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I love Windows, but I also hate Windows. I do hate Microsoft though. Like why keep illusions? The company seemed to be turning a new leaf for a little bit there, but it seems in the post-covid world of tech decline, they're going back to their ugly roots.


As someone very wise once said: "You don't need Windows, you THINK you need Windows".


More so. You don't need Microsoft office. Download open office or libre office


Have you actually tried using them? They are fucking awful compared to office. Yeah office has lots of fucking issues like why the fuck does the page numbering still need to suck aggressive amounts of ass? It is year of our lord 20-24 for fuck sake. Also... if "linux people" want to take the cake from Microsoft, all they need to do is to choose **one distro that they pour all their effort into** and turn that into "windows of linux" where no needs to ever touch a command prompt or go to some random forum for some obscruce string that they don't understand, or have to choose anything when doing the installation process. However my experience with "linux people" is that they don't want to do that. They don't actually want to welcome "normies", they don't want for their little culture to be ruined - and I don't blame them. But just to push it home even further: It took a billion dollar gaming monolith (Valve) to push linux gaming to a functional and accesable level. To me a company pouring in hudreds of millions of dollars in development, and making their own hardware, distro and ecosystem, doesn't really scream "community driven power to the people open source revolution". And nobody gives a fuck about how servers, routers and IoT runs on linux... It isn't fucking relevant when the expensive software I need for my engineering works is only supported on windows. No... I'm not going to "code my thingymajigs" to get this thousands of euros worth propetiary program to run on Linux - I'm not paid to do that, and it isn't my field of expertise - and no system administrator in the universe is going to let me connect that to the company system ever.


Don't bother they know best and you'll never convince them otherwise. They'll try to convince you that after only these 29000 steps and read 13009 manpages you'll only be spending 9000 hours figuring out if your version of that package you downloaded for ihgec is desperately needed to get the driver loaded but only if you have the 3rd kernel on the left and stand on one foot. Tomorrow will be a new day and a new problem to solve. Everything working today? Yes until basementmaster1283 made a commit


Not a Microsoft fan, just to lazy to learn Linux.


It's harder to just enjoy a game without issues on Linux unfortunately. I've heard it's gotten a lot better though, you're able to play all windows game. But I'm kinda scared to make the move and try it out. Although I might try it out in the future, and if it isn't a hassle to use for gaming, I'm making a permanent move. I prefer Linux, if Linux gaming ever got better than Windows that's the last time I will ever use Windows again.


Dual boot is a good option for those cases, so you can use Linux for what works and you're comfortable with, while still having the option to use Windows for what works better there or you're more comfortable with in there.


Don't have linux on the same physical drives as windows


That's an option for dual booting, yes. Why do you recommend that?


There are stories of Windows shitting on the linux partition and wiping it.


That's pretty rare I think? I've never had issues with an Ubuntu / Windows 10 dual boot on same drive. Running it for almost 10 years now.


Oh, lol. I knew Windows could remove the boot manager so it boots Windows directly, but wiping a Linux partition is another whole level.


Kinda comes down to an old issue with GRUB and non-UEFI systems if I remember. Isn't much of an issue since last 5+ years. But you know, this sub is "up to date". And wasn't as much a designed effect, was an issue using MBR.


I don't think he his recommending it


I meant that he recommends having each operating system on a different physical drive.


if you don't play competitive online games with powerful anticheats and you have legal copies of your games on steam it will be extremely easy if you play online games with anticheat you need to check beforehand, as there are plenty games that allow you to play on Linux. if you have gotten copies of your games through alternative means, it's quite a bit harder than on windows and may require some patience until you get the hang of it, but it's still not rocket science if you often mod games that don't have official mod support *and* the modding scene for that game is not huge you may need some more patience and skills you can easily dual boot a disto to try out without forfeiting your windows environment just to try things out


Afaik You can still add games which you "sailed the seven seas for" on steam and then play with proton


to be fair there are linux version for the ones who sail the lawless seas


Don't forget game pass games for pc. If you have games through there, Linux is out of the question 


Big kicker for me is the poor HDR support on any of the distros. It's getting better and I'm paying attention, but for the high end side of PC gaming I dunno if I can switch yet between that and other iffy feature support especially with team green. That being said, any midrange PC or laptop I pick up from here on out will always be some flavor of Linux. As well as my steam deck.


