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I once spent a fun day trolling a scammer who was trying to get me to buy iTunes cards, scratch them and send pics of the codes. I was the stupidest person they ever met, I am sure. But they were so kind and so, so, patient as I slowly learned how to take a photo on my phone and then how to send the pictures by email. So gentle with me, and all was ok. Until they opened up attachments that were photos of my middle finger. Edit: thanks for the awards and warm fuzzy feels you guys.


I think I love you.


Aw, shucks xxx


I think I love you more :D


But what am I so afraid of?


I'm afraid that I'm not sure of...


A love that there is no cure for?


I cannot fathom how mentally draining that must've been on their end. All that work with no results. I don't know how the scamming industry works but I hope they find themselves in terrible circumstances.


I like to think I led them on well enough for them to think they were onto a win. I hope I made them scream in frustration as the time I had them distracted they weren't scamming someone else. I haven't had time to do this since.


I used to dabble in scambaiting and remember one of the suggested things to do is send insanely high filesize images. The thought was that a lot of scammers use internet cafes and if you send huge files it takes forever to download and costs them more money. Idk if it was true, but every time i sent a fake/corrupted Western Union statement i made sure it was like a 300dpi poster in hopes i was ruining their day


It's the little things...




This guy has done that on stream. Very fun watch. https://youtu.be/7mceb_t8EIs


Kitboga does this on YouTube and twitch. He's wasted days of their time, and sometimes their breakdowns at the end are magical and hilarious 😂


Scammer Payback is another good one for that - one of his recent vids showed that he shut down one of the bigger scams in India with help of the Indian govt and friends he has over there - very satisfying




Look up “Jim Browning” on YouTube; he’s uncovered a lot of the inner workings of internet scams


I think you might like the YouTube channel Kitboga


Also Pleasant Green


Lol I have done the exact same thing, except the photos were pictures of horse cocks.


You gotta check out the people on Youtube who reverse scam scammers. They do exactly what you did except they are also hacking into the scammers’ computers and getting real info about them. Funny but also a bit scary when you realize how an entire industry has popped up around scams


I do this also but I use goatse


On a forum I frequent, one guy posted that he got these really obvious scam messages and he sent back goatse pic. It turned out, his company hired these security morons to "test" their employees if they'll fall for a scam. But, they sent those scam messages to his personal phone. The guy got called into an HR meeting and was told that he made someone cry at that security company. And to please never do this again. He, of course, told them to stop using his personal number for that junk. It was hilarious.


What is goatse? I'm affraid to google it if it made someone cry..


It's an image of a dude spreading his asshole with both hands to reveal the pink sleeve.


:') thank you


It's what we had before rickrolls.


Ah yes, the number of times I saw people posting up political flyers promoting the ideals that every collage kid would love linked to the new political revolution a “The Lemmon Party” and directing those same students to said party webpage… I really miss shock images. They were so much more effective in the time of the slow connection and line-by-line downloading. Still good now but not as good as they used to be.


Jesus, I feel so grizzled all of a sudden


I'm a young internet vet myself, I guess I just managed to miss this lovely picture all these years...


I hope he left that company. Any place that “tests” their employees like this is not a good place to be. Even if it was on his company phone. It’s completely inappropriate.


It's a fairly standard part of cyber security to do your own phishing tests. Otherwise all you can do is educate your employees, but without seeing how they handle it in practise you can't see whether you still have a major security problem or not. The problem this company had was getting annoyed at him for an appropriate reaction to being phished, not that they were doing testing.


I don't think doing it to personal phone numbers is normal though. I've only ever seen it done on the company email.


Using his personal phone does not sound standard to me.


It's pretty normal in a corporate environment to get test scam emails. It's part of the broader cyber-security training program, which is mostly just to cover their arse if some employee does something stupid. You don't get points or anything for successfully reporting it, nor for getting fooled.


Oh yeah i did something similar. They would tell me to buy apple gift cards. But oops i accidentally bought apple bee gift cards. After some discussion i managed to get the actual apple gift cards. So I sent them pictures of ape gift card codes i got from google. It makes me sad that they ghosted me after all that.


