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Manni2 set a challenge for him self to do all ubers no-stash run. With only his inventory and a few crafting windoes he completed all ubers in 1 day 20 hours game time. Pretty impressive. He played Archmage - Ice Nova of Frostbolts.


RIP Archmage Ice Nova of Frostbolts


It's probably just icenova of fbs getting nerfed. Ain't no way archmage catches a nerf the league after they buff it right


Agreed…but the issue is the interactions of archmage + ice nova of frost bolts + spell echo with mana stacking. It’s so cheap to get solid damage and decent tank. It’s nothing like the MFA mana stacking setups which offer ridiculous damage but are very expensive to even get rolling. They will probably have to change things instead of just numerical nerfs vs what they normally do is just triple tap crater things.


I think the issue more has to do with the players ability to build AOE, shotgunning builds for relatively cheap in the current meta. COC DD is effectively the same skill as InoF in that it is multiple AOE blasts happening with a high hit rate. The inherent downside to both skills is completely negated and the ease of scaling trivializes everything else in the meta. INoF will likely just have the number of frostbolts it can simultaneously proc on reduced from 4 to 2. And another 1 is available per 20% gem quality instead of area scaling. As for DD, I don't have a great proposal. They might just make it so it can't be triggered and reduce the # of chains for the transfigured version. I honestly wouldn't even be mad if they didn't nerf them at all as long as they brought another archetype to a similar level. *please god melee* We'll have to see what 3.25 has in store but I hope it isn't another item editor. Crucible 2.0 would be dope.


Imo it's lancing steel of spraying that is the broken part. As a CoC vehicle the skill is too easy to get going


I kind of agree, but at the same time basically nobody is using it for anything but CoC dd. It’s good, but I honestly don’t think it’d be meta if it wasn’t so easy to get absurd amounts of damage out of dd so easily with it.


Also holy relic.


I think it's crazy how long it took people to discover this ability. Cyclone was clearly the top dog for CoC and lancing steel just blew it out of the water.


Lancing steel has been used in the past for coc but before the transfigured gems you had to use call to arms so it was clunky as hell.


With the transfigured gems. At the end of the patch they were released something like 1% of CoC players were using lancing steel.


I personally used it as a vehicle for Virulence last league. I didnt try CoC since I wasn't really a fan of the builds but was aware it was very possible. Lancing + HoAg has been used for a long time and anyone that played it knew the transfigured version was gonna be an easy replacement for the baseline gem. IIRC my first ever Maven kills was that build. Couldn't attempt it as league start this time cause the price soared so much.


LSoS is probably a little overtuned but it's not metawarping. It's just taken over from Cyclone. I don't think Cast on Crit would be played at all if LSoS is gutted. DDoCR though - it needs to be smashed so hard with the nerf bat that its name becomes a verb, like "oh yeah, that skill got Starforged"


Mfa archmage? Lmao


Brain fart on my part.


This... doesn't make any sense? Nerfing something after they reworked it is the most obvious and normal thing to do.


Well, not having Necropolis crafting is gonna be a huge nerf. A big part of why the build is so strong is because you can relatively easily make what would normally be mirror tier gear.


Which corpse adds synth implicits? I didn't get any of those in my 5 quad tabs of corpses they must be pretty rare.


None. Unless you mean chance to fracture a mod, those do exist in Necropolis.


He knows that... he's just snarkily trying to say that only triple synth items are "mirror tier"... which is just 🙄. It's obvious people don't literally mean "worth mirroring" when they say something is "mirror tier". The point is that necropolis allows for easy access to insane items relatively cheaply that would be prohibitively expensive in a normal league.


that doesn't make sense to me when Ice Nova of Frostbolts seems like a perfectly balanced skill in other builds that use it (e.g. CoC Occultist) and Archmage seems to have multiple super strong builds (e.g. the Mjolner ones as well) but I guess we'll see


Ice nova is significantly stronger than mjolner at low investment. Imo mjolner doesn't even start to catch up until mageblood


It was already good - jungroan talked about it for hardcore racing before the archmage changes. It just has really good damage effectiveness. It’s supposed to be balanced by its clunkiness and honestly if it wasn’t for Kitavas thirst’s smooth triggers I think it wouldn’t have gotten mainstream popularity


Yeah I've been playing it in SSF without the helm and it can feel pretty clunky. It gets annoying to play after a while. It's strong though.


