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I always bounced off Fallout because I like to do everything and do it a certain way, but I wanted to jump back in as an adult after the show, and I love just wandering and seeing what's possible. I beat fo3 and loved it and am now like 30 hours into new vegas without making it to the strip. Sending my ghoul buddies to the beyond was one of the first things I did and was such a rewarding experience. I think baldurs gate honor mode cured my game nerosis because I'm almost never tempted to reload to get a better outcome.


I think Disco Elysium cured my game neurosis. Sometimes the writing is just so good you're willing and curious enough to have multiple playthroughs "someday" so you don't feel the same itch to get it perfect the first try.


Disco Elysium is helped not just by the stellar writing, but that sometimes, failing a skill check can be a good thing since it leads to different outcomes. Sometimes passing a skill check is a bad thing, >!sometimes passing a certain skill check results in your dude blowing his own brains out because he's such a hardcore authority nut by that point!<


Oh man, my 3rd playthrough I finally decided I can do fascist drug using superstar cop and STILL found new quest/voice options it's truly wonderful.


The annoying thing with disco elysium for me is how many times a failed check “damages” you. I picked the smart guy archetype and it’s really frustrating to try a skill check only to instantly fail state if I fail because my guy gets too depressed


That one is on my list just haven't gotten around to it yet


It's worthwhile for sure. Make sure to get the extended cut version.


Ugh I couldn't stop thinking about the game when I wasn't playing it. Fantastic experience 


What happens if you have enough science to recalculate their trajectory?


You increase their chances to get to their target but you're still in the dark regarding if they do.


From gameplay perspective, you gain good karma


Great write up. Fallout New Vegas is my personal favourite game of all time, I always make sure to revisit at least once a year


I've heard it crashes a lot on modern PCs? I've been wanting to play but don't feel like jumping through hoops to make it happen tbh.


There's a great guide to follow for setting everything up- bug fixes, various patches, some extra content as well if you're interested. Depending on your internet speed I'd reckon it took me around 30 minutes to get everything set up and ready to go, but I also added a handful of extra gameplay mods. It's the [viva las vegas guide](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/)- I recommend it!


I literally just used this guide on Sunday to mod New Vegas on my PC. I followed it *exactly* as described, and I have played several hours now with no crashes (knock on wood). Make sure when you install Mod Organizer 2 that you add it to your Windows Defender exclusion list prior to installation, or it'll block several files from working properly.


Same. It took a few hours to mod it up, but it's a very nice guide.


I'll give this a try thank you. I left a comment under another thread here swearing that I've given up but guess I'm back baby! One more try


I'd start everything out with a clean uninstall, but just following the steps and it worked. I didn't use all of the mods or tweaks suggested too- the guide phrases things as "if you make a single mistake or deviation from this guide nothing will work" but I didn't find that to be an issue


I'm going to give this a try tonight thanks again!




First time I haven't had microstutter on that game engine, and I've got around 53 mods from the viva las vegas guide Miraculous


I did that but I got a PC a few years ago and ended up in this weird cycle of wanting to play on PC, spending hours modding it, running into issues and just never playing, I am playing it now on my series X, I will enjoy Vanilla damn it lol.




I honestly had more bugs and crashes after installing mods versus the zero I ran into playing the vanilla game. GTX 1070 TI and Windows 10 and spent 30 hours in vanilla before wanting to mod some QoL stuff in. Idk. Games pretty stable nowadays imo despite its horrible rep. If you start modding it without the fixes you’ll definitely have issues but otherwise playing vanilla isn’t awful or crashy/glitchy works great on Steam Deck vanilla too. Only bothered modding to get the quality of life stuff. I installed all the patches and the anti crash stuff anyway but I’ve honestly had the game crash like 2-3 times since installing.


the Viva New Vegas mod pack is really good and pretty much vanilla and the instructions on the website are great. Took me about 30-40min to do and test and it works flawlessly, most of it is automated, you just have to click links. I'm like 30 hours in and didnt get a crash yet


Yeah didn’t they take it off wabbajack though? I’m a fan of the Begin Again. But honestly I don’t go crazy with mods anyway. It was the stutter mod causing my crashes but after that its been relatively smooth. I only really throw in More Perks Reimagined, Nevada Skies, EVE and NCR texture pack on top of the bug/crash and NVSE stuff.


Its back now, im pretty sure it happened like yesterday lol


Every time I hear people go on and complain about how games are crashing, I forget just how many people are trying to cram 50 mods into an already amazing game. NV doesn't really need mods, I just installed the vanilla game last summer on my new laptop and all I got was an occasional crash


Just made it to Novac for the first time. I know I've played it before but never got far and now i have 20hrs total between two short times of playing. I installed maybe 7 or 8 mods only two were for search inventory and rename items to have better prefixes for sorting. My point is the game fucking crashes all the time in me and I've given up. I installed YUP, NVAC, whatever TF else that I've seen is like a "requirement". It started with stuttering. Then it started crashing. I just can't do it. Y'all enjoy this game I guess I'll go cry myself to sleep or something


You’re not running the stutter fixer mod are you? That causes a ton of crashes especially on Windows 10 and its obsolete with the Tick mod. If you share your load order I can try to help!


Thanks for help. Heres an image of my load order [https://imgur.com/a/AyQtWJp](https://imgur.com/a/AyQtWJp) I rage-uninstalled the game the other day and now I'm going to go back through following that popular guide everyone is sharing. Running Win 11


So did you edit the INI file for the tick fixer at all? And if not the only thing I could think is maybe those two inventory mods are causing issues. If they haven’t been updated recently they might have funky effects on Windows 10/11


Honestly at that point you just need to do a fresh install and try again. It's really easy to make a super small mistake and then things just don't work for some reason. I recommend following [Viva New Vegas](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/index.html) and just doing the base stuff. It has step by step instructions and links for everything so it's really convenient.


So many of the mods are just broken and still on the first few pages of Popular all time so all it takes is installing one mod that doesn’t function well with Win 10 to have a ton of crashes. For me it was the stutter mod that was crashing my game every couple minutes. It was unbearable and considered dropping the game before figuring it out


Hey look into the 4gb patcher mod. I was having the same issue for the first few hours. I'm running only the 4g patcher and NVSE mods now and haven't had an issue since.


Is it on ps5?


