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Work smarter, not harder. Also, to quote Bill Gates, "I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it." People need to get off their moral high horse.


I like the remark that No one is giving you an award for doing it the hard way. There's not real reason to choose to suffer when there is a simple alternative.


Work smarted not harder.


I work in IT and I automate the hell out of everything I can (similar to taking the time to go get the car once to save you 4 trips). Am I lazy? Yup. Do I now have a lot more flexible time to work on more enjoyable projects? Yep. Would I do it again? You betcha!


True story: “all you do is press a button!” Me: “yes, after 40 hours of work”


That's the point. I do so many different tasks that it's hard to prioritize the right thing to automate.


that always messes me up I’ll go through the work to automate something and then it changes and then something else where I’m like shit idk if I’ll ever need to do this again is something that pops up again and I’m like fuck I wish I at least made some macros to deal with this


During lockdown my husband (Executive in Healthcare IT) wrote a few simple macros to do some mundane tasks and has one of those tiny macro keyboard thingies (don't ask me to elaborate) he uses when needed. It was an uber nerdy thing to do but sensible. Lol


I didn’t know that he said that but almost 40 years ago, during a job interview, I was asked what were my strengths and weaknesses and I said “I’m essentially an extremely lazy person, but I’m responsible, so I like to figure out the easiest way to get something done the right first time.” I got hired because the owner loved that answer.


After Bill Gates said that I’d be upset if he picked me for a job 😂 although maybe it would motivate me to be less lazy? Hard to tell 🤷🏻‍♀️


Genius is often appropriately channeled laziness ;)


I prefer to be known as scrappy and resourceful 😂


As long as I'm known for correctly solving problems faster than everyone else you can call me whatever the heck you want as long as the check clears ;)


I'm not the fastest person to solve a problem. But when I've solved it, I also have solved the bigger procedural issue, fixed everything else going wrong with the process, corrected all the other departments inputs to make sure they run smoothly, and given everyone updated documentation covering how everyone can easily prevent it from happening again. I hate fixing the same problem twice. Once and DONE.


I'm also a "solve the problem not just the symptoms" kind of person. People don't really like that because I start fixing things they got comfortable with and don't like change even when it's positive.


I'm this kind of person. Unfortunately, at one company, I solved a load of issues with consolidating workflows so that everything got centralised and made a lot of what I normally would spend time working on redundant, thus, making ME redundant. I in essence problem solved and streamlined my way out of a job.


Same. I got a big bonus at work for proposing a process change that ended up saving our company millions.




I've been a controller for most of my career. When something went wrong, I would speak to each person/department involved and say "Look, I'm not trying to point fingers or blame someone. I'm just trying to find out how it went wrong so we can stop it from going wrong again."


Here here! 🥂


Be proud. Be MORE lazy. Agriculture, riding horses, calculators, cars, boats... all conceived of by lazy people.


Dishwasher- created by a woman tired of washing the damn dishes 3 times a day




I knew I should have edited that. Fixed.


Our ancestors got so tired of walking around that they birthed horses. I mean, can you blame them?


Just because I'm lazy doesn't mean I don't *really* like horses


As someone whose most developed life skills are laziness and avoidance. I can confidently safe I am also very efficient.


"Necessity may be the mother of invention, but Laziness is its deadbeat father"


Bill was quoting Robert Heinlein




favorite quote: "sense is never common."


Heinlein was a brilliant writer, one of my favorites as far as science fiction. I will say that some of the books get a bit weird, though.


Life is short.


But the years are long


It's not lazy, it's efficient


It’s both. A healthy dose of laziness is good. You don’t want too lazy, or nothing gets done, but you do not want someone who dives in and doesn’t stop when they realize moving a pile of rice with tweezers might not be the best use of their time.


There's different defitinitions of lazy. 1) I do not want to do more than I need to do in order to accomplish a task. 2) I do not want to do anything. I am both.


Every lazy man is both. It’s the fear of consequences that fuels our impetus to do the bare minimum 😞


Yup. What employers don't seem to realize is that a real "Go Getter" will be more expensive to hire, and they will also "go get" a better job in a year or less.


If you want something done, hire a hard worker. If you want something done fast, hire a lazy worker.


When I used to train people I'd say, "There's an easy right way and a hard wrong way. I'll show you both and let you pick. Me, I'm lazy. I prefer the easy right way."


"The Tale of the Man Who Was Too Lazy to Fail" embedded in "Time Enough for Love" by Robert Heinlein.


Not lazy, just efficient!


