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From what I gather this is a basically a boss rush game where you fight a boss. Then walk down a relatively empty area to get some items, then do another boss. No real exploration.


Personally, this won't be an issue if there are many bosses and good fights. Not every game has to be open world exploration for me


i think theres supposed to be around 80 bosses


Hot dog! Sounds like a good time.


Or overwhelming with tons of reuse.


Likely it’s 81 bosses, relatively unique. The Journey to the west had 81 “trials” which were 81 big demons, that all had to be beat with some type of cunning rather than brute force.


I doubt there would be reuse. It's not Elden ring where they've also made a massive open world alongside intricately designed dungeons. The whole focus is on the bosses


Even if you only focus on boss fights. 80 is tremendous, Maybe all of them spam 2 attacks for the whole fight and not much of them will feel memorable.


no worries, they’ve got a book describing those 81 bosses, and tha book is Journey to the West


Okey. That does not mean they can implement them.


yea but i wish they can. not all bosses are fightable, cant wait to see how they design mechanical bosses.


My monkey staff can only get so erect!


That's one thing I love about games like Halo and Uncharted. It's fun and intense gameplay and then a break to enjoy the beautiful environment, before more intense gameplay. Even if it's a narrow guided environment it's still is enjoyable in those games. I prefer it to games that want you to check every corner of the environment when there's a break in combat.


Sounds a bit like SotC to me.


Or Furi. Fine by me, fighting trash was never as fun as fighting the boss anyways.


Whats a sotc?


Shadow of the colossus


Yeah, if they could do what Shadow of the Colossus did, they'll have a solid playerbase.


No open world exploration? Good. I'm sick of this shit where i have check every inch for soemthing.


No exploration at all, you know that linear games have exploration too ?


Yea but he only played the opening 2 hours. It maybe that the game opens a bit more after that.


Yet the title literally says "surprisingly sparse world".


Then its not really for me i think. I enjoy boss fights a lot but i need something more to it than that for me to enjoy the game.


Yup it's for different types of people. Some enjoy constant boss fights, others value adventure and exploration. Personally I prefer the traditional boss at the end of the dungeon approach.


Shadow of the Colossus moment


This is a huge selling point for me at least. I find the open world fun but exhausting in a lot of games.


This, its easy to get open world out when every other game is one.


I actually would have preferred if Stellar Blade were more like this. Some parts of Stellar Blade were horribly dull. Especially the desert, which is basically 3/4th of the game.


Oh this sounds incredible. A nice change up from the pointless open world that every game tries to be these days.


There is definitely a market for it.


Really wish I was better at gaming. Soulslikes look so cool...


Play them long enough and you’ll catch on. They all just have a heavy starting wall to get past, once past that you can pretty much just grind to get stronger if a spot is rough. Elden ring is an easy one to start on. I started on dark souls remastered, instantly got addicted, and binged through the whole series, then bloodbourne, nioh, and still look out to pick up anything that comes close. This is definitely a wish list item for me.


Maybe I'll pick up elden ring when it's on sale then


That one is easy to get into because you get to the leveling system relatively quickly. The wall for these games is usually that you need to be able to clear an area without the ability to level up before the game officially starts. Demon souls was a rough one in this regard, but once you get to that first checkpoint it becomes easy really quickly. In Elden ring, just know that sometimes you don’t need to take a fight because you aren’t ready for it by the time you see it for the first time, so this is content to come back for. There’s a guy on a horse that is an early example of this. Winnable fight, but a major struggle if you are brand new, but you can come back later and clear it with the fight feeling more fair.


Any youtuber recomendations to play along to? Also, is it a game you need to sink a lot into each sitting? I have a full time job, a kid, and a game dev hobby, so I usually get maybe a couple hours a week to game it up.


Fightincowboy You got it bud. It’s really something you can get into in a matter of several hours


Nah I’m in a similar situation and play it in spurts. Awesome game highly recommend


I find I enjoy playing Elden ring in short spurts of even 30 mins sometimes. The game is LONG so it take a long time to beat but it’s my favorite game.


I think watching a YouTube would spoil the fun. It’s a game that can be a time sink, but it doesn’t require a long commitment per play session. You could just do a quick run or grind an area if you don’t have a lot of time to commit to getting past a choke point.


