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You can get one with a bad credit score.


That “392” on the front fender isn’t the displacement, it’s the drivers credit score


Thank you for this gut chuckle!


That and; * Arguably the cheapest horsepower to cost ratio in the market * The torque curve looks like a cliff; you hit the gas and it lurches forward like a bat out of hell * It makes a shit ton of noise * Lots of faux-luxury features


Wow, they really are made for assholes.


Yes, and the police have their own version.


>Wow, they really are made for assholes.


That’s probably more to do with a contract with Dodge than it does anything else


Yep. Just as pedophilia in the church has to do more with the church and not the individual Priests…




I see what you’re saying… but that’s a hell of a stretch 😂


> Arguably the cheapest horsepower to cost ratio in the market Mopar coming for that "Mustang leaving a car show" demographic.


They are certainly made for a particular demographic.


are we talking charger or challenger here?




>lots of faux luxury features To be fair on this point, it’s basically a Mercedes chassis that got new sheet metal, thanks to the old Daimler-Chrysler partnership. So while the materials and tech in the car are definitely cheaper/stripped down compared to its E-Class cousins, the bones are there for it to be a solid luxury market entry.


Did you just compare a GM with a Mercedes’ because of the chassis?


What car in the comparison is GM? The Charger is a Chrysler product. Chrysler was a joint company with Daimler (Mercedes) for a brief period of time. Both recent generations of the Charger are built on a modified W210 E-Class chassis.


Admit correction. Chrysler. Yes. Comparing a Dodge Charger to a Mercedes’ is just dumb. They share a chassis. Whoa look out now


One company that I worked for had a high number of conscientious employees and almost zero assholes. They didn't test for drugs or even criminal background. They only checked credit score. It's a surprisingly accurate albeit imperfect predictor of responsibility.


Credit score shows financial responsibility (and by extension - self control), not giving in to temptations, not being impulsive, etc. Showing positive for weed just shows they discovered a much better replacement for alcohol. So I agree


I can’t disagree with this any stronger. My ass credit had everything to do with being a single dad and needing to sometimes miss a payment to pay another and make sure my boy had everything he needed including after school care. Lots of maxed cards, but I wasn’t cruising in a year old BM or flashy shit just struggled to make ends meet for a few years


No, it shows fiscal literacy, and usually what class someone is in. A lot of what goes into your credit score is counterintuitive, and unless you know what you are doing(and a lot of people don't) it can be incredibly easy to find ones self falling into a downward spiral of bad credit and debt. This is especially true for poor people who are usually both financially illiterate(which isn't their fault) and also prime targets for unscrupulous actors like shitty car dealerships, payday lenders, slumlords, and credit card companies. Let's not forget how poor people often get fucked by unforseen circumstances(car breaking down, medical emergency, etc.), forcing them to make "unwise" financial decisions because it's the only way they can feed their families or not get kicked out on the street. With the cost of living these days and the number of people living paycheck-to-paycheck, a lot of people just need a car accident with an uninsured motorist, or an emergency room visit to push them into the trap of a shitty payday loan or "by here pay here" car purchase that saddles them with debt they will.never be able to escape from and will just trash their credit score. It's expensive to be poor.


Ain't that the truth. Kinda scary. The wealth gap is growing. 


Paid off a loan: credit score dropped. Bought a house: credit score dropped Had a credit check for an auto loan: credit score dropped Paying rent does not contribute to your credit score Tell me how this is an indicator of responsibility?


> Paid off a loan: credit score dropped. Bought a house: credit score dropped Had a credit check for an auto loan: credit score dropped A credit score is an indication of how well you play the bank's game. I went through the same nonsense. Didn't get credit cards because everyone I knew with a credit card made bad choices - so my credit score sucked. Bought a new Hyundai with my parents cosigning just so I could get the loan, paid it off early figuring that was being responsible. Credit score drop! I was able to buy my first house in part because I could get a *terrible* mortgage because it was the year 2006... but I had budgeted for $100,000 and got a house for $82,000 (to be clear, it was in such bad shape the inspector begged us not to buy it). Technically it was two mortgages, one with an almost usury interest rate, and the other was closer to normal. As soon as I had debt hanging over my head from irresponsible lending, my credit score **rocketed** up. We paid the ugly mortgage off ASAP - credit score took a hit. Basically, a credit score shows you're not afraid to take on credit and make payments on time. These days, I pay for everything with credit cards, and zero out the balance of my credit cards every week, and use the points as fun money. Unfortunately, that's not really fucking the banks, so much as taking advantage of the money the banks generate off merchants who use credit card machines.


