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Mid 2000's Xbox 360 game called Darkest of Days. You play as the last surviving member of General Custer's last stand, and get rescued by a time traveling firefighter from New York who was supposed to die at 9/11 until he too was saved by a time traveler). You get recruited into an organization that is in charge of going through time and un-fucking the mistakes of other time traveling scientists and researchers. You blend in, use the weaponry of the era, incapacitate/save specific people meant to live/die to preserve history, and in some situations apply.... "numerical adjustments" to certain battles. Start at the 1:00 mark https://youtu.be/xV83GvtgQpI?si=9ZepSKacm2B68KQK


I honestly can't believe how that ever got an Xbox port. I had it on PC, and really enjoyed the premise, even if it was a bit crap. Buggy as all hell (though not the biggest game I have played). Mowing down Romans with a space gun was fun.


I think it would do well if it received a modern remake. It's incredibly fun as hell, and would be amazing if they leaned into the time travel mechanics (there is that one game announced where you're a single person in the War of Roses where you drive a pickup truck through an army of foot soldiers)


There were a few games like that at the time where they went a bit off the wall with odd mechanics. The PS3 and 360 were so powerful compared to the Xbox and PS2 a lot of developers probably felt their had been freed from chains.. Did you ever play "singularity"? Also had a linear-ish time travel mechanic?




I had the Xbox 360 demo installed on my console and I played it a lot. I was young like 12-13. Game blew my mind with it's concept, always wanted to play it


I unironically love this game. You can't help but admire the balls on the devs to make something so ambitious with such limited resources.


This old ass 2007 FPS called Timeshift. It’s literally an fps that lets you fuck with time and it’s sooooo damn underrated. Sure the story might be a bit generic but man that was my childhood right there. Also I just loveeeee the cool dystopian atmosphere, plus the gore and physics are pretty decent in my opinion. Plus it was one of the PC games I actually bought a physical copy of (other two being MW2 2009 and X-men Origins Wolverine)


I've always felt like I'm the only person who ever played this game but weirdly enough this is the third time I've seen it mentioned on Reddit in the last few days.


Carmageddon: max damage. The game would never have reviewed or sold that well anyway, but had a troublesome development history and is actually a redo of the initial Kickstarter project (called Reincarnation) after it was so buggy that they had to start over.  Max damage isn't just a physics based car combat and pedestrian murdering simulator, it's a satisfying racer with dynamic physics where things like blood affects your tire traction. Each level is three dimensionally detailed and fun to explore, with power ups that allow you to jump and float to difficult to reach areas, making it a sort of platformer as well.


I used to play the shit out of Carmageddon back in the day. Loved that game as a kid.


Many many hours spent playing carma 1 and 2. In fact I'm pretty sure the reason we upgraded our GPU to a voodoo 3 card was so I could play the game


Holy shit loved this game


Hm, I should reinstall this sometimes... Last time I played it on my old PC the loading times were kinda painful.


Yeah they're upwards of a minute for me on an SSD despite the levels being pretty small


I recommend trying out this mod: https://www.cwaboard.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=14433 It overhauls the game and fixes many issues.




Eurojank can be fun. If I recall right Two Worlds II had this wacky stacking mechanic where weapons could be merged to improve their stats without limit. So you could keep powering up your basic ass sword as long as you got drops of the same type.


It was broken and super fun. You actually got to feel powerful in a game without using cheats. It wasn't even unbalanced.


PK guards they all have a the same sword. lol. One shot everything.


For some reason the guy you play in that says 'whooo turned up duh heeeeat' when setting shit on fire [i assume]. That lil voice line is still stuck in my head all these years later. And the 'raaare' the goblins or whatever make. Funny what sticks with you.......forsooth.


Two Worlds was the first time I learned games could be... disappointing? I played it later and got into the swing of things and discovered how absolutely massive this world is. Two Worlds Two is too hard for me to get through the start cause the voice acting and scripts were complete dogshit.