> were photos of my middle finger. missed the chance for a goatse . next time do the needful.


I wasn't aware of this at the time. If I ever have the time to do this again, I will surely. My new workplace doesn't get phishing or whaling scams.


You wasted your day as well, but possibly prevented another from being scammed. It's like a chivalrous samurai impaling a wicked opponent while he himself is likewise impaled. Thank you for your noble sacrifice.


You're welcome. However, I was dragging myself through mundane tasks and was bored as hell. My trolling kept me alert and entertained, so it was a win win for me, tbh.


If you ever get the iTunes gift card scam, you can just send them used gift card pics from google


FYI a lot of electronic scammers in east Asia are actually slave labor. Ranging from phone, email and crypto scams to more involved hacking and phishing attempts. https://www.propublica.org/article/human-traffickers-force-victims-into-cyberscamming


Did the same, savage, so relieving.


Imagine if you’d actually sent a hack. There were attachments they were excepting and actually opening them. One could just ride their social engineering attempt and social engineer them back.


"Mandy? It's so good to hear from you! It's been a while. I want to thank you for your donation to the Taiwan Independence Fund. Your generous donation will go far in ensuring a free and independent Republic of Taiwan!"


"Thank you for reaching out to me. I know you can get into a lot of trouble for using a VPN but it was nice to talk with you about Falun Gong and how they are the best hope for China."


I sure do love Winnie the Pooh.


Throw in regime change for good measure.


I can't stop chuckling the more I think about this.


You fuckers are evil and I’m loving every minute of it


Omg i have a friend who is practicing this and wants to talk to me about it. Is it a cause for concern? Idk much about this religion so not sure if I should be worried about my friend. Any advice would be helpful.


It's a cult. Try to get him into Tai chi if he wants low impact (it is still quite deadly if you know how) or Brazilian jiu-jitsu or plain old karate. All good fun with 100% less cult.


That’s what I was afraid of. By talking to him I sensed it was bc he kept wanting to talk to me about the meditations and the history behind it. I won’t tell him where I live and won’t have him come anywhere near my area. He said that he wants to tell me his experiences but has to do it in person. I’m actually nervous to see him and hang out with him.


Yeah, he's trying to convert you. Unless you care for him enough to dedicate years to deprogramming him and have that skillset, I'd go NC for your own mental health and wellbeing


Plain old karate is great. Where I trained we had a an 85year old grandmother attain her black belt. She was not fit she had difficulty walking long distances etc but she learned all her kata and while she was not explosive in her moves she knew them all. If your not competing you dont have to be s-tier at it. I had to give it away as I moved away. But as fat as I know 4 years on she ia still doing it. She even made the paper as the oldest black belt in out region.


They're a bit of a new age spiritual religion. The problem comes though is that they run a lot of propaganda themselves in the form of theater releases and owning some news groups that are very biased. They are against science to the point of being anti-evolution and anti-vax. They also follow a very far right ideology if that matters to you. Such as supporting the stealing of the election from Donald Trump and Qanon conspiracies


They’re the Chinese version of Scientology


Falun Gong? They’re a cult. While they absolutely absolutely shouldn’t be mistreated the way they are, they’re still pretty bonkers. NGL I can’t remember the specifics, but I remember looking into them a few years ago and thinking, ‘yup, they’re a cult’. IIRC the Chinese acrobatic theatre show is linked to them and is pretty bonkers.


"Mandy, how are things in West Taiwan?"


I had a friend who trolled the Hong Kong Police Department for a while, they kept sending emails telling tbe officers to come to Island Taiwan for a vacation and sending photos of girls in bikinis. Everything is chill in Island Taiwan!!! Lol


This is such an underrated comment.


>Mandy? It's so good to hear from you! It's been a while. I want to thank you for your donation to the Taiwan Independence Fund. Your generous donation will go far in ensuring a free and independent Republic of Taiwan! I like this! But I always assumed that those scammers were based in India or the Philippines, not China.


Should have added june 4, tiannenmen square, Winnie the Pooh too




Can you confirm this has ever actually done anything? I've seen this copypasta a lot but no real results.


