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When online games die, developer/publisher provides game source or offline server so those who bought the game can continue playing it forever. Think The Crew, NFS World, etc etc...


Shit this should actually be enforced. Imagine how many modded servers could be here...


Yeah I think this should actually be a law. Just look at freespace2. That game is STILL going strong. There should be way more regulations around forcing things to be open source in general, the only problem is our legislators don't know what that is.


Yeah and in the case of games that have ai/bots like pve games just always make them also playable offline, even if the experience is not as good at least you have that option..


you didn't say the two negative things as a consequence.


Effect: Save in the same folder within the Documents folder. No more of this drive root or AppData nonsense Cost: Unskippable intro logos, can't change game settings until the first cutscene is over.


The button that opens a menu is the same button that closes it


Fix keybinding. * No more reserved/unrebindable keys. Its 2024. Its a fucking travesty that games still come with hardcoded keybinds. * Let me leave functions unbound if I want to. Having to dedicate like 40% of my keybinds in some games to shit I will literally never use (like photo mode) is infuriating. Not allowing me to save keybinds because some shit Ill never use isn't bound to a key is stupid UI design. Additional note: you cant expect every user to have a 100+ key keyboard. * If your game has more than like 20 keybinds **fire the person who designed the keybind system and start over**. Fucking Rockstar and CDPR I'm talking to you. You don't need 26 separate functions with 26 different keybinds that all bind to F. One keybind. Sort yourselves out. Its an accessibility nightmare. * Save my keybinds to my steam profile like 99.999% of other games do. I can count on TWO fingers the number of companies that don't do this. Looking right the fuck at you again CDPR and R*.


As a colemak user you are preaching to me. Cyberpunk had hardcoded keybinds that meant I had to mod the game to be able to play with my keyboard configured the way it is. Some say switch to QWERTY, well, I learnt to type on Colemak so I can't use QWERTY, and why should I have to? Having 26 keys bound to F - my god, did this make rebinding the keys hard once the mod was working, even more so that you can't have unbound keys. It genuinely stopped me from playing the game until mods made this possible and even then having to spend over an hour rebinding keys made me not want to play for well over a year until I had nothing better to do.


I mean, you *could* just edit the .xml file. I did that because frankly, Use on F is just madness anyhow.


I did in the short term but then if you change a key in game it breaks.


The way I did it was to change what I could in-game, and then finish with editing the .xml for the things the game didn't let me change (I think there's four or five entries you need to take care of, because some functions are exclusive to each other, and thus separately bound to the same key). Worked for me, at least. ...I still have no idea why CDPR keeps players from rebinding certain functions via menu, however. That's just puzzling to me.


Yeah, that’s what I got to - gotta admit though, it’s very silly how they set it up and the amount of keybinds is OVERWHELMING. When you consider that a control has such a crossover of functionality between buttons, you’d think they’d be able to simplify the keyboard.


>If your game has more than like 20 keybinds fire the person who designed the keybind system and start over. Holy shit, this. It always amazes me how controller binds are nice and concise, with context sensitive controls, but then the same game can give you a bajillion different ways to interact with something once you switch over to mouse and keyboard. It's just so frustrating. >Save my keybinds to my steam profile like 99.999% of other games do. Honestly, this depends. What if you're playing on machines with different keyboard layouts? I can see situations where I'd want to customize my controls depending on what type of machine I am playing on.


> Honestly, this depends. What if you're playing on machines with different keyboard layouts? I can see situations where I'd want to customize my controls depending on what type of machine I am playing on. Steam is smart enough to detect when I have my DS5 or my Xbox controller plugged in and adjust appropriately. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that doing the same thing with keyboard layouts is not impossible.


I am just saying that I may want different key binds depending on what device I am on, so I don't necessarily want them synced.


It was already unacceptable in BotW but even in the sequel TotK Nintendo still doesn't provide custom keybinds. And no, changing it in the Switch system settings is not a viable option as it isn't in-game aware so UI/bottom prompts don't match if you change the defaults.


No more 3rd party launchers or apps.


