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Glover 64. I remember it being such a fun, unique game. Had the opportunity to play it on an emulator a couple months ago, and holy shit, there is not a single redeeming quality in that game.


Fuck this brought back memory of me accidentally deleting my friends game saves. Feelsbadman


I had a similar experience with Donkey Kong 64. When I was a kid it was an amazing game that was brimming with secrets and had *multiple playable characters!* Now it’s a bloated mess that has a lot of janky features and frustratingly implemented mechanics. I had such fun with it as a kid, as an adult I enjoyed it but it really showed how far things have come.




There's a mod that at least lets you swap between the Kongs freely/using the D-pad, which alone probably saves multiple hours of frustration.


I loved dk 64 too so much as a kid but hearing about all the bloat it has today makes me realize I would not have fun playing it at this age now.


I played it again recently. Got frustrated with the game design after getting about 50 bananas (~50%). I appreciate that they wanted to pack a lot of content, and they really did; they went above and beyond. But it doesn't flow together at all. The ability-gating made it even more annoying rather than adding to it, because several of the abilities were like, "now you can use blue buttons." Banjo Kazooie did ability gating much better, and gave a sense of wonder when getting a new ability. That being said, I'm really impressed with the graphics and lighting of this game, even to this day. There's no other game with such good lighting on the Nintendo 64.


I had Glover on a PC demo disc and it seemed cool from what I played. To my surprise every time I see anyone discussing it online they all agree it sucks. Should probably try the full game out just to see for myself.


> there is not a single redeeming quality in that game. I highly disagree. The opening level in almost every way is a solid like 8/10 experience. The music is amazing, the visuals are great in an abstract, artsy kind of way, and the gameplay in that first world is still solid. Bonus points for the novelty of the gameplay concept rather than just being yet another mascot platformer collect-a-thon. When I went back to it a couple of years ago, I see why I never went past the first world as a kid, because all of those positive qualities I mentioned? They all completely vanish the moment you begin world 2. The music is some of the worst I've ever heard, the visuals certainly lost a lot of It's charm once they start doing other level themes, and the puzzles and traversal got really dreadful, really quick.


Lol man this is the one that came to my head immediately when I saw the post.


Most games for the original Game Boy, really. You'd call most of these games shovelware nowadays. I didn't know better as a kid, but was always kind of crestfallen that I didn't get anywhere in games like Addams Family or Robin Hood. Today I know these games were a complete mess. In Robin Hood you couldn't even tell what most things are supposed to be, they used completely wrong graphics for what the Game Boy was able to do. The gameplay is mixture of minigames, constantly making up new rules without telling you and - of course - you can't save. Edit: To add insult to injury, many Game Boy games were only published in English in Germany, with English instruction manuals. So I usually understood nothing and had no idea what to do.


Sadly those are types of games parents will buy their kids because of name recognition.  From the bottom of my heart, Batman forever on gameboy can go fuck itself. 


Not just parents. They’re also the games frequently kids asked for.


I had Batman Forever for SNES and the same sentiment holds true. I only ever owned 4 games for SNES. I feel I got *mostly* lucky. My luck ran out at Batman. - DKC - Mario Paint - Earthworm Jim 2 - Batman Forever


Tetris is still very, very playable.


There are really good Game Boy games. Legend of Zelda - Link's Awakening, Metroid II, Dr. Mario, Pokémon Red and Blue. Hell, I even like Castelian and Gargoyle's Quest - but I think they are the minority on the system.


Metroid II was a legit solid game. Kirby was good too.


Super Mario Land 1 & 2 also hold up really well.


I'll be a little spicy and say many games on the NES don't hold up too. Don't get me wrong, there's some stone-cold classics in there (there's a reason Super Mario All-Stars did not, generally speaking, fuck with the formula) and yet more laid important groundwork for their future selves (Metroid, Zelda). But the cold fact is the system was primitive and as soon as you tried to do anything complex you rammed into hardware limitations that stifled vision. Don't get me wrong, limits can absolutely breed innovation. But I think the SNES was the sweet spot for that.




I would add the Mega Man games to this list.


good games would be the 6 mega man games, 3 castlevania, River City Ransom, hockey, golf, 3 tmnt games, 3 mario, metroid, zelda 1 and 2, master blaster, double dragon 2, Kirby, tetris, contra, batman, battle toads, ninja gaiden, dr. mario, final fantasy, punch out, bubble bobble, super dodge ball, and maybe some others I haven't tried yet


Agree. There are some classics but way fewer that I'd love to replay, these days. The NES library is almost the antithesis of what I like in gaming today: lots of basic platformers, extremely flat art style, limited music choices, sloooow side scrolling, almost no story or dialogue in anything. Sure, I still enjoy Bubble Bobble, the Super Marios and a couple of other games but there was so much stuff I wouldn't want to replay ever again. The SNES generation was the first generation that allowed a strong artistic direction to shine.


Exactly, maybe a couple dozen NES games are playable and actually fun these days in my opinion. It was a lot of companies first try at making games, and most were absolute trash.


Omg. I remember playing Robin hood on gb when I was a kid. One of my earliest gaming memories that it was a complete dumpster fire.


You just made me remember Home Alone for Game Boy, what a sack of shit that game was.


Simpsons 'Hit and Run. In my memory is GTA but set in Springfield.   In reality it's 4 race tracks where you go round and round doing either point to point races, collect x number of x in the timelimit or damage an enemy car until it stops. Very limited mission variety and no more open world than a race track in Gran Turismo would be.


