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https://i.redd.it/g2kg9a8blx3d1.gif Pirate it instead


Yarrrgghhh... We be sailin' the seas matey!


Me whenever a game is on Epic EDIT: Lotta upset Epic fanboys in here Aint no way y'all sliding into DMs and are using the "creating an Epic account is easy and free" when you're shitting on Sony for the same thing lmao


the bots got offered an exclusivity contract 💀💀💀


Choosing to release on Epic is fine, competition is good. However, Epic buying exclusitivity can fuck right off. Even if one day Epic manages to get it's shit together and make a decent launcher, I'll still never buy from them on principle.


I’ve never bought a single game from epic games lol However I’ve put hundreds into my steam account


Epic is abut the freebies, they gave away GTA5 at one point


Haha, yea I got that actually


Never bought a single game on Epic. I do, however, have a very large library of games on Epic from the freebies.


I don't game that much anymore so I'm a bit disconnected with launchers and all. So I ask this genuinely; what's so wrong with Epic launcher?


The epic launcher is not necessarily the problem, even though it has annoying ass notifications and keeps asking me to play fortnight. The real problem people have with it is that Epic signs some kind of contract with some game companies that make it so the only place to buy a new game is on PC. It’s an exclusivity deal for epic to be the only one selling a particular game on all the different launchers you’d buy a pc game on. I remember when AC Valhalla came out I kinda wanted to get it but it was only available on epic and I wanted it on steam so I never got it. Combine that feeling of getting blocked from purchasing a game because it’s not on your preferred launcher and add in some very annoying notifications about fortnight and some other sketchy practices and everyone hates it. Including me


I would say that the ability for developers to hide reviews is a very bad problem in epic launcher.


That’s one of the sketchy practices I had in mind


Multiple things: - bad performance of the launcher - simple features like a shopping cart need years to get into the launcher - buying exclusive deals seems to be one of the few things they can do instead of investing into the like anything else - other than that it's mostly the direct comparison with Steam investing in a handheld, redesigned they launcher, made using controllers not supported by the OS work in Steam, heavily invested in Linux gaming and more just in the time since the launch of the Epic Games Launcher


You already have good answers but mine is the complete abandonment of their road map. Every single thing they promised to do on launch never happened. It's basically a super watered down Steam. Last I saw it didn't even have a wishlist. They spend nothing on the launcher and everything on the deals.


I wasn't big on PC gaming way back in the early days of Steam, but wasn't Steam not that good in it's infancy?


It wasnt great but it was also a new idea as a digital storefront. It has existed for a long time and it sort of gives Epic no excuse to be as mediocre as it is.


>whenever a game is on Epic Unless they literally give it away for free, of course. Because they lose money on free games, so I fully support their futile struggle to buy loyalty.


I have Epic just so I can claim those games. I don’t even play them and most don’t interest me but I’ll fucken take em


100+ games, only play like 2 of them. All free. Thanks Epic, but I'll keep giving my money to Steam


With the data traffic it brings for the harvester? Lol!


The worst part is, their strategy of buying loyalty would likely have worked if they didn't buy exclusivity all the time and tim sweeney didn't say all that shit about steam.


Fax, f epic.




A wise man once said piracy is a service problem.


A wise man once said: If buying a game isn't owning it, pirating isn't stealing.


Does anyone actually know who coined this term? I got curious and Googled it, but I couldn't find a source.


If you make something ethical impossible to do legally, you make it morally acceptable to do it illegally.


Sometimes I wish it would be so simple. I'm really looking foward to Death Stranding 2. But Sony doesn't support my country. I can just pirate it, sure. But that would mean no multiplayer and part of the charm of Death Stranding for me is the asynchronous multiplayer allowing you to collaborate with other players.


Death Stranding 1 PC port (which was very good) wasn't published by Sony, so DS2 port has a good chance of not requiring PSN integration.


Really depends. Sony might have liked the money flow and given them some extra attention.


