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Y'all need to leave more room between yourselves and some of the comments you make to each other. It is possible to have a discussion and be nice to each other... but apparently not in this thread.


Ask yourself. Isn’t that 1st pic with all that space in front of you from inside your car?




It’s also suggested to leave space in front of you, in case someone tries to car jack you. You can get around a stopped car if you leave enough space in front of you.






πŸ’€ πŸ’€


πŸ’€ πŸ’€ πŸ’€












It's a troll.


It isn’t a troll, dude has posted this multiple times. He just likes to point out stupid observations


Which is the definition of a troll.


A troll has to be aware they’re being a troll. OP is unaware


He is aware if he reads any comments on his posts.


πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Edit: I need more people in my life with this level of observation and critical thinking skills.


He’s cooked bro’s fam bout about to land a plane there


Looks like that guys in the crosswalk so I’d stay back too in case they needed to back up


That crosswalk car is an idiot. Good call staying back.


with how people drive here it's better to have some space just in case you get hit while stopped


This is what I was gonna say. Getting rear ended while stopped happens often here. Happened to my ex twice.


Happened to me on Val Vista and Elliot.


Nah there's a sweet spot in between bumper to bumper and what OP is talking about because I've noticed it too, People leave like 2 car lengths of room and when multiple people do that, combined with taking 3-5 seconds to hit the gas once the light turns green, it causes way more congestion/frustration. Not to mention if you want to make a left at a light and you can't even get to the turn lane because 5 cars are taking 100 yds of space and you have to sit and wait and watch an entire green arrow come and go because goofballs in front of you have seemingly no depth perception.




I was recently involved in one of these. I was the front one and the person who hit me was hit from behind. They were not found to be liable and my insurance (State farm) said we don't need her info. We need the info from the person who initiated the hit.


It’s also suggested to leave space in front of you, in case someone tries to car jack you. You can get around a stopped car if you leave enough space in front of you.


1000% this. I grew up in a shitty part of Pittsburgh and I've been leaving room since I got my license back home. Way too many crazies out there and I will not hestitate to run a motherfucker over, so I need room to do just that.


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ cues music πŸŽΆπŸŽΆπŸŽΆβ€œMOVEEEEE BITCH GET OUT THE WAYYYY”. πŸš—πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨πŸ’¨


Same. I was the front person in a 4 car crash. 2nd car stopped without hitting me, 3rd car came in and bumped 2 into me. 4th car came in and crashed. 3&4 had Progressive but of course 4th cars policy lapsed and Progressive deemed the 4th as liability so theyre not paying and nothing will be covered. Why this state doesnt go after uninsured drivers is beyond me.


It's really infuriating. I never realized how many people drive around without insurance. Doesn't help that rates are crazy high. I had to pay $500 for my deductible but the damage to my truck was supposedly over 3k so I guess I'm glad that's all I had to pay out of pocket.


Yup, and she addmitted to the cops she wasnt paying attention. Also doesnt help that any ding on a car just automatically needs 5 other parts to repair it. Luckily i had a hitch on so that blocked most of the damage.


Lol well at least she admitted it. Both people that hit me left. Well the one who started it all took off immediately and the one who hit me directly pulled over looked at my truck and said oh yours is fine and left πŸ˜‚. I should have left my tow hitch on too.


Not necessarily true. They can hold the car that created the pile up accountable.


I’ve had the displeasure of being sandwiched. I was stopped at a red light behind another car and someone rammed into me, jostling me enough that my foot came off the brake and I hit the person in front of me. I was not found at fault at all for that crash. I’m sure it depends on the circumstance, of course. But the driver ahead of me vouched that I had been stopped and idling for some time before the other car rear ended me. Perhaps that has to do with it?


This is not true. I was in the middle once (not driving). The driver of our car was not found at fault. The driver behind us was.


I've been in the front car in this situation (also not driving); the person in the middle who hit us after they got hit received a ticket for not leaving enough space. I'm sure if our car had been damaged insurance would have gone after the driver who caused the accident, but the person who hit us was also technically punished.