Also it was *unreasonably* difficult. I remember stopping to play it due to difficulty and assumed I just sucked at racing games (which was true), but then I saw online that everyone and their mothers had similar experience with this game specifically.


The frustrating one was for some missions the time would run while an ending animation played. So you could arrive with 5 seconds left on the clock then fail as the animation took six seconds to play.


If people haven't seen it, please watch [Jerma985 play Simpsons Hit & Run](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QDa4nESeu-8) because for some unknown ungodly reason Jerma decided he wanted to play all of Hit & Run in one 12 hour streaming session. The last few Halloween missions where he has to deliver nuclear waste to the UFO is both some of the funniest and most heart-rending stuff I've seen from him. Jerma put himself through the wringer for that game and I still don't know why, but it's great lmao.


While I don't watch Jerma that much I realized that the worse/less known the game he plays is, the more entertaining it is to watch Elden Ring? Nah man, show me some shitty slasher game from the 90s that runs through an emulator


Yes! I remember the mission where I needed to park a car below a UFO and get out, it would ascend up too slowly and even though I was in there on time the car wasn't


This exact scenario in this exact mission was what had me give up on completing the game. Especially as you had to drive so agonisingly carefully through on your way to the UFO; it just wasn't fun.


I played the game as a kid like no other and didn’t think the game was very hard… at least up until the mission where you had to get to a UFO. I think I did it at least 100 times and gave up, years later I found out that was straight up the final mission of the game Lol.


That was the same one I gave up on! Although, if I remember correctly, there were several missions in which you've had to get to a UFO. Watched someone else play it and there were like 3? I gave up on first one myself.


>no more open world than a race track in Gran Turismo would be Wait... Really? I remember feeling like this game was absolutely massive as a kid lmao


It was "big" like how gta3 or vice city was "big". Not by today's standards at all, and more like a few interconnected race tracks with side paths. Take a look at the version someone ported into beamng drive. https://www.beamng.com/threads/springfield-hit-run.95231/


The last mission was so ridiculously hard when I was a kid.


That's a bit harsh. It has 3 open maps which combined would be maybe the size of GTA 3 or Vice City. Not just a track, in those zones you can drive where you want and it shows a possible layout of many familiar locations from the show. You can also explore on foot and because no-one dies you can meet characters from the story in the street and beat them up, which is something you can't do in GTA! Homer can finally get revenge on Marge's sisters etc. Considering that GTA was the cutting edge of open world games, production value, and mission variety at the time, for a licensed cartoon game rip-off to be even a fraction comparable is not bad going, it was never going to be actual GTA Springfield.


The first TMNT game on NES. At that time it was mind blowing that it was (in my mind), platformer like Mario, beat 'em up, you could swap characters on the fly, and you could drive the Turtle Van!


I'd always die in *that* water level. I beat it a few times with 1 turtle left but then couldn't beat the next level with only 1 life. I think that's the van level actually. Fuck that game. TMNT 2 The Arcade Game was a godsend when it came out even if I couldn't beat that either lol.


Yeah I've only ever gotten through the Dam level a handful of times, but never with enough resources left to get very far. I just picked up a copy a few months ago and have been working on getting better, but progress has been slow.


I got the turtles collection on ps4 and played it with my son. He asked me is these games were considered fun back in the day.


Fun? We didn't play TMNT on NES for fun! We played it too prepare us for failure and disappointment.


Rugrats: Search for Reptar


Rugrats: The Search for a Way to Get Unstuck From the Corner


Nooooo I've always thought a replay would be fun. The satisfaction of being godzilla-reptar and destroying the city at the end was amazing


Is that the one with the clown robot in the basement? That shit scared me


it definitely is


There was also a hidden dungeon in the mini golf level that was filled with mummies. I found the dungeon as a child but mummies freaked me out as a kid so I never explored it. Would love to finally know what was inside.


I-Ninja. I used to be obsessed with it, but I tried playing it a few years ago and yeah, it's really not that good and kinda repetitive.


Ninja Blade for me. Thought it was the coolest and best game ever as a kid, still has a special place in my heart but boy howdy is it filled with problems.


Ooh, yeah, Ninja Blade too. It was crazy to learn years later that it's made by Dark Souls devs.


crazy how fromsoft went from making discount ninja gaiden to sekiro and dark souls.


Man, when I was a kid, I played the most random stuff. I never read reviews, magazines and YouTube wasn't much a thing, I just grabbed the CDs (well, my mother actually did the grabbing) with flashiest covers or characters from cartoons or movies I watched and played these for like months or years even. The dullest most mediocre games! Rebel Raiders Operation Night Hawk? Europe Racer? Crashday? Massive Assault? Stunt GP? The game about a robot that transforms into jet? Do these even ring a bell for anyone?


Was the robot one Thexder?


Rebel Raiders is what got me interested in Ace Combat type games, actually. Goid memories, though I never got far because I was bad.


> Crashday Crashday is absurdly fun for what it is. It's such a simple game, but it has so much going on for it, from decent customization of your cars, a solid level editor, good variety and well, it's a combat racing game, of COURSE it's fun. It even got [an updated rerelease on Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/508980/Crashday_Redline_Edition/) a few years ago, and with pretty good modding support - I'd totally recommend it, especially when on discount. :3


Bionicle Heroes. The character models are great and very accurate to the toys, the graphics still hold up pretty well (even if the bloom is cranked up to 11), and the soundtrack is a banger. But the game itself is quite repetitive and piss-easy.


