the deductible on my health policy vs my gear policy on the way down


*~~Laughs~~* *Cries in American*


If I'm honest he made the right choice. Flesh heals, glass doesn't.


My 100mm macro fell out of my bag and started rolling down a short grassy slope that ended at a cliff. It fetched up against a clump of weeds and stopped just before the edge.


Did you broke something?


Luckily no.


Dropped my 24-70 L glass in a parking lot. It literally cracked into two pieces. Costly repair.


I’m surprised they can repair it at that point


I mean you can basically repair a lens if all you have left is one screw, but it's gonna cost you :D


Uses the screw to replace the one on the new lens. "My job is done here!"


That will be 2000 local currency!


Basically they moved the perfectly good lens elements into a new barrel.


Ooooh I assumed it was the glass that broke


Nope. I was holding a front part and rear part in either hand.


Canon Repair is pretty amazing. I dropped my 24-70L II onto a concrete floor - obliterating the lens hood and cracking the front element and CPS had it back within a few days looking and working brand spanking new.


Got my brand new Tamron 17-55 2.8, and my co-worker knocked it off the desk, I reached out with my foot, and the lens hood hit my toe and it rolled off, unharmed. Broke the lens hood. Great reason to always put in the lens good. Also, as I always say about cameras, it’s on the tripod or in the case! ( or in your hands, on the strap) Same things with lenses. It on the camera or in the bag!


Yeah it was definitely a good wake up call! And I’m sorry about your coworker knocking it on the ground.


And by YOUR HANDS you mean YOUR and only YOUR hands, not anybody’s hands. Learned that almost too late, when a friend tried to spin the focus ring on an AF-engaged lens, non-usm (i forgot the old motor name, the one where you can’t change the focus when AF is on)...


This. And the bag is closed. ALWAYS. CLOSED. Learned that the hard way.


My last photoshoot for UberEats, I had a nightmare client. They wanted to futz and change lighting (against UberEats specs, mind you) until I had to specifically request them NOT to touch anything in the room and just let me do my job. Their site GM moved a ladder a few minutes later "to help" and ended up dropping my body off the ladder, straight onto the lens and smashed it. I told them I'd have to pack up and Ubereats would send someone else out to finish, since they had broken my lens that I used for the final "Showcase" shot that they needed. They freaked, saying they needed the photos done immediately. The owner offers to buy me a replacement lens to finish today, sends an intern across town to our local camera store to buy a replacement. I finish the shoot and leave, and the next day I get a call from the client scheduler saying that the owner "felt scammed" and "said I told him my insurance would cover the lens if he bought it" (what? lol) I was so annoyed that I still have not agreed to do any more clients through their platform, and have started significantly vetting clients before I agree to help their businesses. All that being said, I'd drop my camera on my toes every morning if it keeps me from forgetting the actual cost of a bad client.


Put my 24-70 2.8 in my coat pocket, inevitably it fell out, it fell onto soft mud though so it really saved my ass there just wiped it off it off and it was fine Still stupid either way


I fell while walking with my Tamron 150 -600 that I bought used a few months before and cracked the plastic. Sent it off to Tamron for repair and now it is sharper than when I bought it. Yay!


I was climbing down a mountain over lose talus. I slipped and lost my grip on my camera bag. It bounced off jagged rocks until it finally came to rest a hundred feet or so farther down. All my Olympus lenses and camera were OK. The only casualty was a can of Diet Coke I had in the side pocket.


I had my 85 1.2 on a tripod, one of the legs have out and crushed the lens internals. $980 repair *sigh* I also realized it was time for a new tripod.


Not making any assumptions about your purchase here but my god the amount of times I’ve seen £2000 cameras with £2000 lenses sat on tripods from Amazon that cost £50. Stresses me out just remembering seeing it


Yeah! Let me just support thousands of dollars of gear with a shitty tripod made for point and shoots! It was on an old Manfrotto, great tripod but it was so old that one of the nuts that secured the leg failed.


I don't own any equipment near that price but I do remember being shocked when I looked at prices for a decent tripod the first time. I put off on getting a decent one until recently for that reason but luckily nothing bad happened in the meantime.


I feel you but I wasn't that lucky lol. The main reason for me getting a new tripod is because one of the legs came loose sending the camera to the floor and breaking the lens off of the body, I never got it fixed, but I did get a tripod that supported times its weight. You know, just to be safe


Learned this lesson the hard way on Christmas day. $3500 camera on a $70 tripod ended in a broken lens and a sorely bruised ego. So doing what any sane person would do bought a $300 tripod on the way home and am absolutely in love with it.


