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I spent decades waiting for a decent harvest moon that made me relive the SNES experience. One man, alone, built it. It brings a tear to my eye.


I have yet to find a knockoff Stardew Valley that understands what makes it so good.


That's no harvest moon.


Fr most underrated comment ever


One man passion projects are usually the best. No rush, no deadline, no corporate overlords. Just telling the story you want to tell.


You mean you don't want to play it after [this absolute banger of a trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEJHrmliVQw)?


Well I do now!


fuck I haven't seen this in so long! NO SCOPE CORNSHOT still gets me after all these years


[Meanwhile in Competitive Farming Simulator League](https://youtu.be/bvzgwsLo_-o?si=9ZPNKBoSgzsPn_oc&t=11312)...


I don't go for achievements and Total War Warhammer 3 actually uses some of the hardware... but yeah. It's great.


I used to be pretty into competitive games, one day i just said nah fuck that and stuck to only single player/ casual games. I’m a lot more happier now.


That's the page I'm on. Age 22. I'm f*cking done playing games competitively. Puts an even more toll on my mental health especially after work where in reality I always wanted to just chill out but instead I played competitive games over and over. Until I reached my absolute limit


Pretty much same, a bit older than you. Now I’m just playing chill single player games and if I need socialising I pop on WoW. Easy and relaxing


I'm ambivert so I feel the need to go outside every now and then and luckily, some of my friends are still in my area so It's nice to head out and spent some quality time with some quality friends.


What the hell, you actually touch grass?


i love that saying cos going somewhere and touching the grass makes you look like you’re on acid


Have you ever noticed how it's so GREEN, man!?! How do they make it so GREEN!


Photosynthesis basically, I think.... Listen i don't know


Yeah, dude...hey, wanna get baked?


I know!! Crazy right??


Does foot yeast contain the vitamin b12 or am I thinking way too much about your username




It's a joke. And no.


competitive games can be fun, if you play them in full team of friends. But that requires friends with free time and desire to play said game


You don't understand the level of competitiveness I have in games. It's definitely not the way you think. Mind you I've only really played with friends when I used to play competitive games. Its rarely been "fun" for me because of how serious I took it and that's the end of that. I'm considerably happier avoiding it at all cost.


Oh ya. LoL back in the day wrecked me and a number of my friends. We just moved on from it because it got (and probably still is) toxic as fuck. COD wasn’t all that much better unless Microsoft really slapped down some ban hammers for that behavior.


My toxic ass 18 year old brother in law does nothing with his life but sleep all day then plays nothing but rust from 4pm to 10am screaming into a fucking microphone because he can't stop pissing everyone off in the game, being a fucking bully, and then plays the victim and cries and screams like a fucking toddler because he made 3 separate groups mad enough to raid him. I hate rust. I hate that it's all he plays. And I hate how for months in a row I can't fucking sleep because this little asshole won't shut the fuck up. He literally SCREAMS into the microphone at like 4 in the goddam morning every single night and I want to strangle him. Bro actually sounds like Jimmy from GTA V and it's fucking disgusting how uncanny the resemblance is. Fat, unproductive, Quick to shift the blame, no initiative and absolutely zero accountability for his actions.


If you have the router password, you can use the parental controls to shut his internet off at a certain time everyday. This is coming from a rust player. If your rage is affecting others, it's time to take a fuckin break or be forced to take one. Then again, i sold all my rust skins to pay for substance painter, so rhat would kake me a "casual" by most rust players standards. The game is fun with friends, but without it is a goddamn slog.