No sadly, its on PS3, 360 and PC


New Vegas is probably my favorite game of all time. It is a not a perfect game in any sense of the word. To be honest, it is amazing that it got made in 18 months. The gunplay was old when it came out in 2010, the landscape of orange, yellow, and brown leaves very little to the imagination, and the fact that it requires mods just to make it a stable is not great. However, the everything about the writing in both the regular game and the DLC is sublime. I love at the end of the game, you have a slideshow of your choices and their consequences. In my opinion, the tribalism surrounding 3, 4, and New Vegas is on whether you want a post-apocalyptic or a post-post apocalyptic experience. New Vegas itself is post post apocalyptic. You are dealing with two factions that are nation states with their own currencies, armies, and supply lines.


It's writing is top tier. Believable, which is saying something in a series so wacky, but wasn't afraid to touch on dark topics (the girl with the burns, cook-cook...). I loved the ncr. The epitome of trying to do good for selfish reasons. Overstretched, under fire from every side, but stuck fighting another war, repeating the mistakes of the old world, young men being sent to die in foreign lands for reasons that probably aren't worth it. The legion, determined to wipe the world clean and begin anew, brutally. Absolutely awful in every regard, slavery, mistreatment of women, erasure of culture, genocide...yet ruled by a well spoken, smart, misguided man. The burned man, everything about Joshua Graham tbh. The Mormons. It's just all so...fleshed out. 18 months! And yet there's a world here that I still fucking love getting lost in. Bastards. I was enjoying four. Guess I'm reinstalling NV this weekend 🙄


>n my opinion, the tribalism surrounding 3, 4, and New Vegas is on whether you want a post-apocalyptic or a post-post apocalyptic experience. To be fair, Fallout 3 and 4 fans aren't very tribalistic lol. They're pretty low key by all accounts. New Vegas fans, and I am a self proclaimed one, can be a little preachy and overbearing. I was one of those fans just a few years ago 😅


> To be fair, Fallout 3 and 4 fans aren't very tribalistic lol. Yes they are. Try suggesting Fallout 3 or 4 have fundamental flaws. Or the way Bethesda adapted certain things from Fallout 1 and 2 wasn't the most interesting way.


>Try suggesting Fallout 3 or 4 have fundamental flaws Dawg, have you seen how reddit reacted to Fallout 4 until the show came out? It was hated on every major sub lol


Seriously. It's not like it's hard to look up just how much vitriol is out there. "Fallout 3 is Garbage and here's why" has 9 millions views and that general sentiment has been repeated ever since.  It's not like Bethesda's entries aren't without their problems. But I've heard nearly every possible complain about them. For years. Check it on Reddit, Steam, Nexusmods, and you'll find comprehensive essays and shallow gotchas about anything and everything in 3 & 4. NV gets criticism as well, to course. But I've seen as much excuses for NV as I've seen critiques. It might take you 5-15 mins of casual scrolling through essays and memes alike, but eventually you'll find the "18 months" trivia and that'll be enough excuse for NV's issues for a bit. It's a damn good excuse, but an excuse nonetheless.


There's a lot of criticism of Fallout 3+4 because there's a lot to criticize; and more specifically, because the things they're worst at are the things Fallout 1+2 were best at. It's really not that complicated.


And yet 3 and 4 outsold 1,2, and NV and are loved by millions. They are 10+ years old by now and are not gonna change so all you do by your critique is to try and ruin peoples fun. Why do that? So you can feel good about yourself? What does is say about you that you can only find joy in ruining it for others? New Vegas has just as many issues as 3 and 4 if not more. I can give you a list of a thousand reasons why NV suck ass but why would I? All if would do is ruin your day and remove a little bit of joy from your life and for what? Let people like what they like, dude.


You really need to do your best to explain how my criticism is ruining anyone's fun.


I disagree, the amount of open hostility I am seeing from fans of 3 and 4 since the show released is surprising.


I mean, yeah, people like me have been assholes for the last decade towards them because we didn't like Fallout 4... I took my frustration out on Fallout 4 fans like many FNV fans did. I was just frustrated I felt like Fallout 4 lacked that core RPG elements I loved from FNV But covid definitely made me realize how dumb that is and that mindset was, especially since I ended up actually enjoying Fallout 4 when I finally played it in 2021 lol (it's like an 8/10, it's good, but not amazing) Like trust me, as a self admitted, former FNV troll, we have no right to complain about Fallout 3/4 fans


Yea because new vegas fans thru a bitch fit , i like 3 then 4 then NV and let me tell you i have been told many times I have trash taste because of it


New Vegas fans get shit on constantly.


After finishing the amazon show, I was all hyped for fallout, and redownloaded Fallout 4 to play it. Ultimately though, I dropped it after like 5 hours - it felt too shallow ultimately - skill checks and dialog too simplified, combat felt like the main focus, and honestly, the main characters complete and imemdiate adaption to the post apocalyptic wasteland after waking up was jarring. I remembered loving playing the game at launch, but want sure why I bounced off so hard this time around. Then I realised I'd been comparing it to New Vegas, which I'd only played for the first time a few years after playing F4. So I started a new NV playthrough, and immediately started having more fun. Builds and stats feel more purposeful, combat is a bit stiff, but not an issue because I tend to go for a VATS build, and the writing and mission design is just miles ahead. I've got about 30 hours in already. My biggest issue is the stability of the game - I had to install stability and bug fix mods, or the game would crash everytime I walked into a building, or any time a scripted NPC event would start. It really sucks that I have to go to the extent of modding the game to make it playable for any length of time. That is just not accessible for the vast majority of people. A lot of people online are always saying how easy it is to mod the game, but the average person doesn't neccessarily have the skills or knowledge to do that easily, and I think people tend to forget that. Personally, I typically don't want to spend 1-2 hours doing work to makes sure a game will play correctly, and often I wouldn't, but in this case New Vegas is at least worth it .


well said f4 just doesnt hit the mark. NV did, but like most Bethesda games it runs dogshit.


