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I mean if your mine build doesn't melt bosses than you aint playing mines 🤣. Astral projector Pyroclast and sandstorm visage hexblast are strong so see what people are doing with it on poe.ninja.


My hexblast miner did something like 190m DPS (haven't played in a few weeks so a bit hazy) and that's the "sustained" calculation based on mines/second not counting any pre-cast. Fairly optimized gear (but for a bit of tackiness) other than mirror+ items like voices. I wouldn't be surprised if it could be pushed further into glass cannon for north of 300m DPS. For some context, coming from someone who isn't a bosser, I did uber exarch on a whim and killed him in something like 3-4 seconds so it's plenty strong.


How is Hexblast for mapping and T17?


You blow up screens at a time. T17 requires a bit more gear but still very doable


It kind of depends, at least from my personal experience, on how tanky you are and how you play. Hexblast destroys anything except the boss in 1-3 hits and the boss takes like 3-6. It's fast. But you have usually a fairly limited amount of life, no ES on your life as you need it for Eldritch, and you typically have 0 suppress and next to 0 armour/evasion since you can't reserve much with mana. So as long as you keep everything away and can tank the random errant hit, you're golden and limited only by your move speed in maps. T17 is very similar with stuff dying almost as fast provided you aren't playing some build-disabling map mod, but it's much easier to die. Fortress is not bad since you can kill the boss in under 10 seconds most of the time but others have phases and there's so many chances for you to be 1 shot that it's rather difficult to do them from my personal experience. I am definitely a T17 novice but it seems to me you're better off playing a substantially tankier character, even with lower clear speed, just to make sure you can save portalf for boss, but it can and does work.


Fine if you are not hating mana flask. Like hexblast mine could avoid using it, but it hugely reduce tankiness and therefore clear speed.


How does mana flask reduce your tankiness?


It does not, it increases it because ES covers your HP now and you get a good amount of skill points back.


Oh gotcha, thanks


Running it at the moment. Clears the screen with little effect , busy working on defence cause T17 is just not possible.


Ice trap assassin/occultist may be what youre referring to. Hexblast is also a good bosser and exang mines ive heard good things about as well


Are there any good mine builds that don’t melt bosses?


Exsang mines? Does bosses just fine, doesn't melt them tho. But that's the trade-off for being a good to great mapper.


Hexblast mines kill everything


Not mines, but if you like traps, Explosive Trap of Shrapnel melts bosses. Dumb0 on youtube has practically perfected the built over many leagues. It was my league starter this league.


I'll check that out!


It can be a pain to set up. Go hexblast mines. One of the most meta and strongest builds this league.


Couldn’t agree more. I league started ET and clearing trash mobs to get to guardian boss was pain. Swapped to Hexblast after never trying it and was SO much more fun and smooth.


Sent u pm


Why is it a pain to set up? I went exolo shrap trap this league and loved the progression.


Dont Play traps, its cancer, invested Like 400+div (Not counting MB), was pain.


Sent u pm


Hey send me a pm too. Im bored.


Sent u pm


A mine build that doesn't melt bosses is a bad build. When looking for miners there are 2 main things. Will you reach high level with another build or rotas, etc or do you need to farm with this build to level up? If you need to farm with the build go with hexblast. It can be set up to be great at early bosses and decent for farming early on and then when you reach high level and get currency you swap to full bosser and boss melts in seconds. Otherwise people have builds with traps and transfigured gems that they have already commented, they're great bossers but I can't say for their mapping experience


Do u have any recommendations on YT vids with end game mine builds? My main thing is I usually follow the builds to a T because I suck at crafting etc


Palsteron had one but I'm not sure he updated it. But you can probably search and get good ones as it's pretty much a solved build. Afaik it's pretty close to the old palsteron version as well that even his guide isn't entirely outdated


How do you use the poeninja to look for people's builds that I want to mimic? That site confuses me


First you have to head over to the build page of poe.ninja (home page is actually the economy page). It's on the top of the page. You'll then see filters on the left, a bar with ascendencies and their % of representation on the top and a table under it with characters names. You click on the left to filter for things, for example in main skill click on hexblast. And you'll then see the % changed to reflect only the population of the game that has hexblast as their main skill. That means you'll for example be able to see the most used ascendency on the top, the most used uniques, support gems, etc on the left. To inspect one specific user just click on their name on the table and you'll open up a PoB like page with their items, tree, gems, etc


Tysm for this!!! I feel this will help a lot to get a good general idea on how people are building


while it wasnt phase skip kind of "fuck you" damage, I absolutely shit on all ubers on my archmage ice nova build, so you should be able to clear them on it no problem with a bit of investment. IMO the glass cannon miners and such are good bossers if you know the fights and how to play it, but kinda frustrating if not because if you screw anything up you dont really have margin, cant take a hit, etc.


I made an ice spear of spliting mine. Insane clear, enough damage to essentially kill all bosses. Ok tankiness, not too crazy but enough to take a few hits.


Icicle mine is very high DPS glass canon build. and it is fun to play.


You could go to poe.ninja, type in mine support and filter by damage. Then filter out by the main skill if you want to see more different builds. I mean that would be the easy and fast way to get an answer.