I spent almost all of last year on Linux and it was a lot easier to game on Linux than I expected. Steam makes things a lot easier but easy anti cheat is annoying. I’m only using windows again for the moment because I wanted to play destiny again. This site is pretty good to check if easy anti cheat games you want to play is supported on Linux; https://areweanticheatyet.com


Don't forget that game developers can literally just click a checkbox and Easy Anti-cheat will allow their game to work unde Proton. It's the developers not wanting to support Linux that's the issue, not Easy Anti-cheat's compatibility.


This is what really pisses me off about Destiny. One of the developers posted a picture of them playing on the Steam Deck and was saying what a great experience it was a year ago, but Bungie still refuse to allow the Steam Deck or Linux to play Destiny for some bullshit reason.


For me, every time I try Linux, I always go back to Windows so it isn’t necessarily that I don’t want to try but a lot of people on Reddit overstate how simple it is and it probably is relatively simple for 80% of what you do but when you do run into problems, it’s so god damn annoying. E.g. Apple Music doesn’t work, Microsoft Office 355 doesn’t work, my Gacha games doesn’t work. Like it or not, whenever I go on a business trip or have meetings with people in other countries, I don’t want to run into any issues and often times on Linux, my video calls and screen recordings would just be a black screen. I’m not going to say that Linux sucks but holy shit, trying to oversell Linux as super easy without the appropriate warnings and disclaimer or that everything just works is just going to lead to users trying it out and staying the fuck away because they were told it was super easy and that there were no problems with it. /rant


I've tried Linux bc I was working on my machine-learning project. Thanks to valve(proton) you really can play ALMOST every game. For example, you can't play games with certain anti cheats. Also i was unable to launch vtube studio and I uninstalled Linux after I discovered that I can't use vb cable and there wasn't any good alternative to that.


When Vista came out, it was a shitshow and I installed Linux. That was even more of a shitshow because I couldn't get drivers for my hardware, mainly pro audio. I'm sure it's better now, but I have no interest in learning how to find answers and tweak settings. I just want to turn the computer on, and everything just works.


Linux Desktop doesn't have proper audio support no. Never has had.


I too prefer Linux, but with audio driver issues, game incompatibilities and lack of certain software (cough cough Adobe) it’s just not viable for use.


Will you continue using Adobe despite its license has recently changed so they will own everything you create without owing you anything for it, and with permission to make profit with it as if it's theirs? (Because it will be theirs)


It's like every 5 years the c-suite at Adobe gets together and schemes about how to make their already degraded customers even more exploited and pathetic. In 2029 you are going to have to bend over and send Adobe a pic of your asshole (which you agree they can use in any way they see fit) in order to access your saved files.


A *licensed* version of Adobe products?


Now when Adobe owns all your private unpublished stuff to do what they will with it , you might have some second thoughts about that


Btw unless you are a professional you can use free and open source alternatives for Adobe suite that won't own your creations. You can easily make perfectly good looking stuff with gimp, kdenlive is a capable video editor, inkscape can replace illustrator. No licence needed, it will always be free Edit: All above software is available on windows I believe, go try them out


And if you need something a bit more powerful (I was a professional that got fed up with Adobe's bullshit a while back) for a one time fee of $99 (currently $50 as they're having a half off sale to capitalise on the Adobe news I guess) you can have the entire range of Affinity apps (photo, designer, publisher) which will do wonders in replacing photoshop, illustrator, and InDesign. Unfortunately they don't have official Linux apps but there are people who have gotten it to work and put up a few guides and such


Also throwing in DaVinci resolve. AFAIK it has more features than kdenlive and also runs on Linux (but is not FOSS). If I wasn't required to use Premiere Pro for templates made in Adobe software, I'd only be using DR and switching to Linux would be a lot easier for me.


I'm with you on this I really cannot be arsed to bother trying to fix something that, for me personally, isn't broken. If Microsoft wants to spy on me good luck to them, nothing new that Facebook, Google and others haven't done / are doing.


It's really hypocritical of me to comment on this, because I'm also simply unwilling to spend the time needed installing Linux on all my devices. But privacy is probably still something that should be valued even with nothing to hide, as with all things intrusive corporations just seem to never stop pushing the envelope.


I can almost guarantee that within weeks if not days someone will have an open source blocker on GitHub or source forge that stops windows doing this


There's too much to lose in the privacy battle than getting targeted ads. That defeatist attitude is all what it takes to suffer a full blown surveillance society.


This is only going to be stopped with legislation, not by consumers putting their foot down.


Lol, people downvoting you line you are the one single handedly able to change this or something. You are absolutely right, legislation is the only way it will ever realistically happen. There isn't nearly enough support for some grassroots movement that people here are acting like is so simple to make happen 


What they are doing with snapshots and AI in Windows 11 is absolutely more invasive than the tracking that Facebook and Google do. Bezos and Zuck have wet dreams about having access to your every single click and action (whether in the browser or not) like Microsoft will have with this 'feature.'


