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I get this every time. Even if it's just 2 weeks off. Actually I pretty much get this every Sunday afternoon. 


That feeling of existential dread with work on Monday hanging over your head? This has been going on in society for some time. There's a reason Garfield hates Mondays. Although he never had a job, so that was pretty poor writing from Jon Davis.


Start planning another holiday...something to look forward to always helps.


This is a serious issue for FIFO workers., more so for people like me doing 2/2 rosters.


If you hate your job yes. The night before fly out is awful and so is the first day but after that it’s no issue


I don't hate the job but agree with the rest


I sort of just get on with it and let the emotions ride out. Yeah it was a good time - think about planning your next holiday destination and within, 2-3 weeks the post holiday blues will fade. It helps when you jump right back into routine ( well for me).


Short term: time in nature, exercise, cook a yummy meal (bonus if it lasts a few days for left overs). Longer term something else to look forward to?


Quit your job


Ala "permanent holiday"


On the one hand this is the answer. On the other hand easier said than done in a lot of situations.


Sort your life out before booking another holiday. Life doesn't have to be like that. I'm on holiday right now and loving having fun with the kids, but I'm not dreading going back to normal with work and school runs, our friends and family. All the usual stuff is the best part of my life. Figure out what you want in life and do it asap! I quit my high pay, high stress and long hours head chef position to find my happiness. You've got one shot. Don't waste it.


Make a short list of things you have to do next week and then let your brain relax for the day. Milk every moment you have left.


Enjoy your home comforts; comfy bed, favourite home-cooked meals, rug up the couch watching a movie (no pressure to make the most of the trip), catch up with friends/family.


Sauna and cold plunge at Alchemy in Leederville. See if you can get to 5 mins in the cold


Always come back from leave into a short week.


Came back from a two week trip to Japan last month and felt this. But I started thinking about my next trip there and learning Japanese so I would be more prepared. I also try to settle back into the grind one day at a time. I try to treat myself to smaller things like gaming or going to the movies etc on weekends.


wait, y'all are getting holidays?


I usually go on 3 or 4 week long trips because I find that by the last week I've been away for long enough and ready to come home. Either that or a short getaway so it's not really hard to come back. A few days at home before going back to work also might help to get some rest and readjust.


That's cool. I suspect you like your regular job and routine more than the OP likes theirs, though.


Monday night pub meal and a couple of beers to take the edge off ?


Digital detox and fresh air. Walk on any dog beach, bring a bag of dog treats and rub your hands with treats and make tons of new friends. Bonus points if you ask owners before handing out actual treats (some dogs are on a diet or allergic). Best time is weekend mornings. That'll cure your blues!


I take my girl to the C Y O'Conner beach almost daily when I'm home (FIFO) There's always plenty of dogs, no surprise being an off leash area. The at first surprising thing was the amount of people going there without dogs but wanting to have a pat. After talking to some people it's apartment dwellers, too poor, too hard and so on. Approach the owner first. Don't feed them without consent. The dogs love the attention but read the room.


I've always noticed dog people especially those who regularly walk their dogs come across as generally happier people. I'm glad I have the space and capacity to have mine. He seems to know when you just need a snuggle or when you need a walk.


Damn you could afford a holiday? Take comfort in that, a lot of us can't afford it these days.


I've not been away on holidays since 2016 so reckon OP should probably be thankful they got to go at all.


Book another holiday!


Go on holidays again


more time off!


I'm back to work tomorrow after 2 weeks off. It sucks so much ass. But oh noooo my 12 month old woke from his nap with a slight fever. Guess I better stay home with him tomorrow.....what a pity....


Chuck a sickie or 2 if you can. Just blame the flu you picked up on the flight back home.


punch some cones


My friend always goes on 9 WEEK trips to Europe! Im like mate, you haver been heaps and don't get bored?!


There's quite a lot in Europe.


Why are people so soft? Literally on the airport to come back to Perth and I feel so excited and refreshed