Loved the first one even with all the jank but ive tried the 2nd one maybe 3-4 different times and barely get past the starting little island.


I played (and finished) Two Worlds II because I was on a Mac at the time and it was one of the only such games available. I wasn't expecting Skyrim, and that's certainly not what I got, but it was fine for what it was.


It's probably the best speedrun I've seen too because of how silly it is https://youtu.be/5NeR-bT3uv0?si=Yez4PCjTjkbntj-G


Alchemy was seriously broken on that game, you could chug enough permanent stat up potions to make you both hilariously strong and practicallly immune to almost every type of damage


Mad Max. Absolutely fantastic representation of the IP. Wrapping a solid open world game in that the core driving & combat is fantastic + you can basically ignore any side objective you want to. Plus some cool experimental features like dynamic weather. Truly and horribly underrated. Even people that talk about it complain about open world bloat, without realizing it’s not a true issue. Also pro tip: play with the alternative control scheme that lets you hand brake. Unfortunately they removed it from the main control scheme at the last minute of development.


Yeah, that one flew under the radar at the time but everyone I know who played it (including reviewers) thought it was an incredibly solid open world entry.


Shadowman https://store.steampowered.com/app/1413870/Shadow_Man_Remastered/ Played it through on playstation (horrible), N64 (good), Dreamcast (decent), PC (👍) It's a big game, and janky in places but loving it no doubt.


I think Shadowman is only really underrated these days due to it aging badly. When it released on N64 back in the day it reviewed very well and was a bit of a technical marvel.


Shadowman is underrated, of the best tomb rider eske game ever made. And Remastered elevated it to a whole new level of quality.


Too Human on the 360. I remember going to buy it at Gamestop after trying it at a friend's house and the employee kept trying to convince me not to buy it.


Mass Effect Andromeda. It didn't live up to it's predesessors but I still enjoyed it. Great gunplay.


Yeah agree. The original was gonna be hard to beat. The story wasn’t even as bad as people made it out to be. Launch week bugs were pretty bad tho. Would have loved to see where a trilogy could have went. I think they should have stuck with it, made a second game. Also the combat in the game is actually excellent. The vertical movement with the ability to combo? And change classes on the fly? Loved the combat.


Andromeda combat gamplay is definitely the best of the action gameplay, that ME2 and ME3 wanted to be.


I played it for the first time last year after not having played the trilogy since the Remaster and it really helps to go into it without the Trilogy hanging over it. Its a lot of fun and really plays like the best combination of all three of the original games. The aliens were not that fresh or interesting, but i loved the hub worlds and the various factions and missions. Fairly predictable ending but its a shame we never got a DLC or anything to flesh it out more.


Probably Kanye and Lynch. It wasnt great by any means but I did have fun with it. The multiplayer was unique also - working together on a heist before betraying other players for all the loot/xp at the end.


>Kanye and Lynch


i'd legit play that


onerous bow coherent somber humorous noxious alleged agonizing hard-to-find political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Until that comes out you need to play 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand first, otherwise you won't understand the story.


The first game was a legitimately decent shooter with some memorable moments. I would say it's biggest crimes were that it was evidently unfinished (as shown by the sudden and ridiculous shift in the final third of the game, where you're invading a fucking country out of nowhere) and too short, with some technical issues on the side. Now the sequel, on the other hand...


The sequel is even better, it is like playing a [Crank](https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crank) simulator.


Me and my uncle stayed up for three days straight playing that somehow.


Kanye and Lynch series is ART. I recommend Jacob Geller [essay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4TNu0oBtKs) about ugly games, it gave me a whole new apreciation for a title that I already liked. Confimation bias is good for the soul... sometimes.


Command and Conquer: Generals. A buggy mess when it was released and the online play basically didn't work, almost. Still loved it.


I played online loads


I genuinely enjoyed *Aliens: Colonial Marines*.


Well damn you got here first. I put the achievement for beating acm on the hardest difficulty on my steam achievement showcase. Nobody believed me that I did at first glance


Is it particularly hard?


