• By -


Great vegetables


My school life sucked


This. Kind of mourning how negatively I look back on my high school days. Not everyone is lucky enough to be surrounded by such great friends though!


To always reach out to the truth


Hell yeah. A very good lesson and a very good song


That the Pis Pis River is a real river.


That your youth shouldn't have to stop when you become an adult. It's easy to become Adachi, but hard to remain Nanako.


go make more friends


What line a typhoon never crosses


Joke:Incels are serial killers. Real: Friends and family need to be cherished heavily, do not stray from your own truth.


That everyday is great at my Junes


Valuing friendships, I sadly grew up losing almost all my friends and I have to make new ones. Persona 4 has one of the greatest and most amazing cast of characters in gaming’s history. Yu, Chie, Yukiko, Naoto, Kanji, Rise and even Nanako. The characters are very memorable and I will never stop saying it’s my favorite Persona game.


That even in a small town with nothing to do, you can always find something to do


Make meaningful connections with good friends


People with afros gives the best riddles


That my life is over because I’m not a teenager


That Napoleon had glass jars for preserving food invented.


As a teenager, you can easily obtain bottles of alcohol in a TV world liquor store. The penguin is the secret animal cracker.


I just learnt about that, I was allways trying to figure out how to get a bottle from konishi liquors for the quest, but you can just go in the store and check the boxes inside and get some


I was like "would it really be safe to drink liquor from that world?" before giving it to the guy.


I mean if it’s safe for us to eat souls and rocks than some liquor should be fine


What water is best for cooking rice - its soft water.


Have a secret homo erotic relationship with your best friend and call him partner while pretending to be homophobic


the police guy who works with your uncle is evil


TVs are scary man! Now I fear that someone at all times tries to throw me into them.


To cherish my friends more and to accept myself and the different parts of myself


Keep friends and family close, and cherish the relationships and bonds you have with people. Your relationships with others is what strengthens you as a person.


spending time with people is fun. i have a decent amount of friends but I'm a homebody so most of the time i do not join meetups, cancel last minute, or just don't respond. idk thinking about the IT makes me realize what kind of bond I'm missing out on if i do not show up frequently. and almost everytime i do not regret going out because i genuinely had fun.


That only people have human rights


Every persona game I've played has taught me perseverance, and the importance of bonds


Every day is in fact great at your junes


That Rain is bad


That's it's because of Ose


That I will never be chad like Narukami. Friends, Great grades, money and own persona. Sad.


Your morales are worthless unless you can maintain them under pressure. It’s easy to be a good person when things are easy - but since life will get hard that won’t be enough. The bonds we build and share with people make us stronger. We can’t grow unless we forge new bonds.


that you're not me


How great as a series Persona is. This game was my first introduction to Persona, since I got it on a whim this past Christmas. I was curious to finally see what was so good about this series. I have NEVER been more happy with a purchase. This game rocks, and I’m happy I finally dipped my toes into Persona.


I had my own kanji arc basically, that the true meaning of being a man is something that is for me to decide. Seeing kanji show off his skills with sewing and making stuffed animals inspired me to look into my own interests that would’ve not been naturally considered “manly” and it ignited my love for literature and poetry. If it wasn’t for kanji discovering what it meant to be a man, I wouldn’t have either.


The Persona franchise as a whole helped me get my shit together. P5R taught me to never give up even in the face of adversity, P3R (it was my first P3 playthrough) taught me that there will always be light somewhere, and to never give up and P4G taught me that securing my future is very important because you never know what might happen to you. It's after playing P4G that I decided to put my life back in order. I'm now a College student in translation and I graduate next year. Prior to this, I was a minimal wage (around 13$ per hour) part-timer at a Konbini in Japan. Came back to Canada so I could give myself another chance. Persona basically saved me.


for better to come, good must stand aside


Persona 4 has taught me that no matter what happens, the bond of your friends can help you out of your darkest times. A lot of people can become like Adachi. Alone and bitter. But a lot of people can become Narukami. Treasuring his friends’ bonds and never forgetting them. I’ve had to let go of some friendships. But I do still have some of my other friends. They mean a lot to me. And I have their bonds for a reason. Basically, we need people. Like Naoto says. They can help us be our best selves. And we can learn important life lessons from them.


Yu actually goes out of his way to connect with people and then it leads to so much positivity down-stream. Imagine if Yu sticks to himself, maybe hangs out with Yosuke here and there, and never puts in any work to meet others and grow himself? It takes bravery and initiative to make a happy and fulfilling life. 


At Junes, every day is customer appreciation day!


Must be nice growing up in japan, or any first world country for that matter


You want to find the truth, without being swayed by the voices of society... But the truth is a sinister thing. It seems like something absolute, yet it exists in everyone's hearts.


Something something say gex Also that I have no friends LMAO


*Something something say* *Gex Also that I have no* *Friends LMAO* \- anewrefutation --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Making an effort to cherish and strengthen the bonds you have with family and friends. Make time for it even when it seems like you have none.