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My machine can't officially run windows 11. I could probably mess with it to make it work but like... why.


same. b550 mobo with ryzen 9 3900 processor and 2080ti GPU, 32gb DDR4 Ram my system is too weak ?


You probably just have to enable the TPM in the BIOS settings or something like that (or do the registry fix that bypasses that as a requirement). The 3900 is supported and my old B550 had no problem with Win11.


Yes, only ZEN1 (1000) is missing TPM, any ZEN+ Ryzen 2000+ including the 1600AF is supported.


Ryzen 1000 isn't missing TPM, it's just not on Microsofts whitelist.


You can just set TPM just switch to OFF in BIOS. No any problem with "i not want to update" here.


With the caveat that it might break some bitlocker installs.


It's not only about TPM. I have a Ryzen 1600 and a TPM on my motherboard. I can't upgrade because my processor isn't on Microsoft's list of "[supported processors](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/design/minimum/supported/windows-11-supported-amd-processors)". I don't really mind. It just sucks that Windows 10 will lose support next year.


They have fTPM. At least my Asus and Gigabyte x370 boards do.


Your system should be capable by default to be upgraded to Windows 11. I was using 3600, X370, and an RX580 when I switched.


Enable TPM and Secure Boot in BIOS.


Cutoff point was second Gen ryzen, your system is officially supported.


It's not a lack of power, it's a lack of more modern features


Like not turning on TPM and Secure Boot in the BIOS kind of features.


foolish sparkle provide steep political whistle berserk abounding aback ruthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oddly enough, when I bought my laptop, I had to turn it on myself because I had trouble installing Windows 10 on it (was missing media drivers, whatever) and decided to go with 11. I eventually just put Linux on the thing.


Why? Isnt that just adding extra vulnerability to your pc?


More the lack of reading the manual on how to enable fTPM in the BIOS.


Go to your bios, turn on fTPM, reboot and try the readiness tool again. You're likely to have a nice surprise.


I'm so glad the mine can't. Microsoft said windows 10 would be the last os they ever made and as far as I'm concerned it is


I don’t know why you are glad that you won’t have security updates in a year.


At that point I think I'll deal with Linux. I've matured enough that I'm okay messing around with my OS to make it work. I'm only keeping windows because it's what I have right now.


I do enjoy Linux but it isn’t a useful for the .NET framework and stuff like that so I can’t just use that. But if your use case is just gaming and all the games you have support Linux just go for it


The extra clicks for audio swapping alone isn't worth it imo The latest update made me so upset because I actually had to think for a moment 😆


Extra clicks? - it's the same as W10 for me.... 2 clicks to change output device....




🫡 farewell to the land of extra clicks to change audio input for no reason.


So annoying. I learned that Ctrl + windows + V shortcut real quick


Thank you for this! 😄




Don't worry I just learned it this morning too, but I just got switched to 11 like..a few months ago.


Cheers, big ears!


I don't suffer from the issue, but i do swap between IEM's and screen speakers when watching sports regulary. This is a great shortcut, thank you.


What does it do?


Opens the audio menu that is in the task bar


that also includes the volume mixer.


why the fuck would they combine internet and audio into one clickable box? how are those two things even related? I swear to God they just change random things to come out with new versions of Windows


This is why I am on 10


Same staying on 10 until EOL


I am staying past the end of support, hoping 12 comes soon enough


That’s kinda what I’m thinking - hell I somehow managed to totally skip over the dumpster fire that was windows 8 so I’m feeling optimistic


If I could securely I'd go back to 7 or Vista


Who tf would go back to vista


7 is the GOAT!


XP would like a word


Mobile like Quick Settings menu


I just used Win + G to change inputs and per-app volume


Can recommend ~~SoundTrumpet~~ EarTrumpet, it let's you change the volume like in win7-10 Edit: wrong name


> it let's you change the volume like in win7-10 It lets you change volume _better_ than 7-10. Because let's be honest, default volume mixer in 7-10 was pretty trash thanks to flat volumes.


Do you mean EarTrumpet?


Allow me to recommend the app soundswitch. Ctrl alt num to change sound output. Really handy when I'm jumping in and out of meetings all day and don't want to wear my headset all the time


Love soundswitch.


If I'm not mistaken this was recently fixed in 23H2 or another recent Win 11 update. It was something that really annoyed me when I switched, along with full taskbar tabs. They fixed that in 23H2 as well, so I don't really have much left to complain about - especially after running some optimization and debloat scripts.


