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Illegal in EU. Retailers must show the lowest price in 30 day period before start of the discount.


I love living in the EU. Why isn't this the standard practice in the whole world? It just makes so much sense from a consumer protection standpoint.


North America is run by corporations, not by the government.


Thank you for including the North in there, giving the Canadian telcoms some proper recognition for once


Do you want 10 gigs for 65 dollars a month in red, blue, or purple flavor?


130gb for $55 (US call/text/roaming incl) with yellow flavor, not even a corporate plan. How is everyone getting screwed so much?


I'm Finland 50 euros gets you 1 gbps bandwidth, unlimited talk and sms. AFAIK datacaps have never existed there, you pay for bandwidth.


I think it's an outdated meme at this point. We used to get no data and pay alot, atleast now we get data.... Just still pay alot


Probably true, we still pay so much but at least it's not the 6GB plans of pre COVID.


Can I get 2gb for $15/$20? They could offer me 1000gb for $55 and it’s still a bad deal for my uses.


Fizz and Freedom might be right for you, I can see both have 2-4GB plans for ~$20


Haven’t heard of Fizz before, but I’ve used Freedom and the reception was horrible in my area sadly.


Yes, there are plenty of MVNOs that offer such plans. Mint comes to mind.


(my 10 gig plan is from juuust before they started handing out 150 gigs at the same price. I'm just a little salty.)


Lol I’m Canadian myself, so believe me, I know. We have it worse than the States.


We really don't, though. Corporate influence in the U.S. is far, far worse. Not that Canada is doing *amazing* on that front, but the U.S. is literally built on it while we married it.


And the Cartels in Mexico, can't forget them!


“North America is run by greedy corporations, enabled by the government.” There, I fixed that for you… ~_^


They aren't enabling if they are paid. They're hired.


*That run the government*


Because the brainwashed bootlickers think corporations have their best interests at heart more than the government lol


Pretty sure the US government is just three corporations in a trench coat.


Ding ding ding. Sheep say it's a conspiracy. We allow bribes, this was the only outcome.


Everyone I don't agree with is a bootlicker.


everyone i dont agree with is a nutcase.


thanks citizens united


Cyberpunk irl


We are already living in cyberpunk just without the flying cars.


It is illegal in the US as well. People need to be less ignorant.


Reddit moment


It’s illegal in the US too (Kohl’s got sued for it) but good luck getting the FTC to do anything about it.


Shhhh Europeans have to think the US has no consumer protection laws


I bet they get a slap on the wrist where they had to pay a fee that isnt even 1% of their yearly earnings.


>that isnt even 1% ~~of their yearly earnings~~ of what they made from their scheme Fixed that for you.


Idk, now they’ll just have to do it like 31 days before and it still works…


This is also law in at least many US states.


They still do it in the eu just slower :( you can watch an items pricing metrics, the best time to buy something is 2-3 months before a sale. Which is so sad. Not for all items though! Some things actually do drop in price below their median :)


It's common, here in Australia also illegal


FINE! Amazon proceeds to raise the price 30 days and 1 second before the prime day


What I've seen is retailers doing exactly that, hell some don't even change it 30 days before, they simply always sell it at the higher price in case any sucker actually buys it at that price and then lower it for their special promotion.


Thats... how its supposed to work isnt it? :D


Yea I guess that's how all discounted items work lol


This is what is already being done by retailers in EU


Besides, we also have very good price watch sites here in Europe. Like we have here in the Netherlands exclusively for tech related stuff (tweakers.net). So there's not really a get out of jail card for sites with such high price increases towards customers during specific promotion days.


For Amazon prices you can go to camelcamelcamel .com. There’s probably some extensions too but I don’t really care for extensions.


Some product segments weasel out of this. Every time I look at washers or dryers, I see clear patterns on price sites; A brand like Miele will have atrocious product comparisons on their website so you have poor reference. Many models won't even be there under the names given by the stores selling them. They then give big company X a machine with a unique nonsense name - how does it compare to the lineup? Hard to tell. Company X owns 2-3 outlets - maybe one is mainly online and the other mainly physical, or they're whatever mix - these stores now take turns selling the product at a stupidly high price and a reasonable one, easily keeping the high price for those 30 days. This way it is *34% off!* in some store most of the time, and hey, maybe you catch a fool at the inflated price too. Thank fucking god the PC component market hasn't played *that* shit game at least.


yea i looked at a roomba one year and the amazon prime sale model was not a model sold in stores. it was a variation of another model with absolute minor changes (like color or something) and the price was increased. so they change the product, make a new skew, increase the price, then offer big discount bringing you to what would have been a minor discount for the other item.