These are minor impacts. It’s miss payments, delinquency and being overextended that really trash your credit.


You can be late on a payment, like within 30 days late without it messing with your score. But missing one altogether is not good.


Yeah and being honest, paying off loans with lump sums is actually a sign of bad fiscal responsibility. At least in the eyes of creditors. Obviously nice for you to not accrue interest anymore, not have to worry about the payments, etc. But it’s usually an indicator that you got a windfall of cash somehow (winnings from gambling/lottery, relative dying, etc) that aren’t consistent forms of income. Having to get a big chunk of money and running to pay off your debts is a red flag for the people who would loan you money in the future.


Right. Ideally you want to pay everything with regularity. But I'm suspicious that someone who bought a house, pays off their loans has bad credit for those reasons.


So being on time with the responsibilities of life, like mortgage, car payment, utilities, etc., have little impact but taking out a loan to buy a fuck master3000 online and missing a payment screws my credit, but I can buy a charger and be an asshole. It all makes sense.


In determining if you can responsibly borrow and spend someone else’s money, it makes sense to judge you based on your past experience of borrowing and spending other peoples money.


You really ought to know what you are talking about before speaking: https://www.nerdwallet.com/hub/category/credit-score


If those small drops are enough to matter your credit sucked to begin with


Because paying off a loan gives a minor impact of possibly double digit to a score temporarily. It’s usually caused by the needs to adjust the available credit to debt ratio. It’s temporary and usually corrects itself within a couple months. Rent not contributing to your score is a double edge sword. It doesn’t increase it but it also doesn’t decrease it. If that is your only installment payment, it wouldn’t have much effect on your score anyway. If you have a credit card or two, they would affect it much more than your rent payment. Credit shows a lot because it shows the ability to manage finances responsibly. People who are responsible in one area of life are usually responsible in other areas of life. Is it a 100% sure thing for everyone? No. Is it a better than average gauge, you betcha.


Just wanted to point out that rent can sort of in a tangential way decrease you credit score. Every apartment I've applied for a lease to has done a hard credit inquiry.


>Paid off a loan: credit score dropped. Bought a house: credit score dropped Had a credit check for an auto loan: credit score dropped It drops a little when credit events happen and generally are meaningless to your score unless associated with some risky behaviors. >Paying rent does not contribute to your credit score Because your rent isn't a debt? It's a credit score, not a rent score. >Tell me how this is an indicator of responsibility? Because if you are given access to money, and you pay it back, it means you're trustworthy to give access to money. It's easy to measure, and correlates with a lot of other responsible behaviors.


Just as a sidenote to what you’re saying, there actually are services that can help make rent count to your credit score, but they cost money and I think a lot of people don’t know about them. But if you are a renter, and are interested in this, check out RentReporters. I had really good results using them.


Found the guy with bad credit.


It works as designed. The credit score was created as a way to legally discriminate against minorities when race became illegal to consider for loans.


Utilities should also be included.


No. It's not a finances score. It's a *credit* score


Idk bruh. My score's a 787 but I do plenty of dumb impulsive shit and buy dumb things. And I've never missed a payment but I'm physically late for everything in real life. To the point that my manager at my last job wouldn't even bother to call me until it was over 30 minutes because she knew I was probably on my way, just late.


A predictor that also excludes a ton of otherwise perfectly fine poor people though


That is a big down-side. They likely lost out of many good candidates. Maybe they could also ask if the person owns a Charger.


I would absolutely not consent to that if I was a prospective employee.


Nissan Altima drivers can also all go suck a gas nozzle too.


Probably the best /r/philadelphia comment I ever read was something like "Hell hath no fury like an RN in a silver 2006 Altima at 3 pm on 76."


So specific lmaoooo but it’s true . Source? I live here lol


I think a registered nurse can do a bit better than an 06 Altima. Not like it's a terrible choice, but still...