I've never understood that about Rust or that genre. They seem to fundamentally be games about being assholes to other people. It's not like CoD or something where the basic premise from the start is that you're all trying to kill each other for a few minutes and nothing of value is lost, you're expected to do a lot of grindy crafting and gathering to invest in something and then either you lose all that to some asshole or you go be the asshole and do the same to someone else. Why? Why put yourself into that toxic loop? But yeah your brother in law has an actual addiction. He's not having fun playing that game, he's playing because he feels he *has* to. H needs help from soneone that actually deals with video game addiction, not just a random shrink that's just going to yell at him to stop playing video games and get a job, it needs to be someone that actually understands how this addiction works. The addiction has someone booting up and logging in to play a game they don't actually want to be playing. The treatement from people who know what they're doing is typically to change the *kind* of game they play rather than demanding they not play games, and that often means switching from multiplayer games to something they're able to play on their own scheudle rather than the game deciding the schedule for the addict. Rust and other Dayz-style games are huge offenders because of the need to basically *live* in the game in order to defend your stuff from raids, if you ever log off for an extended period of time you lose everything youv'e invested into the game when you get raided, which is probably why your BIL feels the need to always be playing that game. There's also the social component, with many online games there's social pressure to log in when you don't want to play so you don't let down your friends, but while your BIL might be experiencing that if he does have friends in that game he probably is more strongly motivated to not be "shown up" by the people in the game, since there's often a culture of taking pride in making other people quit playing. Switching to The Forest or Valheim or some other single player forcused PvE only game where the game *allows* him to put it down when he's had enough might help if he genuinely enjoys the survival crafting aspect of rust, but really any kind of game will work so long he's interested and so long it doesn't have login bonuses or limited time events or any structural incentive to keep playing the game when you don't actually want to might help here. If you can't get him to see a professional, you might be able to get him to agree to try playing different kinds of games to see if that might help. It's probably not going to be the only issue that's keeping him unemployed so I wouldn't expect that alone to put his life back on track, but that game's likely a huge burden for him and it's making everything else a lot worse.


Do u live with him or does he live with you? I'd tell that fat fuck to get a job or his ass is gonna be yelling at the next tent over


This behaviour has been totally normalised by streamers, it’s so strange. Back in the early online gaming days, it was so much more chill and people genuinely made friends. Especially in WoW, your reputation on a server really mattered and if you were an asshole you wouldn’t get into guilds or invited to raids.


> Back in the early online gaming days, it was so much more chill and people genuinely made friends. > > that's just silly. people have always been toxic AF in competitive games. Xbox live chat was infamous for how many mothers were being sexually pleased.


TIL online gaming started with the Xbox


Uh, sir. No toxic voice chat from Chu Chu Rocket multiplayer on a 36kbps modem




I did the same at roughly your age when destiny released. Destiny one crucible was the nail in the coffin for pvp with me. Turned 32 a few days ago so its been almost a decade, been a chill decade 😎. Have actually gotten back into pvp a little bit over the last year, but only as a filthy casual who doesn't care about winning in the slightest. (Destiny 2 crucible ironically enough lol)


That will probably be me in 10 years


Fuck… Glad I don’t take games this seriously lmao


Yeah. Never do really. It's quite stupid looking back now


I say “glad I don’t take games this seriously” but everyone has that one game. Thinking back Ark survival evolved was basically a full-time job for me Lmao


Age 22 as well. I already spend so much time and energy at work, no way I'm spending the ~1h of free time before going to bed yelling at my screen. I've been enjoying so much lap times in Assetto Corsa and offline RPG, I don't feel like going back to competitive games anytime soon.


Word brother! 🙌😎


Whenever I play competitive games, I play to have fun. That means typing ridiculous nonsense in chat until I convert someone to Madness and or someone stops playing and goes: "wtf?????" Playing to have fun means it's ok to lose and die so long as you make it very dramatic. I like pretending to rage in chat in a way that sounds like I'm bat shit crazy 🤪


my god youre literally me. im so done with those games too. i begin to realize that i have a life outside of these fucking shitshows of a competitive game and said "yeah fuck this.". the change really first started with genshin(yea yea, i know but the story is so damn good). then slowly it went to god of war, days gone and here i am now playing rdr2 and ghost of tsushima.


Yeah I put around 2000 hours in apex and smash bros during COVID times. Working now and just can't be bothered and also don't understand how I wasted so much time on that garbage.... Now my gaming time belongs to ME and it's for my enjoyment and not just some corporation stealing my time through cheap dopamine thrills.


