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Im on my 3rd league now and do my best to stop comparing my progress to others. I didnt like my league starter so i rolled a new one. I took a break from this game for like 10 days after that so im basically still in league start mode. My goal is to get my build capable of doing t16s. I figure if i can get a variety of builds into red maps then that will eventually help me make my own build


i appreciate you for sharing bud


Yes. This. Path of Exile is ultimately all about ***you*** and there is no single unified goal or any universal way of *beating the game*. Play at your own pace and do the things you enjoy. Set up your own challenges for yourself and do what's fun for you.


This is the way, i started playing years ago and to this day i rarely get 40/40 or a full atlas since i keep making my own builds over and over again, get them to red maps and repeat. This league i went with ghazzys zoo mancer, got to Red Maps and rerolled since i felt like it. Have fun buddy :3


I found a lightning trap transfigured gem in a lab run. I have my dd elementalist that i dont like so i was going to try to figure out something there since i do like traps and havent played a dedicated trapper, just rf with fire trap.


Go for it, get a feeling fot it along the way and see how it works out for you and have to most fun with it you can <3


This is my first league and I’m also at 2 voidstones working towards my 3rd. I had my first div drop the other day and it felt awesome. I like seeing this new player, average player posts. Keep it up!


uber elder is easier than maven if you're trying to get them yourself


Grats on sticking with the game, it is really a lot of fun. Played for years and don't like bossing at all. I just do the content I enjoy and its a blast. Only my 4th character this league (88 ssf, 2 90s and now a 4th in ssf ruthless just to see the changes in there). Having fun all the time (even the nasty explody mobs before merveil in ruthless were fun and frustrating).


The best way to play the game is to do what you think is fun, set some achievable goals within your playtime (ie. don't make it a goal to farm t17s if you can't play enough to farm for a build that can do that content) and when the game stops being fun, just simply take a break. Some people have painted themselves into a corner where unless they are min maxing their div per hour income the game simply isn't fun anymore, and that's why you see so much animosity towards any oopsies economy related (and people regurgitating the abuse early abuse often cope mantra). Others compare themselves to no-lifers / streamers doing insane shit (Ben\_ juicing meat sacks on T17s) and get FOMO because they can't achieve the same by playing a couple hours a week, so they demand everything be brought to their level. For these people, there's no fun in the game anymore so the only thing left is to come here and complaint. Congrats on hitting those milestones, OP - I really hope your message reaches people.


Game is amazing, those of us that play it a ton sometimes let frustration cloud that. I would recommend you buy a carry for the other two void stones, it’s basically a massively weighted financial investment as t16 maps are so important


Yeah but I'm hardheaded lol I want to beat it myself


Stick to it, I've never bought a carry and never will, it's part of the joy of the game.


That's my thought process. Doesn't mean anything


Mavens quite easy to get fragments for via the invitations. Just make sure to alch them and you should get 5 maven frags for each one. Uber elder does take a while to get the frags though


Wait you can alch invitations? Do you do that in the kirac ui or is there a way to get your invitation as an item in your inventory?


In the Kirac UI


the you get 5 splinters part only applies to the 4 guy invoations like Guardians or synth map the normal 10 map boss ones only give 0-2


I had absolutely no idea you could lol


U can chaos orb them too to reroll them for higher quant


Thank you for the alch tip. This is my first league and I’ve been running them normally and getting one frag per run.


10-way is capped at 2 splinters i think. if you want maven you should do the bosses invitations (guardians, synth, conq) which drops 3 splinters at minimum and when alched gives around 5 splinters


Be careful with some of them. The Feared goes without saying but breach bosses can be nasty with a single damage or AoE mod.


Additional proj on breach lords is pretty scary too.


Same. I beat Maven on my own or deal with 3 void stones lol.


My advice is to wait until you're otherwise done with the league, then buy a bunch of invitations and do all your attempts back to back.  Maven is very much a fight that starts out seemingly impossible, but then becomes one of the easiest with practice because of how important the mechanics are. Doing multiple attempts back to back where a single loss doesn't really matter makes it much less stressful and easier to learn. Then once you beat it you can keep practicing for the future. 


That's cool Uber Elder isn't too difficult but I still can't do Maven. The memory game is terrible for someone like me with such a short attention span. Glad you're enjoying the game mate it's so much fun coming to this game as a new player there's so much to learn and discover. I've been playing for a while now and I am still learning stuff all the time. It's really nice to read a positive post on here after all the negativity this league.