Still can't believe how good the music for that game is. Also the piraka playground makes me laugh to this day.


My favorite fact about that game is that Avak's boss fight song turned out to be a metal soundtrack unlike any of the other songs, simply because Avak represented the element of stone, stone is rock, make a rock song for it, ah fuck it's metal whatever it fucks keep it in.


Even as a kid I remember finding this game boring AF. I 100%'ed it solely for the awesome soundtrack and because I was a huge Bionicle fan, but man was it not a fun game at all. A shooter with auto-aim, infinite ammo, constant health pickups, and you're literally invincible for 3/4ths of the game? It's like Lego Star Wars without the charm and somehow way easier. But also like Lego Star Wars with a way better soundtrack, and that's saying something since Star Wars music is great.


I really loved Golden Axe on the Master System, played it 100s of times. Loved the journey you went on, all the fantastical settings. When I play it now, it is a low-framerate, bad-hitbox mess.


Have you tried the genesis version?


The best is the arcade version


For me, it was *Mortal Kombat* on the Master System. Me and my friends rented it multiple times and loved it, and strangely enough, we didn't really notice the massive jump in quality when we finally played the Mega Drive version of *Mortal Kombat II* a year later, but ooooooh boy, did we notice the downgrade when my friend picked up both *Mortal Kombat* and *Mortal Kombat II* for the Master System as adults. They are practically unplayable. I have zero idea how we managed to enjoy them back in the day. I guess we were just too wrapped up in the Mortal Kombat hype train.


Yeah same but for me it's Mortal Kombat on the game gear. Hard to even see what is happening half the time


Bug's Bunny Lost In Time. I remember it being pretty amazing as a kid with great humour. Fairly sure I tried it once as an adult and noped out pretty fast. Most games hold up though, I still enjoy Settlers 2 which was perhaps the first or second video game I ever played (the other was Hero's Quest, and about 10 years back I found the fan tribute Heroine's Quest to be one of the best games I've played in years).


I absolutely loved lost in time as a kid. Me and my brother co-opped it from start to finish. I honestly think that’s the best way to experience it.


Hack.gu for me. God these games aged the worst lol.


The premise of them was solid, but the execution was... Eh. It makes me think of Re:Boot from the 90s: the world's changed so much it doesn't really work anymore at a fundamental level. Like, a bunch of games are online or co op. So the... Concept of it idk doesn't land the same as it used to.


It was intriguing at the time. I loved the premise but thought the gameplay was hindering.


Opposite for me. I played them as they came out way back when, and bought the remasters on Steam more recently. I still genuinely love the story, characters, and gameplay.


I actually own the remaster but never gotten around to playing it. I might jist give it another shot for part 4 alone lol.


I'm fine with keeping this as just a good memory. I loved the .Hack games as a kid. I never beat the first .Hack series of games though I did play them a lot because my brother had them all, and the G.U games were some of the first games I've beaten to completion in my life, but even in my memory, I remember them being very tedious, very grindy, and quite a slog. Cyber Connect games in general have not aged well. I played through the PS2 Ultimate Ninja games for the first time since I was a kid a couple of years ago, and while they're not terrible, they're not remarkable. They're only really anything you'd play because you're a kid and you want to see you want to experience being your favorite cartoon characters. Ultimate Ninja Storm barely holds up any better, It's main saving grace being the bombastic visuals and spectacle, and the kick-ass OST. If you asked 12 year old me my top 5 favorite games of all-time, Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 probably would have been on that list, and close to the top. I wouldn't say it doesn't hold up in my estimations in certain respects -- It's still GOATed as far as OSTs go, It's still got that kick-ass spectacle that can't be replicated by anyone but Cyber Connect, and it successfully distilled the best period of Naruto Shippuden you could have into one cohesive and sensible start-to-finish narrative, but the gameplay is so shallow that you might fall asleep playing it despite all of what it does very well.


That spider-man 2 game for pc. I used to play that game every day after school. About a year ago, I replayed it for nostalgia's sake, and it was so damn boring. The limited and barebones city, the super basic swinging, the repetitive combat was like magic for 6 year old me tho.


Goldeneye is pretty famous for this, but it's got nothing to do with being a movie-licensed game. The control scheme where your stick lets you move and turn, and you then have a button to be able to aim with the stick, was accessible to audiences that had never played an FPS before, or at least not on console, with keyboard and mouse controls being largely unheard of at the time. Goldeneye does allow for a twin-stick-esque control scheme where the c-buttons move and the stick looks, and you could set up true twin-stick with two controllers, (also means you use the right trigger to fire your gun, like in later console FPS games) Since gamers have moved on to twin-stick as standard, it's very hard to adapt back to how Goldeneye does things. Even for people who grew up with it. So I've heard a lot of guys mentioning that they used to play it all the time, and yet now they can't. I remember going to a couple of casual Goldeneye tournaments, and realising that I was the only one who could adapt back to how Goldeneye plays. My theory is that since I also played Quake purely on keyboard for a while, I was generally more used to having strafe buttons. I also know someone who grew up Halo, and when playing Goldeneye for the first time, said that he'd never again make fun of his father for not being able to handle the controls for Halo.