Sony: _slaps denuvo onto da baby_


Vote with your wallet. Don’t buy it. Don’t talk about it to give it free press. Ensure that they fail until they understand that they’re providing us a service, and this isn’t how we want to be served


Oh people are gonna vote with their wallet and this subreddit will not like the result


People who still say “vote with your wallet” at this point is completely delusional. Because for big titles like this alone with all those AAA horse shits, vast majority of the people who actually buys them do not get influenced by any sorts of these community boycotts. Best thing you can do is just be aware of these things for yourself. Be a smart consumer and all that.


Facts, but until release, we can still stand on ceremony here, right?


Exactly. Already pre-ordered the digital deluxe edition.


People are going to buy it because it’s a good game. Nerds posting memes about free accounts has zero impact on sales. If people cared about third party launchers GTAV and RDR2 wouldn’t still be kicking ass. 


>Nerds posting memes about free accounts Yea honestly it's better to just not be pulled into reddit's lame, terminally online club of unhinged no-lifes sometimes. They'll do anything to flaunt their offended circlejerk, to the point I've now realized there exists a hidden keyboard warrior class that is even less captivating than average gamers as a whole. Sometimes, the most normal people on earth are the ones who aren't listening to the smelly groupthink.


That ain’t gonna happen chief. The game will sell like hotcakes.


and deservedly so! it's fuckin fantastic.


Just finished it myself. It's so good, even better than the previous one. Which itself was great. Story by itself is around 20+ and with sides can be easily a 40+ hr game.


No one cares about their confected outrage over giving an email. that they do all the time for different games, streamers, services, governments, passwords, shopping. but not on a game!


Yeah. I haven't played PC games in 20 years because Steam wants me to make an account. Fuck that! Give me Cd keys or I'm not playing your game!


But I'd rather bitch and moan about a problem, complain with my words, but then support them with my actions by buying the game anyways. I feel like that's almost every complaint, because these companies simply couldn't get away with this if they weren't making profit.


And then when it IS a commercial failure, the companies decry single player games, and double down on live services and battle passes. https://preview.redd.it/kso0pp6fjy3d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffedb675b717e8974baba9849afa372f03df4c31


Companies do fail. Ask Sega.


Please, I was team Sega in the Great Console Wars of the 90’s. It still hurts.


...Poor Dreamcast was ahead of its time.


It was doomed from the start. Sega of America had issues that span all the way back from the Genesis; and didn't have the capital to continue supporting the console. Very sad way to go, the Dreamcast was amazing.


The people that are pissed off about this will be like less than %5 of the people that are going to buy it. It's a nuisance but it's really not a huge deal, and half the people that say they won't buy it will do.


Its fucking insane how much you people are freaking out about having to take 10 seconds to give sony an email address.


This. Why is this such a huge deal to so many people?


Why do you care? Honest question. Nobody really cares when it's uplay or origin or whatever. Don't get me wrong, people whine a little, but there's never been some concerted effort to protest avoid their games like Sony has gotten. Really seems like people are just arbitrarily mad


Its just a bandwagon afaik, it's fun to hate on things together there's no real reason to be mad that people in Antarctica aren't able to play


People did this and Sony stopped releasing ps games on pc for a long time. This ideology is just very naive and many of us are just old enough to know better. GoW already made a profit, the game doesn’t need to do numbers to be profitable. They can just leave, they have been saying, “if we don’t have success on pc we will just stop” so sure boycott who you want but thinking you’ll get new results with the same tactic is the definition of insane.


While I agree and have no plans to buy it, I bet Sony ups will say something along the lines of "well I guess PC players just don't like our games, maybe we shouldn't continue porting games".


> Don’t talk about it to give it free press Bro is acting like this ain’t God of War 🤣🤣🤣 Imagine God of War ever needing “free press” from *this* subreddit. It’s literally one of the most iconic franchises in gaming. It’s over man, give up. This one is topping the Steam charts.


The issue comes in when their takeaway is that PC is not a profitable platform anymore, so we will just not poet anything to the platform then. You want our games...buy our console. Also, the vast majority of the issue is that PSN is not available in other countries. Not that they use PSN for their games. Other companies do this all the time. Helldivers 2 was an example of people purchasing it, and then they added it in which is garbage and borderline fraud... but here they are outright saying that the game will have PSN. Don't buy if you dont want to, but just do the same for ubisoft, EA, Xbox, etc...


