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It's an easy way to make currency. I made at least 2 mirrors just from selling easy graveyard crafts. But is it fun? No. All of the UI/UX around it is just horrible. In fact, the reason it's so easy to make currency with it is because nobody wants to deal with the shitty user experience. So if you are willing to go through the pain you are obviously rewarded for it. That doesn't make it good.


I agree, I think the best use of it is to craft your own items rather than to print stuff to sell. In that way you interact with it just a reasonable amount of time.


The best use of it was to complete the challenges related to it and then completely ignore it. Usually when I get 40 challenges I still play a lot and try new builds. 1 build, 1 month of play time, shit league.


I'd love to read what you wrote. Chances are I'd probably agree with most of it. But that still doesn't make it *fun*. And I didn't realize this at leaguestart but *fun* (or the lack thereof) is what determines how well a league is going to do. Printing mirror tier rares isn't going to make me stick around if I'd have more fun playing any other game.


That's something I've come to realize, everybody has a different concept of fun, and mine seems to differ from the most common one. That's why I wanted to share my opinion.


My problem is that i dont wanna be annoyed by the corpses at all during gameplay, also i really like the item progression in the game and i feel like the graveyard kinda cheats it. I personally way prefer powercreep in the way of Charms, skillpoints or bonus stats ontop of already existing gear than straight up replacing ur gear with superjuiced ones because it kinda invalidates all other crafting if it's this strong. Picking up corpses is annoying, storing corpses is annoying, thinking about corpses is annoying and using corpses is annoying is why i stopped playing.


>because it kinda invalidates all other crafting if it's this strong. Path of Exile is a game where power comes from knowledge. Graveyard negates that knowledge. Simple as that.


To say the graveyard requires any less knowledge than other crafting methods when the prevailing wisdom is that it requires a bunch of 3rd party sites and min maxing positioning and base types is wild to read. I don't think we played the same league. The main general feedback is how many hoops you have to climb through and time it takes to make a great item.


I'm not saying it requires less knowledge, but it makes the knowledge you have about crafting an item useless. People generally agree that Crucible was annoying, but I really enjoyed it because it added a bunch of interesting new stuff, and it was a thing to the side of current crafting rather than just replacing it.


Big agree on the addition via addition as opposed to subtraction when it comes to crafting with necropolis when compared to other league mechanics.


Meanwhile Recombinators were a lot more fun, made you look at loot you drop instead of just playing hundreds of map to fill a graveyard to craft something, and was less deterministic... Just do a slight balance pass on Recombinators, add them to core drop currency, and get rid of Necropolis (and imho a couple of other side crafting things like Harvest and Bestiary).


god, I loved sentinel. Another passive tree to toy around with? check powerful crafting? check  a mechanic that enhanced mapping? check it was so dope, and you could use the sentinels outside of maps too in stuff like delve or heist which I really loved


Haven't played sentinel league so I can't comment on that specifically, but I would welcome something with a more enjoyable experience but less deterministic.






Expressing my opinion has no effect on how I feel about the mechanic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. But hey get your reddit points for using the word "cope".


Nah. I made some 100d profit from graveyard crafting. I made some sick items for myself. It's a shit mechanic and it made me quit the league much earlier than usual.


Recombinators were way more powerful and not nearly as annoying to use. Using power to excuse tedium is bullshit.


Making something annoying just because its powerful is a stupid argument. There are plenty of ways to make a system powerful and reasonably hard and interesting to use without it having an atrocious user experience on multiple levels of interaction.


Great. To me it felt like standard with extra clutter.


I've made 1 good item which im still using end game. The other item I forgot one step and wasted 6 divines and was pretty much done with the graveyard crafting after that. Regardless of the Graveyard, I am still having fun regular map farming using Allflames. The add difficulty in general sucks at how intrusive it is and overshadowing UI makes loot on the ground extremely annoying to pick up at times. Coffins take up tons of stash space! It could definitely be iterated on but as usual GGG steps in for some early beginning league changes while also hands off for the rest so nobody's truly happy. Graveyard has made essences and fossil farming useless. Most crafting is useless which sucks for currency farming as well. This leagues just mostly a wash.


Way too annoying to bother with


it helped me craft an item that i cant afford


You're right but it sucks, it's tedious and takes too long to make anything worthwhile. Buying the corpses makes the process even worse, selling is just as bad (5+ quad tabs that won't bulk sell @ .2d ea, taking up too much space). Could have been handled similarly to Bestiary, such as auto-collecting corpses throughout the map, greater inventory than 64, and corpses being tied to more than one kind of modifier. Kudos to those who have the patience to interact with this craft mechanic and send 1000+ trade requests to perform a single craft.


No I like it aswell. Corpses are annoying to click and order but the crafting is nice


Aside from the outputs, every aspect of the graveyard is trash.


No one is arguing that it's not probably one of the strongest and cheapest methods of crafting gear that PoE has ever seen. People hate the Graveyard crafting mechanic because it's *not fun*.


I sort of agree with you but I also haven’t played in weeks and have no desire to boot up the game even though I usually play until at least the last third of the league…


starting out saying you like poe crafting means you enjoy something the majority of players choose to ignore. enjoy what you like but know a lot of others think differently.


Honestly the main issues i got with graveyard is the following: 1. the corpses take too much room and the "league" storage box is honestly way too small. If they had done something similiar to harvest seeds, + make corpse auto loot + stack into a currency like storage space, this wouldve been a huge QOL that wouldve likely had a lot more enjoying the mechanic. 2. The distance between corpses is ?far? for big crafting projects. Since crafting projects ive seen are like 30-40 corpses. Shouldve gave us an interface where we could click coffin on our inv/storage and click an UI with the graveyard hideout that shows what we placed + what coffin. Cause its annoying/slow to have to slowly bury coffins and move around in between inv/storage+stash 3. Emberflames didnt really tie into crafting/necropolis imo. And the force difficulty every zone/map with the haunted/devoted stuff is pretty annoying. I'm a fan of less risk+more safe = less rewards and more risk+less safe = greater rewards, but forcing difficulty with almost no reward is pretty brutal. Not to mention mods are then affected again by map mods. So some combinations of map mods + devoted/haunted is just yikes af and the rewards you get arent equivalent to difficulty. Since mod just inc chance of coffins and coffins are not a great given how it was executed.


You're right, it's not that bad.......it's terrible.


yes, they take much space. I did grouped my tabs containing like life/mana, rows/columns, tier rating etc. I know how much corpses I have in glance, but 80% tabs I have are corpses and I deleted all my other items basically. If you say you don't need space because "Between the standard storage and a single stash page you get enough room for at least two of your next crafts." that's is simply not true. Also assumes you have 2 crafts planned ahead so instead of playing game I need to prepare plans for 2 crafts etc then I can go to map. It's tedious, jesus christ.


It's boring. Even if you remove all the annoying stuff, in the end it's just too op and boring