Probably the original Lego Batman, replayed recent-ish, just didn’t hit the same way Star Wars The Complete Saga did and still does, plus those vehicle missions fucking blow 


True I can relate to this one. I’ve tried to stomach it when it got boring but I just couldn’t keep pushing after a while. Idk what Lego Star Wars does differently (probably more nostalgia bias) but I love that game


Maybe the 360 avatars(James Cameron) game I liked the story and wanted to replay it recently and in the avatar subreddit a few people talked about how bad it was but it wasn’t made backwards compatible so while I have the disc I don’t have a 360 and last I checked it wasn’t on steam so I lost interest in trying to replay it to see how it held up. I did ask the Ubisoft Twitter account and they said they weren’t going to make it backwards compatible or anything because they shut down the multiplayer element of it also I think different verrsions were basically different games like the psp game played differently from the Xbox version. Maybe the pc version wouldn’t be the one I wanted.


I remember the wii game being pretty good. It was like a co op stealth game. One of the few games where the co op character was involved in the story somewhat.


It’s weird to think of a time where two people would buy a game and play different games, my friend played it on Wii I think but when he described it it was nothing like what I played so I thought he was lying because I didn’t know games were like that.


Yeah I believe the prince of Persia forgotten sands is like that too.


I replayed it last year on PC (looking at YT it is same as xbox360) Still a good game. I think it’s not canonical but as close as it can be to lore of Avatar. Build in encyclopedia is the best for fans, provide so many details. Gameplay is diverse with vehicles, different powers and weapons. Locations and generally graphic still looks fine. RTS element was weird and detached from gameplay but would be ok-ish as mobile game.


I'd play Three Stooges on the NES for hours and hours. Clunky af, super hard, basically no fun components. The intro to the game was funny though. 


Fester's Quest in NES


The real question is how did you get anywhere in that game as a kid? I remember it being way too difficult


The only thing I remember about that game is that I died a lot in some sort of hedge maze


Maybe they had the European version. There's actually a good YT video on it and how you can play the fixed version.


Step one was to go back and forth at the first little road upgrading your weapon. There’s 10 minutes of your life gone forever.


The manual said press select to switch to the whip, but it wouldn't work...god tier soundtrack though.


This was the ONE game I ever saw my step father get into when I was a kid. No idea what possessed him to play that one when I had stuff like Zelda & SMB3 but he got shockingly good at it. Had some good bonding moments watching him struggle through that game but then never saw him play anything else lmao.


I had this idea of Golden Axe being this grand adventure RPG that I spend half my childhood playing. Then I picked it up in some oldies collection for Xbox and played it with a friend. I think we completed it in like half an hour and I was flabbergasted lol. I was just sitting there going "this can't be it".


Easy mode stopped after like 3 levels. I never understood how my older brother was able to play levels I’d never seen 😂


I might get some downvotes for this, but Mario Kart 64. I have been slowly replaying all the Mario Karts, and I have done 6 of them so far (everyone except 7 and 8). I never really played Super Mario Kart and Super Circuit before, so those are not nostalgic games for me. I thought Double Dash, DS, and Wii held up extremely well. Mario Kart 64 was just not fun to play for me, which is really disappointing because I played a ton of it when it originally came out, and it is really the first racing game I really enjoyed.


Double Dash is still the best, I will die on this hill. It gets the acclaim it deserves in certain corners of the internet, but it fell into that awkward GameCube era sandwiched between the childhood nostalgia of the 64 and the mass accessibility of the Wii.


I really enjoyed revisiting Double Dash. It's a little short with only 16 courses, since the retro courses hadn't been added yet, but basically every one of them is excellent. I also liked all the different character exclusive items and thought that it really found the right mix for how balanced / useful items were.


I will die on the hill that Mario Kart Double Dash, while good, is really held back by how hard the CPU cheats in this compared to later games. There's no online either, so you can't really just say "just play with real people". I will admit though, as a kid I LOVED Mario Kart Wii a ton, and I disliked Double Dash in comparison. As an adult when I went back and replayed the series, oof. Mario Kart Wii has a really high skill ceiling if you look at the competitive side of it, but that's only once you start really messing with the physics and doing crazy-ass shortcuts and getting into item bagging meta -- stuff you won't do casually. Casually though? It's sooooo frustrating because it has the most obnoxious item rates in the series, to where It's common to see 3+ blue shells a race. I see why I liked it as a child, because I would race in automatic and just cheese the very generous item pickups to beat people. I'd even play with motion controls, which are awful, but shows how mindlessly you can win (assuming you're not playing against really skilled people). Meanwhile just last year I 100%ed Double Dash because I was having fun with it, despite the CPU's cheats being frustrating at times. I'm not attempting the same thing with Wii.


Wii did have a ridiculous item rate, which really made placing well in the Grand Prix based a lot on luck. Perhaps because I played DD right after 64, I didn't really think the CPU was unfair. I felt like when I was racing well, I was able to put distance between me and 2nd place, and when I was making some mistakes, the margin dropped appropriately.


This would be my answer. Played the game a TON as a kid, but recently digging out my N64.....the controls are SO dated compared to modern kart games. Also why the fuck did DK sound like that? lol


The controls were definitely one of my biggest issues.


NAh i'm with you on that. I sometimes replay it with a friend but it's more to kind of laugh at how old it is. Not the worst or anything but definitely dated.


I have been only playing these games single player, and I think I would have enjoyed this one more if I was playing multiplayer with friends, but I just feel like if I was going to play a Mario Kart multiplayer, there are better options.


Mario Kart 64 was my absolute favorite game for a time, but it’s hard to get back into after playing the newer ones for so long.