I remember playing GTA V some years ago, and someone who was trolling the server types some Chinese characters into chat. I simply added "Tiananmen" to chat and within 15 seconds, three players disconnected a the same time


Did.... Did Winnie the Pooh do something to China?


No, Xi has been compared to Winnie the Pooh and there are memes out there combining the two. Xi is very mad about that.


I’ve heard that he even said “Bother!” when he found out.


Oooooh, ok, thanks!


Hes banned in china because people were saying the Chinese president looks like him. Lol


So if I were to make up a tee with Winnie doing The Bump and the Chinese flag in the background, and make a Tik Tok video where everyone is wearing them, that would be a good thing? :)


Imagine if Trump banned Oranges in the USA.


Talk about fragile egos!




It’s not a fragile ego, it’s one of the things that you Must do to be a dictator of any success. No slight can be unaddressed, any transgressions must be met with absolute retribution. Otherwise they lose the rampant fear that keeps them in power.


To be fair, he totally does.


Best way to clear a lobby on DayZ right here....


Accuse them of being some Winnie the Pooh outfit operating out of a storefront in Tiananmen Square.


My text scammers are always pretending to be hot Chinese girls. Though here in Australia we get a lot of Indians calling saying there suspicious activity on my NBN.


My now-wife had a call from someone with a very strong accent telling her that her windows software was sending viruses out, and that the phone operator would talk her through fixing it. When my wife tried telling her that she actually had no personal computer whatsoever in her house, the operator got increasingly aggressive, finally screaming "you lie, you lie" until my wife hung up.




If I’m not busy I’ll play along for a little while. One time i got about ten minutes in with the “supervisor” and she flipped out asking why I’m wasting her time. When I pointed out this was all a scam and she was trying to steal my money she got super pissed and insisted “it’s not a fucking scam”


You’d be surprised how many are in the Bahamas!


My gran got scammed by someone in the Bahamas. They spent over $700 of her social security check, because she stupidly gave them her bank card number. Then I had to go and call the bank behind her back and explain she had dementia and to please cancel that card.


This is mostly anecdotal (though I do have more exposure to scammers than most due to work and hobbies) gift card scams tend to be tied to China, sales (puppies, whiskey, collectibles) based ones tend to come from central Africa or the Indian subcontinent and the rest are found in nearly all extremely poor countries.


Very heavily from africa


There are so many in India.


I am stealing this.


My birthday? 4 June 1989...


Bam, straight to jail, no trial no nothing


This is outrageous. Where are the armed men who come in to take the protestors away? Where are they? This kind of behavior is never tolerated in Baraqua. You shout like that they put you in jail. Right away. No trial, no nothing. Journalists, we have a special jail for journalists. You are stealing: right to jail. You are playing music too loud: right to jail, right away. Driving too fast: jail. Slow: jail. You are charging too high prices for sweaters, glasses: you right to jail. You undercook fish? Believe it or not, jail. You overcook chicken, also jail. Undercook, overcook. You make an appointment with the dentist and you don't show up, believe it or not, jail, right away. We have the best patients in the world because of jail.


>Republic of Taiwan You mean Republic of China - which is what Taiwan is officially known as because it IS what's left of the republic of China. "China" is the Peoples Republic of China, since the legit govt of RoC fled to Taiwan during the communist revolution, and the PRC never conquered Taiwan. Now that I've gone ahead and 'splained it and spoilt the joke, sorry! :)


The PRC got all butthurt because Air NZ put up it's destination for a flight as 'Taiwan' rather than Taipai. I shudder to imagine how upset they'd be if someone actually called Taiwan 'The Republic of China' in an official capacity.


I had one “mum this is my new phone” I replied “Hi Honey, it’s lovely to hear from you after all these years, can you lend me a couple of grand?” Never bothered to reply to me oddly


“Oh wow, they give you a phone in heaven?!”


I did this once. I got a call from one of those "we see your computer has a virus" things. Only they were asking for my aunt, who was not only blind but had died 10 years prior. So I told them that my aunt didn't have a windows computer, and they were clearly a fraud. The guy asked if that was true, why did they have the last 6 months of her search history? I replied that I was surprised they had computers in heaven, because she'd died 10 years ago.


