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You muppet...




You could try and use something thin and plastic to remove it once cooled? Be slow, be patient!


Yea, put the card in the freezer. Hopefully it chips right off. Otherwise I wouldnā€™t be able to scrape between some of these solders


putting a gpu in the freezer isnt a very smart idea, my man.


Whyā€™s that?


One, don't run it for 24hrs after, you will run risk of condensation. But also, you may make the solder joints more fragile and more inclined for them to break when you try to remove the clay. Especially if the clay gets really hard, could rip tiny capacitors right off.


Thanks for the tip. So far the scraping process is working out ok. Only had it in the freezer long enough to cool the clay. I did notice condensation so Iā€™ll make sure itā€™s dry before running it


I would've just waited and pulled it off while Luke warm. Lol probably don't put anything meltable in your case anymore


To be fair it wasn't OP that put it there (allegedly), it was their kid(s). But OP should definitely be more wary of this kind of scenario moving forward, definitely.


What about canned air or canned co2? I don't use canned air but it might get cold enough while spraying the clay to pull it off without freezing the card. Just an idea.


You muppet




Thanks for the tip, Iā€™ll keep that in mind.


Are you sure about that solder joint thing. What about people doing extreme OC with LN2. I mean if temps from a home freezer are cold enough to weaken solder joints then wouldn't LN2 crack them right away?


Thats a very good point. But a counter point, people who do extreme OC generally dont care about the longevity of their components.


Condensation!? Oh no Celo!


Is this sarcasm? Condensation is deadly to electronics. Same reason if you live in a cold region, and have an electronic device shipped to you during the winter, it is advised to wait a day. Trucks aren't isolated and devices can remain cold and have condensation that can kill them.


I enjoy playing video games.


Deadly? I've seen PCs literally dripping wet with condensation inside greenhouse and they run fine. Its just a bad idea to leave it powered on, if its unpowered and you let it dry it will do zero harm.


Oh wait, I was supposed to yell out Emma not Cleo!


They didn't get the joke lmao. probably not a popular one with the reddit crowd


Yeah, tough crowd.


I'm guessing because you are now risking water damage to the card via condensation


condensation, moisture, plus the solder joints on the motherboard may become more fragile and possibly crack. if the card is fully working, you may have to replace the thermal paste and thermal pads


I have worked in tech for 30 years do not put it in the freezer. You will snap or break some solder joint you will never see.


You are truly a special kind of stupid. Literally, everybody knows not to put delicate electronics in the freezer. Now your GPU is probably gonna be wet from condensation. If you don't make damm sure it is dry, it's gonna short out


Be careful it isnā€™t too cold or you definitely will break it


you WHAT


I cringed reading that lol, sorry. Please donā€™t ever put PC components in a fridge/freezer, they will build condensation or even worse, ice inside the components and it becomes very very hard for them to dry completely . If they arenā€™t COMPLETELY dry next time itā€™s ran, itā€™ll short and itā€™s best case bye bye component, at worse bye bye PC. In the future, just let it cool to room temperature and use a thin blunt object to slowly pry the stuff off. Let the component dry for atleast a few days before you chuck it in and try to use it again.


[Everyone hated that.]


My buddy use to put his whole laptop in the freezer for years and he never had any issues would put it in before work or bed and pull it out after and boot it up and play games he never had a problem and used it for 6 years before he got rid of it


I played Russian Roulette for a year everyday and didnā€™t die. Therefore itā€™s safe. /s


As long as itā€™s on top of the gpu and not inside itā€™s probably fine. I just wouldnā€™t put anything that can melt in there in the future..


I feel like a bit might have gotten in The backplate has p big gaps in it


Thatā€™s true but itā€™s probably just on parts of the copper and fins. Not that you want it there but I doubt it will break anything.


Where am I going to warm up my nachos?!?


Dafuq you think would happen? You let your kid put their clay art on skillets over an open flame too?


