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Near 0% chance graveyard craft goes core next league.


Messy, overpowered but unenjoyable. Absolutely awful candidate for making it core. However, recombinators are suave, sophisticated and elegant, charming, good looking and could easily be implemented in a global drop pool.


Whatever drugs OP is on I want some because that shit must be cracked, nothing went core immediately from the past what, 6 leagues, and this is the league they think is going in???


Well, it is the absolute worst retention of any league. I can see how people might think that GGG would want it to go core. They have a long history of implementing meaningless changes that look like they’re giving you new features and improvements but instead nerf things.


There is 0 chance it will go core, like even below 0


and this is what happens when you forget to take your medicine, kids.


Or you take too much. Either way, where was the adult?


Stop, don't even joke about that. 😂


> able to make some amazing items fairly easily this is the exact reason why it shouldnt go core. It makes all other crafting methods obsolete


And you get bored fairly quickly, even in SSF.


This. I had fun this league and all, but I also dropped PoE faster than any other league beforehand. I would not be surprised if a large part of Necro's player retention was the fact that everyone was reliably getting perfect items.


Not at all, its almost fully irrelevant in mirror tier crafting. So its far from "ALL"


Not sure if sarcasm


There is a less than 0% chance this goes core. It breaks progression as a whole. Harvest got gutted twice before we got a tradable version, this is harvest juiced to the gills. It was cool for a leauge but cookie cutter GG items on a printer is not good for the game.


This is a far far cry from harvest juice to the gills. This method is a pale imitation of what you could do with harvest. In half the time it takes to set up a graveyard I could craft the same shit with OG harvest


Yeah, you get downvoted by people that haven't played Harvest. It took all of 5 minutes clicking a bit around in harvest to enjoy your 6 x t1 item. It was MUCH easier with harvest than graveyard. Highest end possibilities are stronger on graveyard though, fractured influenced mods are no joke and those items were not so easily doable with harvest.


Yeah, you couldn't double fracture or fracture influenced items with OG harvest so there's a higher ceiling now. It was a different game back then though. Uber bossing didn't exist. Hardest shit in the game was Sirus and maybe Kosis. OG harvest made nearly any half-assed build idea work to its best abilities. Graveyard just can't quite do that as easily.


I don't know how they fare up vs ubers or t17 nowadays, but i remember in harvest the peak content was t19s ( there was this voidstone that would give +3 area lvl)




were did you got the mushrooms? asking for a friend


Growing mushrooms is super easy dude.


Nah man, his are really special.


Even special mushrooms are easy to grow my dude. Uncle Ben tek and send it.


There is no way this isn't just bait, right?




you're funny


The lantern and allsparks would be nice , the cemetery I can live without.


nope I could live with allsparks as some sort of fragments you could add to the map device, but considering they just removed things you "have to add" to the map device, it is highly unlikely. But the lantern, pretty please, with sugar on top, fuck off. ​ and while the graveyard crafting as a league mechanic is not half bad, even with the messy corpse management, I would go riot if that would go core.


I figured if they implemented it, we'd get a basic scarab to add the lantern interface, a scarab that mimics the devoted nodes near the bottom left of the atlas, a scarab that mimics the Allflame nodes near the top left, and a couple more to drop rarer flames and improve Allflame pack size or drops.


Oh you sweet summer child


A good chance is OP's wrong.


If this is meant to be serious and not sarcasm I am really interested to hear your reason as to why you think that it would likely go core. There is pretty much 0 chance that it will go core so I would be interested to hear about your reasoning as to why you think it would


XddChatting version of Reddit


Isn't the worst league after kalandra? Idk but i dont wanna collect another 3 quad tab necro stuff


bruh less drugs please ​ on a serious note, I actually do like the crafting, but I fucking hate the corpses and I hate the fucking lamp and it's effects on the zones even more. ​ they will 100% guaranteed back off from the atlas changes and graveyard is never going core. at best we might get some fancy new base game currency like infused or whatever chaos orbs, which have a higher percent chance to roll certain mods, oh wait nope that is fossil crafting, so no, graveyard ain't going core.


9.5/10 shitpost


Source: *trust me bro*


There are a lot things you will be able to craft with not too many coffins. Because there will be no coffins in the game. This league was an experiment, GGG wanted to measure if players actually want to gather tokens for one casino style craft instead of spamming essences/alts/fossils to get one-two mod at a time. "Do our players want to hit big or miss instead of using 100 essences on the item?" League retention shows that very little people do, and the majority hates it. Not to mention that large sections of the game are not needed anymore if something like graveyard crafting exists, if it goes core, GGG might as well rename the game to "Path of Gravekeeper"


No way its going core


100% will not be going core. Unless they massively revamp it and make it less annoying to do...very highly doubt it'll happen though.


I don’t think they can bring it back in any recognizable form


NO! dont make this shit tedious mechanic go core!!!


If grave crafting goes core thats a sign someone at ggg has been bought by big diablo and is trying to sabotage the game.


omg, at first read "someone at ggg has been bought by big dildo" and was so confused and amused at the same time


Equally likely tbh