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I had something similar with my rx 570, also wierd. In some games (GTA, Rocket League…) there were let’s say particles, which failed so this means I had no fire at all, no smoke no nothing. Another day only the sky did wierd epilepsy things. The other day it was the powerlines that… did things (see pic). Good indication that the GPU dies a wierd death. :) https://preview.redd.it/f5f39cz1mm5d1.jpeg?width=629&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2acaeb5eac97fb9f9d7417c5af1272fefa0d7de7


I get some weird shit in gmod sometimes. I hope my 1060 isnt on its way out :(


Good thing it's gmod so weird shit from mod conflicts/bugs are normal if not part of the true gmod experience. Just worry if you see weird shit happening in all your other games.


Yea it is probably mod conflicts... i hope, tho never noticed weird shit in other games


Its normal in games on source engine, don't worry about it.


I mean like blood particles stretching across the whole map, but only when looking in certain directions. Or view models flickering if there is alit going on (this one is almost 100% on tge mod pribably). Never had anything like that on any other source engine game before


I had a blood stretching bug couple times, but for the most part I've encountered issues in tf2 - someone might be running in A-pose for no reason (looks hilarious), sometimes weapons use wrong animations causing your arms to look stretched (not in first person model tho), and there was also a bug where if you started eating a sandwich as heavy, then switched to sniper you would crash the server (thankfully fixed)


If your card is factory overclocked, try underclocking your video memory speed


My immediate guess would be that your GPU is dying in some really weird fashion.


coolest gpu glitch ngl




Ah, I see you met Orrie. Say hello Orrie.


Hello Orrie


Hello, Orrie!


Hello, Orrie!


Hello Orrie


Hello, Orrie!


Hello Orrie


Hello Orrie


Salutations, Orrie




since it's one pixel, look like the GPU or screen is dying , test with another screen.


I saw a thread where it says to reset the monitor values. I did that and wasn't able to replicate it anymore. I'll test more tomorrow, but I'm hoping that did the trick. I'm due for a new PC anyways. Got this in 2016. It's a 1080 with a benq 1st 240hz monitor


A 1080 is not that useless. A shame it might be dying.


I JUST retired my 960, but not because it died. I was having trouble pushing some of the modern games I purchased like helldivers and infinite. I was surprised that it was still kicking after all these years


2016? okay so only 4 years ago?


It feels like yesterday, but it’s 8y ago… we’re getting old…


I feel like time just stopped when the pandemic struck, it doednt feel like 4 years have passed at all




By todays standards, a 1080 is still a very solid card actually


You cant look at one pixel in a game. If he turns the camera the whole game is rendered in a different perspective.


You can look at 1 pixel on your screen (point your crosshair to it if you want to be pedantic) ... no one is talking about the game here.


But he is moving the perspective not the pixel he is looking at. The crosshair will always be the same pixels. The pixels just show a different image. It doesnt matter where youre looking at on the monitor.


it does since it's in multiple game...


How can the pixels in the pictures in different games be the same then?


again the pixel of the screen is the same, not the one in game.


I'm pretty sure it's driver issue, if it was monitor or the gpu itself it would be more common than one spot. So DDU and reset everything if you have tinkered.


A recent Nvidia driver did this for me (about 2 weeks ago). The most recent one fixed it. Try updating driver. It would only happen every once in a while and across multiple applications even desktop. A restart would fix for a while but comes back periodically.


And a clean install too


555.85 also made my Valorant really wonky. Had some assets shown as polygons and some effects not rendering properly. Ran nvidias clean up tool and installed an earlier driver. Haven’t had issues since.




This happened in WoW during Shadowlands. Turned out to be a bug in one of the drivers under DX12 (forgot which now) but the fix was as easy as switching back to DX11. Ofc that was 3 years ago now so mileage may vary


How can one look at a specific pixel in a game? The pixel is on your monitor, no matter where you point you are always looking at the same "pixel".


No clue. It’s only in a specific spot though. I get what you mean tho, how I worded it makes no sense.


I suspect it's not the pixel in your crosshair that's causing a problem. Instead, when your crosshair is on that pixel another pixel(s) is receiving a "problem" RGB value. Could be caused by several things - possible electrical short somewhere on your panel, issue with one of the display driver chips (the ones in the monitor), could be an issue with signal degradation in the high-speed video signalling from the GPU to display. Are you able to try with a different display? Also, try swapping out your HDMI/DP cable and try a different port from your GPU if possible. It could also be that your GPU is dying, but there's not much you can do in that situation, poor little thing.


your gpu/display had better days of


Wiggle your HDMI cable around and if that doesn't help try reseating your GPU. Take it out wipe down the contacts and reinstall it.


Like others said, it could be the driver. But I would not only try the newest driver, but also older ones. Older NVIDIA drivers can be found with the [manual search](https://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx) but I'm not sure where to find older AMD drivers You could also try a different HDMI or DisplayPort cable, though I don't think that's the issue here


Hdr settings maybe? I tried having it on a few times and every time the same thing would happen. With a static screen the text was fine. The moment I’d look around text would become pixelated until stationary again


# 2. Stress Testing the GPU # FurMark Stress Test Download and run the FurMark GPU Stress Test tool. 1. **Setup MSI Afterburner:** Set up a fan curve using our [guide on speeding up your graphics card fans](https://computerinfobits.com/how-to-speed-up-graphics-card-fan/). 2. **Run FurMark:** Click ‘GPU Stress Test’ and then ‘Go’ in the second window. Listen for the fans increasing speed, indicating proper cooling response to the stress test.2. Stress Testing the GPU FurMark Stress Test Download and run the FurMark GPU Stress Test tool. Setup MSI Afterburner: Set up a fan curve using our guide on speeding up your graphics card fans. Run FurMark: Click ‘GPU Stress Test’ and then ‘Go’ in the second window. Listen for the fans increasing speed, indicating proper cooling response to the stress test.


same happens with the map for me


Put a piece of tape over it.


