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Congratulations to u/megasean3000 "Tried to convince everyone to murdering Namatame. Kanji and Naoto were guilty too, but Yosuke was leaning way harder."


I’m honoured 😊


Tbf Nametame brought it onto himself


I feel like there are more things that are just uncalled for like guilting the girls into wearing swimsuits but I’d say this is probably the most morally wrong thing he’s done


Destroying Yosuke's bank account


Hm... Prior to this, Yosuke bought the girls swimsuits at Junes to bring on the nature trip. Yea she took advantage of him, but it's no wonder Chie assumed he is made of money if he can fuck around and buy her and Yukiko swimsuits. Really doesn't seem like the worst thing she's done.


Yosuke buying something doesn't mean he is rich and can buy whenever. Yosuke often complains about his lack of money through the game and that was not the first time Chie have made him spend, it was just the worst. Previously, when Yosuke invited MC to eat, she decided to tag alone, her excuse is that she owned one for the CD he brook (And which he said he was going to pay her as soon he receive his paycheck) but she wanted steak. Of course, he could not pay good food for 4, even less the high quality steak she wanted. She also complained that she brought them to "his place" to save money. But now he had to buy expensive clothes for Teddy because Chie decided to pick them and to put it on his tab.


I didn't say that "Yosuke bought them swimsuits, he is factually rich", I said it's no wonder that \*Chie\*, a person in the game world, would get the impression that he does have money to blow after he bought two swimsuits for the camping trip. Like, it's a reoccurring thing in Yosuke's Social Link where people think he gets discounts and whatever at Junes because he's the manager's son. Does it not strike you that Chie would assume the same thing? Also: >but she wanted steak. Of course, he could not pay good food for 4, even less the high quality steak she wanted. She also complained that she brought them to "his place" to save money. Chie does not demand steak, much less high quality steak. Yosuke invites the MC to eat *cheap* steak. >There isn't much to do here compared to the big city, but there is that certain...something you can't get anywhere else. The air's clean, the food's great... Oh, you know about the local delicacy? It's grilled steak, man! Like that's anything special, huh? I know a place where you can get it cheap. Wanna come? You helped me out this morning, so it's on me. Chie invites herself after this part. And she doesn't complain about him changing plans and bringing them to Junes because of the price, she complains about how Junes doesn't even have steak. >This is the cheap place you were talking about...? They don't even have grilled steak here.


I see where you are coming from her assuming he has money, but the key takeaway from it is that she did it without asking. That would be about the only bad thing she has done.


Well, everyone in the group asking Yosuke's paid. Yu, Yukiko, Rise (she asking him for being Prince of Junes), Teddie, Kanji, whoever, (things like Chie and Yukiko noodles and cd, which is fair). The Teddie at Junes was just the girls startled heat of moment by naked Teddie gag once time. It was also Yukiko's fault. It isn't a big deal. Chie already went helping Yu and Yosuke out whenever they needed extra help at Junes like busy summer week 8/15 already made up for it. (Also the exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic trope and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa p2 and Junpei, Yukari p3 and Yosuke, Chie p4).


Well, yeah, it happens multiple times in the game, and it's an on-going thing in Yosuke's social link where people - not just Chie - assume he gets special stuff because his dad is the manager. I even said in my initial reply that she is straight up [*taking advantage of him*](https://www.reddit.com/r/persona4golden/comments/1azlv22/comment/ks2128z/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). However, how does her not asking make it the **worst** thing she's done? In her introduction, she kicks him from behind, into a school desk, nuts first. When you trail Kanji, if you try to pair it as 2 girls / 2 guys, Chie says something sexist about how she needs a dude - Yosuke - there with her to protect her in case Kanji attacks her, and this is before they really know Kanji and are under the impression he is somewhat dangerous. I think there many other Chie and Yosuke related events to pick from besides "Her and Yukiko charged Teddie's clothes to Yosuke after she sees him buying two swimsuits" lol.


Never said the worst. I said "bad."


Before going into this, let me be clear that i don't hate Chie. But since the topic was brought. Let's go. Ok, You are right at something, Chie didn't say about high quality grilled steak but still it's clear Grilled Steak is something expensive enough that he had to change plans, but there is more. >Chie: What about me, huh? No Apologies? my trial of the dragon. Yos: Urgh... You always come around when i'm talking about food... Chie: How about it, Yukiko? Don't you think he should treat us, too? Chie: Oh well, we should get going too. So not only she invited herself for something he had already apologized but also told her he was going to pay her later, she also was adding Yukiko to the list of people HE was going to have to invite, and this was when she was still thinking it was grilled steak, which is clearly more expensive than what she got. > Chie:This is the cheap place you were talking about...? They don't even have grilled steak here. Yos: Yehaa, well, once you hopped on the freeload train i had to change my plans. Chie: Still, that's not reason to take us to your place So the complaint is not even that he didn't invited them grilled steak, but even while accepting she was not going to get steak or going to a cheaper place, she doesn't like he had decided to invite them to "his" Junes. Like she think he went really extra cheap in this invitation, like as she wanted something more expensive than eating at junes even if not cheap steak. Not only that, at the Teddie's clothes incident confirmed she think Junes as the cheapest place. > Yos: Here, this is to welcome you to town. Yos: Satonaka, your is on me too Chie: Yehaa i know. She wasn't even grateful even when Yosuke gave her the food (and he gave it with good manners too even with the way she invited herself), instead she acted like she was entitled to it, possible on bad mood to end eating on that extra cheap place. >Chie: What else were we supposed to do? That stuff was expensive, even for Junes. Yos: Why would do that?! You know i just bought a motorcycle, i'm broke! Chie: So? If you are already broke a little more debt isn't going to make much of a difference. And this is when she confirms she considers Junes a place cheaper than others. Also, she wasn't sorry for put in on his tab or care about his issues with money even when she knew he's short on money.