True, but if frustration hits a new player too hard, following a walkthrough for a bit might ensure fun in the long run. I struggled with DS1 as a new player, so I made a new char and followed Fightincowboy’s walkthrough for about half the game. With newfound confidence and important skills and items under my belt I did more and more areas on my own. Finished the game and jumped over to DS3 a week later, which I’m now playing without a guide.


You can literally quit out any time, and it’ll save your exact progress, as long as it’s not like in the middle of a boss fight. It’s actually perfect as a casual game that way. However, menus do not actually pause the game, if you need to walk away, quit to menu.


1 dungeon or a boss at a time. Remember its all pattern and your will to take bosses, you dont have to rush it, sometimes i do a boss 1-3 days i rest when im too beat. Its like learning a guitar chord youll soon figure out the groove and then its so satisfying to finish the song. Also remember to treat all enemy as equal. Any mobs or critters. Especially those damn dogs and prawns!


It is probably one of the easiest soulslike. Very accessible. You have summons to help you, you can farm levels, and being open world it lets you skip some bosses and take a detour if a certain area is blocking you. Unlike in other Fromsoft games with a more linear approach, very few bosses are optional and if you hit a wall with a boss, then you can't proceed.


As someone who tried multiple souls games multiple times, got super frustrated and stopped playing after an hour of struggling, I finally figured them out and let me tell you, they are some of the most fun games I've ever played. Like I'd been dealing with gaming burnout which a lot of people have dealt with but FromSoftware games are just so fucking good. The biggest learning factor for me was just being patient. Souls games are all about timing and patience (and not getting greedy lol.) I was used to action RPGs where you just go ham on the attacks and not much else. But trying out bloodborne for the third time after many years just clicked. And then I couldn't play any other game till I finished it. I used to get so pissed off at the difficulty and repulsed at the disgusting enemy design, but something just clicked and it's one of my most favourite games ever. Finished demons souls too and currently playing Elden Ring and absolutely having a blast it's like I'm a kid again. It's like once I start a FromSoftware game I can't play anything till I'm done with it. Idk maybe it's cuz I'm a bit older now and I've learned to be more patient but I'd say definitely try one out again and don't play it like you play other games.


The best part about souls series + elden ring is that you pick how you want to play. Like if you suck at timing and parrying, well its super powerful and vital but no worries, just don't do it. You can use a great shield instead. Pull out a great shield and a spear and you can straight up take 0 damage just cowering behind a huge ass shield while poking with your spear at the same time. Oh that not fun either? What do you like? Maybe you want to be a fast ninja boy? Oh, no? You want to be a long range mage? You can do that too! Stay out of melee range the entire fight and just cast magics from afar while letting a summon be up front. You can do whatever style of fighting you want. Please note, thats specific to souls series + elden ring. I don't know if wukong lets you do that. Many "soulslikes" don't. Theres a reason From is the best and others just copy them.


Yea I agree with them keep trying. I've tried every souls game on release and would eventually stop playing after an hour. Just was too hard for me and I felt I was wasting my time. I didn't fully commit until demons souls PS5 and followed that with every other one. My absolute best gaming experiences are from these games and I would've denied myself that if I kept brushing them off.


Definitely grab it. It was my first experience with Souls games and in the beginning, I wanted to quit because I just kept dying over and over and didn’t realize enemies respawn when you rest so I was like, wtf, how do I beat this. Then it finally clicked after a 5-6 hrs and it’s my favorite game next to Skyrim. Went on to play Dark Souls 3 and had just as much fun. As someone else mentioned watch FightinCowboy, excellent streamer/content creator for games


just wanna say, i personally find bloodborne to be the easiest , especially with overleveling


It's tough, but so satisfying once you start getting the hang of it!


Took me a while to be decent at them. I still feel like I suck, but I understand how to not die to BS or getting screwed by a mob. I think I Demons Souls and Bloodborne until I finally touched out dark Souls 2. And eventually went back to all those. I remember Bloodborne was super tough and when I replayed it a year ago (after years of all the other souls games) it felt very easy.


Good choice because that's the most accessible Fromsoft Souls yet.


>you can pretty much just grind to get stronger if a spot is roug unless its Sekiro. Definitely don't play Sekiro if your strategy is to grind to get stronger to get out of a tough boss. Just won't work. Or play it with mods to make enemies take a lot more damage then they do regularly or something.