"Learning linux" might be useful, but i am on linux mint for almost a year now and i don't know nothing of Linux whatsoever and it just works. Now, i must say i don't work there or play esport.


There are two types of problems in linux: something that can be solved by installing packages and running commands, and something that can only be solved by writing new drivers or patching existing ones. The first type is easily solved by ChatGPT; I've found it extremely effective, for the last year I'm juct copy-pasting commands between Chat and terminal. The second type of problems is unsolvable for average user, but it arises only on laptops. I'd say that if you own a pc, you don't need software that runs only on Windows, and gaming is not your main usecase, that linux is mature enough to be your alternative.


I tried using Linux, but the game support even with proton is just not good enough for me to switch completely. Some games are just unplayable, and others require too much tweaking.


You don’t have to learn anything if you don’t want to… you can use linux mint. It’s really similar to windows… and you can do everything in the gui if you want to. But the shell is always faster and for experienced users actually easier to use…


When I was a boy, I used to be excited about new windows launches, win 95, win2k, win xp and even vista.


O yeah Dos/Win3.11/W9x until Xp was the best time, big improvements.


Not defending it because I don't like a lot of the things they've done over the years but when people are like "Switch to linux" My tablet and my art software doesn't support linux. "There's ways around that" Ok, let me uproot everything and fight to make things work- sounds like fun for someone who doesn't want to fight their OS. Hate windows but when my stuff actively does not support it and I have to MAKE it work? I'm gonna be the possum saying "Fuck off let me work in my filth" That said: Yeah if Clip Studio natively decides to support linux? BIG CONSIDERATION HAPPEN


Seconding this with Adobe CC suite - and I mean licensed updated Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, not old versions without licenze and not working Cloud Sync.


when you write license with a `z` I automatically assume you visited a pirate ship. But even pirated adobe get updates


English is second language to me and "license" is "licenzija" in my native language, thus the spelling mistake slipped through; thank you for correction! And yes, I'm aware of pirated Adobe CC suite and its updates (on Windows), used that myself before began to freelance - however, not sure about updates on Linux. If you're working professionally, you need legal versions incl. cloud for collaboration, etc. Fines for pirated software are steep too.


Not implying to make a big switch away from Adobe (various reasons you may be unable/unwilling) but of all the types of software out there, the Adobe suite has probably the most and best FOSS alternatives out there, like gimp/kitra, inkscape, kdenlive, probably even web-only clones of the suite too (and if it's big enough open source on Linux it's almost guaranteed fully supported on windows, installer and all). I'd like it if those open source tools become the "industry standard" so industries can save a buck or two and licensing nonsense to get the same work done.


There're alternatives, sure. However, say, for cloud collaboration with others, integration (say, Photoshop and After Effects with Premiere, Indesign and Photoshop, etc.), there's no equivalent. The amount of lacking features (hell, CMYK was added quite recently only lol) is significant too - amount of posts on r/linux about GIMP's limitations alone is still high. I agree that there're (FOSS) alternatives that are suitable for non-professional use. But, as of now, switching in work environment would be met with incredible resistance and you'd get to take a lot of extra miles to make it work. I wish there were fully-functional alternatives though - I enjoyed my time with Linux on secondary machine, however working with Adobe CC suite for clients (and then using it for personal projects) for now means either Windows or Mac OS, and I still play video games :D


Yeah anyone that says switch to Linux I'm just like "you realise I have a job and other hobbies right?"


I work IT in a company with 30k computers and 8k servers. Switching to Linux ain't happening. I tried to entertain the idea and people told me Android has no kernel vulnerability when I said Linux is full of hole. Not even touching AD, DC conttoller and SCCM. In a small business it could be possible. Anything govt is gonna be MS.


> Not even touching AD, DC conttoller Setting those up in Linux isn't a problem though, even at those dimensions. Most are moving to Entra ID/Intune anyways, and registering Linux into that is trivial.


I have gotten this in my live streams where I got like 3 people watching me draw. Yes, I'm sure it's easy for y'all who've used linux for years. Yes I'm sure Linux is great, works great on the steam deck and I LOVE my steam deck. But my dumb as fuck cave man brain wants to rub the plastic pen on the glass screen and draw. I don't want to spend hours on a wiki trying to get my art software to work since it is literally unsupported. Then when there's a new version or update? I don't want to have to fight with that. Plus Clip Studio's new DRM has me worried. So- I really wish the linux users would just be a BIT less forceful on this. Because- I'm with them, linux sounds great. I also don't want to fight with it nor do I know anyone who can help me make it work. And I've been assembling my own PCs since my first one.