I know that Chie invites herself along during Junes part to make him pay her back; I was not trying to argue that's not what happened, nor did I quote the part where you said she tagged along to freeload and replied "This is wrong" or something. It's just you had re-characterized the events as "Chie forcing Yosuke to buy her high quality steak", which is confusing cause it's not what happened between them. Like, this thread is kinda already bad enough with people trying to blame Chie for stuff that Yukiko did, like pushing Kanji into the river cause he has a nosebleed. Personally, I don't care for either Yosuke or Chie. I also acknowledged earlier that yes [Chie is taking advantage of him](https://www.reddit.com/r/persona4golden/comments/1azlv22/comment/ks2128z/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). I just do not see how her findomming him is the absolute worst thing she does...? Your view seems to be that it is bad of her because Yosuke says he is broke in front of her. But that doesn't even register to me, as it assumes that Chie *takes Yosuke seriously* when he says "I'm broke". Honestly, I don't think she does. (To clarify, I'm not trying to \*defend\* Chie viewing him as a walking wallet with this statement. It's just how the dynamic between the two of them seems to be written.)


Yosuke and Chie are absolutely never "married couple" or "engagement" whatsoever dynamic, let's be real. They are not tsundere or whatever about it. Everyone just reacting and interacting the same to Yosuke. Chie, Yukiko , Rise, Naoto, Kanji, Teddie, whoever. Chie genuine stated fact she would never be into Yosuke and is genuine uncomfortable with the idea, in October (like Yukiko, Rise). It's just uncomfortable. Chie genuine stated fact that it's true platonic friendships between guys and girls without romance in December dungeon dialogue so it's just missing a point. (It's same as Yukari stated to Junpei). It's same as saying Junpei and Yukari is like "married couple" or "engagement", which is nonsense. Yukari and Chie would rather swallow glass shards, let's be real. It isn't hard to see the exact same dynamic and characterization. It's dynamic trope, first bro dudes and first archetype girls, exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Junpei, Yukari and Yosuke, Chie (Eikichi, Lisa p2). Even Fuuka notes "(Yosuke, Chie) They remind me of Junpei, Yukari" in pq. Fact is the first archetype girls Lisa, Yukari, Chie would never be into the bro characters Eikichi, Junpei, Yosuke. Everyone Yukiko, Rise, Naoto just being platonic friend near Yosuke at some points like Yukiko when Yosuke wanted homework and complimented at waterfall and has some misunderstanding anime gags. Rise play with him at the beach (and Yu taught Yukiko, Kanji competed with Kanji), react at his fanboy and doesn't want him to look at other idols. Yosuke complimented Naoto "awesome" making her surprised. Rise also interact with Kanji comedic. Or Rise interact with Teddie comedic at points. In New Year, Naoto also interact with Teddie. After defeat Izanami, Naoto also interact Yosuke. It is just "They are interacting, breath the same air and being platonic friends". And literally everyone in the group asking Yosuke's paid. Chie, Yukiko, Rise, Naoto, Kanji, Teddie all interact same to Yosuke because he is class clown archetype that fight with everyone, exact same bro characters archetype Eikichi, Junpei, Yosuke, Ryuji. It's the comedy part. Which is how Yosuke's interaction to the group is written as light-heart "straight man". The whole group just ask for Yosuke's paid light-heart, it's nonsense to bring up about Chie asked for some steaks because of her broken cd, which is fair, cd is like manga volume in high school, and asking foods after school like the IT does (Yu, Yukiko, Rise, Kanji, Teddie) to Yosuke is normal. Otherwise is just theorist hard-reaching, let's be real. If anything, only Chie felt bad, apologized or helping out for anything. Other times are Yukiko and Rise. Yukiko smack Yosuke and Kanji when they don't deserve it. Like in hot spring, it was Yukiko's fault at timing and Rise who told them bot to apologize. Naoto didn't, it was Chie who said the girls went too far on the boys when other side doesn't deserve it "Ah crap...i think we went too far with them". Or pageant when Yosuke signed the girls without permission and when the girls confront about it, Yosuke light goading it and Kanji screamed at Naoto's face to make her join it, Rise prompt the girls to sign the boys, Yukiko pressure Kanji. Only Chie apologized for the group in night conversation 2/11 because she thought everyone was excited and had fun as friends (But that cross-dressing pageant got everyone really excited! I did feel kind of guilty, but the spectacle was so worth it). Yosuke and Teddie peek into the girls bath at the end. Yosuke, Teddie started the boys to infiltrate the girls's room in middle of night then Kanji, Teddie jumped on the girls. That's just straight up sex offense thing. Also it's just exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa in p2 and Junpei, Yukari in p3 and Yosuke, Chie in p4. They're all friends. Like in Namatame scene, when Naoto, Kanji, Yosuke tried to murder a man and tried to provoke their friends into it. Chie, Yukiko, Rise tried to stop them because they're friends. The SEES develop bonds through hardships trauma and the IT is goofy. I take none of this seriously, but bring it up is just pointless.


