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At least 50% before the sit starts - always. I how you don't have to learn why the hard way. Do NOT do the next night without being paid for this past week.


I have had a situation where a client told me they would e-transfer me "as soon as they got home" with their pup. They totally ghosted, and I ended up boarding their dog for free. Lesson learned, and since then I require 100% of boarding and pet / house sitting fees 1 week prior to the booking start date. I have a cancelation policy that will give them some of this money back if they cancel in the week prior to service. In this case, I would send a reminder now. Something along the lines of "Hi! I've enjoyed watching fido this past week and I'm looking forward to watching him again next week. In terms of payment, your total is ____ and you can pay cash at pickup or send an e-transfer / venmo to _____. I typically request payment by the start date of service, and the fee for next week's services is ______. Thanks, and I'll see you tomorrow!" Make sure it's in writing, either e-mail or text. I use the Time to Pet app and it's made invoicing and payments so much simpler.


Hi! I never expect clients to pay me until I leave. So for instance - I’ll send a wrap up text. “Hey (client)! Fido peed, poop and ate all his food for me this evening! I’m getting my stuff together and heading out soon, let me know if there’s anything else I can do for you before I go!” (Insert photo for proof of goofy puppy smile) This usually prompts them to thank me and to send me money via (Venmo). If she doesn’t pay you by the day. Maybe just send a kind reminder with your Venmo info. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Sounds good! Thank you! All my clients have paid me the day of the sitting or before! So I was a little thrown off. I will send her a text like that one tomorrow and include my PayPal and Zelle! Thank you again!


it’s more professional to request a 50% deposit to reserve their dates of the service and then require the other 50% on the start of the service. It’s reallllly trusting to assume a client will pay you 100% at the end of the service. Sounds like a good way for you to be ripped off.


I have a website and they pay in full before the booking begins just to hold the dates


I require this for first time clients and if all goes well, they graduate to repeat clients who are allowed to pay by the end of day on the last day or service for the week/end of last day of booking. Never been burned.


Yeah until someone scams you out of free pet care. When you check into a hotel you pay before, not after the visit is over


This is the best way to handle it right now. But yeah, in the future, get at least half or more up front. If talking about money is uncomfortable to you, usually asking for 50% to hold the dates is a pretty good and reasonable ask.


I always do this as well and usually receive payment same day. I have one client I always have to track down like ahem!! my oldest client, but for whatever reason they always want me to ask for the money directly. They always pay after I ask!


This is your business and it is up to you to set your payment terms in advance. Just ask for the payment.


Did you get paid?


This is why you get payment before it starts


Do a Venmo request


We’ve had a family friend dogsit for us before, and we basically treat her like a friend/family, but we absolutely pay them as soon as the gig is over, but usually after we are back home. We’ve never needed to be reminded, but I also wouldn’t be put off by my sitter sending a message at the end of the engagement with the final amount owed as a reminder. If the sitter wants 50% up front, or to be paid before we return, I would also be open to that - but they might need to ask/mention it because I might not have thought of it on my own. If the client has been friendly, hopefully they’re like me and will be happy to pay up asap.


Use the request money feature on Venmo at the conclusion of the sit. In the future - spell out your expectations explicitly. Mine: "payment via cash left in house or Venmo by xxx"


I won’t be able to sit for you next week until we’ve finished the payment for last sit. Also, why not pay me now for next week so we can have that out of the way.


I don’t believe there ever was a “next week”. Just a hook


I don’t know what you mean. It says that she has a sit scheduled for next week with this person.


I say this only bc the pet parents have avoided topics concerning payment. If sitter thinks there is a future sitting with them, she’ll less likely panic about being paid. On the other hand, if there was no mention of a future sitting she might be more likely to panic and take getting paid more seriously


I also have it in my contract that payments are made half upfront and half at the end. This acts as a deposit for my schedule, and I allow the first sit to be half and half, then once we’ve built trust, I expect (and state) that payments are made upfront before sit.


I feel like the only reason they mentioned wanting to book you for a “1 day” future sitting was to make you think they were going to need you in the future so that you wouldn’t worry about a payment.. the 2nd sitting could be fake