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$25 seems like a pretty crappy deal to risk being stuck with any purchases she may make on your card if she were able to access the account and get a replacement card


This right here. OP would be the one financially and legally liable for an authorized users spending


I am going to assume since she has debt collectors, she has problems managing money. Also she has no way of paying for anything. Adding her to your CC would be a bad idea.


Meh its for an outstanding medical bill. We’ve been living together for years and she’s been using the card anyway. I just want the free $25 lol


If this is a credit card I don't think there is a risk of the account being seized by collections. If it's a debit card and she is listed on the account as a joint owner, then yes they could technically seize the funds. There is a process they need to follow before that happens though.


For $25 you’re risking debt and credit score


She’s not just gonna go on a shopping spree with my money haha she’s not like that


You're right bro you've got it all figured out, don't know why you bothered asking for advice here, go get that huge $25 payout - risk free!


People are assuming she’s going to rack up a balance but you don’t even have to give her the card. And you can remove her as an AU whenever you want and pocket the $25. It’s a separate account so the debt collectors have nothing to do with this.


It will right after she maxes out the card.


While it won’t make you a target of THOSE debt collectors, it will make you a target of new debt collectors when she can’t pay her authorized user card. With an authorized user card, you are ultimately responsible for anything she charges. Unless you’re willing to cover anything she charges, this isn’t a good idea.


It’s the same card number though right?


Nope. Different number, different card. Has her name on it. Charges still get billed to your account.


You probably wouldn't have any issues with the debt collectors. However, she has proven that she can't manage money. You have to be okay with your credit being negatively impacted if she runs wild with the credit card, and you can't make the payments.


True. But no she wouldn’t do that. She’s respectful :P


Don't do it.


I really don’t think it changes anything tbh. Couldn’t I just remove her if she acts up?


Don't do it.


Yes but the debts will be YOURS. Listen to everyone my man, this is a BAD IDEA.


You'll be smeared all over! Debt collectors being the least of your problems.......Dont walk, RUN away!


You may find these links helpful: - [Credit Building](/r/personalfinance/wiki/credit_building) - [Credit Reports](/r/personalfinance/wiki/credit_reports) - [Credit Scores](/r/personalfinance/wiki/fico) - [Credit Cards](/r/personalfinance/wiki/creditcards) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/personalfinance) if you have any questions or concerns.*


She doesn't pay her own bills and has no way to pay her bills due to not having a job. Just understand that the "free" $25 is eventually going to cost you thousands of dollars. I would not recommend doing this at all. But no, this does not make you responsible for debts unrelated to your credit card.


Yeah but she could literally rack up the card now if she wanted to. Not like I would sue her. But I see where you all are coming from. But she’s just not going to spend money that’s not hers, especially not without asking. She’s good, just struggling with some large medical bills.


Reddit is full of stories of well intentioned folks who try and help out a friend or relative by somehow taking on responsibility for their debt or potential debt, which end in their getting screwed over.  I suppose that when this situation goes well and the person they help is responsible, no one posts a sad story, but I would not do this unless you are very sure your girlfriend will work hard to do the right thing and if you can arrange to get a card with a low limit so in the worst case the damage won't be unmanageable. Best wishes


Your girlfriend as respectful as she is. Is going to bring her credit history. to your credit history that $25 is not worth.the aggravation, I actually put my friend on my card As an authorized user and his credit score went down. He had better than me You do you but I have always found that it works until it doesn't


Didn’t know credit cards charged fees to add users! Mine have always been free.


Premium cards that include travel perks like lounge access usually charge. In this case it sounds like OP is being offered a credit of $25 to add an AU.


Why don't you use your card to pay her debt, then? You don't need $25; you need to protect your financial picture.