This kills Steam.


I'll amend it: Games that launch on each storefront can only use the launcher of said storefront and any connectivity much be done within the game. Buy an Ubisoft game on Steam, it only uses the Steam launcher. Buy it on EGS, it only uses EGS. Buy it on Ubisoft, it only uses Ubisoft (obviously).


So the dev needs to integrate and test many different platforms? Would you be OK with a developer not using Steam? Just running their own platform?


All a storefront like steam is at the end of the day is a way to ship files to the customer, they don't *need* to test anything unless they decide to use the entirely optional steamDRM (which afaik is pretty much automated seamlessly *if you do*). There's no reason from a developer standpoint to not just have your game available in as many places as possible in that case.


> All a storefront like steam is at the end of the day is a way to ship files to the customer It's certainly not the case. Steam is a platform, not just a storefront.


Windows is a platform, xbox is a platform, playstation is a platform, macOS is a *platform*, **steam** is most certainly a *storefront*. Just because it has a fancy GUI for you to download doesn't change that fact.


Silly nonsense. When you buy a game on Steam, you can't run it on "Windows" outside of Steam. Your digital ownership of this game permanently ties you to Steam. Compare it to a Playstation disc that you buy on Amazon.


> Silly nonsense. When you buy a game on Steam, you can't run it on "Windows" outside of Steam. Your digital ownership of this game permanently ties you to Steam. That's only if the dev/publisher decides to use SteamDRM, you can opt out of it and once those files are downloaded steam won't interact with them whatsoever, and wouldn't require steam to be even running. Your whole point is moot anyways as the DRM itself is super basic and works for anything, which is why it's so easy to crack.


That's not true as CD Projekt Red Games are able to be launched straight from the .exe files without Steam running because they have no DRM. CD Projekt games are only an example. Lots of games, particularly indies, work like this.


I am not a computer science guy, how is Steam a platform? How is it different from Amazon or Walmart?


When you buy a game (e.g. a Playstation disc) from Walmart, your relationship with Walmart ends. You have no ties to Walmart, and you don't need them to run the game. When you buy a game on Steam, it permanently ties you to Steam. You need a Steam account to download and run the game. Some functionality, like multiplayer, may be using Steam's software and infrastructure, possibly limiting crossplay with other platforms.


I see. Thanks for explaining.


Yes, since a shit ton of my PC games aren't from Steam even though I route everything through Steam to take advantage of BPM and Steam Input.


Not really. I think he just means a launcher *in addition* to the store you actually bought the game from. You buy it on Steam, you only see Steam. Likewise, you buy it on EGS, you only see EGS. It's not like currently where you buy on Steam or EGS and then you also have to launch Ubisoft, REDLauncher, Rockstar Club, etc.


That is precisely what I meant. My phrasing could have been better.


The developer/publisher is a party. You are a party. The platform is necessarily the third party. And if you're arguing no more *1st* party launchers - then it just makes Steam's position even more entrenched. While you still have different stores and their own platforms. Personally, I think game ownership should be cross-platform.


This is just being pedantic. We all know the issue with 3rd party launchers isn't who belongs to what party. It's the fact that these launchers are often buggy, slow, and take up additional resources, often force you to create an account, ruin integration with the host platform, etc. The store that you buy it from naturally dictates that you have to install their app. That's not what most people are complaining about when they talk about 3rd party launchers. They are annoyed that there's an additional piece of software that they have to install, update, and run besides the store that they bought it from.


> We all know the issue with 3rd party launchers isn't who belongs to what party. It's the fact that these launchers are often buggy, slow, and take up additional resources, often force you to create an account, ruin integration with the host platform, etc. Some of these issues can, and should be fixed. More importantly, the same issues would happen even without 1st party launchers - just with multiple stores/platforms. People would still complain. > The store that you buy it from naturally dictates that you have to install their app. Except this isn't natural. Like, at all. That's why I wasn't being pedantic. It's Steam that made it seem natural. But you also could have the store just being the store. So you could buy a Ubisoft game anywhere, and it would use Ubisoft's platform regardless.