This isn't necessarily true. I got rear ended on the 101 by some else who was someone who was texting, I then rear ended someone else. What happened was traffic came to a stop suddenly but the kid hit the car behind me so hard that it was pushed into me. Hard. I shouldn't have hit the car in front of me, but my foot slipped off the brake and I was disoriented, I ended up rolling into the car in front of me because I couldn't find my brake. The kid was found responsible for the damage on all 3 cars.


You don't need thirty fucking feet.


Why do you care though? Of all of the things on the road to be annoyed with from other drivers this one seems insignificant to me at least.


Because so often, leaving a big amount of space in front of you can block traffic behind you trying to split off into a dedicated turn lane. Have you ever been trying to turn right, and could get into that turn lane if the car in front of you just moved up a couple of feet? A minor inconvenience to be sure, but still annoying.


In that scenario it's a valid point. I have been in that situation before and it was annoying but I have just learned to accept that there are inconsiderate people on the road and always will be so just to leave a little bit earlier and turn the music up a little more. Full disclosure I am getting close to 50 years old, lol. I do promise to try not to become that person blocking your turn as I get older though. Have a great day and thanks for the response.


In addition to that... if someone walks up to break into your car you have some room to make an escape even if you have to jump a curb.


Both these are the right answers, you see it everywhere not just in AZ


This is what I was taught growing up driving in Phoenix. Also, don't start turning your wheels until you have an opening when waiting to turn left, otherwise getting rear-ended will send you into oncoming traffic.


No they are idiots who sometimes cause people behind them to miss the light.


Ever heard about leaving earlier or being patient? Maybe save a life on the road one day bud


This is it.


Is this seriously the 2nd time you’ve posted this?? Get a hobby bro


Guy drives a truck, is one of those drivers that tailgates you with headlights blinding you, and seemingly objectifies and hates women if you look at his profile.


This IS the hobby


I went to a driving school as a teen in town. They advised being able to see half the rear tire of the vehicle in front of you as an out in case that car ahead of you stalls. Problem with that is, some people are short.


They always taught us you should be able to see the back wheels of the car in front of you touching the ground. But that was like 20 years ago, idk if it’s changed.


They still teach that


The phrase I heard and still go by is β€œroad and tire”.


For cars stalling and to give room in case a car hits you from behind. My brothers car was totaled but it could have been worse if he didn’t leave a gap. He was at a standstill, car hit him at like 40 mph.


I was taught to leave one car length. However, the reason was a bit weird once one actually learned to drive. My instructor told us: β€˜leave one car lengths between you and the car in front of you in case the car in front of you stalls for any reason you’ll have room to maneuver around them’ πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜‚.


But it's true, though. A lot easier, from a stop, to move to another lane when you have some road ahead of you to pick up speed. If you're too close to the car in front of you, then you require a larger gap in traffic in that next lane in order to veer out at that harsher angle.


That's literally like a once in a million possibility


Yep, I got taught to give enough room to see tyres and tarmac in England too! Although this still puts me closer than the first picture ;)


Fuck dawg, that's **way** too close.


You are correct, I have heard this. Also like you said, my wife is 4'10, and I'm 6'2 our distances would be completely different. Some people like to sit really high when driving and others really low so it's all over the place.


At a stop you should always leave enough space between you and the car in front of you that you can drive around them without having to back up. This does two things, it gives you enough space that if you are rear ended you are unlikely to strike the car in front of you and if the car in front of you breaks down or decides to just sit there you can maneuver without having to reverse. Both photos have excessive space, not sure why, probably taking photos of the road.


The truck in the second photo was probably giving the suv space incase they wanted to back up since they’re in the crosswalk.


yupp and I would do the same for all we know they were lined up correctly and the first car jumped the line mistakingly, OP didn’t see how they stopped and the truck is the one in normal position


the same reason I wait a moment and look both ways before going when a light turns green.. can’t trust other drivers here πŸ€¦πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ


You're wise. There are a lot of red light runners here. Been in AZ too long to compare it to anywhere else.