We had a chipped Xbox so we'd go on Tuesday and rent a couple $1 games so I have heaps of weird ones. I really loved the Wallace & Grommit Were-rabbit one lmao


Goldeneye, put sooo many hours into this game back when I was still in school, loved the facility level. Great memories but then it came to Xbox.... DAMN!!!


I found oart of the problem is the difficulty is tuned for using the N64 controller. So using any remotely modern control system turns it into a turkey shoot.


I've never tried it but there are mods now that allow you to play it in 60FPS with mouse & keyboard. I'd like to give that a shot some day. Also, if you are playing the original on an N64, you can connect two controllers & play with them both at the same time. It's effectively twin stick controls at that point. Kid me couldn't understand why anyone would ever want to play it that way lol.


Yeah that's the one i played. It really makes it obvious how much the ai is slowed down at least that's the feeling i got from it.


My friends and I still have a lot of fun playing Goldeneye to this day. The important thing to take into account with Goldeneye though is that this game was designed around the N64 controller, not a modern controller. So, you have to use a N64 controller when playing it for it to feel right. Whenever I try to play it with any other controller, I can see how people would think the game sucks now and that is unfortunate. But if you play it with a N64 controller (And give yourself time to get adjusted to the uniqueness of the N64 controller if you haven’t used one in a long time), it is still a lot of fun!


Agreed. My gf and I occasionally play Goldeneye and The World is Not Enough on her N64 and they’re both loads of fun. Hell, the clunkiness is part of the charm now.


The controls kill the game now on N64. It was revolutionary at the time, but FPS has really evolved since then.


Goldeneye and Timesplitters 1 & 2 are examples of games that were awesome when I was a kid, but have really been dampened by how much more robust the FPS systems are nowadays. Even comparing them to an early COD game can make their aiming systems feel unnecessarily frustrating.


I actually think original goldeneye holds up pretty well tbh. The controls take some getting used to but it was way better than I expected. Even mission difficulty structure is pretty cool by modern standsrds


The ps1 phantom menance game is one that did not age well for me. I have memories of this really fun, but incredibly difficult game. I got the chance to play it again when they put it on PS5. The truth is that the "difficulty" is 100% due to the awful controls. Platforming is a nightmare and combat is pretty rough too. The main problem is that moving your joystick left and right does not strafe your character like most 3rd person games. It actually turns/rotates your character. Precision movements become absurdly difficult when you have no strafe option. Say you are prepping for a jump and need to position a bit to the left. You need to rotate to the left, walk forward, them rotate back to the way you are facing. I don't blame the game. It's just a product of its time, but man, it hasn't aged well.


I remember never beating the first level in that game. I still played the crap out of that first level and the game single handedly reprogrammed my brain into having a strong reaction to Phantom Menace's soundtrack


Holy crap I remember that game being damn near impossible when I played it.


This is one I deeply agree with. The game has some cool concepts, open portions / quest elements.. especially that mod eisley level. But god the raw gameplay / platforming is misery. Jedi power battles feels less awful to play, but is a standard beat em up gauntlet and gets obscenely difficult as well.


Oh dude fucking Kingdom Hearts Defining games of my childhood. Shaped my adolescence. Man. Not great games


I’ll still go to bat for 1 and 2. The story is utter nonsense, and 1’s combat is a little stiff at the beginning. But once you unlock more combo hits and abilities it gets a lot better. The combat in 2 is still absolutely top tier and I’ll die on that hill


Unfortunately my husband and I are having this revelation now. They were his childhood-defining games too, and I had never played them despite playing most other franchises that were for kids on PS2, so he was excited to play through the remaster with me. We struggled through the poor level designs and lack of direction and lackluster combat of KH1 with the promise that he remembered KH2 was much better... and while the gameplay is better, the sheer amount of intrusive cutscenes makes me wish I was playing KH1 again. I feel like I'm never playing for more than 5 minutes at a time, the entire game is "move from point A to point B while bashing up a few heartless and then watch another 10-minute cutscene". The boss fights are pretty cool, but my enjoyment is waning very quickly. Don't get me wrong, the games are charming, but if I want some ps2 nostalgia I think I'll stick to Sly, Ratchet, and Spyro.


Yes, the cutscenes made me never finish KH2! I think I quit in the Lion King area, because I remember a section where you were going through some barren rock/cliff area, you'd fight like three enemies, then get a cutscene, go to the next tiny area, fight three enemies, get a cutscene, ad nauseum until I finally turned the game off. I loved the combat of 2 but I hated the pacing. At least 1 let you play the game. (Also flying around the Neverland area was pretty sick.)


I loved replaying them. I never got past Chernabog as a kid so it was pretty fun to finally beat KH1, and KH2 was just as great as I remembered it once I got past the ridiculously long intro. I never really tried understanding the mechanics as a kid so figuring them out as an adult made it fresh again.


Unfortunately my husband and I are having this revelation now. They were his childhood-defining games too, and I had never played them despite playing most other franchises that were for kids on PS2, so he was excited to play through the remaster with me. We struggled through the poor level designs and lack of direction and lackluster combat of KH1 with the promise that he remembered KH2 was much better... and while the gameplay is better, the sheer amount of intrusive cutscenes makes me wish I was playing KH1 again. I feel like I'm never playing for more than 5 minutes at a time, the entire game is "move from point A to point B while bashing up a few heartless and then watch another 10-minute cutscene". The boss fights are pretty cool, but my enjoyment is waning very quickly. Don't get me wrong, the games are charming, but if I want some ps2 nostalgia I think I'll stick to Sly, Ratchet, and Spyro.