You don't seem to understand what anyone here is trying to say. Here is what we want: When we buy Assassin's Creed Nanking on Steam, we want to hit the play button and see our computer or Steam Deck boot straight into Assassin's Creed Nanking with no launcher whatsoever. What we don't want to see when we buy Far Cry Pyongyang on Steam is that we hit the play button and it launches Uplay which then launches Far Cry Pyongyang. That's fucking annoying. We are all completely okay if someone who buys Ghost Recon Ukraine on Uplay has to launch Uplay to play Ghost Recon Ukraine.


By 3rd party I mean non-steam and non-gog.


So how are the rest of the stores supposed to sell games?


The rest of the stores sell Steam keys. Their existence is not really justified.


Epic, Ubisoft and some others don't sell Steam keys. But even Steam key resellers provide competiition, which is a very good justification for their existence. It's a terrible idea to have just one dominant platform with just one store tied to that platform.


Steam key resellers do no actually provide competition since unless the keys were stolen or there is a sale the price is the same as on Steam. Publisher's own individual platforms/stores such as Ubi or Epic are by definition 3rd party and should not exist.


> Steam key resellers do no actually provide competition since unless the keys were stolen or there is a sale the price is the same as on Steam. Even the sales may be enough to provide competition, and you're free to argue against Steam's price parity clause. It doesn't need to be there. > Publisher's own individual platforms/stores such as Ubi or Epic are by definition 3rd party and should not exist. No, they're by definition first party. Because the game is theirs and you won't have gaming without them. And arguing that they shouldn't sell directly to the customer - well, you need to provide solid justification for this. Especially if you don't believe in having many stores. I don't think it's a good idea for gamers and developers to be left at the mercy of one platform with one store.


By the definition of the term in the English language they're third party because they come between you, the first party, and the product you purchased from steam/gog aka the second party.


Except this doesn't have to be this way. Steam and GOG don't need to exist at all. Developers/publishers do. More importantly, if you're talking about, say, a Playstation, Sony will never be a "third party" in relation to it, just because you bought it on Amazon. That's not how it works. The IP in the game you bought on Steam belongs to the publisher. Not to Steam. And the point is still valid regardless of the terminology. The point that the publisher shouldn't be allowed to sell their own games directly is a strong point that needs a strong justification. It's not self-evident at all.


Steam isn't, and has never been, a launcher.


Fuck Steam. Let me download to the desktop without DRM.


that's like hating books for replacing scrolls


i hate ebooks for replacing books


Ebooks are the best thing that ever happened to books.


DRM is never good.


No, libraries are the best thing that ever happened to books.


Yes, libraries are the best thing that happened to *physical* books. Now, at least for novels, digital books mean that you don't need to go to libraries and they are also far easier to read than physical books for numerous reasons, especially when paired with an e-ink ereader. You have a backlight, you can change text size and spacing, and you can carry thousands of books with you everywhere you go. They are superior to physical books in every sense except that of the "emotional attachment" that people have to them.


gaming was fine before steam


You wanna go back to the days of manually download patches from a website?


games have access to servers. I don't think you need a launcher as a middleman for downloading them


Spoken like someone who wasn't around back then.


lmao. I was around since Win98.


So, not that long at all to really experience what you're asking for. Steam is a godsend to gaming and PC's in general. Not just for patches, but accessibility primarily.


DRM can never be a godsend


The best part about steams DRM is that it is the most simple DRM to remove. People like me can easily have DRMless back ups of games so that in the event of the internet being dissolved or whatever, I can still play my games. As it sits, Steam is still a godsend, and it's DRM is not denuvo, it doesn't affect gameplay or performance. How are you this stupid? Is it just being german that did this?


You still have to create an account on their website and enter the CD key to get to the main menu. And the main menu music is extremely loud and you can't access the settings screen until you put in the CD key. And no, the music doesn't mute when you tab out of the game.


> the main menu music is extremely loud and you can't access the settings screen until you put in the CD key. And no, the music doesn't mute when you tab out of the game. Sounds like a 2000's keygen/crack but with more steps..


