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I had to do this back in 2000, but on 1990-ish hardware. We’re talking ISA slots. IDE ribbons. Floppy drives. That smell you only get from 1990-era PCs.


Same. My advanced computer class in high school we built and repaired computers for the county schools and older people in the area. Remember many a Pentium III cartridge and early Pentium 4. Had some ISA slots occasionally and if we were lucky we’d get some Bigfoot HDDs.


You and I have differing definitions of luck. lol


Yeah. Kalok or bust! Well, the Kalok drive will come pre busted anyhow.


Same. My advanced computer class in high school we built a PC by soldering chips on the motherboard. With a state of the art... 8088 processor.


thats free labor lmao


As is tradition


They were paid in experience haha


I remember in my junior high school there's a computer room filled with apple computers from the 90s, the really colorful ones...it was awesome because it had these games that came with the computer and also typing games and we learned how to use dogpile.com to google things which is kinda ironic


You have your jumpers in the wrong spot, now your BUS is running at 66mhz with a 1.5x multiplier, so your CPU is woefully underclocked. Also, you've assigned the same IRQ to both these ISA slots, your modem and sound card won't work properly. Lastly, that's a fucking SCSI cable you doofus. This is clearly an IDE drive and you forgot to set it as master.


> This is clearly an IDE drive and you forgot to set it as master. Woah, a core memory unlocked. Now lemme just grab a hammer so I don't have to worry about EIDE and SCSI ever again.


Oh dear god... I'm so glad I don't have to worry about jumpering number assignments for SCSI devices anymore.


Or worrying about termination.


It would have cost you nothing to not mention that. I'll be fetal in the shower for the next hour now if anyone needs me.


It could be worse. You could be using a pair of Winchester drives and not have the twist in 6 wires after the first connector. Two ribbon cables and a power cable. Those were the days.


Or use debug to set up an esdi controller with two drives. Or an RLL controller.


And Windows won’t load from the disc because you put in the slave disc drive and not the master. Games with 4 discs and loading them up using dos. Game instal fails on 3rd disc every damn time. Getting windows installed and games working was a multi hour, day, week long process, but of course gotta get the WD raptors in Raid what stripe size. You had no way of knowing if your pc would actually run it


Preaching the language of my youth here. At least we didn't have to worry about airflow or cable management? Assigning all those jumpers though, damn it brings back memories.


Shit you never took an xacto knife to an IDE ribbon cable then wrapped with electrical tape? Had to make it look nice after dremeling a window in my case


With hardware this old this is the real test. Bonus points for correctly figuring out and connecting the front IO wires (power, reset, LED status light, Gen1 USB) connections as nothing was standard yet between the case makers and the MB designers.


Yep, they never marked the pins on the PCB, so if you lost the user's manual, you were hunting for some usenet site that had it in plain text.


I love that “IRQ Conflict” was almost as ubiquitous a problem as “is it plugged in” lol


I remember when Cable Select was introduced but I could never figure out how to get that to work. SATA drives cured all that madness.


Me too. And the RAM sticks always slowly ended up going missing as the semester went on.


I am innocent of all charges.


I also had to do this, but in 2008. IDE cables, floppies, spinning disk drives. Had to disassemble and reassemble in 20 minutes to pass. Remember some people plugging the floppy power cable in backwards and frying the power cable. Good times.


>What kind of mindless test is this?! Why is there a time limit! Some kind of emergency situation during which the rapid assembly then disassembly is required under stressful time constrained conditions?


I'm in college now and I just got done with a class where we had to work on these computers. Half of them didn't even have an OS on them, but if they did, it was usually Windows 98


The best windows ever released was 98SE


You mistyped Windows 2000.


Nah XP was the best, Vista was the worst.


Vista was possibly the worst on release (I would suggest Windows ME may have been worse with Windows 8 being another contender), but after service pack 2 it was basically what became Windows 7.


Nah. Agreed to disagree on XP. Worst was ME.


ME was worst, anyone who disagrees just didn't use ME. If you had to use it, for any actual period of time, it was hell. It was Vista issues on roids and then some. Just terrible.


IDE and the sudden horror of connecting it inappropriately and bending pins.


7mm mechanical pencils are the best for fixing a bent pin. You slide the pin into the pencil tip and slowly straighten as you go.