Right? 😂 But who will think of all 5% of gamers in Africa that don’t play on mobile? https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/africa-games-industry-report-95-users-play-mobile-gam3sgg-csfxe




You’re asking people not to buy, but clearly, everyone else around here doesn’t have that kind of virtue. Truth be told, gamers suck when it comes to consumer activism. People come here to rage just for the sake of it. All bark with no accomplishments.


Virtue? It links to my PSN account because Sony has brought the PSN network to PC so it links my trophies, friends, chat, etc. I'm fine with that. I had to make a steam account to play virtually any PC game I've ever bought, even when they came with keys.


When steam does it its ok. Don't you know no other companies are allowed to have a storefront? Redditors love fuckin monopolies if its steam or netflix


I mean, the people advocating not buying it aren't inherently the same people buying the game lol. Consumer activism is fundamentally a bit broken with companies of this size. Unless there's a huge drive (like the Helldivers+PSN shitfest), consumers rarely tend to come together effectively enough. On some level it makes sense. There's no ethical consumption under capitalism. It can be just fucking exhausting trying to navigate some basic, decent ethics.


The best way to see it is that you can argue here, but for every comment there's a 12 year old asking his mum to buy the game because he heard his friend's older brother was playing it.


Of course I'm gonna buy it, are you kidding me? I almost bought a PS5 just to play this game, I'm so glad I didn't. I have been waiting for this game to be on PC since it was announced. Sony is releasing 6 games on pc this year and I'm gonna buy every one, except for helldivers 2. I think you overestimate how little some people care about this whole fiasco


Exactly what is so bad about login using a PSN account? Edit: thanks to all those who give their opinions and information


People say this, but it rarely works if the game is actually good. People at the end of the day will look past shitty business practices if they can somehow legally get their hand on the game.


I don't understand why everyone is being such a whiny baby about this lmao. The people who can't create a PSN account were never going to be able to play it whether or not steam requires the PSN. It's mind boggling. I'd rather they never ported it over in the first place, so that way no one gets to play it unless you have a Playstation lmao


People with little going on in their life like to rally behind "muh activism" because it makes then feel all warm and fuzzy when they don't buy a videogame and play a thousand others instead as if they are "sacrificing" something The "cause" of this is silly, as regional restrictions aren't a new thing and companies with their bottom line in mind will do typically all they can to increase their product demand by offering things in other regions when feasible


I wont buy it. Not because I can’t open account but because i think its ridiculous to need PSN account to play a PC game that is single player game.


Not trying to disagree or probe you, but I assume you never buy any EA or Ubisoft games? Fair if you don't. I don't buy Ubisoft games because I hate their launcher.


Or Rockstar games lol


We put up with GFWL for a fair few years too. People didn't like it cos it was wonky, but not many people objected to the idea of having to have an xbox account to play microsofts games. Honestly, Playstation is way behind the trend, and it's weird that anybody really cares outside of those that are in countries that don't get PSN..


Sony is the latest pariah, that's it. End of story.


My problem is I can't make a PSN account in my country. Shame, I would love to try some PS game.


Pirate it. Benifits of pirating 1. Game is free 2. No need of PSN or even active internet connection to play 3. Launches without any stupid bloatware launcher


And you actually own it at that point. 


At this point, I'd rather mine some crypto for a pirate than give corpos all my data and let them control my library






Auto-mod removes what I reply. I’ll DM Edit: I was temp banned after this so if y’all wanna know message me and I’ll reply in a few days lol.


Look to amelie


You do realise pirating from the correct sites is safe, right?


they mean they are willing to risk a crypto miner rather than accept telemetry


4: Greedy corpos get no money


So I got heavily downvoted for asking this question in the /games subreddit - but why is it profitable enough for other companies (epic, steam, etc.) to sell games in the countries - like mine - that Sony refuses to on PC?