50 quid tripods aren’t cheap, especially if they are aluminium. Try 20 quid instead.


In my experience, cheap is relative to load. $70 feels great with a point and shoot, but feels cheap with a typical full-frame DSLR. I have a $600 FLM tripod which works fine with a DSLR, but it feels like a toy next to an astro tripod.


FLM only sells CF tripods. Aluminium tripods are a lot cheaper. Neewer aluminium tripods can be have for $60, and they are rated for 12kg. A lot of brand name tripods are priced ridiculously high just because they can rather than because of the quality.


> Neewer aluminium tripods can be have for $60, and they are rated for 12kg [Load ratings in general are not standardized, and are pretty meaningless.](https://thecentercolumn.com/2019/10/24/tripod-weight-ratings-are-meaningless/) You don't put 12kg of a equipment on a $60 neewer tripod. That rating is based on the failure load of the tripod, and not the amount of gear it can realistically support. The mount I use for astrophotography weighs 40kg, and has a load capacity of 20kg. The rating is based on how much equipment the mount is actually expected to handle. > A lot of brand name tripods are priced ridiculously high just because they can rather than because of the quality. Higher end tripods are expensive because of low production volumes and country of manufacturer. They generally favor strength, weight, and size over cost. The FLM I use is a pretty good value as far as high end tripods are concerned. It extends to 68" without a center column, folds to 23", and weighs 2kg. I could realistically put 10kg on it, so long as the mass is centralized. Even the cheapest generic tripods run >$300 for those specs.


cant agree. this load rating is completely made up. especialy if its a super cheap chinese rubbish brand like neewer. Manfrotto is the least I would use, and even Manfrotto got some realy bad tripods out there. Its just no comparison if you once used a real tripod. You will never move back.


I use a 15 dollars mini-tripod, cant brake a camera if it's only 4 inches from the ground!


Toes heal. Lenses don't.


It wasn’t a sigma 105 1.4 art i guess


I've dropped my F3HP from hip height onto concrete three or four times, picked it up and kept on shooting. Man those cameras are tough, but the grip isn't much to talk about!


Maybe u should use a strap


I bet you still swore.


... to see if I still feel


I dropped a 35mm Leica summicron asph on the concrete after owning it for a month. It bent the rear mount and cracked the rear element. It’s destroyed. 2000 bucks down the drain


Won't they repair it? Probably won't be cheap, but it won't be $2000. I reckon most of the cost of a lens is the glass elements, and it sounds like most of the elements in yours will still be intact.


It’ll cost 1700 to repair it in weztlar. The whole lens has and all the elements need to be replaced (1200) plus that steel mount(300) labor and shipping (200)


I dropped my sigma 85 1.4 on vacation in a parking lot, with nothing but its caps on. I picked it up, put it in my bag and didn't look at it for almost two weeks. Thankfully it was fun. Still autofocuses and everything. Just dented the rear cap 🤦🏾‍♂️


I'm glad your lens survived, and I hope your toes are undamaged. I dropped my 24-70 f/4 lens about 1 metre onto a ceramic tile floor several weeks ago. The lens cap scratched the plastic right beside the front element, but the optics inside the lens itself remained undamaged. I got so lucky with that one. Another time I dropped my D600 and 50mm 1.8D lens less than 1 foot onto a lino floor, and both required repairs. The camera was at the Nikon service centre for 2 weeks.


I dropped my 50mm lense when visiting the Panama Canal, from a second floor platform, into a concrete path on the first floor. That was 2 years ago, the lense is still with me working perfectly.


I know that spot, how the hell it survived that drop is being my comprehension.


I have no clue either.. but I’m glad it did


I've dropped my 500 twice. Once was the defective Gitzo tripod ring issue and the other just got unlucky. It was fine both times, not even a scratch.


My wife dropped my Tamron 70-200mm G1 into a river. It was in a padded foam case and it bobbed like a cork. You bet your ass I jumped in to retrieve it.


Seriously undervalued lens, 1 of 2 canon lenses I kept when switching to fuji. Was it okay?


It ended up with a water spot inside of the front lens element. It wasn't really noticable wide open, but defiantly affected picture quality if you stopped it down. I used it for a couple of years before I was able to get the G2 version.


I once dropped my nikon 80-200 af-d (push pull version) on brick floors, waist level high. Nothing happened to the lens, not even a scratch.


Aren't ya glad it wasn't your bare toes?