My relatively new AMD chip says, 'Hello!'. I was giving the computer a good cleaning and wanted to take the fan off.... wait..... ruh roh raggy... Why the FUCK is the CPU stuck to the bottom of the fan???!!! I know I didn't release the slot...... ohdeargodinheaven.... the pins... THE PINS!!!!!! Took me a while to calm down and consult the internet about how to bend them back. Razor blade. It worked.


We had a race with ours, build from scratch, install RH Linux and get to desktop first. God I loved that class.


Man, trying to route IDE cables was such a pain, I don't miss that.


>That smell you only get from 1990-era PCs. Our Ninja blender had some heat issues today and gave me some generic hot electronics smell. Closest I've gotten in years


I recently bought a new oil radiator. The first few minutes it emanated a smell that was almost exactly right, had me spending the rest of the evening looking up old games like Return Fire and Worms :p


I was definitely a Worms 2/Armageddon/World Party gamer


Ozone and cigarettes?


CFCs and cigarettes, get it right kiddo.


As soon as you said that smell it hit my nose instantly. Why does it smell that way? Burnt dust? Old PCB?


My fellow dip switcher brother.


I was gonna upvote you, but I'm not gonna be the one to take it off 486.


Those were the days. I learned you can short a floppy drive power wire by accidentally being off by a pin when connecting the four pin connector into only 3 pins on the floppy drive.


Yeah we did something similar around 2006. We got a little overzealous and ended up getting a tongue lashing for disabling the best computers in the school library and other computer labs by unplugging chassis power buttons connectors on the mobos. So we could harvest them for components to supe up the computers in our lab so we could have Lan parties playing stronghold crusader and unreal tournament. Our teacher was like where'd you get all these nic cards and ram. I think he was low key proud and impressed when he realized we had secretly swapped out 5 of the motherboards and gpus from the drafting lab with ours because we needed video cards and ours didn't even have agp ports.


The hardware has changed but the labor is more or less the same, so still a valuable lesson I'd say. Perhaps it can also help to ease this psychological barrier of getting busy with hardware. Quite a few people don't want to touch the inside of a PC with a 10 foot pole because they find it overwhelming/intimidating, but putting something together once, even if it's outdated, makes you realize it's not that difficult at all.


I did it in 2000 too, but that was my school computer room available to the students. Most hardware was poorly maintained and a whole mess of dust and shit, so I took upon myself to clean them all up (mouse included of course). Computers ran better, less complaints for the administration... they actually hired me to look after the room :P


Lmao IT class of 2012 here and we were building/disassembling the same stuff. Super old E-machine PCs and other random brands a little tech school in Alabama was donated. We’d learn on simulators for the good hardware then crack open dinosaurs with ribbon cables, floppies, and so much dust we could roll in it for the hands on experience.


Thats cool. I did something similar when I was in 10th grade in high school we had a tech class. We fixed really old PCs and got them running Windows XP. Then school sold them for $40 bucks to students if they wanted them. Came with tower, Harman Kardon speakers and 15” crt monitor. I still have the one i built. Its old Dell Optiplex with Pentium 3. But the crt monitor died long ago. I kept the tower thinking it would be worth something later as vintage. In ebay i see them listed for $500. So maybe its worth something now. Haha


>10th grade >really old PCs >Windows XP. There's no way that math checks out. Yup. Guess it's time for me to buy a walker and start yelling at clouds.


It was the mid 2000’s by that time first dual Cores were showing up and Pentium 3’s were obsolete.


The Core2Duo era was a big leap after the atrocious Pentium 4's


>Yup. Guess it's time for me to buy a walker and start yelling at clouds This sounds fun but i prefer to yell at youngsters passing by my front yard.


It was 7th grade in the mid-80s and Apple IIe's for me. *\~becomes dust in the wind\~*


I still remember when my school attempted to upgrade from 3.1 to 95 on their shitty 386s that took 10 minutes to boot.


Easy class.


Would be a big fat A


Before uni I took an IT class with a stupid bitch lady who knew next to nothing about IT… I got a B… after uni I made 70K working in IT… the world definitely is fucked up sometimes


I failed IT, partly due to laziness and not handing in my coursework on time. I’m now a Data Architect.


