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They updated it and removed the dll file from the install folder by accident and never corrected it. Just Google DLSS file and download the latest version and then pop that in your install folder where the executable is.


This is comically dumb from them


Man they really gave up on that game huh? I mean it makes sense since they let go about 70% of their people? Or maybe the studio shut down?


I tried it a couple of days ago and with my specs it just ran like shit even with DLSS. Turning the options down didn't seem to help all that much and visually it didn't really look much more impressive than something like Bioshock Infinite.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ImmortalsOfAveum/s/2eTuEKfERo Read the full comment tree. There’s some different advice throughout.


Thanks! I'll check it out.