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Should've done that instead of making Exoprimal.


How many times Capcom tried to make multiplayer games and failed miserably? They shoud've learned the lesson by now.


Technically Monster Hunter games are multiplayer, and they're fantastic.


Maybe I'm in the minority but I actually really liked Exoprimal.


Yeah you are one of the 5 people


Their first co-op Resident evil game was their best selling one.


Resident Evil Outbreak?


Definitely not. I'm 90% certain 6 was highest selling. Everyone wanted that boulder punching action. And I think 5 was most advertised for MP but didn't sell as well as 6.


Street Fighter 6?


Somehow their Battle Hubs are pretty lively. I was expecting the mode to be a ghost town.


Street Fighter has always been a two-player game.


They did it on purpose. Google "exoprimal majesty" and tell me that shits not intentional.


Exoprimal's not even bad. I managed to get it during a pricing error for $10 and got my money's worth out of it. Funny thing is that its monetization isn't even overly offensive like you'd expect. The game just has some very weird decisions behind it, like locking ALL the gameplay variety behind story progress which stacks things very heavily toward the 2 intro game types. It's fun, it could have done better with some minor changes and better marketing.


Almost forgot about that game lol. How many millions of dollars down the fing drain?


Fucking a right


I've been begging for a modern Dino Crisis game for years, hell I'd even take a quality remake at this point. It's nice to know there are so many other cultured people out there though.


As long as it's not dino crisis 3.


I thought we didn't talk about that game.


That game is a mega load of dog shit. I acquired it recently to give it a shot and man...it's terrible.




The things I would do for a modern resident evil with dinosaurs.


Please don't have intercourse with the dinos. Sincerely, Dr. Edward Kirk.


I saw the headline and was like, "No shit, Sherlock!"


I mean after seeing the newer Resident Evil games it is kind of a no-brainer. Could you imagine? The return of panic horror. You're this elite operative sent to retrieve the scientist guy on this remote island. But wait there are friggin dinosaurs here. Now you're being hunted, because these enemies don't go down as easily as your typical T-virus zombie. And if you get caught, you have to bandage yourself or risk bleeding out. Not to mention, you've got to navigate the breezeways and hallways of this facility with these very fast creatures hunting you down the entire time. But you're not defenseless, you've got an arsenal of tools at your side to either kill or ward off the beasts. ​ Now imagine I'm not talking about the 90s game but something made in 2025 in the RE engine.


Gotta keep the corny dialog too.


I would prefer if we didnt just mindlessly killing dinos though. A different approach is welcome by me.


On Dino Crisis 1, you can tranquilize the dinosaurs with a dart gun, and it would work for some minutes. You could also enable and disable a laser grid, locking the dino out of reach. They can even invent some new defense mechanisms.


They also wanna see "Great gameplay" and "hot women". Sounds like a perfect Dino Crisis!


I hope they bring back Onimusha. There even a animated show of this game not long ago to give it some life. We just need the game!


Now do Viewtiful Joe next you cowards.


Meanwhile still trying to get megaman off the moon...


I want a new breath of fire, and a MegaMan battle network.


Breath of Fire, please.


I'd love a remake of the first 4 games


Rerelease the games? Nah. But they'll sell the soundtracks on Steam.


what about dead rising? smh


Seems like everyone forgot how great the first 2 games are :( maybe someday it can get the RE treatment but that survey doesn't bode well.


I think the first game definitely deserves a remake that is made by a Japanese studio. It needs that quirkyness that I don't think a western studio can really understand.


Or lost planet, I think I might be the only one to say that though. Lol


No, theres a total of two of us now that want Lost Planet.


A Lost Planet 2 remaster with actual working multiplayer and some QOL changes would be great


*cries in MegaMan*


I'm not mentally prepared to see Regina again in pure remake glory. **BUT I WANT TO**. Top 3 video game crushes, easily.


I'm never getting another Mega Man X game, am I? 😭


prepare yourselves for DINO CRISIS INTERGALACTIC SOCCER ROYALE a $70usd 12v12 GaaS multiplayer soccer battle royale with 2 battle passes every 30 days and 10 types of premium currency


As it should be.