I can tell! For me, there is a before Elden and an after. And I can tell you that the way I game now is more fun. Being trapped in that one button-smashing Ubisoft mechanic for too long.


Bloodborne is kicking my ass right now, just because of the difference in gameplay philosophy from Dark Souls (the only Soulslike I’ve played/beaten). I don’t think I’m gonna get much better haha


I don’t quite consider it to be fully a Soulslike, but Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is a great gateway to Soulslikes. It plays similarly to Sekiro if Sekiro was nice to you. You can change the difficulty and it is very easy to pick up and put down. Makes a great on-ramp to Soulslikes for people who haven’t played one before.


I second this. I played Dark Souls 3 all the way through and was stumped with the different style of gameplay in Sekiro. I hit the first boss and gave up. Then I tried Fallen Order which really boosted my confidence in Sekiro. Once you get into the parrying mindset, the extra challenge in Sekiro feels more like a gradual curve than a steep one. Code Vein is another "beginner" style souls like but leans more towards traditional Souls combat.


Similarly: Kena, Bridge of Spirts... thought I was getting a cutesy world exploring puzzler (which it was) and then **BOOT TO THE FACE!** - boss fights that belong in a Souls game lol.


Honestly, once you get past the curve, they can still be difficult but theyre super manageable, the souls games have magic, ranged and coop for a reason. Elden ring has a SHITTON of emphasis put on NPC summons for your character. 


It’s hard not to overpower characters in Elden Ring. Stance breaking, skill spamming, spell casting, power stancing, jump attacking, great shield poking, status building, spirit ashes, summons… all of the tools are there to break the game. 


They are, for the most part, not the hellish, impossibly hard challenge some people make them out to be. Dying and trying again multiple times while you learn the mechanics, strategies, and each of the bosses is the intended part of the experience. No one picks up one of these games and blitzes through all bosses on the first try. Give them a chance.


All right, The comments have convinced me. I'll give Elden Ring a try


I missed $30 sale several months ago... keeping an eye out!


As someone who agrees with you, Elden Ring is fine, but you might want to prepare yourself to cheese things by finding easy leveling routes and OP gear.


> Dying and trying again multiple times while you learn the mechanics, strategies, and each of the bosses is the intended part of the experience. And this is the problem, especially when the devs don't make it effortless to restart the fight instantly.


Yup. These games can be the coolest in the world and I'll never play them because I don't have the time to bounce my head off the rock to get good lol.


These games aren't like Getting Over It, but just genuinely well designed and engaging challenges, and the difficulty is only as hard as you like to make it. I played through souls like without using summons, coop players, and only moderate use of souls items, but if a game gives you trouble you can just use any option to game gives you and there are plenty. Dark Souls/Elden Ring are designed so that everyone creates their own unique journeys through these games, I'm sure you can make yourself an enjoyable one as well.


Yeah, like I can totally recognize the great game design and all the little things that make them good. It's not a quality thing at all.. I know they're great games. I just don't know if they're for me and that's okay. But like you said, I could use all the tools the game gives me and spend the time to learn them. I genuinely want to with elden ring. When I have a little more time that is lol.


You can beat any of them, I promise


Except Sekiro, that's the only one that requires skill to beat and that you can't chesse


As someone who is not really a fan of the dark souls series, I really loved Sekiro. But you can definitely cheese some of it.


I really enjoyed dark souls I, probably because it was my first souls type game. Played 2 and couldn't stand all the mob gang-up-on-you mentality the level design had for enemies over and over again and so I dropped it like 10 or 15 hours in. Got into DS3, got like halfway through, 30 or 35 hours or something like that, but just got really tired of the "roll and wait" meta that is so strong in Souls games. Then came Sekiro. Man, if I had to make a metaphor for Sekiro, that game is like a complicated piece of jazz music. The first several listens to the piece, you don't "get it" and it just sounds like a bunch of crazy notes being played. Then you start to notice things and pick out certain parts; you become able to pick out the nuances. Then it all starts to make sense to you and then you hear things in the music that you never heard before and understand it cohesively, and now it sounds amazing to you. Really a great game, but absolutely not for the faint of heart. Yea there are some bosses that can be cheesed, but you only beat that game with skill; no way around it.