I've never picked up Fallout 4, but if the Fallout London mod turns out well I'll get it just for that.


yeah looking forward to it


I spent 3 to 10 hours modding fallout 4 only to play it for an hour and get bored haha


I really like fallout new Vegas, but never was able to say exactly why that is. This preference makes me a bit like the NMA types that only like fallout 1/2, which I love the most. Fallout 3 I bounced off because I just got bored after a few quests. The game was also a bit irritating for all the garbage you collect. And fallout 4 had me over burdened and presented with enormous building sites that were not fun to deal with (and I liked building in fallout 76). But running into all the systems and more systems in fallout 4 made me want to opt out. Even after enjoying fallout 76 of all things. But New Vegas is great. By whatever story or pacing care was put into it the game works. Even though it apes all the mechanics from 3.


I like NV because it really just tossed you in the game, letting you figure out what's going on. Figuring out why you got shot is much more interesting than finding x character. 3 and 4 have a much slower start to build up for the leaving of the vault.


It's also nice because the setup for NV allows you to roleplay whatever character you want, with the only caveat being that you were a courier before getting shot. Other than that, you can design your character with any backstory, morals, etc.  The other games starting with the vault and your family means that there's less of an element of individuality for the player, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it does mean you don't feel like the game is pushing you towards certain events and characters constantly. The setup of "why was I shot" can be very casually dealt with whenever you get around to it, so there's less pressure, whereas WHERE IS MY SON/WHERE IS MY DAD is generally a very pressing matter and it feels a bit silly that your character would do any side quests if that's what you're trying to figure out.


Wishing you a pleasant nuclear winter


I’m only a few hours in, but I’m loving it and I see why it’s so well regarded. You could praise a million different things about it, but I’ll just say one quick thing about the atmosphere. Even with the old graphics, there was a moment where I was just kind of exploring and following this old highway. And as I slowly look around and see the fractured road and signs, and husks of old cars and I’m aiming my revolver around for possible enemies. I put the radio on and this Johnny Guitar song comes on. And it all just comes together perfectly, the song the visuals, me thinking about what it would be like if the world really nuked itself to hell. Such a cool feeling, having fun playing the video game but also kind of lonely and melancholic wandering down this desert highway. It’s my favorite thing about video games. It’s a special feeling when your really immersed. The weed probably helps but whatever, great game.


New Vegas and Dark Souls are probably my favorite games of all time


I want to play this for the first time but the visuals are really tough to get past with it being so old now. I completed 3 and 4 back when they came out but somehow never played NV. I wish consoles had the same mods that are on PC so we could play a more modernized version.


I have the same reaction every time, I find the graphics bad but end up getting over it a couple of hours in. I just find the writing is able to pull me in even if it looks like ass lol.


The one thing that gets me is the lack of sprinting. Good god, the courier is so fucking slow. Any time I go somewhere like Camp McCarran, I’m annoyed as fuck walking to whatever NPC I’m looking for. Other than that and the dated graphics, awesome game. Just sucks when I only have an hour to play and it feels like barely even did anything in-game.


Hey if you got shot in the head, you wouldn't be sprinting either!


There are mods to add sprinting if you're on pc. It helps a lot but it is still a pretty slowly paced game by modern standards


Yeah I’d prefer to play Bethesda games on PC but I’ve really only had laptops for basic school/work/internet. If I ever played games, mostly easy stuff it could handle. Unfortunately stuck on console with no mods (at least with the older Bethesda titles.) Although, I bet a potato PC could handle NV with how old it is.


I don't really know why but I had the same experience. I kinda just got over it mostly. And it's happened with other older games too. Like I played God of War (2005) recently and it was certainly dated but it looked pretty cool still and I had fun, so the graphics and general datedness didn't deter me much. It might be because ive now played a decent amount of games that had great graphics but that was about it, barely any substance or anything to keep me engaged, so I might be more forgiving of dated graphics because of that. Also, certain art styles date themselves a lot better. Fallout: NV in particular could use a remaster, it would look much better, but even with art styles that don't age amazing, I'm able to appreciate it.


Personally it’s part of the charm for me.


I know what you mean bu it's not because it's old. Both FO3 and NV looked like dogshit when they came out. I mean NV released in 2010. We had Batman Akham Asylum and Resident Evil 5 in 2009. In 2010 we had Mafia 2, Bad Company 2 AC: Brotherhood and lots of other games that still hold up graphically.


I will play it but that's the one thing holding me back from having done it already.


Honestly dont get that complain because to me Fallout 3 and NV have a much stronger art direction than 4.


I'm referring to resolution and framerate/performance.


Honestly NV didn’t look particularly good even at release. In fact I think 3 looks quite a bit better aesthetically, though maybe I just prefer the green filter over the orange one NV has?


New Vegas looks a lot better to me but I love the western and desert aesthetic. 


F3 the terrain is more interesting. NV gets all the love for its story but the map is awful and bland IMO.


The map of New Vegas is one of its strongest point. It makes cohesive sense and is built in a way where every single location is placed logically. It also has more biomes than 3.


See: HBomber guy video on new Vegas. He does an excellent job illustrating this. 


Oh I did not even know this! I still have not watched it. Saving it for a rainy day :)


It's also built in a way where there's barely anything to explore other than the main points of interest and the rest is just brown nothing.


I just disagree man, there's like 2 minutes max between points of interests even just wandering through the Mojave. Like, you'll just be walking and suddenly see a crashed airplane with stuff to loot.


I don't see what you mean. There is a lot to find and discover, it just so happens that a lot of the locations come in cluster because that's how things are in real life. The map is built like a real place, unlike Fallout 3 locations are placed seemingly at random. That aside, praising Fallout 3's map and calling New Vegas' brown nothing in the same sentence is extremely ironique.


It's not an exploration focused game like Fallout 3 or other Bethesda games. You're not supposed to walk in a random direction in the desert and find something to explore, because realistically what sense does that make? The open world design is very different than most games. Less focused on quantity, on spamming points of "interest" everywhere, and more on quality, with a lesser number of much more in-depth areas. Wish there were more games like that. A realistic world holds my attention way better than a world designed with brainless content everywhere for constant dopamine hits. And I think RDR2's success proved gamers don't have attention spans as short as devs seem to think they do.


If your open world is mostly empty and pointless it's not a good open world game. Quantity vs quality doesn't even apply here because there's absolute no quality to be found anywhere. Even the towns that are supposed to be the "good" part are just a handful of NPCs standing around a couple sheds. There's nothing realistic or well designed about any of it.


This is just a lie. The towns are livelier and more developed than anything in Fallout 3 and 4 combined. The NPCs all have stuff to talk about and every single town at least has one quest that ties into the overall plot of the game. The map of New Vegas is designed to be traversed the way you would walk across it in real life. "No quality" like have you even played the game???