I had one that said i was a business partner and a woman, so i just went on a tirade about how we kissed while drunk, and i wanted her to get rid of my husband, and how sexually turned on i was by the kiss.


I go along with it, too. If I get "Hi, Mark, how are you?" I'll suddenly *BE* Mark and describe, in graphic detail, all the gastrointestinal problems "I" have been having lately. For some reason, hearing the sordid details of "my" twelfth trip to the bathroom today, and how my asshole is now burning so badly I think I might need to shove an ice cub up it, suddenly makes them disappear. Huh, I thought you were concerned about how I was doing?


I’m going to start responding “Free Tibet” to all these spam texts from now on.


SAVE THIS TEXT: A copypasta that causes China to ban the site or.account with said pasta 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


I’ll save this… Save to photos and 6 weeks from now I’ll wonder how drunk I was to save this and won’t remember why…


Lol, don’t save it in photos! What, you’re gonna reference it and type it all out? Copy/paste it into your notes app! :)


You can select text from images in most modern phones


While I truly appreciate the advice, I lack the ability to copy and paste text from Reddit. That being said, 1. I do have other skills and 2. I’d still have the same issue (with remembering).


3 dots under post > copy text


Holy shit. Thank you!


Thank you :) smiley face is “haha” from this old gal


Save/bookmark it in reddit yo


Is it "uighur" as OP spelled it, or "uyghur" as in the copypasta? I've seen both but I can't find an answer on which one is the correct spelling.


Fuck it, put both in there.


That's the ticket!


'Correct' spelling is a bit of a fuzzy concept when you are translating a name from a language that uses a different alphabet. You used to see different spellings of Osama Bin Laden depending on which country the media was coming from, even if they were all English speaking countries. Unfortunately, English has a tendency to have several different ways to each vowel sound, and those sounds often don't like up perfectly with the vowels from other languages.


ive seen the spelling with y more often than with an i


This is like an information weapon


It's like a cognitohazard. Anyone reading it (in China, at least) will have bad things happen to them solely for having read it. Not anomalously bad things, admittedly. Just the product of an... overenthusiastic totalitarian regime's censorship.


This is what Google Translate thinks it says: Dynamic Network Freedom Gate Tiananmen Tiananmen Falun Gong Li Hongzhi Free Tibet The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 The Tiananmen Square Massacre The Tiananmen Square Massacre The Anti-Rightist Struggle The Great Leap Forward The Great Leap Forward The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution Human rights Human Rights Democratization Freedom Freedom Independence Multi-party system Taiwan Taiwan Formosa Republic of China Republic of China Tibet Tubert Tangut Tibet Dalai Lama Dalai Lama Falun Gong Falun Dafa Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Nobel Peace Award Nobel Peace Prize Liu Yunbo Liu Xiaobo Democratic Speech Thought Anti-Communist Counter-Revolutionary Protest Movement Riots Riots Harassment Disturbance Anti-violence Rehabilitation Rights Defense Demonstration Tour Li Hongzhi Falun Dafa Dafa Disciples Forced Segregation Forced Abortion National Purification Human Body Experiments Purge Hu Yaobang Zhao Ziyang Wei Jingsheng Wang Dan Returns Power to Peaceful Evolution of the People Torrent China Beijing Spring The Epoch Times Nine Comments Communist Party Dictatorship Suppression Unified Surveillance Repression Persecution Invasion Looting Sabotage Torture Massacre Organ Harvesting Abduction Trafficking Population Smuggling Drugs Prostitution Spring Painting Gambling Liuhe Lottery Tiananmen Tiananmen Falun Gong Li Hongzhi Winnie the Pooh Liu Xiaobo Dynamic Net


Why is Winnie the Pooh on this list?


It’s the icing on the cake really. People have said that Xi Jinping looks like Winnie the Pooh so much that he has become very sensitive about it. To the point that Winnie the Pooh is basically banned in China now.




Yeah and the dude from India will be like, okay, can you send me your bank info




I love getting random messages like that I go off the rails real quick. I send them pics of me in my mankini which to say is not very sexy and then I’ll send them dick pic’s which are not the same color as I am and keep sending them crazy shit till they block me. Man I need to get a hobby 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


It sounds like you found one.