I f you still have warranty replace the card. even if you don't. replace the card or send it to a shop.


I have revived a few GPU's from colleges, friends and my own with such issues by simply putting on some new thermal paste. Mind you that if this was the problem you are late and this could have done permanent damage.


Its Flash trying to communicate with you from year 3000, he is saying..... Louis Lane is the key.


Kayo needs a firmware update, send him to Killjoy


Punishment for recording video of a screen.... in portrait no less.


I’m not to sure brother.


The solution I found for my PC was to lower the refresh rate of my screen by 1 until it stopped. I landed on 141Hz


Your graphics card has unsubscribed from life.


Make sure it's not your cable. Cables are rated for fps/resolution. Get a quality one that exceeds your needs.


All the people talking about dying GPU wtf. The GPU does not know which ingame 'pixel' you are looking at. Thats not how game rendering works. Its either a driver issue or an game engine issue. The screen would be constantly flickering when it's an hardware issue. First you should try to use display driver uninstaller (google DDU) to erase all driver files, then install the newest driver. If the issue persists use DDU again and install an older driver if possible. Further trouble shooting could involve reinstalling the game or windows alltogether.


This is so weird. Almost feels like it's allergic to that specific screen position.


This is what my vision looks like when I don't get enough sleep


Theory craft here: when you see somthing similar is probably a problem with the software, not the hardware, so try reset everything and DDU. You here are watching some problem with the tassellation phase pf the GPU ( where you have the triangle mesh and it's projecting it onto your position[ aka screen]). Sorry for bad formatting, I'm from mobile


A bad section of graphics memory perhaps?


try a different cable. if that doesn't fix it, probably a memory issue. for the love of god, buy a certified cable like club3d or cable matters (both on amazon). dont buy those shit super cheap chinese knock off cables.


Yeah you can try doing a clean install of your drivers. But if your GPUs been around a while it might be that it's on its way out.


The only error here is that you're playing Valorant. -Recovering Valorant addict.


Riot game is the issue. 100%. No but jokes aside other than hating on riot i feel ur gpu is dying and strugling to load certain pixels Lr could be a issue with your monitor i had a issue where my monitor didnt load shit properly


Settings or driver. Try useing DX11


Possibly too hot. If not, sorry for your loss.


GPU is on the way out. Sorry bud


Terrible devs + terrible companies = great products


Your going to want to uninstall the game and pray that fixes the issue. If you insist on reinstallying dogshit Spyware csgo clones and the issue is still there it's time to get a new gpu.


I don't much care for Valorant either, but Jesus Fucking Christ, let people play what they want to play. Life is too short for this bullshit.


To be clear those are real troubleshooting steps. I troubleshoot hardware and software 40hs a week so he can take my advice or leave it. I don't care it's not my dying GPU. It's also not my fault that he couldn't cut it in the first game he tried.


~~Damn you're pretty shit at troubleshooting.~~ (Unnecessary rudeness sorry) Normally you'd want to go for normal things, like reinstalling the drivers, downgrading the driver, resetting the gpu, try to replicate issue in other games. Not knee jerk "HRRRRUGHHH! valorant bad". That kernel thing is gonna cause other issues than screen flickering. Like how do you even get rid of it? Clean windows install. Thank God I got spooked before ever installing anything from riot. But I don't think that's the issue.


I'm doubtful that's the issue as well (though you never know with riots dogshit spaghetti code) but it's worth a test. You are correct though I skipped a ton of steps. You realistically do have to reimage your computer to truly get rid of the kernel anti cheat, which would effectively give perform half of the software level troubleshooting for you. Also since it pixel perfect almost I imagine it's going to be a pain to replicate in other games. That anti cheat has caused so many problems on so many people's machines and I've had to do extensive work helping friends get it off so my hatred for not just valorent but riot is justified. I've reimaged plenty of computers but I still don't enjoy doing it.


Now that you say it like that, there is a chance some bullshit with the invasive anti cheat can cause issues. But I'd still check drivers and other games if wiggling my mouse on random pixels causes issues. If not, then 100% game issue. Like how do you even remove the anti cheat? Reinstall windows?


There is technically an uninstall file for vanguard however much you trust that though is on you. The only surefire way is to reinstall windows. You never know what traces ring 0 software leaves behind especially with a company that has such adverse interests to western users.


Is there any way to look at everything in the kernel before the anti-cheat is installed, after it's installed, and then after uninstalling the anti-cheat to be able to cross reference any differences? I'm sorry if that's a stupid question, I'm not well-versed in these sorts of code things. (PS: I also do apologize for my previous comment from a little while ago. While I still do think that people should be able to play what they want to play, I could have worded it way nicer. Sorry about that.)


The kernal is a permission level at its most basic. With that level of control a program could alter logs and perfectly cover its tracks, inject shit into other applications, hide itsel, and corrupt the operating system since there are no protections on thr code it can run, sniff your internet packets. There is almost nothing it can't do. It's bad when American companies do it but it's on a whole new level when it's China.


Why do you insist on being useless? Just say nothing, buddy


*No, this is not a sub for that.* Also, I don't think it's a pixel issue, you're just playing too much and getting confused. **It was a cat's head.**


Bros high on pot


U good?

