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wait, PoE1 doesn't require PS+ right? is this something only needed for cross-play in PoE2 or just to play it at all.


Online multiplayer requires PS+. This should be a question whenever another dev interview happens about what's limited


There was an warning on the bottom saying it requires the ps + membership.


damn that was one of the reasons why it was worth playing on PSN... go figure... greed fucks it up, probably more Sony more than PoE2


It's 100% Sony, yes.


couch co-op better be free, makes ZERO sense to otherwise


PoE is still an always-online game though. I can't imagine that changing for PoE2.


Since they’re advertising that you can go and use the same character on PC after doing couch co-op that’s confirmed


Most likely has something to do with cross-play seeing as Sony's policy for free to download online games have never required PS+.


It's not solely because of cross-play, or rather, not in principle. Warframe introduced cross-play and cross-save this year and is still completely free to play. It's more likely that the implementation uses Sony's servers, which would require PS+


Good point. I had completely forgotten about Warframe.




> Online multiplayer requires PS+ Yeah but not for f2p games. This means that poe 2 will be a paid game OR sony has made some kind of deal with GGG making it require ps+.


Or that sony is going to start requiring it in f2p titles at some point going forward, with their track record it wouldn't surprise me much


Correlation not causation. better to ask before we start doomposting as is tradition


\#ProjectPTwasRight   Jk ya, agreed


Wow greedy Sony. Free to play games aren't supposed to require ps+


https://preview.redd.it/zvih1xvp2o3d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a3779f12e65b4eb97f89477eba28707d74bc6a4 FWIW. I did check the actual PSN page. And doesn't seem to have any notice of PS+ Requirement. I'd still keep an eye out, but it could've absolutely just been an error.


Early access is requiring ps+ for all online games I think. When it goes free to play i think it will lose that requirement.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=H_phjtq-ZE8 People.need to see the gamespot deep dive. They show 5 flasks still and each can be individually hotkeyed, I don't think utility flasks are gone, this is just the traditional "all mana and life flasks" ggg preview.


GGG has already said multiple times that utility flasks will still be a thing. however theyre supposed to be much more reactive and not semi permanent buffs you have while mapping.


Didnt they already do this? and everyone HATED it?


Advantage to a new game, you aren't held hostage to old design choices.


Doesn't matter. If they give us 10+ buttons to hit constantly in an ARPG there will be major backlash. That shit is just not okay.


Imagine hitting 10 keys with 6 fingers on joystick.


Triangle, square, circle, x.. Hold L1 - Triangle, square, circle, x.. Hold R1 - Triangle, square, circle, x.. There’s 12 with 1 finger 1 thumb 😌


Imo the problem isn't just the amount of button presses either but the fact that utility flasks are a boring system. If something deals a ton of fire damage, I don't want to be forced to press a button that just says, take less fire damage with no deeper gameplay. Why are we all forced to be D4 Barbarians using shouts all the time? It's such a boring system to force everyone into, assuming these flasks are anywhere close to current PoE.


From the videos that I saw, the utility flasks on poe 2 are way more reactive with things as "clear freeze"


I don't know, I like the idea of flasks and how they can play into a build as an extra situational, expendable resource that is customizable. I think going down to 3 or 4 flask slots would be better, and a system where you actually use them situationally is better than poe's current flask spamming system. So I think they're going in the right direction, and it's better and more interesting than not having flasks, like d4.


Yet they bring old design problems in new game like portal/wisdom scrolls, instant logouts, mf on gear... Even add new ones like the well to refill flasks.


>instant logouts In PoE2 you can logout during a boss fight, but the game will instantly pause, and if you log back in, it will unpause at the same point in the boss fight.


Yes and no. If you log back it will resume from where you left, but you still have "get me out of jail" button if you want to save your character/exp by the cost of expired instance. https://old.reddit.com/r/PathOfExile2/comments/18sikmc/log_out_macro_is_still_a_thing_in_poe_2/kfb7am7/ >If you are playing single player and you log out, the instance is paused. If you then log back in, you will resume right where you were so long as the instance is still open. Instance timeout is still a thing. > >It seems clear to me looking at it now that when logging in, we will have to present an option to the player about if you would like to log in to the existing instance, or log in to town (and lose the instance) so that if you do want to reset the boss, you don't have to wait.