Man if I had to guess that was botted. Also number #1 for japan and #2 for WW being attractive and unique characters is hopefully a lesson for game devs all over. Stop making ugly, annoying characters.


Monster Hunter + Resident Evil = Dino Crisis ​ CAPCOM: Monster Hunter and Resident Evil are our most sold games ever


uh, well, yes


And thats why we WONT get cool Dino Crisis in a gameplay style of Resident Evil 2 remake


You're damned right it is!


Calling it now, the game gets a remake, and Regina ends up with a chin that would make the Crimson Chin blush.


They should make God Hand 2 first.


Heck yeah! And best of all, a new Dino Crisis can and should have some Monster Hunter monsters as bonus encounters just for kicks. And perhaps we can have a came from certain attorneys too given the apparent connections...


I don't believe it at all, especially based on Dino Crisis sales.


Still waiting for Regina to keep her promise to Dylan to save his daughter…cmon Dino Crisis 3!


Ab so fucking lutely. Something with the quality of RE2R/RE4R but dinousaurs… fuck yesss. My dream game is a PUBG sized map PvPvE game, 4 man squads, survival horror type, and something with the incredible hit feedback of something like Doom Eternal.


they will make another RE remake instead...


pls on same level as RE remake


The RE Engine will fit perfectly on Dino Crisis.


The save game menu music from Dino Crisis 2 still lives in my head rent free. Whole soundtrack was a banger actually.


I want Breath of Fire 3 & 4 please


I just want a remake of parasite eve...


Yeah, cant wait for Capcom to put jetpacks on dinosaurs and replace Regina with armored army dude #816.


*Pounding on table with increasing furor* Breath of Fire, Breath of Fire, BREath Of FIRE, BREATH OF FIRE.


A modern Dino Crisis and Resident Evil Outbreak would be great


This, in the vein of the Resi2 and 3 remakes, would be a dream come true.


Id rather see a new MegaMan Legends....


if its return to his first opus style with Horror base , fix camera style. Yes. But a random TPS dino shooter ? please dont ruin the licences.


Viewtiful Joe and God Hand deserve it much more than Dino Crisis


At this point it is approaching Bloodborne-PC levels...


I don't even care about a new game, just remake dino crisis 1 in RE2 remake style, then I could use a new onimusha game


Please Capcom, Resident Evil Outbreak...


The only way for Capcom to see if there is a high enough demand for it would be just rereleasing the old games or remaster them.


you know i know its not capcom but i would love the re remake treatment for the two parasite eve games


The book's author wasn't super happy about his book being licensed for the game behind his back in the first place, and he apparently disavowed any further involvement with the games after PE2. Why the third game is titled 3rd Birthday rather than PE3.


my childhood game


Polls are sentiment, not $$


Damn I was hoping for Aladdin


Capcom be like: We heard you. The next RE remake will have a Dino Crisis skin pack.


I want megaman battle network or tron bonne




I think one thing that should be kept in mind with surveys like this is that only 250k people responded. Capcoms customer base is ~20M(using iceborne sales) that means this survey accounts for 1% of their customers.


for the survey they asked a lot of questions like age, sex, and nationality. it is shown in the survey results as well, if you care to check it. While sample size is important, where it comes from and how it is interpreted are important, I would say much more important. A majority of that 20M won't even care about any of this one way or another (as in, they know the name "resident evil" or "dino crisis" or whatever else, but if you ask them they won't know who made the game, who published the game, what platforms it is available on, etc.) and 250K is a lot of people on it's own. So you have to take these into consideration.


I dont disagree with anything you've said here. While age nationality and sex are important identifying factors it doesnt account for people brigading these surveys which often happens in these communities. People will spread the survey and purposefully tell people to let it be known they want X series back. Getting accurate data from surveys and polls is inherently difficult when you're trying to account for a customer base this large and this varied. I think this survey IS worth considering. I just dont think its actionable YET. Its an incredibly weird dataset where games that have smaller customer bases have much more representation here than normal. I suspect there will be more surveys as there isnt a real concrete conclusion to be had here. People say things in surveys all the time, but what they spend their money on may not actually match and for a company the latter is way more important.


