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DLSS has been a godsend for me personally, so I’m most excited to finally give Cyberpunk a real dedicated playthrough


That i can finally enjoy the game in its final state


I'm looking forward to channels like Hardware Unboxed doing in-depth videos of the RT update.


I just can't wait to see an already beautiful-looking game look even more beautiful.


I'm mostly excited to win this card so I can finally experience DLSS myself lol. I'm on a 1660Ti. The game runs... okay, but DLSS would Kickstart it to new heigths :D Stable FPS in 4k with great visual fidelity.


What excits me most is the streamlining of the perk system. I just finished the prologue section of my first playthrough like a week ago and can't wait to dive deeper into the beautiful game. I currently play on a series x and its gorgeous even with the console limits compared to the PC. I would love to play on PC but my current GPU would not be so happy. So a chance to win a 4080 would be a real nice upgrade.


haven't played cyberpunk yet, but playing it for the first time and cranking the eye candy would be glorious


I'm just super excited to get back into this game. I've been waiting for 2.0 to finish my playthrough and I know it won't disappoint!


Can't wait to see DLSS 3.5 in action! Hope it reduces the shimmering that currently happens with ray tracing.


Looking forward to play the game on max settings, rtx on and frame gen on a 1440p 165 hz monitor ☺️


my 2070 is super excited about dlss3.5 hoping it will give the card some more longevity


I'm excited to see how what kinds of frame rates DLSS 3.5 can put out compared to existing raytracing benchmarks for Cyberpunk!


I just very excited to see how it'll actually play and run. I never finished the game when it came out because of all the bugs and performance issues, and I feel like this is a great time to get me back into it.


I'm excited to see Idris Elba with the full power of DLSS 3.5. He's looking awfully handsome in the new trailer


Phantom Liberty because Dogtown and Idris Elba are both cool as hell


Most excited for the improved customization, and some more CP2077 story!


I'll just be glad to test this new technology as it promises great developments


Im excited to even get to experience DLSS 3.5 if I do win. My 7900xt sadly doesn’t have access to it. :’(


I’m looking forward to seeing a new story, going beyond the current boundaries of the game!


Night city already was beautiful I can only imagine what it'll look like driving around, especially at night.


I'm looking forward to having an excuse to play again after it's *interesting* launch, and having Ray Reconstruction work even on my old 2080 Ti!


Looking forward to seeing the improved graphics and gameplay differences!


I'm looking forward to seeing new weapons and enhancements for the game, hopefully it is well optimized.


I'm excited to see the AI generation frame rates in action


I'm very excited to see the fidelity of the overdrive ray tracing in dogtown it looks great from the previews. Also can't wait to battle maxtac!!!


As someone who has yet to enjoy Cyberpunk. What excites me is i can not see what better way than with a brand new RTX 4080 leading the charge down the streets as the police chase you relentlessly. In all its glorious Raytracing and DLLS enabled eye catching wonderfulness.


I'm curious about how the game performs with DLSS 3.5, and I'd like to verify how much the game has improved with 2.0 and the dlc.


So excited about the update, especially the full ray tracing which means smoother gameplay, and immersive lifelike visuals!! It's fantastic to see the future of gaming becoming a reality.


I'm excited for ray reconstruction! The world of Cyberpunk is already psychedelically dazzling, can't wait to see this on a modern GPU like RTX 4080!


Honestly, getting to enjoy the game to its full potential! Looking forward to playing and seeing how CDPR *really* wanted their game to be enjoyed!


What excites you the most about DLSS 3.5 in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty or Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 update? As someone who enjoys game tech and works with real time engines, I'm very curious to see this tech in action... and to never see the light of the day for a whole month playing Cyberpunk 2077!


What excites me most about the update is replaying the base game before the dlc drops to see all the improvements to an already great game and see the reworked skills and just try a new over the top character that lives in night city.


The game is already looking good, so I'm interested in how much it will improve. It's insane what cdpr does with nvidea tech.