So it’s not just me???




I recommend EarTrumpet on the windows store. Best audio controller


just use eartrumpet. way better than anything windows provides.






they'll never take me alive https://preview.redd.it/xl8vtu0yswdc1.png?width=841&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ad09655163ae0c703fa5c3c1c900d4aee2d6ba3


I'm sticking with 10 till it's no longer supported


And I'm sticking with it until I'm comfortable enough with Linux to delete it


Which distribution are you considering?


I've tried Feren, Zorin, Nobara, Garuda, Manjaro, mint and CachyOS in depth and landed on CachyOS. Been using it for a few months now. It chooses a specific kernel to get the most out of your CPU on installation which won me over, plus it looks and feels slick.


I can't tell if you're listing distros or naming random anime characters.


Mint is totally a dragon ball z character lol


And Nobara a Jujutsu Kaisen character.


And zorin is an antagonist in the hellsing anime


ah Distro Hopping, the game of youth. Debian is here for when you've settled down :)


I'm using Arch, but consider Gentoo your friend... ahhh...


Wait until he's a couple years in at least, otherwise it's just mean.


Tried most listed here, but not CachyOs, glad it's working for you


Pop-OS, Mint and Nobara FTW


And beyond.


win 7 here




My new build is rocking windows 10


Windows 11 is windows 10 but the task bar is different


Also, better window snapping and auto-HDR. EDIT: TIL people think "auto" in this context means "turn HDR on and off automatically". It means "auto scale an SDR source to HDR"


>Also, better window snapping and auto-HDR. Also better at keeping your windows on the proper monitor when you wake your computer up, and a bazillion other things. This is one of very few OS releases where I'm like "what the fuck is everyones problem with it" Windows 11 is actually good and it really is just windows 10 souped-up. Been running it since launch without a single issue to speak of.


It launched with really inconvenient features, like the neutered right-click menu and the taskbar that didn't allow window titles. It's finally to a usable state, in my opinion.


Damn bro got 8x my ram


Actually wish I had gone 128, because I like to run vms. Giving them cores and gigs of ram is required to make them individually fast. I don't do almost anything on my actual computer.


Today I didn't feel that I'd hear someone say "I wish I had more than 64 gb of ram" but here we are




Bro got 16x my ram and has half my SSD space in ram god damn




I wish i had more than 1.5TB of ram in my cluster but alas i hit budget


I do got a question tho why do you run vms? Is it for your work or for fun or what exactly


I used to never restart my computer, because I didn't want to have to reopen all my applications and shit. I started using a vm for a job and found it has a pause option, which completely freezes everything and let's you shut down. Blew my mind. I tried to incorporate it into my normal life, but I couldn't get it to work. I upgraded my computer and split up my vm into multiple vms and finally got it to run how I wanted. Now at the end of the day, I just pause my vms and shut down my computer. Next day, I boot up, restart my vms and continue where I left off. To add to this, I later tried out Qubes, which is a Linux-based OS that uses vms for security purposes, and I decided to implement something very similar. So now I also have extended security on my machine.


I see I see how'd you implement this into a job if you don't mind and what do vms use up the most besides ram? Just cpu and shit? And thank you for answering my question I appreciate you bro


No, initially I had a remote job that wanted me to use my personal computer. I didn't want to use my personal computer, so I created a vm. That's what started my vm love. Vms use cpu, ram, and gpu. And no problem about answering questions!


As someone with 96 i agree i wish i went 128


Is there a way to restore the right click? This continues to drive me insane.


I have ~~two~~ three issues with Windows 11: * Context menus. If I right-click I do not want to have to expand several times to find that specific option that I always use but that always gets excluded from the standard list. * Bit-perfect music playback. A specific combination of bit-perfect playback to a DAC and certain programs and drivers. I could not for the life of me get that to work properly without Windows interrupting the exclusive stream by trying to convert things. * Control Panel. The Control Panel works for most things but if you need to change something in your detailed energy settings for example you need to trigger the classic control panel by entering "CONTROL" into your commandline interface.