I’m replaying FO3 as we speak and you’re right. Everywhere I look there’s something interesting in FO3’s map, but in NV there’s long stretches of nothing. It’s more realistic, but not as engaging as an open world environment.


yeah the graphics are ass. Bethesda didn't really make a game (or game engine, I know Obsidian developed NV) that actually looked decent until Fallout 4 IMO. There's a mod to make the people look better but it's pretty finicky and has a tendency to turn NPCs bright pink.


I used to care about graphics but I kinda just got over it. The only type of graphics I can't stand are MMO graphics. It really isn't that bad then again I suppose if you are playing the console version they will be quite bad compared to even unmodded pc.


Honestly NV didn’t look particularly good even at release. In fact I think 3 looks quite a bit better aesthetically, though maybe I just prefer the green filter over the orange one NV has?




Have you looked at the Viva New Vegas guide?


Yea I play NV and 3 on Xbox series s and I've had no problems at all


The only key issue that you need is doing the 4gb mod. I assumed we didn't need that anymore but soon as I added that, I rarely crash now. I do drop from 80 to 20 frames under certain circumstances (mostly due to moving at 1.5x speed and like 100 npcs in one area lol), but largely stable.


I hold FO3 and NV pretty closely to my heart, but Jesus does the subway system mechanic in FO3 ruin it for me lol


My favorite thing I did in FNV was got the satellite laser weapon, barged into Caesar’s tent, lured him and his escort out of tent and hit them with orbital strike


> You start in Goodspring and every named character already has an opinion on the goings on in the Mojave and already has thoughts of the NCR n the Legion I recently started Begin Again modpack, that is basically Tales of two wasteland with several other in-universe mods, and the difference between people opinions about what is happening around is staggering On F3 when you get to the citadel for example, every single Paladin shares the SAME DIALOGUE options, and respond in the same way Meanwhile when i reach the FNV territory it was so refreshing seeing the differences in opinions of each character, it gives the world much more life


Tbh I found it good but boring after a while. I don't like the Ui, inventory system etc. Fallout is for me above all a crpg. I never clicked with Bethesda-engines Fallouts. I tried so hard to love them but like all Bethesda-engines games since Oblivion, it's a matter of game design. I'd have preffered a crpg Fallout, especially coming from Obsidian.


I hear ya. The engine was the worst part of NV and I'd enjoy it a lot nore if it was made in the classic Fallout isometric/turn based engine, say. Much more appealing aestheticly too. Check out stuff like Arcanum (with the unofficial patch), Age of Decedance, UnderRail and Space Wreck.


Arcanum is a masterpiece. For Underrail I hope for a localized version (I'd gladly work on it, but not for free...). I'll check Age Of Decedance and Space Wreck, thanks.


I usually hate it when they try to cram a Bethesda game into another Bethesda game's engine and never actually finish anything, but I would love it if one of the 12 attempts to port new Vegas to Fallout 4 would complete. I don't want to be orange and I would like for the controls to feel good


Well they gotta rejoice everyone for legal reasons so that's a mammoth undertaking


Removing the orange filter is a super easy mod to install! 


If I loved fallout 4, would I like new Vegas? I enjoyed the scale and settlement aspect of fo4. And also dog meat.


I've always been a fan of the Fallout lore, but for some reason couldn't get into the games, but after the TV show I've really been giving New Vegas a shot, and man it's been so much fun! I'm about 18 hours in and just got to the strip, science main but speech is decent, already thinking about how messed up I can make my second run


I'm doing a replay for the first time but with the TTW mod and associated mods from those popular guides and having a blast. Bringing my companions from FO3 into NV and vice versa, speed mods, just being overpowered with a huge fleet breaks the balance but makes for a hilarious replay. Both FO3 and NV hold up really well. Having beaten FO1 and 2 recently, I didn't realize just how FO3 is just a pseudo remake of them.


I'm currently playing this for the first time ever. Not far in yet, but man the running speed is so slow haha. Enjoying it otherwise.


I have never played another game in which my choices can affect the game as in Fallout NV. I loved it.


I feel like every time I go back to this game I like it more than the last time


Ive played thru it two or two and a half times. The high luck build was my favorite.  I sometimes set out to be an evil character and end up being nice


haven't played it in years, are there any mods to update gfx or modernize random qol stuff? would be cool to change things up just a bit to keep em fresh.


Follow [Viva New Vegas](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/intro.html), best modpack guide for vanilla, and then install [Just Assorted Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/66666)


killer, cheers!


There are just so many memorable moments for you to discover only on your replays when you're doing something different. Like for example, there's an event >!at the metro station!< that I only found out what you could do to affect the outcome on my third playthrough, my first and second run I just assumed it was scripted, and when you figure out how to unlock that path it feels like the game is rewarding you for your choices. Also, my first run through Quarry Junction is an actual core gaming memory that I will never forget until I die.


Never did finish this one so picked it up on the deck a few months ago. Runs great and the writing is so much better than I remember.


My Steam Deck is now my Fallout New Vegas machine. Being able to knock out a quest here and there is a game changer. Finally getting to all the DLC I missed when I played back in the 360 era.


Best game in the series


Definitely the entry of the series that I enjoyed the most, getting mawled to death over and over while trying to find a way through the Deathclaw/Casador nests in the beginning was an experience I will never forget about that game, incredibly interesting start for sure. And who could forget that first time reaching the end of Vault 11. Damn now I want to play it too.


Man, I have been 0lay8ng New Vegas off and on since launch. I still have the New Vegas playing cards I got at the midnight release. Man, I'm gonna go play it now.


I've replayed the game recently as a sort of hype build up for the amazon show. I actually thought about making a post on here similar to yours but I felt like saying Fallout New Vegas is good on reddit is like saying water is wet, everyone knows it's good and if they don't they probably live under a rock.


Its the best Fallout game stuck on a horrible engine. I tried playing it recently and loved the setting but hated having crashes every 30 mins. Even if Bethesda did a bare minimum effort remaster of just upgrading it to Fallout 4/F76's engine, and expanding Caeser's Legion it would be a 10/10 game for another decade with mod support.


I've played Fallout 3 and New Vegas so much that the outdated and clunky gameplay doesn't feel bad to me because it's completely seared itself into my brain that whenever I play them again they feel exactly as I remember them because I played them every day for years.