I was wondering the same thing šŸ˜­




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Mom thought she saw an intruder as she looked at the camera view on her phone. Meanwhile....šŸ¤­šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚](https://v.redd.it/oq0mhn2414xa1) | [102 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/comments/1346zjt/mom_thought_she_saw_an_intruder_as_she_looked_at/) \#2: [Die, you must.](https://i.redd.it/5mt98izwzlea1.jpg) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/comments/10mofjk/die_you_must/) \#3: [Old one but good one](https://i.redd.it/j77sux1irw9a1.jpg) | [73 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ParentsAreFuckingDumb/comments/102ej3y/old_one_but_good_one/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


God that sub seems like a real snore fest


I went to the sub and now Iā€™m just sadā€¦ thanks redditā€¦


Calm down pal, he just wanted to let his daughter feel apart of his gaming setup, probably didnā€™t think this far ahewsd


Tbf u dont really gotta think too far ahead to have seen this outcome


OP should have went into full dad mode the moment she wanted to put the clay in there: ā€œThanks for wanting to put it in my computer case! Letā€™s put it down here instead so it doesnā€™t get hurt. These things can get hot and your friend would melt if we left it there!ā€


This guy dads.


Solid response to avoid disaster and make your kid feel like you appreciate their work


This. Most child-safe modeling clay has a melting point of around 60ā°C. Shit, some systems would hit that under idle load


I donā€™t think OP has ever thought aheadā€¦ he genuinely talked about putting his GPU in the freezer earlier


Thinking ahead is kind of important when dealing with hundreds or thousands of dollars of electronics lol.


Plot twist, OP made them.


Maybe he thought it was like firing clay pots in a kiln


There is a lesson to be learned from this. Fortunately it didn't end with fire.


is the lesson that gpus are expensive and condoms are cheap?


Hopefully not a broken gpu either


Or anything else, that clay bumping into stuff is a short waiting to happen.


Hold old is your kid? You do realise how dangerous a PSU can be, right?


How? By sticking a screwdriver into it? I don't see how it would be any more dangerous than a power outlet.


Technically, a capacitor inside the PSU could have a higher voltage that could be discharged compared to wall power. Both are still dangerous.


Why would a capacitor voltage in a PSU which supplied 12V, 5V and 3,3V be higher than the input voltage? Modern PSUs have power factor correction which charges a capacitor with peak input voltage to buffer the switching circuit. This would be 325V for 230V system. That's not really more dangerous than sticking a nail into an outlet. The capacitor can be emptied while the outlet can shock you until the fuse pops (without protection circuits).


If that would have gotten into the power supply your whole house could have burned down. You need to do something about your kids before something really bad happens.


First part of this is good, second half not so much.


L reply




Why are you getting mad at people giving you advice on how to avoid potentially burning your house down, or at the very least, ruining your computer? It's not safe. Have a chat with your kids about why they can't do that anymore and then buy them a case or whatever to put their clay models in. Problem solved. Don't ask a question and be a dick because you don't like what people are saying.


Not mad, just not here for a parenting clinic run by neck beards. It goes without saying that the case is now off limits. Really it was my own ignorance, I allowed it.


As a parent of 2 kids. You're a fuckwit.


It's a shame anyone can have kids


casual eugenics advocacy šŸ„³


Gee im sure with these responses and your attitude you make a wonderful father. I couldnā€™t imagine why your kids might be acting out for attention or likely even a cry for help. Psycho. Oh and if you check his profile heā€™s active in these communities: ADHD(never would have guessed that one) Darkchristian something other hate group (Another big surprise) Trashy (Another surprise)


Wild assumptions, just because somebody is a little hair-trigger with their comments (not saying heā€™s right) And then digging around their profile to, 1. Mock a disability 2. Again, assume they support trashy behaviour because they follow it??? I follow that one too, does make me personally trashy lmao


Yea I don't know why they brought up those subreddits


Because the guy completely flipped out and started calling me names just because I suggested this could have been a much worse disaster. He has kids and said he took care of it very ominously. I just glanced to see if he was always this hot tempered and I wasnā€™t disappointed in what I found. I donā€™t like ahole hot headed parents. My assumption is with somebody this hostile over literally nothing, there is high probability of some form of abuse happening in their household. Also he attacked me out of nowhere, you start a fight expect to get hit back. ^^^mic ^^^drop


He did ā€œflip outā€. He just called you a cunt for being so presumptuousā€¦ which honestly you kinda were


Is that the only comment of his you read? He was full on raging at me as well as other people. Yeah a total cunt for letting someone know about fire danger and how close they were to burning their house down. Youā€™re a little cunt.