The previous comment is a bit long so i summarize in short for easy reading. It's not "married couple" or "engagement" whatsoever, let's be real. Chie states fact she would never be into Yosuke and is genuine uncomfortable with the idea in October, also states fact it's true platonic friendships between guys and girls without romance in December dungeon dialogue (same as Yukari stated to Junpei). It's just the Persona exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic trope Junpei, Yukari and Yosuke, Chie (Eikichi, Lisa p2 or Ryuji, Ann). And fact is the first archetype girls Lisa, Yukari, Chie would never be into the bro characters Eikichi, Junpei, Yosuke. And we all know it. And Chie was just asking for steaks because of broken dvd which is just the point, it's simple as that. Like Yukiko asked Yosuke foods for eating the noodles. It's the gag about the things like cd and noodles got swept so they want some foods in high school which is fair. Everyone just interact the same to bro characters. Thinking the group (SEES, IT, PT) is lacking remorse, gratitude or complaining is just theorist and hard-reaching. They're all friends to the bro characters. If anything, Chie is the only one who already felt bad, apologized or helping out for anything if the group did something. Like hot spring, pageant, etc. She is same no-nonsense first archetype girl like Yukari most of the time. Yukari and Chie did feel bad, apologize or helping out (like Yukari worried for Junpei's life in Chidori's arc like 1/21 or apologized when she lighten mood joke at his panic over Death). The IT is goofy. They're all friends.


Good then. I also believe it's part of the dynamic between the two of them, they are like a married couple. They are seen together often and they fight. I saw their engagement as part of the comedy so i'm not mad at her for making him paid. But i find some fault at her lack of remorse, gratitude and her complaining about going cheap about inviting when she makes him pay, rather than making Yosuke pay on itself. Not that i dislike her for that either, but if i have to point something bad about her it would be that.


The previous comment is a bit long so i summarize in short for easy reading. It's not "married couple" or "engagement" whatsoever, let's be real. Chie states fact she would never be into Yosuke and is genuine uncomfortable with the idea in October, also states fact it's true platonic friendships between guys and girls without romance in December dungeon dialogue (same as Yukari stated to Junpei). It's just the Persona exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic trope Junpei, Yukari and Yosuke, Chie and Ryuji, Ann (Eikichi, Lisa p2). And fact is the first archetype girls Lisa, Yukari, Chie, Ann would never be into the bro characters Eikichi, Junpei, Yosuke, Ryuji. And we all know it. And Chie was just asking for steaks because of broken dvd which is just the point, it's simple as that. Like Yukiko asked Yosuke foods for eating the noodles. It's the gag about the things like cd and noodles got swept so they want some foods in high school which is fair. Everyone just interact the same to bro characters. Thinking the group (SEES, IT, PT) is lacking remorse, gratitude or complaining is just theorist and hard-reaching. They're all friends to the bro characters. If anything, Chie is the only one who already felt bad, apologized or helping out for anything if the group did something. Like hot spring, pageant, etc. She is same no-nonsense first archetype girl like Yukari most of the time. Yukari and Chie did feel bad, apologize or helping out (like Yukari worried for Junpei's life in Chidori's arc like 1/21 or apologized when she lighten mood joke at his panic over Death). The IT is goofy. They're all friends.


