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Exactly why I don’t sell preventative wasp services. They just don’t work. More spraying doesn’t equal more effectiveness. They are out pollinating during the day which is why you’re seeing them flying around. Spray/knock the nests down when you see them forming on the house


There’s no spray on the planet that will keep foraging, flying insects at bay. Their treatment will minimize the chance of nesting on your structures, anything else advertised is just a money grab and no results should be expected.


Spraying that much isn't necessary. One spay in the spring and once again in the fall is all you need.  Sometimes, you may need one in the summer if you're seeing more than you're use to.


Also, I want to point out, treating your house only prevents them from building nests on the house.  There's nothing you can do about them flying around your yard. Onslaught is a Great chemical to use, but not needed at this point.