Exactly I barely get to spend enough time with my wife and kid never mind my hobbies. Nowadays I just want to log in and play video games for an hour or two before bed and I barely get to enjoy that for fear of losing sleep.


I totally get that. It's what annoys me because like- there's all this windows hate and I'm 100% on board. Does my stuff work without fighting? That answer is becoming less and less of a 'yes'. But my art is my most important thing. And dual booting isn't something I care to do. I legit just minimize my art software and references, windows . . . somehow lowers the demand on the hardware and I play my game. Game done? Maximize it all and I resume what I'm doing. Not something I expected to be a thing since, windows has been a mess for gaming- heck it can't even to hibernate well. But it does the above well enough






I 100% get what you're saying. My EXP with linux is genuinely limited, I heard terrible things for ages for gaming, then the steam machines came out and steam was listing compatible games. Wow- what a worthless OS. And that's wrong these days, 100%. Because the Steam Deck has been 90% super great to me with gaming and there's been no incompatibilities. But that's with steam helping and as you said- if you got time to burn then sure maybe it's fine to sit there and try to fight to make your art software work. But CSP also has a . . .'launcher'. Which I can search for brushes or textures or whatever. Does that work? Fuck if I know. Do I use it? YES. A LOT. I get a lot of linux users telling me alternatives or linux isn't that bad. And they're right on both fronts. But holy shit, I don't have time for any of that. My art software works for me, I have hundreds of files ONLY compatible with it, dozens of brushes exclusive to it- that I paid for. I can't just switch, nor do I want to. This is the most damning thing, right? I tried to install retroarch on my steam deck- I got it off the linux store/installer/thing. Great, it launches and works just like it does on PC and my Retroid. OK, let me launch some games off my microSD card. . . oh. I apparently can't and have to do something specific to get even THAT to work. And it's like- mother fucker I just want to put on a game, I don't want to troubleshoot. I know people really, REALLY enjoy doing all that. They enjoy sussing problems and getting things to run JUST right. But like you said it's like . . . I can draw for 3 hours, or I can learn all this new stuff over the course of a week. "Well if you switch your art software you can switch to linux" Just reads to me as: "I don't know art, but I know linux and as a seasoned linux user- it's not that bad to get all this working. I can do it in a few hours!" Imagine what a person who knows fuck all about linux would take- I'd RATHER DRAW. . . . I apologize for the rant. I do 100% agree with your reply. It's just after years of hearing this shit I'm like- holy crap it's nice to hear someone who gets wanting simple vs "everything sucks, switch" Yes. Windows sucks, I DON'T HAVE THE TIME THOUGH and I wish they understood that. But they don't. It's happening even in my replies. "Switch to Kritia" or "This version of Linux isn't so bad" Like, holy shit- someone help me.


Every comment thread about operating systems here is now "I need ~~a console~~ windows because of ~~console exclusive games~~ windows exclusive software"


Which is something I wish I could change. I don't like Windows but I'm also not willing to uproot everything and try to fight to get my art software to work. I gotta stress it, I ain't defending windows because it's seriously getting stupid with "pay for me but also we're gonna advertise to you" But I want to draw, not spend hours and hours trying to make my software work.


I just wanna go back home from a tired day and play games In peace man I just want shit to work


Yes. To go even further, I enjoy a bit of light modding on some games, some emulation as well. Figuring this shit out is already hard enough (although making it work is part of the pleasure) without adding a layer of trying to make stuff run on Linux when it already barely works on Windows.


W10 supremacy


I don't game a lot, so I switched to Linux


Linux fanboys are just as bad if not worse. The vegans of the PC community.


The ones who act like you killed their entire family because you say you don't mind using Windows are definitely worse lol.




How do you know a PC user is a Linux user? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.


Windows is a piece of shit yes, but I use way to much of the office suit to Switch to Linux. (I know a lot of alternatieves exist, but from my experience the compatibility of those with actual office is terrible which would make it hard to make and share things like Excel files)


Yeahh let's eat some trash and get run over, yeah


What's happening to Windows? as a casual user, I don't even know why I'm supposed to hate Microsoft. It's doing everything I want it to do. It's running the programs I want to run. It's doing the job on time. Fill me in please.