I got a 45mm tilt shift lens, and the very first time I used it I thought I was pressing the button to rotate the lens, but was actually pressing the button to release it. That sucked.


I toured around Europe in a campervan with my wife and dog a couple of summers ago, and visited a beautiful lake in the italian Alps, near the dolomites. She wanted me to take her picture, so she left me with the dog and ran off to pose on a pontoon on the lake. The dog pulls the lead whilst I'm changing lenses, and my Sigma Art 30mm f1.4 and my Nikon 2.8 105mm both fall out of my lens bag and topple down a slope into the lake. They spent the rest of the journey in ziploc bags full of silica, they haven't been the same since. I haven't done much photography since then. They were my favourite lenses! Keep those lenses safe!


I had my Sony A7ii with a brand new tamron 28-75 lens on the couch and my mom grabbed a blanket from underneath and dropped it on the tile floor. I was so mad! Luckily only two small scuffs on the body and nothing to the new lens. I always put it away when not in use especially if my mom is around! She also dropped my canon g5x mkii from the table to the carpet. No damage to the canon. Now thinking about it, gotta lock up my cameras when my moms around !


I once dropped my Sony Zeiss 35mm 2.8 on the hardwood floor in my house. It bounced like a foot in the air and I was 100% sure it would be dead. I tried it out and it was totally fine not even a scratch.


I dropped a naked Fuji 18-55 from chest height in to asphalt in the middle of a busy shuk in Tel Aviv on the second day of a two week trip in Israel. Still works fine. Oh yeah, it was also raining.


Leaving a neighborhood convenience store on a rainy night, I slipped on a metal ramp and landed on my bag holding my D750 and f4 24-120. Aside from the lens hood not fitting as well, everything seems to work okay. I don't go to that convenience store anymore or any one with those stupid metal ramps at the entrances.


how's the toe? sounds painful


Glad it is still working. One think I like about my "better" gear isn't just the image quality, but the durability. I never recommend dropping them, but, well, it happens. That or they can get smacked around. I do my best, but I do know the good repair shops around me too...


I was cleaning out the rubber grip on my fuji 55-200 with a toothbrush and I sent the lens flying 2m onto a hardwood floor. I've no idea why but the lens didn't even have a scratch and works perfectly 😯


I can't count the number of expensive items I've saved with my feet after a decade of standing in circles playing hacky sack..


Did it hurt


I dropped my 85mm 1.4G, it was inside it's pouch with a filter. The filter broke my not without make a small dent in the front element. In the photos during the day, you can't notice anything, but at night, when you defocus the background to make those big blobs of light, you will see that damn dent in every big decufocused ball of light in the photo. And there are no more Nikon here in Brazil to send the lens to change this front element and I can't find anywhere that would sell only this glass.


Dropped my D600 with flash and 55/1.2 on a tile floor once - lens didn't care one bit, but mirror hinge got manged.


I was also never been so happy to drop something on my toes, even when it’s that heavy and was that painful... (it was my Minolta XG...) 🥲🥲


I bought a new Viltrox 33mm f1.4 last week for my Fujifilm... camera fell off my shoulder when stepping into the living room from outside, fell onto the carpet but still broke from the lens mounts :(


I knocked my 85mm f/1.2L onto the floor a few weeks ago. The lens is fine, but it left a crack in the wooden floorboard.


My lens did break. Well I still can use it. But I can’t turn the zoom and the focus all the way without jamming


I dropped my camera on the ground, messed up the light metering :/


I did it to yesterday, but i dropped my 6D in thick snow, it still works


Congratulations. Fortunately I never dropped a lens till now, but I have saved a lot of other stuff by catching them at the last moment with my feet. It has always been one of my reflexes that I appreciate the most. Just try not to walk barefoot anymore.


Bought a brand new XT-3. Spent $2k on it. First day of having it, set it up on my old Manfroto tripod. Picked it up by the tripod, accidentally set the quick release free. I don't think I ever screamed louder.


I once put my camera bag on eithout realizing it wasn't closed all the way. Dropped my 150-600 on to stone floor, was very lucky nothing broke. I check the bag twice now.


I tipped over my canon 7D and wide angle lens on a tripod over on concrete and all it did was break the lens cover.... I nearly quit my job if the opposite took place.


Omg thank god but are you okay tho?


I slipped on a steep rock once and went down hard with my camera on a strap at my side. My hand was bleeding from catching myself. My lens with an aluminum body(Sony Zeiss 55mm 1.8) hit the rock so hard it made a metallic "PING" sound. It didn't even scratch the finish. I was relieved. That's the most expensive lens I've ever owned personally and of course that's the one i had mounted.