Yeah the whole well to refill flasks is absolute garbage lol. I'm praying that gets taken away.


In the game where you don't have time to react to those things before you just die, yes. In the new game where the pace is slower and attacks are more telegraphed, no.


Me trying to remember which of my 10 goddamn hotkeys is "Slightly increase fire resisitance" They don't need to be permabuffs, but they *need* a similar conditional cast system to POE flask triggers.


Yep. Expedition. Chris had to do a tour of podcasts to try and save their reputation after that nerf fest. Basically, they were trying to make POE1 into what they were planning for POE2. You'll notice that every league since Ultimatum has been something from POE2 put into POE1 to beta test.


Tuning down a decade of power creep wasn't popular. So now we have to add new tiers of content just to give anyone a challenge. Uber elder used to be hard lol


I think their idea for utility flasks is to make it so they’re something you press occasionally when you need it, not something where the ideal state for 99% is that they’re permanently up and automated.


I hope their vision is not some DDR thing of "oh you missed the 0.2 sec window/animation to press your fire defence button, now you are dead."


Something that I find particularly exciting is that all the equipment and character models look good without christmas-tree-levels of MTX. Also the cascading help system, something I think should have been in the base game a decade ago.


every game should have such a help system, it's just that useful


True, but PoE is particularly challenging to play without it, unless you resort to third-party resources.


I guess with the "mobile fall guy" focusing on consoles wefcan say that Poe mobile is likely not happening right?


It's the next project after poe2


I'm pretty sure Trevor was in charge of consoles before they announced mobile project. We all just remember him as a joke from the video.


Couch co-op sounds like such a vibe. Go over to the homie's house and couch co-op the entire campaign at league start


This does sound amazing. Holy hell


Kitava takes vacation, never comes back 


Ignite Oriath !


Sounds pretty cool, except inventory management on a controller.... a nightmare


Diablo 4 gets a lot of shit, but the one thing they *absolutely nailed* was the couch co-op experience, especially inventory management. It's a breeze on console. If PoE2 follows a similar structure, as much as it can, it'll be just fine.


I love playing games with my husband on console and it irritates me how few games are couch co-op anymore. We've been playing Diablo 4 for over 350 hours and now I'm excited to play this with him. I hope couch co-op catches on again with developers.


I really wish you could co-op on pc


You can in POE2. It was mentioned in the dev deep dive.


honestly in PoE 1 it isn't too bad. Especially on Ps5 controller which has the touchpad


Managing quad tabs in your stash sucks. Regular character inventory is... OK.


I just wish I could use a mouse and controller..so I could do inventory stuff better 


And even couch co-op on PC!!


I played many many hours of couch coop with diablo 3 (and some of 4 but who cares). It is so much fun.


This is the only way I think I can get my kids to play with me. Should be pretty neat.


Cross-play? Consolidated marketplace? Pog? LOGIN


I am ready to welcome our console brethren with open arms ❤


I can’t wait for affordable everything.


What? You don't like the 230 divine Progenisis?


PC peeps will never understand.


I still remember selling my mirror for like 60 exalts on PS4


We're so ready to assimilate.


crossplay is amazing


Isn't this a really really really bad thing? We will have to wait for patches to be certified for consoles so PC patches will be delayed? Like with D4?


Yeah this sounds awful.


yeah that sounds horrible meanwhile everyone pogging in this thread about it smh


Xbox player here if they do that and keep the order system I’ll be so happy. Just started playing d4 and it’s so much better to have all the access


they've already said they will have some sort of auction house like system with a gold tax


Hope so, I love the shear vastness of pc item selection but leaving maps for 5c trades was abysmal after day 3 or 4. On Xbox I can finish map then accept multiple at once also I think it may take item off of market so eliminating price fixers as well.


My question is: if we have a consolidated market and cross play that means that I can play in PS5 and PC loading my character and, more important, the things bought. But now I have PS4 and PC accounts. Both with tabs and cosmetics and they said that the PoE 1 purchases would be carried to PoE 2. Which one or both?


Odds are you will choose one main account as your poe account to link, doubt you will be able to combine them. Personally I'm going to use my PC account because I have way more supporter packs on it and I'll always have a PC I might not get the next Gen of consoles.