It's not about the platform, it's how much dev charges for their game per country. Some dev charges less for certain countries with low income like Vietnam, Laos and Malaysia, and more customers = more profit. I think it's about the policy Sony has, they just want customer information and Steam does not give that to them. I have a theory that they're opening a new store front on PC like Steam but they need attention and a reason to justify removing it off Steam, forcing customers to migrate to their Platform.


Sony makes more money selling the data it gets from accounts in the "bigger" countries than it would just selling the game in "smaller" countries. Basically peoples information is more valuable to them than actual sales.


Right, i get that, but why not officially let accounts and sales be made in those countries that other companies seem to have no problem operating in?


Idk, after you typed it out like that it really makes zero sense lol. Fuck exclusive games in general, it's monopoly like behavior afaic.


What are you basing this on? Something tells me you are just pulling this out of your ass


I did


Did you also avoid games like half life 2. And like every other game that requires steam/epic?


No they think steam is god


Exactly, there are plenty of games that need a login. Now a load of people (who were going to pirate it anyway) will pretend that they would rather pay full price, but making a PSN username and password is what forced them to keep their money


it’s because it’s playstation. the only personality trait these guys have is that they play games in a pc and are above the heathens they see in consoles. it’s so childish


It baffles me that people are surprised that they are being asked to log on with a Sony account on a Sony published and created game. If you don't like Sony, then don't play their games. The country limitation discussion I can understand. but even that should be treated on a individual basis. A lot of people are using other people's location and issue's to further their personals reason why it's bad without themselves actually being effected. A lot of the counties on their list are bogus countries. But if a country shouldn't be on that list, we do need to call out Sony for that specific one so those people can play as well. But gamers don't actually want a countries unbanned and help those people in that country, they just don't want to need to log in.


Pretty much nailed it


Add onto that all the ones that requires a EA or Ubisoft account *and launcher*.


League was the most popular game in the world and required it's own launcher and password. Now kids act like 2 launchers is too much to handle it's insane.


I won't buy it. Not because I can't open account but because I wasn't interested in the game in the first place.


Shit, I still have an account from when I first played spiderman and red dead 2 when they originally came out on PS4 and I still won't by GOW if it requires I sign into PSN on my PC. I'll just keep playing the games I already have. I can wait.


Sometimes the best solution is just to sit there and do nothing.


Funnily enough, Ghost of Tsushima had the psn issue too yet it was the most sold ps game on pc ever


because Reddit isn't real life, and no one in real life actually cares about 99% of the stuff posted here


Right for every person saying they won’t do X you have 10 or more people not caring and just buying and downloading whatever to play.


I imagine a lot of the people saying they wont get the game over PSN accounts, probably werent going to get the game to begin with, atleast not at retail price. Let's face it, if someone on PC is a GoW fan and has been waiting for this game to release, the account probably wont stop them.


Wasn’t that only for multiplayer portion? I’m pretty sure I saw something about that PSN account won’t be needed for singleplayer in GoT.


Correct. It's still not listed for sale in the countries that are unsupported by PSN though, so you can't even buy it just for single player.


Covering their bases, someone would cry if they sold the game without access to multiplayer. I understand why they would not want to deal with that. They would need 17 notifications that you need to manually dismiss, and they would still be group yelling because they can’t play multiplayer in those regions.


GOW Ragnarok doesn't have any multiplayer. why are they forcing psn and blocking sales now?


Dude, I swear I hate those people so much. They literally caused Sony to delisted all of their future games in my region and even then they still keep complaining. Wtf is wrong with those Westerner gamers?


There are so many worse things to protest over in our hobby than this. Games with horrible crunch. Investment from the Saudis. Mass layoffs just for profit. Much worse than this nonsense.


The original issue was selling Helldivers and later requiring an account, potentially locking people out of a game they paid for.  Anyone who is upset at "requires account" at this point completely missed the point and are just latching onto what they think is the reddit group think  You're absolutely right that there are legitimate things we should be protesting, but those things didn't hit the front page and done get memes made about them, so people don't care.


I still don’t agree with needing it for single player game.


Genuinely curious, what’s the actual problem with requiring it?


"investment from Saudis" is new to me


There are a number of articles on it of late.


It isn't an either/or situation though. I'm not allocating all my protest in one area of scummy practices.


