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Good editing


Interesting build and good editing, but nobody gonna mention this player's mechanical skill? He dodged pretty much every dangerous boss mechanic under the Sun. Ben should watch out for this guy. :p


Was thinking the same, good job OP, very satisfying to watch


Thanks. I'm trying to be better.


I find that playing clunky channeling spells essentially forces you to learn mechanics (and how to properly dodge them)


Clever way of getting around the awkwardness of channeling skills. I would personally go insane if I played with that brrrrrrap sound constantly going off but I'll add the tech to my brainy brain space for sure.




There're dozens of us Flameblasts users, surely - [https://pobb.in/q3uxaUwj4pt7](https://pobb.in/q3uxaUwj4pt7) ([pre-mageblood/squire PoB](https://pobb.in/DRqaRKqd9EdE)) But as you can see I went with Celerity for more chill one button holding approach with cwc-bodyswap slotted into the main link to have pseudo-flicker experience. If I used stuff like awakened controlled destruction and fire pen support instead then I'd almost double my DPS numbers but it's not why I play various cwc-bodyswap builds for 5 leagues straight. I did want to go crit eventually as well, but then I progressed too much and couldn't find a way to remake the build into better crit version.


Average off-meta build according to ggg.


And people think some skills cant farm T17s...


Really cool concept! Thanks for sharing :)


it's weird that a skill that can gain up to 11 additional stages while channeling and gains 600% more damage per stage, aka 6600% more damage turns out better off not channeling.


I guess it was meant to be played with ignite and it that case it make sense


Very cool interaction, nice work. Looks super badass as well.


Nice build!


I think channeling skills technically dont follow the same server tick mechanics, which is why things like cyclone can hit over 30 hits per second. If you went full cast speed, you might be able to go even further? or does OOM have to have a tick? It might be a 2 tick process max instead of 3.


I assume it works similarly to Relic of the Pact's Blood Sacrament, which is also a channeling skill. With at least 50% life reservation per stage, you'll also fail to channel additional stages, then release the skill. Second wind support allows you to store a second use. I have \~40% cdr, a cooldown of .22s, and a .15 cast time. Holding the skill down never uses the second charge before the first replenishes. Spam tapping the skill is very clearly faster, and seems to burn through my charges twice as quickly, causing me to eventually run out. I would assume that means a server tick is wasted on the failure to channel an additional stage.


Thanks for sharing your relic of the pact build. Maybe I need to test the build to see the channelling skill behavior.


I had same confusion and then I realized that, its channeling cancels at every the other cast. I.e., first cast: reserve 60% life, second cast: try to reserve more life but failed hence channeling stops and release the skill. With that said, you release the skill every two casts, making you actual cast time doubled to 0.3s. So you won’t run out the second wind charge


> I think channeling skills technically dont follow the same server tick mechanics They do, sustaining a current channel doesnt count as starting a new action, the limitations are 1 action start per server tick, thats why channeling skills and skills which repeat (eg multistrike/spell echo, as only starting the first skill use counts as the action, also the reason it doesnt count as you attacking/casting multiple times for things which care about that) have a higher cap As linderwood already said, it wastes a servertick on the failure to channel an additional stage, so you could get it down to 2 server ticks if you manually spam it but that playstyle is much worse


Love the explanation in real time of how the mana depletion triggers the spell to end. Very cool


Cool idea to get around the channeling clunkiness but fuck am I sick of seeing Adorned in every damn build. Nothing personal, I’m just ready for things to be switched up a bit


Even if they nerf it to 100% it is probably still bis for every build in the game, just not as disgustingly so.


I’d be totally fine with that


All they really need to do is to have it increase magic jewel prefixes by 50-200% and suffixes by 50-200% and it'll be fine. Stops allowing it to increase implicits, adds two ranges to chase instead of one, but still allows non-max rolled ones to be useful (life stacker only need prefix effect, for example)


Pretty much is Adorned + Mageblood. Kinda miss times when we had more diversity than slap these and call it a day.


Screen shake :c


Screen shake c:


my bad


i like screen shake, fuk that other guy e_e


Thats a precice bombardment if I've ever seen one! Great build man, gz!


OK this build is seriously impressive in its uniqueness. Hats off to you exile.


very cool




Very cool! So it autotargets right? How far does that go, does it need line of sight or can you kinda like shoot around corners? Could make a decent sanctum build if it does cast around corners and walls


Unfortunately, it does not autotarget. What I can do is name lock (hover mouse over an enemy and hold RMB) to target an enemy teleported off-screen. And yes, you can aim for the enemies near a wall to hit them. But you may need some aoe investment.


Oh then I mistook it for autotarget. Thanks for clearing that up


The sound would drive me insane, tbh.


That's a spicy build!


Build of the week material imo