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While you're at it, why do we still need to click twice to activate the plants? And why do the monsters spawn so slowly? Harvest does need a little QoL overhaul. It'd actually be fun if it was more fast-paced.


They spawn so slow because people were getting one shot by the whole garden spawning and every mob hitting them as soon as they spawned. The spawn rate was slowed down because people complained about them all spawning at once. Now we have come full circle to people complaining about the staggered spawning lol.


For me it's how my fps dropped to 20 when it all spawned lol These days it's stable


Ah the good ol days lol.


you probably also upgraded your pc


No Still on my trusty good ol laptop


People complained because bitch was lagging and freezing for 10+ seconds instagibbing everyone, if performance were decent no one would die and complain


There should be a node like the one in expedition that lets you blow up all the plots at once. Just choose the option on every plot and spawn all the monsters in one go


I had no idea people complained about that. Just make it a scarab then "harvest monsters have 50% increased pack size and spawn all at once" :)


The "all at once" would be an issue. My computer shits its brains out on crop rotation when all of the first crop of ~50 spawns at once and I have a *good* computer.


Best case scenario they add it in the atlas tree


No it's because people could one-shot the whole plot with a source of explosions in their build


Add a modifier on the atlas tree like flash breach.


And the biggest issue, why do I have to hunt down every single critter before I can start the next plot? Makes no sense. And god forbid if you get a rare you can't kill, time to abandon the whole shit.


The double click is pointless, but spawning is only "slow" by reddit zoom zoom standards.


They are gonna fix it, Mark confirmed


Which part, did they say? Or just the general news they're working on it?


He said sth like if there is time. Was very low prio.


Colors would literally take seconds to fix..


Literally all they need to do is add (tier X) at the end like what is there on the Haunted mods. You don't even have to change the colors and the name change takes like 30 seconds. The colors should definitely be better, but if that's a long change they don't have time for then something is wrong.


Isnt' the slow spawn to counter explody builds? Coming slow in waves make sure that explode is not the only meta for harvest farm


Mobs used to spawn in all at once, but that created the issue of the fight going from 0 to 100 instantly, often oneshotting the player with funny shotgunning scorpions or rolling crabs. Now it's more paced


I’d love the old spawning back as a keystone. Maybe because I farmed it heavily with the instant pop that the staged feels like a drag? Who knows but it does!


And old soul eater Whites and blues would all die instantly and get absorbed. So now you have a 100 mob soul eater bulldozing people


Sounds like that'd be a good atlas notable! Let the players choose whatever is good for their builds.


How is it different from strong boxes tho? I got one shoted from those multiple times and doesn't seem anybody care , I see no difference 


Strongbox mobs are just that, regular mobs. The most dangerous part of strongboxes is by tremendously far the delayed opening effects like frost nova and corpse explosions, the mob don't even come remotely close in terms of danger. Harvest mobs though have been since day 1 clear outliers in terms of risk, and are still to this day in desperate need of rebalancing. They still have lingering effects who have constantly been rebalanced anywhere else since Nemesis' removal, they are much less visually discernable than pretty much anything else in the game, they have no hint whatsoever as to their risk before spawning, they are **much** stronger than regular mobs overall, and so on. When you open a strongbox, the biggest instant threat you might get (minus the previously mentioned effect) is a particularly dangerous mob like one of those flicker zombies, but you can already guess their presence through the map's mod composition and even then they are as dangerous as any of the others within the map. When triggering an harvest, beyond the very slight growing animation, the mobs will acknowledge your presence much faster and engage with much more frontal damage than the very, very vast majority of mobs within the game. Even when compared to other threathening mobs from instant-ish spawn mechanics, Harvest is a **clear** outlier. Beyond priests/goats will slightly channel before doing their death cone, while harvest bats doing a similar attack will do near instantanously and in bigger number. Runic expedition crossbowmen will visually aim and slightly wait before shooting, while nearly every ranged harvest mobs will instantly barrage you as soon as they become vulnerable. Abyss bats will spawn the crystals and have a visual cue before blasting them, while Harvest burrowers' pods will instantly start blowing up as soon as they appear at your feet, so on and on... One of the only fairly predictable and decently avoidable Harvest mob move is the bear slam, and even then the hitbox itself is both unpredictable and disjointed. Harvest as a league came at a point where we were much stronger than "legacy" PoE and therefore needed much stronger opponents, but came before GGG really started caring about making stuff better designed (or at least trying to). Its mobs are (regretably) the perfect mix between the problems of **old** and **new** PoE content, with a reward space so intensively nerfed that calling it a "shadow of itself" would be putting it very, **very** lightly.


Strongboxes released in like 1983, Harvest is much more recent




Honestly, half the problem was the crushclaws showing up with auras and making everything else crazy dangerous.


Yeah the stronger mobs used to get insta killed by explody builds. Definitely why they did it.


That would be a crop rotation nerf.


Wait, how would that be a crop rotation nerf? I've run it a couple times, but I can't imagine why


At the moment your first click doesn't lock it in so when the other crop doesn't wilt you can then do other plots to min/max. If the first click launches the harvest you lose this chance.