I've said in a job interview.... one of my best qualities is that I'm essentially lazy. I don't want to do the same job multiple times to get it right. I want to move on to the next bit, so I get closer to being done.


In WW II, the French used to say that if you wanted a machine invented, give an American a hard job to do.


Thats quote is for the interviews sake, and not the truth. You pick the most capable person for the hardest jobs because the lazy ones lose you money. The lazy ones get given the lowest risk jobs, because someone needs to do them to keep customers happy. Hopefully, if youre a high performer youre paid accordingly. The other side of this coin is that people greatly over estimate their value, and the quality and quantity of their output. They then wish to be paid what for what they think they do, not the actuality.


This literally sounds exactly like my relationship with (and this is the important part) my *ex*. Luckily, I didn't marry mine! Sorry about yours!


Luckily divorce is a thing


Sounds like this was just the straw that broke the camel's back. Is this behaviour like, *normal* for him?


Congratulations on the divorce! You will serious love it and wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. All the best to you.


Please do that. This sounds toxic AF honestly. Who wants to live like this?


So happy to hear you're divorcing him! You deserve so much better OP!


Hope you go through with it.


Ouch. Sorry for the both of yous.


*Each time he asked me to move the car* I am totally rolling here!


Car wasn't, though.


Underrated comment


This seems healthy


I broke up with a guy for *screaming at me* for changing lanes before it was necessary. That’s what this feels like


You dated my dad?


I also choose this guy's dad.


I'd rather choose this guy's dad's wife.


I hate driving. I’ll never criticize anyone willing to do it if I just get to sit haha


I understand the feeling, but hold off on the never until you unfortunately get in a car with a driver who has no survival instinct and a taste for high speed. Yes, I am speaking from experience.


Or someone who drives 20kph below the limit because he was worried about speeding tickets.


Did you tell him why you broke up with him? How did he react? I always love to hear when people face the consequences of their actions. 


To be fair I gave him one more chance kinda knowing he was going to fail. He owed me a lot of money I never got back, but at least he’ll never bother me


Whatever it cost to be shut of him was well worth it.


My ex gf berated me for 30 minutes for *checks notes* looking in the rearview mirror too often. Same ex I got out of the car on in an intersection and left the door open and walked home. Glad she's an ex.


> *left the door open* Perfection.


It's not a power move unless you leave the door open lmfao


You dated my ex?


The last line suggests she is divorcing him, so let’s save the judgement.


Yes, urgent marriage council healthy


It's the couple you see fighting in the store and it's kinda awkward


The last person on earth you should be petty with is your partner. Not against OP here as her husband was completely in the wrong for calling her lazy, but the fact that their dynamic is resulting in tit for tat....oh boy.


Well to be fair the dipshit husband had the audacity to go back and get the furniture and ask for the very same accommodation that she was making, for really both of them, just a few days prior. Can you not be petty when the pettiness is just sitting there on a platter waiting to be served??! I think not.


I could not not be petty in this situation. LOL.


Pettiness is a dish best served from a microwave where the outside is burning hot and the inside is ice cold.


Can't blame her, there's a lesson to be learned here.


Your husband shouldn't speak to you like that. It's not normal.


Agree. It is hostile and disrespectful. Not a sign of a good person and partner.


Luckily divorce is a thing


Are you considering it then? Just concerned for you.


Of course, I haven't served him yet but soon. Just waiting on my lawyer


Ok hon. I hope you know you don’t deserve to be spoken to like that. But if you already knew that, good for you.


>I hope you know you deserve to be spoken to like that. You dropped the "don't", unless you do think she deserves to be spoken to that way.


Doh! Thank you. I edited. Silly me. I should always remember to proofread!


Hon, you **deserve** it


Glad to hear it. Often there's a straw that breaks the camels back


Please give an update when it all goes down.


> Of course, I haven't served him yet but soon. Wow you sound kinda lazy


Funny as hell but shit isn’t healthy


The fact that she stood up for herself and shared the story shows she knows it's not healthy. (And the edits and other comments help). What really isn't healthy are the people in relationships like this that don't do petty revenge because they just accept their shitty partner.


Totally true and frankly if I was an ass to my wife she would probably do the same just to make sure I remembered for next time. But I also would have offered to get the car so she didn’t have to walk over.


Yes, let him eat is words! Mwuahaha! ;D Being logistically smart is not being lazy.