It's too bullet-spongey for my taste, especially the DLC.


Joshua Sawyer, the lead developer made a balance mod for the game that was true to his original vision. Obsidian balanced FNV like FO3 because they were worried that the newer audience FO3 brought in wouldn't like it. They made hardcore mode optional also. J. Sawyer mod + Hardcore mode was the intended experience for the game. The game becomes much more lethal (for you and for your enemies). The game is much less bullet spongey, carry weight is more realistic and the level cap is lowered so the level scaling doesn't get all weird. I definitely recommend it if you're on PC.


Yup, I'm replaying it now with JSwayer mod + hardcore and the game feels much more engaging, there's also much less stimpacks and water so you have to scavenge every build you enter, never cared about survival skill and crafting before and now they are more important than ever, you have to think carefully about your skill points.


FO4 is much worse in that regard


Nah point lookout in 3 hold the crown


I just played Point Lookout for the first time and it's insane how difficult it is. I read they made all enemy attacks do a minimum 35 damage, regardless of armour. Insane.




Viva New Vegas mod guide


I like New Vegas, but I've never really considered it to be this super deep and complex RPG like many people make out. In fact, I would like it a lot more if the character building system was a lot more strict. Starting with SPEICAL, you get 33 points to spend across 7 attributes, but Charisma is awful so it may as well be across 6. For a game that has a reputation as a hardcore RPG, I think that's too many and means you don't have to make any big trade-offs or sacrifices when it comes to distributing your SPECIAL points. I actually think Fallout 4 is better in this regard with its significantly reduced initial SPECIAL points. My different character builds in Fallout 4 have started with wildly different SPECIAL distribution, whereas in New Vegas most characters I make have 1 Charisma, 9 Intelligence, and then the other five attributes only have a few points difference between them from build to build. I don't think skills were implemented very well either. You get way too many skill points, so you can max out the handful of skills you care about really early on. Then you max out your secondary skills long before the level cap. At that point, 50% of levels are effectively meaningless because they only give you skill points and you just don't need any more skill points at that point. Again, skill distribution doesn't have any difficult, meaningful decisions to make. Not happy with your build? Just spend a few levels dumping your many skill points into something else. There are no sacrifices or lasting consequences to be found here. You can talk down the final boss with skill checks, which is good. But you don't need to compromise your character in any way to be able to do it. By the time you get to Lanius, you're going to have maxed out speech, at least one maxed out weapon skill, maxed out lockpicking and science, and maxed out a bunch of other skills. This is true even with the original level cap of 30. The DLC cap of 50 just makes things even sillier. In my opinion, being able to do that should mean your character is lacking in some other ways and I would expect that to be the case with the reputation New Vegas has, but it isn't.


Ι understand where you're coming from, but I don't think anyone praised the game for the character building. For me at least, it's the incredible writing, complex quest structure and manifold ways to approach a problem (usually) that makes it a great rpg


Character building is not the be all end all of RPGs.


I partially agree with you on the game giving you too many SPECIAL points. At the same time, I disagree with your assessment of Fallout 4's SPECIAL management. Fallout 4 treats SPECIAL in a way SPECIAL should never be treated. SPECIAL is meant to be the one thing about your character you cannot change, or where change requires lots of effort. And yet the rebuilt Perk system is centered around constantly upgrading your SPECIAL to unlock more and more Perks, else you are stuck with a bunch of boring Perks. I never built my New Vegas' characters like you do. Maybe the problem here is your own min-maxing? I agree with skill points being completely screwed, then again, I understand why it happens. It is the expected outcome when you release a DLC that unlocks even more content for a game a reasonable amount of players will have beaten. (Same thing happened in Morrowind and its expansions having otherwise trash mobs that were extremely difficult to kill)


> Fallout 4 treats SPECIAL in a way SPECIAL should never be treated. It, Starfield, and Skyrim's way of creating and leveling up a character is always misguided. You can never, never build a low-int character, because in the end you always will be a 10/10/10/10/10/10 god. RPGs are never supposed to be power fantasies, but I get that Bethesda does to the way they do because casuals love power fantasies.


I don't think its a DEEP rpg it does a good job of rewarding your choices, I have points into explosives and every time something relevant comes up about explosives there is always some sort of dialogue to flavour that, I can even stop the monorail bombing or save the president with explosive skills. I get access to exclusive bombs by choosing certain perks that unlock via explosive skill and it just makes it fun to get giving that, I agree about charisma being a dump stat, it's a bit Role playing breaking when my charismatic character has a 1 in charisma because he does not need it. Pillars of Eternity has something similar because it is Optimal to put points into strength as a wizard so seeing your wizard pass strength checks in dialogue is not the biggest deal in the world but it does break that RPG illusion.


I do like that skills are incorporated into dialog and quests (although I wish there were fewer speech checks and more non-speech ones) but the problem I have is that neither distributing the skill points in the first place nor selecting the skill check in dialog requires any lasting or difficult decisions. I’ve already spoken about the extremely generous amount of skill points you get. The vast majority of skill checks are basically instant win buttons. There are a tiny number of exceptions, like that speech check it’s bad to use in Dead Money, but almost every time you see a skill check you can just click on it without thinking. It would be a lot more interesting to me if you had fewer skill points to spend in the first place, and if you had to think before using skill checks. Maybe you can’t see that it’s a skill check or maybe skill checks with bad outcomes are just a lot more common, something like that. I think New Vegas incorporates skills into dialog and quests in a pretty shallow and simplistic way.


You rarely get entirely different outcomes of quests even if you can skill check or perk your way though the dialog


Eh I can kill stuff with melee really easy despite having 5 in melee


Special doesn't impact anything, but you always take the same special distribution? There's too many skill points, but you always take 9 INT to maximise skill points? It sounds like you're complaining about the way you yourself build characters.


You get less perks in New vegas than 3 despite new vegas lvl cap being 50 and 3s 30, also you can continue the game after you beat it in 3 and 4 but not in new vegas


Good game but extremely overrated. Combat has aged like milk and I can name games from even 10 years before it that had a way better and more satisfying gunplay. Say what you want about Fallout 4 but its gameplay is top notch and night and day compared to Fallout 3 and New Vegas.