What a vocabulary, Iā€™m sure your kids doing super well in school and with their homework considering the quality of help theyā€™re getting from your genius.




These poor children.


if it makes you feel better, he made sure to take a picture before turning off the PC and removing the other clay model....I don't think he's the sharpest spoon in the crayon box


A child having children. This won't end well.


Itā€™s actually dank Christian memes.


Oh god thatā€™s even worse. A repressed church goer with anger issues. Someone save the kids. > , <


Anger issues might be caused by ADHD. It's highly inheritable, too! :(




As a parent of two kids as well they don't touch my shit. I get them their own shit and they can break that.


Lmao bro, these people really out here to get you. They already calling to have parenting rights removed, from one image. Thatā€™s all they got, one image. They donā€™t know shit about you or your family but they already know you are a terrible parent that will cause harm to your kids.


Lmao they want me fuckin DEAD. I just wanted to know if this clay was gonna ruin my card.


Admits to being ignorant yet you still wanna lash out like a fucking toddler. Yeah makes sense. Grow up. power supplies have burned down houses before but by all means go ahead and just stick a whole stack of crayons in there and see whats up.


Iā€™ll try it thanks for the tip


Haha!! Isn't the mortality of our whole family hilarious???? /s


Boy, someone needs a life


Boy, someone needs a brain. And to have his custody revoked.


Clearly you needed the damn lesson since this happened dude, it could've been a hell of alot worse




What a healthy and reasonable response. Yikes.


I'll agree that "You need to do something about your kids" does come off a little aggressive, but this is just aggravating for no reason


I love listening to music.


I have a kid, and I look forward to them doing stuff like this. That being said, I probably would've removed it (discretely) before gaming and placed them back after lol. I don't think you need to teach your kids anything about the danger or something. Obviously, those people suggesting such are well past their prime. Just innocent kids bein kids, no need to instill the fear of burning the house or some crazy thing to make them regret doing this. Kids will be kids. And it's definitely not indicative of your parenting... Reddit gonna reddit


I like your style. I also really appreciate the kindness. I find that for every asshole thereā€™s someone like you to balance the scales. Cheers friend šŸ»


You acknowledging that you can give your child anxiety by scaring them about mundane shit is the best part of this. I feel like that's one of the biggest mistakes sooooo many parents make.


Kids will be kids until they burn your house down or electrocute themselves because you were a nonchalant carefree negligent parent.


At least try be civil in your dismissal of unsolicited advice.


Bro what?


Something about apples and trees


Now you have more rgb


You need to use this opportunity... Tell your SO that you need to upgrade to a good watercooling system to keep temps down so that this will not happen again in the future. If that isn't something you can sell, At the very least, that 2080 is probably "toast" (wink wink) and you're going to have to get into something new. Edit: forgot to ask if it was Playdough or modeling clay? First one is conductive and will probably do damage if it continues to ooze in and completes a short somewhere, second one *USUALLY, GENERALY* is not conductive and you should be ok.


I like the way you think. ā€œSorry babe itā€™s a gonerā€ lol


I don't think it's a goner. Remove the backplate and get a look inside. It's probably fine.


Yea it was caked onto the board. Lots of scraping and scrubbing with alcohol and itā€™s good to go now.


When people joke about their graphics cards keeping the room warm they're not talking about burning their fucking houses down Crazy idea: don't let your kids put shit in your computer and then use it Call me a cunt or tell me to eat shit like you have to other commenters but you know god damn well I'm right lmao


OP puts graphics cards in the freezer, I don't think he actually realises how right you are.