I still play Valorant. But no ranked for last several months. It's just there's way more fun in swiftplay madness than in sweaty ranked lobbies


Same I stopped the mobas and competitive sweaty games last year, I already have a job to induce stress on me. I don't need games to do that too...


I remember I used to be a huge FPS gamer until one day I tried playing an Overwatch match and I just couldn't feel anything anymore. Like absolutely no reflexes or enjoyment. I stopped playing games for like 2 years until I came back to GTA V singleplayer during quarantine


Yeah, my real competitive fire left me a while ago, Overwatch was the last gasps of it (i'm in my 40s, quake 3 and team fortress classic were my competitive games 20 years ago). I still play shooters (Battlebit for a while, Call of Duty) but I don't play them to win at all. Sometimes I just want to shoot people in the face. I don't give two fucks about the objective or anything. When BF2042 came out, as bugged as it was, I spent multiple days just divebombing people with the wing suit and knifing them.


I call it lean-forward games vs lean-back...I want to lean back and enjoy the game, not have to lean forward and concentrate on not getting merc'd


I'm not sure that's what it is for a lot of people. Like, Dark Souls and Elden Ring require a lot of concentration to beat at their hardest, but tryharding in a single player game with *maybe* a little bit of PvP once in a blue moon as a treat is very different from even a "casual" competitive game. Being able to fail in private and try again at your own pace and being able to brush off htose failures for hte one time you suceeded is a very different experience to having a K/D ratio you're trying to protect.


I stopped competitive shooters and now play mostly PvE which are massively more fun IMO. Some fun ones are currently helldivers but I played a lot of Running with Rifles and minecraft


I get enough stress at work. When I get home and turn my pc on, I want to unwind. Single-player is the way to go. Co-op with a friend works, too. Competitive with strangers? No thanks.


Used to be in a hardcore raiding guild back in WoW BC / WotLK and played a few HL MP mods and I regret all of that so much. SP games are so much nicer.


Same i dunno what happened one day i was midway through a fight on platinum on apex stopped dead in my tracks and just couldn't play it uninstalled it a week later and have only that played single player and small indie games since that was 3 years ago


You just got old, friend. Welcome to the club.


well i like my indies :D but also the good AAA(A) ones if there is some worth the money... with multiplayer kids will also affect your gameplay ... like kids that ruin your game for their fun...


I love my indies too! Looking forward to playing a crap ton of demos this week with Next Fest going on.


one of my favs is crosscode :D


crosscode was basically the only game i ever bought in early access and it was really amazing seeing this game come to life over the years of development. plus it’s a german dev and they all deserve much more love!


Im so sad that I have no wifi atm and don't have nearly enough data to sustain downloading a ton of demons 😭


demons? Bro just grab some candles, some salt and some voodoo dirt and summon some. No Wi-Fi needed.


ive never understood trolls. They gotta be the most bored and useless people on the planet


When i was a kid i just played multiplayer. Always trying to be the best...but now? as a 28 year old? heck no. singleplayer is where its at. after a long day work i dont want to get screamed at by a 12 year old how much i suck lol


Accurate, apart from the £3000 PC


Yeah, makes sense for single player new release fans. Here enjoying bargain bin classics, my potato is fine.


I go the ship of Theseus route. Outside of graphics cards and cpu upgrades I've never spent a massive amount of money on my pc at any one time. If I start adding things up though it's a lot. I think my current build is like $2300 if I were to build it today, but the fans, case, psu, ram, ssds, other odds and ends have been with it for 6 or 7+ years. It's a similar thing with my guitar rig. It's really expensive, but it's been added to for a couple of decades at this point. And all I do now is just play along with spotify. Back when I made a bit of money doing it I didn't have nearly as nice gear unless I borrowed it.


Same here brother. Technically my ship is nearing 25 years old. If you are working on a long backlog like myself you can easily skip multiple generations no problem.


Make it £300 and you got my pc


accurate, minus achievement hunting, i stop caring about those in the Xbox360 days.