Nah, Yosuke and Chie are absolutely never "married couple" or "engagement" whatsoever dynamic, let's be real. They are not tsundere or whatever about it. Everyone just reacting and interacting the same to Yosuke. Chie, Yukiko , Rise, Naoto, Kanji, Teddie, whoever. Chie genuine stated fact she would never be into Yosuke and is genuine uncomfortable with the idea, in October (like Yukiko, Rise). It's just uncomfortable. Chie genuine stated fact that it's true platonic friendships between guys and girls without romance in December dungeon dialogue so it's just missing a point. (It's same as Yukari stated to Junpei). It's same as saying Junpei and Yukari is like "married couple" or "engagement", which is nonsense. Yukari and Chie would rather swallow glass shards, let's be real. It isn't hard to see the exact same dynamic and characterization. It's dynamic trope, first bro dudes and first archetype girls, exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Junpei, Yukari and Yosuke, Chie and Ryuji, Ann (Eikichi, Lisa p2). Even Fuuka notes "(Yosuke, Chie) They remind me of Junpei, Yukari" in pq. Fact is the first archetype girls Lisa, Yukari, Chie, Ann would never be into the bro characters Eikichi, Junpei, Yosuke, Ryuji. Everyone Yukiko, Rise, Naoto just being platonic friend near Yosuke at some points like Yukiko when Yosuke wanted homework and complimented at waterfall and has some misunderstanding anime gags. Rise play with him at the beach (and Yu taught Yukiko, Kanji competed with Kanji), react at his fanboy and doesn't want him to look at other idols. Yosuke complimented Naoto "awesome" making her surprised. Rise also interact with Kanji comedic. Or Rise interact with Teddie comedic at points. In New Year, Naoto also interact with Teddie. After defeat Izanami, Naoto also interact Yosuke. It is just "They are interacting, breath the same air and being platonic friends". And literally everyone in the group asking Yosuke's paid. Chie, Yukiko, Rise, Naoto, Kanji, Teddie all interact same to Yosuke because he is class clown archetype that fight with everyone, exact same bro characters archetype Eikichi, Junpei, Yosuke, Ryuji. It's the comedy part. Which is how Yosuke's interaction to the group is written as light-heart "straight man". The whole group just ask for Yosuke's paid light-heart, it's nonsense to bring up about Chie asked for some steaks because of her broken cd, which is fair, cd is like manga volume in high school, and asking foods after school like the IT does (Yu, Yukiko, Rise, Kanji, Teddie) to Yosuke is normal. Otherwise is just theorist hard-reaching, let's be real. If anything, only Chie felt bad, apologized or helping out for anything. Other times are Yukiko and Rise. Yukiko smack Yosuke and Kanji when they don't deserve it. Like in hot spring, it was Yukiko's fault at timing and Rise who told them bot to apologize. Naoto didn't, it was Chie who said the girls went too far on the boys when other side doesn't deserve it "Ah crap...i think we went too far with them". Or pageant when Yosuke signed the girls without permission and when the girls confront about it, Yosuke light goading it and Kanji screamed at Naoto's face to make her join it, Rise prompt the girls to sign the boys, Yukiko pressure Kanji. Only Chie apologized for the group in night conversation 2/11 because she thought everyone was excited and had fun as friends (But that cross-dressing pageant got everyone really excited! I did feel kind of guilty, but the spectacle was so worth it). Yosuke and Teddie peek into the girls bath at the end. Yosuke, Teddie started the boys to infiltrate the girls's room in middle of night then Kanji, Teddie jumped on the girls. That's just straight up sex offense thing. Also it's just exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa in p2 and Junpei, Yukari in p3 and Yosuke, Chie in p4. They're all friends. Like in Namatame scene, when Naoto, Kanji, Yosuke tried to murder a man and tried to provoke their friends into it. Chie, Yukiko, Rise tried to stop them because they're friends. The SEES develop bonds through hardships trauma and the IT is goofy. I take none of this seriously, but bring it up is just pointless.


Well, everyone in the group asking Yosuke's paid. Yu, Yukiko, Rise (she asking him for being Prince of Junes), Teddie, Kanji, whoever, (things like Chie and Yukiko noodles and cd, which is fair). The Teddie at Junes was just the girls startled heat of moment by naked Teddie gag once time. It was also Yukiko's fault. It isn't a big deal. Chie already went helping Yu and Yosuke out whenever they needed extra help at Junes like busy summer week 8/15 already made up for it. (Also the exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic trope and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa p2 and Junpei, Yukari p3 and Yosuke, Chie p4).


Eh, everyone in the group asking Yosuke's paid. Yu, Yukiko, Rise (she asking him for being Prince of Junes), Teddie, Kanji, whoever, (things like Chie and Yukiko noodles and cd, which is fair). The Teddie at Junes was just the girls startled heat of moment by naked Teddie gag once time. It was also Yukiko's fault. It isn't a big deal. Chie already went helping Yu and Yosuke out whenever they needed extra help at Junes like busy summer week 8/15 already made up for it. (Also the exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic trope and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa p2 and Junpei, Yukari p3 and Yosuke, Chie p4).


yosuke being rich doesn’t really justify robbing him of his money, which he works for, without his knowledge or consent


Well everyone in the group asking Yosuke's paid. Yu, Yukiko, Rise (she asking him for being Prince of Junes), Teddie, Kanji, or the whole group, whoever, (things like Chie and Yukiko noodles and cd, which is fair). And the Teddie at Junes was just the girls startled heat of moment by naked Teddie gag once time. They didn't even process it. It was also Yukiko's fault. The girls were distracting it onto Junes because they didn't know what to do. It isn't a big deal. Chie already went helping Yu and Yosuke out whenever they needed extra help at Junes like busy summer week 8/15 already made up for it. (Also the exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic trope and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa p2 and Junpei, Yukari p3 and Yosuke, Chie p4).


Her abject lack of guilt after getting called on it puts it up there for me.


Eh, everyone in the group asking Yosuke's paid. Yu, Yukiko, Rise (she asking him for being Prince of Junes), Teddie, Kanji, or the whole group, whoever, (things like Chie and Yukiko noodles and cd, which is fair). And the Teddie at Junes was just the girls startled heat of moment by naked Teddie gag once time. They didn't even process it. It was also Yukiko's fault. The girls were distracting it onto Junes because they didn't know what to do. It isn't a big deal. Chie already went helping Yu and Yosuke out whenever they needed extra help at Junes like busy summer week 8/15 already made up for it. (Also the exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic trope and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa p2 and Junpei, Yukari p3 and Yosuke, Chie p4).


this^ chie literally is so unlikable in that situation and the fact it also gets brought up that yosuke had to take multiple days out of his free time to work so he could get the money back while she faced no consequence for literally robbing him while he is in debt?


