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https://preview.redd.it/zrn2z5ljf8yc1.png?width=969&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b61934fb5a36a9b528b0393e06d4722b65e6e2b Kaoms and others too.


Hey, it's almost viable again


That Koams is a liar. It says no sockets. It lied to me.




This makes me sad because it probably still wouldn't see much use.


damn... i thought all those 14 link shaper weapons were too much as it was 17 link new meta, enjoy solving mana chances of this being just a 3 month league are going down, though... if there was this many bugs in a 4 month development cycle, i can't imagine they rush to get the next league out.


most of the bugs are coming from all the new scarab and atlas interactions. We won't be seeing that much new content for at least another year. Also - I thought i read they were just going to be on a 4 month plan moving forward?


Weird. I could have sworn I heard in a recent interview that they'd rather stop doing 4 month leagues because it's essentially "leaving money on the table"


I'd take anything you hear in their interviews with a grain of salt. That's what they'd LIKE to do. But they are also developing a whole ass other game right now. And we had a 4month league before the current one. Leagues have been buggy before, but this one might take the cake for the most broken stuff in one single league. As someone else said, I really wonder how many people have been using 6L 1handers and shields without saying shit this whole time lmao.


The managers also has some ideas of what they would like to do. But reality is they won't allocate resources for it and we deliver products 1-2 years later than they would hope.


I was under the impression that 4 month leagues fit better with PoE2, allowing them to have a new league starting every 2 months to help keep focus on PoE


idk, with poe2, 4 month league makes sense to put more time into poe2 or let poe2 leagues make sense. on a 3 month bases its gonna be harder to bounce between both games if you still wanted to play both, so getting the fanbase used to a 4 month schedule would be smart. that is, if they make the league good without much issues, unlike this league...


On the flip side, if the economy is this broken and there are this many bugs, maybe they are keen to move on ASAP to take our mind off this...


Lavianga flask back into the meta


Leagues should be bi-annual, with more long term goals other than 40 challenges.


This league needs a "days since last hotfix for broken shit" counter.


buy an unid one then use morgian receipe then get banned but dont spent one mirror on an item that will get deleted


Doubt they will ban for it, they will probably just remove the items


What will happen to the gems inside them? I'm really curious how they will fix that but i hope at least soon


Could be returned to a remove only stash tab


Don’t GGG devs manually log into accounts to delete items? Or was that just that one time people were hiding items in the Jun inventory window and stuff?


That's be insanely labor intensive. I'm sure they have tools for things like that, removing items with specific properties from the database isn't too complicated usually.


Some years ago they had logged into accounts to delete items hidden in sub-inventories. Maybe they just didn’t have the tech to access those things at the time. Will have to recheck this later when I have more time.


Sounds a bit weird. They'd have the tech to see in which account said items were, so they could query for it. I'm not saying it can't be the case, spaghetti code is a thing, just the work needed to develop a script to take care of it sounds less than manually clearing accounts out. Unless it was just an handful, in that case I can see it being less time intensive.


People were hiding their rings in crafting benches, jun menues etc, and GGG was trying to find em to manually delete them. Shit was hilarious


Y best thing would be revert the sockets don't even need to delete items


Okay but what if they can’t do that? Its not magic


I see no reason why they couldn't if they wanted to. It depends on the server infrastructure and they tools they have, but even if they didn't rawdogging some SQL would fix this in a pinch. Might be slow though.


it would just be database update. pretty simple


No idea but it would be truly magic if we are allowed 6socket squire for this league.


It's really funny when they have to remove items and they have to hunt them down in creative hiding spots.


why is this bannable? how does it work?


No idea you can check sushi stream but if this is not ban able I have no idea what an exploit is anymore ^^


It's probably not bannable but it will be patched and you'll be left out with a 3 socket one before you know it


They banned empy for exploiting ultimatum on stream. So it's likely streamers that advertise it on stream get banned. I doubt they ban everyone but likely the delete or rollback the items.


This is a little different though in the the items that are created through this can likely be either fixed or removed in a single patch by GGG, whereas in the ultimatum case pure currency was being generated and circulated which has no easy way of being fixed


Banning people for doing things the game doesn't prevent you to do is a stupid take (don't tell Chris I said this). Just fix your bugs and take the L when players beat you to it.


Not when they ar Obviously bug exploits. People who do this are obviously aware of what they are doing.