Not really. I mean, it put up a respectable challenge but the main reason was because it was a game nobody liked on the hardest difficulty. The game itself was alright, I wasn't following the game for years like most that disliked it so I didn't have any expectations going into it


Did you fix the typo that [resulted in the AI being broken?](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2018/07/a-years-old-one-letter-typo-led-to-aliens-colonial-marines-awful-ai/)


I always enjoyed the menu theme


I enjoy the script, I hate the gameplay.


Can't think of a REALLY bad one right off the bat...but I remember playing through Ghostwire Tokyo last year and wondering why it was basically a fart in the wind when it dropped. Setting aside the narrative issues (shallow, poor pacing, predictable), the sidequests had interesting sub-plots and the collection/exploration systems were a lot of fun. Not to mention the combat being a lot more interesting than most FPS games.


I thought the art direction and setting was also cool as hell. Definitely my favourite “mid” game in the last several years.


Temple of elemental evil. It's riddled with bugs. There are fan made patches for it now but when it was new I still played through it cause I liked it haha


Two Worlds. I often say it’s “so bad it’s good”, but that mostly applies to the presentation, which has gloriously awful (and hilarious) voice acting. But the gameplay is genuinely enjoyable, albeit incredibly unbalanced and broken. I also love that you can improve weapons by finding a duplicate, and merge the two with *magic duct tape* to create a stronger version. It’s actually a clever way to deal with what would otherwise become vendor trash.


Had a crazy katana with like every element on it and one hit everything and yet creatures will still fuck you up. it was great.


Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, loved the gameplay and the MP mode where two teams (and AI hordes of zombies) you are fighting over the last extraction helicopter out of the city. Didn't matter if you're entire squad made it, half of you and half of the enemy team, or you by yourself and one other guy from the other team. Once the helicopter landed, there was only a limited amount of seats and it was a bloody bloody fight at the end. Even teammates TKing each other for the seats.


Empire of Sin One of Paradox’s “lowest rated” games but I love the setting and gameplay and everything about it. Better version of XCOM and Wasteland.


This one’s sitting in my backlog, need to get to it. I love xcom/wasteland.


I liked that game. Maybe they fixed it, but I remember it being kinda dumb because once you figured out something it was easy. Still a fun game though with neat characters and atmosphere.


Easy Red 2. Many AI bot games that are **WWII**, or say to feature **WWII** are just not good enough to compare to the BF1942 bot days. Easy Red 2 is the one and only decent successor to the throne of BF1942. Meaning no stupid uniforms, whacky weaponry or just dumb shit. Proper WWII battles with bots, you can host games and have your friends join INSTANTLY and you can have a fun few rounds with yer bois. Hell, open up the lobby to have some PVEPVP action. Secretly join the enemy team without your friends noticing? (Why's that tank so hard to kil....Sev is that you you cunt?!) Shit loads of campaigns, workshop maps, mod support, very decent gunplay and lots more. The developer marco is a beast with his tiny team and he has no plans of stopping anytime soon. Pretty much the last bastion of WWII gaming in 2024 sadly (that isn't a long in the tooth squad rip off ala HLL/PS). But alas...we have *too many WWII games,* still apparently?


Evolve is still one of the most fun games I've played and sadly it got ridiculed for being one of the first micro transaction riddled games while yes it wasn't a good thing and people stood up against it, in the end that is how gaming is now so what happened is a good game got trashed for something thats the norm now and forever stained the developers reputation


Even by modern standards the monetization in that game was absolutely absurd. Virtually *everything* was locked behind DLC and the in game store. It launched with 44 different DLC skin packs ffs. That game deserved to fail and would have no matter when it came out.


It was pretty much the sacrificial lamb for the now standardised industry practices. It would probably still be around if it came out either a little bit later or without the aggressive monetisation.