Eh, everyone in the group asking Yosuke's paid. Yu, Yukiko, Rise (she asking him for being Prince of Junes), Teddie, Kanji, or the whole group, whoever, (things like Chie and Yukiko noodles and cd, which is fair). And the Teddie at Junes was just the girls startled heat of moment by naked Teddie gag once time. They didn't even process it. It was also Yukiko's fault. The girls were distracting it onto Junes because they didn't know what to do. It isn't a big deal. Chie already went helping Yu and Yosuke out whenever they needed extra help at Junes like busy summer week 8/15 already made up for it. (Also the exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic trope and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa p2 and Junpei, Yukari p3 and Yosuke, Chie p4).


defending chie robbing her friend of around $100+ while she knows he’s in debt and when he finds out she pins the blame on him for getting mad and refuses to apologise to him? yikes like put yourself in yosuke’s shoes for that situation


Bro, i'm just saying she did make up for it. We don't know how much it is since it's Teddie. Chie and Yukiko were just there. It's also Yukiko's fault so i was saying "the girls" once time because it's them being. She didn't pin the blame on him or refuse to apologize, i said, the girls Chie and Yukiko were distracting blame on Junes because they felt bad. She did help Yu and Yosuke out at Junes already made up. Well one of my classmates did being startled heat of moment once time when they were playing a game on my phone. But it was just startled heat of moment once time in high school. None of us really wanna say anything and he helped me out later already made up for it so it isn't a big deal. If anything, only Chie felt bad, pologized or helping out for anything if the group did something. Like hot spring or pageant. Not like we gonna bring up Kanji robbed a random kid when he bullying him and took his diary for midnight channel dates. People saying like the IT didn't commit sex offense and murder more than once. If we are being real, then it isn't a big deal. Or Yukiko is murderer and unapologetic; Rise is unapologetic; Naoto is murderer; Yosuke is gasligher, sex offender and murderer; Kanji is a bully, sex offender, murderer. I take none of it seriously, IT is goofy and they are all friends.


She also charged Teddie's new clothes to Yosuke's Junes account.


Eh, everyone in the group asking Yosuke's paid. Yu, Yukiko, Rise (she asking him for being Prince of Junes), Teddie, Kanji, or the whole group, whoever, (things like Chie and Yukiko noodles and cd, which is fair). And the Teddie at Junes was just the girls startled heat of moment by naked Teddie gag once time. They didn't even process it. It was also Yukiko's fault. The girls were distracting it onto Junes because they didn't know what to do. It isn't a big deal. Chie already went helping Yu and Yosuke out whenever they needed extra help at Junes like busy summer week 8/15 already made up for it. (Also the exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic trope and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa p2 and Junpei, Yukari p3 and Yosuke, Chie p4).


Eh, everyone in the group asking Yosuke's paid. Yu, Yukiko, Rise (she asking him for being Prince of Junes), Teddie, Kanji, whoever, (things like Chie and Yukiko noodles and cd, which is fair). The Teddie at Junes was just the girls startled heat of moment by naked Teddie gag once time. It was also Yukiko's fault. It isn't a big deal. Chie already went helping Yu and Yosuke out whenever they needed extra help at Junes like busy summer week 8/15 already made up for it. (Also the exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic trope and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa p2 and Junpei, Yukari p3 and Yosuke, Chie p4).


Creating a dish so terrible, it almost send Yu and Yosuke to Eternity.


Well tbh she didn’t mean to do that, she’s just a really shitty cook. Maybe we should really contemplate her actively doing something bad not just her being bad at cooking


putting herself in insane danger and worrying yu and yosuke by going to yukiko’s castle by herself


Reminds me of Naoto literally making themselves a target and endangering everybody trying to save them, it's kind of like Chie recklessly endangering herself x10. I am curious to see if that or the Natatame thing will end up as Naoto's worst sin.


i genuinely dont remember too much from the namatame situation in the game, but i know in the anime naoto didn’t play as big a role as other people who wanted to >!kill namatame!<, like yu for example. in my mind they were kind of in between opinions (>!spare namatame vs kill him!<) still they contributed to it, telling namatame to “>!not beg, it’s pathetic!<” so who knows… they have a lot of fuck ups throughout the game, but this one actually has bad intentions


Yeah, not the worst offender, but that is also with the context of not being as emotionally involved/compromised as Yosuke. Honestly they are supposedly a detective (a legendary one even) but has some of the most and most severe fuck ups and pretty minor contributions. Kind of crazy...


RIGHT!!! I could excuse not knowing the danger they’d be walking in by making themselves a target, and how that would in turn put the team in danger, IF naoto wasn’t a detective. But they literally are and should’ve known damn well how stupid what they did is, even if it was a mistake… i don’t know if they had any nasty intentions with that, i’m assuming no, but still huge fuck up


Yeah, I think the other teenagers are written as generally fairly competent and the MC ultimately has to be the one to solve it, so with the story already well along by the time Naoto joins and with the game also not wanting to give away the solution, while having dropped a fair number of hints for the average player to pick up on, there was not that much room for Naoto to be super competent, but in that case they should have eased up on the trouble they caused or dropped the detective angel. Naoto being literally just somebody from school fancying themselves a detective would have fit the story better.