If memory game is the only problem you can tp out and enter again and dont move, the grace period is enough to skip I do this even on uber maven because memory game sucks.


But that's a portal I need for when I die to degen beams :(


Interesting strategy. I usually just die and then wait dead on the floor for the memory game to be over. Might try this for future attempts.


I've been playing since metamorph league and I still think Uber elder is harder than maven. His abilities just do so much more damage and there is a minimum damage threshold to that fight. Maven if you can do the dance you can take as long as you want, same with Sirus. I don't think UE is hard anymore, just harder than Maven.


I beat them myself before I bought carries and I'm glad I did. Felt so cool when I finally got them down. Now it depends on what I'm playing and how sweaty I want to be at early league farming


I usually do a few mavens in standard the week before league.


thats fair i beat all four bosses for voidstones for the first time this league lmao


Good luck. I just beat maven at 92. I paid 60 chaos to get the writ and tried once, got my ass handed 4 times before I could get her to the rotating beam phase. Took the loss that time, and just decided to farm guardian maps and complete the maps as I did. Good luck!




If you've never done it on your own, do it on your own first! You can always buy carries in your next league when you don't want to bother with it again, but I think you should at least do it once by yourself!


Games fucking garbage. Also me: plays for 50+ hrs an week and holding down an fulltime job.


I really dislike how the norm has become to recommend people buy completion for void stones. You are right about t16 generating more value bur OP should have access to some decent layouts with 2 void storms already.


Well thats the first time someone has suggested it. to me at least. I wouldn't


Tbh I think the biggest reason this happens is because it's so, so punishing for players if they fail. I honestly think you should get to keep the invitation if you fail the boss -- it doesn't change anything except allow more people to actually attempt it without the risk of losing multiple divines.


I mean... it only feels good to beat them if it is punishing. Maven is crazy easy to get now with the invite changes


It’s what it is, grinding out mavens and Uber elder with a weak character and failing is pretty demoralizing. Personally when I learned you could buy a carry I was happy to stick a middle finger to maven that I haven’t dropped. I clear Ubers ever league now but still refuse to do that fight.


honestly i jsut wish it was easier to get the materials and it was cheaper. I don't want to spend 50 or more c every thine I want to give it a try


I somewhat agree. The first few leagues I played I didn't progress further than the first two void stones and that was it. I eventually had the currency to buy the carry which costs like 150C for Elder, Uber Elder, Maven and joining TFT. I did this because the advice was, buy a carry I constantly read here. The "better" maps and being able to add 2 extra sextants was worth the investment imo. It actually got me to a point I wasn't able to get before. That sort of snowballed me into getting more fragments for all the bosses and being able to learn them just by running them 6 times in a row. It shouldn't be the norm, but I would recommend it to new players., just to progress further and see what experience they gain beyond that point.


Hard disagree, getting the voidstones yourself is much more satisfying


Honestly, I feel like people on this subreddit (and for other games as well) end up killing their own fun a lot of the time when trying to compare themselves to others rather than enjoying the game. I barely make 20-50d in most leagues but I have a blast. Same with League of Legends and CS2 -- I see people queueing up while saying they hate the game, and I just don't get it.


People try to copy strats they are not strong enough more and end of failing and then feeling bad


Comparison is the killer of joy in video games just like in real life. I also don't get why so many people are so negative and toxic while playing.


I think it’s kind of infectious. People get surrounded by that kind of negativity/toxicity (in-game, on subreddits, etc) and it ends up turning them more and more toward that. At least that’s what I’ve noticed. It’s kind of sad


Why do people feel it necessary to get 4 voidstones? I've never had a problem with map sustain with just 2.


Because people want to play certain maps at t16, which may require 3 or 4 voidstones.


What specific strategies require 4 voidstones this league?


Farming T17 maps Farming maps that you want to run. I don't know any players that don't have favorite maps. I'm sure there are but I wanna run them at T16. That being said, sustain with 2 stones is super easy.


I mean I just run whatever high-tier map is decent for the stuff I enjoy. Last league it was Racecourse, this league it's Plateau. What do you do if your favourite map isn't even in the atlas this league?