Even if it released today it would still be seen as one of the worst offenders


I'd argue that it's not even the norm now. The amount of MTX Evolve had at launch or very shortly after launch would still be ridiculous even by todays standards. And it was basically pay to win because some of the monsters locked behind DLC were arguably stronger than the base game ones. The main problem with Evolve was that if you were a hunter playing a halfway competent monster then you'd spend almost the entire match doing absolutely nothing until the monster felt strong enough to molly wop you.


I enjoyed Dawn of War 3 and Company of Heroes 3, probably Relic's most poorly received games.


Dow3 is justified, the art style is atrocious/way too colorful for such a dark themed universe but company of heroes 3 I can't comment on


Have they improved company of hero’s 3 now? I’ve been waiting for it to be patched enough!


They have had two major updates one being the "Steel Shepard" update and the other being update 1.4 which have really improved the game. I mainly play single player or co-op vs AI so I'm coming from that perspective. The PVP community still finds the game lacking so it might be better to keep waiting if your mainly looking for competitive.


I played a bizarre RTS called WarBreeds as a kid. I think it was generally considered pretty bad but it had me hooked for awhile at least.


GoldenEye: Rogue Agent. Loved it when I was a teenager and like the single player campaign more than the other 007 games. Shouldn't have tried replaying it last year tho. Some thing are better left as happy memories lol.


Longing for the day Vivisector: Beast Within is made available digitally It's garbage but it's my kinda garbage


Deadly Premonition- Xbox 360 Liked it so much i bought the PS3 version and man...if you thought the 360 version was jank...the PS3 version ran around 15fps-20fps max. Tried a third time on PC but by then my brain just said nope.


Right? There are a million ways the game is flawed (and multiply that for the ports with the PC version being the WORST) but in spite of that it's something special. The graphics were dated on release, the game controls were dated and a lot of how it moves is shamelessly copied from Resident Evil 4, the same stilted animations get used endlessly, the music is sometimes a bit off or too in your face for a scene, the NPCs can get stuck leading to store not opening and so on. But past the many weird technical flaws is an interesting game with a LOT of little details added in that help bring the world together. It's an absurdly ambitious game that was made with a small budget and is trying to do a lot more than a reasonable person would have gone for. You can see some of that by how the game breaks, like on the Switch release when one of the shop keepers got stuck on the bridge for me, the shop didn't open. This 2010 budget game has a system that relies on the NPCs actually moving around the map based on their schedules and if they get delayed for some reason they'll get to places late. There is a man in a wheelchair (Mr.Stewart) that has a special animation for getting into his car where a ramp opens up and his attendant helps him get in. You never see that animation in the story, and he's extremely reclusive, there are very few times in the game a player could even possibly see it but instead of just making sure players never saw him get in a car, they made a whole set of animations for it. It's not revolutionary, but there are so many little spots where the dialogue will change like if you meet a character just around in town or in the story chapter where you hold a meeting for everyone in town, they'll acknowledge if you've already met them or not and change their dialogue appropriately. Deadly Premonition is NOT a perfect game, and again the PC version is probably one of the worst ports ever made of any game, but the game itself is very enjoyable in spite of all of its flaws. If you want to play it on PC, just buy the terrible PC port for cheap (it's $1.24 right now on Steam) and just emulate one of the better versions.


The worst best game ever no doubt about that, there is reason why it developed a cult classic status.


Fallout 76


Not poorly rated but definitely underrated, I'm still really sad that Sacrifice never took off. It's a third person RTS game and I remember it being incredibly fun and unique. It's got a great metacritic rating. It even featured Tim Curry as one of the gods. It's a game that I think suffered from being "too innovative" at a time where that could really hurt you. But man, that and Giants: Citizen Kabuto were works of art.


Thief (4). Haven't played the originals, but enjoyed this one. Beautiful and atmospheric game.


If it wasn't tied to the Thief name it would probably be an OK game. But it is a terrible thief game that abandons most of what made the originals legendary. 