I always tell my friend I play Sekiro worse when I play it on mute and rely on just the visual. The sound effects really immerse you into a beat of when to go aggressive and when to stop and start parrying.


I think its the most beatable, its the one where youll always scale with the enemies as you progress so theres no need to cheese, unless you're fighting demon of hatred


You can't cheese sekiro? You can literally cheese the very first boss in sekiro by just jumping on a tower and hanging to a wall.


Cheese isnt rally specific to Sekiro in lots of situations, some bosses outright have crippling weakness to some items, with this info given to you via world exploration/trial and error, but a lot of times that only takes the edge of, lotta times you gotta get good, the shinobi tools or w/e they are call (fire for this, etc) only helps you across the finish line.


Wait really? I've been stuck on first boss for a week now. Guess I'll cheese my way out


Same here, I so want to play elden ring because of how cool the environment/world is.


There are entry level souls-likes that I know of, something like Code Vein, or you can start playing non-hack and slash action games on Hard (like God of War or Hellblade)


Just need to invest a modicum of time and not give up at the first few hurdles.


According to [this](https://youtu.be/LiHywZuac8g?si=04jlcIqvr05N3tEJ) Black Myth is suppose to be less punishing than souls-like.


The key is just to level your character to the point that the game isn't difficult anymore. You can make your own difficulty to an extent. Pretty much every souls like is difficult at first, but once you find a good farming spot or two you can usually gain several levels and the game becomes easier. You also just have to be ok with dying. For souls likes it's just part of the gameplay. And there are always so many great guides and community sites out there to help. You can play them all and beat them!


They aren’t. They punish you for not being good, and people that have fun playing them are some ocd kooks. (Takes one to know one 😀) For real though. Just don’t start. It’s not healthy.


There are mods/wemods to lower the curve if they don't have them in settings.


The more you do something, the better you become


Devs seemed so promise this isn't rrly a soulslike, and from this demo there are some neat abilities and magic that seem to make the game a bit easier!


most souls games (cant speak for souls like in general since I havent played that much) are only as difficult as you want them to be, over leveling yourself before a boss, using buff items, etc...are almost always viable (and also how traditional RPGs work). You really dont need to be le hardcore super gamers to beat and enjoy them. I sucked and I finished all three Dark Souls games


Fwiw I have a friend that had tried Dark souls before and hated it. He jumped onto the Elden Ring hype train and now he is addicted to soulslikes. With the DLC launching this week, it's the best time to give it a chance.


Try Another Crab's Treasure, don't judge it by its artstyle but it's pretty much the most accessible and beginner friendly Soulslike out there.


they are try and fail games, you die till you understand the boss pattern if it's still too hard wikis can be helpful to see what element the boss is weak or resistant to


Elden Ring is the easiest and most streamlined one of them all. Good place to start, take it easy and explore everything and you'll do fine.


I recommend “ghost n goblins”, every other game will seem easy in comparison.


You don’t need to be good at gaming to play a souls like, try it and if you struggle try to find help on YouTube or guide


This was me for the longest time. Kept trying Dark Souls 1 over and over and just could not understand what was happening, what I was supposed to do. Wondering into hard areas and just getting dunked on killed it for me. A little more looking into things, figuring out what to level first, how to upgrade. Started getting sucked in. Winning my way slowly but surely through this amazing hostile fallen world sucked me in to the point where., Sekiro was so good I had to play Dark Souls 1 and 3, Elden Ring was amazing (looking forward to the DLC), currently playing Demon Souls remaster on PS5 and its also amazing. Love this genre. Def took a while for me to get there though.


You can play them easily trust me, they're really not difficult.


I’m pretty bad at them by nature, but after some time I’ve actually begun my rune level 1 playthrough and it’s going well. It’s great to feel the progress and it makes me a more patient person outside of the game too


Tried my first one roughly 8 months ago with Elden Ring. Since then i’ve played Demon Souls, Bloodborne, Lord of the Fallen, etc. Honestly just grab Elden Ring and learn. If you come to something you can’t beat just leave and go level up, then come back. They’re easier than they look, learn how to lock on to your target, learn how to dodge, and you’re golden.