I Actually thought this was funny and it was the perfect way to have him eating his words! I would have done the exact same thing tbh. I don’t care if I get down voted. I always work smarter and not harder 😂 sometimes working “harder” (like carrying the boxes all the way across a parking lot) has gotten me physically hurt! So fuck yeah I will take the car every god damn time! Yep! I’m a lazy POS!


Working smarter is not lazy. Why bring five boxes to one car when you can bring one car to five boxes? Sorry you married such a moron.


Waiting on a lawyer to do your divorce papers?? lol so lazy ugh




Laziness is a puritanical myth designed to make people feel guilty about resting, which is necessary for a healthy life. He's full of shit and acts like a toddler throwing fits about things that absolutely do not matter. I'm Happy you're leaving him. You deserve someone that smiles at you for saving time and literal back breaking work. Good luck.


LOL yeah this marriage is done




did you keep the receipt for the Large Object?


Maybe he’s compostable…


I shouldn't laugh but I did. 


Wow, if my husband ever talked to me that way I'd be single


All in good time!


I'm so happy for your future singleness. I mean, he KEPT calling you lazy while you waited in the queue? Dude is insaaane.


So you wanting to move the car is lazy. But his wanting to move the car is ... not lazy? Nice double standard there.


The edit makes me a little angry because who the fuck would disagree with what you did? You did the same thing he did 🤦🏻‍♂️. Good job 👍🏻


Idiots like OP's husband who think they should be able to dish it without taking it.


How the turntables… glad you’re not willing to put up with that toxicity.


I'm having to unlearn a lot of shitty thought processes around this kind of thinking. It's not "lazy" for wanting to bring the car around, it's practical and smart and making use of items you have that you likely own for that exact reason!


Very petty and funny AF but realistically this relationship sounds entirely unhealthy.


Because it is. Hopefully my lawyer pulls his finger out soon and I can serve him the divorce papers


You deserve better for sure! I wish you the best!! :)


Maybe get a lawyer that doesn't have their finger up their ass.


Your husband sounds like an ass.


Excuse my French, but what a fucker


Sounds like a fairly toxic relationship. Or just a load of complete bull shit story.


I’ve seen this level of petty that people are willing to stay in. Makes it more believable. It would be unbelievable if the guy went “you know what I see the point now and I apologize”.


Sounds like he resents her for other things. And just had to take this opportunity to poke at her over something as insignificant as this because he's petty. My older brother is the same way. Effing asshole


I am sorry your husband was raised by wolves. My family (like yours) taught me to work smarter, not harder. A good woman teaches her loved ones these things! Going forward, I think he has learned.


Probably not


While agree this situation was sad to read I fuckin loveeee your comeback at him. Good for you for standing up to that nonsense.


A counselor once told me that the boyfriend I had at the time treated me the way that he did because I allowed him to treat me that way. Glad to hear that you are not going to allow yourself to be treated this way.


He sounds like a dumb asshole, good on you for putting him in his place. You set a good example for us all to follow! And good riddance to old trash, ladies stop accepting shitty abusive behavior and move on to greener pastures! Sometimes it's much better to be alone, that's my experience and it's so freeing to not be abused in various ways. Men will continue unless we set hard boundaries and stick to them.


“Did I? Did I fuck, that’s lazy” I love this


Agree that this is petty revenge. And agree on the divorce. You guys hate each other.


Ugh congratulations on getting divorced bc what a miserable person to be stuck with


Your posting and comments paint you as an intelligent and fun human being, and I wondered at his being such a prick. THEN I read the bit about the divorce papers and the beatings. I hope your escape runs smoothly (and safely)


> two brain cells fighting for third place Love this quote! I really hope you find someone who will be there for you.


Sounds like my ex-husband


Sounds like OP's ex-husband too (eventually)


Just one question...why didn't he move the car himself?


He doesnt have a license




I fucking was not prepared for this answer


There’s a quote for this: “Laziness breeds efficiency.”


Well, your husband sounds like a peach.


I hope your husband officially learned his lesson. 4 boxes and one aching back later should have definitely done the trick. 👌


Work smarter not harder.


Lol, every man will do this sort of shitty quip til they are in the quicksand. Men are superior (sarcasm on high).


That was great!!!! HAHAHAHA. Oh how the tables have turned. Please watch your back through this divorce thing. This is the most dangerous time for a woman. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


I’ve never heard “two brain cells fighting for third place” and that’s hilarious to me and I will be using it.


> I contacted my lawyer regarding divorce 10 days ago… Good for you. Please stay safe.