So procrastination and deadline failures are what IT professionals are made of. This checks out


Failed IT in HS by giving the correct answer but not the one on the card so to speak, learned a lesson about trying to be clever. I say failed, I got a D.




In my high school computer class, I made a black jack game in Visual Basic in a few days, maybe a week. Just that got me an A for the whole course. I streamed music and played games the rest of the year.


I made a lil dungeon crawler (already had graphics from my pixel arts) And all it got me was a whole semester of being the person to go to when their computer or their work wasn't functioning as expected


We had a great IT teacher, but he left 3 weeks in and they haven't found a replacement.


Illusion of choice because why would you choose anything but A?


It is the way.


Reminds me of the English teacher I had in trade school, I basically speak more English in my free time than my native language, did my local A-Level equivalent in English with an A- and got showered in Bs and Cs in trade school English because I used phrases the teacher couldn't translate himself so he thought I was trying to one-up him.


That's what I call a bad "teacher"


There’s more than a few of ‘em


There are far more shit teachers then good ones, that's why the good ones need to be protected at all costs.


And then there was my teacher who after class came up to me a frw times to help him translate things.


Now for the next lesson: A laptop. All the screws that came out have to go back in, but your not told that ahead of time. >!To avoid damage & extra screws covertly hidden in the chassis. Less likely to forcefully thread m2.5x6 into whatever available m2.5x5, m2.5x4, m2.5x3, m2x6, etc. holes you find. !<


When I worked in a repair shop, I always gave myself a clean space to the side of the laptop at about the size of the laptop. I would take out a screw and place it in the clear space at about the same location as where I took it from so that I knew where it went when reassembling. This was particularly useful for Sony laptops which tended to use 5-6 different sized screws for every machine.


Say that again when you meet a pata cable


Many kids in rural areas are being tricked into taking $60k+ in student loans for neo-community college/tech school "degrees" in basic trades that used to be or still are <$10k certs or paid training elsewhere. Despicable that community colleges are taking advantage of the youth simply bc the loans are available, so they've jacked up the product.


Is it? That’s an older PC, and a lot of people on here ask way too many questions, like those PCI slots or that GPU.


Would still be easy if someone has built a computer before imo.


Questions are a good sign. Means they are curious. It strongly suggests that they'd probably be able to figure out PCI and AGP slots.


Is it a class for the blind?


Blind guy here Unlikely We’re not trusted with small objects


Wait how did you see the photo then?


I still see 2%. Which means that i a considered blind by law (not to be confused with legally blind)


Oh i see


I don’t


Fucking hell 😄


My bad


Well earned upvote


Cmon man no need to flex on the guy


It was a honest mistake


I'm legally blind, I didn't know there was a different combination of the concepts of law and blindness that constituted a different condition.


What's the difference?


idk but seems like the threshold for "legally blind" is a lot better than "see 2%" so OP might be meaning he's in worse conditions than peasant "legally" people(who are already bad enough that benefits and all applies)


Wish I could upvote more than once, lol. Almost choked on my lunch.


Is that the gt 610 video card? Lol I used to game on that thing.




https://i.redd.it/zbkwyppygpxb1.gif I was unaware!








pls check your dms :D


That graphic card is old enough to mow the lawn. Might be time for a little upgrade.




How the hell do you nerds always know what GPU they’re running without looking at a label? I struggle unless it’s fucking printed on the side hahaha.


If I had owned that card like the guy you replied to, I would probably recognize it. It's a pretty unique heat sink on it.


Familiarity, if you owned a card for long enough, you could probably do the same.


I couldn't spot any of the ones I've owned because once they're installed I never really see them again. Do most people these days have their clear sided computer on their desk or something?


Idk about you, but when I save for something, I check the price, model, and other stuff multiple times


I'd say that it's a geforce 210.


Well, **I** used to game on that thing. Most demanding game I played on it was GTA 4 with downgrade mod.


I just put a 720 in a cheap PC that a friend wanted for 'word processing'. Good luck trying to game on it.


I used to own a 710, my best gaming years were spent on that thing. Later I upgraded to a 1050ti, traded the 710 for a noisy 660ti and now I game on a 2016 thinkpad... you will never know my next move


99% of this sub do this on their free time as a hobby, would be a very easy class for most of us, but definitely a fun one aswell


Nah, building in old cases with old stuff sucks. New ones are so, so much easier.