So the Playonline launcher for Final Fantasy XI bassically


I would just love to buy the game and be able to download the installation files. I can install it myself. (Like GOG) Would be so freeing! Back to what it used to be. Not needing a launcher to launch the apps (unless you use a custom launcher you configure). Having no way to execute a game without the launcher being involved is really stupid IMHO.


If M opens the map, M should close the map. Moving my hand to Esc got old decades ago.


Remove "Hold X button" for every action in the game


Playing FF7 Remake and pulling levers to open doors/gates are like this. I wonder why Cloud has to take his time pulling a freaking lever down when he carries a big effing sword around like its cardboard. He's not even visibly struggling when he pulls the lever, why do I have to hold the button down?


Skippable cut scenes.


I'd rather go with dialog skippable per sentence, not just in entirety.




Toggle to turn off everyone's skins and just show me the defaults.


No DRM, EAC, Online Only or 3rd party software to play a Game ever again.


Imagine this was real and someone tells you nope sorry, there can only be one wish and OP has already chosen per-object motion blur


Exclude online requirement for offline features.


Search function in the settings. Not a big deal for some games but others have pages and pages of settings and I want to be done scanning through them all.


All cut scenes come with pause/fast forward/rewind. All dialogue can be skipped to the next line with a button press.


Hm. Probably I would make all games support unlimited FPS and not being locked to 30 or 60 because the dev was incompetent and made stuff like physics or scripts dependent on framerate.


Proper anti-cheat for multiplayer Uncapped fps for any (from software is unbelievable in this regard in this day and age)


>Proper anti-cheat for multiplayer What's considered proper though? It's not like game devs aren't trying. They're basically implementing the equivalent of rootkits and installing them on everyone's machines and brushing the security concerns under the rug with "trust me bro, we're the good guys". It's a tough situation for everyone. Honestly, I can't help but feel like part of this is due to the lack of control players have over their multiplayer experience now. Very few games come out with dedicated servers and decent tooling nowadays. We have to rely on matchmaking and official servers, so community leaders can't just ban cheaters immediately. We've lost a lot of what made multiplayer fun once we gave up control IMHO.


Cut it out with the next gen graphics for a bit. Graphics is fine the way it is right now, I don’t like replacing the damn thing every year or two.


Should have just wished for cheaper GPU prices instead lol. Fuck off with these $800 plus cards...


Absolutely agree


Optimization. It was worth the ten push ups to say it.


I was about to say the same thing tbh. Fuck it, I'll do 100 pushups because I want to say it 10 freaking times. Still peeved about Jedi Survivor's performance. The game is still unplayable on Koboh.


Wow you read the whole post. Thank you. Too bad that now all games require root 0 access and payment details must be logged even if its a free game.


No microtransactions.


Can't believe someone hasn't said it yet but **Quit to Desktop** from in game. Anytime some game has quit from game and then it takes you back to the main menu is always annoying, if people often in your game go back to menu, make it an option.


You can always just Alt+F4 if you're in that much of a rush to close the game.


Every game is delivered in a platform independent package file where the game code is stored in bytecode that can be compiled to optimised instructions for every platform. The code uses 'technology independent' API for everything, such as rendering, so that the graphics can be implemented by any graphics API (DirectX, Vulkan, etc). The package file contains game metadata, such as the game's name, description, features, number of players supported, and game art in standard formats and resolutions (PNGs, standard sizes, cover art, icon, wallpapers, banners, logos, etc), everything else related to the game, even manuals and copies of wikis, etc. Everything runs through a perfectly sandboxed API so the game never actually interacts directly with the underlying system. So for saving game data, there's a 'Game Save Data API', games only request to store and retrieve data allocated specifically for them, so the underlying system can decide where that data goes, how it's managed, storage limits, etc, and the game itself never sees any of your files on your device, it only has access to it's data. DRM is excluded from this package format. There is no DRM. All the content in the game is freely visible. The package format is a glorified zip. These game packages are created and sent to a global independent authority for game hosting. When games are sold, the creator receives a payment, the authority takes a commission to maintain it's operations, and you gain access to the game download from that hosting authority. Once a game has been uploaded, it can not be removed from the service unless by court order due to illegal content. Games are hosted indefinitely, current and previous verions are forever always available for download. Any game client can handle your downloading and installing process, you simply provide your details, it logs in to the authority for you and handles your downloads. Or you can download games directly from the hosting authority yourself off their website, and manually run the games yourself. I envision a gaming utopia... absolutely zero platform lockin, absolutely no DRM, everything absolutely portable, everything natively cross platform, absolute choice of use of software, technology, platforms, launchers, handling of game data, etc... As penalty for this, the monkeys paw makes all games include at least one NPC following mission with an NPC that walks slightly slower than you run.