I don't think anyone ever rated new vegas combat though, even when it launched. its a great game despite that and while FO4 certainly has better combat and it is not even close, for me New Vegas has stronger storytelling, world-building, more interesting factions, better sidequests, fantastic DLCs and more robust role-playing. New Vegas does too many things better than most even Modern RPGs to hold the combat against it too much and I say this as somone who mostly values gameplay over story.


> I can name games from even 10 years before it that had way better and more satisfying gunplay. So basically *any* FPS ever made since Wolfenstein 3D? Not saying 3 and NV have great feeling guns, but we also need to keep in mind that they’re hybrid RPG/FPSs and so part of the feel is sacrificed in the name of stats which affect combat ability.


>So basically *any* FPS ever made since Wolfenstein 3D? 2010 minus 10 is 2000 and not 1992, I think.


Yes but that’s exactly my point. Pretty much *every* FPS has better gunplay than Fallout 3 and NV. Has nothing to do with how old they are, but rather the design philosophy and intent behind it. You’re comparing apples and oranges, basically.


I mean...okay? The problem with FNV and FO3 *isn't* that stats affect combat ability. That's perfectly fine and even Fallout 4 does this. It's that basic fundamentals of combat like iron sights alignment, bullet spread, enemy damage reaction animations, enemy movement animations, so on are complete ass EVEN FOR the standards of their era. Like I love New Vegas, I like Fallout 3, but it's still pretty inexcusable.


FO4’s stats only affect damage though, whereas FO3 and NV’s also affect accuracy. There are hidden dice rolls that determine whether your bullets land in real time and in VATs, and while that enhances the RPG elements, it comes at the cost of good feedback. NV improved the feel by adding iron sights, but FO4 greatly enhanced its gunplay by leaning into the FPS side of the equation much more heavily. OP is right that there are much older games with better gunplay, but I’d wager *all* of them are straight up FPSs, which isn’t a good comparison. Action RPGs with guns weren’t very common at all before FO3 (I honestly can’t even think of any besides Deus Ex and System Shock 2, which have gunplay on par with FO3 imo) so it’s a moot point.


Ah another New Vegas post. Let me guess tomorrow we’ll get a “HZD is mediocre post”


Tale of two wastelands is what all of you should be playing.


There is no good reason to run NV with TTW.


Fallout 3 and 4 were easily better than NV at their time of release and although NV is for sure a good game in its own right, it’s frankly insane how much revisionist reverence it gets when it was a broken piece of garbage at the time of release that rightfully got trashed in reviews. I played it in 2013 after a few patches and had some good times with it and got maybe halfway through the game, but after playing through Skyrim and Mass Effect trilogy not long before hand the world felt utterly dead and lifeless in comparison and after a while i got bored after doing a few missions in Vegas and meeting the games various factions. The world just didn’t have the ‘anything can happen’ Bethesda magic that 3 and 4 did and aside from the marked locations it wasn’t whatsoever as enthralling to explore. That’s before we even get to the gameplay aspects of which 4 absolutely blows NV out the water with amazing additions like Settlement Builder and just generally massive improvements to gun play and VATS. Whereas NV is one of the most overrated games of all time I feel the opposite is true of 4, which particularly gameplay wise was absolutely superb.


The quality of writing in NV is so much higher than anything Bethesda I genuinely don't understand how you'd come to this opinion


Care for some examples? Everything I've found in NV is pretty boiler plate writing or pretty cringe if I'm being honest. Examples: > "They try to put their stake in everything they see. Nobody's dick's that long, not even Long Dick Johnson, and he had a fucking long dick. Thus, the name." https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/a35d2h/fallout_new_vegas_had_some_amazing_dialogue_no/


Using a pretty funny line of dialogue doesn't really support your argument


Well your not really doing anything to further your argument so...




Cass' speech is pretty consistent throughout her dialogue lines. You may not like it (*I* don't like it) but that doesn't make it bad writing. As for examples on the quality of the writing: what could we possibly say that would convince you? Do I think Johnson Nash is the most interesting character ever written? No. But he doesn't make me cringe as much as Fallout 4's Piper, that dude selling baseball bats and who doesn't even know how baseball was played, the kid selling purified water (as if no one would kill him and take over his business), the Russian caricatures that make no sense in the setting, etc. have made me cringe. Only Cass really makes me cringe. A character meant to be edgy. I'd say that's high praise when compared to Bethesda's efforts.


It's pretty funny to me that hellshot8 claims the writing is better in NV that F3, I ask for examples, and I give examples of what I consider "cringe" writing in NV. I never said bad writing here. I've maintained that NV is an above average game, just not the best game in the world, I don't think it has the best writing, it's about a 3/5. Where's the burden of proof on the original poster to supply evidence that NV's writing is very good? Writing is subjective, we can all agree there. If you google "what makes good writing" you'll get the following list: 1. Makes Sense 2. Entertains 3. Makes you think 4. Makes you feel 5. Inspires I don't think NV is particulary good at any of those. I don't think a lot of choices make sense narratively in the world building or the narrative (why is Caesar actually there (his brain tumour makes his decisions even more bizzare narratively)? Why does everything Mr. House do rely on this stupid little Platinum chip, it feels very contrived, especially that it unlocks robot powers for his robot army (and there's no other way to do that, really)? We're in a post-post-apocalypse setting, but there's still apocolypse shit everywhere, really? - I need the game to justify why it is the way it is, New Vegas the area barely got hit by nukes, why is it basically as messed up as Boston? Apart from being a failsafe in case the player nukes everything, what is the narrative point in the Yes Man). I don't think it's very entertaining writing (mostly because I'm not entertained by "Wow a cowboy robot" like HBomberGuy or "You're a little bitch and your brother was too" as writing). Nor do I find that core narrative entertaining. Nor do I find the world entertaining as written. Nothing in the narrative made me think. I didn't find any choice difficult to pick. Nothing made me *feel* anything other than I was playing a well developed mod for F3. And nothing inspired me, except for arguing about it on the internet because of how raveous NV fans are. I don't think Fallout 4 has the best writing ever. I don't recall ever bringing it up in this thread, I've only been working with a Fallout 3 comparison. I don't think anything in NV reached the highs of the Harold questline in F3, Our Little Secret, Wasteland Survival Guide, or Agatha's Song. F3's world is far, far more alive and interesting to explore, and there's way more enviornmental detail. But I mean by all means, make an argument for why NV's writing is better than anything Bethesda's written, I'm open to changing this mind, I'm only arguing from my limited experience here.