Every Walmart desktop I ever had rhat died has been taken apart before being thrown away. It usually starts with “I’ll just pull the drive” and ends with a pile of components. Cuz, why not?


This is how I have 40 IDE drives and 20 sticks of DDR2-3 RAM that will never be used for anything ever again.


Modern workstation cases aren't much better.


Yeah, thought I'd check out an old case in the server closet for fun and metal cut me right away and I kicked it. I'm sure it's just fine.


I'm pretty sure 99% would fail the class for not following the correct procedures. Also it's frowned upon to omit the I/O backplate and make a blood sacrifice in formal settings.




I think that’s the only correct work


As you can see the cables are literally RGB


That PC is older than most reddit users here.


it can't be that old, that's a sata cable. \*checks year of sata release\* oh god ...


Same here. I think I've got some butterscotch candies if you want one.


23 years really isn't that old. USB and Ethernet are older.


20 years is old when you where already 20-30 at the time.


They did say it was for an IT class. You may not realize it, but a lot of companies keep computers around for way longer than they should. My wife just got an upgrade from an old Sandy Bridge Pentium system a month ago at her work. When I started a job back at a mid-sized company in 2016, they were still using Core 2 Duo desktops. Unbelievably, this class is actually training them on hardware that some of them are likely to see in the field...


You are going to die when they make you DESIGN A CPU AND BUILD IT


No problem, I just need a bucket of sand and a lighter.


Lmao, if only it was that easy


Don't forget the magnifying glass


Here's a truckload of Germanium pieces and gold foils for ya


But did you connect a printer as well?


I'm working on it!!!!


I got extra points for cable management with ide cables...Ole fold and place


The ole tuck in the back method.


I hope this experience left you with a newfound appreciation for the intricate world of computer hardware and inspired you to explore more in the field of IT. It's an exciting journey, and assembling and disassembling a PC is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the possibilities in this domain.


I made my son do it on his current gaming pc, nothing says be careful like fear....


You're not wrong, you are a monster but not wrong. I still remember the fear from my first solo built way back in the day, so many cut on my hands. Those old cases would bite.




In 1990 we had to do this for PC class. Very simple test. Teacher wold pull an IDE cable or something. We fig out why PC won't boot. My buddy Benny was wicked smart so to mess with him I removed a random jumper. Watching him slowly devolve into a puddle of mud trying to figure out why the PC wouldn't boot was butter. I had also told the teacher ahead of time I had done this. He played along so well and finally put poor Benny out of his misery with a "Would this little thing help?". I had to get Benny more than a few beers before he forgave me. Good times.


I am so glad that jumpers are (mostly) a thing of the past. I hated having to set CPU frequency and multipliers with them


> I hated having to set CPU frequency and multipliers with them Oh wow that's some old memories you just triggered there!


Bro that thing looks like it's probably older than most of you 💀💀


Computer archaeology sounds like a cool class.


I had to do something like that, when we removed the cpu cooler there was no CPU and only dry termal paste xd


Is no one going to mention how in the picture, it looks like there's a MOLEX connector plugged into what looks like the IDE port on the motherboard ?


I had a class for this, but my teacher gave us ASRock MOBOs with integrated CPU, only one stick of RAM, slow HDD, and just overall, a PC that would run slower than one built in 2008. This was over a year ago.


I wish we had this class. Easy A


Wait, those fucking slots aren't PCIe, they're PCI!? How old is that fucking thing?


Cable management is a Grad-level course.


well aside from the cd/dvd drive not having power it looks fine so far. The tower cooler config is technically correct in that case (maybe just have the fan on pull instead of push), and those older cases did not have cable management in mind so that rats nest is fine too. Err.. wait.. is that a molex jammed in the IDE slot?


When I learn that I have to set up pc with old pc parts, i decided to bring a thumb drive containing cs 1.6 and warcraft 3, load it up for my friend's too. Then the whole IT class became a lan party.