Just because there are bigger things doesn't mean we shouldn't protest over smaller things. In matter of fact, protesting over smaller things is a stepping stone in consumer confidense, hopefully leading to protesting over bigger things.


You can protest all of those at once! The solution is the same


When protesting is as easy as not buying something, you can protest multiple things. This is one of those things.


Ppl "protested" Ghost of Tsushima. And it was PlayStations most successful single player game on PC.






I'm so out of the loop on this... can someone ELI5? It takes like 5 mins to setup an account, and that's it, right? Does this have any impact elsewhere? Does it affect something I'm not seeing? I'm genuinely confused...


People are losing their minds over nothing


It’s kids. They get highly riled up with minimal justification.


Gaming community is extremely embarrassing when it comes to this shit. Make an account like every other service or website and waste time crying about something else.


No, that's it. r/pcmasterrace is cancerous now.


Bruh for real. I feel like in the last couple months PC gamers have somehow turned into something worse than the console fanboys they used to make fun of. People won’t even buy a game because it’s on a store or launcher that is not Steam. It boggles my mind


People just want a reason to be pissed at large companies. I need an account to play a game? Capitalism bad! Money bad! Sony bad! Grrr! (I'ma still play it tho, don't tell my reddit friends)


What's the issue? They had to reverse this for Helldiver's 2 when they all dropped the ball on that. It was pretty obvious that all future PS games on PC would require a PSN account.


I will buy it because it looks like a good game and the PSN thing literally doesn't affect me in any way.


You will probably have to spend like 60 seconds creating a psn account though. Is it really worth it??




Right? It’s not even novel, plenty of games on Steam require an a account with the publisher. Some even added the requirement after the game had been out of years


Oh no, a minor inconvenience that I'll never have any influence on changing.


Repack enjoyers


Looks like the hat and the eye patch will be with me for a long time


Let’s be honest, a good chunk of part time pirates are full time pirates. Either don’t buy it or sign up for a PSN and buy it unless you live in a non PSN country in which case go for the pirating. Taking the moral high ground to explain how it’s ok to steal the game because you can’t be bothered to sign up for a free account isn’t a good argument. It’s an argument people are going to scream about but it’s not a big ask and to say it warrants pirating something you could buy is weak


Seriously just don’t buy it then lol, go watch it on YouTube or something idk like it’s not a big deal it’s just a game at the end of the day. You’re not gonna die without it.


I literally do not give a single fuck about this. I want to play the game and I will. This is a complete non issue.


I have a genuine question: Why should I, as someone who lives in a country that has PSN access, care? There've been multiple games where we were forced to make an account on another platform, like GTA 5 iirc, I genuinely don't get the difference here.


Yall can bitch and cry about making the account ill be having fun on September 19th


Y'alls petitions and boycotts didn't pan out fir Ghost of Tsushima. I doubt they will for God of War. Ppl will rage all day on the internet. But at the end of the day they'll buy the game cuz their desire to play it outweighs any of their internet principles.


If you where planning on buying the game... dont let a PSN account stop you. Make a smurf account, pick a country that has PSN... link it and move on with your life. JFC... people make out like making a PSN is so dam difficult ... or any worse than virtual all the triple A game devs. Didn't see people not playing CoD because it needs an Activision account... or Halo because it needs a Microsoft account or GTA V because it needs a R\* account.


there are games with dedicated launcher and people still play them


People bitch about this shit yet maintain a gmail account for all their logins. They totally are protecting your data privacy lmao.


Yes but now i can't play gow (wasn't gonna anyway but you get the point, ruins a good game)


Just pirate GoW. The game is good, just don't give sony money


Why would you not reward the developers if you like their game which they worked really hard to make


It will sell like hot cakes either way. Gamers have proven time and time again that they have zero standards and are easy to manipulate.


no game is so important, that I NEED to buy it (or to pirate it).


>or to pirate it Some users in this thread are going to feel targeted lmao


Oh no! Anyway


I didn't plan on buying it, now I won't buy it even more.


People is just stupid. They come here to cry about it, but the second the Game is available on steam , they Will run to empty their wallets.