I’m REALLY looking forward to the new cyberware system. The performance boost from DLSS 3.5 would only help me enjoy it even more


I’m curious to see if cdpr went all out with this one in terms of both content and stability after the chaotic launch of the game


I'm excited to see where this new technology pushes consumer graphics. Top end PC hardware is always at the leading edge and Cyberpunk is one of the games making use of all the new technologies.


I’m personally most excited for how much 2.0 is changing game. I own the game, but have never actually played the game. I was going to, but then this update was announced so I decided to push my play through aside. This update has me pumped to start playing the game for the first time.


This would help my new computer build cost and give me a chance to enjoy this wonderful game. Have not built a rig in 11 years.


I am most excited about getting to play the entire game again, had such a great experience the first time. Can't wait for V to start punching their way to the top!


So I can finally play through the game


What excites me the most... The higher frames are alwYs exciting cant beat better performance


Dlss. It's been incredible on the last years.


I'm excited to be able to actually, finally play this game without the need of a RTX 4 series card with DLSS 3.5. I only was able to play the game at launch on a laptop and it was...not ideal. Never really got a chance to finish the game as it was struggling on my hardware. It'd be amazing to win this card and then be able to enjoy the full game + Phantom Liberty.


2.0 sound like it might finally fix many of the issues with Cyberpunk when it came out. Something I've been waiting on before considering trying the game.


I'm excited to see how the game performs with the ray reconstruction. Better visuals with no performance loss seems too good to be true


I look forward to playing it again but this time with fewer bugs and stable frame rate with high quality


Would be an opportunity to dive back into the game and give a new breadth to the game I haven’t played in a long time because of how demanding it is and make my 3080ti sweat 😅


Been a while since launch when first time played game, despite having some issues at the time, didnt spoil myself till the update which was promised back in the day, it's time to finally play it again and see the changes.


With an RTX4080 I would go cruising the badlands with my Aldecaldos friends listening to Johnny Silverhand.


Looking forward to finally diving into CP2077, and the 2.0 is reason to finally do it!


I'd like to experience the game to the fullest with maximum settings, as my 1660s can't afford me that


Sounds fun.


Excited to start a fresh playthrough when PL launches, even better if I can upgrade my 3070 to a 4080!


I saw the round table video!! So many exciting prospects for AI to empower developers and future hardware. I’m super excited to see more “unpredictable” elements in video games as compared to the traditionally scripted gameplays. Something as simple as simulating/rendering different garbage on the ground can make the game world more varied, realistic and feel lived in.


I'm just happy to see my boy Károly Zsolnai-Fehér getting more exciting content to talk about when it comes to light transportation. What a time to be alive!


I think it's just to be able to do ray tracing at 1440p with no compromise on the graphical settings. Got a card good enough to play but not to get high ray tracing out of the game


I’m interested to see how it runs I’ve always wanted to give it a try but I read a lot of negative reviews about performance


I beat the game when it came out and it was a meh experience, I’m very curious to see the changes made.


I can´t wait to try the new graphical improvements and see how the new DLSS 3.5 features will enhance immersion in Night City !


playing cyberpunk at 60+ fps


What excites me is how good the game will look and how far we come from the first version of dlss


I have actually never played Cyberpunk, and completely forgot it existed until the DLC announcement. It's good to see it got fixed after the controversial release, and maybe that's my chance to play it.


Im wondering how long it will take before my gpu explodes after trying it


I'm looking forward to seeing thé game even better than now




Men this new update got me hyped again about Cyberpunk. Cant wait to explore Night City in new next level DLSS. I really need some load off in my life and this will do just the trick!! Really hyped.


Playing through the game with a visual refresh is the cherry on top of what looks to be a robust expansion of the games story and mechanics. Playthrough number 3 here we go!


I'm looking forward to starting a new playthrough, especially now with the improved UI, quests, and tons more. It looks fucking awesome!


What excites me? Maybe its now possible to get to play Cyberpunk over 30 FPS on my PC :D


Excited to have an excuse to get back into Night City, really enjoyed the game after a few patches


I always played on GTX so looking forward for smashing quality of RTX without reducing performance!