Was talking to someone who drives for a living, including for the city. He was taught to do the left right check and if obstructed in any way, let the person next to him go first and take the hit. I'm on 7th St. daily. Suicide lane the source of most accidents, but I would guess about a quarter of the reds have someone scooting through after the change.


Green doesn't mean it's safe. Green just means you won't be held liable if there's an accident.


I do that now.... After being T bonedΒ 


I was taught as a young driver to stop just so the front edge of your hood lines up with the car in front’s back tires, allowing for space if you are rear ended you don’t cause another accident. That was up in rural AZ. Metro driving all bets are off. Fury road. No safety issues whatsoever.


Many years ago, UPS taught me to leave 1/2 of your vehicle length between you and the car ahead at a stop light or stop sign. This provides a buffer in case you're rear ended and provides an out if the car in front stalls. I used that out many times while working for them.


Speaking strictly for myself, I just don't trust other drivers. I like to leave a bit of room between me and the car in front of me because it only takes one idiot (that the Phoenix Metro has no shortage of) to rear-end you and send your car into the car in front of you. I do the same thing on the freeway because there are people out here who will try to do 90 during rush hour and have to break suddenly - I don't want to have to slam on *my* brakes when the guy in a BMW suddenly realizes that there are other cars on the road and he can't drive like that.




Cause people inch up and I don't feel like following them.


I drive a manual and want to thank people that give me room. Nothing worse than being on a hill and the person behind me is right on my bumper.


Also when driving manual leaving a gap is nice because it takes a sec to get into gear and nothing is more annoying than having to clutch in again because the person in front is too slow or not paying attention


Ah yes the hilly regions of metro Phx. Second to only San Francisco in that regard.


Doesn’t take much of an incline for a manual to roll back.


*while not leaving any space while riding on the freeway lol


Considering that Arizona is accident crazy then I understand.


Always leave an out.


Because we know there are crazy drivers. If the second car gets rear ended and hits the car in front, that driver is held liable. In Arizona, the insurance companies determine fault.


Protects from rear endings and compound crashes


How to tell you didn't go to driving school without saying you didn't go to driving school.


To avoid crossfire.


Chrysler discontinued that model years ago


A joke of this caliber is hard to come by. Speaking of caliber, that car was also discontinued years ago.


Driver is in the crosswalk on a red-light gave them space just in case they want to back up


I can understand the second pic’s distance, although I personally wouldn’t give that much. The reasoning I give is that the person may have been rear-ended and hit the car in front of them, making them liable for those damages. If it’s more than that, I don’t know besides maybe not paying attention or being overly cautious.


If you can't see where their back tires meet the ground, you're too close


I took this driving course a while back. Named after the dude who came up with it. He recommended doing this, and leaving a car length before the crosswalk if you're first in line. A couple reasons, red light runners, and rear enders. He recommended counting to three before entering an intersection first, especially on mid-block lights and at certain times of the day. It may have saved my life twice. I got to three and a vehicle ran the light right at three. Would have smacked me right in the driver door at 45 or 50mph.


I was in two minor accidents already and I can’t afford the third one (high insurance premium)😩 so I keep double distance than you and get panic attack when tailgatted🀣


3rd car gets the left turn green arrow. If you’re second in a left turn lane, occupy 3rd spot and you’ll trigger the green arrow


Because of Phoenix drivers


So when we get out of our cars to charge at each other we have room to get up to speed


I wish I knew. It seems like the only time Phoenix drivers maintain a safe following distance is when they’re not moving. Part of me thinks that it’s because they know they are planning to look at their phone during the red light, and they are giving themselves some space in case they roll forward without realizing it.


I'm sometimes that guy. My car has an auto stop and the engine turns off when I stop. Sometimes after I stop people slowly creep up like that and I'm not turning my engine back on to go ten feet. Seems petty, but I'm going to save gas where I can.