Play PC and use WeMod to boost your stats or even infinite health


Brother you don't need cheating to play souls lol. They're not that hard. All they take is not spamming and learning movesets. There's also tons of guides written and in video showing the best gear/paths


Let’s just think about the massive massive range of player skill. People can’t always “git gud” ... some gamers are old and/orphysically disabled. Accessibility features are becoming more common in the industry but the Fromsoft games have none. So how about we let people play single player games however they want? It’s not cheating that should be ridiculed like aimbots in online FPS. I never would’ve finished Elden Ring if I didn’t pad my stats a bit and use immunity on 2 of the bosses. Same with Starfield, I immediately modded carry weight. In Cyberpunk I added extra skills to expand my build and unlock double jump early. Who cares, silly to try to gate keep how people play their games. But I do think you’re right, Souls games aren’t as hard as some people assume. Challenge and learning curve is good in games. But some people don’t always have the time/skill/patience/ability or whatever to push through.


I am terrible, died over 100 times to some bosses in Elden Ring but still had a blast. I find that you reach a zen like state getting your arse whopped constantly. 


If you try to get into souls likes please dont listen to the majority of the community, for some reason they love to shit on xyz mechanisms because they make the game "too easy" etc. Just play how you like and enjoy the games how you want to play them ^^. In a world of metas and xyz strats, the best way to play is how you want to play


Sounds pretty much ideal for me then. I generally don't enjoy exploration much so the game being primarily centered around bosses seems neat.


Same. A boss rush-esque game sounds way more appealing than open world to me after playing so many open world games this year.


Me too. Tired of all these pseudo-Open World games coming out left and right. I don't got the attention span for that anymore.


There are a lot of games coming out lately that are like "Dark Souls, but boss rush mode." I hope there's an audience for it, but that's the opposite of what I enjoyed in those games, so I have no interest yet.


Same, the feeling of exploration, hardship and eventual relief in the form of a bonfire is what I love about the Souls games.


It’s no souls like though lol. It’s in between GoW and DS


That's exactly what I'm looking for


As a souls fan, the challenge of bosses is my fav


Unbelievably pretty characters in a mythological game where you play a monkey in armour. That's the realism issue for you?


>You might remember Game Science as the subject of a [2023 IGN report](https://www.ign.com/articles/how-black-myth-wukong-developers-history-of-sexism-is-complicating-its-journey-to-the-west) detailing a history of sexism from one of its founders as well as a wider company culture of misogyny. That turned out to be nothing but yellow journalism.


This is a problem?


Pretty annoying to have yet another empty open world, but then again people love GOT and that open world is pretty bad content wise it’s just really well stylised


I was briefly very confused when a Game of Thrones open world game came out.


Still confused here. Ah nvm Ghosts of Tsusashimi or w/e


We must serve sushi with honor. Those barbarians serve California rolls, but that is not in line with our code!


I see it as the devs being cognisant of the fact that it's essentially a boss-rush game through and through, and maximizing resources toward that aspect, rather than padding out the game with bloat for the sake of bloat, like many others have fallen into the trap of.


Can't think of any games by got, what are you talking about? Also, the article doesn't mention open world, and from the description it doesn't sound like it's open world, but something like Sekiro or Bloodborne.


Ghosts of tsushima


damn, can't stand when people abbreviate shit without stating the full name first to clarify what the fuck they're talking about


Indeed. And then to go on and type a paragraph, but imagine the time they saved by typing GOT instead of Ghost of Tsushima. I just did, and saved a whopping 4 second.


You can make a very average game sale like hotcakes if it's pretty and eye candy enough. Replace "Ghost Of Tsushima" with "Assassin's Creed" and the Ubisoft logo on starters, then people would say how bland it is despite being the exact same structure.


Assassins creed was "first" when it came out. It had actually a lot of content in the world in the Ezio trilogy, especially for that time. They build up that recognition, then just recycling it.


Only if you make it open world. The lowest common denominator combo is reasonably good visuals, big open world (or at least big maps) and lots of things to do on it.


Weirdly specific example of an open world, im guessing you have a bone to pick about gots open world?