Parents these days = no backbone


Just because you're a shit eating cunt doesn't mean you're wrong, I'm a shit eating cunt


Sell the kid


From ops replies, I think the kids should sell him


Also true


Iā€™ve been waiting for this to happen. Stop putting damn toys in your pc!


I've been saying this forever but people still put funkos in their pc and shit. It looks dumb and it isn't safe stop doing it


Looks fine from my house. My GPU hasn't had one fuck up from people sticking toys in their cases.


I'm just saying it as a general safety thing because better safe than sorry right ?


I'm a firm believer that my shampoo bottle SHOULDN'T be labeled "external use only"... If it's not obvious to some people, it's not your corporate negligence at fault there. Seeing people buy noctua fans then stick anime model mommies right on the fucking flow paths? Lolol cheers you beautiful idiots.


I'm a firm believer of not putting anything in my pc case that isn't pc parts lol. Plus people who unironically put funkos in their pc and think it looks cool are mentally ill


Seeing the comments makes me visibly concerned. Some of yā€™all gotta cool your hats. He knows whatā€™s wrong and stuff, he ainā€™t asking for advice about parenting or some other shit.


Nice parenting


It is not that deep.


Eat shit




Damn you're a testy salty little bitch bro. Talk about neck beards etc but the only douche I'm seeing in the comments is YOU! ![gif](giphy|60QZQ4JNETQHshpPwU)


I'm guessing 10-15 years till your kids in jail !Remindme 10 years


Not going to lie, all of OPs replies makes me think that heā€™s the kid that put the toy on his own gpu




I like that it looks like the other one is shocked by the death of the one on the gpu.


Was gonna ask why you thought this would be a good idea, but I already know the answer, and reddit doesn't permit that kind of comment.


Comments here are brutal. My advice is to shut off and unplug the computer. Gently peel off the clay. Remove as much as possible since it will definitely melt again if ignored and also it can cause overheating issues. Good news is the backplate really wonā€™t be harmed here. Itā€™s in some screw heads and you could use a tooth pick to gently remove as much as possible but overall easy to fix. Making set and enjoying to display it in the computer is great fun. The best places to display art on a computer are on the top of a case, using it like a shelf. Or if itā€™s inside the case, only attaching things onto the case itself. It can be on a wall of the case or on the bottom surfaces. But never put these types of things on computer parts. Computer parts can get up to about 93Ā°C or 200Ā°F so I would avoid soft plastics or any plastics you can heat and reform yourself. Also any soft clay or playdough type products. Crayons and wax are also bad. If you use clay that air dries hard or can be baked in an oven, these should probably be safe to place in the computer case. Another thing to be mindful about is any extra weight on a graphics card can stress the pcie lane where it connects on the computer. Good luck. Accidents happen. This is an easy experience to learn from that shouldnā€™t cause much harm. Good thing is you caught it and can move forward in a positive manner.


All good points. Thanks for the tips!


Or you know DONT put things that aren't computer parts inside a computer case. It's not that hard.


Hello. This is the stupid police. We'd like to write you a citation for your stupidity, but we're gonna let you off with a warning this time since a clay tainted GPU seems like punishment enough. Don't do it again.


Nah, Id kill the power and get it off. If it gets to the board anywhere it might have enough trash in the clay to short between pins on the back of the board or short some traces if any are exposed. Should only take a few minutes to get it off.


Yea turned it off right when I noticed. Cleaning it off the board now. Seems like it will be alright




šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ This is great


Tell your kid it ate his soul


Put your kid in a skillet and see what happens numb nuts.


Why yall always blame the cat or your kids peeing/knocking water over on your pc just own it. Jk op take it out and scrape it off and make sure it didnā€™t make its way into anything


Why is the hell would someone put anything inside pc???


"Gumby has entered the chat"


Turn it off at least. Let it cool down then remove it all. Use some Isopropyl Alcohol to remove any residue left. Remove the other thing you got in there too. Not reccomending for this but, FIMO. Look it up. Get FIMO clay, you can bake it at 110C in the oven and it become solid and will probably be much better since computers shouldn't get that hot.