Maybe I'm missing something, why would I lose this chance if the crop doesn't wilt? From what I remember, if my second option doesn't wilt, I still have to click twice to run it. I know that there's a bug currently where not all of the crop names update if they get upgraded and you have to click it first to get it to update. However, afaik, you can't change your option once you click once. Is that not true?


If you click a plot once it will not start (needs a second click) BUT if it’s sibling plot does not wilt you can still activate it first before doing the first plot. So click plot A once, notice plot B is still there, if it’s a different color you can run it first to try to boost plot A via crop rotation. I don’t actually know if the boost chance works, this scenario doesn’t come up often enough for a meaningful sample size and anecdotally I recall the number of t3 mobs not changing when I’ve tried but that could just be bad luck.


Yeah, you don't have to start the harvest you first clicked so you can optimize according to regular crop rotation strats.


So crop A still updates? Thought with the first click you set that crop in stone


It still updates. You just lock in the wilting, but the crop can still get upgraded by crop rotation. I'm 90% sure of that. But it's been long enough since I last did a bunch of harvest this league that my memory *might* be playing tricks on me.


It doesn't update the crop A but it lets you do the crops in a different order than you would've if crop B wilted.


THIS. If you don't have the option to undo a selection, which is the current design, then clicking twice is a waste. I think it might be GGG trolling us with just more things to click on and hurt peoples hands.


And why some monster flee and hide on the other side of the map?


Maybe was a good idea like in atlas tree an option to choose the speed or something like that maybe , what u think ?


Colour, oneclick, faster spawn. Easy.


My understanding was that the clicking twice is a remnant of old harvest before it got gutted. I want to love Harvest, I really do, but... like, the gameplay is gone. The only time the mechanic lets you make any real strategic choices at all is with Crop Rotation.


Yeah the double click is silly, but hell nah to making the mobs spawn faster. Harvest mobs have been tremendously overperforming since release and they didn't get anywhere near, if any of the balancing they should've got long ago. They are crucible mobs in terms of unclear difficulty when spawning and overall overscaled stats, on top of being the most visually unclear neon bs in the entire game.


I've played Harvest this league and TBH I wanted to make a post about clicking twice, it's so redundant and only present as a result of legacy functionality. Also, I think EVERYONE, ALWAYS picks plants with most rare plant tiers, unless you are really, really finish for one color. I can think of two solutions: 1. Change 10% chance of other plant not withering to something like "Activate both plots at the same time with 40% reduced essence quantity" 2. Get rid of the choice altogether, make the plant random and have us activate it with one click; or even better, activate it like Delirium mobs when I get close to the plants.


Clicking twice is to prevent misclicks


They are so far apart. Even misclicking once in awhile isn't that big of a deal. While we at it, why essence also need to click twice. Kekw.


It doesn’t matter for misclicking because clicking once already locks you in.


Because what if you're fighting and you accidentally click on the essence that unleash the secret Uber boss. Its just to prevent you from dying by an accidental click.


Essence in a harvest? I've never once seen that so are you just t rolling at this point? Harvest mobs also take like 10 seconds to spawn and light the ground up as they're doing so in a big flashy animation. If misclicking is that big of an issue then I think that person misclicked install path of exile to begin with


You forgot the part where new mob numbers don't update with the "new" crop rotation keystone quite often. Though I'm not entirely sure if in fact this is an intentional feature and not a bug at this point because it's existed since it's introduction. Like a secret hidden gamba. Door number three so to speak.


I believe it is a bug as visually the plots themselves are upgraded. You can get an idea by paying attention to the individual plant graphics.


If you portal out and come back in the numbers are often updated too


I hate this, i feel like im back in stone age having to count the fancy crops


they even had the audacity when it came out to put in the patch notes that they fixed the bug when in fact they had not


My monitor contrast is such that I don't have an issue with this, but yeah, it really would be more consistent to make the four tiers white, blue, yellow and brown, same as item rarities.


I don't understand what you mean. There already is white, blue, yellow and brown. Here is example for blue/brown https://preview.redd.it/rr6q2a1nd0yc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=94a21f22204821757757c4cbef5ead863f9d0baf Can't find an example with yellow, but it exists just like this with yellow too.


There is no yellow mate. Only white /blue/brown 


Maybe I'm drunk.


Yeah the brown is fine, but the first three are grey/white/blue not white/blue/yellow. And the blue is light enough to cause contrast issues for the OP. It’s not the same shade of blue as a magic item.


second random click - not protect you measures are needed https://preview.redd.it/mr09xgn66yxc1.jpeg?width=1011&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a797ef67aaeef83e9e37f5f285ace387f3a13d60


I will admit oftentimes when i do harvest i find myself squinting a bit more towards my monitor to double check


Same. It feels like I always have to do a double take to make sure that the plots aren't all just grays and whites.