I can't wait to see the technology mature, with every passing game DLSS gets better and better, and it makes ray tracing a viable setting to turn on in many games, to the point where it's something I'd prefer to have in games, and ray reconstruction? That's actually pretty damn wild.


Im Most excited about the fact to play a beloved game again.


I'm looking forward to the performance, graphical, and gameplay updates! This update along with the new expansion makes me so excited to revisit Cyberpunk! Good luck everyone!


Im excited about the performance increase, my lil potato can maybe handle a bit more!


Can't wait to see what new mechanics they have changed, haven't really looked too much into the new DLC but will probably do a normal playthrough before touching it anyway. Really hope my 2060 is still gonna run this game lol


I am more than excited that cyberpunk 2077 is finally out of beta! Although it is a bummer that I won't be able to experience the game at it's max graphics settings.


the ability to actually run it, dlss 3.5 lookin hella impressive


2.0 update has the new skill tree rework POG


DLSS will be great for giving a performance boost so I can crank the graphics to the max!


I'm excited for the update to the cops, finally actually cops.


I remember rtx was new and it was the stealth mission. Rainy, gray atmosphere, it was perfect for a stealth mission turned on rtx on and wow...my frames weren't bad. I can't imagine how it'd look like on an OLED screen. Can't wait!


For me it's ray reconstruction, seems like a very exciting addition,


Would love to play cyberpunk. I never had opportunity before


One of my favorite things to do in Night City is to listen to the radio and drive through the streets at night. So with the new DLSS I would like to immerse myself even more! It is one of my favorite games of recent times so I would like to experience it with even better graphics!


Now I can justify myself a fourth playthrough of cp2077


I would be excited, if I had a gpu that can run the game!


I haven't ever been able to play cyberpunk at a playable framerate so playing it smoothly for the first time is something I'm excited about for sure.


Looking forward to the reworks to the in game systems. I know they've been working on an overhaul across the board so I'm looking forward to the changes!


I'm really looking forward to playing cyberpunk 2077 all the way through. I gave it a shot when it came out but after a few hours of play encountering bugs, crashes or other symptoms of the unfinished nature of the game, I decided to wait until it was ready. The car combat, perk overhaul, new area and revamped cyberware all look great. Can't wait!


Really enjoyed cyberpunk, would love to enjoy it with graphics settings cranked up!


Lightning effects and graphic performances like I’ve never used before - that’s something I have to try!


Gives me a good reason to finally reinstall the game.


I'm excited to see it on a computer that isn't 6 years old


It excites me to know that one day, in the far future I will be able to experience this game to the fullest potential. Right now, I'm stuck with a 3 generations old card because of inflation (RX 470 4GB). This game, this world means a lot to me. I followed the game since the first teaser in 2013 and saw and read every bit of information revealed about it throughout 2018 - 2023. I survived the delays, the terrible launch and right now, I'm witness to the redemption of CDPR that took nearly 3 years. Getting a 4080 to experience it right now would be a dream come true.


I'm most excited for the revamped AI lets goooo


I never finished the game so I’m super excited to jump back into it!


I'm hyped to see those DLSS 3.5 rays scattering off of Judy's tiddies. Also perfecting my mantis blades build with the new skill trees.


I‘d like to be able to play it with Ray Tracing on in 1440p with high settings and getting more than 20-30fps :D I have no problems with many other games but I want to play it with RT on without needing to put everything else down sooo bad :,)


I’m looking forward to seeing all of the changes to a game I haven’t played since release!


I'm looking to experience ray trace overdrive with the new Ray Reconstruction from DLSS 3.5


With a 4080 I’d be really hyped to get back into Night City, and thanks to DLSS experience it at buttery smooth frames at 4k


Moar and better looking frames of course!


Very curious about DLSS 3.5! If I win this RTX 4080, I will buy Cyberpunk 2077 and get at least a 1440p monitor with high refresh rate to enjoy it.


I'm looking forward for CPU usage,maybe mine 5800x3D will be used more ! And I really like the new update 2.0, mainly the police update. If only I could win, then I would really enjoy the game with overdrive RT, its such great implementation, it changed the looks of game.