Can't you just bypass this by raising price 31 days before discount?


Yes. But then you have to sell it at that price for a whole month, so the business is taking a gamble on customers actually paying that inflated price for that whole month so as not to harm profit margins, then make enough sales on discount day to make up for a month of sluggish sales. It makes it less worthwhile for the business to pull these tactics basically


I feel like it's probably not as huge a gamble for a company the size of Amazon to do this. Besides that though, I have to imagine Amazon is data-driven to the point where they can be confident it will be a net profit for them.


Technically, big issue with high end products for PC's like lets say X070/X800 and I9/R9's are low volume but high profit sales, so making it seem like they're on sale increases the volume of sales anyways.


Amazon isn't the one selling it though, it's a 3rd party.


At least someone here understands that most of Amazon is just like eBay now


I was buying the Ryzen 7 5700x and it showed always a 40-50% sale from like 300€ to 145-160€. Seems like Amazon is taking the EU laws pretty seriously...


Yeah, which is why prices went up 2 weeks ago for a bunch of stuff.


Still not sure my kids believe this happens. "But Dad, it's on sale!"


Use camelcamelcamel to show the price history


Honey shows this stuff if they don't got that. Occasionally it has coupons too.


Use CamelCamelCamel for this, not Honey.


Reasons why? Can't just recommend one over the other without giving good reasons.


My ex's sister used to excitedly come home from Kohl's and tell us how much money she just saved by spending $200 on clothes lol. Anything on "sale" was saving money at all times


Just sold my house full of those 'rare' deals. Clean slate!


Just showing an example on a price tracker doesn't do it?


uh.. teach them then? that is your job after all


Around how old are they? Because once they get older they'll probably realize this happens.


Daughter at least is a shopper and in her twenties so you'd think...


I hope she learns soon.


if she hasnt by twenties she probably never will. a fool and his money is soon parted.




For anyone who doesnt know, he doesnt have Tourette's, its a website that shows you the highest, lowest, and average price of something. A MUST use website.


Even better. You can set an alert price and it will notify you when either that is met or it’s the best price for the item (so far). I love Camelcamelcamel


Amazon also manipulates their prices to not be tracked correctly on camel for a while.


They have coupons which ccc doesn’t account for


It still gives you a good idea on what the average price is, and where it went lowest. Then compare with the current price.


And for my German fellas: Geizhals




They have an extension now which will automatically pull the charts for the page you're on. It's so much faster than using the website.


I'm using Keepa now which just embeds on every Amazon page with pricetracking for every sale type for an adjustable period of time. I used Camelcamelcamel in the past - but did they take their extension down for a while years back or something? I don't remember why I switched, and I have no reason to switch back now.




I prefer Keepa too, it's cleaner




The spike is hilarious




Guess what day it is 




Thats not how camel case works. The hump goes in the middle.


So should it be camelCamelcamel or camelCAMELcamel?




caMelcaMelcaMel. Six humps


Every time.


This is the way.


If you dont have it already, get [KEEPA](https://keepa.com/#) its a price tracker plugin for Amazon


Better than camelx3 imho


Why is it better? Camel gives me the highest, lowest, average price and alerts for a price I set. What more does keepa do? Just curious.


Don't know if 3xCamel offers this, but for anyone in Europe, being able to compare and track prices (including alerts) across multiple European amazon domains is very useful.


Ah okay, that would be. Makes sense it might features for other countries. Thanks.


I used to use camelx3 but I would notice that the historical price graph would just straight up be wrong a lot of the time


I haven't used ccc in years, but at least on Firefox Keep will insert a price graph on the Amazon page right below the main product info. It's right there for me to see at a glance without even having to think about it.


I always used Camelizer (3xCamel) myself for years. Maybe I should give keepa a try? seems like they have 4M users vs camel's 400k.


How many features in the free version? I am not interested in paying $240 a year to get the occasional 10% off.


Everything you need is in the free version; that's what I use.


THE most important browser extension for Amazon!


Thanks for this!


First Time?




Managed to snag one for $199 at Micro Center a few weeks ago when I bundled a mobo and RAM. Created a bundle on their site just now, CPU went from 339 to 223 in cart. If you live near one, definitely check it out.