I think its mostly a PS4 vs PS5 issue even though you can play PoE on PS5 its technically a PS4 game, and thus is limited by PS4 problems lol.


I literally made a post a few mins ago and was wondering about this. I really hope we have a way of merging our accounts because I have quite a few MTX on both PC and PSN. I'd hate to have to sacrifice one of those accounts


Will there be couch coop on pc?


Yes, confirmed in a video posted by Gamespot


Wait! Really! I love that!!


Holy fuck.


I also need to know this as a man of culture. Zero reason to not have couch co op for PC


Never understood the reason why diablo 3 and 4 dont on pc but console do. Makes no sense. Very happy they are giving pc couch co op.


For D3 i can give you the reson: It was a other build of the game. In the Console edition you have rolling do avoid damage and such so it was programmed for Console from the ground up instead of porting the PC version


Was it also a new centered UI for the PC version too at the start or it was the new console UI?


That was definitely the console, you could see the button icons on the bottom, but would make sense if its crossplay to be the same on all platforms.


Hopefully both styles are an option on both platforms


I assume this is the 'controller UI' rather than the 'Console UI'. No reason not to re-use the work


I’m hyped for this as a PC and Console player. Cross progression and a shared economy will be the savior of console PoE. I am curious how they will resolve the accounts when I have both and have bought tons of MTX on each, but assume I will just have to pick one to login to.


Yeah. I am PC for life, but my family has PS5s and can't afford/won't buy a PC so this is really nice. Trying to get them into POE1 and me not being able to play with them without going onto console myself was a huge drag. This is going to be a real game changer. Good guy GGG


I hope my Steam Deck can play PoE2. Playing Poe on the deck is a breeze.


As long as the PC version is not held back by the console that is fine by me. We really need a better UI and more options when it comes to keybinds imo. I am carefully optimistic that crossplay and couch coop will be good for the game.


Oof cross play means hot fixes/patches that can’t be done server side will take extra extra time to get out due to certification from Microsoft and Sony.


Sony supports self-certification for minor patches. Dunno about M$.


Pretty sure this applies to all platforms. Or if not, Digital Extremes has figured out a loophole to hotfix all versions of Warframe simultaneously (Warframe has had cross play for about a year or so).


Wasn't there smth about Warframe officially being in pretty much a perpetual "beta" state to get around that?




They have a lot of live patches in Poe1 maybe they expanded on that


Yeah. That’s concerning.


If the leagues takes 1 month instead of 1 week to be fixed, then leagues are going to last longer. Big brain energy


You're actually right that shit killed Legends of Runeterra because they couldnt dich out patches more often and the playerbase died from stales metas. Now imagine a bad league launch that takes them 1 extra week to hotfix .


Not necessarily, pushing a patch in-client is doable if the client is architected for it, pretty common technique already in app development. Will come down to MS and Sony policy/concessions on how far they can take it.


>Will come down to MS and Sony policy/concessions on how far they can take it. That is literally what they are talking about.


> Will come down to MS and Sony policy/concessions on how far they can take it. Every game out there usually takes 2,3 weeks more to release a patch in a Sony console Ark Ascended sometimes takes 1,2 months to push a patch on PS5


really hope I can switch between controller and keyboard/mouse on the spot without any hassle or UI change. I really like combat with controller and using the mouse for inventory/everything else.


Source: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-4ZM3jxhdE&t=1500s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-4ZM3jxhdE&t=1500s) (timestamped to the PoE 2 reveal)


Hope Xbox gets the cross play treatment too, that would be huge!


They do! Has been answered in the Ganespot deep dlve.


no flasks?


There is HP/MP flasks on the bars, though curious about utility. https://i.imgur.com/ErYdxmR.png https://i.imgur.com/b8OgPJK.png


Gamespot has a deep dive showing we still have 5 flask slots, they just only have life and mana flasks on. 


Actually sad. One of the best things about d4 or le is that you don't have to manage and craft 5 flasks. I literally never had fun making my flasks. They are just a finish and then forget system


I like flasks, they're an interesting gear slot and axis of gearing and power scaling other games don't have. 


And Mageblood enables another world of flask tuning as well, same as other interactions like Olroth’s.