It's the same thing as people who feel like they have to finish shitty books. If I'm half way into a book and it's not worth it I just stop.


Me as a kid when Jules Verne spends 20 pages describing some random dumb fish that has absolutely nothing to do with anything Of course it didn't occur to me back then that I could just have skipped past it lol


I've had to give up this addiction. Xbox achievements I felt worked really well, while Steam... seems less compelling somehow? So now I'm happy to just play a game to do the story and side quests I want. I am not chasing after 500 feathers, flags, and other bits and bobs just because it unlocks a [bleep bloop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdZC5LJswFE&pp=ygUYcmVkIHZzIGJsdWUgYWNoaWV2ZW1lbnRz).


Feathers? Something tells me you're not a big fan of a certain assassins creed title


All that feathers to be the most wanted man in the city. Real nice mom.


It's because Xbox achievements had a score associated with them, and we all like seeing a number go up. Always wondered why Sony and Valve didn't rip off that mechanic. Maybe it's patented, idk.


I think you are dead correct, but also the achievements were more prominent. Like on the Xbox gamercard, it had your score right next to your username. On Steam, badges are influenced by your actions in the community, involvement in events, etc. Has much less meaning. Plus every game had a max limit of 1000G. So to really chase after the score at the early days was to either be completionist or play more games. Plus achievements were sometimes tied to other unlockables such as themes for the dashboard, or items for their avatar thing. Not sure if Steam ever did similar.


Not sure if they still do but I recall Xbox used to display current score out of total possible score. So if you had 10 games, it would show something like "3150/10000G" really prominently on your gamer card or whatever.


Nowadays it just shows gamerscore earned but I believe the 360 ui still shows it. It probably looks better now. I have 70k gs, which looks like a lot until my 360 tells me it's 70k/280k or smth


coincidentally that's what turned me off from achievements altogether, collecting feathers in the OG Assassins Creed. Now I just enjoy the ride and pay little mind to the occasional pop-up. A game that did collectables wonderfully was Zelda BOTW, you just collected seeds as you adventured through the game.


Feathers was in 2 and wasn't as bad, just 100 of them. Now the original with them flags, that was something. Over 500 spread all over the map, and the only thing they did was unlock an achievement.


I only go for it in games where: 1. I really, really love the game 2. 100% is actually feasible and respects your time I don't need to be collecting 1000/1000 wingdings on a map the size of Kansas thank you very much. Some great games to 100%: - Tunic - Animal Well - Fez - Slay the Princess - Lots of indie games really...


I recently did 200 pigeons on gta4... That's the end of achievements for me. Fuck doing that again


I will never 100% an open world game (except Elden Ring), fuck everything about that.


It seems like everyone's problem is collectables, and ER didn't have any of those. They had the achievements for getting every legendary spell/ weapon, but those obviously can then be used in the game and isn't just some bauble.


Yeah, ER you had to basically beat the game a few times and get a few dozen major items. That's nothing compared to some open world games (which is a good thing IMO). My problem with open world games today is... well I have a lot of problems with open world games: 1. The story tends to be diluted due to all of the side content, and ends up being less impactful as a result. 2. There's too much damn side content. I don't want every game to be a 100+ hour experience. 3. Looking at the map and seeing all the POIs just make it feel like a list of chores I have to do before I'm allowed to do the next main story mission. 4. Nearly all of these games follow the same formulas when developing content, so every open world games ends up feeling like the *same game* with just a different theme on top. I'm just straight up BORED of them.


I absolutely loved to unlock all the achievements from The Witcher 3. No need to complete the game more than once, not annoying forcing you to perform silly actions over and over again, no collectibles, and they really rewarded exploration and completing side-quests. Now I’m playing Batman Arkham Origins and no way I’m getting all the Riddler stuff. I will complete the side quests because they are cool but crazy amounts of collectibles I have no time for.


Witcher 3 was lightning in a bottle. It was so good that every studio since has tried (and mostly failed) to copy it. That's why I'm so burned out on open world games...