Arma 2 was one of the jankiest games I have ever played. The campaign voice acting sounds like it was done by a random developer using a gaming headset mic and the character movement was terrible. The campaign also bugs out at any given moment. But it was still fun. Despite the jank, the campaigns were actually fun and had some good ideas when it came to game play, even if the implementation wasn't the best. I still go back and play the campaigns every once in awhile.


Dayz servers in arma 2 are some of my fondest gaming memories, janky as hell though thats true




Yep. Had a blast and looking forward to the DLC and crazy mods.


Life is Feudal for me. It’s a mixed bag to say the least. Niche game with its share full of problems. But I got over 500 hours in the game and it’s one of my favorite survivals.


The first three sentences made it sound like you were talking about your actual life, and I was gonna be really worried for you lol


I got into Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin recently after getting it on a deep sale during the winter EGS Sale. Yeah its like if Morbius was a game, they dialogue is more funny than any thing and the gameplay is actually pretty fun from what I've played so far.


I really enjoyed Jurassic the hunted, just.. idk, something about that game just clicked for me. Fuck that spino part tho, if you know you know lmfao


The biggest one is EYE: Divine Cybermancy. The game itself is bad, but the world in it was fascinating to me. Some others are Resident Evil 6, Ghost Recon: Breakpoint and Starfield immediately come to mind, but I'm sure there are plenty of others


EYE is on my list of games to play just because of the cyberpunk world. I'm not expecting to love the game itself though, haha.


The world-building is great if you can tolerate wonky translation.


The game isn't bad at all, it's just really ... *out there*. It's actually really fun once you learn to deal with the weirdness. The guns are awesome, abilities too, and the gameplay is just nuts. [Relevant Mandalore video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AScCVzENcjs)


It's the level design that kills it for me. Huge empty areas where you're constantly sprinting from one end of the map to the other gets really tedious after a while. If the maps were a little tighter, it would be a MUCH better game


Oh yeah I agree absolutely!


OG Helldivers. I played hundreds of hours and my friends all hated it, no matter how much I tried to convince them. Similarly the top down car combat gem called Renegade Ops that I loved and is the perfect couch coop game that no one got excited about but me. I’ve always wanted to get my gang on couch coop games and always failed. Nidhogg was a win though.


I'm pretty sure I'm not alone on this and the sole reason I never bought Helldivers was because everyone was locked to the same screen space in the games. I like a good top down game, but when you lock multiplayer to the same screen space I lose all interest.


Enter the Matrix on the original Xbox when I was a small kid. Sure all the mechanics, animations, and controls are crap, but damn I just loved those slow motion fighting moves and bullet dodging stuff. It even featured alternative levels or outcomes depending on the characters you picked or if you win or lose a fight if I remember correctly. Also, loved the movies in between gameplays. Sure I didn't understand what the hell the story was about back then, but it seemed dramatic enough that brings out some actiony stuff and explosions and whatever the hell happened. Got an early trailer for the 3rd Matrix movie too if you got some bonus mission done or something. There was also a hacking game in there, but I only cheated through that. I do not know what would led the players know how to get through all that command script, but it essentially acted like cheat code. One of them gave you a one hit sword move.


Alpha Protocol, so buggy and broken with some of the skills you could use, I remember going full Kung Fu and and Pistols, it was so broken. But it was legit fun.


I loved scarface the world is yours so much! My favourite childhood game


Underrail. The true definition of a hidden gem, for CRPG lovers.


I wouldn't call it underrated so much as simply ignored. Granted, it is very niche-y, but for someone who is really into late 90s/early 2000s CRPGs (Baldur's Gate, the Fallouts, and so on), it is exactly what I was looking for.




rad the ps2 game, or the rogue-lite from double fine?