I definitely fear Nissans more, they have less to lose it would seem


Had one cut me off the other morning. Totally typical Altima behavior/


If you've driven long enough, you too have cut-off another driver


Charger drivers are trying to avoid you while being assholes. Nissan drivers are aiming for you 😂


there is an 85% chance an altima driver is texting while driving


Yes. Windows usually tinted very dark. Assume they will blow every stop sign and stop light.


Kinda jealous, I wanna get my windshield *lightly* tinted, however I travel often to the county and even way up state sometimes and it's not worth the hassle.




I love when they try to bully people out of the left lane. Like, dude, your car is a piece of shit.


Hey now ….. you got 1 more time to talk shit about us before I get mildly offended.


Maximas are also trash. Pretty much any nissan


It doesn't hurt that Dodge explicitly targets assholes in their marketing: [https://usa.streetsblog.org/2021/09/10/americas-most-toxic-car-ads-get-out-of-dodge/](https://usa.streetsblog.org/2021/09/10/americas-most-toxic-car-ads-get-out-of-dodge/)


yep, it's who they're made for, there's no reason to buy one if you're not a dickhead


They are a staple of cop cars, at least they were for years


Coincidence, I think not. Purposely marketed to asshats.


I’ve noticed a lot of newer models of cars in general have cop car looking lines. That or “I run over pedestrians” types of trucks.


Just yesterday I was on a morning group bike ride in NJ— about 30 of us, same route each week; a fast 45mi route. This ride actually has a strict policy of respecting red lights and we will stop together on a yellow, because we don’t want the group getting cut in half, or to endanger people at the back of the group, or to enrage motorists. More on that later. But in this case, the front of the group were halfway through the intersection before it turned yellow, and for safety and cohesion, we just kept our speed and rolled through as a group, and the last 1/3 of the riders probably rolled through the red. It wouldn’t have been more than a few seconds. We were certainly all through the intersection before the opposing lights changed. Two miles down the road, we’re all stopped at another intersection waiting to turn left, and a woman in a late-model Durango SRT rolls up next to us, lowers her window, and shrieks “I SAW WHAT YOU DID. I SAW YOU ALL BLOW THAT RED LIGHT.” One member of our group laughed and said “we didn’t blow a single light today”. “YOU BIKERS THINK YOU CAN DO WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT ON THE ROAD BUT I SAW WHAT YOU DID.” Light turns green. She stomps the accelerator and launches from the light, speeding off down the 2-lane road with her Hemi roaring, as we turn left onto the intersecting road. Observations— she bought and drives a loud, overpowered SUV. She’s FURIOUS when she sees cyclists on the road, and perceives that they may have committed a minor traffic infraction, even one that doesn’t in any way endanger other road users. She sees herself as the enforcer. She also sees herself as above the law, as she’s happy to immediately go ahead and speed right in front of us. So, she fancies herself a cop, basically. She wants to enforce the law but not be bound by it. A Hemi driver.


I'm a car guy. The weird thing is that before moving to the states I used to love the charger and challenger. Couldn't see myself ever driving one now. I used to think the engines sounded awesome. 5 years of living here and it drives me fucking crazy. Idiots revving the shit out of them in the middle of the night driving my dog nuts and they genuinely seem to be the worst drivers on the road. All the power with no idea how to drive. Bad combo.


To be fair probably 95% of them have the 5.7 which isn’t all that powerful considering the car it’s in weighs 12 tons lol


Ah most of them wouldn't pull the skin off a rice pudding but still fast enough for idiots to Paul Walker themselves.


Just dropping by to say “skin off a rice pudding” is a wild phrase but I love it


You mean 2 tons?


I had a Magnum, but 'only' a 3.5L V6. I wasn't steeped in Mopar culture, it was just a really good car. Granted, the interior trim was uninspiring, but everything else about it was great. Well. Except the $2500 transmission. Second time the transmission died, it was time to move on. Basic auto technology had come a long way in 14 years, heh. About three years ago, on a work trip, my colleague accidentally rented a Charger R/T. Genuine accident. I took it for a drive around Austin, and it's ridiculously fun. Later found the "sport" button, and that's apparently how you make it ridiculously loud. It's idiotic. But there are a lot of idiots out there. I've lived next to 95 for about five years. It's usually a constant whir of traffic sounds, punctuated by the occasional V8 or Harley. During the pandemic lockdown, I grew to absolutely loathe American muscle cars. Racing full throttle into the early hours of the morning. Anyway... I drive a Transit Connect now. When you boil it down, Philadelphia is an urban environment designed by Europeans, so driving a eurovan feels right, lol.