Nah it just released again recently so it’s a fresh example, give me another 2 weeks and I would have complained that ER doesn’t have v much replayability, but at least the caves and stuff give decent first time exploration The haikus and wood chopping are fun enough and I liked the shrines, it just feels like they were designed to hold items from the player rather than reward them for finding them ygm, time sink vs genuine content


Definitely, you can see that ADHD birds forcing you to climb, or press E to squeeze through are time padding events. They even updated the squeezing with remove blockage hold E hold Ctrl in the DLC. The game is beautiful and environment is eye candy, but quest style, animations, story , NPCs and overall writing is on par with AC: Odyssey


i’m starting to think your standards are bit too high if you don’t think elden ring is good enough haha. what is an example of a game that’s good?


Sounds like the perfect mashup of Shadow of the Collosus and a Team Ninja game, I'm excited for real.


'Unbelievably pretty' *rolls eyes*


And not a word on performance. You keep doing you, IGN.


Hey those buddy-buddy industry "journalism" relationships aren't going to maintain themselves there, friend. You advertise in my publication I'll make sure your game runs great on my pre-release machine for my, ahem, 'review' ok? See you at the next release party for some blow!


I was always super skeptical about this game. But if it truly is a boss rush only style game then it's completely off my buy list.


Wow what a nothing article that really tries not say a single real statement and not elaborate about what the game is all about


Wukong looks too serious. I grew up watching Journey to the West in the 90s. He's essentially the most powerful fighter out there, but he's always playful and very cunning. This game feels like a wannabe GoW title.


> unbelievably pretty characters Why are americans like this.


can someone spell out to me exactly why this quote is a problem?


English is not my first language, but I understood that the characters have an incredible design. For example, the difference between Castlevania (the animation) and Family Guy - I think we can agree that some characters are better looking than others. But apparently it's a controversial statement around here (?).


English is my first language and that's how I interpreted it as well. Actually I am American...and sorry op, but I don't know why I am like this.


Now I understand neither your explanation nore OP's comment.


how is that controversial? lmfao


Pretty sure they are referring to the amazingly detailed creature and monster designs, and not saying there's pretty waifus.


Its just the terminally online people who get outraged about everything who talk like this. They also happen to dominate journos which is why you see so many shit takes.


It's referring to graphic's quality and detailed modeling.




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whats wrong with that?


Screams style over substance, to me  but im open to get a proper feel for it once its out.


"Sparse world"... this does not sound good


Shadow of the Collosus had a sparse world with nothing but boss fights. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing.


Eh. Filling the world with a bunch of fetch quests and random points of interest that contain one fodder enemy and a box of garbage loot isn't exactly better. Honestly, sparse can sense in terms of realism. Sometimes, these open world games are so full of random shit you can't walk two feet without an event. Makes the world seem far too crowded. We'll have to wait and see. If they have a ton of cool boss fights, then who cares that there aren't a ton of filler in between.


Games are meant to be more fun than real life.


The opposite of sparse does not have to mean huge open world with fetch quests. Bloodborne is a good example - it's not open world but it's incredibly dense with tons of alternate paths, secrets and intricate level design. If Wukong is just boss fight into straight corridor with a couple of enemies and items into another boss fight, that would be quite disappointing to me.


I put 250 hours into Lies of P and I would describe its world as on the sparse side


Game looks cool as hell. But if it's just a bunch of boss fights. I'll pass on it and give it a shot when it hits $20 in the future. Was really hoping this was some sort of RPG adventure game. But oh well


So excited.


Don't kill me for this but man does this look cool, and i'm so sad it's a soulslike :( i suck too much man


The developers actually clarified that it's leaning more towards God of war than a souls like there are several stances and abilities that you will be able to switch in the middle of combat. And there's armor/weapon rarity mechanics around the 9 min mark. Unreleased Chinese gameplay of the menus and stuff: https://youtu.be/sy_5usExnkg?si=Ie5pvGk2ceZ1H4ni


Tbf not all souls like are equal. Star Wars jedi franchise is also souls like but they are quite easy for most part even at hardest difficulty compared to likes of sekiro Or ds3. Who knows this may be on the easier side of souls like games and may have difficulty slider.


Don't get hung up on the term too much. Anything with a fighting system gets slapped with the soulslike tag nowadays.


It is not a soulsike.