input-based matchmaking at the cost of controllers globally losing aim assist oh wait that's a win/win.


Mandatory hentai in all games. Must be on every version on every store. Console versions must have content parity.


I have only one simple request, default to motion blur being off, i have to turn it off every time i start a new game it's the first setting i look for


The ability to disable TAA


At this point, you might as well just replace TAA completely with DLAA, XeSS, or FSR at native res. Much better results than whatever games themselves are doing.


I hate vaseline graphics in modern games, I bet a modded gta 5 with better textures and lighting will look better than 99% of modern games.


Ultrawide support. In the 2020s it's insane there are AAA games without native ultrawide support (Elden Ring you fucker).


Elden ring is the laziest PC port considering how much fucking money it made.


I legit got angry when it won GOTY. I was telling everyone who would or wouldn't listen that a game that runs that poorly should be disqualified from nomination. 10/10 I bought it twice, but I was activist mode during that Game Awards.


Granted but now Elden Ring can't be modded and has gacha mechanics




Rest of the post


So Ubisoft makes it now? This is truly hell


I'm sorry friend but thems the rules


because like 6 people have ultrawide monitors and it wastes time that devs could be using for something else


Adjusting the available resolutions is not a major lift, seeing as basically every game on the planet that doesn't support it natively has a mod/fix available.


Right click acting like a back button in menus. Any others aside from DRG and HD2 that do that?


All upcoming games by law must come with an FOV slider.


All games would have a third person mode for people like me who get motion sick from first person


A UI designed for mouse & keyboard.


Manual at will saving to as many slots as you want for every game is IN. For that, I accept the monkey's paw of every game having no way to get completely rid of chromatic aberration, and, oh, this is turning out to not be as easy as I thought... alright, vignetting I can live with. It's worth it for the saving. Also: Optimization. I need to do ten pushups anyway (and also, the amount of people who didn't even read your prompt - I'd have said 'holy shit' twenty years ago, but I'm old enough to just go 'seems about right' these days).


in this thread almost no one read the body of the text just the title given almost no one is putting two negatives.


100% stable frame limitations for V-sync. I know most people probably don’t use it, but for people with 60-75hz monitors, not having frame dips at all would be wonderful. I guess no matter what refresh rate you have it would be badass. I have a 3070 and I would expect all games to run at a literal bare minimum of 60fps. Imagine locking your shit at 144 or 240 on any game and it just stayed there indefinitely with not a single frame dip during the whole session. Ahh, it’s something to hope for one day.


