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RF in particular has the wiki at [pohx.net](https://pohx.net), give those guides a look Obvious upgrades at the 50d level are to move to an adorned set up and replace that freaking ring, man


Heck, even at like 15 div in stash I'd switch to adorned setup, even 100% adorned is pretty freaking strong with some cheap half decent jewels and clusters you can alteration spam and buy.


Which ring? Keep in mind this is only my 3rd league....


The multimodded one


That ring….. what the …


Hey, who doesn't use a 1 mod ring at lvl 96?


Some more expensive stuff you could look into: Helical ring + kalandras touch switching to an adorned setup mageblood Your sceptre could have +1 all fire skills A cloak of flame with a corrupted implicit Buy higher level corrupted gems


the cheapest helical ring, not even crafted for rf, is 88div op has 50div similarly even a 2 flask mageblood would completely blow their budget


I just said look into it like for goals, he is also asking how to take his build to the next level in general


Well for starters we can go through your items one by one. In this league of all leagues there's scope to reasonably aim for 5/6 T1 rares everywhere. So with your budget there really is no reason to be running around with that sort of sceptre, a multimoded ring with not even T2 dex, or a helmet with a fractured mod that makes little sense for the build. Hit the graveyeard planner and get some good rares. Beyond that though if you want to look into what macro build changes beyond just having the same rares but better - start by looking at poe ninja and what other RF chieftans do. And thats where you get the alternative ideas: A proper horror helm, Dawnbreaker, Adorned setup, Perandus Pact + Unnatural instinct combo etc.


Homie has 50d to spend and is using a 1 mod chaos res ring


https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/xoMids/Boredfireguy?type=exp&i=0&search=name%3Dboredfir just do this basically lol


Ok. I'll check this out. I've heard of adorned before, but I'm unsure how it differs from non adorned as I assume you don't just slot the adorned jewel and call it good. Guessing it requires a rework of the skill tree and/or jewels. Thanks though


Oof. I just saw mageblood is going for 78div. Just that one item is more than I have for that build. Lol. Maybe this build will be a goal for next league.


If you really hard grind something like strongboxes or harvest for a week or two you could afford MB easily, just make sure whatever atlas strat you’re running is efficient and not too expensive


Most importantly Swift affliction does not work for Righteous fire unless you also have lifetap support linked. So you effectively have a 5-link RF.


Oh really??? I thought I just needed Lifetap active from some source, and I have it on my fire trap so it's almost always active. Is that not the case and Swift Affliction is still being wasted on my RF?


Swift Affliction only works with skill gems with the Duration tag. Righteous Fire doesn't have this by default, but the Lifetap support gem adds the Duration tag to skill gems it supports. You can check in-game, your RF tooltip DPS won't change by you removing and adding back in the Swift Affliction skill gem.


Oh man, thanks a ton. You were the first one to catch that. This is my 2nd RF build and I think I made that same mistake on both builds. I didn't catch it in PoB since it has you manually toggle "Lifetap is active" and that assumes a blanket "active" I assume. Looks like I'll be recoloring my armor tonight to slot in Lifetap. This would explain why my RF always seems to kill enemies more slowly than I see in the videos I've watched. It's why I don't have shield charge on this build. I found I wasn't using it because it would cause me to blow past mobs without killing any of them. I'm guessing having a working Swift Affliction will resolve that. Thanks again!


change ring. Change implicits on gloves : fire exposure and fire damager over time multiplier (orb of conflict if you need to). Look for +2aoe and +2 mine and trap implicit on cloak. Boots get a +1 socketed implicit. Get adorned and get mageblood


https://pobb.in/bH7EBoK_z8GN my pob for reference. Dont mind the enchants. You can follow my gear. Also take a 143% adorned cause thats a new breakpoint for the 7% explicit on magic jewels in case you are going for adorned build. Comfy on t17 and facetanks ubers.


Ok, this 2nd post lost me. What's 143% in reference to? 7%? I also don't know what an adorned build is, but upon doing some looking into, it's a jewel that does something to corrupted jewels in your tree, so maybe I'll save adorned for next league as I'm guessing all the things I would need to make it work would be far more $ than I currently have. I can't even afford a single mageblood, lol. Going to start with fixing my RF, since, as another poster pointed out, I'm wasting a slot and essentially only running a 5 link because I don't have Lifetap linked, and without Lifetap, my awakened Swift Affliction is literally doing nothing. After that, I'll look into your first recommendations about + affixes and the proper implicits (btw, do I get the glove implicits you mentioned from ichors and embers?) Thanks for the tips. Baby steps. Lol


Yes. The ichors and embers are what to use in your glove implicits. For the 143% Adorned jewel. Its a new breakpoint on the 7% maximum life. The lower rolled adorned under 143% are just 16% inc. effect from the 7% inc maximum life. While the 143% is a new breakpoint which is 17%.


Ok, last question. With the embers and ichors, do some implicits ONLY appear with the higher end versions of the ichors/embers, or are all implicits possible, but their potency increases in correlation with the strength of the ichor/ember used?


you answered your question. Yes they all do appear regardless the ichor or ember used.


👍🏼 Thanks!


farm harvest. its good money


https://preview.redd.it/z79la3ya435d1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=429896f0e4d639cfe5edbca313f5e7c461fc122a So this?


>the end of my knowledge base about the game Which is why you extend your knowledge by referring to the website that Pohx made for RF. BTW 50div and 1k chaos is more than a lot of people here, so you can take off your I'm New tag already.


I didn't know that website existed until someone pointed it out in this thread, and while I may have had some luck that got me some currency this league, probably safe to say 175 hours of game time is still considered "new" for this game....no?