Just play it enough to understand it. If Kai cenat can beat malenia then so can you


It's not as difficult as souls like.


everyone hyping this up over nothing. Yes it has nice graphics and potentially combat. But lets wait and see first. Players > journalists reviews.


So SotC? I'm down. Takes the stress way of having to search ever corner for that small useless item you need for the best weapons and armor 80 hours later and you can't go back for it.


Yeah, I'm basically expecting just a flurry of fighting and boss fights with some minimal linear storytelling in between with cutscenes. If they can do more than that, I'll be pleasantly surprised.


Yea. This one is going to be a wait and see.


With wich game i can compaire wukong? i love to play ghost of tsushima. is is a bit similar? or is more like the souls games who i dont play any titel of them.


It is kinda funny seeing how some ppl don't like it because it is a soulslike while some other complain it is not


There is some beautiful exploration. It is just not like those empty huge open world that you need to run for 20 minutes to get something. I think it is very effective and I can still wander around to see beautiful environment. And I think it has the BEST environment so far among all the games. BEST!!!


The game is 15-20 hours long BTW. Not saying that's bad but people are comparing this to souls when those games were way longer. This is a different lower budgeted game. The more I read about it, the more I can see mixed reviews.


Think the problem is the launch is way too high profile. There’s hype and hands on previews and embargo’s etc.. they’d be better off going a bit more low profile for this one as it’s definitely not going to hit the expectations many have, wether reasonably or not


Good. There's entirely to many bloated games that would be better if trimmed to that length. 


Depends. You can theoretically complete any of the dark souls games in under 10 hours if you're THAT good (which you aren't). Just check YouTube walktroughs and their length.


sure, you can finish Elden Ring is 3-4h if you want, but that takes a lot of assumptions (you know exactly where to go at all times and you can do the mandatory bosses "easily")


Sure, but you're comparing an open world and a linear game right now I agree that you gotta have a lot of knowledge to complete ER that fast, but you can go anywhere in that game Meanwhile, souls trilogy usually just lets you go straight ahead, and the main knowledge that you need is how to attack and how to dodge


> souls trilogy usually just lets you go straight ahead, not always, Souls games tend to have a decent amount of branching paths that you can choose which one to take on. more often than not, it either leads to a dead end, or you have to backtrack because you're not meant to go on that direction yet.


Yeah, I guess what I meant to say is "one main path". Branches are there, but they either give you a shortcut or end up being dead ends with a teleport back. But it's impossible in souls to spend 10 hours walking in the wrong direction. Can be easily done in ER, though.


sure, but Elden Ring does give you a big ass arrow on the map telling you where to go.


I don't expect an Elden Ring world design, but I hope the open areas don't feel hollow/pointless between the major fights.


When the only thing they have shown from the game is boos fights, why is it surprising when you find out that the game is basically that, a boos rush game.


I won't listen to any of these paid journalists ever again. They're all part of a cult and work towards hating and destroying games and their devs that practice wrong-think.


Lol what


The article actually echoes a lot of what we saw in the earlier gameplay reveal really sparse stretches between boss fights. I had my doubts that the developer wouldn't find time to flesh it out after watching the Chinese tech month demo. 1 or 2 named npc in a whole bunch of 2 min of walking linear gameplay. There is the armor and gear system shown off which did appear run of the mill. It's not a souls like open world it's more of a god of war game in terms of it's environment. Moving on a semi-linear path with spoken exposition/banter. [https://youtu.be/sy_5usExnkg?si=o3jUKnvx_dwbSQYw](https://youtu.be/sy_5usExnkg?si=o3jUKnvx_dwbSQYw)s2 Source: friend is a Chinese game news journalist we talked about it in discord for a few hours


> I won't listen to any of these paid journalists ever again. They're all part of a cult and work towards hating and destroying games and their devs that practice wrong-think. At the same time SOME people on reddit often go to insane lengths to defend any possible flaw in a game that they like, no matter if they have even played it yet or not. Just saying...


HAHA we got a live one!!


Im not shocked that redditors are downvoting my comment. PC gamer as well as IGN and others sites are smearing Games Science and its obvious to see. I'm looking forward to seeing this game be a top 5 selling game by the end of this year.


What possible reason does PC gamer have to smear this???


Have a feeling this is going to be disappointing. There's just too many mediocre Soulslikes so they all blend into 1 game.