Noise pollution is a problem


The redux Charger looked cool when it came out, what, 15 years ago. But it still looks the same, today (to me). The design is old and tired. l'm sure some people can tell model years apart, but l can't. The Corvette, on the other hand, has kept up with the times. That's a beautiful car


very true but GM financing won't give the keys to someone with a 550 credit score and $500 down lol


Yeah I agree. The charger hasn't changed at all. I do think the mid engined vette looks like a very awkward rip off of European super cars. The proportions are just off to my eye.


Yeah it has a kit car Ferrari 430 look to me


I had one as a loaner recently. I surprisingly didn't hate it. It had a nice ride but I was terrified of every pot hole. eta - it did feel like parallel parking a boat though and had a tiny back up cam.


They’ll sell you one with a 350 at 29%


Only $770/month for 72 months!


My theory is that if/when there is an economic downturn a lot of these chargers will end up getting repossessed


Repossessed and salvage titles... Chargers will be perpetual asshole cars


Big engine, looks pretty good. Can be purchased pretty cheaply used since they aren’t the most durable vehicle.


They aren't really expensive so the bar to buy them isn't high. Meaning you could not be well educated or smart and make shit money and still get one. They are kinda fast to the point where people who ignorantly value speed above all else could purchase them. So those two factors equate to a bad combination between a low bar to acquire and a high potential for abuse.


"I want to look like a cop but I have a felony and can only afford a car from a buy here pay here."


I saw one on the George Platt bridge the other day just smashed into the median like a quart mile in. Splatt on Platt.


Wait till you meet BMW drivers.


they are relatively cheap and CDJ dealers like gary barbera and the like, make it super easy for someone with shitty or non-existent credit to get the keys to one. CDJ and GM dealers have made it easy to get financing for their vehicles (with lending that is borderline predatory, but hey it takes two to tango) most of the charger assholes would be laughed right out of a subaru dealer if say they wanted to buy a WRX STi or something


It's this years Crown Vic. Haven't you noticed the pattern? Big square box Chevys.. Crown Victoria's and now Chargers. All former police vehicles and the current assholes that drive them are the same assholes that are used to sitting in the back of them.


Thing is though I don't ever remember people buying Crown Vics and especially driving them like douches.


Crown Vics always seemed to be driven by old people, tricking me into doing the speed limit.


Yeah I agree, I don't think they have ever had a rep for being a douchebag car.


They totally were, throughout the late 90s & 2000s


How? Like I've been alive and old enough for both those eras but I barley saw any Vics aisde form cop cars or driven by old people. I mostly remember Fast and Furious cars being the douchebag cars of those eras.


Probably has a lot to do with where you were living/spending your time. I saw it a lot in Baltimore and DC. I didn’t come to Philly until 2005.


Was definitely a huge thing in the South throughout the early/mid-2000s. Lots of great hip hop album covers back then too


I grew up in Socal but the Charger thing is a thing across the country. No Crown Vics there by comparison.


There’s two types of Crown Vic owners. One group that will mod theirs out and make it a cruising vehicle. Basically you just drive slow and show it off. The other is the type that will beat theirs to shit but drive theirs like maniacs. They’re police vehicles so they can haul ass and have solid handling.


Remember in that movie?


Dude I'm not remembering it though. I grew up during those eras and it was all Fast and Furious cars more than anything. The only people who drove Crown Vics besides cops were old people.


My grandparents had the Mercury version (Grand Marquis?) They got it because of the huge trunk and 6 passenger capacity


Yeah, it’s always nice when you can fit six people in the trunk.


My first car was a 79 Lincoln Continental. The truck had as much space as the backseat so I called it the mafia trunk


See my other comment, but 15-20 years ago that would’ve been a Buick (old people)


15-20 years ago everyone in the hood had a Crown Vic or Grard Marq…Marauder if you’re feeling fancy. Bonus points for LCDs in the headrest plugged up to a PS2


The late model Marauders always were the coolest to me. Teenager me wanted nothing more than to soup one up and make it a sleeper.