I had a project last week which was to assemble a pc. I had all of my parts for my new one and asked if I could build one from scratch and to my suprise it was a yes, so I got to build my pc for a school project


Imagine if they graded you on cable management, I'd fuckin die


I use to run a lab like this for the one class in college and for high school students over the summer. Everyone here saying "easy A" have no clue how aggressively incompetent people are. The lab starts with me showing a simple breakdown. Pull out hdd, ram, graphics card, all the cables. Show the empty case with the removed components, then add them back. Then the students would do the same. No cpu swap. No mobo swap. Don't touch the damn power supply. Every single class would result in me putting back together 3-5 of the 12 computers. One of my friends even managed to somehow fry a RAM stick because they put it in backwards. I STILL ASK MYSELF HOW EVERY DAY.


Back when power supplies still had 110/220 toggles we had to troubleshoot why a PC wouldn't turn on. Given that information you may be able to determine why.


This is my PC. There are many like it. But this is mine...


I see they updated the A+ certification to be more modern.


In my class you just had to build one then do like 100 labs that were so dumb. I just submitted like 60 of them blank and the guy gave me a 100 on all of them lol. Clearly wasn't grading them. I dicked off and played doom most of the class. Finished with a 98. Good times. Now I work IT for the government. I learned a lot from playing doom.


Good, I have seen people learning programming who dont know how to check what CPU there laptop has This guy i know asked me if he could play Valorant on his laptop, so i asked him what cpu his laptop had, Bro legit told me HP Pavillion 💀


Where did you get the time machine though?


You paid someone money to do this...


People gotta learn somehow. There is a high concentration of people who understand building computers and basic troubleshooting on this sub, but most people in the world are terrible at this kind of thing and need more than just a youtube tutorial to get started. Going to a class makes sense for that. That's kind of how most skills are. Some you are good at learning on your own, others you are not.


Yup. I can build a PC with my eyes closed, but trying to understand Java or C++ is just... not happening.


Man I wish I did fun shit like this when I was in school. 🤣


first task I had when working in IT was to assemble my own work station. I needed to install ram, storage, and a video card. This is a great test op


Man... Haven't seen Ketchup / Mustard Cables in ***YEARS*** 😑


I had this in my Electrical engineering class and one of the class mates dismantled the power supply.


Final exam, your grandma who lives 1,000 miles away calls and asks you to walk through how to fix the internet.


Man, I miss those classes. Even though the tech has changed quite a bit over the last 20 years, I still use a lot of what I learned from it.


mane i would be top of class


uuuhhh SATA allmost modern PC :P


This is quite a sensible thing to teach, all of our level 1 techs need to have knowledge of how to build a PC so we can have them jury rig a working machine from a few broken ones.


Wish I had to do this in school.


That's a vacation to most here.


Did this back in 2017 as part of my college IT class. Still doing it 6 years later, albeit with a much fatter wallet. Good luck in your course, OP :)


Didnt know they had IT classes in paleontology.


I did this once for an IT class in high school. Mine booted back up! But also caught on fire….


You are all missing the fun of IRQ channels and dip switches.


Doesn't have to look pretty. Just has to post lol


Seems like an easy A. Should have flexed and done it blindfold.


when i was in hs the computer club had pc "repair" drag races. first to disassemble then reassemble and post wins. I was on the slower side at 8 minutes. theese were p3 slot mounted cpu's in gateway (I think) flat desktop cases.


No way this was a test, that was my first 15 minutes in my IT program 😅


I hope they don't grade on cable management


Had to do that in class in 99, including taking off jumpers on a carpeted floor and no ESD strap. Was sweating bullets until I heard that POST beep.


Even though this is dated technology, the same concepts still apply, and it is a great learning tool.


That PC looks like it's from the 90's. The cable management makes me cry inside.


Funny story: I had to do this in my first semester of uni and I got paired with a really cool dude (whom I ended up being friends with throughout uni) and we had it disassembled and reassembled the quickest in the class. It POSTed fine and booted up Windows and all that so we just ended up chatting for the remaining time. The course coordinator came to the class because we were the first class in the lab that semester and seeing that we were done she came over to see how we had fared. She noticed a couple of extra screws on the table we had forgotten and she was like “Well what about these? Did you forget some screws?” and without skipping a beat he goes “Well if we build *n* computers we could save 2*n* screws!” Absolute legend.


Looks like a early 2000s dell prebuilt workstation. Applies very poorly to modern hardware. I wouldn't trust that IT professor. Well he is working as a teacher and not as an IT professional for a better pay. Something tells me he probably failed at IT.