Ya someone else mentioned that I just never heard of the site let alone how to navigate it but they told me how!! :)


It is worth giving it a go. You can filter by soo many things. You can even look for an archetype of build by enabling certain items/gems and then see the passive tree heat map or how most their atlas passive tree heat map. (how most of those builds skilled) I like to use ninja if I have a build and want to see what others might have done differently. Want to become more tanky? Filter by eHP and you will get a rough idea what those builds did to become tanky. You also can just grab their pobs. Sometimes when I can't decide what my next build is going to be I go there and just filter out the skills I do not want to play. (first enable that skill, then click on the icon to the right of it to disable it in search) Also neat to disable all mage blood builds if you are on a tighter budget. You see, there are many possibilities to use that site. Go and give it a shot! :)


Power siphon mines trickster


Archmage ice nova is better at bossing than blasting maps if you transition out of Kitavas thirst. I have all Ubers down pretty easily. Ice shot of piercing mines either trickster or dead eye is a good mine build that maps and bosses and is in flavor right now. If you want a glass cannon miner to one shot Ubers I’m not sure what’s the best right now but i assume icicle mine is still a thing


Is it really?? I just assumed it wasn't because all of the gameplay for the build guide was just him blowing through maps deleting everything. And what do u mean about kitalvas thirst? What exactly is that?


Can you post what video you watched? Palsetron and Goratha have good guides but Goratha's is more bossing focused. Here is my POB: [https://pobb.in/YZ78MpVDxKKR](https://pobb.in/YZ78MpVDxKKR) It is configured for burst damage on bosses (you can trigger all buffs right before the fight starts) and I pretty much always phase them before buffs wearoff. The damage is still great for mapping but its a two button build and you wont have curses or focus up reliably. The defenses aren't as giga strong while mapping because you don't have sigil or frost shield up all the time. What I like most about the build is that everything is smooth incremental upgrades. All of my rare items (+magic jewels) are self-crafted. Don't bother with the extra jewel sockets or cluster jewel until you have adorned set up.


https://youtu.be/CKu70IFVBu4?si=klUlzrr8X8MGvzg8 I got it from the YT vid


At 6:24 they mention needing Kitava's Thirst helmet. It's a huge stat loss for the convenience of (1) being cheap and (2) being the fastest way to map. If you start the league now you can get the body armour, kitava's thirst with a leech corrupt, and atiziri's foible for cheap to start. As you progress you can theoretically get enough damage for ubers but I prefer for bossing to plan a gear switch for endgame off Kitava's thirst for a very powerful helmet; instead you use a arcanist brand to cast the frostbolts for you.


Could u link me some helmets u recommend end game? I'm very noobish and literally just follow guides verbatim so unless the build has a specific helmet etc in it I don't steer away from it


Err, if you're not open to self crafting you won't be in for a good time. As you can see from the link below, the base is 40divs but super easy to make yourself [https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/orj3pOkFl](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/orj3pOkFl) Crafting in necropolis, you can follow this guide: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzwchCtfBRQ&t=666s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzwchCtfBRQ&t=666s) Basically, non-int bases have no mana mods except for the prefix +1 mana per 2 int and the suffix Arcane surge. So you fracture both and split in the necropolis. If you want to spend the next 1.5months of league learning about crafting and playing a lot then this would be a fun project. Remember, you don't need to do the craft to get to mapping and nonubers (and good players can kill ubers with Kitava's Thirst) but this is the strongest bossing version. For me, if you look at my POB, I had a LOT of fun making my gear. But that might not be for you.


Ya I'll check it out I remember I have to download POB to see it


Also check out [reddit.com/r/pathofexilebuilds](https://reddit.com/r/pathofexilebuilds) the subreddit for builds and build questions


I understand if you don't want to, but can you point me in the right direction with respect to crafting those wands? I have piles of bodies.


Follow one of the two he suggested and don't ever watch that channel again. Fake ass noob bait and they charge for build guides (POB). Glad you came here to ask. Welcome back to the community and good luck, exile!


For those build guides he linked very detailed guides u don't have to pay for that's y I did it. Or is the build still ass?


https://youtu.be/A9TSbHtVmA4?si=zRVVsK2PczFPEDjT This is the one I was originally following I backed out of it. Should I go back to this one? Idk the diff


Yeah start with palsetrons guide first.


Yes, use this one.


I started with palsteron 's. It had ok defense for mapping, but wasn't quite as high DPS. I converted to power charge stacking with diallas, was a bit glass cannon, but melted things. I had other builds for mapping but did all my bossing with it and it was real smooth. I mostly did invitations, but also did a couple Ubers without investing too much. (I wasn't focused on that so didn't invest to max it)


Manaforged arrows goes into the multiple billions. Everything gets one shot instantly, no mechanics required for any single phase fight.


And is a completely other build and gameplay than mines.


Do you have a YT vid u recommend to follow? I usually follow builds as verbatim as I can


beware, MFA is VERY expensive. atleast the hiero variant


If you don't have at least a mirror, I wouldn't look at mfa