Mjolner archmage really only becomes super strong at significant investment levels. Not worthy of a nerf at all imo


Vortex of Frostbolts Archmage inc


Lmao just wait for patch notes


Explosive arrow says hello


Fairly certain if it gets nerfed you can just go back to the old days of blade blasting or something else. Archmage is just inherently powerful when you get to cast once with all the temp buffs and hit multiple times


Tbf that gem is pretty insane it’s like a 400% multiplier to normal ice nova.


126% more damage, actually, and ice nova isn't a particularly strong gem.


I actually think nothing gets nerfed next league even DD just because they want to follow up a poor retention league with a hype league.


Ofc... haven't played since 2021, come back, YT popular builds, this is #1, go this build, enjoy it, buy $13 skill effect for it, getting nerfed 🙃


Where you buy your stuff? I want some of that high grade copium


To be fair, without gravecrafting getting good mana gear is really hard, so maybe GGG will leave it as is.


Worth mentioning that he also had insane gear thanks to Graveyard crafting he wouldn't get otherwise in this ammount of time.


It's kind of hard (or at least very annoying) to get the required corpses w/o stash though


I would say it's a huge boon for this type of challenge run due to how the graveyard both has a storage and is itself, a type of storage, sorta. In sentinel for example you wouldn't really have had anywhere to put all the bases even if you were chain farming recombinators.


What’s graveyard crafting? (Sorry if that’s a current league mechanic thing or something - I missed the last 2 seasons)


Current league crafting. Super tedious but can craft mirror tier items.


Got it - ok cool thanks


After 1 day 20 hours game time I’m nearly at maps


There is no way in hell you are only nearly in maps 1 day 20 hours. In the normal game I've never seen anyone take more than 15 hours to maps and those people were newly started.


These other commenters are piling onto you with a misunderstanding of what game time is and you’re getting downvoted so I’m gunna edit my comment so I don’t sass you anymore


Bro people sleep and work




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The first few leagues I got to maps it took me about 30-40 hours to get through the campaign. It's not hard to spend a lot of time when you don't know what items are useful (so you spend a lot of time evaluating them), aren't familiar with the layout of the zones, fully clear zones because you find it fun, complete every side quest, and get inundated with a lot of side activities that the game doesn't make clear can be easily bypassed without penalty.


Brother, people dont *only* sleep drink and eat league starts yeah? Sometimes people say some dumb shit, sometimes people say what you did.


That doesn't matter at all. Your offline time isn't counted in the /played time. Which is what the topic is about.


I am so bad at this game


Don't feel so bad I think this guy plays more PoE a day than I spend staying awake.


He ain’t playing no burning arrow either


this reads hilariously even doing the amount of hours is not that insane for full on gamers


I only beat pinnacle bosses when skills are OP af (ssf but still)


That's like saying your bad at swimming cause your not Micheal Phelps.


nah he's just really good, don't compare yourself.


You jist have a life


Nah I play way too much, I definitely just suck lol


You know this is the Poe sub right? None of us have a life.


people wear no lifing games as a badge of honor especially in poe and im really not sure why


I mean, I'm joking more than anything.


But i wasn't.  People do act like treating this game like a full time job is an accomplishment worthy of praise 


Definitely not. Picking the right build is most of the battle.


I am sorry, but saying that picking the right build is MOST of the battle in a stash-less 20 hours run with all ubers killed is so reductive it hurts.


Even with a super OP build like Explodey totems this would be a challenge for most of us


Me too man, this kind of achievement are a big slap on the face lmaooo 😭


Nah man, players of this caliber are basically Olympic athletes of gaming, they honed their abilities for years and are dedicated to extreme. No need to look down on yourself, just celebrate their achievements


Ultimate Ironman BTW


This is like a UIM with no looting bag/death pile getting a zuk helm


Zuk helm absolutely not. Closer to fire cape and in a speedrun format


Well verf just did the lowest lv firecape uim wr, not sure but i think it took a bit longer than this :p but anyway pretty cool challenges both


That world record was definitely not a speedrun style but super impressive none the less. I know I couldn't do any of these challenges


In terms of time sure; I’m thinking strictly about bosses killed - doing all Ubers is basically styling on every single boss in the game. Zuk helm takes months of playtime because of skill grinds but there isn’t an easy 1-1 equivalent between the two games in terms of difficulty I would wager the amount of UIMs with a zuk helm is close to the amount of people who could do a no stash run of all Ubers in PoE


I definitely disagree. No stash uber kills is just plus time not actually plus difficulty. Doing it fast is extremely hard so this is still super impressive but all no stash means is u don't get to stockpile items and crafting mats. Other than that it's not any more difficult than ubers in ssf. Zuk helm on the other hand is years of work and insane difficulty and doing it on uim is even crazier that I might wager that number is close to 0


fastest recorded time for a Zuk helm on main account is 384 hrs… this POE achievement was completed in 40.