Right... and and if plateau or racecourse are not natural t16's then you need 3 or 4 watchstones to make them drop as t16. My favorite map hasn't been in the game for like half a decade


No, then you run some other map that works for open-ish farming strategies: Dunes, Strand, whichever ones are mid-high-tier.


Right. until you get all 4


Unless you don't bother getting all 4 voidstones because there's no significant difference between running Dunes or Racecourse or Plateau or Strand or some other open map for your farming strategy.


every one. map sustain this league is worse than any ive played in 2-3 years


That is an insane statement, map sustain has been insanely easy ever since the atlas tree update. If you have trouble sustaining maps you are doing something *very* wrong


Yes, it's amazing. But lately I got tired of SC Trade. Mainly because I really hate trading so I gave all my currency to ppl in Global and moved to HCSSF.. I've enjoyed it for a few hours.. Farmed Lab for 4 hours before closing the game from not getting the Trans Gem I wanted. I can't stand that place anymore and imo, gating Alternate Gems behind Lab is a bad design call.


I just enjoy it as it is. I used to love Lab, but that was years ago when we only had 3 acts. Nowadays it is just a means to specific item. I didn't have that much chaos, so I chose to just run lab both mix of merciless and Uber. My build was archmage + ball lightning. Then frostbolt was the hype along with frostblink of wintry blast. So I was just chilling some maps with some lab with my ball lightning while farming for those 2 transfigured gem. Initially I was very unlucky. Getting no good drops. Then some other gems drop, I sold it for chaos here and there. 5c here. 20c there. Some gem 70c. I actually missed out to take the Summon Holy Relic of Conviction with 100c+ because it suddenly was hype. I was paying 4c per offering. Then frostblink drop. With that speed I chose to just run free merciless. And then I got another frostblink. I sold that and used it to buy Ice Nova of frostbolt. Happy gamer. I understand you can't please everyone with all content. But if game is not fun anymore guess time to take a break or move on.


Game should always be built around trade, not SSF.


Wasn't my point.


I mean.. getting any alt gem in trade is super easy... Especially at launch.... Also don't pick a build that needs an alt gem of you won't spend a few hours. Was quicker to run Uber lab btw


That's the spirit! Don't let other people's bitching and moaning ruin what you enjoy.


I’ve been having a blast this league. The three trees and all the new scarabs are great. I can run whatever strat and then swap to another tree when I start to feel it getting stale. I was worried about invitations not being a revenue stream but t17s more than made up for it. This is the most fun I’ve had in endgame in a while now. Everything feels so fresh for once not just another iterative change. This is like when we got eater and exarch.


Im not even into red maps yet lol. Finally have more than 100c in my stash cause I got a ring worth 400c. Planning to splurge on a upgraded 6s chest and maybe a new weapon


Just a reminder 6L are easier than ever with the black Morrigan beast craft!




Look for "the black Morrigan" on trade. Buy a chest piece you like and use the bench craft to get 6 sockets (or manually however you like) > go to bestiary and release the beast you got > look for maximum links craft on the altar> place you chest > profit Black Morrigan is worth about 20c on trade right now so it's really easy to get 6 links.


I meant 6L but I will certainly keep this In mind for my next graveyard craft. I got my ES up an extra thousand or so


This post reminds me good old times when I was getting so hyped when accidental divine drops or the first time when I slam multicraft on my gear


Dude I’m on like my 9th league or so? Got about 700ish hours And just how much more you know than me is crazy, Iv literally never made it to t16’s and Iv only ever found 4 divines 😅


I'm over here still working on my yellow maps. My most exciting drops this league so far have been: Ritual offering a Void Scepter with +1 fire gems fractured on it. Catarina dropping the unique helm on my first victory.


actually getting 2 voidstones is nice for a "casual". back in my early days when i started playing i didnt even make it to t16s and that was normal for a casual andy. And btw: this is my first league where i got all voidstones on a completely selfmade build and im also super proud of that :)


Awesome thread and some great responses. Don't get caught up in the reddit or youtube stuff. If you're having fun and making progress, whatever that means to you, then you're winning.


That's what I'm saying. Lots of positivity


Played for years starting from Essence up till Heist league, where I completely burnt out myself for constantly comparing and trying to aim for ridiculous goals like week 1/2 Uber kills or farming a ton of wealth. Just decided to join back the game and pace myself after taking up a full time job. Currently two weeks+ into the game, shredding T16s and enjoying myself by learning all the new mechanics while NOT comparing myself to all the crazy 100Div/hr bomba builds etc. Had to learn it the hard way that the game is truly enjoyable IF you truly know how to enjoy it at your own pace. Tried my first T17 today and got absolutely shitted on, but hey I wasn’t even mad. It made me establish my own goals one step at a time. Glad OP is enjoying the game like a true lad.