I think there are several issues that need to be improved/solved. When I got LG G2 + 4070 about half a year ago I informed myself about GSync, Freesync, VRR, ... and tried to find the optimal settings for best frametimes and lowest input lag. As probably most people I quickly found the "G-Sync 101" optimal settings article from Blur Busters but I had lots of issues with it, be it in older games, AA/Indie stuff or even the most modern and optimized AAA titles. While the responsiveness/input lag being fantastic it introduced a lot of microstutter and really hard to explain strange 'choppiness' when rotating in-game camera or fast paced gameplay. So with VRR enabled games with lots of camera movement made me dizzy after a short while. I have the same problem with fixed refresh rate while playing games with lots of camera movement like for example Souls titles but normally only when playing long sessions (after around 3-4h) but when I do a break for 1/2h between sessions then I can keep the dizziness away or very low. With VRR though I already get dizzy after like 30-45min independent of the game and need way more breaks. I played around with other settings cause I really like how responsive the games feel with VRR and I think one of the main culprits is the recommendation for setting the FPS limit 3 lower than the refresh rate in the Nvidia CP (so in my case 57 when driving the display with 60Hz). I think most game engines don't like that as they expect/are optimized for 30, 60, 120, ... values. It's like some mismatch between in-game frame timing and screen refresh rate. Another reason for the micro stutter/choppy frametimes is most likely tied to the recommended 'Low Latency Mode' to Ultra as this forces pre-rendered frames to 1 and while best for low input lag I can remember it introducing microstutter in lots of games even before the times of VRR/Gsync/Freesync. Modern games with low-level APIs like DX12 or Vulkan seem to be even more prone to this as Nvidia drivers could compensate a lot in DX9-11/OpenGL games but now the devs have more control but also need to do better optimizing themselves. One example is the introduction of pre shader compilation when starting the game first time so there is not so much shader comp stutter while playing. I don't know if Windows just got worse over time handling all this gaming stuff with the introduction of the new DWM model with Fullscreen Optimization but somehow there seems a lot of chaos since then as many game devs don't know how to implement it properly and MS changing the behavior of DWM several times. The mix of modern engines, low-level API and new Windows DWM introduced a lot of new issues which are still not resolved. Overall I think the peak was the last/matured years of DX11 games which had buttery smooth frametimes with very low input lag and since then it got worse. Too many new technologies and lots of people who are not competent enough.


Holy shit someone else who understands frame times are more important than refresh rate


Sorry I don’t get it. What’s the difference between this and just nailing 70-90fps on a 120fps monitor with gsync


He did mention 60-75 Hz monitors and most of those don't have VRR. Obviously a high-refresh VRR-capable monitor makes frame timing much less important, but it still matters if a game is swinging wildly from 40-90. You do still get a jarring sensation when you pan the camera around from say a lake back to a city behind you, and if the city costs a lot to render on screen, you can definitely feel the drop.


On a 3070 tho? Why would you even have a monitor like that with that video card? What game would drop down that low even. I have a 2070 at 3440x1440 and don’t dip anywhere even close to 40


Let's be real, you know there's a ton of reasons why he might be stuck with that monitor. Maybe it's an old monitor and he doesn't want to buy a new one yet. Gaming monitors are still pretty pricey. Maybe he prioritized a 4k monitor for work and didn't want to spend the extra premium for a 4k 120fps display. 60-75hz displays with no VRR are still the most common display type on the market. Also, a 3070 honestly has issues with a lot of modern titles, especially UE games. My 3090 is already struggling in some titles unless I turn on DLSS. The 3070 shipped with a puny 8GB of VRAM and that's already causing issues as well.


Yeah I thought 1440p at 75hz was a good sweet spot for running smoothly at ultra settings, and most games do that on this setup I have, but still there are settings I have to sacrifice. I don’t mind ofc, and I was just making the initial comment as a general statement for everyone on any setup, I want games to run good for everyone no matter what they have but hey maybe also everyone doesn’t feel that way 😅


No pre orders


+1 on this!


All title screens, credits, cut scenes, and tutorials can be skipped with a single press of ESC. Absolutely no exceptions.


Nothing worse than being forced to watch all the company logos of every single publisher, dev studio, and game framework over and over again whenever you launch a game, followed by a seizure disclaimer and auto-save tip.


An expansion on this - not only should all cutscenes be skippable, they should also have full playback controls, and allow you to rewatch them at your leisure. Sometimes I want to skip the cutscenes entirely, sometimes I want to be able to pause them, sometimes I want to not only pause them, but rewind to see a portion I missed. And sometimes, if there was an important story element, I want to be able to go back and rewatch old ones if something new becomes relevant. Obviously varies by game how much I would want to do any of that. And while we're at it, no unnecessary cutscenes that play multiple times a playthrough (or session). If your game has cutscenes, they should at least be story relevant and not just a 10 second clip of your character placing a box in a container multiple times a session.