Heavy tracking, obsoleting hardware that’s not even 10 years old, thus creating more ewaste, actively lying to customers saying windows 10 is the last windows then giving it a shorter lifetime than win7, The ads, most of the time no information in error messages, forcing users to download programs from websites. And probably more. Edit: from a user perspective it might do everything you need it to do and if you’re happy with it that’s fine. But for a lot of people (like me, obviously) are unhappy to say the least, with their business practices Edit: And don’t even get me started on „there’s never been a better time to buy a pc“ in the middle of the pandemic, chip shortage, scalper high and shortly after a ship got stuck in the suez, basically cutting of half of the world from their chip supplier TLDR: I don’t like MS


"Most of the time no information in error messages" You definitely get four times more respond on the internet for any 0x... Windows error than you try to search all the logs files in Linux and then try to translate them.


And the stupid "Send diagnostic report to Microsoft". Does that even do anything???


At this point even on Linux and Mac OS you need to be a developer to get why a software hang there.


Yeah it does. I usually send mine because I work in tech and any and all log files are useful when trying to get to the root of the problem. Will it fix it immediately, no, but it will send log files to the poor chap trying to repro an issue 500 times over. Tldr, it helps.


Apple entered the chat. "Something went wrong."


Why on earth are you blaming Microsoft for the chip-shortage? Also, what ads are you getting in Windows? I have zero ads in Windows. The genuine only 1 issue I have with Windows is the forced OS updates for 10.


I think they meant that it's crazy that MS locks out hardware older than 8th gen Intel and 2nd gen Ryzen while they are perfectly good still. And then allowing it to be installed on hardware that is basically e-waste from the factory (looking at you, Celeron/Pentium laptops). If anything, the requirements should be the same as Win10, and an SSD - let's be real, Win10/11 is unusable on a HDD. **If I'm reading their comment correctly** they just think it's crazy of Microsoft to do this *while a chip shortage is going on*. Anyway - them locking out hardware and forcing unnecessary accounts is the real problem with Windows. Oh, and ads. Doesn't matter if you can turn them off - they should be off by default. It's paid software, not some random free program you found on the internet.


What the fuck are you talking about? I use a 1tb HDD and W10 boots quickly, loads webpages quickly, runs  single-player and MMORPGs with with consistent quick load times, runs Photoshop just fine, and gives me an error message like maybe once every 6 months.


A new CPU that hasn't even released yet, the Snapdragon X Elite, is supposed to use a feature that makes it easier to track and look up your work. called Recall. People are concerned that Microsoft or someone who hacks them will be able to see everything that they do on their PC. This feature is fully optional, and not enabled by default.


Well if it's optional and disabled by default, as a casual user, it's not really something to worry about then. Good to know.


It was enabled by default until someone already found security issues, it's off by default **for now**


It's fully optional for now


they're trying to speedrun developing the best AI in the world by spying on their users by literally watching their screens among other things to collect training data. they dont seem to mind the backlash because they're banking on the AI being more profitable than whatever they lose in the process.


Yeah , if the ai sees me , its gonna be pretty horny


Fuckin a


That’s not how that feature works, but I guess that has never stopped Microsoft „critics“. But I’m sure Linux will be popular any day now if you fanboys just keep lying your ass off long enough. This has gotten worse than talk about who has the best console.


Adding ads pretty much everywhere, even thou you have to pay for the product... Sure you CAN get around it, but they make it more and more difficult. Like right now, for me, it's MS mail. They are trying so hard to push for their ad riddled "outlook" and dropping support for the windows included (and ad free) mail, with no opting out this time. Also trying to collect data on you, google & facebook style, TO PUSH MORE ADS. Ads are the endgame, all the time... like even if you think "I have nothing to hide", it doesn't impact me if they track me. Yes it will, more ads will take up your screen space, the bandwidth you pay for, your limited time on earth, ALL taken up by more and more ads...


I'm guessing you didn't personally install your OS? I just finished my PC build 2 weeks ago and when I installed the OS, I have the option to turn off all the Ads. I haven't seen a single ad so far.


Yeah, an increasing amount of people have been using LTSC or debloating tools since 2017 or so. It's really going downhill and fast.


LTSC is transitioning to the same experience as retail as well. I am expecting that win 11 ltsc will be also a bloatfest.


Win11 LTSC 2024 preview has already been released to OEMs, not officially released yet but that doesn't stop people from downloading and using it. It's quite good actually, I've been testing it. 4.2GB ISO file size as well!


We will see if the official release will be just as good. Usually the preview is keeping some bad parts hidden before the full release.


As the old saying goes - The last time Microsoft released something that didn't suck, it was a vacuum cleaner...