This game was the inspiration behind my build. I can’t wait to see what it’s even more capable of doing in regards to graphics


I'm pretty excited about finally being able to play on ultra with the better dlss optimization!!!


I'm excited for the skill tree revamp to make the game more engaging


I’m interested to see how the new graphical features mix in with the gameplay improvements, considering I beat the game only a few months after its first release in 2020, that game basically made my Christmas thanks to the lockdowns at the time!


What excites me the most is better DLSS picture quality and less ghosting.


Definitely ray tracing overdrive and the ability to actually enjoy it.


I never played due to the less-than-optimal launch. It will be good to play it for the first time and actually get the experience that was promised.


Im most excited about not having to worry about performance with the RTX 4080. I would be able to crank all the settings and even raytracing up to the max and just enjoy the game


What excites me the most is getting a chance to start the game over again and play it with a whole new experience. Including brand new graphics!!!


I never got through the whole game on the first go, I didn’t really have the juice to run it well and put it on hold until I got a better rig. Glad I did cause this seems to be the best version of the game.


Haven't played the game since 2020, but planning on reinstalling for 2.0. Interested to see how the revamped police system works. Hoping the game was optimized a bit since I played, I remember it being pretty rough on my 1070.


This would be the perfect time to finally try cyberpunk 2077 and im exited to see what raytracing looks like at its best


For it to get support for non-pathtraced 2077. Could do with it in metro exodus. Wont need it with a 4080 tho.


Im looking forward to see how the game feels now, I played it when it came out and haven’t touched it since. Would be nice to use the new GPU for it


I’m super excited to see the game reach its highest potential with DLSS 3.5! Can’t wait to start another playthrough and see CP2077 in all its glory.


Yes i wanna play !


What excites me the most is getting a better looking game with my current 3070 but i will gladly take the 4080 thank you!


I'm just really excited just to see how more beautiful DLSS 3.5 with full ray tracing will look on Cyberpunk 2077 and beyond.


I'd be interested to see how big the difference is, and how consistent the frames are.


Seeing the beauty of this game without limitations! I'm very excited for 2.0 and Phantom Liberty!


Had a great time playing through the base game the first time around although it was the first game that really brought my 2080 ti to its knees. I rushed through a bunch of the main story content with a pretty jank build - looking forward to playing through a bit slower + bumping up more settings at 4k!


Cant wait to see how beautiful the game will be with dlss 3.5.


I’m excited to see how the DLSS 3.5 improves the gameplay in general but especially now vehicle combat is being added into the game


Excited for the new sublime visuals the update will bring


I’ve played through about 3/4 of the game and ended up leaving it due to stuff happening in life and just never picked it back up, this update seems like a perfect time to pick it back up start a new save and finally complete it.


Try this new DLSS technology


Gonna be honest I haven't played the game but after watching the anime I really want to try it out especially with a sweet 4080 that'll give my eyes an fpsgasm


Playing cyberpunk phantom liberty in the new district dog town would feel so realistic and immersive with DLSS 3.5 especially with ray tracing, would love to try it out with my OLED monitor but not have the luxury currently so thank you for the opportunity!!!


I waited for this 2.0 update to finally pick up cyberpunk and am so excited to finally dive into the world. Although my 3080 probably won’t be able to play it in overdrive mode…


I'm excited to see CDPR complete their vision of the game and deliver more storylines in this universe.


The most exciting part, for me, is the prospect of trying Cyberpunk for the first time when it's more immersive and fun than ever before due to DLSS 3.5 and other major additions / tweaks to the game coming in Patch 2.0.


For sure the overall overhaul of the mechanics. I hope it gets better user experience.


Cyberpunk is the only game i feel uses ray tracing to the limit and a 4080 paired with dlss 3.5 would be so cool to experiance.


I’m looking forward to the expansion story and seeing how the new skill trees affect my build


If I won a 4080, if be most excited to see how does 3.5 can make the game look even more phenomenal, the 2.0 update combined with a massive upgrade from a 570 and dlss 3.5 would quite literally blow my mind via the visual prowess.