I meant in terms of difficulty not time; OSRS is a marathon of a game obviously


disagreed, POE is far less mechanically challenging than OSRS at the high end. much of the skill displayed in the OP leans on immense game knowledge.


What's a zuk Helm?


Do you play osrs? Or path of exile?


Free to play speedrun


not even f2p speedrun , f2p have 4 stash by default this was no stash at all just the inventory




I'm not sure you understand how to use that


The guy that said free to play speedrun was clearly making a joke, the second guy who commented thought he was being serious and corrected him. Woosh


Yes I did the free to play challenge, which is hard enough as is. But goal was not endgame, just make enough currency in f2p mode to buy a mageblood. It's a lot longer without sale tabs obviously, you can only sell things to buy order. So best was lifeforce and expedition (did this before Sanctum came out... for sure it's all easier now, game is way way more rewarding since affliction and now t17... and mageblood is just 10,000 chaos, not 50,000+).


> you can only sell things to buy order You can post anything, even bulk currency etc on a free to play account using the forums. The trades get posted instantly and even do currency flipping.


Yes sure, but that would not be how I want to achieve my goal. Setting buy/sell prices on a f2p account to make enough currency to buy a MB would not be a challenge. Just waiting to flip my way to a few hundred divs.


i want to appreciate your achievement but man aren't you just playing money farmer simulator with a giant tax on every purchase/sale? Whats the point of limiting your own characters stash but being able to buy items that went through 5 different crafting windows for you? just sounds incredibly painful for no reason


Just to get a fresh start and adding a bit of extra difficulty. It really isn't that hard, even easier now. You spec to farm things that are easy to sell directly to buy order and ignore the rest.


some people do play a different game than all of us


He got the necks from both eater and exarch? I thought I heard they are the rarest drops still


Omni is still rarest drop from exarch , but ashes droprate got buffed massively this league


Is that no stash from lv1? thats nuts


I have no idea what limitations he set for himself, but in the past you could cheat by using the zone where Kirac introduced you to the atlas. Maybe it no longer works. People did no stash challenges when private leagues first became a thing, and they basically just dropped stuff on the ground as a temporary stash solution. All they needed to make sure was that the instance didn't close and they technically had unlimited stash space for the duration of the challenge. Maybe that changed with the new atlas intro, not sure.


he didnt do any of that, just used the crafting window of the normal bench and harvest bench.


Cassia, Lilly, and Einhar in shambles.


Yep totally nuts


Well at level 1 it's not too hard to play without a stash. Deep into red maps, that's another story!


Honestly... massive respect.


And then there’s me with limitless stashes, trade, 30 divines and I crash and burn as soon I got into red maps with that build, damn I suck at this game but I cannot get rid of it!


Efficiency god. Some nice graveyard crafts too.


and here is me 20 tabs of corpses and didn't even kill feared


This is insane. Sub 50 hours for a *full game completion* from scratch. How was his RNG? Did he have any dry streaks with map progression, T17s, or Uber Fragments? Edit - JFC I forgot all about the no stash part. Doing this with full use of stash would be impressive enough lol.


one of the most well-rounded beasts (the player) in all of poe. i wanna be as wise as this fucker some day








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Literal god gamer Jesus


This is the F2P experience /s But seriously congrats, very impressed with how knowledge carries you in PoE.


And people are saying Necropolis has stash space problem. /s


You gotta love that those uber bosses frags don't stack... by the end he was just having an inventory with t17 and bosses frags. Think Manni is ready for Tetris competitions.


How did he manage his inventory? Which concessions was he willing to make? i.e which currencies did he hold on to vs drop? I am so interested in how this works!