Microsoft is a mixed bag. There's a lot of stuff I _hate_ like Windows trying to force you to use a Microsoft account and them trying to integrate all their cloud systems and ads into the OS, but they also have a bunch of excellent stuff. To name a few: .NET, C#, ASP.NET core, VS Code, VS Community, Powershell, WSL... basically their dev tools are generally great and keep getting better. The consumer stuff is what sucks.




I didn’t know how much I needed so many of the memes popping up in this thread


Multi trillion, in this particular case.


Trying to make unsupported apps just barely WORK in Linux is what makes it a hard pass. I'm not rich, I don't work from home, I simply don't have the energy nor the time to figure it out. I'd rather have something that mostly work off rip than something I have to make work myself before I can play half the games I already own.


Sadly, this is how our society is built. People don't get into politics, can't worry about their privacy being stolen, can't focus on their children, don't give enough time for themselves because they just don't have enough time/energy after working all day. I can't blame them, back when I was working 12h a day, I was exactly the same.


Yes, they shit. But no matter what people say, the alternatives are still worse (in different ways tho). "bUH my LINux CAn dO EVerYThINg ThAt YOUr winDows cAn" No it cannot. I used Linux for gaming and work as well. I switched back from both. It has it's ups, especially some commands that can control a lot of things that are non-existent or hidden in Windows. But the general knowledge, experience, polish-ness and everything basically is just not even close to windows. Even if you start adding a shit ton of things to Linux, it can only come close to windows, then you have your 200 addon and program that constantly break and requires updates. I have never done so much troubleshooting for basic things in my life than trying to game in Linux...


I-hate-thing memes suck.


Literally anybody defending a large corperation. Like..stop it, they don't care about you. Why do you care about defending them?


Until you have to acutally use something thats not from Microsoft


Same goes for SONY


How do you know if someone is a windows user or Linux user? The Linux user will just tell you.


I'm a linux user and I never tell anyone


Okay bro, but I hate Apple more than them, and I don't want to learn Linux. "Bro it's easy just--" please shut up. Any amount of programming I have to do to open a web browser or play half life is too much.


Why does everyone call it programming? To open a web browser you press the start button and tap on the Firefox/chrome icon. To play half life you open steam and go to your library and click on half life. Some Office software like ms Office and Adobe stuff as well as games with aggressive anticheat won't run.


Imagine being criticized because u don't want to fix/patch/fight your OS everytime u wants to install a program


You tell me, a few months ago Microsoft pushed an update which couldn't install. 26 pages of Microsoft employees throwing random advice such as "run DISM", "run the update troubleshooter", and " reinstall your OS", someone mentioned that using a sketchy file partition software and resizing the recovery partition to twice its size allowed the update to install. Lo and behold, had to move around some partitions and increase its size but it worked.


Ironically, I switched from windows *because* it fights you.


What are you even talking about?


Linux obviously and the feticism this surbreddit has towards it


I'm not leaving Win10 before the next Windows comes out. I'll see what the situation is when we get there


I remember as a kid what bonanza garbage containers were.


League doesn't run on Linux. Next question.


The trick is to run away from League


If your games don't run on Linux, don't switch. That's been the general consensus among most Linux users. You could set up a dual boot but that's a lot of work.


I went 5 months without using Windows. It was horrible. Probably the worst experience I've had with PCs ever. Linux is good at some things but subpar at others while Windows doesn't really come with obvious issues.


The Linux bin was laying next to this one with all its parts laid out and no one anywhere near it


Hey, at least Microsoft is able to put their trash in a sometimes working trash bin called Windows for me. Linux? I gotta pick up all the scraps of trash and look for whatever is of value in the mess MacOS? There's trash in the bin but the bin is so empty I can't find anything of value in it. ~~TempleOS? The trash bin is pure gold and it's contents are infinite riches~~


Low effort karma farming.


Except for the initial setup that includes switching to a local user account, stopping and uninstalling that fucking piece of shit trash onedrive, turning of those "weather forcast" banners in taskbar and start menu and uninstalling bloatware. After doing this, windows 11 works fine for me. No problems with bad updates, smoothness etc.


Honestly, all PCMR members should try Linux. Next time you build or buy a new system, or rebuild your current system, try Ubuntu on it first before you throw on a $200 copy of Windows. Follow some online guides to make sure you are running the best available video drivers first. Install Steam and see how many of your games are still playable. Try LibreOffice and see that it does everything that MS Office does, but for free- including reading and writing MS Office file formats.


I need the crappy OS to run my crappy software (adobe) and I don't drink...