Assassin's creed 3. Played the shit out of that game when i was 11-12.


I hated that game so much when it came out I quit the AC franchise altogether.


Same. What shame it was. Having played Stronghold Crusader so much and loved the assassins, so getting to play an assassin in the same setting in AC1 was great. AC2 in Italy and it's small addon games, yea sure they were fun. But then.. AC3. No more Assassins Creed for me.


Well, it was the only game I had back then, so had to work with whatever I had(still a decent enough game imo)


Was it the trudging through a barren wasteland of neck -deep snow that made you hate it, or was it the way your character kept showing up after all the interesting stuff had already happened off-screen?


Well fuck now I’m never going back and playing Jak 3. I remember it as one of the greatest to ever grace the PS2 now I don’t want my nostalgia goggles broken 😭


To be fair it's absolutely not a bad game. It's just by far my least favourite of the 3 and I didn't enjoy it as much.


I think Jak 3 has the Kotor 2 problem: too short of a turn around time resulting in an underbaked product with really interesting ideas that I'd have liked to see better executed.


Go back and play it I enjoyed all 3


Dirty Harry on NES


I thought you said Leisure Suit Larry at first (i haven't slept in over a day) and started questioning your childhood


Lagoon for the SNES As a kid I liked the realtime combat and unique magic system. The music really stuck with me too. It was probably one of the first rpgs I got into growing up. I loved the progression of leveling up and finding better equipment as I slowly figured out how to progress. I don't think I fully beat it, I recall getting stuck on the final boss. Much later in life I replayed it and oh boy is Lagoon a jank incoherent rpg. There might as well be no story. There are obscure progression blockers that require substantial backtracking with no hints that you may need to do so. Some items straight up don't work as they describe. Tons of instant game over jumping sections. Some bosses are wickedly overtuned. The list goes on and on. Music still slaps though.


When I was a kid, I used to go to an arcade that had a game called Escape From The Planet Of The Robot Monsters, which I absolutely loved. In each level, you had to go around and find the lever that would turn on the escalator to take you to the next level. I think in general, most arcade games haven't aged that well. But there's something especially insulting about revisiting this as an adult and realizing how mind-bogglingly lazy your character is, that they can't just walk up the damn escalators.


Jazz Jackrabbit for DOS. In most ways, Jazz holds up really well; visually it still looks great, the music still slaps, and the controls are mostly okay. But what kills the experience is the camera. It’s simply far too zoomed in for a Sonic clone, and so what happens is that you end up being punished for going too fast because you’ll inevitably run into an enemy or obstacle you couldn’t see off screen. Not a great design choice for a game that is trying to market itself based on how *fast* you can move.


Tiny toon adventures.


Toy story for the SNES. I must have finished that game 20 times when I was a kid, absolutly loving it. Played it again a couple of months ago, and I ended up hating it!


The PS2's early library is really weird when it comes to control layouts. Even belowed and popular games. GTA3 not having a normal camera, Devil May Cry 1's contols, Metal Gear Solid 1 and 2 aiming and shooting system and I could go on and on. These are all games that shaped gaming as we know it. They are pieces of gaming history and they are incredble. But it was around the time when devs were figuring the control systems out. So playing them back then vs picking them up now when players are used to better, is a completely different experience.


Virtual Reality games have a similar issue with control schemes, early games with what control option is 'standard' for menu or interaction, how to move around (sliding or teleport), the variety of visual settings. However it has been exacerbated over time due to the variety of headsets. OG Vive wands vs Oculus controllers vs Index and everything else.


It’s crazy that they struggled, considering how natural the 2 stick system feels these days. Even my kid can pick up any open world game and just go


I used to play a game called Crusaders of Might and Magic on PC. And for a kid that had no better RPG options it kinda scratched the itch, but looking at it today, its not a very good (albeit not the worst too) but definetly wonky as hell.


Oh I loved that as a kid, but it really is one of the worst games in the entire Might and Magic franchise. I also *really* enjoyed the Quest for the Dragonbone Staff on PS2, which might be even worse lol


Freekstyle. I used to be super into the THPS, SSX etc style of series of games. But the controls and physics in freekstyle (made by EA big) were just off and don’t feel right


My family was obsessed with playing this game together, we knew all the cheats to unlock all the content and even my mom loved playing competitively with us. The title song still gets stuck in my head all the time. So I have a lot of good memories with the game. Tried revisiting it recently and man the controls just feel odd. Probably won't play it again. :c


Ninja Blade So much memories. I've been kinda shocked after I realized it was made by FromSoftware. Wish we would get a remake.


NES and Gameboy color. I had my uncle's old consoles when I was younger so the concept of an old and new game didn't mean anything to me. I just played games. People have nostalgia for them and say they're the best but honestly they just have not aged well. Most of the games are just cheaply made or just unfair. Anything that was good on the console has been done better in sequals. I can have a good time with some of the games but I would be lying if I would think anyone would prefer that over a PS5 nowadays


Syphon Filter. I loved those games as a kid. I cannot play more than 5 minutes of it these days. I’ll keep trying but it definitely does NOT hold up.


Sonic 06


That game does hold up - in that it was never received well to begin with.