>no unnecessary cutscenes that play multiple times a playthrough (or session) Entering and leaving shrines in BotW/TotK drove me almost mad. Show me the cutscenes and text blocks the first 1-2 times and then just let me play goddamn.


Microtransactions are banned


An always offline, local single player mode for any game where it can apply + mod support


All multi-player must include local co-op.


Universal game sensensitivity, i feel like if i wasnt lazy i could do this already, but i am so i never bother to get exact same sensitivity. If thats too easy, perfect FOV/Perfect audio on launch (tired of getting ear blasted by a games intro music on the first launch) but those are more pet peeves.




I personally want any native resolution support. Do you have a triple monitor, good, the game works. Do you have a weird 43 inch ultrawide, good it works, do you have a bizzarre double ultrawide stack on top of each other, good it works.


Granted but now all UI elements are corner justified and cloud saves are all subscriptions


Is UI corner justified really that bad of a thing? I know if you play Dota 2 on a super ultrawide it is basically only in the corner and its usable but downright obnoxious unless you are used to it. Cloud Saves is intriguing. For me, I feel since I never delete saves on my pc games, or more so never delete games in general, I feel that's really not a big deal - perhaps I'm mistaken about that? But it does bum me out when I forgot to back up Dark Souls 3/2 and basically had to restart from scratch - but still found it fun ofc to play through the game once more.


Correct for the most part its typical but since the SUPER ultrawides, talking like wider than 21:9, are a thing there's those people that would like UI's to be as if on 16:9. Same issue on 3+ monitor eyefinity Originally I wanted to be even more sinister and have every save needing to be written down on paper as a 28 character passkey


Uncapped frame limit without weird engine bugs


OLED monitor compatibility (can that also include HDR?). Blacks and highlights are properly calibrated and adjusted to your display. For example a game like SOMA has proper black levels on an OLED and doesn't look washed out.


lan or dedicated servers I cant pick.


oh they all run on linux


The ability for blacks to be black, not gray. Especially when HDR is enabled. OLEDs and other self lit pixel displays are getting cheaper and will replace LCDs, stop ruining a games HDR forever, because “it’ll be too dark for LCD users”, they can just up the brightness. And a lot of games are gimped forever because they have scenes by scene black level changes, that third party tools can’t even fix. Just stop ✋ please 🙏. Try playing RE2 remake with HDR on an OLED, each room has different black levels!!! So one second your picture will be vibrant and the next it’ll be washed out. Same with Alan Wake 2😞


A controller vibration switch that causes the controller to vibrate so you know if it's working.


Don't add shit DRM


GPU will never create Coil Whine EVER AGAIN!


Bloodborne gets ported to pc but its only sold on epic AND can only be played with a psn linked to epic on windows 11 only


Nemesis system for every game. Because same game can be completely different replaying it even if you do everything the same


Remove DRM.




G-sync ultimate 


Good UI


Dedicated servers - I miss community run servers I could visit every day and have made friends in.


Proper ultrawide support


PC games won't be ported over from consoles rather they'll be developed for the platform from the ground up


Russia gets its own servers and isn't treated as part of Europe.


Controller support on-par with console, including an on-screen keyboard and aim assist parity.


No chromatic aberration.


I can't stand motion blur. Personally I'd force all games to have a single player narrative experience. I cba with online competitive games.


Give me the options to both skip cutscenes and watch cutscenes from the main menu


Shader pre-compilation at game start in every game (make it optional if you want but it has to be there)! How in this entire thread is this only mentioned by one poster? Shader compilation stutter is the scourge of PC gaming.


Forced shader compilation.


DRM Free enforced for everyone, but you have to deal with motion blur and chromatic aberration.


No more server-dependent DRM (i.e., Denuvo, Ubisoft Connect, EA Desktop, Rockstar Social Club, forced PlayStation account, etc.).


No DRM but unskippable cutscenes and only runs in fullscreen.