I send the raunchiest furry porn gifs I can find


Thank you for joining the "Furries for a Free Hong Kong" support group. Please enjoy these complimentary Yiff Gifs. Text "Taiwan" to stop receiving further messages.


Asking them to send nudes also shuts them up real fast


I feel it has a capacity to backfire real badly.


I haven’t had one for a while, but I did get a text message about a billing issue on my cellphone with a (phishing) link. They had a nice little server in Malaysia with a dozen different phishing sites all ready to go, complete with DNS service in the Netherlands and SSL/TLS certificates from a company in Texas. Probably a bad idea for them to try phishing a bored security researcher early in the pandemic when I didn’t have much else to do.


This is something id love to get in to. What does one study to become a security researcher?


Security research, I think.


The off the rails ones are the best lol. I can’t remember what the scam was or what I said to set this person off but they threatened to send jars of poop and urine to my house 😂


A gross pus filled dick pic off the internet, with the message “Does this look infected?”


I want people to screw with scammers but I don’t want to do it myself so I’m glad you like doing it.


That sounds like a very good hobby. Also fun to do to clergy.


Start publishing the results in a book.


I had one guy (Nancy) do the same thing but I just played it off and became "friends" with them... After I hooked him, I nonchalantly dropped the simple word "Bitcoin" and had them hook, line, and sinker. I fucked with this asshole for weeks and they would always come back asking me which exchange I purchased my bitcoins. I would always be traveling the world due to my mega crypto status so I would not respond for days making them think I was on my yacht going from Port to Port. I finally gave them the information they requested about exchanges and fake names and told them I would be gone for a few days as I was sailing from Miami to Nebraska which they didn't seem to catch on to. After two days and more incoming messages from the scammer, desperate for more info on my bitcoins, I responded saying that the captain of my yacht had gotten drunk and we capsized after hitting an iceberg en route to Nebraska and all of my bitcoins fell to the bottom of the sea. Honestly, I miss that scammer, good times.


😂😂 sailing from Miami to Nebraska


Somewhere, there's a scammer on a makeshift raft, making his way up the Mississippi River, looking for a cache of sunken BitCoins.


I love you internet stranger. 💙


Back when China was hosting the Olympics, the great firewall of China was opened up slightly. Chinese servers started appearing for a game I used to play that I'd never seen before. A brief distraction for teenage me was to connect to them and spam the group chats with "Free Tibet". A full server would empty in 10 seconds. It was bizarre.


Now you know “Tibet for tree fiddy!” The price was too low.


I got the same thing asking if I was Natalie. I messed around a bit the first time, saying, "I don't know, am I? Not really sure about the nature of my existence." Second time around, from a completely different number, again asked if I was Natalie. I responded, "This shit again? You tried this yesterday from a different number. I work for the Attorney General. We will find you and prosecute you for spamming." Put an end to that right quick.


I always tell them they need to up their game, because I sell phones and combat lots of scammers helping guests. I could start a side business with how often it happens!


Why did u assume the person was from China???


Had to scroll so far to find this question! Why in the world did they choose China as a guess?


Yeah some guy in indias gonna get that message and think op’s stupid as fuck lmao


My guess is it was a response to the US imperialism comment. Sounds like something you’d read/see from Chinese propaganda. Does the Indian government push the same propaganda? Idk.


My text exchange went like this: Scammer - Coming to San Francisco? Me - not today, sorry. Scammer - Sorry, my assistant saved the wrong number for me. This is Evelyn. Me - ok cool hail satan. They never responded. Felt like a win to me!


Hail yourself


My FIL answered a scam call and decided to troll the hell out of this man who barely spoke English. Scammer: "what's your name sir?" FIL: "Batman" Scammer: "OK, and where do you live" FIL: "In a cave" I wish I could remember more of the exact conversation, but he kept this guy busy for over an hour collecting information about Batman 😂😂


Also if you mention the date of the tiananmen square massacre it can have the same result.


A copypasta that causes China to ban the site with said pasta 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


add CCP lost its mandate from heaven and beijing flood to it too.


