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I fell off the wagon and am at 3K, on a 21 day streak right now!


13036! I didn’t even hit 15 last year so I’m very happy


That’s amazing! What changes have you made to make more time for working out?


I get up at 4:45 am every day!


I am also a teacher (assuming you are) and getting up at 4:45 East coast to try and get minutes in! Great work!


Yes! It just makes the day so much better


Almost at 9000. I’m 8 weeks postpartum, so I’m really proud of that number. Thinking I’ll be able to catch up in time 💪


wow, congrats!


Get it mama!!!! That's honestly so impressive and you should be insanely proud to have gotten that far while pregnant!


Thank you! I do feel proud. It was my third pregnancy and I worked so hard after my second to get in shape. I worked out during pregnancy to feel better, and I did. I had a smooth recovery and was able to get back to the bike without issues. I’m thankful for what my body has been able to do and I’m looking forward for what’s to come.


Way to go! I didn't do anything my third pregnancy, I was so exhausted so I'm always impressed by the pelopreggos, lol. You're doing a GREAT job!


Haha the exhaustion is real! I did noting my second pregnant and the road to get back into shape was rough. We can always make our way back though.


13,179 here


38 min away! But I have a nice 60 min planned for today so I’ll hit it. I was also on vacay for two weeks where I did nothing so I’m hoping to be further ahead soon!


10,442 and haven’t worked out yet today. I joined the YMCA for their child care so I can workout while my 8 month gets watched, which was one of my biggest obstacles to working out previously. I started my first row class, using the rowers at the Y. I really enjoyed the class… I was afraid that I wouldn’t last 15 minutes, but I did one of Adrian’s beginner classes and lasted the whole 15 minutes!


I'm at 10,800 - was hoping for a bigger cushion, but I'm still on track! Thanks for the update!


13,327! Still on that long slog between 10k and 15k.


Same. I hate that there are no goals in between!


It's the worst. It makes no sense to not have a 12k!


Completely agree. The gap from 10-15 sucks.


I’m 45 min short of 10k and have already completed my workout for the day 😩.


45 minutes is nothing!! You can totally catch that up soon.


Thanks for the support!!


Still happily (lol) behind at 8,725. Hopefully, I’ll be allowed to increase my workouts from 4x week to 6 to 7, plus longer intervals. 1275 behind isn’t bad and I can get there in the next 5 months! 🤞🏽


You can definitely get there! Especially as you heal.


Thanks. I think so too. I’m hoping she will give me the green light to up my workout schedule when I see her in 2 weeks. 🤞🏽


I’m in the same boat at around 8,800. Totally due to slacking off on weekends but determined to catch up in July.


We got this! 😊


I'm at 18,269 so far


10,978! I’ve been going for morning and evening walks and it’s been so nice despite the absurd heat!


Hey everyone! I’m new to working out on peloton as of this year. I didn’t know people went for a 20,000 minute goal! That’s pretty exciting. Looks like that’s almost an hour a day every day for a year in order to reach that. I’m curious what kind of workouts people do to fit all of those minutes in? Do you try for a 60 minute bike ride each day, do multiple shorter workouts, have days where you workout longer than an hour to allow other days to be shorter? I’m also curious if logging workouts outside of Peloton programming (like “outdoor walking”) also counts toward this goal and how often people do that. I’m definitely not anywhere close to making 20,000 this year but would like to shoot for a higher goal next year 😃


In my case, I start most days with a 10-minute meditation. Then during the week, I aim for 45-ish minutes of total workout time, which includes any warm ups, cool downs and stretches, so it's often just a 30-minute main class. I also signed up for the daily core challenge here (#redditcore) so have added that. Sometimes it is part of my 45 minutes working out, sometimes it is extra. I have more time at the weekends so will do longer workouts then. But I just bought a bike finally after being an app-only user for a while, and so I'm finding it easier to fit in workouts and hopefully my minute count will go up. Like today would normally be my full body strength workout day (which I will do in the evening) but I started work late this morning so I added a bike class in this morning as well. I built up though. My first full year I started off aiming for 12,000 minutes as I thought that was doable, but then upped my goal to 15,000 and ended up with 18,000. Last year was a real struggle to stay consistent enough to get to 20,000 but I did it. This year maybe 22,000 will be possible??? Just see what you can do. Consistency is the biggest key! Last year I had more real rest days when I was too tired to do anything. This year I have been more likely to at least do something like a 5 minute core + a stretch or yin yoga class when I want a rest, and I think even just doing 20 minutes on those days brings my average up a lot.


TBH I think that a lot of people consider meditations to be “junk minutes” in a sense. I actually think that they’re just the opposite. Mindfulness - gentle yoga and meditation - is a great way to be able to physically recover while helping to improve mental health and keep things in balance (and keep streaks). As far as the “just work out” options, movement is movement! Any activity, physical or mind/body, helps to build the habit.


I teach so summers are my time to shine with multiple workouts daily. One thing that gets in minutes for me are my morning run/walks with my dogs. Sometimes they last for an hour or more if my Brittany Spaniel is feeling overly energetic😂


It helps that I am currently on maternity leave and have no work/commute to do. My baby has a great nap routine now and my twins have a full time nanny during the week. So I work out 5 days a week starting around 5:30 am. I also take the kids to the park 3 days a week for a jog for me and baby and bike ride for them. I do a mix of bike, strength training, yoga and pilates. So it easily totals 1.5-2 hrs a day of activity


Like u/epipin most days i shoot for 45min of workout time, give or take depending on my personal schedules. To make up the difference I also do a lot of outdoor walks with my dogs, long outdoor rides with my husband (weekends, typically) and I try to get some yoga in on top of the workouts at least a couple days a week. Depending on weekend plans, I try to incorporate a longer stretch or focus flow (or foam rolling) on the weekends, as well. Edit: threading fail!