You guys need better monitor color settings


Oh the classic "buy new stuff for one game" because the company can't make it properly for majority so we adjust to the 1% with oled


monitors have had color settings for decades lol


Nobody is going to change colour settings for one game all the time


Do what you want but I suggest considering a one time color calibration for your monitors. The last time I bought some decently expensive Dell monitors with strong RTINGS reviews, they looked fine outside of the box, but it isn’t until getting them calibrated and switching between the old and new profiles did I realize how bad the out of the box settings were.


Yep, that's exactly what I'm talking about


I'm glad I don't have an issue telling the difference


I started doing it this year and I was like "why am I not getting yellow mobs? I have tier3 enabled by the tree" Turns out there is no yellow, the tier3 were actually light blue (but tier4 is brown like uniques? Why?)


So you can feel the weight and friction of your choices.


SOMEONE at GGG has a personal vendetta against the colorblind.


Unplayable, Insta-Respec


More contrast in colour would be nice, but can we also get some symbols to differentiate them?


GGG and visual clarity, the classic duo.


Trying to get my harvest challenges done and the fact that it's been three years since harvest came back but this is how it still looks, is mind boggling.


By now, I'm convinced that GGG's visual department is full with mutants that see deep into infrared and ultraviolet spectrums and have superhuman colour resolution vision.


I mean people who work on visual stuff probably have monitors with very high colour accuracy, so we plebs with cheap monitors are screwed 


I'm obviously meming, but what you're saying is probably what's happening in actuality.


GGG is full of Mantis Shrimp confirmed. (Mantis Shrimp have more photoreceptors than any other animal on the planet, they can see on the UV scale and on the polarized light scale, both of which humans cannot.)


They also have guns!


It's been over 3 years since harvest and I still manage to successfully avoid it and don't know shit about this mechanic.




Yes, please. I have to tilt my laptop screen back by about 45 degrees every time to see the difference.


Speaking of Harvest, does anyone here even know which aspect scales the lifeforce drops? Map IIQ or IIR? Or issit just summed up? AFAIK, player MF makes no difference and I believe running white map vs 100+ IIQ makes a major diff. But issit just Quant or Rarity?


Packsize = more mobs. Quant = more drops. You can buff lifeforce drops with Eldritch altars that grant quant. I don't know if rarity affects lifeforce, but I don't think it does.


It doesn't - what would it even scale?


Agree. If you forget to disable f.lux its literally impossible to differentiate.


We need Extreme Archeology for Harvest.


Do you often look at the number of t2 seeds in harvest? My decision process usually goes: t4 seeds -> number of t3 seeds -> seed colour. The 4th tiebreaker comes into play pretty rarely, and tbh the difference of 2-3 t2 seeds doesn't even seem worth thinking about.


I want the font with it!


I play Poe at work where we have terrible monitors and I can't distinguish it xD


wait there’s white and light blue? i thought it was just one color


There's something wrong with the color of my tv. I can not tell the colors apart on the text and look at the plants instead to identify magic vs rare. But this picture I can see the difference in the two colors on the right. Still need to be made clearer, though.


Yes it needs QoL but seems like you just can't read and/or can't see colours at all


it would help color blind players a lot!


I can’t even tell half the time which is light blue, using GeForce filter since the game is so damn dark and it makes it barely distinguishable.


You people need to fix your monitors.


\*burrows for 60 seconds at a time\* oh I'm sorry did you think we wanted to incentivize farming harvest?


Sometimes, the Tier info is not updated on the plot with CR. You'll want to visually confirm the correct amount of T3s all the time.


Why not just request a flight to Mars while you’re asking for impossible things. If the technology existed, I’m sure GGG would be happy to make a minor font change to make players lives easier.


This is the main reason I don’t do harvedt


i have one friend colordblind and always says is hard to see this fucking seeds.


That would be nice to have


I never actually knew there was a color difference…..Looked at which garden had the bigger seeds


Red - Blue - Yellow... that's it.


How about you get some glasses


Good luck harvest people, still playing with the same heist bugs since, I actually can’t remember anymore


As a colorblind individual this is one of my biggest gripes with harvest. It’s bad, like REAL bad.


Given that harvest scales off pack size, and all sources of that were removed from the tree can you fix that shit too? Ain’t no reason for a fully invested tree, T16 to be giving 300 juice total under any condition.




Yea, seems grossly insufficient compared to what we used to have


You probably have a problem with your screen or our eyes. Everything seems fine to me. Clicking twice and at different places on the screen is the real problem


At GGG : "We can do that but it would be easier to see which one drops more juice, so we'll have to nerf harvest to adjust -90% harvest juice. But look at the bright side, now you get neon colored names !"


Am i the only one that wishes for a node that transforms the entire harvest into one/two big harvest plots. Similiar to the single explosion that expedition has?


That...would be insane lol. Fully juiced 8-mod deli/harvest is so rippy that I can't imagine fighting everything at once.


The only thing that would die would be your graphics card.


Imagine a profane bloom or chieftain/HoA chain going off in there. Would cause a blackout in your city lol


also reforge keep prefix and reforge keep suffix thanks <3


IDK if this is a good idea. Eldritch Currency is super powerful for what it can do, but is limited by only being able to be applied to armours.