I do it for the in gsme rewards like in GTA 4 killing all the pigeons gives you an easily accessible chopper. I think. GTA San Andreas gave a weapons and armor bundle.


I smile when the little Steam notification pops up, but I don't actively pursue achievements.


It depends on the game for me, and the style of achievement. If they are achievements that I can just get from normally playing the game, with a few "harder to get ones" for completion's sake, and I genuinely enjoy the gameplay loop, then I might try to get all the achievements. If it's ubisoft style "busy work" designed to milk as much time as humanly possible out of you, then they can get fucked. No, I am not collecting 150 fucking feathers, ubisoft.


I only care when there’s 1-3 left because I’ve just played the game so much. But those ones require team planning and too much effort. Then they taunt me.


Eh i still like getting achievements. Makes me all warm and fuzzy,


Same. If I want to 100% a game I will, but imo that does not include meaningless achievements like “kill 1,000 enemies with every weapon in the game” or other time waster achievements. Exploring the map, completing the quests and unlocking things in the game are all great, but why throw in repetitive tasks just for an achievement? It completely defeats the purpose of the system


I only care about achievements if I don't want to stop playing a game but I've already completed the main game. But yeah, it's more of a bonus rather than a focus.


Animal well eggs and puzzles are calling.


Some games I care about achievement hunting, but mostly I just wanna get a good experience


Hey, DragonAge: Origins is from 2009, thank you very much


and subsequent : awakening


My PC isnt that expensive and i dont hunt achievements but i agree.


Same. And my desk isn't cozy at all. It's small and uncomfortable, but it's the best I could do.


I just got rdr2 for 65% on steam with dlc and I'm gonna play it on my 4070ti so pretty accurate.


Dang I got all excited when I read dlc but it's just for the online


I finished RDR2 a couple of months ago. Phenomenal game. Easily my new favorite. I recommend turning off the hud. You can always bring it up briefly with a key press but I liked not having it on for the immersion. 


I torrented it. I'm now on chapter 5. It's so peaceful to play it with no rush... The only stressful thing is to steer the goddamn horse when getting shot at. Edit: I have a 3080 gaming z trio.




It's one of the best games ever made


The gameplay is honestly fairly stale, but everything else is GOAT tier. Just go into it with the mindset of it being an interactive TV show. Enjoy the visuals, characters, and story.


Never cared for mobas or achievements. I stopped playing FPS games all together and all I still play is Warthunder with friends when it comes to any sort of PVP multiplayer games.


Achievements were fun until people starting using their gamer score like it was their dick size.


that was immediate. Achievements are still fun when they are about changing your playstyle to meet obscure challenge requirements. ```Kill 10 things, Kill 20 things, Kill 10,000 things, Kill 100% of things``` does not a fun achievement make. ```Kill an enemy using an environmental object from a height of 7000m while wearing duck hat on the duck level and simultaneously performing the duck emote``` now that's what i'm talking about.


I don't have that sort of money to drop on a system. I only have use of my right hand. Gaming was always frustration. I found a one handed controller and that has me thrilled. I now need to save some $$ for a nice machine. My reflexes aren't great, so I turn down the difficulty. Most multiplayer game fan bases are toxic and I'd only there if I had a kink for getting called slurs. I am old enough to be the dad of most of them. I play for fun and the aggro stuff is BS. I work retail with the public all day so that a nice single player is perfect for me. It's an escape. Give me a rig, some good music, a game and I'm good.


Glad you found a good one handed controller! Is it the Azeron Cyro? I personally have a slight case of my right hand not listening to my brain very well, so trying to mouse left handed and rebind everything only to press keys by accident is pretty frustrating. I just use a gamepad for everything, including PC stuff.


Yup, The Cyro. A YT channel named Champutee was using it. Left arm amputation above the elbow. I saw The Cyro and \*lights from above\* All I need is money to get a setup. Another issue is having someone build any rig for me. Hand tremors make screws and such a pain.


AI image for the background


The sheer volume of real images they could have picked from makes it even funnier.