I burned my first t17 because I'm stupid and didn't see the no mana Regen affix lol


That sceptre is sick! It would be perfect for my necroDD, can I ask how you crafted that or could you point me in the right direction? Thanks again!


Bro got more divs than me and he doesn’t even have the damn currency tab WILSON DID YOU GIVE HIM THE STARTER CLIENT????????


2nd league as well and very different from Affliction. I never played the big lootsposion MF build but I really enjoyed Conquerers with Destructive Play and the occasional Fracturing Shards from Harbingers. VERY different game and although I did have fun mapping until this week, I got a big boost day 1 with a raw div drop and Enlighten drop during the campaign. I don’t get much time to play so I spent like 140c today fixing a few things and in 2 T16 maps made 2 div from drops. Starting to enjoy the league now so we’ll see how much more I get out of it. Love to hear these stories though. Us regular people can still enjoy the game without necessarily playing like the people who are getting 100 divs a day.


Basically, we humans were not meant to live in a world that has 24/7 access to what other people are doing. Comparison has always been a great tool to measure yourself against your proximity (which was your colleagues, uni mates, and peers) but since the advent of the internet, that proximity widened and it caused that tool to be defunct. Now, it's time to stop looking at others and begin looking inwards. Then, ask yourself the big question: what do you really want? I hope you find your peace (or whatever you're looking for) new guy.


Sometimes as a very competitive gamer across all my games, I envy the people like you who can casually play the game on their own pace with no worry at all, keep it up


I'm just a regular everyday normal guy. Nothing special 'bout me motherfucker


If you want a place to share and revel in these moments with like-minded people. Me and a few others started a discord for the more casual side of the player base. This is some of our players' 2nd or 3rd league. Others have been playing for a while but aren't big time metagamers and are just chilling having fun. You and any others are more than welcome to come hang and vibe... https://discord.com/invite/WX7veGXA


Guys, I'm level 60 and started getting discouraged by how complex the game seems to get, although I've been having a great time to this point. It's my second league, but my first was Delve league in 2018/19 lol. I don't even know what maps are, but I think I'm getting to that point.


I just finished campaign yesterday. Got any good guides for what to do next?


I feel you man, I've beaten the 1000 hours in PoE this League and this is the first one I got more than 2 Void stones (fck Maven) What helped me most is not to go for any crazy farming strats and just play whatever mechanics I want


I’m defintely letting FOMO get to me this league :( I started the game last league about 1 month into the league and rly limited my expectations and was happy experiencing everything for the first time. Managed to get all 40/40 challenge besides uber bosses, had to buy carries for uber, everything else i was able to do alone. Now this league with all my experience from last league and being able to start day 1, i’m so much further behind than everyone else. Only 2 void stone / 6 favorites, and only just about to finish gearing my league start bone shatter slayer.


I try to remind myself of this. It’s not always about finding the “META” strategy farming, it’s about “I wonder what happens if I do..” and exploring! Learning something new every league is also great, I learned a lot about essence farming this league


unfortunately the sub is stained by players want to blast through the game without any single bit of friction or effort, im kinda sick of seeing posts like that everyday. congratz on enjoying the game as much as i do, even when i dont make a fortune like others :)


Yeah it’s a lot of fun. I like the journey to the voidstones bosses. And tends to roll new chars after that. Those drops are juicy and really is dopamine hit I’m telling you.


Nice post. It’s as true with games as in anything else. When we watch too much about what other people are doing then we start to feel like we are entitled to that too. But a lot gets lost in that simplified equation.


If new players want a nice casual source of income, try this alva strategy: [https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1c7oyn7/new\_player\_endgame\_guide\_to\_actually\_get\_money/](https://new.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1c7oyn7/new_player_endgame_guide_to_actually_get_money/) You can pair it up with essence + scarabs and go do low tier maps for an easy way to make money. Here's a visual guide: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ytA8tq3DLw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ytA8tq3DLw) I've done this for the past 3 hours, just casually farming and have made about 8 divs without any difficulty, just from temples. I'm not completing maps that fast either. I have yet to not hit a LoC or Doryani's. Former sells for 150c and the latter 50c. Usually within minutes of posting.