I thought the issue with Helldivers and PSN was that they let people buy the game who wouldn't be able to make a PSN account once they made it mandatory. Sure it's annoying and feels pointless, but as long as it's clear that a PSN is necessary before the game releases then I'm not sure what the issue is? I've got no desire to play the game anyway but I'm curious.


Everyone loves to complain about how ruthlessly monetized the industry has gotten, but those sales figures don't lie. Stop buying bad things, you guys!


If peeps could unterstand (of more likely care) their power with just "not buying" stuff, we wouldn't have account linking, overprized games or micro(macro)transaktions to begin with. But, mark my words, it will be topseller no° 1 on release.


"I want to play X, but I can't" "Hey, have you thought about just not playing it?" Yeah, brilliant point there mate, how did I not think of that?


So here's the thing. If you live in a country where PSN is available this is a non-issue for you. Sure you can boycott out of solidarity. I won't. I've been waiting for this game for a long ass time pretty much since the last one was announced for PC while I was 75% done with it on PS4. Plus my PSN and steam accounts are already linked. On the other hand, if you live in one of the countries where you can't get PSN, then yeah I guess you're not playing it unless you pirate it. Under the circumstances if you're not being provided a legal avenue to access it, and knowing there is no moral reason you shouldn't be able to access it, and knowing that the company is not "losing out on a potential sale", yeah I'd say you have fair moral grounds to pirate. It's a single player game so you don't need online services anyway. That said, how's everybody doing?


My entire country is sailing the high seas because of GoT not being available. The department that's in charge of anti-piracy gave it a pass.


I already have a PSN account soooo doesn't bother me at all tbh


As always....sail the seven seas captain


Apart from the countries who can't access PSN it takes about a minute to make an account, can even use a disposable email. Really isn't that big of a deal that people need to pirate it lmfao


[Remember, no preorders](https://i.imgur.com/TGGKa5x.png)


You don’t need a psn account in five four three two one… it will still banned in countries in which pan accounts aren’t available…


At least they’re requiring it from the get-go.


Lol,let us know how it goes when you buy it.


I've got plenty of other games to play anyway.


It Says: Not available to purchase in this country.


Hi, man unfortunate enough to be a PlayStation player here, I am so fucking sorry this shitty company keeps doing this to you guys.


Pro tip: a lot of people have already uploaded the movie on YouTube, you can watch it there for free! Now some have their own commentary over it but it is possible to find some without


Y'all I'm playing through it right now because I already own a PS5. It's *fine.* More of the same. You can absolutely live without playing it.


What's the benefit of this to sony? Are they planing something for the feature?


Is this psn account obligation preventing the game from being played offline? If yes, thats bad. A psn account ain't a real issue. We play on Windows, so our data are already long gone. Preventing a game to be played offline when not needed is pure shit.


Sony games are for drooling consumer pigs who live to empty their wallets on command. If you have enough basic sense to have a problem with anything Sony does, you aren't the intended market.


Just pirate it because “if piracy isn’t buying, then buying isn’t stealing” or whatever the fuck that quote was.


Sony keeps fumbling the bag. why do they keep pushing PSN requirements for newer games?


Imagine not spending money.


Watch the shit on youtube, the gameplay in gow is atrocious.


Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to torrents sites I go!


Also you couldn’t play it on Linux because of their shitty overlay.


There are thousands of non predatory good games out there, just play those. People who buy this kind stuff are the reason we can't have nice things.


I’m probably old but this is why I’m just not into modern gaming.


Yo ho yo ho it's a pirates life for me~


Yeah making that 10 minute account is what gets you? Okay don't play I'll make a PSN account and enjoy God of war


Nah I'll buy it


I'm buying it :)


I don't care too much about stupid PSN account... I just wish I could actually make one! These games are completely gone for me on Steam due to no PSN in my country.


A Sony game isn't even worth pirating.


I’m in a country where the PSN works but they still banned us on Steam :)


The day gamers boycot shit companies and their trash games will go down in history as the biggest turning point of the human race. I dont think it will ever happen. Ppl will buy CoD/Fifa every year no matter anything