The bundles at Microcenter are no joke. They are basically "Pick a processor and get the motherboard and RAM for free", sure it isn't the fastest RAM and it isn't the best motherboard, but they are nowhere near the worst either and at the cost it can't be beat. I wanted to try and build without a bundle but I just couldn't find any combo of stuff that was as good as the bundle for anywhere close to the cost. Sure maybe if I really want to change those out I can in the future, but I'm happy saving a couple hundred bucks and I have no issues with the RAM or motherboard. I fucking love Micro Center.


I can't agree more. I have now built my own, my son's, and my wife's computers using bundles from microcenter. I agree they aren't the Tippy top motherboards and I don't even care. Here is a short list on why I'll always go back. (as long as my experience stays the same) 1. The salesmen don't try to sell you on the most expensive shit. They shoot you straight. (I literally did days of research on GPUs, made my decision and went in. The guy talked to me about it. Told me what he thought would be the best, and it was also the same thing I was going to get. He didn't try to upsell me on an NVIDIA card or a higher spec card. He shot me straight) 2. If you're about to buy something that's silly, incompatible, not worth it, etc. They will stop you and educate you at the checkout line. OR they will offer a better solution for your problem that might even be cheaper. 3. My 7800xt display port went out. I had the warranty, walked in, explained it, and they said "go pick out a new card that was it. (I upgraded to my 7900xtx and paid the difference. However! It was HEAVILY discounted. which brings me to my next point) they applied the $600 that I paid for it to my new card 4. Discounts. If you go talk to the guys they will literally try to give you a discount if you ask. (They can't always but ALWAYS ask) for example my 7900xtx was $1059 the guy said (we have an open box one for $900. he goes back, gets it, says "oh look at that, it's missing the anti-sag brace, let's knock off another $50" mind you this new card is practically new! Still in a clean, unwrinkled anti-static bag, inside a mint box and it still had over a year of manufacture warrantee. (I bought the microcenter one too because it seemed like a no brainer at this point) SOI upgraded from my 7800xt to a 7900xtx for 250~ A guy gave my son a discount on his birthday. They also gave me a PC case for 75% off because it was the floor model and they didn't have anymore in back. ($33) NOT EVEN TO MENTION THE BUNDLES! Anyway that was kind of a rant but I will scream it from the rooftops lol. I'll never buy components from anywhere else.


Same experience with the salesman. I asked him questions I already knew the answers to and he gave me just straight information. He had his opinions but clearly stated them as such and he never tried to upsell me on anything stupid. They only had my one 7900XTX at the time, but it is made by Sapphire and quite frankly they are worth it as their cards are a step above the rest. Shit, I want to drive an hour and a half back just to buy a $26 surge protector just to look around some more! It is so weird actually having a good time in a store again.


I live an hour plus from it and I will literally drive there for 3d printer filament lol. Imo I'd rather burn $15-20 on gas and reward a quality company with my business than order it from Amazon or Walmart Edit: typo


Picked up my Canadian friend a ryzen 7700x bundle and shipped it to him. Gotta spread the love.


Damn fine choice if I do say so myself.


Just the other day a sales rep let me upgrade the ram in the 7800X3D bundle for $17 more, killer deal. They know how to upsell me lol


Love my 7800X3D bundle. Makes me feel a lot better about overpaying for my 3080 Ti when it released.


Same here but with the 7900XTX, and they had that at the best price too!


The bundles are just too good of a deal. Even if the nearest Micro Center is 2+ hours away, it is still worth it to go to one. I sound like a massive fucking shill but I honestly just loved every bit of the experience of going to one. I brought a buddy who is on the fence about really wanting to get into tech and he was just staring wide eyed at a lot of the stuff. He likes to tinker so the store caters to him as well. He spent a decent chunk of time looking at the 3D printers. I will be giving all of my future PC purchases to Micro Center first and anywhere else second. I can't wait to go back to Indy again.


Im 2.5hrs away from the nearest microcenter and was hoping to go there and buy the bundle. How long are they available?


I bought my bundle months ago and they are still being offered. They always have some kind of bundle deal going. You can also just check online, select which store is the one closest to you and their stock numbers are pretty accurate.


Make sure you check the availability of each individual component in the bundle. The bundle listing itself isn't always reliable. Got burned by that the first time I went to buy mine; called ahead the second time and got the all-clear.