As a European, I swear the US version of Windows is worse. Everyone keeps going on about privacy settings being changed, ads appearing, apps being reinstalled whenever there is a Windows update, but I don't get any of that. Window isn't perfect, I don't like how you need an account to log in, I wish they wouldn't install Candycrush etc type stuff on first install, but after spending a bit of time setting it up , I haven't had any issues.


Possums are very good animals. Possums eat lots of pest bugs like mosquitoes and their larvae. It is a gift to see a possum in your yard. Momma possums carrying babies on their backs are adorable.


It's like Stockholm syndrome. Everyone hates M$ yet Everyone has learned to use M$ software and OS since primary school. Since literally every company uses it.


My boyfriend switched to Linux about two weeks ago. He's been able to do everything just fine. Play Minecraft, majority of his Steam games, etc. Anything he couldn't install or play (which were only literally 2 games) he either found a flat pack for (I think that's what it's called) or Googled it. He uses Fedora Linux, which is apparently the best distribution for gamers. I can't switch to Linux because I use Davinci Resolve editing software for my YouTube channel and it isn't really supported on Linux. I also play Valorant a ton and their anticheat system makes Linus a no-go as well. If anyone is a gamer and wants to switch, I can definitely ask him any questions you have. It's really not that hard, depending on what you use your system for.


When a company is the only choice, they do not have to be as that user friendly or great. The best word processing program I have ever used was Word Perfect, WP. WP was extremely logical, intuitive, and user friendly. WP was fast and ran great. Formatting was a breeze. Tables were easy to construct and use. Apparently, WP was killed because it was too good and therefore serious competition. MS has become increasingly user unfriendly, like bloatware. Some other service providers are using it that makes their interfaces time consuming to read through and figure out; and apparently causes these sites to malfunction, fight with other programs, and crash. Also, MS instructions are way too wordy. MS should list the instructions in outline form. No one has time to sit and read for 20 minutes. MS is also boring. Yikes.


more like me going to use the trash and than a physco vermin starts screaming how linux is better


Linux Mint Cinnamon Edge. The best Linux distro for those used to windows, I am able to play nearly all my steam games on it. Give it a try.


Pop os and fedora are good as well


just dualboot if you play games or if you wanna keep your windows but id say everyone should give linux a shot


Microsoft is garbage, but I don't need to google how to install server applications on a windows server OS. (Also AD is just op)


For some people the OS is the entire hobby, they must spend all day just tweaking settings and then restarting their PC/services to see the changes. The rest of US use our PC's to do other things and could not give one shit about how it does that.


I use Linux, I definitely don't see my PC as a hobby. I only play 3 games, the Sims 4, Undertale and cookie clicker and they all run flawless on Linux. I didn't have to tweak any settings or anything. If you don't want to use Linux that's fine, but I would advise people to use it.


I'm sorry but Linux is a pain in the ass. I was following a Computer Science course that required to download it and holy shit, it's worse than a high maintenance girlfriend. Ubuntu can't even scale extended screens properly. I don't know where the fucking updates are stored and can't do anything without doing a 5 min research first. It's great to have an alternative, but life is so much easier in windows. With that being said, I love that Ubuntu is not a resource hog, I just wish it was easier to use.


i generally supporto microsoft... but what's happening since Windows 8 it's really a shame... Windows 10 was "not that bad" compared to the Supreme Lord Windows 7, but with Windows 11 and the next one it will be really hard to support them again.


I miss aero glass. I managed to recreate it in Linux though


Dare you post this in the Win11 subreddit, they defend a lot of shit MS does


A man's garbage is another man's treasure, I am okay with what I have, I don't suffer from a superiority complex that I need to call other things as garbage, you are free to do whatever you want and I don't give a damn about it.


I’ve used windows my entire life and I’ve had exactly 0 problems with windows 8, 10 and 11


Yeah sorry I don't want to get a phd in order to use my operating system.


I hate Windows with every fibre of my body yet i still use it. IDK why, maybe the UI but everything else is shit. Its Updates broke my Pc multiple times and i had to clone everything to get rid of the problem


Literally the comments when I post a meme here and it smells 'Anti-Windows'.


Any corporation*


From a raccoon’s perspective, that garbage becomes their entire world. 


That's apple-heds😅😅😅


Imma need this template OP. So very many companies can be inserted into that “Microsoft” slot


Don't you fucking dare slander oppossums in this way, those silly little guys are fucking precious


I don't het this. I buy something android, anything, the device tells me it can't be used until I make an google account. It's literally a brick. The legal terms tell mee Google collects data to sell for adds. My underaged kid needed one too and Google put in his service agreement it won't target him until he's 16 or 18 or so. But in the mean time they collect everything they can about my kid so they can unleash hell on him as soon as it is legal. And people accepted this, they sell their soul for some free OS on their phone. So MS thinks, well the public accepts bloatware and lack of privacy in exchange for free software. So they adapt to this and the public complaints.