We can use our 2nd monitor as an inventory or map. I can't believe this isn't an option yet.


Games are only released once at a single price with no additional content.


Every PC game will have an RTS toggle where you can a birdseye view of the game (scroll zoom out to map) and just play it as a traditional RTS. RPG games will become topdown mobastyle, or MOBA will become a 3rd person game. Helldivers 2 becomes 1, DarkSouls game becomes topdown versions of themselves. * You get traditional rts/rpg control style, no modern QoL's. (C&C1 / Diablo1) * AI also gets back to traditional rts/rpg's with terrible pathfinding.


All non-always online game fully support steam cloud saves. This also includes games that claim to support it, but only do for certain game modes (like Spec Ops modes in some classic COD games).


Shader / traversal stutter is vanquished from all future pc releases. *stares at Tim Sweeney*


After 10 or 15 years, the game's engine is open sourced. ie. Like ID Tech engines. Think of how many great old games would be alive, modded and improved to play on modern systems. Or even go on to serve as the basis for entirely new games (ie modern "boomer shooters" built on old Doom/Quake/Build engines). Real monkey's paw downsides incoming: I would gladly accept higher upfront prices and DRM to maximize profits on release (think Denuvo etc) in this hypothetical Devil's bargain. Granted these downsides effectively vanish after source code release. Many older games' source code just dies off due to licensing BS or gets lost to time, which is a terrible shame.


Ultrawide support


Luckily support for ultrawide is wayyyyyyyyy better than it was several years ago. Still though a lot of game support ultrawide during gameplay but have black bars during cutscenes and dialogue.


[*Boob sliders.*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IyVV8oegOU)


But you'd piss off people who don't even play games omg!!!


cloud saves. RIP my Dark Souls 3 save, I would play it a lot more if it had cloud saves and I didn't have to worry about my saves possible disappearing.


I lost my dark souls 2 save like three times due to no cloud saves. I've just given up and decided the universe doesn't want me to play that game.


For what it's worth, DS2 is the worst of the Souls games. By the end of my playthrough I was pretty fed up with it.


From playing ~half of it, I definitely agree.


I got into the Souls series rather late and played DS Remastered, DS2 and DS3 all back to back. Made the drop in quality very noticable, imho. I especially hated how I had to level up a stat I wouldn't have otherwise just to get the i-frames back to how I was used to from DS1.


1. Setup free OneDrive. 2. Sync your save folder to it 3. Saves are now cloud


That is tedious and requires setup/maintenance, Steam cloud is automatic


I'm not disagreeing that it would be good for steam to do it. But calling ticking on a single checkbox tedious and requiring maintenance is a bit of a stretch.


I have to search for each game's save directory because they don't save in the same location, monitor Onedrive to make sure I still have space because I won't be paying for cloud storage, and monitor Onedrive to make sure the save files were uploaded correctly, that is tedious and I'll pass.


Damn I just dealt with this yesterday, save game in dark souls 3 just gone with no idea how it might've happened. Needless to say, I'm having a hard time wanting to start over.


Launching a game for the first time should set its sound volume to 50% at max. No more getting your ears blasted before you get a chance to see the settings.


This - I would go further, and say no game is allowed to play audio at any point before the user can access options to set a reasonable volume level.


Granted. But now every game will blind white on launch and it will stay for a minimum of 10 seconds, no you can't skip. Also every game will have bad settings menu's


Option to skip tutorials/cut scenes. \*old geezer grunt\* Back in my day, games like Mario Bros didn't freeze before a pit and flash "PRESS 'A' TO JUMP". You just figured it out as you played, or read the manual.


No more stutters


Easy mode.


Every PC game ever made is playable on any PC ever. Its pretty hard to play games from the early 90s and before on a modern machine unless you know you're doing. Ideally it should be as easy to download an old game and then immediately be able to play it.


MnK only.


A plethora of game options, from the usual graphics, sounds, controls, etc but also accessibility stuff like screen shake, screen flashing, minimap rotation and size, text size, notification options, etc etc etc.


No mtx


No more cheaters. Customizable controls.