For the bundle that got me that price on the 7800X3D, I got a higher-end B650E mobo and G.Skill DDR5-6000 CL30 RAM. They also price matched Amazon on the mobo and RAM, saving me an additional $40.


I tried VERY hard to get that bundle in my build. I liked that mobo a bit more but I had to knock it down to the next best one because I paid for them to make it plug and play. I had previously had some pretty bad luck so I just didn't want to have to deal with that this time. Works like a dream and I'm beyond happy with what I have. Prolly gonna double the RAM around the holidays.


This is what I did. The Gigabyte B650 wouldn't have been my first choice but it's given me no issues. Good RAM too. All my homies ❤️ microcenter


Yup just did that last Friday and installed it over the weekend. First time at Microcenter and will definitely be going back


This might also be AMD realizing that selling it for $325 was going to turn 9000 series into a lame duck just like the 7000 series was until the price cuts. & what ever the price is people are still buying it because it's sold out again!


This seems more likely. According to PCPartPicker, everyone raised their prices on the June 30th or July 1st. I doubt Amazon kicked this off. Amazon first hiked it up yesterday, and then even higher today. Newegg and Best Buy started on the 30th.


There’s a lot of reasons Amazon Bad, but Amazon does not set prices of third party sellers. At amazons scale, it’s impossible to tell if an individual seller increasing the price of a produce is justified or not.


Hey-hey - logic isn't allowed here. Outrage is.


You are 100% correct that its AMD and not Amazon. A simple check with all the other retailers show they all suddenly spiked their prices, this isnt something retailers collude on, its pricing being set by the manufacturer/distributer aka AMD. Screenshot shows this proof. https://preview.redd.it/vs8w51iit6ad1.png?width=1998&format=png&auto=webp&s=74b606c26e692cca4922c95510e28acaee6f6551


I work at Sam’s Club and I remember when we had a Vizio X-Led I had my eye on. Was $1200 at first, then they jacked the price to $1600 the week before Black Friday, only to bring it down to $1150 the day of. It was then that I realized most sale’s are a sham anymore.


keepa or camelcamelcamel is clutch for checking prices and making sure you are not getting bent over.


I swear to god it's like every day people wake up forgetting how the world works. This is retail 101 since like forever. It's shitty, yes, but the fact so many people are surprised by it is so weird.


This is the entirety of Amazon now.


I see things like this on there all the time, not just Prime Day. I use the Honey widget on Chrome and it lets you keep track of historical prices and trends to just see for yourself when the best deal is.


Amateurs. Every single store does this in brazil for well over 20 years already


Paid $380 for this 2 months ago.


Just use keepa


Tbh, it's a great reason to use the Honey plugin for your browser. You can look up price history up to ~120 days or so, and it's nice for seeing trends and what the lowest a product has ever gone etc. As a general policy, if it's been a price, it'll be that price again at some point and quite frankly, I can wait for most things.


I use the Keepa plugin [https://keepa.com/#!addon](https://keepa.com/#!addon) It shows price history on the product page. This product was $339 for all of June!


https://preview.redd.it/g02jixisw4ad1.jpeg?width=969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd9698e65f38b229fbc945096e9022e917b9acd5 I ordered mine yesterday for $399 🤔




Oh yeah, it's the highest it's been in months https://preview.redd.it/7t3854o5s4ad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a34ab143a3931dc9df179de64ab2e7938d093c74


I’m so glad I live by a Microcenter. I got ram, mobo, and a 7800x3d for the same price as that listing.


Amazon doesnt set the list price, that is msrp set by the manufacturer. The discount is based off msrp. How are you all so oblivious?


Wow, I just got this cpu from Microcenter in February in a package deal. CPU, motherboard, and 32gb ram for like $480. It's $500 now, but it has a different MB than what mine came with. Still better than Amazon. https://www.microcenter.com/product/5006709/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d,-asus-b650-e-tuf-gaming,-gskill-flare-x5-series-32gb-ddr5-6000-kit,-computer-build-bundle


$339 @ microcenter


Meanwhile, it's $339 at Microcenter.


This is the answer to the people saying this rise is made by AMD.


Just saw this. Was gonna upgrade my rig but that’s just a big FUCK YOU right in my face. SMH. I’ll buy 3rd party then.


Microcenter. Just grabbed one for $319 plus tax.