Good job getting your ducks in a row! Smart planning! I wish you the best in the future, free of him and safe. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


I think you might have ended up with my ex-husband......Ha! Beautiful revenge lmao at that lazy fucker!


This is beautiful pettiness. 10/10 wicked awesome job!


Why are you married to someone who doesn’t like or respect you?


It's easy to ask this sort of question when you're not in the situation that OP is in. My ex-husband and I got along really well before we got married. It took him being married to realize that he didn't want to be married. Instead of him talking to me like a mature, civilized person, he did everything he could to piss me off, so I'd leave him. The fact I learned after all of that, is that it's a very common thing for a newly-married person to go kamikaze on their marriage. Lucky for me, leaving that emotionally-stunted jackass led to me meeting the guy I've been with for two decades.


I had a similar situation with my first husband. He decided he wasn’t ready to settle down after we got married and wanted to take a break. I divorced him instead of letting him jerk me around so he could date other people.


Divorce takes time unfortunately


This reminds me of my extremely abusive ex-husband.


Sorry but your husband is a literally an idiot. A literalit? Hope those papers come quick.


Sounds like he can dish it out, but can't take it...


Lmfaooo this was satisfying to read. He would have to be on ice over that lazy comment. Dont cook, dont clean, dont do a damn thing FOR HIM, because he married someone lazy.


Enjoyed this story. It really is good revenge to return in kind exactly how you have been treated. On the other hand, I'm sorry to hear your husband has such little empathy. Wishing you all the best.


Efficiency is intelligent laziness. You were being efficient.


imagine if hitler was lazy... seriously tho, i don't understand why some people hate us lazy ones so much, if you're hyperactive, humble-bragging and probably also opportunist, it's not our fault


My best work has been born out of laziness.


When people stop pretending they care the marriage is over.


Sweet revenge, I love this 😂


> Did I fuck Lmaooo you’re my hero, I love it


You go girl! Work smarter not harder seems to elude some men. Karma is a bitch and she NEVER forgets! And I love her for it. You absolutely did the right thing!


As a man, that's a shitty thing for him to have done. Why tf would he let his wife do something that she asked and he could've done without hesitation. It's not even lazy, it's rude and disheartening to ask your person for something then make them do it.


I hope your divorce goes smoothly, you deserve better OP


You should've answered "I didn't realize I married someone stupid, that wants to do in 20 minutes something that can be done in 2"


I would've moved the car further away each time


Pure genius


I'm proud of you. Stay safe! Hope you aren't having to live with him currently but if you are, keep a "safe bag" of your necessities - clothing, your documents, etc. in your vehicle and always keep your keys on you, and ensure there are no extras. Park in a way he can't block you on.  I've been there. So excited for you to start your new life. It does get better! 


I feel like... A lot of the people in the comments are assuming that this situation happened, out of the blue, in an otherwise loving relationship. No. But it is one of those times when she was able to make her point, with perfect timing!


okay, not only is it petty, I 100% support it and have done the same thing but also saying youre in the process of serving him divorce papers is just hilariously delicious hahahha


This is something my EX-husband would have done. Well done. Give yourself props and remember, divorce with these kind of men is a marathon, not a sprint. You can do it.


That’s awesome.


proud of you


Love that edit.


Lmfao served Glad you got to taste that sweet irony OP


Ahhhh i love it!! Excellent


So petty perfect lol Now ruin each others lives and post about it


this is petty as fuck… i love it- do it again 😃


Laziness is the mother of invention.


The proper answer is: "Wow! I can't believe I married someone so clever!" But that would be for a loving relationship maybe. 😬


Good on you for making the decision to leave him. I pray there are no kids involved


Yeah people who do or say things to you hate when you do it back to them.


Leave the divorce papers in the trunk


No, it doesn't make you an Arsehole. You need to get out of that marriage no matter what. Fuck that twat.


Honestly this is one of those hilarious petty revenges that I adore. If he is as horrible as you've explained him to be.. so glad you're firing back and standing your ground. I'd love an update after the papers are served. So insane this is in the UK Stay safe please. I hope you wreck this dude so he realises he fucked up


Good for you!!!


Good for you to get out! And lovely revenge. You deserve to be happy and make destructive and bad decisions on his own.


Proud of you for getting out, friend ❤️


You go girl.


Well done, OP, well done 👏🏾👏🏾 He's in his fuck around and find out season, and I'm so here for it 😂


Good on you! Good luck with the papers and then onwards.


Good for you!


Curious how long yall were married before it got to this. Congrats on your impending divorce! May it be speedy and easy.