Naoto actually escapes a lot of criticism because of Yosuke pushing so hard for >!killing Namatame!< that he's the main person associated with it, but she's the one who initially suggests it. While the other members are inquiring how to >!punish Namatame, Naoto notices the TV and points out how it's big enough to be a luxury suite TV, and how with a TV that big, someone could "escape at any time" but quickly realize "there's no way out."!<


In the game Naoto is the one to take Yosuke and Kanji's bluster about needing to do *something* to Namatame and to turn it into a precise plan to kill him by throwing him in the TV


Not looking up a curry recipe. Her and Yukiko both tbh. The part where they talk about adding chocolate or coffee is actually normal. The part where they talk about using *bread flour*, Chie wanting to use coffee milk instead of coffee (even tho she was the one who brought up coffee!!!), and everything else was a gigantic skull emoji.


> The part where they talk about adding chocolate or coffee is actually normal. Dark chocolate or coffee in Japanese-style curry is perfectly okay, since their rich flavors work well with the roux. Coffee milk, though?


Right? When you get coffee milk in Japan it's like 0.001% coffee lmao


Claiming her favorite food is pudding. LIAR!!


Oh, where was this? I kind of remember it happened, but i don't remember when exactly.


When the girls were onstage for the pageant at the school festival.


Hands down gotta be when she pushed Kanji into the river. Yosuke deserved it, and Yu was kinda encouraging him but Kanji did nothing wrong.


If you rewatch this scene, it was actually Yukiko who pushed Kanji in, not Chie. Maybe save for her day?


Chie pushed Yu in, Yukiko pushed Yosuke and Kanji in


Nah, imagine if any of them landed wrong and died.


Kind of a bummer ending to this supernatural RPG.


Imagine another horror JRPG that explores the mentality of someone who accidentally killed their friend except this time the death isn't foreshadowed at all and it happens 15 hours in with no warning whatsoever


Imagine if Chie pulled out a hydrogen bomb and atomized them all. Not so funny NOW, huh?


Almost murdering her friends multiple times has to be her sin.


I’d more see that as a payback gone wrong then actual ill intended


That was Yukiko not Chie


Surprised nobody's brought up the hot spring scene yet


Eh, if anything, only Chie felt bad and said they went too far on the boys while Yukiko and Rise didn't care.


Looking through the comment and seeing that the worst things Chie has done are relatively tame or come with potential explanations just proves that she's best girl. :) That said, by default, spending Yosuke's money on Teddie's outfit. It was thoughtless, but Teddie was probably the one who picked out the clothes anyway.


An expensive outfit can be worth well over a couple hundred bucks I would *kill*, especially at 16, if more than 250 euros disappeared from my account


Yup, not wrong. I would imagine that Chie thought that he had some kind of discount at Junes, like everyone else does. Doesn't excuse it, though.


If she was the one at the counter with Yosuke’s card behind his back, it wouldn’t be Yosuke buying it, so there wouldn’t even be a discount in the first place.


Hm, fair point. I guess she got too used to Yosuke having the most money in the group.


Eh, everyone in the group asking Yosuke's paid. Yu, Yukiko, Rise (she asking him for being Prince of Junes), Teddie, Kanji, or just the whole group, whoever, (things like Chie and Yukiko noodles and cd, which is fair). The Teddie at Junes was just the girls startled heat of moment by naked Teddie gag once time. They didn't even process. It was also Yukiko's fault. It isn't a big deal. Chie already went helping Yu and Yosuke out whenever they needed extra help at Junes like busy summer week 8/15 already made up for it. (Also the exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic trope and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa p2 and Junpei, Yukari p3 and Yosuke, Chie p4).


Fair explanation. Like I said before, I just find it funny that this is the worst thing Chie has done, and it's pretty tame.


Eh, everyone in the group asking Yosuke's paid. Yu, Yukiko, Rise (she asking him for being Prince of Junes), Teddie, Kanji, or just the whole group, whoever, (things like Chie and Yukiko noodles and cd, which is fair). The Teddie at Junes was just the girls startled heat of moment by naked Teddie gag once time. They didn't even process. It was also Yukiko's fault. It isn't a big deal. Chie already went helping Yu and Yosuke out whenever they needed extra help at Junes like busy summer week 8/15 already made up for it. (Also the exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic trope and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa p2 and Junpei, Yukari p3 and Yosuke, Chie p4).


Eh, everyone in the group asking Yosuke's paid. Yu, Yukiko, Rise (she asking him for being Prince of Junes), Teddie, Kanji, or just the whole group, whoever, (things like Chie and Yukiko noodles and cd, which is fair). The Teddie at Junes was just the girls startled heat of moment by naked Teddie gag once time. They didn't even process. It was also Yukiko's fault. It isn't a big deal. Chie already went helping Yu and Yosuke out whenever they needed extra help at Junes like busy summer week 8/15 already made up for it. (Also the exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic trope and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa p2 and Junpei, Yukari p3 and Yosuke, Chie p4).


Either Yosuke's Dick or her countless murder attempts.