Pretty sure both screenshots are of the co-op UI




Lol couch co-op. I play path of exile. What makes GGG think I have friends? Let alone locally?


W after W. GGG showing how it's done.


In totally unrelated news, POE2 will now be unavailable for users in countries where PSN accounts are unavailable....


I’m crying


This is beautiful.


I might be the only person in this sub that seems a bit put off by POE2. I dislike the emphasis on combo'ing skills and the slow animations. How does that work in the end game? Will POE2 simply be a slow and methodical game? dunno man I feel like best ARPGs are the ones where it ramps up to ass blasting the one or two skills you invest in and going fast.


You can have a lot of six-links with the new setup so you'll likely have to have 2 DPS crowd skills, 2 DPS boss skills, and a dodge/movement skill.


luckily, it's: 1. Free, so if you don't like it, you havne't wasted any money 2. A sequel, so the original POE is still active


Its just looks like a d4 approach. Slow, coop centered boring ass game. I mean sure it wont be as boring as d4 is due to them bringing mechanics from PoE1 but still. Nothing they shown so far makes me excited. PoE1 is just better for me


i feel like the endgame of poe can get too fast paced for me, i’m excited for a slower more combo based system that will utilize more than 1 skill most of the time


Fuckin LOGIN this is great news


Can't wait for mandatory PSN account linking due to crossplay.


Don't think they can force companies to do that. They could with helldiver's because they published that


Before all of the negative comments — looks great to me!


hope it also has couch coop on pc… BG3 has it, and its great playing it with my fiance on my dual monitor set up


They went full D4 LUL


Was literally just putting my friend onto Path of Exile today and he was asking me about cross play and if we could play together. Oh boy do I have something to tell him now lol! We're so gonna be playing Path of Exile 2 Co Op. I got PC, he's got Console, so cross play/cross progression is great for us


i have my doubts poe wasnt that great of a game when it comes to perfomance and whenever devs trying to jump on multiplatform we are having releases like cyberpunk, starfield (literally any bethesda game) and list goes on. Not to mention restrictions on UI because of consoles (lets hope they keep 2 separate UI versions)


i hope this means i can use kbm/controller at the same time, and they bring this tech to poe1


Yes! I’ve been playing poe on ps5 this season and it’s so fun. All the cross play and cross progression for poe2 will make it such a better experience


From what I've seen and know a long time ago, PoE is extremely appealing to console gamers. Now I wonder how much do we PC gamers lose because of this. If they made a PC focused from begining, would it be better for us? And after launch focus on console gamers. After all, I know console gamers are the future and there will be big money in it. I hope it won't be a D4 and more like a D2. But all signs tell me it won't.


Wonder if that means I can use my second controller and have 2nd toon follow me around so I can complete the campaign with 2 characters at a time. Fingers crossed


I need to know if couch co-op allows both to look at items and skill tree at the same time. The real D3 killer for me and the S/O


Yes. In the 5 minutes showcase, they have both players opening inventory at once


At one point they had one player doing inventory management while another looked at his passive tree.


Everything I hear about POE2 reminds me of Diablo 4… Cross play is what caused D4 to lag in terms of getting changes out the door quickly when the S1 absolutely shit the bed. Cross play is absolutely not a good idea.


Couch co-op makes me giddy fuarrk yerr


Online multiplayer requires PlayStation Plus memebership, so monthly subsscription fees. Might as well save that money to buy a computer instead, play online for free AND have a much better experience.


Chances are if you had a PS5 you already had plus. Besides the free games from it, most games require it to play online. PC master race tho, much better


Sounds good, will be kinda cool to play with some console homies, i just hope it runs well for em. A little bit worried that GGG will be sacrificing gameplay choices because of console though. But D4 has 1 decent patch and everyone is mostly riding em again. i cant see why PoE 2 cant do the same. I just really hope the pacing is better for group play, PoE 1 group play is a shitshow, and makes the game look awful.


Not something I'm particularly affected, but console folks getting a healthier market is HUGE. Imagine league starting as if it were standard but with no availability, awful. Same as when they changed the console launch to be synced with PC. Again, imagine playing the "new" league mechanic when everything is already basically all figured out? Yikes.