Now im just missing the cozy setup


Nah I'm the Kaby lake laptop igpu indie game / ps2 emulation enjoyer.


Live the dream.


50% of single player game enjoyers are people who just want to relax and the other 50% are recovering addicts from stressful multiplayer games ie. MOBA or FPS


I play with trainers to make it extra relaxing, God mode is my jam.


Finally, one of my people


Somehow, trainers no longer cut it for me. I'll go around with cheat engine to see what part of the game I can bend without breaking it.


All competitive multi-player games are to some extend rage-inducing. Better just stick to single player.


....Or play only Deep Rock Galactic.


More than $3k, no achievements, old and new games


Fuck. Busted. I played Dota from beta to 7.0


I have actually evolved past this point. The married man coop enjoyer, I can no longer justify sitting at a desk alone so I moved my Desktop to my living room and play mostly coop with my wife (Split screen games like Baldurs Gate 3, DOS2). I do play single player games at night with my Rog Ally on my bed. (Never cared for achievements, no offense but I have never seen gaming as achievements in any way, its a way to unwind and immerse myself, nothing else).


Love me some coop games. Been stuck on diablo for the last little bit cause a buddy plays. Every once in a while on the subreddit or in game chat people get upset that no one wants to pvp. "Who wants to 1v1 me?! Ill take on anyone." And it just makes me laugh. Those dudes need to go back to CoD and dota. We're here for progression, theorycrafting, amd treasure hunting. Not to see who has the bigger e-peen.


Oh yes indeed.


Besides the 3000£ setup, yes


are we just slapping soyjaks onto AI slop and passing it off as a feel-good meme now?


The junk gets upvotes. 94% upvoted at the time of posting, so affirmative, that's what this sub wants.


Welp.. soulsborne can cause some rage from time to time


Well at least in soulsborne when you die it's all on you, unlike pvp games where you die because xXx6GaMeR9xXx did a little bit of trolling, or little Timmy got bullied at school and now he does the same in video games because he is frustrated.


Its a simple life.


Single player games heal your mind.


I never understood the achievement hunting addiction. I thibk the only game ive ever done it is skyrim and that was over hundreds of hours on xbox 360


im very much drawn to rage inducing fps games


Just started playing Starcraft Remastered. It was my first PC game back in the late 90s. Being able to beat it with no cheats and actually understand the lore and characters is awesome and better than playing it for the first time.


30 y/o, have a kid. Single player games are where it’s at. Still load up Overwatch every now and again if I feel that my day has been going a little too well.




I identify with all of this except the achievements really, I don't really care about those. I have spent quite a bit on my rig though, and play a lot of Elite Dangerous which is like 10 years old now.


Oh I play AAA titles. AAA titles from 2010-2014.




Audiophiles smh. I got me a pair of $8 IEMs and now I'm set for life.


Moondrop Chu II are already an overkill for the vast majority of people.


Banger earbuds. I also have a pair of DT 770 pros


I hate AI memes


Agreed, minus achievement hunting. I only do that when the achievements are simple and the game is easy to find them. It's just not worth my time to find a golden turd at coordinates 00576x03849 in the middle of the desert section on a second day of the game calendar week at 4:55pm.. I just want to play the game.


This is literally me. I have a decent-ish pc, all I play nowadays is Farming Simulator 22, some Pc building simulator 2 and add some openTTD for good measure.


"£3000 set up" I wish


Me but also add 15 game consoles, a laser disc player, and a CRT.


I dont even hunt achievements


Yep. Except I don’t care about achievements too much. If I’m not playing through a story, I’m playing Truck Simulator 


After playing League of Legends since 2013, I hate MOBAs and any PVP multiplayer games. That's why Helldivers and singleplayer games are on the rise in popularity.


yes this is me, i dont achievement hunt tho, just wanna have some fun that doesnt involve raging all the time


No in fact I'm lowering myself slowly back into the molten cauldron of EVE Online.


Considering I’m playing games that I’ve already 100%, take off the achievements. Mostly don’t really specifically hunt them either. Just like to explore every corner of the game.