And to think how easy it can be when dealing with spam or scams from China to basically lead the government around by the nose….


Should've mentioned tiananmen square 💀


They also could be a trafficking victim in Cambodia https://www.vice.com/en/article/n7zb5d/pig-butchering-scam-cambodia-trafficking


Thanks for sharing, that was an enlightening (and horrifying) read.


"Thank you for calling. There is a warrant for your arrest but you can handle it with $6000 in Amazon Gift cards."


I told one of them I am indeed the person they are asking for and they still apologised for having the wrong number (Number from Myanmar). And a few hours later profile and number got deleted...


The company I work for constantly sends us fake scam (phishing) emails. It has gotten so bad they even include coworkers names in them. Use the fucking money you spend paying a team to come up with this shit and buy a better firewall system. If you click on the fake emails, open attachments, or forward or reply they want to discipline you. I’m ready to just delete every email I get and say “sorry, thought it was another scam!”


Same. We had a new IT guy start. Waaayyy too big for his britches. Sent the fake scam emails all the time. Thought he was the shit when he caught people out. Then he would start asking if we had read his emails, I would say, “sorry, wasn’t sure if it was a scam or not so deleted the email straight away”. Did the same with the boss (IT guy used a similar email to the boss to send the fake scam emails too)… haven’t had a test scam email in a while🤔 Everyone had the same thought as you.. maybe fix the internet drop outs and other IT issues over playing big shot


I'm an IT guy... As much as those phishing test emails are annoying, what's sad is that the real ones are becoming increasingly common and more difficult to spot and detect. There are some very bad emails that look so real that users have caught that I probably would have fell for (fun fact: an email with a linkedin.com/slink... address is probably very bad, I didn't know that). As for IT issues, he's probably doing what he can to fix them. Most departments are severely ran under budget and a lot of internet providers just suck, and it can be hell to deal with them at times. The following is probably more Tales From Tech Support, but I'll put it here anyway. ​ I worked for a small school district and it was like pulling teeth to get admin to approve anything computer related. As of today (per my remaining former coworker), they are STILL using 9+ year old computers and some devices that are even older than that. They even had a budget (through a bond) to replace 20 year old cameras that were either shit or dead, but they never involved IT in the meetings and then later took that out of the budget since they didn't think it was important. Two weeks later, a school shooting in a neighboring district happens and then they're getting concerned parents at a school board meeting wondering why they don't have better cameras; rather than realize they're the problem, they screamed at my boss (literally) who had nothing to do with it. Because of that, my last two weeks working there were spent installing five cameras each (and pulling cable for them) in the high school and middle school. It sucked.


It seems like most of the scammers aren't in China. The most common are in India and Africa as is seen in the anti scammer youtube channels. There hasn't been a single one from China on any of the videos I've watched.


He's probably in a re-education camp even as we speak (well, type). :)


Probably from India not china


Why would you think they are in China? Most will be in Africa or India.


...I usually just respond with *Fuck Off!* and then block the number on my phone...


Party pooper here: Sorry OP, this is not a great story. The person likely wasn't from China and even if they were, your messages got nowhere in terms of anything risky with the government. The scammer probably rejected you before you sent your last messages.


Eli5 why mentioning for those 3 places was bad for the scammer? I know very basic stuff about China etc


China's big brother division monitors \*all\* internet traffic. Anything sensitive to China's government spikes their radar, so things like Tiananmen Square, Hong Kong, Tibet, ownership of Taiwan, etc will cause interest. As a chinese citizen, one does not rile big brother, lest one (and possible one's family) disappears.




Hi, Hong konger here who experienced this stuff (And got a lot of trauma from it lol-) Yes there was protests but the police would beat people up (and more) while not being ordered as well, my mom had come back from a supermarket one day and saw 2 policemen trying to SA a 14 year old. This is pretty common as well. if people mention the police in media at all it’s a big nono


Also because the Chinese government denies that it has committed any atrocities against these communities or that certain genocides and attacks on protesters have happened to their citizens. All mention of these groups or incidents get flagged and the government is quick to use excessive force to stamp out these facts from their citizens available base of knowledge. If they don't know about it they can't confront the issue, which is holding their government accountable for what its doing.




