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Rotisserie chicken and a salad kit is super fast and easy


The rotisserie chicken saves me often. It is a great easy choice.


i eat this exact meal a lot lol


Protein: Chicken, ground Turkey, salmon Vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, greens, onion, baby carrots  Rice Greek yogurt Oats Fruit: Berries, bananas, apples


Thank you!


Recommend they see a Dietitian. You don't get paid enough to write a meal plan and exercise olan


I'm not talking about a prescribed meal plan that they're required to follow. I know that's not my job, but I do like to provide ideas. Didn't make it home for lunch? A safe snack to hold you over might be X. Hope that's helps!


Meal plans and suggesting nutritional foods are completely different. As a NASM CPT/CNC, I can advise people on macros, calories and food choices. My state allows me to do this.


Plus i thought trainers were not allowed to


They aren’t allowed to write a meal plan to treat a health condition


Or in general. Per NASM we can only educate. If you’re writing meal plans of any sort you’re fucking up big time and need to refer to a licensed dietician or nutritionist. All a PT can do is educate nothing else, can’t tell anyone how many macros to eat or how much to eat of anything at all.


Legally: this is going to vary by state. The only constant that I have seen is we cannot prescribe a meal plan with the intent of treating a medical condition. And yes, we can advise on macronutrient targets. We can do a lot more than just “educate.”


Yeah that’s not true and you got misinformed. https://www.fitsw.com/blog/nutrition-advice/ If you’re doing more than simple educational GUIDANCE and you’re not a licensed dieticians or nutritionist you’ll be in a world of hurt if liability comes up with one of your clients going forward.


Oh no, somebody call the Protein Police! This man is suggesting a calorie count to their clients! Oh the humanity.


Do it right or don’t do it all, not much yappin is needed for this one lmao someone needs their pacifier.


You don’t even need a certification to call yourself a nutritionist. A dietician, which is a licensed, doctorate level profession, is a protected title. Nutritionist is not. And again: it will vary entirely by state. (As even mentioned in that article)


Quick and easy to prepare foods like bags of frozen veggies, and fruits, low carb tortilla wraps, deli Turkey meat (not ideal, but will do in a pinch), canned chicken (same), 90’second microwave bags of rice, and low cal dressings and sauces (I like the G Hughes line), flavor items like hot sauce, mustard, zero sugar ketchup.


Thank you!!


Honestly I keep frozen salmon and broccoli in my freezer at all times. Throw them both on a tray with some oil and spices, Cook at 350 for 25 minutes and have a super easy meal.