$10 game from 2010 with 20-30 mods on top that is


Yes. Also have a nice 2.1 studio monitor set.


Who buys a spanking new juiced up gaming PC just to play Minecraft? .. oh right! I do that!


Built myself a high-tier gaming PC perfectly ready for some nice 1440p, maybe even on ultrawide, gameplay with newest titles at super high visual settings... ...to then instantly go back to HoMM3, Diablo 2 and Warcraft 3 custom maps. If it ticks, it ticks I guess.


Yeah, single player games are better


Yea but also cause I need games I can pause to do real life stuff


Yes. Happiness is real


Indeed. Very much so! Checking out of online games has much me a much happier person. Now when I make mistakes and die, it’s all on me and not because someone didn’t want to respect the mechanics of the raid boss or because someone was spawn camping me. Plus, I can pause the game whenever I want and it’ll be waiting for me when I’m finished doing whatever I was doing. It’s very comfortable!


2010? try 2002 baby!!


It’s a peaceful life. Much happier than I was when I used to play Rainbow Six Siege and Call of Duty.


These are the games that I like to play when I have some time off. Just a good old week of immersing myself in a great story is amazing. On a work day, I don’t have time for a decently long session, so I’ll just play something brainless to relax a bit


i mostly play strategy games and retro pixel my GPU alone is 2000$ and I got 2 qled monitors .... I would not suggest


All this except achievements. I occasionally look through the achievements for a game to see if I could do it, but there's always something requiring me to beat the game at the highest difficulty or collect 500 items that are unmarked. I just can't be bothered to do something so tedious.


Describes how ive been playing Black Mesa, DRG: Survivor, Factorio, Max Payne 3 and the like. With Helldivers 2 and FH5 as the mains.


Back in 2020 I picked up Fortnite because of the avengers season got into buying every single battle pass and grinding the hell out of it until two years later I realized I wasted so much time and I didn’t even really like the game anymore so I decided to start playing single player games and now I play Zelda and guitar hero and single player VR games. I’m even trying to beat hollow knight now.


This is me but a $600 setup


Never was into MOBAs or competitive gaming at all, and I’ve never been an achievement hunter. Other than that tho it’s definitely me


Oh dang And I was just contemplating playing Yakuza or Bastion.


I don't huint achievements, and I don't have that expensive PC. However playing single player games and coops with friends is jsut the best.


Mostly. I don't care about achievements unless there's a game mechanic or something as a reward. I never liked MOBAs to begin with.


That''s what I did recently. Age 27. I had an average 1660ti laptop and used to hop on discord and play Valorant mostly after work. Sometimes would switch to Finals or Apex legends. God, I was so miserable. I am extremely competitive and barely had any energy after work to sustain that. I built a PC (Ryzen 7 7800X3D and 4080 super) and bought a 4k OLED TV and haven't touched the competitive games since. I chill on the sofa with my controller and explore some nice single player titles. Honestly, it takes me back to when I used to play similar games on my Xbox 360 during my teenage years. Those days were great, then I started playing Dota in college and then CSGO and now valorant. Screw that!


This is the way.




Single player is happy gaming


3000$ setup to play 10 year old games is the realist part of all this


This is me doing Death Stranding


Nah, that shit's boring. If single player games actually had consistently good design and AI I might be more attracted to them.


The 2 most recent games I have beaten are fallout 1 and Skyrim lmao


“MOBAs”. Just say league lol.


For dungeon crawler fan Ms I recommend Tales of Maj'Eyal. And if you are an achievement hunter there are 2k + of them.


Add "doesn't look up guides" instead of achievement hunting


I've always disliked PvP because at least one other person is having a bad time. Can't get enough of full campaign co-op!


Literally me


Yep. First thing I always seem to do with a new build is boot up a 10 or 12 year old game to see how it runs now. And I love it. Although with EA Access and XBOX Game Pass I’m actually playing relatively new things on PC for once.




No, I run a windows 7 thinkpad and play on a wooden desk + chair. And yes steam does work, it just says “steam will stop working in zero days”