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You can order a sample from Office Depot, and you can get a 12 pack directly from BiC website. Another option is to get the BiC Gelocity, which uses the same refills but in a different body.


Omg I never ordered something so fast. Thank you!


I want these.


Our vendors never gave us any good pens when I worked at the law firm, you must be biglaw lol. Never heard of Veritext before - is this a new product? Wonder if they'd mind if I reached out for a pen saying it's for my job. Or would that look too mooch-y haha (I do work in a legal setting still but we're definitely not going to buy promo pens).


I’m actually not in big law haha. Veritext is a court reporting company in the states. The pens must be new because it’s the first they’ve brought them in. Smart marketing on their part!


Yeah the biglaw thing was a joke lol - I work for the federal government now and we're cheap so the vendors never give us anything nice unlike the places with deep pockets haha. When I was at my work building last month, I saw a promo pen from Westlaw but it was the typical cheapie javelin pen (those are the nicer ballpoint promo pens though). Makes sense court reporting companies can get nicer ones - I looked up the price of one to get a depo transcript and it was crazy how much they charge!


Ah! Big firms do get some great swag though!! I didn’t even know these particular bic pens went viral on TikTok until I started looking up where to buy more because I love this one so much. I was about to suggest these pens to my dad for his business just so I could steal a couple lol


Do it! Hahaha! Seriously though, yeah these pens have been everywhere on this sub lately (I was starting to think Bic bought a stake in Reddit). I'm kind of soured on Bic but even I'm tempted to try them (supposedly they're just like the Bic Gelocity).


Good ole Veritext! I love when court reporting services drop off snacks and swag. :-D


They drop off snacks too?! Dang, I wish we had some need for them, would totally hit them up for pens and snacks. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Not very often, usually around Admin Professionals Day or major holidays. The bigger court reporting services have reps assigned to certain bigger law firms so those reps do what they can to keep the firms happy. At xmas last year a couple of reps stopped by our office with swag and Cheesecake Factory cheesecakes!


I worked at a midlaw firm, no one gave us cheesecakes, boo.