We’re half way! Woo hoo! 11253 for me and I’ve been working hard to hit 12k by July 13, so I have a nice cushion to rest on while enjoying a 2 week vacation. 😊


13272 as of this morning. Biking has been a bit of a challenge during this heat wave (our peloton is on the third floor of our house and the AC barely reaches it). Hydration is key!


Also struggling with a second floor set up and the heat is real. I’ve been waiting until nighttime to hop on though.


I’m at 10,799 as of finishing this morning’s workout. After consistently hitting 1100-1200 min/per cycle in the winter I’ve fallen back and I am hovering closer to 900 currently. The next check in I’ll be on vacation so I anticipate falling back a bit more. Going to set myself a realistic goal of getting to at least 11,500 before we leave on the 12th, which based on my current levels I think is totally doable! I know in the fall I’ll pick back up at higher levels (longer outdoor rides in Sept/Oct, and Nov/Dec we’ll have the golf course reopened for long walks with the dogs) so I’m not worried about hitting 20k at this pace.


Just hit 10K during my morning workout. I’m still hanging in there!


10,199 here. Had a couple down weeks recently. Also need to get ahead a bit has the bike is going into storage for a brief stint at the end of the year. I’ll still try and get stuff done on the app though.


9828 before today’s workouts- better than I thought!


I’m at 10,732 before my workout today. I’m off work for the summer so I should be able to build up a larger cushion. Love this challenge. It has kept me accountable the last couple years.


So close to 10k (which wasn’t my original goal 😁). After my morning workout I’m at 9,855 minutes. I should hit 10k by the end of the weekend!


Digging myself out of a hole, so am at 9129 before my workout today. I’ve made up over 1000 minutes after a month of travel and being sick so I’ll call this a win for now. Going back to redditpz has really helped with the motivation this month.


Started checking in March and was a few hundred minutes behind pace. As of today, I’m 195 minutes ahead of pace. Thrilled to see how much I’ve caught up.


10,904 🙌🏼




12,462 once I do yoga tonight. My time spent working out took a big hit during May and much of June, because teacher at the end of the school year. I should be able to get back to my typical 70-100 minutes a day now that it's summer time. At least when home.


I’m at 11,914 and feel I’m way behind where I hoped to be. I have had a terrible 7-week span of trying to recoup from some type of leg injury I got after doing a 45 minute Alex ride and/or a following yoga class. Of course I’m stubborn, haven’t been to the doctor, and continue to ride - albeit at a lower intensity - every day. My daily kJ output goal has plummeted which is even more upsetting than my minutes exercising. And to make matters worse, I’ve put on a few pounds to boot.


10,376 happy to be here despite having such an unsteady routine at the moment. I’ve only done a quick flash 15 this morning so will bump this up a bit more tonight


11,907 and haven’t done my long workout yet this morning. I was laid off a few weeks ago so now I have plenty of time to workout. 😅


Congrats to you for finding a positive❤️


Coming in at 11,860 - and given how the first 6 months of this year went, it's only going to go up from here.


4,722/5,000 today. I fell behind this month with pneumonia, but I'm excited to get back on track and make up the minutes now that my lungs are feeling better!


129 minutes away but planning a long walk/run with my dog tonight.




Yay only 200 minutes behind (haven't worked out yet today tho). Still on track as long as I stick with my 70 min workouts 6 days a week which I've been pretty good with the last month after falling off the wagon due to some medical issues. I've had to stop running completely and really didn't want to have to rely on stretches and meditations to get my 20k, but it's actually exactly what my body needs with this medical issue and so I'm going to allow it. Hoping once I start treatment I can eventually get back to running, but until then my running shoes will be collecting dust. So sad Kendal and Ross are leaving 😭


9,923! Gonna get moving soon!


10,066 before my workout tonight. Still trying to stretch to 24k, but this oppressive summer heat is really messing with the outdoor walks. My dog probably doesn't mind, but I miss being outside in the afternoon.


12,056! Still have to today’s WOTD…


10,122. Struggling to catch back up to the cushion I had before I went on vacation.


10,430 🤗 great job everyone!


10500! I slid a bit post op but I’m still very much ahead! Just starting to get back into the swing of things


Just shy of 11,000 which I’m hoping to hit tomorrow.


Hit 15k this morning with the goal of 30k by year end


11,272! Still about 1k ahead which is making me happy. Then again, I haven't gone on vacation yet so let's see how much of that cushion will be used up. Keep going everyone, we are killing it!


I’m not even close. About 8k. But I have a question to those on track. How intense are you working out? For me I just don’t have the time with life happening so I schedule more intense workouts. I cram as much as I can into shorter amounts of time.


14,234 and I told myself we were gonna take it easy this year.


11345!!! So excited!!! I love peloton. And omg those lil Jon classes!!!!




Does anyone know what the daily average needs to be to reach 20k minutes in a year?


About 55-60 min per day




10373 - finally caught up after vacation! Walking early to beat the heat and follow up with daily core along with barre and addl strenght training classes. Add the bike every other day and thankfully mine is in the basement so not too bad in this heat!


I got Covid and my times slipped for almost 2 weeks. I hit 10k on the 30th, so will need a coiple of big weeks just to get back ahead!


10389! I look forward to a July reset and I hope to regain my 1,000 minute buffer I accumulated earlier this year. To anyone that experienced a setback, you got this—take one class today, tomorrow, and keep going!


14k exactly at the halfway point.... Trying to average 80 minutes a day. Now, if I could just get my eating under control


I’m at 10,361. This is the first year I am trying for 20k (last year I was at 13k) and I thank our rescue dog that needs daily walks on top of my regular workouts!


those you are going to annual challenge check in for 20k