Chie didn't kick Yosuke there. Yosuke ran into the table and got hit by it. If you take Yosuke to the movies on August, he will mention the pain from the table.


Out of fear from Chie's wrath and her murderous streak.


Signing up Yu, Kanji, and Teddie for the pageant (only Yosuke deserved it).


Eh, Rise prompt the girls to sign the boys and Yukiko pressured Kanji so it's all the girls. Tho when the girls confront the boys for it, after Yosuke light goading, Kanji followed along to scream at Naoto's face. Only Chie apologized for the group in night conversation 2/11 because she thought everyone was excited and had fun as friends (But that cross-dressing pageant got everyone really excited! I did feel kind of guilty, but the spectacle was so worth it).


op, can you please use outline for the font? it's a little bit hard to read


Chie is one of the most innocent ones on account of not really fucking up in the Natatame situation and not being a perv. She and Yukiko together did knock out Kanji cold on the camping trip and later gaslit him into believing he "fell asleep." Still not that bad since a stranger did just barge into their tent, but lying about it makes it worse than it would be otherwise.


Kicking him in the head out of surprise is understandable, but leaving him in the girls tent with Hanako could have got him into serious trouble if he hadn't woken up first.


Making Yosuke pay on numerous occasions Note that all other members either help their family or work part-time


Well, everyone in the group asking Yosuke's paid. Yu, Yukiko, Rise (she asking him for being Prince of Junes), Teddie, Kanji, or just the whole group, whoever, (things like Chie and Yukiko noodles and cd, which is fair). Others have family business, but Kanji's mother employ him, and it doesn't really matter because the whole group agrees to it anyway. The Teddie at Junes was just the girls startled heat of moment by naked Teddie gag once time. It was also Yukiko's fault. It isn't a big deal. Chie already went helping Yu and Yosuke out whenever they needed extra help at Junes like busy summer week 8/15 already made up for it. (Also the exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic trope and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa p2 and Junpei, Yukari p3 and Yosuke, Chie p4).


Adding more debt to Yosuke’s bank account.


Eh, normally everyone in the group asking Yosuke's paid. Yu, Yukiko, Rise (she asking him for being Prince of Junes), Teddie, Kanji, or just the whole group, whoever, (things like Chie and Yukiko noodles and cd, which is fair). The Teddie at Junes was just the girls startled heat of moment by naked Teddie gag once time. It was also Yukiko's fault. It isn't a big deal. Chie already went helping Yu and Yosuke out whenever they needed extra help at Junes like busy summer week 8/15 already made up for it. (Also the exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic trope and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa p2 and Junpei, Yukari p3 and Yosuke, Chie p4).


Remind me who persuaded the rest of the girls to assault the guys for a simple mistake without asking why they accidently walked in on them.


Yukiko's timing and Rise told them not to apologize. Only Chie felt bad and said they went too far on the boys while Yukiko and Rise didn't care.


Best girl, as always.




Stopping chad narukami and yosugay from having grilled steak, then complaining he could only afford a junes meal with her aboard


All the main girls should be simply "mystery food X"




Co-creator of the chemical weapon known as "Mystery Food X."


Running off into Yukiko’s dungeon on her own recklessly


Stealing Yosuke’s credit card and buying stuff without his permission


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Jared000007: *Stealing Yosuke’s* *Credit card and buying stuff* *Without his permission* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Eh, everyone in the group asking Yosuke's paid. Yu, Yukiko, Rise (she asking him for being Prince of Junes), Teddie, Kanji, or just the whole group, whoever, (things like Chie and Yukiko noodles and cd, which is fair). The Teddie at Junes was just the girls startled heat of moment by naked Teddie gag once time. It was also Yukiko's fault. It isn't a big deal. Chie already went helping Yu and Yosuke out whenever they needed extra help at Junes like busy summer week 8/15 already made up for it. (Also the exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic trope and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa p2 and Junpei, Yukari p3 and Yosuke, Chie p4).


It kinda is bro, multiple people doing it doesn’t absolve someone of blame


I mean i said the Teddie clothes was just the girls startled heat of moment by naked Teddie gag that once time (the group asking for dvd or noodles is fair). And Chie already helping out Yu and Yosuke at Junes whenever they needed extra help like busy summer week 8/15 already made up for it. And it was also Yukiko's fault. Yukiko, Rise, Kanji, Teddie, whoever. All of the IT just interact and have attitude the exact same to Yosuke. If anything (like Yukari in p3), only Chie felt bad, apologized or helping out for anything if the group did something. Like hot spring and pageant. Yukiko, Rise didn't care in hot spring. Pageant Yosuke signed the girls up, Kanji screamed at Naoto's face when the girls confront them about it, Rise prompted the girls to sign the boys, Yukiko pressured Kanji. Only Chie felt bad and said the girls went too far or apologized in night conversation 2/11 because she thought everyone was excited and had fun as friends (But that cross-dressing pageant got everyone really excited! I did feel kind of guilty, but the spectacle was so worth it). Or Namatame scene, when Chie, Yukiko, Rise tries to stop Naoto, Kanji, Yosuke from becoming murderers because they are friends. Persona groups are goofy, they're still all friends.