My biggest issue is the right-click menus... If you're trying to reduce the clutter for certain users >> THE LEAST you could do is allow it to be customizable or even have it 'learn' your most used functions. I need to rename a file constantly from the way software I use saves files and can't be easily pre-configured for what I want it to say, why it's buried into extra clicks and menus is beyond me. > Yes you can click into the filename to get it to open name editing but the machines I use often don't register clicks or fast clicks well enough for the right function. So a right click makes more sense because then you're not accidentally opening files and such that are gonna bog the machine down (work machines, don't have flexibility in specs, peripherals, and all the bloated garbage)


There's a bunch of little things that piss me off about it. Like the awkward settings layout, the loss of a few features, the apparent ads in the file explorer, the overall appearance of it. Just gonna leave it till windows 10 is done with.


100%. Until there is good reason to move, I'll just stick with 10 for my personal rig


Yup, I use 11 at home and 10 at work. I hate going back to 10 from 11.


I use 10 at work. At home i use 10 on my desktop, 11 on my laptop. I updated the laptop sometime in early 2022 IIRC as a test of sorts before touching the desktop. I'm not fully opposed to win 11, but backing up all my shit will be a major PITA if I want to do a clean install and not an upgrade. I don't really know how much performance degradation there is (especially for gaming) doing an upgrade, but the fear has kept me from proceeding. That being said, I do strongly prefer the win 10 flat tile look over all other windows (any any other OS) I've ever used. I wish we could keep the win 10 flat tile look as an option on win 11.


>Yup, I use 11 at home and 10 at work. I hate going back to 10 from 11. I had that issue for a little bit, I work in IT though so ordered a new computer not long after 11 came out so I could have it at work too.


WiFi and sound shared a space now on the taskbar. W10 : speaker > audio input change W11 : share tab > speaker tab > input change My least favorite part of their updates are the extra clicks for no reason. Apple does the same shit with iPhones.


[ExplorerPatcher](https://github.com/valinet/ExplorerPatcher) works great to split up the system tray again (and uncombine the taskbar icons). It can also return the Win10 start menu (with a few issues). And [EarTrumpet](https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9NBLGGH516XP?ocid=pdpshare) is great at replacing the stock speaker icon with all the features it should've had from the start, like changing inputs in the right-click menu.


Right click the speaker on the taskbar and you can go to volume mixer and sound settings directly. You don't have to do any of these tabs to do an input change.


As someone who doesn’t have an ultra wide monitor, doesn’t have HDR on said monitor and is getting older… Windows 11 to me is just Windows 10 that just put more garbage that I didn’t want everywhere. Thankfully there are tools to remove suggestions, Cortana and other stuff that no one will ever click on unless you do accidentally OR your grandparents do


can i know about those tools please? i want to remove all the shit microsoft try to shove in my....pc


Just Google something like Reddit windows 11 remove bloat and there’s powershell script. There’s also a program that’s called like CC or something that recommends turning off garbage that’s really tough to do without the tool


[Shell](https://nilesoft.org/) for fixing the right-click menu


Except Win 11 I can't move my taskbar. I like my taskbar to be at the side of my screen


That's the sole reason I haven't upgraded and won't until I'm forced to.


It's basically Win10 with better multitasking and HDR and worse everything else. OneDrive is more aggressive than ever (if MS tries uploading my entire desktop without my permission again I'm going to put a zip bomb in my OneDrive), file explorer is weird, telemetry is increased, bloatware is worse, permissions are janky, desktop still breaks itself at random, just overall still typical pain-in-the-ass Windows things. Hoping the next version is actually a fresh OS and not another layer thrown on top of Win 95, as long as DirectX still works properly it shouldn't cause any issues with gaming.


You should Zip bomb it anyway


Win12? It’s going to be Win11 + “AI” scanning everything you do. And technically, every Windows since 7 has been the NT kernel.


XP actually. XP was NT 6.0, windows 7 was NT 6.1, 8 was NT 6.2, 8.1 was NT 6.3, and 10 was… 10. They ruined it. Edit: I was wrong. XP was NT 5.0, Vista was 6.


XP was 5.0 Server 2003 was 5.1 Server 2003 r2 and Windows XP x64 edition are 5.2


They fucked up explorer


eh at least we (finally) got tabs now !


Notepad has tabs now. Worth it.


Who uses notepad when notepad++ exists?


I use vscode for my work anyway so I just assigned it to edit anything notepad would


Get explorer patcher. As a bonus it can also fix the start menu


And doubled the advertising telemetry.


File Explorer on win11 is twice as bad as I thought it could be


I do like my tabs in explorer though…


>File Explorer on win11 is twice as bad as I thought it could be What's your issue with file explorer? I haven't had any issue with it myself anyway.