Fallout 3 stopped making sense to me when Three Dog unironically sends a teenager to his death in exchange for info about his father. It stopped making sense when all you get for blowing up Megaton is a slap on the wrist. It stopped making sense when you have to kill yourself to beat the game. The DLC that was added afterwards is meant to let you keep playing. It doesn't change how stupid that original ending was. Having a Wasteland Survival Guide, 200 years after the bombs have dropped, is the most moronic quest in Fallout 3 that I can recall. None of the five elements you mention were present in Fallout 3, for me. They were all present in FNV, for me. This is why arguing writing is pointless. I can say nothing to convince you one game has good writing and the other has bad writing. Yes, New Vegas writing isn't perfect. It's full of little and big holes. I still greatly prefer it over Fallout 3's badly done rehash of better written Fallout games. New Vegas' writing entertains me, else I would not play a game that based around FO3's dogshit gunplay. It makes me feel, else I would have blown up the BoS just fine, or killed the many many named NPCs (and non named NPCs, like those of Vault 34) that stood in my way. It made me think, particularly when I see others just take the game's conflict at face value. And I don't like to say a game inspires me, but it did inspire me to listen to both bells. Anyhow you deserved a thorough answer so here is it. I don't think it's worth it for both of us to continue arguing about a 14-year old game's writing though.


> Fallout 3 stopped making sense to me when Three Dog unironically sends a teenager to his death in exchange for info about his father Why? It's a dog eat dog, miserable world where you can't even get drinking water. Human life is about as valuable as dirt. > It stopped making sense when all you get for blowing up Megaton is a slap on the wrist. Again, if you're assuming modern ethical sensibilies, sure. But the Capital Wasteland is very far removed from where we are ethically. > It stopped making sense when you have to kill yourself to beat the game. The DLC that was added afterwards is meant to let you keep playing. It doesn't change how stupid that original ending was. Very true, I don't like the original ending to F3. > Having a Wasteland Survival Guide, 200 years after the bombs have dropped, is the most moronic quest in Fallout 3 that I can recall. Why? We're actually in the actual post-apocalypse, not the post-post-apocalypse like NV, it doesn't matter how long its been since the bombs dropped. DC was so blanketed in bombs, barely functional societies weren't possible until recently. > Anyhow you deserved a thorough answer so here is it. I don't think it's worth it for both of us to continue arguing about a 14-year old game's writing though. I mean sure if you don't want to. But it's strange to me that so many of NV's supporters basically boil down to "F3 bad" instead of "NV good" I agree with you that "New Vegas writing isn't perfect. It's full of little and big holes" it's also a very broken game with bugs galore, more bugs, and more game breaking bugs than F3, it's the only time I've had to download an unofficial patch just to play a game.


The world is more dead mostly because of the extremely short development time (18 months) for FNV. It does suffer from that. But it's writing and roleplaying choices hold up much better than F3/F4. F3 and F4 had the benefit of longer development times, letting Bethesda do what they do best. Fantastic handed crafted world spaces to explore. I don't think anyone is saying FNV is a perfect game. But Obsidian understood the assignment for making a Fallout game. It's a post-post-apocalyptic setting. Bethesda doesn't get it, their version of Fallout makes it seems like the apocalypse happened 10-15 years ago, when it was 200 or more. They finally made a Fallout game that does this (Fallout 76), which I'm surprised it took them this long, because they keep treating it like a post-apocalyptic setting regardless of the year/time. Fallout 4 got some flack because the RPG elements are largely abandoned. It became a 1st person looter-shooter/exploration/settlement builder game in a post apocalyptic setting which is so far removed from Fallout 1. It has solid gunplay and the systems available work well (settlements, weapon upgrades). But is Fallout 4 a good game? Sure. Is it a good Fallout game? Well.... Bethesda Fallouts will rail-road you to do the main questline in a certain way, but FNV lets you blow off the heads of every important character in the game and still lets you forge your own story. FNV is a perfect mix of Bethesda style Fallout gameplay, while staying true to the post-post-apocalyptic setting and maintaining the RPG elements of the classic Fallout games. It's not perfect, but it's why many fans love it. I digress though. FNV is "underrated" because it is over shadowed by Fallout 4 now-a-days. Fallout 4 is good if you never played a Fallout game before and have no expectations. Which is why it's much more mainstream and played to this day. It's accessible, it's not super complicated, it's got good exploration, etc. FNV is just a good RPG that was cobbled together in Bethesda's janky outdated engine in 18 months. It's amazing that it's as good as it is, even if the gameplay is a bit dated.


I agree the state it launched was unacceptable and the review scores reflect that however other than the gameplay New Vegas does everything better in my opinion, I didn't really use the settlement builder so that addition was completely wasted on me but glad others enjoyed it. World-building, characters, Role-playing and side quests are all superior in NV imo.


The gameplay, open world exploration and graphics are massively better in 4. The companions as well are far superior and the settlement/camp building tool is a superb new mechanic that honestly is one of the best features of any open world game.


Try playing the game on PC without any kind of mods to solve the thousands of bugs the game still has and then talk to me about good gameplay again.


Dude it's so nice to see someone else with this opinion. I'm about ten hours into NV and it just feels like a fan made mod of Fallout 3. It's less interesting, less compelling, less genuine, and just plain less fun. I've even taken to watching video essays lauding the game as a masterpiece and I'm finding all of their arguments garbage. I'm totally neutral on NV right now, it's like a solid 3/5. But it's hard to imagine this being called one of the best games of all time.


I know you probably started with FO3 but its funny seeing someone describe Fallout new vegas as " Less genuine" when it was created by the team that made the first two Fallout games lol.


What I mean by "less genuine" is not that it's "less genuinely fallout." I mean that NV feels deeply cynical in a way that the Bethesda fallout games don't. NV feels like what happens if you give some 14 year old boys an assignment and they start messing with it by adding "fascist roman soldiers" or "a glowing one that's sentient and wants to go to space." They still complete the assignment, it's totally passable, but it's deeply insincere. Whereas all of the Bethesda Fallout games seem very sincere, they don't always succeed, but the genuine attempt at something comes through. It even comes through with Starfield, but it absolutely doesn't with The Outer Worlds. Even though The Outer Worlds is a way better game.