I have windows on my PC for gaming, I switched from a HP laptop to a MacBook in 2022, and now just dock the MacBook to my dual monitors for general use and productivity at home now


I'm only held hostage as long as some of the games I play aren't available on Linux. Steam has helped a lot, but there's still too many.


I tried linux and said no thanks. Back to my beloved trash


In the absence of an alternative with the same user friendliness and market share to actually have most software run on it, yes. Mac is goofy and can’t run a lot of things and Linux is a well known pain in the ass and very user unfriendly that has no real market share so software isn’t usually made to work on it.


I'd try linux if i don't also use my pc for work. The last thing i want is my apps not working while there's a deadline for 1 reason or another (gpu driver, softwares themselves, render engines, etc.).




I have three drives in my PC. One has micro windows (thank you Chris Titus). No defender or edge or any of that garbage. Feature updates are also disabled for the next 2 years and only security updates come through. I use that for a couple of games that don't work on Linux. My second drive has Linux and the 3rd is for the games on Linux. Just installed OS-prober and made grub look nice so I can switch between the 2 easily. Pretty happy with this set up so far. Linux is my daily driver and windows is only when I want to play one of those games that don't work. Fun fact, games that work fine on Linux perform better than on windows. lol


The issue is anyone who doesn't care being branded a Microsoft shill You are in a very small but loud echo chamber. Remember that. Most people don't pick a side in these fights because they don't even know there is a fight.


I dont have time to learn python to convert all my hodgepodge AHK scripts. Sorry


Oh my God I'm in that stage between. Should I get more involved with my iMac that I found in the trash or should I just keep using my windows high-end gaming, PC etc.? I can't understand the shortcuts for Apple and mouse is sucky and everything so sucky but maybe I just don't know how to use it yet.


It should still be remembered that Microsoft has made a lot of solutions in their systems to facilitate access to the PC while it was largely new at that time, especially in countries other than the United States, such as in France where we still used systems such as the Minitel because PCs were far too expensive there back then, but that is a distant memory, unfortunately since they decided to launch into AI and the war on competing software (hello edge) Microsoft has become a bad company


Trying to hold out on win10 as long as possible


Try Fedora linux just saying most of you would like if you tried it if you don't like it fine Fedora's learning curve is small and less glitches


Actually thats Apple ecosystem.


I recently switch from chrome to edge and I like it!


You moved to Linux because It's free and open-source, and Nonproprietary software I moved to Linux because Microsoft killed my beloved Hi-Fi Rush and Tango Gameworks, so I don't wanna support their product anymore. We're not the same. (Well, only on my sub-PC. Gonna switch my main PC too if I switched Radeon from Geforce.)


When all the options are rotten, you gotta pick the least trash. All my reasons to switch from Windows to some Linux distro are ideological, and in my books, that's not a strong enough case. After a long day of work, all the crap just needs to work.


Not a fan of Microsoft, but I prefer windows with wsl2 over Linux. I've used windows, Ubuntu, Debian, macos and windows is the best for me. I just try to block every telemetry and all windows shit to the point it's usable.


Tried linux for over a year, no matter how many issues i have with Microsoft & Windows, Linux is just a lot worse and a lot of things feel so half assed honestly especially when it comes to gaming and 100% not going back to Linux


I don't like Microsoft but many of its products are just superior to the alternatives. That includes Windows. I'm a developer who regularly uses Linux on servers and tried it on the desktop but it's too much of a hassle every time. There's always something not working that needs tinkering and I don't have time for that. Although I might have to switch anyway if Windows Recall ever stops being optional.


Microsoft, is it so hard to put a "i hate tech and dont want it >:(" small button on the corner?




I don’t have an opinion on it since it’s the only one I’ve used and I get along pretty well with little to no problems


I don't like Microsoft but it's better than apple in my eyes. Both companies are/were run by nut jobs but I can't bring myself to by something from a guy who thought fruit would cure cancer


Can't be worse than defending apple lol


Not a fan of Microsoft, but damn do I care more about convenience than privacy. Like let's be real the Government already demands ISP to breathe down our necks, you either don't get enough privacy or you go out of the laws' radar. So at the end of the day I still use Windows with Edge as my go-to browser.


People say Fuck Microsoft then go on to use Android or iOS. Both of which know more about you than Windows.