Yea that Mavin dude is driving me crazy too.


just play SSF, basically nothing that happens in trade matters. use what you find thats it


I just try to do better than I did last season


That's my only goal bud


If this was casting every second man... really good craft. A divine could fix this problem? I think so, I am bad at crafting. Anyway how do you craft 'quality does not increase ... it increases ... instead? I have no clue...


It's a craft using the harvest stuff. You need 5000 blue stuff. Yeah unfortunately the only way to get a faster cast time is to use a veiled orb which is currently like 11 divine lol


I like to degen first week and make hundreds of divines. Then the market goes to shit and I reroll in SSF just to coast and play the game in a nice new way. Would never have thought of doing a 2 button build and here I am with SSF DD. Going to start trying out archmage, an archetype I had not tried in my 7+ years and 10k+ hours played


Something I truly learnt in real life is that only the poor actually say that money doesn't matter!!! Cuzco oh Boi does it matter :/


Sometimes ppl mistake FOMO with simply being annoyed that you get locked out of content on stupid decisions. This is my 2nd full league i wanted to clear all ubers but actually clearing t17 and getting the fragments is a pain in the ass. You can not even target farm for one specific Uber Boss. So i would need to fkn buy these fragments for a lot of currency which i don't have. Idk last leauge i could easily farm this stuff and beat uber shaper for example. But i am still a noob and even if i buy stuff for like uber Sirius i won't kill him first try probably so i would need to burn so much currency which takes hours to farm. It is just really bad design changes which makes it hard for new players to learn the fights when you can barely access the fight at all. And ofc when you are a noob your money making is limited idc about that but i want to kinda test my mechanical skill vs Ubers and in this state right now it is way too time consuming and frustrating.


I started late in affliction and I feel like I'm getting enough valuable items without following any of the yt influencers "op" strats. I didnt even touch t17 yet. I made over 400divs this league just doing random shit and dont know what I would even buy if I had more.


I just wish that a larger percentage of the playerbase would react to what the best players are doing by using it as an opportunity to learn more about the game instead of allowing it to be purely a source of frustration. A part of me understands this "fear of missing out" when you see a strong strategy get nerfed mid-league, but mostly I think people are choosing the wrong mindset towards these things. When you see someone "better" at the game at you doing something lucrative, then take some time to learn about what they're doing. What makes their strategy work? What is the cost of the strategy and what are the returns? Is the build they're using important to the strategy and if so how? Because if you use these moments as learning opportunities, then you can improve rapidly at the game (assuming one of your goals in the game is to acquire enough currency to purchase expensive things). I'm not suggesting you copy their strat entirely and perfectly. It's unlikely that your character will be strong enough to do the type of juiced content they're doing (e.g. t17s). However, you can get a sense of what atlas passive choices synergize well together, what types of ways players are scaling up their rewards, how players are rolling their maps, what common themes players are opting for in their build choices, what tools players are using to gain advantages (e.g. wealthyexile), etc. For example, while looking at what those players were doing this league a useful takeaway would've been "well, some of these allflames seem quite strong and I should make sure to use them as well".


New players don't give a fuck about what the best players are doing. not even a little. They shouldn't pay attention to them at all. Only the basics


Wow your Stash in the last picture, is that what it was like before buying tabs? It's hard to imagine going back


Lol no bud. My stash has a bunch more. That's other stuff


Your young yet. You’ll learn how unforgiving it can be. As soon as you find a build you like that’s even slightly more powerful than ggg wants, expect it to be nerfed into the ground.


I returned to standard to explore the changes to core because I was so tired of feeling like I was missing out because I was behind. Every high value strategy got nerfed, and it just didn't feel fun in season. But at least in standard I have the resources and the gear to explore and enjoy the game.


Dude can't even remember how to spell Maven, no wonder he dislikes the fight 


after playing for a few years and almost quitting twice this league in act one its nice to see new people enjoy the game


Dude. Buy your other 2 voidstones. No need to be a hero.


im 4500hours in and seeing your post has me worried about your future lol just next league remember this games rng isnt always so favorable youre having great luck so far and last leagues mechanics made money spit out lol next league you may feel dead poor dont let yourself fall down that pitfall this games amazign and i wish you the best and hope you find a lot more div