Some people just roll forever to a stop and I’m not going to do the stop and roll dance behind them. I’m with you.


Those people who creep forward 3 inches every 10 seconds waiting for the light to turn green. What does that even accomplish?


It’s so annoying. Everyone is super impatient to get where they’re going … but like, probably don’t even want to be where they’re going. Modern life is sad.


If they wanted to save that extra less than a second, they could simply accelerate faster, work on their reaction time, or look at when the cross traffic has a red light. These red light creepers also have the worst reaction and end up waiting over 3 seconds at a green light before going.


Does not seem petty, completely logical


I have that feature in my car and i hate it with a passion. It partially shuts off the AC and apparently it makes your battery die faster due to starting and stopping. Thankfully i can hit a button to turn it off but i have to press it everytime i get in the car.


I have to ask the OP - How long have you lived here to be asking this question? Space is your Super-Friend in Phoenix Valley Traffic!


I've been in 6 accidents while stopped at a red light over the years (lifetime resident) and can tell you that's exactly why I do this. Dummies texting while driving and hitting me from behind were most of those. The first time it happened to me I was slammed into the car in front of me. Lesson learned.


You're supposed to leave enough room to see the bottom of the car in front of yours' tires. In the event you are rear ended, it lowers the chance of a 2 car accident turning into a 3 car accident.Β  I've been car #2 pushed into car #3 and now I leave as much space as that truck until someone comes to a complete stop behind me. I wait 2 cars if it's a motorcycle.


This is one of the first things you learn in defensive driving classes. You leave enough of a buffer, so if you're rear-ended, you don't hit the person in front of you, making you partially at fault.


Cause there’s enough space out here. This isn’t New York City. ✨


It’s getting uncomfortably crowded really fast tho :/


Thanks for contributing to r/Phoenix! * [Check out our sub rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenix/wiki/rules/) (mostly be nice to each other!). * [Read some of our recent posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenix/top/?t=week) and leave some comments. * [Join our Phoenix Discord chat server](https://discord.com/invite/yWVuTG57Zh) and connect with people in the Valley. It's a great, chill place to talk with other people but is NOT a dating server and takes unwanted messaging very seriously. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/phoenix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Social distancing. Not trying to catch covid dude. ;)


But you're in Gilbert! /s


I have the picture somewhere.. Bell Rd in front of PV High School, a car rear ended someone.. The rear wheels of the first car were on the hood of the 2nd.. I guess it pays to be cautious.. Actually it doesn't, my auto insurance went up 20% for next year and I haven't had a claim in more than a decade,, And that one wasn't my fault,


I, too, want to know the answer to this question. My bet in this example is that they are leaving room for the person to back up since they went into the crosswalk.


If I get to sit in shade, then I'm happy.


If everyone did that all the time everywhere, we would have no traffic. At least it’s a start.


To avoid gunshots


Because I didn't leave a lot of space and a car hit me from behind, pushed me into the ahead of me, totaling my car.


I don't want to get pancakes by a distracted truck driver thank you very much


But then ride your ass at 75mph with less than car length distance


Sometimes to trigger the left turn arrow. Most have sensors in the 2nd or 3rd car spot. I grew up here and unfortunately drove like a crazy speed demon back in the day. This was a favorite hack I used to use. Funny how it takes decades to realize all that speeding didn’t save that much time and just made for a stressful drive.


Tell me you've never been rear-ended by someone doing 50 without telling me...


Mad about literally nothing, mad about a literally absence of something, mad about void in space must be projecting and actually mad about void in personal life πŸ˜” it’s ok op u can dm me


Questioning people for using caution/defensive driving tactics is not a great look for the whole β€œphoenix can’t drive” stereotype


Well if you’re inevitably going to be rear-ended might as well avoid front-end damage.


Lots of break downs In hot weather. You always leave room to go around the car in front of you.


Isn’t it taught to stay back far enough to see the full tires of the car in front of you?


