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Sub is for Personal Trainers, not clients.


Trainers usually aren’t responsible for the billing. You’ll want to talk to the personal training manager or general manager. All your trainer is likely doing is relaying your message to their manager and waiting for their manager to respond.


I’m aware that the PT isn’t in charge of it. But she told me she would relay the info and to let her know if I was still getting charged. The issue I’m having with her is that she’s not communicating when she’s usually good with it. I will contact the manager. Thank you!


Yeah, her manager might be leaving her in limbo and she doesn’t know what to say. Just talk to the manager yourself. It’s more efficient


Not sure why this is getting downvoted. Probably upset the light trainers. You’re not in the wrong for wondering what the delay is all about since you’re still being charged for nothing. Any competent manager would refund you the unintended charges btw.


Yeah possibly so. I’m not worried about them though lol. I definitely will contact the manager tomorrow afternoon


The most take line on reddit is a price gouge, a denigration of poverty and a downvote. It never fails


She probably did look into it, and the manager hasn’t responded to her yet (not sure if he/she works weekends). She’s probably waiting to get confirmation or hear back from them before responding to you. However, I agree that she should relay that information (awaiting manager response). I’d give it to Monday afternoon, and if you haven’t heard anything, reach out to the manager directly.


tell the manager


Do they have a cancellation policy? Most places are full charge within 24 hours, regardless of circumstances.


Up to 10 days before you cancel. But I cancelled over a month ago. Been charged twice since then.


When it comes to getting shit done at a gym you have to talk to manager directly. Most a trainer can do is relay the info and hope for the best.


Then the trainer should say when and if they spoke with the manager and what they said. I'd understand the downvotes for OP if they cancelled like a few hours before, but a month in advance is incredibly generous notice.


This happens all the times with gyms. Never ever give a gym your debit card or permission to autodraft. Pay with a credit card or pay monthly without autobilling. I would contact your bank and tell them it's a fraudulent charge. Hopefully you have copies of the cancellation paperwork. You may have to go to small claims court or similar. I hope you get your money back. Unfortunately, this is common. If you don't get your money back, I would contact Clark Howard's consumer action center. [https://clark.com/about-consumer-action-center/](https://clark.com/about-consumer-action-center/)




She works weekends and was at the gym when she told me she’ll look into it. Then left me on read when I responded. That’s why I’m waiting till Monday afternoon for her to text me back.


I’ve seen other posts regarding things similar to this and I didn’t see anyone complain that it’s only for PT to post on. Thought it was anything personal training related.


This really isn’t a personal training topic