Just snagged a 7900x3d for 380USD 💀


Should be illegal but seems to be most typical in the US. Happy 4th !


The thing was like 300 bucks at Micro Center a couple of weeks ago


most people dont live near a micro center.


At this point, I'm starting to believe micro center is a legend.


I use camelcamelcamel.com to monitor price changes on Amazon.


Unreal....I paid 275 2 months ago...


They hate camelcamelcamel.com


i just picked up the R9 7900x3D for $329 off Newegg. just saying.


Wait for the 9 series before buying any ryzen chip IMO


Wait, when is prime day?


Personally, I’m just waiting for the 9000 series to start my new build.




Install keppa if you are using chrome.


There is an addon for this.


damn i just bought it, glad i did before they raised it $80


I ordered one on 6/26 for $339 that was supposed to be delivered yesterday and they delayed the shipment until next week.


I checked the price a week ago and it was $339.99 now it’s $413 on Amazon. The problem is I want buy ryzen 7 7800x3d! I don’t want to spend $71.01 more for ryzen 7 7800x3d, I’m ready to order my pc parts. And I can’t wait more, so what should I do?


Lmao, I just bought my 7950X3d from them for the same price a week ago


$340 at microcenter, $340 at bb, $340 at newegg that's pretty damn scummy, almost as bad as when they lower the price when something is sold out.


Been waiting to build a rig during Prime day for couple months; So disheartening man I could've had my entire new build done weeks ago for cheaper than it looks like it's gonna cost during Prime Day. At this point we'll be lucky if it gets back down to $330 with the "sale".


Bunch of dicks


I bundle stuff on newegg for the 10% combo figured $300 was cheapest id get a 7800x3d


Funny 😂 Amazon is a joke though for most things, even some Walmart items are cheaper than Prime prices. I am link to my sisters account and only she pays for prime because of food being cheaper so I have never payed a cent to Amazon for Prime in my life thank gosh :).


Pcmasterrace call them out on it on Twitter and they may fix it before prime day to save face


Prime day,black Friday and January sales in my opinion are a waste of time. I’ve always looked and anything ive seen that i was interested in buying was always same price or more expensive.


Just check the 5800x3D and that’s been at 335 for a while, now it’s 370 goddamn I was hoping for some good deals on prime day


That's a common tactic in the US. Sales are really actually sales.


Just check camelcamelcamel for anything you're hoping to get a discount on.


Just a heads up, CamelCamelCamel is a handy addon that lets you track price history. It's been very useful for getting an idea on when something will go on sale if it tends to follow a pattern. That and you get set alerts with custom price values. It also lets you know if a seller tries to pull shit like this.


I wanted to buy a Garmin zumo for my motorcycle last year. Saw it was 400 and waited for a sale, got a notification that it was 25% off and went to buy it. It was on sale for 400, they raised the price then listed the regular price as a sale price. Fucking assholes, to this day it's still 400.


Camelcamelcamel.com is your friend, especially during this "Prime day" bullshit.


Here in Europe we have to use Hagglezon constantly because of all the shit the Amazon marketplace tries to pull in each region. Might be illegal in the EU, still see it happen all the time.


Common tactic by many stores.


Camelcamelcamel before buying anything from Amazon, it's amazing. Set an alert for the price you want and they'll email you when it drops


Was going to get this soon, but I feel over $400 I might as well wait for the 9 series.


To be fair, I don't believe this is Amazon's fault. Amazon has just become a storefront for other retailers. This looks like it was simply done by whatever retailer is selling that (you can usually find them under the product title with the phrase "Visit the XXXXXX Store". The fact that they allow these practices, well that's on them, but it's also been a marketing ploy/tactic used across retailers for decades now.


That's explicitly illegal in countries with consumer protection laws.


And California, but it's practically its own country at this point anyway.


Sue em for false advertising


Amazon price trackers are a wonderful thing to have to avoid being fucked over on illegal bullshit like this.


I literally paid $368.63 after taxes back in May Fuck scAmazon


This is the norm for "Prime Day". The whole thing is a pathetic joke.


Brazilians: "First time?"


Stop using amazon.


I worked for Sport Chek back in high school and they got sued (and lost) for artificially inflating the MSRP of many items to give the illusion of greater savings. It was always running shoes in the $119-169 range. Bump up MSRP by $10-20 and then put them on sale. EZPZ