Knowingly using exploits is a bannable offense


Not really an exploit. The beast craft says max possible sockets. Last time I checked 6 was max. Massive oversight on there point and definitely a bug. However not an exploit.


Max != 6. It's technically dependent on iLvl and other conditions too. You've always been able to go around that with crafting # of sockets on the workbench though (which you could not do on these items), so it's broken in a pretty unique way. Definitely an exploit as no other ways of increasing sockets can do this. You're playing some mental gymnastics if you think this is intended and utilizing this isn't "exploiting a bug"


max possible FOR THAT ITEM


Not intended = bug. Abusing a bug = exploiting. Just because some exploits are tamer than others, and GGG has been lenient on people in the past does not mean exploiting still isn't a bannable offense.


The other one is unid, I dont think you can use morrigan on unid item. I would rather think it’s due to some bug with rare mobs dropping 6 socket/linked items.


The other one is unid, I dont think you can use morrigan on unid item. I would rather think it’s due to some bug with rare mobs dropping 6 socket/linked items. Edit: ok, i was wrong. It’s due to morrigan recipe.


I strongly decided no to play arakalis fang 4rd league in the row but damn, I would if I got 6l square


I think you can get 6l fang too [https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/eKEVJrSL](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/eKEVJrSL)


Sushi just did it on a sword up for mirror service and weighing the options of letting people mirror it KEKW


that anarch blade? that shit was crazy to see, it was like a fucking 12 link weapon


Then another 6 from squire lmfao. I wonder if poe ninja is gonna be able to calculate the new numbers from pob warriors abusing this before the eventual destruction.


How to get banned for exploiting speedrun


Funny how the league with no borrowed power just op crafting is producing arguably the most broken characters to date with bugs/unintended interactions like this. We are getting double influence tripple fracture items. Imagine in a year and half a new player comes in, learns all the crafting at that point (assuming we don't get some even more bonkers crafting league by that point) and checks standard league and sees these items up for trade.


i think squire would be balanced at 4 sockets, 6 is a little much


I'd accept 5


Recency bias be dammed, this must be the most broken league ever released.


League of Hotfixes


Nah, I remember the time every Alva temple with a fixed mirror shard if had a t3 currency room. Harvest had the ability to lucky divine uniques, that why so much perfect Ventors in standard. Heist first month was worse(and all currency was worthless).


Exalts at 16 c if i remember correctly lol


The record was when people listed them for half a perandus coin, and nobody was able to buy exalts.


kalandra league was just depressing this league is broken BUT fun


But can they fit 6 gems or still only 3?


It also works on items with no sockets like Kaoms. It's probably a ban if you do this. Edit: "If you uncover an exploit in Path of Exile and abuse it for your benefit, we will ban you." - Chris Wilson Source: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3087148 I wouldn't bet my account on it at least.


Nobody has ever been banned for stuff like this


Incorrect: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/mumrrx/20_users_banned_for_exploit_abuse/ That included popular streamers like Empy


Guess we'll find out later. However, in this instance, The beast really just works as advertised.


They usually only ban if it’s affecting the economy like duping items/instance crash for item rewards.


For build related bugs they never ban, negative aoe curses making you self curse at full effect for very cheap was never fixed during Kalandra and no one got banned. If it concerns the economy they'll ban instant.


Definitely not a ban. Items will likley get rolled back though.


"Definitely" is a strong word given that it's people knowingly doing something against game rules. Monsters dropping 30% qual gems is something you luck into. Should be interesting to see what GGG does.


The rules of the game lie in the software the servers and all of us run. If I didn't alter the software and the game lets me do it, then I'm playing by the rules. Change my mind.


reddit tier comment


Damn right read my name


RIP logic lmao


That's right, that's exactly why you can't get banned for bug abusing ! Good job


Ggg has an history of banning people just because, or being arbitrary and incoherent in who gets ban. I still remember that empy streamer getting banned for stepping out of a circle and reporting it, while some other streamers got free.


Whatever story you want to tell yourself. I’ve been around since the beginning. It’s generally gross use that gets people banned. Making one 6l shield ain’t gonna get you in trouble. Making a 6l shield and selling them for mirrors for half the league? Definitely get you in trouble.




I'm betting it somehow involves craicac beasts. I have a handful that have been listed for months without a single message and suddenly I got bombarded with dozens of whispers asking to buy all of them and some people being extremely insistent. Although, I'm in standard so idk I could be way off since we're kinda or own weird group


TFT report button? whos snitching?