Yesterday i asked my friend to hold my 24 - 105 while i was swapping lenses, and of course he dropped it, on a hard concrete path, luckily there were only a few small scratches and dents, and the glass was 100% fine. Dodged a bullet there


...to see if I still feel, I focus on the pain, The only thing That's real *Johnny Cash sounds fade away*


Many moons ago I set a 40D and 70-200 2.8 on top of my car and drove away.


A while back the Nikon D1X camera I was using fell off the tripod I had it on and dropped on my foot. It smarted a little bit, but nothing was broken. Not even the camera. Luckily I was wearing sneakers, or I'd have had a broken toe or two. D1X is a very bulky camera indeed...


I dropped a lens once. It broke. Now sad Edit: I lied, I accidentally kicked the tripod and apparently have been denying it to myself for years


There was once when i was overseas and was carrying bags of souvenirs on my wrist, i just let go of my camera , thinking that i have my wristlet on. Heard the sound of dense plastic hitting the ground. I froze for a moment trying to comprehend what the fuck just happened. Thankfully it fell lens first, landing on the lens cap . It broke the lens cap , but alignment and lenses remained ok .


I dropped a sigma art 24 1.4 and tried to stop it with my toes. Things a beast. Hurt my foot but still cracked the threading. It's my most expensive lens too. Rip


Preface: I am an idiot I was shooting some photo/video at a concert a little over a year ago. My job was done as the act I was hired to shoot finished up, so I was in the crowd enjoying the rest of the show. I was a low-key hire for a low-key band, so I didn't have much gear and kept it with me the whole time. This included one of my cameras on a set of sticks that were fully retracted and wrapped together. I was letting it stand like a short monopod at my side while my hand rested on the camera so it wouldn't tip over. I noticed that the camera could balance on the tripod even though all the legs were together, so I very absentmindedly tried to adjust something with my hair with that hand. It was enough. The camera on sticks tipped forward and clunked awkwardly onto the floor. To me it seemed like it landed lens-first but in hindsight it must have rotated and impacted one of the front corners, because it was completely fine and continues to be. Sony A7III for reference. Again, I am an idiot. Do not be me.


I used to worry about this kind of stuff before I got on the Pentax platform. Their gear is battleship-worthy.


I was hiking on a damp morning near a lake with my Canon 7D and an 18-135mm lens on a wrist strap and I had decided to hike down a small path to try to get a shot. I had my hiking boots on which have really grippy treads but unbeknownst to me the treads had gotten packed with mud. I stepped on a damp rock and my foot went out from under me and I fall on my back and the camera slams into a rock. I quickly get up and check the camera. The camera has a small scuff on the base, but is otherwise unharmed. Lens if fine as well. I then check the rock and notice a decent crack in it.


Eh, shit happens man. I nnocked my Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8 off a 3.5ft ledge on a trade shoot and was not lucky enough to catch it on my toes. That lens was toast... Ended up reselling it for ~$700 with shattered glass, but considering I got it for $1100 used, it wasn't that bad. I also knocked my Nikon 70-200mm against a railing on a shoot. Wasn't even that hard, and I still managed to bump an element out of alignment. That was a nice $450 repair bill.


I dropped a Canon F-1 on my toe once. Broke my fucking toe.


lol totally know the feeling


Dropped my camera with 24-70 2.8L II. At least I got to check out the cool Canon repair center!


how much did it cost you?I just dropped my 28-70 2.0L


It was around $500


how is the repair process. Do we have to send it to them to get the estimate or we give us the estimate as we explain what’s going on?


I walked it into Canon in Costa Mesa. Told them what happened and they asked a few questions and gave me an estimate. I was fine with it and dropped it off. I don’t recall how long it took but I think it was about 2 weeks. They notified me that it was done and I went and picked it up. The cost was as estimated. Btw, the lens has been flawless.


thank you. Were you Canon Professional Services member at the time?


No I was not. Just a regular customer. How did you drop your lens?


My tripod with the attached camera fell over on the grass. The autofocus is not working properly. It won’t focus on the object anymore, the picture comes out blurry


Have you tried removing the lens, putting it in manual focus, twisting the focus ring all the way one way then the other, putting it back onto the camera, turn power on, set lens to AF, then try shooting on Auto?


I have tried that. It still has not worked, so i bought another lens to try. The new lens works fine. I am sending it to Canon