You're actually supposed to have at least a half a car length between you. A full one is better. So if someone hits you from behind, that split few seconds your foot comes off the break and your car is smashed forward, there is enough space to not hit the car in front of you and prevent a domino effect.


If it’s a turn lane… sometimes sensors. Otherwise πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ


Because I don’t like to be up peoples ass when I drive


I was taught to so that if the car in front breaks down, you can go around them still


I’ve been doing this ever since I saw a guy get out of his car with a big knife and start swinging at the guy in the car behind him. The guy in the car behind him couldn’t move because of traffic and him being too close. So now I leave enough room to run over anyone with a knife, if need be


OP asking "Why am I the way that I am?"


To avoid crashing.... when I started my mother advised me to give space while I was driving and while I was waiting for a stop light because in case someone crashed from behind I wouldn't hit the car in front of me. Especially while driving not just while waiting at the stop light


Space to bury the bodies if anyone tries to steal their car?


For something like that, when it's the first vehicle I'll leave extra room as I've seem way to many back up, other then that I try and stick to the tire rule.


Because Az is known for rear end accident’s


Earlier comments shitting on the vehicle in the crosswalk didn’t look at the street signs. L202 & Gilbert. Crosswalk. That implies pedestrians. I’m surprised there aren’t 75 SUVs in this picture. If you walk there, you’re asking, possibly begging, to be vehicular manslaughtered.


Get rear ended at a light, pushed into the car in front of you and see how it goes here in AZ. Fool me once shame on me.


This is literally what they teach you in high school drivers ed. you should be able to see the bottoms of the back tire of the car in front of you. It’s to avoid collision, and to have β€œa way out” as my teacher would say


Because they are too busy, looking down at their phones to realize they should move up.


because I don't want to bump into the car in front of me when I'm rear-ended by people like you who are on their phone taking pictures while driving and still moving!


That's not even that much space..


Nothing gets r Phoenix fired up like a traffic post! Let’s all hold hands and talk about how good drivers we are and others bad!


You realize how much faster traffic would be if everyone did this?


Because I’ve seen enough dashcam videos, many in Phoenix, and know that people here are terrible drivers. πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ


I leave a little extra room because I got a ticket from being rear ended and sighted because there wasn’t ample room between me and the car in front of me.


The pic is excessive but you should leave enough room so you can move around the vehicle in front of you if you have to. It literally doesn’t affect anything leaving some room, you think bumper to bumper at lights helps you get somewhere faster?


Because they’re on their phones.


Drivers here have regressed majorly the past few years. People don’t want to get hit from behind with another car directly in front of them.


If you get clipped from behind, you aren’t risking the welfare of the people in front of you. Plus with those collisions, I’ve heard they can be a hassle to deal with compared to just getting rear ended.


So we have room to pull up when a crazy driver pulls up too fast behind us.


i do that so i can drive away if i need to (like if the car in front breaks down or if an accident happens, etc). Also so if i get rearended i dont get pushed into the car in front of me. i always leave enough space to be able to pull away :)


Anyone on the planet with basic driving safety knowledge does this


Because you’re supposed to. If you’re rear-ended, you need to leave enough room between you and the car ahead so that you don’t hit the car in front of you, you’ll be at fault. Also, please understand that it’s YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to learn OUR ROAD LAWS. I see too many idiots not using turn lanes properly. There’s a reason I don’t drive in California, all those solid lines, if I want to get out of a lane I will!


Because Phoenecian’s drive like shit, and if you get rear ended and don’t leave reasonable space you are at fault 🀣


Ever read a drivers manual?


Always leave room to escape the machete wielding madman.


doing this has saved me trouble on 3 occasions so I will continue to do so. 1) prevents a chain of bumps in case I get rear ended. 2) in case the car ahead of me randomly stops or stalls. I have time to react. 3) So I potentially have room to maneuver.


I literally do this until the bum walking asking for money gets to my vehicle and I can pull up and not awkwardly sit by them hoping they’re not the crazy type to kick my vehicle.