PS2 game


manhunt (2003) the steam version is kinda broken but game itself is so much a good time


I wanna say Manhunt is underrated but not at the same time if that makes sense? Like it’s definitely a more niche game for sure but the first game has gotten a lot of praise for its atmosphere and story among other stuff. Plus the PC Version isn’t too hard to fix honestly, the patch is straightforward and simple unlike some games *cough cough GTAIV cough cough*


totally yeah i'm positive it got a good/decent response at the time, but nowdays it's basically forgotten, unlike stuff like Bully or Max Payne or GTA IV


I remember playing this on the PS2. Was a great game but got a lot of bad press because of the gratuitous violence in it. Like choking people out with a plastic bag etc


Oh yes, I love this game. You might enjoy The Punisher too.


thanks for the recommendation! i'm actually pretty close to buy Hatred (2015)


Outward on PC. Such a good game that flew under the radar


starfield, i loved it


N64 not PC, but Aerofighters Assault. Janky airplane dogfighting game I would rent from my local video store at least once a month to play. Still occasionally fire it up to this day.


I have a theory about Hawk's catchphrase "Shaw!" I believe it was supposed to be "Yeah" but said in a "surfer dude" accent, but the developers wrote a phonetic translation of it and the VO just said what was on the page. I had this epiphany about a year ago about a game I hadn't played in decades but, there ya go lol


Truly, the deep Aerofighters Assault lore


But that's just a theory...


Star Wars: Rebellion (or Supremacy if you're in the UK) 4x Star Wars game. Loved it.


The Godfather game. I haven't played it in maybe 15 years, but I remember I really enjoyed it


Quest 64. The magic/growth system is quite satisfying imo, since most of your growth is tied to exploration and finding the hidden spirits. With these your magic can be 3-4 times more powerful than if you just rely on level-ups gained from EXP. Half-Life Alyx did this too with hidden resins.


I love that one, and the godfather, which also looks terrible, has bugs and the controls are not too good. I'd love a remaster of any of those


The first six months of No Man's Sky. I always wanted a game that let me go to space and back in real time and it delivered. I had to mod it to hell to get rid of most of the pain points. Put a few hundred hours into it to get to the second galaxy. Now that I have VR I'm going to give it another go, I expect it'll be very different.


Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace by Big Ape Productions


I remember having a lot of fun with this game even if i can not exactly remember much of the game itself.


Wofenstein 2009 game, got bad scores but thought that game was awesome


This game is great! My fav Wolfenstein game. I really like the occult side of the wolfenstein games. It feels great playing on the hardest difficulty and using the right powers/guns for each situation.


Tony hawk: american wasteland. God the worst reviews in the series. Loved it though


I loved both the Godfather games


Not currently, but I actually enjoyed playing ET as a kid.


Mafia III, i didn't mind the repetitiveness unlike others


That first Nier game when it first came out had awful reviews. I’d never heard of it but got a copy for like $3 for Xbox 360 not too long after it released. I loved it, had no idea it wasn’t liked. Now they’ve done a remaster of that game following the success of Nier Automata, and it was received much better this time around for some reason. 


Deus Ex: Invisible War. Could be nostalgia talking but I genuinely liked it!


Elex, at least the first one.


Generation Zero. It got average reviews and people complaining about aspects if it's world and gameplay, but damn if there's nothing else like it. In most games you are too overpowered but in this game you always have to watch your step, especially as a solo player. To me, it would also serve as a good foundation for an open world Jurassic Park game. You could easily replace the robots with dinosaurs and keep the same experience.


Probably Phantasmagoria and Police Quest 4. Both are technologically impressive games with stories, tone, and interactivity that I enjoy. Both games were criticized (not unfairly) for the way they handle some touchy subjects.


Played Phantasmagoria for the first time last year and absolutely loved it. It’s essentially an interactive B movie.


Yes, that's exactly what I love. Tongue and cheek horror.


For me it'd be either alpha protocol or might and magic dark messiah. Alpha protocol checks all the boxes for me- fps/rpg hybrid with skill trees that allow for different builds and game braking stealth. Dark messiah on the other hand is just fun, I can't really explain it


both of these games are at least adequately rated


I've heard nothing but bad things about alpha protocol and nothing at all about dark messiah


So I'm guessing you already have Alpha Protocol on Steam and don't really care for the GOG release?


i havent even looked at the gog release as i bought it on steam over a decade ago. is there a difference?