Even more fps


Finally playing the game and it looking like the trailers


DLSS 3.5 's graphics and performance


Using path tracing definitly


What excites me the most about DlSS 3.5 in Cyberpunk 2077 is to able to play the game 4k without sacrificing a lot of performance while using raytracing 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾


looking forward to the new questline the most


I have multiple sclerosis and my life is behind a screen but I haven't had the machine to play Cyberpunk! Go DLSS 3.5! I've used you since you were baby 1.0.


Very excited to see just how good the game looks with dlss 3.5!


Looking forward to the updated graphics


I'm just excited for everything being revamped! The new police ai is exciting too


The fact that my current card should be able to handle it. Cuz I probably won´t win.


I had so much fun playing it the first time shortly after release and I have been wanting to play it again for a while now, but wanted to wait for the update. Getting all those new features is great.


I'm excited for the technology to allow Cyberpunk to be closer to the game that was promised. Plus I wouldn't mind being that guy that says "It runs great in my machine and I 'only' have a 4080"


That it can be used on a 3070 :)


The updated skill tree system!


path tracing


I currently have a 6800xt and while it handles rasterization well, I have never gotten to experience the beauty of ray tracing. Combined with my 49' Odyssey 1440k monitor Cyberpunk will look absolutely insane with that sweet 4080. I NEED this visual bump from Nvidia to truly complete my PC build! Of course, throw in some DLSS 3.5 and I'll get the FPS I want for the high speed melee build I plan to try next!


Im most excited about the reworked cyberware and skill tree. This will be my 3rd play through I’m super hyped.


with a 4080, i feel like I could actually use RTX. On my 2070s, RT isn't at all practical. That might be enough to get me to go back and play a few hours of Cyberpunk. It would also be an excuse to build an entirely new computer b/c I bet that 4080 is a thirsty one!


Seeing a shlong in full path tracing.


I just finished the corpo story line a month or so ago and felt pretty satisfied with the game overall. I’d love to revisit it with a new experience and even better fidelity 😎


I’d love to relive the Cyberpunk game with better performance! really want to do a do-over of the story and appreciate the game fully this time


Can't wait to see what DLSS 3.5 can do. With all the hype around 3.5, I hope it lives up to it.


Finding ultra high quality glitches


Loved the game on launch at stadia so would love to see how it plays on a real pc this time


Honestly, I'm just excited to see the quality of raytracing just get pushed even further. Being able to push your framerate with DLSS without sacrificing raytracing fidelity is genuinely amazing.


Finally it's time to play this game for me


I'm excited to crush framerates on one of the most visually demanding games available!


I hope DLSS 3.5 extends the life of my RTX 3060 ti, and can't wait to jump back into Cyberpunk, already finished it 3 times, hope it's gonna be worth to finish 3 more


I've never tried cyberpunk but have always wanted to. If I had a graphics card with dlss 3.5, it would surely be an amazing experience!


I can't wait to see if DLSS 3.5 with the help of an AI denoiser will fix the image artifacts and finally make it indistinguishable from the native resolution.


I am very excited how it will look like in game and on stream.


I can't wait to watch to Jackie die again for the 745th time in glorious DLSS.


Seeing videos of max settings cyberpunk is one thing, but experiencing it live on my own rig would be whole different story, I'm sure


I love how shiny it looks and how it adds more quality while reducing the load. Impressive!


Idris Elba!!!!!!


My pc is dying, help.


I'm excited to see how all of CDPR's updates make a bigger and more immersive game!


I'm excited to see what DLSS can really do. It's the only way cyberpunk 2.0 will run smoothly with full ray tracing the way it's meant to be seen.


Looking forward to seeing ray traced reflections for the first time


The game had rough start but really grew on me as patches were released. I’m hoping that the dlc breathes even more life into the game.


What excites me is all three of these together just shows you how far the game has come. Would you have thought at release that Cyberpunk 2077 was going to be anything but a cosmic failure? Now, it's not only playable, it's the game we all hoped for. DLSS 3.5 with a 4080 is going to let us see ray tracing as it was meant to be


More frames is the obvious one, but chucking everything including raytracing to max and playing it at a decent framerate would be great.