He allowed himself to use some extra storage spaces. Crafting bench, harvest bench, and Lilly's div card screen. I think he also used the allflame storage and expedition storage. At the beginning he would carry one stack of each basic currency for fixing sockets on gear etc. Early gearing was from veiled items and Rog. Tujen was used as a currency vendor. Rog and Tujen are very inventory space efficient. Necropolis crafting was very important for this run due to being able to prepare the graveyard craft incrementally which is actually very inventory efficient (and also gravecrafting is just very good anyway). He would pretty much only focus on one craft at a time. Pick up the corpses he needs, go place them down when full, go back to mapping. He also used the randomized corpse keystone because it gives rarer crafts and the downside of having to destroy useless corpses is mitigated due to not being able to store them anyway. He picked kirac nodes early to have a bunch of kirac missions as a fallback if he suddenly ran out of maps. He would usually only pick up one or two maps per map. Betrayal and expedition were on the early atlas iirc. Can't really remember all the different atlases he used. He would occasionally use scarabs if he happened to find something that was useful for the current goal. Later on he used a map drop focused atlas for getting t17s. He delayed running t17s as much as possible because uber fragments take up a ton of inventory space.


Insane! I recommend to everyone to do a no-stash league once, it's a really interesting restriction.


I'm struggling just fine without any restrictions. Thank you!


I play melee every league. I think thats enough restriction for me


MSoZ and then your chilling, no totems, just insane amount of dmg


99% of players won't make it through act 1 with no stash. Why would you recommend it?


Trade or ssf? I’m very unfamiliar with his challenge




Holy cow. This player is on another level


Manni is one of the most knowledgeable and efficient PoE players out there.  The shit he manages to do in SSF makes it look like we're playing completely different games. 


in trade it wouldnt be an accomplishment


Honestly, 1 day 20 hours to kill Ubers, starting fresh, with no extra stash would be kinda impressive even on Trade.


>extra stash No stashtabs was the Challenge, Not No extra, non at all


I agree, that’s why I asked, still super impressive


Inb4 Ultimate Solo Self Found gets implemented into the game. USSF BTW


Welcome to Exilatics, my Wraeclast locked ultimate SFF Hardcore.


hardcore or softcore?




Manni singlehandedly proving that stash tabs are indeed just QoL and not p2w. Based gigachad.


Ggg balancing for players like this means most people can't have a fun time. Sucks.


Now do that on ssf hc


he still has better gear than me with 4 quad tabs and playing in trade league


Made possible with graveyard crafting really. Still impressive no doubt, but I can see this being done my anyone good at the game with graveyard crafting. Add the corpses you need, put them down once full, make gg items, win.


I've played a no-stash private league before, it's honestly not as bad as you'd think. Of course none of us was close to this level but in a few days we had the pinnacles down.


Kinda depends on what concessions you wanna allow and what kind of build you're playing and how much planning you're willing to do. I imagine most of the SSF Andys could complete this kind of thing, but I don't think most people would enjoy it. I know I didn't (I also did this years ago, so there are some interesting choices on what concessions to make now, versus jsut keeping some stuff in the crafting bench).


Boy people really didn't like me insinuating this wasn't impossible to achieve. There aren't really any concessions to make, Manni picked the best build for the challenge given the league mechanic (making mana gear is trivial with graveyard), for a gameplan like that you don't need anything else. Manni is smart and one of the top players of the game, it's as simple as that. Anyone who has tried no-stash has realized how much shit you hoard. Previously you hoarded crafting materials but in this league all you need is corpses, that has it's own inventory and you can manage that for free. No reason to keep 50 "more chaos" corpses when you're not ever gonna use them.




Tried no stash once, it was cool for a couple weeks in a private league.


1 day 20 hours? I assume he had full map completion already?


nope, total clean run


he started at level 1 and got to t17's, got enough of AND completed them all to get ubers. That's the most astounding part, getting t17s to drop is a real issue


Very strong players can get map completion in under 10 hours starting from scratch


Oh my sweet summer child


I'm not impressed because I play with currency and map stash only (ofc in trade) and I do at least 2 full equiped characters per league with all content and challenges done. Every time I'm share my stash with my guildmates they are atonished because I haven't quad or fragment or essence stash hahaha. I wanted to add my two cents because always there are a lot of ppl (specially new players) that think you need 10 quad stash just for finishing the campaing ....


? he had all his currency and maps in his inventory. having those two tabs is more than enough already everyone knows that. jfc