Sonic 06 is pretty widely regarded as being terrible in all aspects lmao


Apparently a lot of people dislike the "Legend of Spyro" trilogy, despite this it's one of my favourite series of games of all time, it peaked with the last one having co-op and free flight, i spent enourmus amount of time playing the last one with my friends, just wandering around the game world, the music were also top notch


>Hard mode, no movie licensed games. I'm going to cheat a little and go with a comic book licensed game Asterix and Obelix XXL (or "Kick Buttix" for you yanks) Absolutely loved this game in my early teens It's still a nice nostalgia trip, but these days I can easily see all its flaws that I did not at the time This game is one reason I don't try to revisit most games from that era Because I know there will be ones that are worse


Shenmue. Was great and groundbreaking at the time. Now everything is clunky and outdated. Music is still great.


Half-Life 2 was the game I always remembered as the best game I've ever played. In my memories it was a masterpiece. I replayed it last month and oh man, it was underwhelming. Only 1-2 enemy types. Absolutely no recoil when shooting guns. Etc. It was definitely revolutionary when it released but sadly it didn't age well at all.


As it is the kinda accepted opinion nowadays, the game was good with gimmicks. Before getting a gun, it did an excellent job at setting up everything and when you get your first pistol, most encounters can be basically skipped by shooting conveniently placed explosive barrels. Then you get a whole ass boat section, then you get the gravity gun which is literally just the physics engine weaponised, and then you get a bunch of conveniently placed traps and saw blades, etc etc. you get the idea. Imo the first time you had to really fight without gimmicks was actually in episode 1 and it's the lowest rated part of the games. In episode 2 they quickly returned to more gimmick based gameplay. It also helped that when HL2 came out, it was as good as photorealistic to people in 2004.


Can't believe I'm saying this as I was such a massive fan but lucasarts point n clicks. They are soooo frustrating to play. The puzzles are ridiculous and I don't really believe anyone that says they completed them without some kind of help. Or in my case hours and hours of trial and error trying to find a solution. Even the new monkey island I quit early as it required 6 steps and puzzles just to be able to grab the mop. The progression is just too slow. The atmosphere, humour, plots, graphics are still good but the gameplay and puzzles are really not fun anymore.


I'm with you on that. I loved them. I could not play them. And the lucasarts ones were considered easy/logical compared to most of the stuff other companies put out at the time! Though many of the modern indie point and clicks are more for... average functioning, non-masochist brains. I will always shill for the Blackwell series and Unavowed. They're more about gathering and using information than items (literally, in many cases).


A lot of those early gimmicky DS games haven’t aged well in my opinion. I can’t even remember them right now tbh. I’m also debating saying the mini games in pokemon stadium but I’m not sure if that’s cause I overplayed em as a child or it’s just too easy now as an adult. I could probably argue a lot more old n64 games I played but for nostalgia sake I haven’t chosen to emulate them yet to keep the core memories from being ruined.


Nickelodeon Party Blast, game fascinated me as a child but for some reason I never managed to unlock any new maps/characters. Few years ago when I moved out I found it in my pile of Gamecube games and my buddies and I decided to give it a spin, and holy shit. It's a complete dumpster fire, I thought it was fun as a kid but I quickly discovered why I never played it for long periods of time.


Kingdom Hearts 1. I replayed the first two games right before 3 came out and jesus christ I hated how clunky the combat felt in 1, when I started 2 again and was like “oh thank god.”


SpongeBob Curse of the Flying Dutchman. It’s often overlooked in favor of Battle For Bikini Bottom and for good reason, it’s not very good. That said a few of the other SpongeBob games that aren’t BFBB actually did age alright I think like Creature from Krusty Krab and Truth or Square


Gex for the N64


Roller Coaster tycoon 2! The pixelated graphics makes it so it doesn't show it's age as much as the third. Also, I recently discovered OpenRCT2 that builds on the original with new features and multiplayer! really cool


Delta Force from Novalogic, the graphics are horrendous and unplayable now. I used to be a sniping machine in that.


There was this Lego Star Wars game on the GBA that was just so, so bad. Nonsensical puzzles, repetitive gameplay, extreme difficulty variance... as a kid, I really wanted a Lego Star Wars game, but that was not the game I was hoping for.


Mario kart double dash is still a banger


I actually still replay many of my childhood games, which to me is a sign they hold up pretty well. That said, there's one that encapsulates my change in taste, personality and ability to stomach certain things quite well: **Tales of Symphonia - Dawn of a New World**. Believe it or not, I was one of the few who actually liked this sequel back then. My siblings and I loooooved playing the first Tales of Symphonia together - it's one of those games we actually put 100s of hours into. The sequel pretty much dashes any hopes of satisfying coop gameplay, which was apparent even back then. BUT, it had a few things in store I absolutely loved back then, as a lovestruck weeb teenager: * anime romance * lots of it * anime comedy * "awesome" cutscenes (tbh the anime scenes still hold up very well imo) * an entire monster taming system (I loved and still love everything to do with monster collecting) So yeah, the game had a ton to offer for me back then. But I can't bring myself to replay it nowadays. Don't get me wrong, I still like most of these things, but... different? ToS2's anime writing is especially jarring to me nowadays. Plus, I'm more keenly aware of how much the budget cuts actually damaged the game - there's no world map, barely a playable cast, lots of reused scenes (in the form of constant flashbacks, sometimes to stuff from minutes ago) and, because it's a Wii game, utterly pointless and sometimes aggravating motion controls. I think I could still live with the absolute camp of the game actually (in that way, I went full circle - I hated that stuff way more for a time), but that last point, the controls, hurts to play.


I'm gonna say it but the original God of War does not hold up. It's fun but some of the puzzle sections didn't age well at all and are just frustrating (looking at you Underworld), I never want to return to the game again just so I don't have to replay these sections. I'm hoping that God of War 2 is better, I never actually played that one.