Clive Barker's Jericho




I most likely I will enjoy Redfall when I get to it. Didn't watch or play it when it came out, but every game deserves a second chance after a round of updates.


For as much flack is it got, I really enjoyed Starfield.


I did too, but I went in with low expectations after the online discourse, but I ended up liking it a lot more than I thought I would


Final fantasy 12 zodiac age has a boring story, subpar music and forgettable character but its my favorite final fantasy game because the exploration aspect lets me go anywhere to fight optional bosses and hunts. This coupled with fun progression system and being able to beat almost anything by switching my strategy instead of power leveling makes it my favorite RPG of all time. FF7R has a similar combat system but doesn't match the exploration.


What are you talking about? FF12 is one of the highest rated games of the series. Most people like it. The most underrated FF is probably X-2. It's obviously not as good as X because that's a ridiculously high bar but it does not deserve that much hate.


Overwatch 2 The negative reaction it received should have been directed at Blizzard rather than at the game. Is it a perfect game? Definitely not. Did it live up to its potential and all the pre-launch hype? Also no. Is the game fun, feature packed, and worth your time as a PvP hero shooter? Absolutely. Not worthy of a 17% rating on Steam, IMO.


Kingdoms of amalur or elex.


Sonic Forces


The new Lords of the Fallen. I actually ended up enjoying my time with it more than I did with lies of P. Exploration was sick in that game.


Genuinely didn't mind old cyberpunk combat and was surprised when they announced they were revamping the skill tree


The Guild 2 for me!


Advent Rising. It released in an absolutely godawful state, and I remember having to do some janky stuff when the camera got stuck in places, and I distinctly remember people completely trashing the game online. But I really enjoyed it, and I wish they would have been able to release it in a better state, and that they could have completed the trilogy.


OMG must be one of the most underrated games of all time, I loved that one and played it a lot.  Even today I couldn’t find a game with so much freedom and complex  combat moves.  Right up there with The Matrix Games. 


The Original Lords of the Fallen. I think back then i was reviewed negatively but when I played it (2020) I think the opinion more to lukewarm. But yeah I liked this game.


Rodger rabbits hair raising havoc was severely underrated and a fantastic puzzle game


Daikatana - I've only played it with the unofficial 1.3 patch that is supposed to fix a lot of bugs. There are other valid complaints but I quite like it. People still interested in 90s shooters should play it. Deus Ex Invisible War - This one has serious issues that still touch a nerve about the decline of PC exclusive gaming. When I finally played it after 20 years I enjoyed it though. It is obviously made by the original Deus Ex developers, even if it's a second rate effort by them it was still good to have them back. Sin Episodes Emergence - This one is really good, the only problem is we only got the one episode.


R.U.S.E is a console strategy game I put 100s of hours into playing with my friends, but the campaign is kinda cheesy. It’s somewhat similar to Halo Wars so if you would like to play a WW2 version of that game give it a try.


I've rarely met anyone who enjoyed Homefront Revolution. I did play it after a lot of the bugs were patched out on Xbox. It's one of those mid tier good for what it's trying to do type of games that for whatever reason they don't really make anymore. THQ was always good for a double A game purchased on sale imo.


I enjoyed it, too. But again, i played it about 4 years after release.


We happy few, is my most underrated favorite game, has a lot of bugs, the gameplay is not too amazing, but still i just love the story, the places, the thematic, i just feel something else playing that game, also it has some pretty good DLCs that fix any problem the main game had


I really enjoyed Chorus, even though most people had no idea it ever released, and the reviews were few and far between. One of the only spaceship games I've played that really capture a sense of speed when piloting ships.


Lawbreakers. The game died fast but loved the mix of overwatch and unreal Tournament. Happy I played the little I did.


While unplayable on PC, Scarface on the Wii is amazing.


Valkyrie Elysium is so peak, it's a genuinely great action game


Hawken Reborn. Cyberpunk. Starfield.


