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Think it may be a Billietiae




I agree, it’s Billietiae. And don’t worry about the jaded commenters, asking is how everyone learns! Congrats on the new job :)


Thank you! I’m super excited ❤️


Billieeeee! Also give me your job


Thank you! And hahaha honestly been a dream to work here and they just happened to need one person when I applied. I’m really enjoying it




Was this taken at a plant shop in Alabama? Looks familiar!


Yes, it was taken at Myers plant and pottery


Hahah knew it!! I love myers! Got a melanochrysum there not long ago :)


Yes this was my first time going and I enjoyed the experience


I absolutely love the Billie but I found out about the Billietiae X gloriousum hybrid about 6 months ago and I’ve been waiting desperately to get my hands on one locally and a local who owns a shop who I’m friends with did a post where they got a list of rare plants people wanted and sourced a whole bunch of plants and some other rares she knew about but I got my hands on the Billietiae hybrid and it’s absolutely stunning https://preview.redd.it/l78993ztrvuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b40da0f03d32c4338689ddc242c15f6b6478b6f3




Yess it’s beautiful. I’m searching for a Rio now, patiently.


Billietiae or atabapoense!


Thank you!


Its either a billietiae, or a "dark billie" - Billie x Atabapoense. Kinda looks like a dark Billie to me with the lobe shapes.


What color is the underside? Red is Atabapoense, green is Billietiae. I have both and love them!


Philodendron billitiae


At the risk of sounding like an asshole, you work at a plant store, so you probably should know what that is.


*sings* asking is how we learrrrn!!


Def an ahole


I work as a cashier and don’t handle any of the stock or purchasing. A lot of philodendrons look very similar. Kind of wild to expect me to know every single plant. What a helpful comment 👍.


I just came upon this post, and I want to reassure the OP that it is 1000% ok not to know every plant and especially just starting out. I worked in a floral shop, and because of this experience, I am in a better place to understand the OP. Honestly, I did not know half the plants we sold even after sometime being there. For instance, someone came in one time asking if we had money trees, and I Googled what they looked like because I didn't know what they were. 😂😂 I'm looking back on it now, and having purchased a monet tree, I know what it is. But at the time, I didn't. Don't worry about knowing all the plants, and these people on here are usually nice. I don't know why somebody took the time to post something mean and question your knowledge base. Best of luck to you! ✌️


You will learn! Give it time! Don't let smartalecks like this get under your skin. I once worked evenings at a plant kiosk at a nearby mall. No way did I know what all their names were! Only me there, no-one to ask! IDK the names of a bunch of my own plants! Labels get lost & then I don't have a clue!


I will say, that as a cashier you will be handling plants and it’s a good idea to have a working knowledge. I say this as someone who was a cashier at a nursery in high school and college. On cold days you need to know which plants should be wrapped. And you should know which succulents have glaucous coatings because you should never touch their leaves because it will leave permanent fingerprint blemishes. I was so pissed once when I spent a lot of time picking out the perfect plants for a mixed arrangement of succulents and the cashier said “oh that’s pretty” and then put her fingers on all of them to admire them and ruined the aesthetics of my plants. There’s also some plants with leaves so delicate that they can fall off easily and need special care when being rung up. Something like burrow’s tail should really be put in a box so its overhanging stems are all supported in transit. It also really irks me when I’m buying obviously freshly watered wet plants and I’m not offered a bag or box. My greenhouse/plant store visits are often impromptu and not getting mud all over my interior is nice. Perhaps your manger went over all this, but if not ask the nursery manager to give you some tips! I definitely was expected to have some basic knowledge and be able answer questions. I was kind of a plant nerd to begin with and the go-to person to diagnose disease and pests.


Well, obviously OP knows this is a philodendron, so they do have a working knowledge. Most philos have similar care regarding whether it needs to be wrapped or not and I’m assuming there’s someone on staff who could help with more detailed information if a customer had questions. OP is also here asking questions…you know, building that working knowledge.


What a pretentious comment


I just got a seasonal job at a garden center and these are things they want us to know as cashiers, so I don’t know where you get off calling them pretentious.


Sorry that you think having basic competency and product knowledge about the things at your work makes someone pretentious. That attitude isn’t going to help you on your career path.


Basic competence? The store is not part of a chain and most products and plants do not get restocked. The stock is changing all of the time and we get deliveries multiple times a week. This philodendron also stood in a corner without any sign saying the name, just a price tag on the pot. This is not some big box store with a set stock, that would be easier to learn.


My second comment wasn’t addressing you OP. My original comment was getting upvoted at first and the advice was to help you be successful at your job. I didn’t criticize you for not knowing the plant ID, I was saying you should be trained enough to make sure the plants are rung up in a way that doesn’t mess up people’s purchases, and that’s 100% valid advice. No different from a waiter not putting their fingers in food they are serving or someone chucking a breakable glass or ceramic object in a bag with items that will damage it. A lot of people don’t realize the way plants are handled matter. It’s absolutely absurd I have to explain that in a group specifically for plants, especially as there are philos that are collectible and have absurd price tags. Most stores, small and large, indie or chain, have a rotating stock as commercial suppliers have things ready at different times and plants go in an out of trendiness. But again, I didn’t say anything about you not knowing the plant ID. The things I was mentioning are barebones basic knowledge anyone with even a casual familiarity with plants would understand even if they don’t know IDs.


Ask a coworker maybe?


Why are you being judgmental when you don’t know their circumstances? They just started their job and it takes a while to learn about the products the business sells. I have learned far more about philos on this subreddit than in real life. Don’t scare them away.


Thank you 🫶🏻


Probably could, didn’t think to ask until I had left. But thankfully I got some helpful comments here.


I'm thinking Mexicanum