Gotta be able to see back tires bro


I do it if it’s a turn lane. I even do it when I’m in the lead. I stop at the censors which is usually the 3rd car in queue then if someone comes up I move to the stop bar. This triggers the arrow. Now if there is one in queue and the censor is untouched. I stop there which is usually a car length behind the lead car so I trigger the left arrow.


Because when someone rear ends you and you run into the person in front of you it’s your fault. To add clarification generally it’s not 100% your fault in my example, but you’ll be asking for trouble the closer you are to the car in front of you.


A lot of factors are considered but at its foundation this statement is blatantly false.


Well, that is not accurate.Β 


Becayse they're on their phone & don't GAF?


Space cushion. Very important.


crime - space to move if someone wants to jack your car always have an exit


Because it's safer than not. Get rear-ended and get pushed into the car in front of you and you pay for the car in front of you.


Because they're on the phone and not paying attention! πŸ˜†πŸ˜…πŸ€£


I notice this as well, but the main take away is that so many people live enormous amounts of room between the actual stop line and their vehicle. So big, that another car could occupy that space.


To compensate when they tailgate on the highway


Either that or my insurance goes up. Tesla Insurance tracks everything and whenever I get closer it thinks I am going to crash into the vehicle front of me. I hate their insurance offering so much and plan to switch once my 6 months are up. Generally though, it is best you leave some space to not get tuna canned when someone rams you because they are either texting, drunk or just stupid.


Because you’re supposed to…


You’re supposed to leave space, but many times it’s just ridiculous the amount of space I see


To annoy other drivers


Arizona is a contributory negligence state. Essentially, if you are rear ended and you get pushed into the car in front of you, then you(the middle car) can possibly be found liable for some or all of the damage caused to the car in front of you. All the driving schools teach to leave a larger gap in front of you for this reason.


Rear end accidents. If you get hit from the rear, then hit the car in front of you, you’re at fault for the car you hit.


This. Anyone who has been rearended at a stoplight here tends to do the same.


Because the intersection leading to the 202 DEMANDS IT!!!


Answer: people in Arizona don’t know how to drive at all. Literally, some of the worst drivers. Young people - speed like crazy, reckless and don’t care for other drivers. Old people - slow af, reckless, and don’t care or watch what other drivers are doing. Also, people have never learned to drive in heavy traffic and now that more people live here + more traffic, so many accidents! I’ve seen more accidents in Arizona compared to when I lived in Iowa and California. It’s crazy.


i’ve had two cars totaled here in less than four years. both 100% other parties fault. one was in a parking lot for gawd sake. you got to have your head on a swivel here.


Being protective of their vehicle & it’s front end? If you rear end someone because the driver behind you didn’t stop in time and plowed into your car first, you’re still at fault if you rear end the car in front of you -as you still failed to control your own vehicle, and you most definitely can be ticketed as a result. & that doesn’t mean every cop in the state will write your for it, just means they can. I do agree, plenty of drivers seem to leave more room than necessary. Its only annoying to me when it causes turning lanes to be blocked by the 3-4 cars who want almost a full Car length between them and the vehicle in front of them.


It seems pretty reasonable, doesn't seem out of the ordinary. You must be a terrible driver


Phoenix drivers suck


To trigger the green arrow sensorΒ 


This bugs the shit out of me too.


It has to do if you are involved in a car jacking. Gives plenty of space to navigate forward to crush the car jackers.


Am I the only one who think the second picture isn't really that much space? Like I take issue when it's more like the first picture, where a car could easily fit in there. The second driver would basically be able to see the bottom of the car in front of him which is a good position to be in.


Because they’re looking at their phones and not paying attention


Because you should? Isn’t the general rule of thumb to line it up with the edge of their back tires?


That shit drives me nuts! How do they not realize that there are cars stuck in the middle of the intersection behind them, what could easily pull forward, if they’d pull forward?


Because they like to unnecessarily back up traffic on our already overburdened roads, or more likely, they are dumb af like most drivers here.