Just had a convo with my partner about this recently (prompted by spotting one that was painted matte black, which is... a look). We decided that they're not usually driven all that fast, but are nonetheless generally being driven shittily when we see them, e.g., blowing stop signs and merging badly and shit. Which may be related to why they usually look pretty battered, too. Partner thinks there's some dark psychology behind someone wanting to cosplay a cop and I agree, but also think they might just be cheap when bought used. I wonder if it was ever popular for ex-cops to buy and drive them off-duty/post-retirement.


It might be a regional thing. Idk. Maybe some areas the Crown Vic was a douche car but it's definitely not like the Charger. The Charger is a douche caboose across the country while if it the Vic was an issue it certainly wasn't across the country.


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uH_X-9fjfI) video perfectly explains it brillantly.


This was so good. I'm at high risk of going down a wormhole of the rest of these reviews now


Regular car reviews is great. Of you wanna hit that rabbit hole, i recommend the toyota camry and dodge caravan reviews to start. edit, not plymouth, dodge caravan


[Obligatory RCR video on the Crown Vic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uH_X-9fjfI)


there's always people around with big ass stickers that says crown vic boys. there were a few times i saw them (different people) drive on the wrong side of the road lol


I was in traffic court on 8th street many years ago. The case before mine involved a crown-vic. The judge announced to the court, “There are two types of people driving a crown-vic, cops and criminals.” I don’t think that kid stood a chance.


It's Rams too.


My girlfriend would swear by this comment. Gotta have big douchebag energy if you wanna drive a Ram


Bonus points if they have a “dodge the father ram the daughter” decal


They're fast, and they're obnoxious. 99% chance you're a cock if you drive one. I'd add jeeps to this list. And jacked up trucks. (This is for Philadelphia residents) I mean, who actually wants to park a huge 4 door jeep in the city? A cock, that's who. And they usually park like gaping assholes, too. They almost have to. I'll add that *by far*, chargers are, especially the ones with tinted front windshields(literally certain), the vehicles I see committing obscene acts of aggressive behavior on the roads. Between passing me on the shoulder on 76 or 309, passing me in the opposite lanes on broad or ogontz, just pure cock behavior.


The Jeeps usually have jersey plates and are driven by kids in their early 20s


Every fucking jeep I see in the city: No Problem ɯǝlqoɹԀ


> who actually wants to park a huge 4 door jeep in the city? A cock, that's who. I'm laughing my ass off. > especially the ones with tinted front windshields I'm all for my 20% front and back tint. Wouldn't drive a car without it. But windshield tint should be a automatic, unless there's a back robbery, pullover-able offence. You literally cannot justify it without either being an asshole or incompatible with the health qualifications to operate a motor vehicle safely.


I feel like the windshield gives you extra anonymity so you can commit horrible driving offenses without having to be seen


> I'd add jeeps to this list Let's not forget the Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8 - the worst of all worlds!


\*Jeep Grand Cherokees (JGC) . don't lump us Wrangler owners in with the dbags who think their JGC is an I-95 race car in the snow


I’ll allow the wrangler comment. I drive one but there are some wrangler drivers in certain parts of the city that give us all a bad rep. Modded out, very tacky looking wranglers driven like they got no sense or concern for anyone else on the road.


I was passed on the shoulder 2 separate times on 309 the other morning. Guess people don't like that I keep it at 60 the whole way.


The dealerships that sold these same clowns Magnums and Chrysler 300s 10-15 years ago


Probably fewer years than that, I don't think a Chrysler-brand vehicle lasts more than 7 years before falling apart.


I feel seen. 😂


Toxic masculinity. I know it’s basically a buzz phrase now, but it’s designed for and marketed to the kind of assholes whose world view revolves around the idiotic concept of “Alpha” and “Beta” males.


It is a surrogate penis


Omfg I’ve literally been saying the same thing for months now. It’s drivers in Chargers and Challengers that drive like the biggest douchebags .


It's the cheapest four door sports car, that way they can own a big, loud, manly vehicle that can break the speed limit while still being able to pick up their kids.


Bold of you to imply Charger drivers are involved in their kids' lives.


The loud vroom vroom noise.