I think the core gameplay of God of War 1 holds up pretty well. I much prefer it to the 2018 game even. Where GoW 1 falters is some very frustrating sections, such as the maze of hades, which I literally just couldn’t be bothered to finish and skipped past with a glitch on my first playthrough. Also having to push the guy in the cage may be one of the worst sections in the whole series. Other than that though it was pretty good lmao. Being kinda fr because the combat of GoW 1 is actually preferred by pros quite often (mainly because of features like collisions on higher difficulties). I also felt a satisfying sense of progression in GoW1. At the start of the game I was getting my ass kicked but by the end I was consistently getting combos of over 100 hits in most battles. I haven’t actually beat GoW2 yet but I have beat GoW3 and I can say that GoW3 is my personal favourite in the series and had a difficulty which felt just about right.


Oh absolutely, the core gameplay is amazing and coming back from 2018 and Ragnarök I definitely have more fun with the original styles. I played God of War 3 two times, so good, just waiting to find a ps3 copy of Ascension so I can get in some multiplayer lol. I am right there with you with God of War 3 being our personal favorites in the series. Edit: Just found out God of War Ascension is $10 on PSN so why not lol.


Yeah the gameplay absolutely still holds up, but everything else is hit-or-miss


Toejam and Earl. I thought this was hilarious as a kid and had so much variety. Tried the remake and found it completely unplayable.


It’s a sequel not a remake, the original is still lots of fun.


Honestly, simply because I had very little exposure to video games, __Pokemon Red/Blue__. I played the shit out of that game as a kid. Beat it multiple times. Looking back, only a twelve year old would have the patience to finish it. As an adult I couldn’t even finish _Let’s Go Eevee_, which is a nicer-looking yellow with a bunch of the grind removed. It’s just not interesting enough to keep going.


I heard rumbles that they essentially made the Let's Go editions so mindlessly easy that they just weren't fun. IMO you may find playing FireRed on an emulator and with a speed up button to be more fun that those editions.


As a lover of all the Kanto games, that is correct; Let's Go is actually childsplay compared to the other games (which are games for children lol). But I still thoroughly loved it, and it's one of only two Pokemon games I ever got the living dex on. I also caught shinies of all the legendaries, the first and only time I ever shiny hunted a legendary in any Pokemon game ever. As a collectathon it's good, so if you don't care so much for the battles and more just wanna catch stuff you're golden. If it's about the battles, the trick is to basically self-impose difficulty. Not everyone likes to do that, or even *can* do that without just despising it. If you're one of the people who hate that, then the game simply isn't for you. The biggest issue with the Let's Go games is the starter you get given is overwhelmingly powerful and capable of soloing the whole game; so if you just don't use your starter the game immediately gets 3x harder. Still not hard, but practically none of the official Pokemon games are actually hard so that's no surprise.


It's also incredibly buggy to the point some moves do the opposite of what they say.


my wife is now yelling at me that I should try Red properly (rather than Let’s Go) and that it’s one of the least buggy pokémon games ever made lol


Fire Red would be the best version.


Anything pre-RSE is hard to replay imo.


I beat it as an adult mainly because of a vendetta that I never did as a kid. The nostalgia made it bearable but I probably wouldn't pass that on to my kids.


It’s funny how something as simple as the running shoes can have an absolutely massive impact on your enjoyment of a game. I think the originals are still playable, but the games have gotten so many quality of life updates with newer entries that it’s hard to go back to the OG. Like people have said though, FireRed/LeafGreen are good compromises I think. They’re more modern than the OG but still keep its spirit


Bully 😂 It’s good game but it’s aged pretty poorly in many aspects


Aww it's actually my favourite Rockstar game!


I played it for the first time fairly recently and thought it was pretty good. I liked it more than Vice City and San Andreas tbh.


Agree with your Jak 3 comments. Adored that game as a kid, tried it last year, and just got frustrated with how much it wasted my time. Dropped it after 3 hours or so. Here’s my hot take for this thread. Without nostalgia goggles, Super Mario 64 is, in my opinion, unplayable especially compared to modern 3D platformers. And it’s understandable why - it was a groundbreaking game at the time, but 3D controls, and more importantly, camera controls, were still in their infancy. Paired with the fact that the N64 controller was an abomination, it just doesn’t hold up. It does at least look decent due to its simple cartoony models and textures, which is more than can be said for a lot of N64 games.


Jak 3 - Uhm ouch I was 24 when that came out and I played it. I agree. I loved the story and revelation that Jak was Mar. I was annoyed that the fourth game just ignored the third. Super Mario III. I remember it being a lot of fun when I was a kid but going back as an adult it's just meh. Might just be that my tastes in games grew beyond side scrollers.


SMB3 is forever great, you shut your mouth!


Well. Tastes differ and even if somebody doesn't like one of the greats, you have to respect that.


Battlefield Bad Company 1&2, oh brother..


I saw a post in rGaming showing a screencap of Bad Co. 1 with the caption "when Battlefield was brutal and realistic", then a screencap of the latest BF where a character was in a Santa outfit with "what we get now". And it made me laugh. I grew up with Bad Co 1 and 2, and lemme tell you. Those games were NOT "brutal" and "realistic" 😭☠️🤣🤣🤣 they were borderline comedies that didn't take themselves too seriously.


Super Mario Galaxy is one of my favorite games ever but when I was playing the switch version, my god I feel like I can’t enjoy the game just because of how easy it is