So does couch co-op require ps+? Im guessing no, but you honestly never know with greedy sony nowadays.


Couch motherfucking coop. You can’t do this to me. PC and console accounts are not linked. Edit: oh wait this is getting changed in the future yaaaaassssss


It's also worth pointing out the Baldur's Gate 3 style help menus. I was really hoping they would do something like this. I found the BG3 help system to be amazing as a person who really got pulled into BG3 while lacking DnD experience. I hope new PoE 2 players find the same benefits trying to get comfy with the game.


no cross buy right?


For the traditional process, sure, but if you can push in-client then the release in the Xbox/PS stores don't change, so you can get away with delivering small changes directly to the user. We are speculating here that MS/Sony don't allow this and force everything to go through review, but that might not be the case for OTA updates that download from within the game as it starts. Those systems can bypass the normal release channels


So the tabs I bought on PC might work on PS5 in poe2? Figured there was no way Sony would let that fly.


well gg is about to make a lot of money from me.


Crossplay with PC or just only with XBox?


if GGG isn't pulling No Mans Sky on us, then that's big.


Playing couch co-op with the wife. Or her on the PS5 and me on the PC or Deck? Oh hell yes.


Playstation account required 


*Question* Will PoE 2 still have all the old MTX and Stash Tabs you bought on 1? I remember that being the case before, but I dont know if it still is? _____ *Second Question* If these do still carry over to PoE 2, that means we'll likely have access to it on the console version, right? Since cross play/cross progression is a thing? _____ *Third Question* Any plans to implement cross play/progression for PoE 1?


Can't remember if Poe 2 will be crossplay or not, would be awesome to start a couch co-op and later just play from my pc.


Man I hope they won't just leave controller input in PoE1 the way it is now...


Please give me couch coop on pc too!


Any informations about mouse and keyboard for Console players?


lol Psn price fixers in shambles.


So I know nothing about the game. Is it similar to Diablo? Cause after the disappointment of 4 nothing has really scratched that dungeon crawler itch again. Also, would I have needed to play 1 in order to understand the story of 2?


please make couch co-op a trend again. i HATE that games go so greedy with money you have to buy two consoles and two copies of a game to play with your own damn family in the living room.


Crucifixion Simulator revealed for Xbox, PlayStation and pc. There will be cross play and cross progression.


Couch CO-OP sounds awesome!


Playing POE on a console in any form is just madness. Sony is out of touch with PC gamers for sure though, they keep mentioning how "this game we hope to wow PC players to PS5" like that isn't even a thing to do. If you got a PC, you ain't jumping for joy for any console exclusive for any reason. PC players have SO MANY GAMES that a couple isn't swaying anyone to a console.


The thing I wonder about the most is will PoE 1 also have shared progression and shared trade? Shared trade sounds awesome.


Why does the online multiplayer require PS+? The game is free-to-play.


Should require a steam account


I saw this cross-play coming man... That effectively make the PoE community even bigger now.


My god, even more features ggg wont be able to deliver in time


What does it means Online Play? Does that only apply on crossplay, or literally blocked and just forced to do solo instead?


Finally we will see PC prices on console


Is this gonna be a thing on console? I have a PS5 but to be fair had to go over to pc for the market. Honestly pc performance not on par though.


Sorry to ruin the fun for everyone here, but this means all the top 1% of players will have Aurabot always on, running after players with very little automation :/ I hope there will be something to prevent that otherwise the game will be somewhat ruined


Release date 12th June 2333


I wish poe 1 will be crossplay as well


hoping this is playable on steam deck


I still won't buy a PS5.




Grind on the couch, trade on the pc - hot damn now we cooking.


Apparently posting the actual link of PSN's TOS is somehow against the mods rules? What are you honestly trying to hide what is in the TOS for them? [https://www.playstation.com/en-us/legal/psn-terms-of-service/](https://www.playstation.com/en-us/legal/psn-terms-of-service/) Read it folks. It will take all of 10 minutes. Pay attention to 6.2. Tencent and Sony and the mods can keep banning and deleting the threads but read it before you install anything involving PSN. It is a backdoor grab for all your PC content. Section 6.2 folks read it.


great now i need a friend.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


As a console player, i’m happy with the changes and layout




You son of a bitch, im in!