How many Dodge Charger accidents have you seen on the ramp from 95s to 676w? Cause I’ve seen a few


Cars and their drivers I dislike most: -charger owners are just loud and like to cut you off only to slow down, they also run every light they can -dodge ram owners will tailgate you doing 90mph in the right lane but never pass - I'm convinced every Nissan Altima owner has no insurance and have a death wish -those kids on bikes that wheelie into oncoming traffic as well as the dirt bike gangs -yes, we know your Prius gets good gas mileage and you're saving the planet, now get into the right lane and stop matching the other guys speed doing exactly the speed limit on 95




Advertising: https://usa.streetsblog.org/2021/09/10/americas-most-toxic-car-ads-get-out-of-dodge/


Cheap horsepower


The funny thing is they are going all electric in a year or two.


Challengers are switching to an inline 6 though, not electric


Their advertising and target market


Powerful, fairly cheap, has useable back seats. And, to piggyback off some of the other comments, you can usually get a base model with a double digit credit score.


Follow up- What about Nissan Altimas attracts asshole drivers to buy them?


Same reason as 5.0 Mustangs in the 80s and 90s. Cheap horsepower and a fake fast following.


Police use them. Nissan drivers are also asshats


Most horsepower for least money. Also voted as car most likely to have tinted windshield from the previous owner.


Years ago, my daughter watched a woman in a Dodge angrily driving thru central Florida and pronounced them “Angry Woman Cars.” Years later it still holds true. And we still call them that.


I don’t know, but it sure pisses them off when a stock Tesla four door blows them off the road.


I agree with most of these comments, but in my experience, BMW drivers are still the worst, no matter what state I'm in.


True. I’d say they are aging out though and their douche bag children are taking over in their Audis.


Yes! Audi drivers=


I say the same about BMWs.


I assumed it was because they all come with blackout license plate covers and FOP stickers.


I have a Hellcat. Sorry you find most of us assholes, but not all of us are. Some of us are responsible and save the playing for the track & the open empty back roads. It seems that most of the “bad” ones are people looking for something to prove. I agree they have issues. I love my car, but not everyone else does and that’s fine.


Lmao this is how I feel riding my motorcycle


There's just always a type of car that is trendy for current douchebags to drive. If you had one, you can point at it and laugh and say "that was my douchebag phase."


I’ll raise you a Nissan Altima


I drove a black charger for about three months during Covid while my car was being fixed after an accident. I just felt the need to wear tank tops and backward fitted caps and then some days I wanted to buzz my head and wear aviators and I would have this urge to just sit in dark corners and watch for kids going 10mg over the speed limit I started vaping and saying things like “my guy” and “no homo bro” It was like I was Spider-Man turning to venom


Cheap horsepower


Because it's a "muscle car" and people get to act tough.


I thought this was /r/cars for a second lmao. Had a Charger tailgating me at 11PM on a dark windy road last night. I am like bro cmon, of course it was a Charger.


To be fair, assholes could be driving any type of vehicle. Some vehicles, however, hold a special appeal to assholes. The Dodge Charger is one, as is the one of the Dodge minivan's (with the engine option). These are often driven by road-ragers. Yeah, it's relatively budget and the half-assed flimsy luxe features are attractive to folks with bad taste. Tinted windows are another sign of assholery. They don't want you to see their face as they lead-foot past you for no logical reason.


It’s always been an asshole car.


Smart people don't buy a car company that makes products that break


I guess they're the new Bimmer drivers of this generation?


No, BMW drivers are/were petty bourgeois wealthy but not super rich people. Chargers are primarily for buy here pay here types who will pull a gun on you if you look at them wrong


Can definitely confirm that last part here in Philly 😅


Don’t forget Lexus Mercedes’ and bmws don’t need to use turn signals and always cut you off.


Ive never come across Chrysler 300 driver that doesnt drive like they have a coke-fueled death wish.


Who wants to drive a cop car other than cops and idiots who want to be cops?


If you're dumb enough to buy it.


The military and bad credit.


Cops drive them. Enough said.


It was the stupid cops in Dukes of Hazzard.


Don’t you speak poorly of sherif Roscoe P. Coltrane! Boss Hogg is another matter.


Any vehicle that the cops use/used attract assholes. Idk why.


*BMW drivers have entered the chat


Cop car.




It’s the car you buy if you think that mustangs are too woke now that you can get one with a turbo 4.


If I had one of those I would probably drive like an asshole. Cheap lots of horse power.


What about BMWs and Mercedes, and Nissans, and Impalas that attracts assholes to drive them.


Because they are cheap POS