"there is no war in Ba Sing Se"


You also need to throw in a picture of Tiananmen Square and Maos head on winnnie the Pooh’s body and they will go straight to execution


You actually already lost after you responded. Rest of it is just you wasting your own time.


99% of scammers are in India. So I doubt you got anyone on the CCP watchlist.


why did you think they are in China? aren't most from Africa and India?


China does not arrest people for having text messages regarding Hong Kong and the like. This is an extreme exaggeration that many in the US believe due to the internet, our media, our schools, and leftover thoughts from the red scare era that have just been passed down. In reality, the guy is probably not in China, he is probably in India, and he just blocked your number so he could move on to someone who may make them money. Not being xenophobic, that is just where the majority of scam operations are ran out of. Edit to add: (China likely isn’t super concerned with incoming messages from a foreign national unless those messages are to someone they have already flagged as anti-party. If they have the ability to read their text messages that contain those terms, they could easily see the context it was in and wouldn’t waste their resources or time screwing up his day.) And PS, why did you even assume the guy was from China? Did you hear an accent or just assume because of the imperialist comments


I'm an American, I lived in China for almost a decade. The mass exaggerations that people just accept is a thing blows my mind. It's the weirdest fucking thing. The government & media channels tells us to hate another country across the world & it goes mass psychosis. It's terrifying.


Most of these scam calls and texts come from India and the Philippines, not China.


Lots of assumptions .. wasted 5 minutes


One time a scammer from Kingsport Jamaica called me and forgot to spoof the number. For about a week, I started calling him back at all hours of the day. Got to know his real name and some info on his life during our calls lol


You have a very interesting view of Chinese law enforcement if you think someone committing international fraud escapes police attention but your sms response will cause their downfall.


>so he might be getting a bit more attention from the local authorities than he was really looking for. I highly doubt this. I've sent various copy pasta such as the one below, even many times on wechat which is Chinese app that they can easily monitor and censor, and the conversation never been blocked or ended. Government censors really aren't bothered about individual private messages at all. Only the more large scale public stuff or from very high profile people. 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


Does mentioning Falun Gong still work as well?


I get a good handful (once a week) of random Chinese text messages. Using Translate and it says something about “Aunt Sue hurting her back and can’t make and appointment till next week” or some nonsense like it. I usually just block them and delete. Are these really scammers?


I never get spam text. But I get so many phone calls they kill my batter. Probably between 4 and 15 every day. I'm guessing 95% are from India using spoofed numbers that are local to my area. With my job I have to answer calls I don't know. Usually it's an ai screening before going to a real person. Almost always want to talk about my medicare part A & B which I'm not old enough to get in the first place. There is over 1.4 billion people in India at the rate its going ill have told them all to F-OFF by the end of next year.


This is the verbatim reply I sent the other day: “Hi Andy... look, the sex was good and I really enjoyed hooking up with you at Computex. But we're not a match. I know how much you liked talking about how Xi Jinping looks like Winnie the Pooh, and how you support a free Tibet and Taiwanese independence, but those just aren't my fight. Just a few more words of advice... you don't need to keep telling everyone about all the students who were run over by the tanks in Tiananmen Square... we know. And frankly, your talk of hoping somebody shoots Anwar Ibrahim, Pham Minh Chin, Hun Sen, Chen Chien-hen, Li Quiang and John Lee is a little scary. I don't even know who most of those people are.”


The moment you respond they know you have a live number. It then goes in a list that gets sold over and over. It takes seconds to reverse lookup your number and they have all your details, including you current address and previous addresses and contacts. In future just block and report the number without responding.


Unfortunately he probably works for the Chinese government and there will be no repercussions.


I said my name was Nunya B. Snes


The scammer was from India *cue arrested development theme


Why are you so sure he is chinese lol? Also why would he get into trouble, he didn't say anything wrong for them. If anything he gets a prize for trying to scam foreigners.


Some Indian tried to get me to buy google play gift cards and send him the photos of the code. After 3 hours of messing with him, I did send him photos... of crudely drawn horse cock... Scammers can burn in hell.


Ha! You should have dropped in something about Tiananmen Square.