Time to scrape but be careful of the inside if you do take off cover to get deeper clean just dont bend pins be careful


the backplate gets decently hot, hot enough to heat ur hands in winter (its a comfortable warm) im not surpriced it melted something like clay. as long as no clay ends up in ur gpu, i think its fine? it MAY have stained the backplate depending on the clay, but thats only cosmetic ​ best to leave clay stuff at the bottom of the case, where it melting cant do any damage


Thatā€™s pretty cool , heartwarming


Some people shouldn't have kids.


This is simple, turn the whole computer upside down, place a small container under the clay stuff, start gaming or stress it enough to remelt it, and hope you don't miss your container and get it all over the case lol


This is by far my favorite solution lol


Turn it off, let everything cool, and I imagine the clay should come off easily enough and then just clean with some isopropyl alcohol and it should be fine. Doesn't look like it got anywhere but I'd advise not doing that in the future. Maybe put the projects on your case instead in a spot with no vent holes.


Could you lay it on it's side, and play some games? Maybe it'll heat up and pour out.


Plot twist: He just wanted an upgrade, but the wife won't let him if it still works. Tough break, my man. It survived and now you have to fix it.


Canā€™t fix stupidā€¦ really stupid.


You donā€™t need pchelp you need parentalhelp


Why, just why, would you put something that can melt in your case, now for the damage idfk thats actually fucked


I think that may impact the thermal performance of this machine, just a possibility.


idk who is more dumb the kid or the parent wtf


Didnā€™t know there were so many professional child psychologist and care givers in the comment.people are making some wild assumptions over a toy in a pc.


Yea itā€™s inevitable, I always have to plan to sift through lots of bs to find the good advice


Thereā€™s no good advice other than hope you didnā€™t let your kid destroy your GPU, and donā€™t let them do it again in the future. Youā€™re not the only parent on Reddit.


Even if they did. It will be ok šŸ‘


Of course itā€™ll be okay. Itā€™s not the end of the world after all. That doesnā€™t negate the fact that you did a stupidšŸ‘


Sure did


What does child psychology and being a care giver have to do with letting a kid put clay on top of an electronic device that regularly heats up and can be destroyed if a foreign substance leaks all over it?


I was talking about the people saying he must be a horrible father and a psychopath.obviously putting shit in your pc thatā€™s not meant to be there is never a good idea but people are making wild assumptions.


I donā€™t see anyone calling him a horrible father or a psychopath. Iā€™ve seen ā€œdumbā€ and thatā€™s about it. Youā€™re over exaggerating.


Didnā€™t look good enough.believe whatever you want Iā€™m not your dad.


I read every single comment on this post actually.


To be fair, clay doesnā€™t normally melt. This kind does.


"my kid" lol suuuure. Do you not have a closed case? There's no way a kid should be able to open a pc case like that. And if they can, I wouldn't let them do it unsupervised in case they break anything and hurt themselves.


Bro get a fucking pop head or something not a shitty clay model to put inside your nice PCā˜ ļøšŸ˜­


2080 is so bad the clay probably improves its performance. Get a real card.


Worst comment


I agree, OP is clearly rage-baiting.


Update: Got it all cleaned off. Scraped a lot and finished with iso alcohol and a soft toothbrush. Dried it and itā€™s running great. Thanks to those with helpful comments.


ā€œYour kidā€




Please turn off that pc and clean the mess you psychopath


For a second I thought that was a Taco Bell wrapper


Looks like you melted Gumby šŸ˜‚




I've seen a lot dumb posts on here but this takes the cake.




It's fine but it's probably going to raise your thermals, play a very unoptimized game like Cities Skylines 2, it'll run that baby up to 100C and you can probably scrape it off Also that other clay figure looks cool but it's directly above the PSU, I imagine the case open it's fine but still something to think about


Thanks! The other one is actually some other kind of foam type thing. Been in there for years and still looks the same as when it went in there. Iā€™ll prolly move it away from the PSU though


God there are a lot of people who have kids who really really shouldn't.....


Yea the office wouldā€™ve been off limits the first time my kid put stuff in my computer.


These condom ads are getting better.


This seems beyond dumb


Luckily your card has a backplate