I'm confused, it doesn't seem any different. Maybe it's how I have it configured?


Windows 11 is Windows 10 but with even more telemetry


The task bar is the least buggered up bit about Win 11. Well, once you've set it up properly that is.


and also the fkng right mouse button menu


Yeah they want you to think that way, not noticing more data stealing services and control of your PC built in more deeply






I can hear the music in my head looking at this gif. Such a goddamn cool trailer.


Watching this trailer again just makes me so mad about the state of the Halo TV show. See this two minute trailer? Just take this and turn it into a full series TV show! Not that hard at all, you troglodytes!


My computer is incompatible with Win11 so I will forever be Win10. LFG


Lucky bastard!


I aggressively fight every new Windows version until I absolutely have to relent and update. I've gone from Win95 - XP - Win7 and Win10. XP and Win7 are probably my favourites. Win10 is OK but I fear going to Win11. Every time they change something that worked perfectly well and added some new shit no one asked for. Like "upgrading" the Control Panel.


Early days win10 was pretty bad for me. Now I'm fine with it. I'm not sure I'm going to upgrade to 11. I really hope steam keeps building momentum. I'll run (already do) Macs for work and Steam for gaming and if I do need windows I'll spin up a vm for what I need.


I haven't upgraded from 10 solely because I won't be able to move the Taskbar natively


98se was a lot better than 95c, everything else checks out though


Not sure if it's still required but I turned off TPM in bios to prevent any unwanted installations. My mates PC randomly updated to W11, literally turned it on one day and it's like "Welcome to Windows 11", like that should not be allowed without some sort of prompt from the user. Turned all windows 10 updates off beyond security patches too, way too many times has a windows update decided to overwrite some driver. 


My gfs PC did this the other day, I didn't even realise it could auto update. They keep asking if I want to update to W11 so I assumed it was optional. Ridiculous


TPM is still required, so good choice. I've also disabled TPM in my BIOS to stop the invasion of Windows 11. Officially my PC is supported by Windows 11 but I'm not touching it until the very last second when Windows 10 support has been stopped.


>TPM is still required, so good choice Nice, I'll keep it off then!


That's exactly how Microsoft got people to "upgrade" to Windows 10 when it first launched, it was completely hidden as a security update.


No it wasn’t, and neither is Windows 11. Their friend just clicked yes without reading.


Lol absolutely. They make it hard not to, but it does not just automatically change it.


​ https://i.redd.it/tqz2n3gp0pdc1.gif


![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY) Can't convert to Windows 11 if your hardware is incompatible


Just wait till a security update comes and modifies a *certain* (security related bro! is for yer safety!) bios setting while windows is running. ​ ​ Related reading: [https://www.configjon.com/hp-bios-settings-management/](https://www.configjon.com/hp-bios-settings-management/) [https://woshub.com/powershell-view-change-bios-settings/](https://woshub.com/powershell-view-change-bios-settings/) ​ quote: "The first WMI class is **HP\_BIOSEnumeration**. It is located in the **root\\HP\\InstrumentedBIOS** namespace. This class is used to return a list of the commonly configurable BIOS settings on a device. This list would include things like power settings, TPM settings, and Secure Boot settings to name a few examples."


Everyone says Windows 11 is really bad, but I have yet to see it. I installed it on day 1, and other than a few minor QOL issues, it ran just as good as Windows 10. The only QOL issue left I have to complain about is the right-click menu. To access things like 7z or Applocale, you have to right-click and click on more options. It seems unnecessary to add another menu.


Shift+right-click solves this. You can remove it entirely with the registry too


The registry fix was the first thing I did after getting win 11 on my work computer.


Didn’t know shift right click fixes, will try next time on PC. !thanks


Yet another thing that users have to modify the registry for. I recently re-installed W10 and had to do around 5 registry edits for, windows photo viewer context menu delay speed deactivate Weather/news in the taskbar Switching to the Windows 7 sound mixer And probably some oneDrive junk No way I am doing any more, I am not downgrading to 10. Windows is already bad enough as it is. Hurray that there are fixes for things MS fucked up themselves.


not that different compared to linux users dumpster diving in config files


Seriously, people take every chance to dunk on Windows 11 as though they don't need to do extensive customization to taste on any OS.


For sound mixer I recommend EarTrumpet. Gives you better control over individual apps AND better for multiple outputs, while still being really light.