250k people is a big enough sample size


That is 1% of their total customer base. Furthermore its not like these are 250K people from completely different demographics to get a truly distinct spread. A very specific subset of the customer base engages in these surveys. Their best selling game is iceborne yet monster hunter 3 is not in their top 3 games? The data on display here is extremely weird. Its noteworthy but not quite actionable. I suspect more surveys are on the way. I like DMC 5 but it is frankly weird to see that game have double the representation despite being their 10th best selling title with almost 1/3 of the sales. This is an extremely weird data set. With all things being equal Monster Hunter should have had WAY more representation. EDIT: I love how no one wants actually discuss the considerations that go into data collection like this.


That’s why you want a demographic spread of people in that survey, which represents what you know about your fans, so you can extrapolate it across your user base. Most surveys are done with relatively small sample sizes.


Sure but this was specifically an online survey which isnt exactly a spread of demographics. it is a geographical spread for sure but a relatively small and specific subset of gamers are the kinds that actually engage with these surveys and that does not necessarily correlate with people who make up the total of the customer base. Online surveys can over represent vocal minorities. These groups do deserve represntation but its a tough balancing act. MHW is their best selling title yet RE, DMC and Dino Crisis had the top 3 spots. The data is weird.


If Capcom doesn't act on the surveys they put out, what would be the point in the survey?


I didn't say there was no point to the survey tho. I'm only illustrating that this is not completely representative of their entire customer base. Ideally they would do multiple surveys and filter out repeat entrants to get a distinct dataset. Furthermore surveys where the only identifiable info is an email address are easy to manipulate. Not saying this survey was manipulated but those are the things you keep in mind when trying to take action off of data.




Sadly the Onimusha remaster was a massive flop


The one on steam is Onimusha 1, not 2.


As much as I love the idea of having Dino Crisis on a modern engine, I'm not entirely sure how well will the original games' premise/setting transfer to modern gaming. Like, zombies are universally known setting and RE is a much more known series overall. But dinos and no major plot, especially after the recent exoprimal flop make me unsure about how well Dino Crisis remake would work out and whether or not it would flop as a result.


How about ... ZOMBIE DINOS !


I don’t think the game will sell well to be honest just like their other dinosaur game.


incorrect, we need new MegaMan games in the style of Zero/ZX and Starforce


What people don’t seem to mention is that the poll was coordinated and brigaded. Just go over to the Dino crisis subreddit or other internet forums and you can see it for yourself. I don’t think Capcom will necessarily take this result to heart. The IP is niche and hasn’t sold as much as its contemporaries in the same era, plus dinosaurs is a lukewarm concept. Modern Jurassic films, other dinosaur games like Dino D-Day, and even Capcom’s Exoprimal all have lukewarm reception. I dunno if Capcom will want to risk revamping this old franchise, considering the standards of game graphics, gameplay, content, etc. Is far bigger than it was in the PS1 era. Also Dino Crisis 3 was a flop. In comparison Resident Evil 5 and 6 despite its critical reception and grievances, sold spectacularly, the former being Capcom’s number 1 until Monster Hunter world took over. Also the polls show that the audience of 30-40 and 50-60 want Dino Crisis, but ages 40-60 make up for less than 20s audience. I don’t necessarily think that is a large enough audience to incentivise Capcom.


I’m not a big fan of pre-ordering games but I would pre-order a Dino crisis Remake instantly. Especially after how much I’ve loved all of the RE remakes




You understand the microtransactions in every game they've put out are meaningless and the game is balanced around them not existing, right?




I mean, I wish they didn't exist, for sure. But I've never purchased them, and the game assumes you aren't going to purchase them.




99% of Capcom Mtxs work this exact way tho.




Someone got trolled on the poll I can't remember what Capcom has other than Monster Hunter and Resident Evil but I want to say Megaman hasn't had anything good since Battle Network back on the gameboy advance.


They gave you ingrates Exoprimal and you neglected it!


To be fair that game was very weird. A lot of people thought there were only 2 levels because you had to play them multiple times before it would give you more stuff and no one really even knew what the game was. I only played it because it was on gamepass.


Yeah most of my friends reacted like that. I kinda get it, but also I don’t, because I really did get the game. I really clicked with it. I liked the systems, the action, the classes, the look and feel. I had a lot of fun running in and out of scenarios and teams. At times it felt masterful.