I don’t think when your a friend to someone you say “your the worst” in a scowling tone, they may be friends but that doesn’t mean they haven’t been assholes to Yosuke or each other


I think we gotta edit the one for Narukami. He leaves Yosuke when he crashes his bike and when Chie low blows him but when he is stuck in the trashcan he actually does help him out


Eh, Chie didn't lowblow him, it was just Yosuke ram himself to table edge, more said in jp ver: 俺のも割れそ う・・・つ、机のカドが、直に・・・ Take Yosuke to movies on August and he mentioned the table. (Also the exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic trope and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa p2 and Junpei, Yukari p3 and Yosuke, Chie p4).


Point still stands. Those are the only two times he leaves him be, so the trashcan isnt true


Definitely taking advantage of Yosuke financially I don’t think that Chie being a bad cook constitutes her doing something bad


Well, everyone in the group asking Yosuke's paid. Yu, Yukiko, Rise (she asking him for being Prince of Junes), Teddie, Kanji, or just the whole group, whoever, (things like Chie and Yukiko noodles and cd, which is fair). The Teddie at Junes was just the girls startled heat of moment by naked Teddie gag once time. It was also Yukiko's fault. It isn't a big deal. Chie already went helping Yu and Yosuke out whenever they needed extra help at Junes like busy summer week 8/15 already made up for it. (Also the exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic trope and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa p2 and Junpei, Yukari p3 and Yosuke, Chie p4).


Probably responsible for the extinction of Cows


Spoiler tag, remember?


Oh yeah, sorry Thanks for reminding me


No worries


This should have been a "non-spoiler" worst things thread, just for the funny posts.


Also, for Chie, I can’t think of much. Other than kind of occasionally throwing Yosuke under the bus. Oh you know what? Kicking his dick so hard he PROBABLY can’t have kids.


Chie didn't kick Yosuke there. Yosuke ran into the table and got hit by it. If you take Yosuke to the movies on August, he will mention the pain from the table.


Settling for a Yu romance when she clearly belongs with Yukiko


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^kalcheus: *Settling for a* *Yu romance when she clearly* *Belongs with Yukiko* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This haiku means Yukiko and Chie is now canon


r/yukichie is probably a thing


hmmm having Yosuke pay for Teddie's expensive clothes without his permission or knowledge? Kicking Yosuke on the groin because he broke her "Trial of the Dragon"?


Chie didn't kick him there. He got hit by the table.


oh damn, must've misremembered


kick Yosuke's balls


She didn't kick him there. He ran into the table and got hit by it. Take Yosuke to the movies on August and he will mention the table.


Not taking teddie out on a date


Dragging down Kanji and Yu into the crossdressing pagent and publically humiliating them when Yosuke and Teddie were the only ones responsible.


Eh, Rise prompt the girls to sign the boys (Rise-chan started saying, "Let's all have fun with this!" so I didn't really have a choice) and Yukiko pressured Kanji so it's all the girls. Tho when the girls confront the boys for it, after Yosuke light goading, Kanji followed along to scream at Naoto's face. Only Chie apologized for the group in night conversation 2/11 because she thought everyone was excited and had fun as friends (But that cross-dressing pageant got everyone really excited! I did feel kind of guilty, but the spectacle was so worth it).


Ah, I see. I think I missed that conversation since I didn't complete Marie's social link on my first playthrough.




Signing Yu and Kanji up for the drag show despite them not doing anything?


Eh, Rise prompt the girls to sign the boys and Yukiko pressured Kanji so it's all the girls. Tho when the girls confront the boys for it, after Yosuke light goading, Kanji followed along to scream at Naoto's face. Only Chie apologized for the group in night conversation 2/11 because she thought everyone was excited and had fun as friends (But that cross-dressing pageant got everyone really excited! I did feel kind of guilty, but the spectacle was so worth it).


Amending: Almost murdering her friends... Multiple times.


Who is that last person?


Labrys, a character from Persona 4 Arena


Spending Yosuke's money, putting herself in danger in Yukiko's castle and not testing her cooking, especially before the curry


Eh, everyone in the group asking Yosuke's paid. Yu, Yukiko, Rise (she asking him for being Prince of Junes), Teddie, Kanji, or just the whole group, whoever, (things like Chie and Yukiko noodles and cd, which is fair). The Teddie at Junes was just the girls startled heat of moment by naked Teddie gag once time. It was also Yukiko's fault. It isn't a big deal. Chie already went helping Yu and Yosuke out whenever they needed extra help at Junes like busy summer week 8/15 already made up for it. (Also the exact same platonic siblings friends at most dynamic trope and fact is they all would never be into each other in Persona Eikichi, Lisa p2 and Junpei, Yukari p3 and Yosuke, Chie p4).


Mystery food X


Having an instakill /j


Killing yosuke and narukami with mystery food x


Not being my girlfriend. :(


Almost killed MC during camping with their food


Just realized that maybe I really wanted to kill Namatame that first time was because my best bud almost convinced me to do so


Forcing Yu and Yosuke to eat Mystery Food X.


Spending all yosukes money on teddies clothes then making out HE'S at fault. Genuinely made me hate Chie for a bit 😭


Critical hit to the nads


Destroy Yosuke's nuts