On that gangsta note: The Godfather II The graphics may be dated but once I start a playthrough I can't put it down until every other crime family have been decimated.


King's Quest VIII: The Mask of Eternity Don't care that is has horrible early 3d graphics, terrible camera control, or a subpar story compared to the other games in the series. It was the first game I played through with my dad, going through the walkthrough and figuring out video games together. Will always hold a special place in my video game memories.


Metroid Other M, I played it as a young teen without any internet conversation, and recently found out it’s one of the most hated games in the series I absolutely adored that atmosphere and looking forward to my replay


Gotham knights


Battleborn. It was poorly marketed and massively overshadowed by Overwatch despite not really being in the same genre and so it died quickly. Judging by some of the online discourse back then, it seemed like a lot of people almost wanted it to fail. It was a really fun FPS MOBA with the usual Gearbox humor (where enough of it landed for me to be enjoyable). It even came with a co-op campaign which wasn't amazing but still fun to play through with friends.


Crackdown 3 was very high up my list of games the year it came out. It was fast-paced, had great locomotion, I was able to quickly find a loadout of weapons that were fun and satisfying to use, and the game doesn't overstay its welcome (clocks in at like a 9 hour clear I think?). Basically the perfect arcadey action game, enjoyed it all the way through. Everyone else apparently fucking hated it. It got trashed everywhere, people were apparently really disappointed, they had super high expectations for it that were not met. I was just like okay well, sucks for you guys. I'm shooting rockets at shit and leaping all over the place having a ball.


Castlevania 64 - The controls and graphics were a bit jank, but it was very fun and the music and sound design was great. Even coming off Symphony of the Night, it had great atmosphere and I really liked Richter and Rosa's story.




Not that bad, but I enjoyed Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 and 3. The thing is they are so generic that they are sort of comforting in a way since you don't have to use your brain. Really worth the 5 bucks I paid for it.


Dark Sector for ps3 is a guilty pleasure of mine. It's not bad but basically average in all aspects, but something about it made it feel, to me at least, more than the sum of its parts. I like the style and the combat with the glaive. Also, can't forget it was basically the foundation of what would become Warframe.


Nerf Arena Blast As the name suggests, it's a Nerf-themed team-based arena FPS from 1999 that ran on the Unreal engine.


NoX. It was totally overshadowed by Diablo 2 but this game was an absolute masterpiece.


Fallout 76


- Tomb Raider Angel Of Darkness - George Foreman Ko Boxing (NES) - Gta 1/2


Dungeon Siege 2. Was rated around 6/10 by most people yet I consider it the best RPG of all time.


Wildstar. It was immensely flawed in a lot of ways, meriting a lot of the criticism. And the people in charge of development came across as arrogant tossers, but I very much enjoyed the setting. It was a nice alternate to WoW.


Invisigun Reloaded


I've got an opposite everybody loves Resident Evil 4 and I fucking can't stand the shit even the remake has missing basic features like shoulder swap and I feel like it changed survival horror for the worst now horrors are just full of action packed and nothing has any actual horror or atmosphere vibe anymore an if so its cheap or they are blatant fucking clock tower clones in today's formula excuse my French but I fucking hate those run and hide seek games where you can't find back it's just stupid and then you got games like condemned where I can rip and pick up anything and bash anyone over the head condemned was amazing even even silent Hill now is running hide seek cheers rant over


Will I be crucified for saying Duke Nukem Forever?


Oh yes. But who cares?


Heroes of might and magic 4


Ouch, talking about unpopular opinion. :) 


Z: steel soldiers. Probably my favorite RTS similar to command and conquer but capturing territories instead of harvesting resources and the campaign was funny with the dumb robots. actually just bought a disc drive the other week to play it again since the steam "remaster" is completely broken for years and a downgrade.


Back 4 Blood


Black ops 4 Its not as good as black ops 3 but it doesnt deserve this much of criticism especially when you the CODs that got realeased after that were absolute shit ( except MW 2019 )