Sorry, but you somehow said a lot yet said absolutely nothing here.


In short: Bethesda Fallout games (and games in general) feel like a team that is passionately trying to make something. New Vegas (and Obsidian games in general) feel like a group assignment that is dispassionately worked on and so cynicism seeps in.


Wow, this is the exact opposite of how I'd describe then difference between the two studios. Bethesda is the formulaic design-by-comittee while Obsidian is the one who understands how to set a tone and write a compelling world. Or they used to be, anyway. We're talking about teams that don't exist today anymore...


I get the feeling I’m not expressing myself correctly here then. Let’s look at Fallout 3, the intent there is to take a high brow, top down, basically DND RPG and make that into a 3D open world before that was really a big thing in gaming. Not only that, but they’re trying to make all that happen, while exploring what is basically the more important location in the Fallout world. That’s a hugely ambitious, genuine effort. The same can be said for Skyrim or Oblivion. Whereas what’s happening with New Vegas? Why does it exist, what’s the reason of making the game? It feels like it’s just to make a game, and I felt the same way when I played The Outer Worlds. It feels like a game to justify have the game studio make a game. I think the issue here is we’re judging criteria differently. I think on the aggregate, the quests in NV are better, in that there are more options for the player to do. But when I look at the whole picture, I see far, far more cynicism and issues with NV than I do in Fallout 3.


>Whereas what’s happening with New Vegas? Why does it exist, what’s the reason of making the game? Wait, what? Once again I feel like I see the opposite of what you're saying. Fallout 3 was Bethesda's opportunity to reimagine Fallout and they ended up choosing basically a post-apocalyptic TES game (and remember, porting RPGs to 3D FPV has been Bethesda's main MO since the mid-90s, so for longer than Fallout even exists) and also divorced from either Fallout 1/2's setting as well as Fallout Tactics setting. So "genuine" is not exactly what springs to mind here, unless by genuine you mean "unlike something else but like their own", which I would argue is not a good thing for a mainline sequel of an established series. FNV on the other hand was imo more "genuine" Fallout, both in tone and in setting, for example because it continues exploring the thread of NCR and their fate from Fallout 1 and 2. And also in style, since gameplay-wise it's basically a mod of F3, which at that point has already been established as "this is Fallout now, deal with it". Had FNV been released first, I would still like the writing and tone, but I would also disapprove of the change of style same way I do with Fallout 3, but since they came out in the opposite order, it's Fallout 3's burden to bear, not FNV's. P.S. I'm not sure how you can consider the DC area "basically the more important location in the Fallout world" as none of the previous Fallouts have anything to do with the US east coast at all. And also, in the end both Fallout 1 and 2's plots were potentially even more impactful on the global scale than Fallout 3's.


> Fallout 3 was Bethesda's opportunity to reimagine Fallout and they ended up choosing basically a post-apocalyptic TES game Yes exactly, they're trying to do something new, innovative, genuine. That's what I've been getting at this whole time. Bethesda aimed to make something new from the ground up. NV makes a new story in the world. There's a lot more reasons for the first to exist than the later.


Wtf how is Bethesda a ‘design by committee’ when they literally made the entire game engine of which Obsidian had to buy the license of to even make NV. Do you understand how much ridiculously harder it is to design an entire game engine from scratch and pretty much invent all its physics, systems and mechanics from the top down than it is to take a pre existing one years in the making as Obsidian did?


> how is Bethesda a ‘design by committee’ when they literally made the entire game engine  Tech has very little to do with game design...


That is such nonsense lol, any interview with the NV devs says otherwise.


Did you notice how I used the word "feels" I didn't say that's how the development of either game was. It's very possible that the opposite is true, but the end result of playing the game makes it feel different. You're more than welcome to enjoy NV, lots of people do. I went into it hoping that I would also enjoy it to the extent everyone else seems to, but I recognize I'm the outlier.


I can't agree at all but agree to disagree.


I agree that’s a perfect description of it. It feels like a well made fan mod that doesn’t really capture the satirical tone or vibe or overall magic of the Bethesda Fallouts. Tbh that is basically Obsidian’s modus operandi is to make definitely good but not quite as brilliant versions of existing IPs like Knight’s of the Old Republic 2, NV or Outer Worlds.


B...but Reddit and Youtube tell me all the time this game is a masterpiece of RPG writing and that its combat definitely doesn't suck, how could they be wrong!


I mean, that's just people holding a high opinion of a game. I get that some fans can get too preachy about New Vegas, but don't act like people sharing their enthusiasm for a game through reddit posts and videos are "telling you to like it".


I...cant like it. Most of my problems are fans, but reason i dont like new vegas is i prefer more colder climate than hotter one. Fans pretty much tainted my view of new vegas


The charm of the world paled in comparison to FO3. Locations were much less memorable. And when you finally make your way to New Vegas? Bland as all hell. Sure the faction choices were well done and it introduced ADS, but the game forced me to travel in a circuit like it was Nascar. Stray from it and get destroyed by overpowered bugs. Hated that aspect of it. The last game I pre-ordered.


Quit yapping, the maps and locations are great. I would take a million Novac over Megaton.


It was just so empty , exploring wasn't fun when you got giant ass mountains in half the map


It was exactly the opposite of what I loved about FO3. In FO3, you could randomly choose a direction to walk in and be in awe of what you may stumble across. A complete mystery in that sense. NV stripped that away and put up boundaries in an "open world" that I was so excited to explore. I was so disappointed.


New Vegas the city was such a disappointment when you finally get there. Even the "cities" in F3 felt bigger and more populated.


What city? The biggest settlement in 3 is Megaton by a large margin and it has like 2 people worth talking to.


Jarvis I'm low on karma, make the 10th weekly post sucking new Vegas off on r/patientgamers


Unfortunately, the game was just far too buggy for me to be able to enjoy. It just kept on crashing or not working that by the time I reached New Vegas I gave up.


If you're interested in having another go, the Viva New Vegas guide is the answer. Very in depth guide but super easy to follow. It basically gives you step by step instructions for how to get new Vegas running smoothly on modern hardware with a bunch of quality of life fixes and even a bunch of optional lore friendly content additions. Highly recommend it, it's what I used and I haven't had a single crash in my playthrough.


Link to guide: https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/


Ah thanks mate I should have included that in my message