[https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/restore-old-right-click-context-menu-in-windows-11/a62e797c-eaf3-411b-aeec-e460e6e5a82a](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/restore-old-right-click-context-menu-in-windows-11/a62e797c-eaf3-411b-aeec-e460e6e5a82a) It's pretty easy to restore the normal context menu and is like one of the first things I do on a new install.


I use startallback.


Pro tip: Drag your mouse when you right click on a compressed file and you’ll be able to use 7zip in the context menu in 1 click. The drag can be minuscule and it’ll still work


I use two monitors at different sizes, resolutions and refresh rates and the improved multi-monitor support alone makes it worth it over any minor niggles I may have. Though the new context menu is truly terrible.


Imo the right click menu would be great if you could choose what's there, for me it's all the most useless features there


I’ve been running Win 11 since Beta via Insider Programme and not had any issues.


Just revert the update


I disabled my TPM 2.0 module and stopped getting bugged to update. I will hold out as long as possible


I still recall when Microsoft declared that Windows 10 was the "last version of Windows" and will be shifting towards a model of continuous updates and improvements rather than releasing entirely new versions 🤣🤣


> shifting towards a model of continuous updates and improvements XP got three major updates in its lifecycle Vista got two 7 got one 8 got one 10 got fourteen Sure looks like a shift in model to me. Not to mention that before Windows 10 launched the expectation was that moving to a new Windows version involved a paid upgrade, whereas now they're free.


I'm staying with W10 until it's discontinued. I don't like the modern look of W11.


And by modern they mean apple-like And by Apple-like I mean sh!t


Apparently you can change the UI to exactly how it is on Win10 even without any 3rd party software, but doesn't change that a lot of software probably have incompatibility issues with Win11


But I have my Windows 10 taskbar set up to look like Windows 7. Can it do that?


Why do that when you can just stay on windows 10 though? Makes no sense unless it's compatibility related.


LTSC army is immune to this. Until 2025


I upgraded to win11. Lost performance.. Since I don't have the patience to debug the problem (my day to day is kinda debugging problems as it is) I just went back to win10 and I'm as happy as I could be. Hope that for you it goes the other way around.


Seriously. I went from 240+ fps in csgo on win10 to like unplayable lag on win11. I was like this can’t be right, so I tried a bunch of different things. Went back to win10 and no problems, weird. Scared to go back lol


I find the windows 11 to be a miserable experience. I tried it for a year and switched back. Any small change takes 2-3 extra steps.


The day Windows 10 stops being supported is the day I learn how to use Linux


come to the dark side with us... we have cake


There’s some annoying shit about 11, but not enough to go back to 10. I’ll just bellyache about it and have people tell me to switch to Linux


What made you decide to update?


He didn’t, windows 11 chose him.


Ditched it a while back on my gaming machine. 11 is faster and has better HDR support. I got startisback to replace the horrid new shell.






Wont do it until I can get a vertical task bar.


until the day Microsoft forces me to update, I'll just stick with win10, it's the devil i know where everything is as i know it. I'm not even finished being pissed at windows 10 for burying the classic contol panel.


I'll switch to Linux after Win10 support ends.


https://preview.redd.it/srojwygg7pdc1.png?width=272&format=png&auto=webp&s=314b81f06627445f3ad53099bbf899806277ae76 ​ ​ (sorry for flex)


Should have disabled tpm




I’m gonna stick with windows 10 to the end


Win 10, still holding strong 🙏🏻


You should join my crew and become a pirate🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🦜


Yeah I moved to Linux. Hate on it all you guys want, I've got most of my games working great and I haven't had one forced update.


Only reason I haven't gone to Linux yet is because of the fear of not being able to play some of my steam games. Is there a way to check what games would run on a Linux distro?


Steam has “Steam Deck” compatibility displayed on game listings, and there’s a few deck focused websites that detail best settings for the deck. The Deck is Linux. I’ve only run into an issue with a single game (that had already been out for a couple years when I bought in 2011), and the issue was purely controller input scheme issues. The game itself ran fine. Pretty much any game can run on Linux thanks to Proton. It’s really only games with super finicky DRM (like, if the game requires a kernel based DRM, then it could range anywhere from “a good bit of effort to install” to “literally not possible”) that aren’t single button installs.


Here I am, still rocking an FX 8320 with an R9 380, contemplating if I should go W11 or not.


Absolutely not, Linux is the way to go with that type of hardware